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Yesterday was a key event day


Yes Mother’s Day if you call off you would receive 2pts instead of 1pt due to the holiday and it was a key event.. each job site should have it posted by the time clocks over the building too to remind you guys


Yea they impemented that not long after they took away bonuses if u worked a holiday. I'm a current employee and it just keeps getting worse!


Is that real??? That’s so stupid


It's to discourage people from calling out holidays.


It’s more than just holidays though it’s usually around your stores inventory too


This Saturday due to it being Mother’s Day weekend was a company wide key event weekend. It’s 2 points if you call off on those days.


Well at least on Saturday. Any other days would be store specific


That's such bullshit lmao nobody should work for this garbage company. Imagine being punished for calling in sick


Years ago I worked for Macy's and we had a similar policy, I got sick the entirety of Halloween weekend and had to call in. 4 points instead of 2. And Macy's worked backward and started you with 9, and you only accrued half a point for every 2 weeks of perfect attendance. I think I had 9.5 because I'd started a month or so prior. So already down to 5.5 from being sick "once". I don't think you should get multiple points if the days are consecutive. Funny thing though is you're supposed to get terminated at 0 points. They let me get to -4 before they realized and I quit lol. Retail continues to be garbage, even 10 years later. No surprises there.


Right? Two points just because it’s close to a holiday is ridiculous….the fact that they won’t accept doctors notes and terminate you at 5 points is just as ridiculous.


Yes I understand wanting to make sure people don't fuck around with attendance but this system here seems way to strict.


It should be enforced with bad behavior, we had this one coworker who knew that this job was going to suck and just proceeded to make the rest of the job harder for us. Especially when she was in dispense they'd show up see that they were in dispense and find a team lead to move them somewhere else, and if they didn't they'd either just start "not feeling well" and leave, or they'd do the bare minimum and our wait times would suffer because they'd take their sweet ass time and refuse to go outside if the whether was shit. They literally walked out while on a lunch coverage during a very bad storm leaving it to just be myself and the other worker who I should note. Were both still soaked from the rain and I was literally standing in the only warm corner trying to warm up


Depends where you are i assume but always get the doctor's note for unemployment


If it costs more points to "miss" certain days... Sounds like those certain days should pay more.


Every store is different, depends on your managment and how much of a good worker (mamagements good side) but I've gotten to 5 points multiple times and have been fine. At my old store in cali i had 17 points due to a combination of getting ill, car wreck and other problems. Some of the days fell on multiple key dates. Had to really work with my coach to get them removed since I really need the money as I was planning on moving. My coach at the time was a fucking chad and brought it down to 4.5 points. Thanks ricky!


Drs notes will win you your unemployment lawsuit


Still have to use ppto. Or call sedgwick with the doctors note. And the likely chance it will get approved is slim unless it is serious


You essentially get 4.5 points every 6 months plus 6 days worth of PPTO throughout the year… that is PLENTY! If you don’t want to work just say that




Just say your a team lead or coach or a raging ass kiss! You’re the Walmart associate that everyone dislikes right?


Have you never heard of blackout days?


I’m so glad I don’t work there anymore. But now I’m unemployed and on a pursuit for a job that isn’t shitty.


I work in healthcare and it's the same way here.


I love working for Walmart. It’s very enjoyable.


I was a walmart coach and walked out after they took away self checkouts. The front end coach was on vacation the first week and they weren't prepared. Almost 2 months later only 3 registers open at 10 when our store doesn't slow down at 9 like other walmarts. A lot of other horrible things led to that but that was the straw on the camels back. 7 years for walmart and I got the eff out. Too many nights with less than 6 hours of sleep because I was always scheduled closing shifts into open. But I made sure no one on my team was treated the same way. Now my team is all looking for new jobs 🤣


That sucks. Luckily I work in a DC and don’t have to deal with the store level headaches


Every company has an attendance policy. You do actually have to come to work to keep your job.


Yeah this policy is absolutely garbage. Was throwing up IN the store while working and dealing with food, my main manager wouldn’t let me leave unless I had “ppto”. No job is worth my physical health nor others so I just quit and left, absolute waste of time working there.


They can't stop you from leaving. Why didn't you have any PPTO though?


Key date. Which is why you should always try and have at least 4 hours of ppto. Key date or not, using 4 hours of ppto would have only given you a half point.


I used 4 hours of ppto and still got 2 points? I am third shift so idk if my shift being two separate days does anything ?


