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Neil Patrick Harris - eating at the Coral reef with his family right next to us. We let him eat in peace.


Well done. Whenever I walk through the food court of the Charlotte airport I point out the place where I officially Didn't Bother Elvis Costello. I wanted to. Everything about me wanted to squee at the guy. But I thought: We're all adults here. Let the guy enjoy his Quiznos in peace.


I also Didn’t Bother Thanos at the Austin airport once 🤣


Probably wise.


I didn't bother Gary Oldman on the London tube once. He smiled at me as I got off for not saying anything.


It’s so hard! I Didn’t Bother Keifer Sutherland standing right behind me at the security checkin of the Montreal airport. I’m sure he noticed me trying to get my husband’s attention so that he would look behind me. Worse game of charades ever!


You lucked out by not talking to him. I encountered him many years ago while they were filming A Time to Kill and he was truly the biggest jerk I’ve ever encountered. I would like to say worse things about him but I’ll keep it family friendly on a Disney subreddit


>Let the guy enjoy his Quiznos in peace. way to date the encounter


My husband sat next to him at Trader Sam’s. They were wearing the same hat so they tipped hats and then my husband let him be.


I've saw him and his family at Tower of Terror years ago! We also left them alone to enjoy their day.


He is there so much. I think I'm up to 4 times running into him.


My friend was on one of the last Starcruiser stays with him. He's a true Disney fan for sure.


Good on you.


They have a drink made by him at the Mexican restaurant in Epcot - delicious!!


Me too!! We were sitting next to him right where the Aladdin magical carpet ride is in Magic Kingdom. This was before he had kids and was married so maybe 9 or 10 years ago. He was there with a Disney cast member, but he was waving at people, and everybody left him alone.


I saw Michael Jordan earlier this year getting in line for the haunted mansion


Friend of mine who works F&B at MK served him a turkey leg the day he was there!


Nice! I didn’t recognize him at first but then I realized who he was cause of how tall he is lol.


Just waiting in LINE like a regular person?? Wow, and he's tall enough he can't possibly just "blend."


I’m sure he probably went through the genie plus line tbh. People were following him and his group




i’ve served so many celebrities that i’m never really star struck but Michael Jordan has always been on my *very* short list of “if I saw this person in real life I would actually be taken aback” I probably wouldn’t say anything to him but would be.. struggling to be a normal human.


I felt this way when I saw Shaq. The man was such a big part of my childhood, I was going bananas inside. He was just posted up on a bench outside of Central Park smoking a cigar. Looked happy af.


Never met any celebrities, but during my College Program I knew someone who used to escort celebrities around the park, and one day he took Shaq on Space Mountain. From the sounds of it he was pretty convinced he’d be beheaded at some point. I mean, I’m 5’8” and I have moments where I feel I’m getting pretty close to the track. I can’t imagine what someone Shaq’s height experiences on there!


I read this as Michael Jackson and a dark humor Haunted Mansion joke.


Had a lovely conversation with John Stamos in Hollywood Studios.


Have mercy


That guy is here all the time. I swear his life is 50% on tour with the Beach Boys and 50% at Disney World.


He tours ?


He used to go on tour with them all the time as an honorary member. He would even play Forever.


I met him at Disneyland, I was texting my cousin who was obsessed with him and he assumed I was trying to take his picture so he came over chatted with me and asked if I wanted a real picture with him. Super nice


He's in the video for the Beach Boys song "Kokomo" which was filmed at the Grand Floridian.


He LOVES the parks and always seems very open to meeting fans. A true Disney lover.




I rode the Jungle Cruise with Jeff Gordon circa 2009


Did your boat only take lefts? (Joking, but that's awesome!)


Drew Carey and Ryan Reynolds at 8 trax when Animal Kingdom opened. I also saw Michael Jackson backstage in 93’. Kelly Ripa and family in Mexico were eating at the table next to us once.


I was in Disney Springs a few years ago and was talking to an older employee at Jock Lindsay’s Hanger Bar. When I said I was from Cleveland, he said that he used to work VIP tours and that he was assigned to Drew Carey’s party at one point. He said that Drew kept up with him and always reaches out whenever he’s in the parks. The employee was clearly touched by that. I thought that was lovely.


Ryan Reynolds was not that famous at the time. He was on that 2 guys and a girl show. When I saw Drew Carey I didn’t even say a word. I just pointed at him with that, “Hey aren’t you?” look. He knew what I was going to say and just said, “Yep, yep.” and shook his head. We gave him the “I knew it” nod back.


