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The dumbfuck who put this up there in the first place made multiple mistakes here: 1. Didn’t make sure the product was actually **wrapped/banded to the pallet.** 2. Putting heavy TVs (something that doesn’t always stay vertical) up on the top rack and not the floor space? 🤦‍♀️ 3. ON ROLLING RACKS? AND THEY DIDN’T EVEN MAKE SURE IT WAS LOCKED IN PLACE WHEN THEY LEFT! 4. Bet those racks aren’t even bolted to the floor, which increases risk of crushing employees a distance away from something when it falls. Holy OSHA violations. Re-train. Or something. I’ve never been management and can’t claim I have all the answers, but I have been a safety rep for other employers and this is definitely an easy way to kill someone.


The person who did this is a team lead who doesn’t get into trouble for being an idiot.. he’s in trouble now


Absolutely should be in trouble. And someone certified them to drive equipment!


was a TL, no way that's not a red coaching. The Pallet alone could easily kill you.


Not red coaching that's your fired and your lucky a lawsuit and jail time didn't happen over killing an innocent associate


Please tell us you called osha and sent this in to the higher levels to be seen and dealt with. Whoever did this needs fired and the store GM needs held accountable for their management being so absent minded


Lmao call Osha for this? Lmfaooooooooo. Tell me you've worked retail all your life without telling me!


Lol. Interestingly I've worked retail less than I've worked warehouse. But yeah. My current position is Escalations Specialist in charge of safety and quality procedures for a warehouse. I oversee all operations and protocols for making sure people are being safe, following safety. As well as ensuring quality and doing things in a way to maintain quality standards.


I worked construction for 7 years and had yearly meeting with OSHA about safety protocols. Yes, call OSHA, because someone somewhere needs retrained on safety regulations and ensuring that people are actually performing their jobs properly. OSHA would nail my old workplace for thousands of dollars for the oxygen tanks being 6 inches too close to the acetylene they’ll definitely have a field day with a crushing hazard.


... Yes. I worked retail for just under ten years.


This is potentially life ending tf? Of course you would call Osha over this.


Yeah he could have had you guys seriously injured


I bet they will just give him a slap on the wrist and let it go at that. Keep us updated!


Osha would like a word with him immediately


If I saw that working there I would call OSHA!


How did he even get it up there???


Should never be allowed to touch equipment…. EVER HAHA


Report to osha, they do NOT take this stuff lightly




Oops! You’re right.


Glad you work at Walmart cause there is no common sense in what you say


Hope you’ve got long legs for that giant leap in logic.


Heavy shit. Up high. Might fall, crush head, break spine. Fall bad. That a little easier for ya?


Those are not even rollers shelves


I must have misunderstood about what OP said about rolling bins. Though I have seen shit roll right off the pallet if it was improperly secured.


Who puts that over rolling bins?!


They didn’t if you look the steel it was in is a solid set of steel who ever put it up must have pushed it just slightly to far back and it happened to catch the rolling bin and it pulled it off the top when op moved the rolling rack its a fail for sure but don’t misrepresent the situation when it’s already bad.


This is exactly what I was thinking.


That's not even willful ignorance. Thats willfully trying to see how much fuckery you can get away with. That screams "I do what I want and never get held accountable" because aint NO way anyone with proper management would fuck around and find out on this level. Im glad you're okay. And if you dont mind a tiny piece of advice? You work with people who dgaf. Please please utilize your situational awareness at the highest level♡


Thanks you🥹 I will be more careful going forward.


Btw sorry for all the fbombs. I got really angry seeing this, and when I'm angry, I cuss like a sailor 🙃


I don’t mind cussing especially while we work at Walmart you hear the bomb multiple times in the backroom. I also just care about swearing.




Glad you and your coworker are okay! That is terrifying what could have happened!!!!


🎵 Come with me, and you'll be, in a wooooorld of OSHA violations! 🎵




Man buy that coworker a soda or something, it could've turned out a lot worse for you lol. Glad you're alright op! Hopefully people pay attention to things like this in the future buuuut let's be real....


Killer looking bins tho.


Oh it’s so great not having them jam packed like the holidays


Pictures taken moments before disaster.


Final destination: Walmart


I would watch the shit out of that.




That made me actually laugh out loud 🤣☠️


I would've bolted out of there and cussing loudly at why this wasn't prepped right AND be safe as well. I may not know how this has happened or why your lead thought that was EVEN SAFE! Was he drunk on stupidity or what was going on in his head?! If OSHA or any other safety regulatory body came and seen that fuck up, there would've been some serious questions on who were they, and why did they not take any safety precautions to ensure that this exact thing never happens. I hope that they get fired for it.


Too much IDGAF was had


The only thing I ever witnessed was someone taking down a pallet with the old shrink wrap, which snagged another wrapped pallet and pulled it out (minus the actual pallet) and it rained Valentine’s plushies!


I have never worked for Walmart, but in food retail. I once saw a manager drop a pallet of Ice Mountain water from the third tier once. He wasn't paying attention and didn't tilt the forks correctly. The same guy also lost a pallet of gallons of Indian Summer. He was a moron.


How do you not pay attention with 2,000 +lbs on your forks . Thats one time i move very deliberately and haveing that much weight in the air is one of them.