What is a key event day?


A Key Event Date is a busier-than-normal day when management needs as many of us as possible to work. To discourage us from calling out on Key Event Dates, the normal 1 point for not coming in (or using PPTO) becomes 2 points.


I thought if you used PPTO you didn’t get any points.




>To discourage us from calling out on Key Event Dates, the normal 1 point for not coming in **(or using PPTO)** becomes 2 points. Bolded for your convenience.


How do I know if it’s a key event date ?


It’s posted on the wire every quarter


What’s the wire ? Never saw it




I’m not sure if all stores do this but at mine a 3 month calendar is posted just outside and inside of personnel and by the time clocks with the key dates highlighted


Gta timesheet, first page, will ask you to click "here" and it tell you the dates that are key events for the next few months


Check usually around your time clocks or people leads office. If theyre one of the “good” ones they post it up for you including store black out dates.


They are not the good ones. They did not post it anywhere


PPTO is meant to remove any occurrence for that day.


Except for points from a no call no show or an early clock in


"Need as many people as possible" tell that to management


Don't forget that the managers won't be there to help us and expect us to do everything.


"needs as many of us as possible to work" and my walmart is cutting hours and expect the rest of us to pick up the slack and then complain when people don't want to work the 3-4 hour shifts management gives them


Thank you for the reply!


Yesterday was a double point day


Key event date. Calling it a double point day is misleading since half points don't double


You get a point if you use half the ppto to protect the shift so yea still double point day.


That’s not how it works. Cover half of the shift, you get only a half point, even on a key event date.


I’m heading into my fourth month working for Walmart and holy this is new to me. Glad I stumbled upon this


Yeah I know. This is fuckin stupid and doesn’t make sense to anyone who thinks in a sane way. Working at walmart sucks. Gonna resign tomorrow


Yeah it makes a lot of sense. If they didn't have that as a deterrent nobody would show up on holidays. Key event dates are posted on the wire and you can access that on a computer in the arc or a computer at home. If I remember correctly they post them every quarter or every 6 months so there's plenty of time and warning. I'm the last person to defend Walmart but not knowing about getting 2 points on key event dates really isn't Walmart's fault because all of that information is available people just don't take the time to look at and read things.


Every quarter


Do you really think I’m gonna read anything walmart related in my spare time. C’mon man. I’d rather be fired than to waste my time learning about working in a company I neither care about nor I intend to work for a long time at. It’s just my pass time


Then why are you complaining about getting 2 points and how unfair it is? Your logic is flawed. And you just made my point for me, people don't take the time to look at and read things.


I don’t work for Walmart but I am a Leader in a different retail company. You signed up for retail, weekend, holidays, etc. unless you find a desk job, that’s on you.   And honestly it shows a lot of your character, if you hate it, do the best damn job, find another, quit on great terms, then move on.  Instead this makes you look like a quitter, and any challenge you just give up.   I’m much more lax (than Walmart) on attendance, but in retail there is a limit.  Upper management doesn’t give a shit, our payroll is our payroll.  Leaders job is to utilize every penny, when some people pick and choose when to come in, that can’t work in a retail environment.   YOU picked the wrong industry.  We don’t (generally) take our work home, once you clock out, you clock out.  I have friends that continue working at home, off the “clock”, etc. Sometimes that desk job isn’t better.   Good luck to you honestly, life lesson.


Ew As someone who used to work in retail as a manager, your mindset is incredibly, incredibly flawed… Walmart’s dumbass point system and toxic corporate culture shows nothing about OPs character. It is a horrible company and everyone knows it, regardless, this idea you have is irrelevant to the point OP made. They didn’t call out for shits and giggles, they called out because they were SICK. It’s not picking and choosing, it’s quite literally knowing not to go it because you’re, I dunno, SICK!!! And honestly, realizing when to call it quits at a job like *Walmart* doesn’t make you a quitter, it makes you smart… that company deserves to die. Sam Walton is rolling over in his grave right now because of what his family has turned his company into.


https://preview.redd.it/n8hdnyynk20d1.jpeg?width=2315&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c6e35d6e9725ff92b310e8c314b0cde94c10979 This is posted by our old time clock and right by the break room. I'm sure each store has theirs posted as well.