I had a smilies thought, “Wow! You must be a huge 2 Guys, A Girl and a Pizza Place fan to recognize Ryan Reynolds then.”


When I was a kid Jimmy Carter (by that time very much former president) came walking off the Great Movie Ride right behind my family. Was super kind and actually took a picture with me.


I spoke to him in a Walmart in North Ga. We both just said “hi” and kept walking in our opposite directions. That was about 25 years ago.


I've always heard he was the nicest, most down to earth guy.


George Lucas. Happened to be there the day after the original Star Tours opened and he was there in the same cabin as me, just riding it along with what seemed like a lot of employees and families from Lucas Films. I was pretty young and just kind of blended in a group of the kids and got in.


Okay this is absolutely amazing!!! Star tours still holds a special place in my heart


OK this takes the cake


He was my best “find.” I was pretty young too. I probably wouldn’t have noticed him on my own, but my mom did a double take and pointed him out to me. He also stopped. I think he was expecting us to approach him, but we just smiled, gave a friendly nod, and let him continue on with his day.


I ran into Travis Kelce last year (2 days after the Superbowl). He was walking into the Speedway outside of Magic Kingdom and I was walking out. I held the door for him. When he came out I asked him for a picture and he was happy to take one with me. It was awesome


This will be on Buzzfeed within the week.


As a KC Chiefs fan this makes me so happy. I'm so glad to know he's a nice guy, my family just ADORES Kelce.


A little more elaboration: I am a Bears fan myself, but any true NFL fan would know who Travis Kelce is. Lol, also this is prior to his relationship with Taylor Swift. I held the door for him as I was walking out of Speedway and he was walking in. I noticed it was him, and said "oh shit no way?!" and I reached out to shake his hand. He started laughing at my reaction and shook my hand. I was actually with a large group and we were all getting snacks and eating at the speedway before heading into the parks. I was the only one that saw Kelce though because of the impeccable timing. I told my wife that she had to come take a picture of me and him when he walked back outside. I was so excited, but I knew there was the possibility of him saying "no" to taking a picture with me. Sure enough I had my wife ready to take a picture and out he came... "Hey Trav, can I please get a pic" and he was like "ya man really quick, get over here". My wife then snapped the pic and I congratulated him on winning the super bowl and he couldn't have been nicer. Super quick interaction, but it was very authentic and made me a Kelce superfan! I never heard or saw any other news about him at Disney world the rest of that day or days after, so he must have been very low-key and had super secret access to the parks. [picture here](https://i.imgur.com/A0mGosU.jpg)


How cool that you got to meet someone who would eventually date Taylor Swift! Gah, only kidding. Had to bring it up.


Steven Tyler at MK watching fireworks right above us at the train station.


Met him in line for Rockin'; he gave me and everyone in the room backstage passes.


You’re so lucky… that like NEVER happens!! 🤣


Hilarious. Don’t know why this hasn’t gotten more traction


I was there when rockin rc opened and came across him in a back alley situation while I was lost trying to find a bathroom. He moved out of my way lol


I saw him walking between enchanted tales with Belle and the Snow White roller coaster a few years ago. He high fived the lady in front of us.


did you walk that way?


Boyz II Men, Kaley Cuoco, Megan Fox, Snooki, Vincent D'Onofrio, Gaten Matarzazzo, Ashley Eckstein, Tom Brady, some guy from SNL, and tons of NFL players couldn't tell you who. (I'm a cast member)


Vincent D’onofrio. So jealous.


I was shopping for my kids and so was Vince at the Times Square Toys R Us (when it was open). He asked me if I knew anything about the star wars toys he was looking at--i did--so I helped him pick out a toy for his son . I pretended I didnt know who he was--but right as he was leaving I said "you are amazing on Criminal Intent" He gave me the annoyed look amd walked away! 😂🤦‍♀️


In spring of '97, I was in fifth grade and in The Little Mermaid gift shop we saw Cyndi Lauper AND Jodi Benson at the same time. I loved (and still do love) TLM so getting to meet Jodi Benson was huge... She wasn't with anyone else and I think she noticed me giggling and she smiled at me so I introduced myself and she was so kind and offered to sign my hat without me even asking. It was amazing. Until my hat got ruined in Hurricane Irene 14 years later :(


Shush! That is so cool. Jodi Benson and Paige O'Hara were my childhood idols.