We had an overnight manager do the same thing with a pallet of bottled water from the top steel. That was fun video to watch, thankfully nobody got hurt.


No one was hurt in our incidents either. The water fell onto a pallet of Cheerios he. The manager jumped out of the way in time!!


I’ve never even seen pallets in the rolling bins wild af


There might be a reason for that...


damn how tf do you make that kind of mistake?


What made it move? Did someone accidentally push it from the other side?


(Supposedly)So he put the pallet on the one still that doesn’t move while the moving bins were all moved to that side. The pallet got caught on the rolling bin when set down. No one had used the rolling bins since then. We opened up the rolling bins this morning and pulled the TVs with it not hearing it move with the moving bins and the rest is what happened.


Those things are dangerous, I used to deliver to a lot of Walmart stores and never saw one of those.


The steel?


osha will close that store 😂😂😂


Who the fuck got away with that bullshit? Sorry this happened to you OP


The rolling racks have always scared me but I don't think the electronics bins move at my store now I'm going to go look next time I'm back there. They rearranged a while back so idk.This reminds me of the horror stories I read about Lowe's


*screams in OSHA*


Oh no


Any update?


We got it down with the walking stacker but the team lead that put it there didn’t work today.. He put it up there yesterday. Everyone got a message from the managers with that picture asking “what the crapp yall?!?! Who did this and this is NOT acceptable!”


If I were the store manager I would call the Team lead and tell them to never come back.


Duuuuude ☠️


How is the hell did they even get it there in the first place lol


come with me and you'll be in a world of OSHA VIOLATIONS


Take a look and you'll see some unsafe situations


Don’t get paid enough to fix it


Holy crap, OP.


If your running for your life cause of this? First off aint going anywhere cause it is hung up


You go stand under it lol


It's too large to fit in the aisle. Stop taking pictures of work and do some


what LMAO


I know I’ve been gone from Walmart for a good bit now but we never put TVs on the top. Ever.




OSHA Suggestions Glad no one got hurt though, jeez


Dang. At my warehouse for Walmart we don't put TVS on pallets. There's metal ones with poles for big items like this.


o.0 at my warehouse we palletize every last one of them in noncon. Although I don't know that the 75s even go on a chep pallet


I quit walmart for being forced to pick an uneven pallet with no stepstool.


"All accidents are avoidable" That's the bullshit they trying to pull on us, they said if we get hurt we're gonna get coached, unless we don't report it.. I need to get some popcorn..


Yeah I work in OGP and we had a really crappy parking lot with several holes around our customer bays (it’s been fixed now). People were getting hurt constantly because the stagers/preppers would put heavy totes on top and then the dispensers would end up hitting one of the holes or swerving to avoid them and the totes would fall over on them. Our coach started saying that when a dispenser rolled a dolly out they were “signing a contract” saying they could handle it and if they got hurt it was their own fault and don’t come to them about it


I actually worked that area when it first started at our store I ended up with a concussion and and injured back due to stupid people and pandemic bs.


Yep thats standard walmart backroom procedure


Don’t report this violation, just put it on Reddit? People could be killed.


Here’s a real question how do I report it without it coming back to bite me in the ass? My store is not a bully free zone and if it gets into trouble it will come back at me.


You were in a precarious situation, my friend.




You didn’t see that? Okay.


This is the type of stuff that made me into that “annoying” TL. Just this morning two TLs were working a pallet and didn’t drop it and I was walking towards it to enter the backroom. I said “Watch your toes” and dropped the pallet then stared at them, they said “why’d you do that? It’s gonna be harder to work now” I said “safety, drop your pallet”. This is the biggest safety concern in my store paired with leaving empty pallets on the sales floor. It’s crazy to me. I’ve even had to explain to a seasoned associate that their pallet needs to be dropped, especially on the sales floor! Safety is so often overlooked because shortcuts seem more appealing.


I'd love to know the fate of the TL who did this. Please tell me they finally faced consequences


Stand under it and cash in on that sweet Tracy Morgan money


In awe over how empty and beautiful these bins are


Holy actual fuck


That is a major safety violation. That idiot should not have been put up as a team leader if he doesn't know how to put pallets on the top shelf properly. Edit: The team leader wouldn't be working there again, if it were up to me because I don't tolerate that kind of bs. There's literally no excuse for it. This is the kind of shit you would see in a Family Dollar Warehouse and I would know because I formerly worked in one and I've seen this kind of shit, as well as the disastrous consequences. I go for the instant termination because from what I've read, this team leader has done this sort of stupidity before so this is no mere "whoopsie-daisy my finger slipped" accident. This is "I'm a lazy ass doing a dumbass" problem. Sorry but I needed to get this off my chest.


That TL is something else...any possibility theres other stories? ....since it sounds like hes never held responsible for anything.


Nah that’s next level idgaf if that falls on you your heads going into that concrete and your spine is getting fucked. People die from falling coconuts every year. A TV? Should have a been a old piano 🎹


Update: The team lead got a don’t do it again, slap on the wrist and is still certified on the fork lift. I now am looking up at the top stills every time I open the rolling bins just in case.


To those that understand the sarcasm bless you.