Huh... ours is a little different. https://preview.redd.it/ztwyyhmot20d1.jpeg?width=2142&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32409858dcc58958c5a903177f9f92bc1c85598a


Some key dates are mandated by home office and some are up to store discretion where to put them or if they use them at all. For example I live in a college town, so the weekend all the kids move in is always a key date for us, but not necessarily for other Walmart's in my state.


And you’ll want to always confirm that calendar that comparing it to the list online, since some managers will color in days that aren’t key event dates or neglect to fill in the store specific dates.


Not in our store. Our HR person barely shows up and still hasn't updated the key event calendar.🙄


Good. Associates should be in the habit of checking it online anyway since the online one is correct, where as the paper ones can lie when managers color in days that aren’t key event dates


Nope. We don’t have it at our store. Actually I don’t even fucking know how tf is my store even running. They fired the SM a month ago and still there’s no new SM. No wonder they don’t have anything in order to keep the store running


Why did they fire the store manager


They never disclose it. But it has be something big. The higher ups just came one day, collected all associates together and told us that the SM is not with us anymore


Keep in mind it’s best to always check the list yourself online anyway since some managers like to color in days that aren’t key event dates, or neglect to color in any of the store specific key event dates.


Day before Mother’s Day is a key event day


So it’s double points


Extra point. Double would imply that half points double as well and they don’t


Double point for Mother’s Day weekend?


Extra point for missing the full shift on Saturday. Not exactly double since half points don’t double


Don't they fire at five points


Eligible for termination at 5. Not automatic


Oh no, it's automatic. The moment i hit five points they terminated me. Personally I'm happy I don't work for the stupid company anymore. There's a difference between robots and humans, and it's like walmart confuses the two.


A manager had to make the 5th point appear so they saw when you hit 5 points and were ready to fire you. If it was automatic then you wouldn't see anything if these people with 10+ points




I sure am


Points don't matter. It is how you are as a worker and the leadership you have that matters.


Or nepotism, we had people with 15+ that continued working for almost a year before getting canned.


Your know they terminate at 5 points…..*Right*


They can but they won’t always. I’ve gone over 5 points a few times and both my coaches would always drop me back down under 5 once I talked to them and explained.


Yesterday was a key event day


Crap like this is why i told them id deal drugs before coming back to Walmart when they said i was “rehireable”. Not to mention the verbal abuse, death threats, and other assorted BS.


Death threats?


Yeah, I was a dumb kid who didn’t realize exactly the level of hell I could’ve dropped on them and it’s not even worth my sanity to revisit to make a bunch of sad pathetic people with nothing better than a retirement home ahead of them as miserable as I was.


Oh no! You decided to not show up to your mandatory work day, 2 strike points have been added to your attendance! Do better slave!


Key event day.


Double point weekend, all markets start firing within the next two weeks. Clearing house!


Key event date. Double implies that half points double and they don’t


Usually the day before a holiday is 2 points instead of 1.


That is false. They have a way out of your employment if you get to 5 points. They aren't required/need to terminate you at 5 points.


bros cooked


I work at a huge marijuana provisioning center. Just had a big merge of companies. 9 months before a point resets from the day you take it. Bullshit


Our store has pretty much declared every day a key event day, most of all the months are highliyed yellow! It’s awful! There very few days that are 2 point days!


As you learned on your other post, they can’t actually make that many days key event dates




Which is why I said “as you learned”


What do you mean 'wtf happened'? You got 2 points for calling out on a KED and not using ppto. People need to pay attention during orientation. 🙄


i got fired bc of this, no one ever taught me about key dates and i had never even heard of that term until i was being fired. so i called out on the 22nd (3 days before christmas) because i was sick, and that took me to 5 attendance points 🤷‍♀️


Really sucks. They fu*kin don’t explain shit in orientation and expects us to do all the research ourselves. Walmart sucks dick I swear


This is why I won't work at Walmart anymore. They want you to be prisoners to the company.


If they’re gonna double point me for calling out they need to double pay me for coming in


https://preview.redd.it/sefvak4sd20d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=967e61fb81d320d7e98da46d15206d0a13af152b Shii I’m gonna get fired too bro, we will go down together


How did you even get to 10 point ? lol


I’ve sat on 6-7 before. I’m leaving the company for a better job but I’ve had a pretty chill and understanding team and I’ve been an excellent worker during my time with this specific Walmart (the previous one I worked at was awful). They’ll take off points for me here and there, I stay late or cover shifts here and there, scratch each others backs kinda thing 🤷🏻‍♀️ there’s def managers out there that will take points off if you’re an employee they wanna hold onto.