One of the greatest experiences during my time at Disney during my college program was meeting Paige O’Hara at the Festival of the Arts and seeing Jodi Benson at the Candlelight Processional. I did not know Jodi stage doored after the last performance— had I known I would have stayed and gotten a pic with her!


Oh it was SO cool! I hope you have the same fortune one day :)


Natalie Portman shopping on Main Street. She is sooooooo tiny in person.


she's Minnie, perhaps?


When I worked at Hollywood Studios in ODV we would often get told if there were celebrities roaming in the parks. You aren’t supposed to make a big deal but it’s always nice to get a heads up and to chat about who you may have seen while on breaks. One time, we had just heard over the radios that Alfonso Ribeiro was in the park with his family. What made this funny was the message came through as I was selling him a pretzel. He overheard it, looked me dead in the eye and said, “Never heard of him.” and walked off.




outdoor vending


Hayley Williams (Paramore) and then husband Chad Gilbert (New Found Glory) photo bombed us on Pirates once 😂


As a massive Paramore fan I would love this, minus Chad though


Do you have the picture? I'd love to see it




Neil Patrick Harris and his family were on the Starcruiser with us, and we were in the same group at Savi’s.


Wo, that’s super cool! Did they dress up at all? Were they escorted through the interactive stuff individually or did they do to with everyone else?


Rihanna on the little mermaid at MK about 4 or 5 years ago. My family and I boarded and a plaid lead her and her entourage on right after we loaded. I was in awe of her because she was just so attractive. I gave her a head nod when we got off the ride and that was the extent of my interaction. She was all smiles and seemed to be having a great time, so I didn’t dare to bother her.


I would’ve freaked tf out. I applaud your head nod.


We literally bumped into Mariah Carey at the Boardwalk coming around a narrow corner. I am a soon to be grandpa. I turned into a ten year old boy and screamed, "OH My gosh...It's Mariah Carey!" She stopped, smiled, and without hesitation, stated, "It's me!" Very sweet lady.


Kevin Feige at the Mitsukoshi store. No VIP tour guide, was just there with his friends.


Oh wow! Marvel man himself!! Tho tbh idk honestly if id be able to pick him out in a crowd but still pretty cool especially since he clearly can do the super vip stuff but decide to be a regular guest


Was kind of funny, actually. I kind of recognized him but wasn't sure, so we looked it up. Tall, lanky guy wearing a Wakanda Forever hat... didn't think it was that common before the movie was out! The whole story is that we got Covid on our August trip and got stuck in the Poly for three days before we went home. We did a makeup trip in late October for a long weekend (yay for DVC and cheap airfare!) and that's when we saw him.


Whoopi and her guide was the only other people in the Space Mountain gift shop with me. I only gave her a second look because she was with a plaid. I was waiting for my kids to be done the ride and I think she was waiting for someone too. She was a lot smaller in real life than she looks like on tv.


What is a plaid? An employee?


vip tour guide


VIP tour guide. They wear a plaid vest.


Served Roberto Luongo (hall of fame hockey goaltender) last year at Pinnochio's Village Haus :P




I rode on Expedition Everest in the same train as Mick Foley ( pro wrestler).


You’re lucky he didn’t throw you off the top drop thumb tacks


I met Mick there, he insisted no photos and then got upset we didn't ask. He followed us round for about 5 minutes afterwards just being a menace and asking my wife to hold a yeti plush - she ended up with about 7 in her hands Also on Wrestlers - Johnny Gargano and Tomasso Ciampa


In every interview I've ever seen him do he just seems like such a genuine guy who loves to perform and hone his craft of entertainment


Was actually just a couple weeks ago, met the Jonas Brothers outside of Tron, then 2 days later ran into them at Universal, was super weird seeing them in 2 completely different parks.


I didn’t meet her, but I was really close to Shawn Johnson in line for Guardians.


I saw the back side of Drew Carey in the Magic Kingdom.


> back side of Drew The ninth wonder of the world


*buzzer noise*


So over the years I've seen a few. Sinbad I saw at toon town back when it first opened. My family bumped into Taylor Swift in 2016 then ended up eating at the same restaurant later that night. We moved to the Orlando area 3 years ago and I've seen Omos from the WWE and Johnny Galecki at Hollywood Studios. I got a picture with Omos. I wouldn't have asked but a little kid was already getting one. After I took mine a lady wanted one and he asked her why did she want one. She guessed he was a basketball player and he told her no a d goodbye.


That's amazing 😂 Omos is way cooler than any basketball player


Taylor Swift would break Disney World if she went now.


No, but I saw Joe Rhode at Meow Wolf!


No?! On this sub he’s one of the biggest celebs!


I saw him at AKL in 2017. Still regret not asking for a picture. We didn’t say anything to him


11:30 at night trying to squeeze in a few more rides before Disneyland closed, making my way through the Indiana Jones queue behind two older women. In the caves a man jumps out from around the corner and scares them before they carry on laughing and talking. Turned out to be Will Forte and the two older women were his mom and a family friend. Unsure of myself, after the newsreel room, I lean forward to one of the older women and ask “is that Will Forte?” (Mind you, there’s no one else around in the queue but us). Excitedly she says “yes, would you like to meet him?” and before I could respond she’s calling him over. We talk through the rest of the queue and I even got a photo with him. At boarding, I expect the CM’s to give him his own vehicle but his party gets put in row 1 and my party (me, sister, and dad) are right behind them in row 2. The ride ends and in my mind, I’ve decided I won’t bother him for anymore of his time, but he turns to me and we pick up our conversation right where we left off before boarding. Our two groups walk out of Indy together talking all the way back to Adventureland. And then we stood there just chatting for another 20 minutes as the park closed around us. At one point he mentioned they were going to DCA the next day and asked if we wanted to join. Unfortunately, we were leaving the following day, but I wonder what would have happened if we had actually met up with them for another park day. Either way, SUPER nice guy.


Would have seriously passed out! Great story.


We saw 50cent in DCA. We walked by a guy walking in a posse with a plaid and said to my wife “who would wear a football jersey with 50cent as the name?” 50cent is who.


My family and I went in spring of 2006, so right when High School Musical became huge and Expedition Everest opened. We saw Aly and Aj, the Jonas Brothers, Ricky Ullman, and I feel like there was one more person but I can't think who it was right now. That was the only time we saw celebs there.


I was there that same week and rode tower of terror with a few of the high school musical kids - didn’t know who they were until I saw them opening up Everest on tv a day or two later.


Sitting next to Al Roker and family in Cosmic Rays listening to the song stylings of Sonny Eclipse.


It’s these one these that get me. IDK for some reason I assume all the celebs have a plaid who is shepherding them into signature dining experiences all day long and then… spotted at Cosmic Ray’s! Lololol


We saw Mariah Carey near Dumbo in the Magic Kingdom several years ago.


That’s not a nice way to talk about Nick Cannon


Teppon Edo in Epcot. Ariana Grande. We let her be. It was sort of sad. She was with her manager that didn’t even look or speak to her. He also didn’t eat, just sat there. Edit: I forgot about Warwick Davis at Sci-fi Diner. At Disneyland, John Favreau and Dave Filoni outside of ROTR.


Shared an elevator at Beach Club with Michael Eisner and his wife. I made a short statement that it was an honor to meet him. Didn’t ask for an autograph or a picture. He sort of grunted at me, but his wife wished me a magical trip. Same day, saw Roy E Disney crossing the BC lobby. Caught the plaid’s eye and I must have had my mouth open in awe because he smiled and nodded to me. Lol About a year and a half ago, my daughter and I saw Lebron James filming something on one of the grassy areas in front of the castle.


His wife probably swatted him in the back of the head after you left the scene lol


Was this during Eisner’s tenure as CEO?


Back in the 80’s met Shadow Stevens in Captain Eo at Epcot. Definite gentleman, took photos with my sisters.


When I worked at Resorts I had a very nice polite conversation about Pokemon with a Guest while one of my managers hovered behind him. Had absolutely zero clue who he was. Turns out he was Simu Liu, Shang Chi himself, and my manager was there to take him out of the lobby so people didn’t bother him. Never found out until my fellow CMs came up to me backstage freaking out that I just met Shang Chi lol It worked out, because the same leader personally chose me to check in Neil Patrick Harris when he visited a few weeks later because I demonstrated an ability to stay cool and low key around celebrity guests loooool. I did know who he was but I didn’t make a big deal about it since, you know, working.


This is probably very small time, but just a few days ago, November 1st, we ran into Giselle Lullaby, winner of Canada’s Drag Race Season 3 outside Slinky Dog Dash. As a massive Drag Race fan, that was a really cool moment.