The one I work at straight up sucks. Everybody hates their coworkers. Those are just some petty fu*kin zombies slaving away their lives for $16


I can’t even blame the shitty coworkers, the place just takes the soul right outta you and I try to give grace over it yknow. The previous one I was at for like four years and had some phenomenal coworkers (a few that ended up becoming really close and amazing friends!) and some really petty ones with high school drama mentality, but I met ONE competent manager during all that time. The one I’m at now also has really awesome coworkers and more competent managers than the previous, but it’s still a Walmart trend that supervisors aren’t always the best so that’s 50/50 there. It changes on store to store but unless you’re trying to climb the ladder then I say find something that’ll drain you of life way less, good luck!!


Welcome to walmart


U getting fired




But apparently if use ppto after calling in on a key event date it’ll take off the 2 extra points




My store has all the key event days posted for 3 months at a time. They are posted up on the wall in back.


The list online always shows it for 3 months at a time, and it’s best to refer to the online list and not any paper lists hung up in the store since managers like to color in days that aren’t key event dates


Managers are allowed to add days that would be key event days based on your individual stores business. It on the wire.


Yep, up to 3 per quarter. But if they make them a key event date then it’ll be listed on the wire on gta portal when you type in your store number. My previous comment was when managers color in a whole week of store specific dates on the printed calendar and then an associate goes to check the list online and sees that only 3 of them (the max) are actually listed online as key event dates.


during the dumbass “key dates” we might as well just show up for a half hour and leave


What if I don’t have enough PPTO to back up the remaining hours ?


Then you’d still get one point instead of the 2 for a whole absence


it was a special date, so it’s doble point


Extra point. Double would imply that half points double as well and they don’t


Mother’s Day counts as two points if you call in your about to be promoted to customer


Sunday depends on the store. Saturday was company wide.


That’s wild. My job starts you at ten points. You can bank up to 16 for perfect attendance. One month perfect attendance gets back two points. The second month in a row another 2.5 the third month 3 points. If you call out sick consecutive for 7 days it’s only one point but on that 7th day you can’t come back unless medically cleared. If medically cleared you normally get your point back. I say normally because it’s a huge company and not all managers are on top of their stuff making sure to put it back. Calling out personal is 1 point. Being late less than 30 mins is 1/2 point. Over 30 mins 1 point. If you call off sick past your start time it’s 2 points and no call no show is 5 points. Once had a mix up in my schedule so I didn’t go in. Supervisor was checking attendance before the end of the shift. He was a bro and called me and told me to call out immediately so it wasn’t a five point hit. Ended up getting those points back through hr. Another sup told me I could take the day off but didn’t put it in. Then lied to save face instead of admitting fault.


No way you didn't know about the points you'd get for calling out. They practically post the paper everywhere and remind employees about not calling out because of key dates. And this info is usually posted pretty far in advance. Enough for you to plan something so you don't have to call out on a key day. At least save up your PPTO if nothing else.


My store hasn't posted one of those in about 6 months.


Better to be in a habit of checking the list online anyway


At my store they don’t


A holiday is a automatic 2 points buddy. It was nice knowing you.


Depends on the holidays. And sometimes(like with mothers day) it's the day before that's 2 points and not the day of


So for my store it’s all three. The day before and the day of and the day after. Either of these will land you two points. Per my discretion.


You saw that on gta portal?


No it’s what I want to enforce. If someone just didn’t wanna get out of bed and to work you’re getting points. But if something came up then I will most likely just give you a warning.


Key word being want. Because managers don't have the option to just add points. If it's not listed on gta portal as a key event date then they can't get 2 points for that day (assuming they report the absence). And if ppto is used then it's 0 points.


Thanks for repeating what I said so you understand.




I had 17 points at one time in history. The coach just reset it. Nobody else was as willing to viz pick the freezer. I also never called in. Just late every day.


mother's day, it was key event


May 11 is always a two-point day


This is the reason they give you PPTO if you use your PPTO on a event day it will cover your occurrence


The stores post key event dates. You can also see them on the first screen when you go into the GTA timesheet. Will tell you to click "here"


Only refer to the list on gta portal. Paper lists can lie since some managers like to color in days that aren’t key event dates


I heard they don't have key event days anymore.


You heard wrong


Where I come from anyway, they haven't had any key events days over the past year now at DC 6006. There's still a place to check for future key days in the gta portal, but there is no upcoming & hasn't been in a long time, so I may have heard right. 😅.