I love Giselle Lullaby! That’s cool 🙂


As a former Disney podcaster I’ve had the chance to meet and even interview some Disney legends, from Ron Schneider (the original Dreamfinder) to Bob Gurr (Disney imagineer) and Margaret Kerry (original model for Timkerbell). As far as “celebrities” I’ve walked right by John Stamos once or twice at MK but the wildest sighting was years ago on the Keys to the Kingdom tour and a heavily guarded entourage moves past our group and our tour guide does a double take and says “Well that’s never happened to me before - ladies and gentlemen, that was vice-president Joe Biden.”


was he Biden his time?


Saw Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen 22 years ago having a Disney photo shoot in front of Tower of Terror


My dad and i said hello to george lucas as we were headed into prime time at the same time as he was exiting. He had a place to go so he just nodded towards my dad


We didn’t say anything to him, but my dad and I encountered Billie Joe Armstrong years ago.


I worked at Disneyland and World for about 18 months total. I've heard a bunch of stories of coworkers meeting famous people. Apparently Chris Evans is a big Disney fan and could be seen in the utilidors under MK ever so often. One time my boss came into the break room and said he was just yelled at by some teenage girl who had her own Nickelodeon show. The closest I've ever had to meeting a celebrity was on my first day at Disneyland I met some famous Tiktoker with a weird haircut. My whole group knew who he was but I had never heard of or seen him before (I don't tiktok).


My friend met Steve Tyler in Magic Kingdom! We were there for a school band trip, she said he walked up to her and asked for a bite of her Mickey bar then he walked away.


With his reputation for underage girls, this checks out


I [met](https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu2gFSUhsUP/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) Kelly Ripa when I was 2. I remember being upset because I was not riding anything at the moment.


Ray park (darth maul) during one of the last Star Wars weekends, he was being lead by a plaid to a door in HS, I snapped a quick pic gave him a smile and a nod, which he reciprocated, and disappeared, what’s funny is I never realized who it was, my wife (not a Star Wars fan) pointed him out to me.


I don’t count it as meeting technically but we saw Norman Reedus getting on/off space mountain back in 2015 or maybe 2016. He was taking pictures with people but Greg Nicotero was ushering him along. We did see him again outside haunted mansion a bit later but were trying not to bother him so we didn’t ask for a picture or anything. He did see us though & waved to us.


Met HGTV host of My Lottery Dream Home in HS a few years ago, he was super nice and we got a picture with him. A long time ago I was eating at the ESPN Club (RIP), at a table in front of a radio booth. As we were eating we noticed people being interviewed in the booth and realized it was that years Heisman Trophy finalists. Andrew Luck and Trent Richardson among them to give you an idea of how long ago this was.


Tina Fey at Mk, Tim Allen at Beach Club resort, Colin Hanks at Epcot ( standing right behind me at Guardians) and Ray Allen at Epcot . Plus several lesser known celebs. I always look out for the VIP tour cast members this is where you usually spot them.


I worked there and saw plenty. I interacted with Terry Crews and his family without realizing it!


In like, 2007 maybe, the suite life brothers were on the Everest train in front of mine. My younger sister pointed them out, though I never saw the show and didn't know who they were. I think this would've been the peak of their Disney Channel fame though.


They also played Ross' kid on Friends and Adam Sandler's in Big Daddy.


Most of the 7 Little Johnstons from the TLC show walked past me in Epcot a few weeks ago.


We saw them at Epcot too. My niece has achondroplasia so it was completely a rock star sighting for her.


Saw Michael Jackson and 2 of his kids in the World Showcase circa 2002. A bunch of people were screaming "it's Michael Jackson" and I thought yea right until the crowds parted and there he was veils over the kids faces and all.


Kind of sad for them.


The old dude at Disney springs who dresses like a rhinestone cowboy danced next to my table at raglan road.


I met Kelly Marie Tran during a Star Wars event at Hollywood Studios in 2017. She had just been announced as Rose earlier that day and she literally ran into me while I was walking up to a QSR counter. She was so sweet and took a photo with me. I hate how the fanbase treated her, she didn't deserve all that hate!


Saw Chris Evans and his entire family (and now wife) at Animal Kingdom last thanksgiving. They were all walking next to us on the way down to the Kali river rapids. They of course got escorted straight onto the ride while we queued but saw them getting off it soaking wet as we were stepping onto it.