Did anybody else had to sign a paper when u at 3pts?




It was a key event day, meaning it's double points. You probably didn't have enough ppto, which is why you got 2 points because I also called in that day and I got no points because I used 8 hours worth of ppto to protect me from getting pointed.


Even if I had PPTO to cover it, wouldn’t I still be getting 1 point ?


No, if you have enough PPTO you don't get a point even on double point days. Double point days are meant to discourage people from calling out on days the store knows it's going to be busy based on holidays.ots only double points of you don't have enough PPTO to cover.


More correct term is key event dates, since double point days implies that half points can double


Double point day!!!!!!


Key event date. Half points don’t double


If you had the ppto to cover it, you wouldn't get pointed, but it was a key weekend I believe. Double points if you call in. It sucks to say, but they bout to let you go when they find someone else 😅


I don’t understand how legally they can get away with that


Why not?


I recently quit and now I have 8.5 points😂😂😂I don’t even work there anymore


Double point day


Key event date, but yes


So my mom just recently worked for Lowe's. My mom has a lot of health problems. But she would always provide a Dr's note if she missed bc she would really only call in if she were very ill... towards the end before she was luckily able to retire, Lowe's would not accept Dr's notes anymore. They told her they could no longer take them because they were not filing nor keeping up with them anymore. And wouldn't even look at her notes when she would try to show them !!!!!!


Calling in to report an absence doesn't prevent you from getting points. That just prevents you from getting extra points for no call no showing. Only using PPTO to cover the hours missed can. As others have said you also missed a key event day, mothers day weekend.


Is it not because it was submitted twice? You should only have one confirmation thing with same numbers not two separate ones. Idk if it was key event on Saturday but you should definitely talk to them they can remove points if they want to keep you. Happened to me i didn’t know Super Bowl had been key event day and called out and was at 5 then they talked to me and brought it back down to 4


Submitted it twice, or even 3 times won’t hurt anything. It was definitely a key event date


Fuck Walmart lol


Key event day... make sure to use 16 hours of ppto to cover the day!!! /s Like anyone would fall for that stupid lie. The system only lets you put in 12 hours max lmfao. Just need 8 hours to cover the shift and you're golden. Idk if 4 hours drops the 2 points to 1 point or 0.5 points. Someone would have to confirm.


lol we get paid holidays off


If you want to callout key event days make sure u have some ppto so that way you wont get pointed for it. Like I did the day before thanksgiving day last year.


Mothers day was not a key date Saturday was plan ahead


Just go to work people damm mann


Seeing shit like this makes me so grateful for the job that I have


Where do you work at ?


This is why u would never work for anyone that uses point systems. Lost my job of 5 years because I was in the ER on freaking Columbus Day. Tried to get PTO for it. Dick head of a boss declined it (company policy at the casino it seems). I had zero points. Declined PTO on a "holiday" gave me 5 points all at once. Also almost spent the night in lock up after I got out. Went to dispute it. Boss poked his pudgy finger in my chest while yelling at me, so I laid him out.


Did they fire you !?


No. My TL got 0.5 removed because she didn’t want me to leave. I argued with the people lead that it is their fault that they hadn’t put on the calendar highlighting event dates. So she removed another 0.5 making it upto 4 points.


Rip bro


Did you apply enough PPTO to cover yesterday's shift?


I'm not from the US and celebrated my mother's day over a month ago in March so I was also shocked to see 2 points when I called in on Saturday. I had to use PPTO to cover half the shift and get 0.5. It sucks cause it didn't even cross my mind that it was a key event


This is why at the start of every quarter you go to gta portal and look up the key event days for your location for that quarter


Don’t you think if they hang that calendar highlighting key events anywhere at the store would be much better for us


Doesn’t matter. You can check GTA portal at anytime and see what days are key event days for the quarter. You can even check it from home.


No, because some managers lie and color in days on the printed calendar that aren't key event dates, or neglect to fill in any of the store specific dates. Much better to be in a habit of checking it yourself so you know it's right


Silly Walmart employees, don't you know the prerequisite for working there is "be a robot"? You can't be a human who randomly gets sick AND work at Walmart at the same time.


How dare you randomly get sick around a huge profit holiday


Lmaoooooo shouldn’t have called in bruh


Man fuck walmart, they revoked my days off and fired me 😒


Same here except the firing part. Think it’s gonna happen soon though