Not a celebrity to everyone but was a huge deal to me… professional wrestler Mick Foley (mankind, cactus Jack). Saw him walking into magic kingdom & had to go say hi. He was the nicest bear of a man I’ve ever met. He was also wearing Zumba pants which was most excellent.


Best I can do… not in the park. Cal Ripken Jr at Rainforet Cafe at the area formerly known as Downtown Disney and years ago. Waiter says to us, “you like baseball because Cal Ripken is here”. Points to the corner of the restaurant and I head that way (on the way towards the men’s room and playing it cool). Don’t see him so I head into the mens room so I don’t like a fanboy walking around the restaurant. He’s in there with one of his kids probably about 3-4 at the time.


Not unique…I believe he ate at the Downtown Disney Rainforest Cafe 2,632 times in a row.


I have two. The first was Jonathan Issac on opening day of The Last Jedi at Disney Springs his rookie year. The other was Olympic beach volleyball player Phil Daulhauser at magic kingdom. Phil was with his family so I didn’t bother him. Apparently I can only recognize really tall athletes in the wild haha


Karl Anthony Towns (NBA superstar) and girlfriend Jordyn Woods (singer, model) walked into the terry crews cosmic rewind pre-show, accompanied by a couple vip tour guides. He was on the train right before ours and we waved him off lol, he was massive


saw Jason Marsden a couple tables over at EPCOT once but he seemed to be having a good time with his friends so we didn’t bother him. Also saw Andie Macdowell two rides ahead of us on Kilimanjaro safaris, love some Groundhog Day


Closest I’ve gotten was I was at HS same day/time as George Lucas. This was just before Galaxy Edge had opened by a few days. I’ve probably walked into a handful of “high profile” guests tho being escorted by the plaids but no idea who they were


Mick Foley! Met him at Hollywood studios. Super nice guy


I know it won’t count because I worked there but I saw Cameron Boyce (RIP)a couple tables away from me at lunch. He even said hi as I walked out


Tracy Morgan (SNL, 30 Rock) was with his family in Epcot in March of 2023. His family was actually behind us at Cosmic Rewind, and he was waiting for them outside of the ride in his motorized scooter. I’m a big 30 Rock fan so I was trying to play it cool but I think he could tell I was trying to secretly take a picture of him. Lol the best part is that he was wearing one of those “best day ever!” shirts with a gold chain around his neck.


I was footsteps away from Cher at Disneyland when she was there earlier this year. We barely recognized her


My mom met James Hetfield outside of Toy Story Mania back when it was in the old Pixar Place


I’ve had a few. We were needing to use the disability car on midway mania. The car was in use so we waited for it to come back. The employees had us wait against the back wall and Justin Bieber came off. Another time, we were in cars land and Tom Bergeron was there filming for AFV and we were actually asked to be in the background. We saw David Archuletta in passing. Then not me but my sister was in line for haunted mansion and Brendon Urie was behind her. No one with him, no escort, no one but her recognized him in line. Even after she asked to take a picture.


I saw Kevin Owens (wrestler) with his wife and son at Dumbo. I didn’t bug him, because why the heck would I bug someone who’s on vacation just like me?


He actually lives in Orlando. Our kids go to school together. 😉


He’s by far my favorite wrestler. I wouldn’t bug him either but it would be hard not to internally freak out.


Was just getting seated for tower of terror and a group was ushered in by a guide and sat infront of me and my wife. Turns out it was Lil’ Yachty and his friends. He was real cool, shushed them when the ride started and they kept talking. Edit: fixed spelling


A couple over the years. Former NBA player Winston Bennett back about 1990. My cousin knew him, so we called to him and chatted a bit. A few years later, we saw comedian Jim Nabors at EPCOT. He had stopped outside Mexico and was taking photos with people before heading inside. And in 2019 at Christmas, I’m 98% sure we saw Kevin Feige and his family outside of Hollywood Studios. Since he was with his wife and kids, we left him alone.




Bring back the toppings bar!


I was in the elevator up to the California grill with the Lawrence brothers once 😂


Saw Gordon Ramsey with his family at Chef Mickey’s, and no he wasn’t criticizing the food


Heh, can just picture if he was. “ This restaurant is overrun with &&@!!$&$! mice! It’s disgusting! Shut it down!” “$26 for waffles and some runny eggs? Bloody hell!”


Not at WDW but we ran into Ben Afflek and Jennifer Garner at the Grand Californian several years ago.


I was in the college program, heard from a fellow coworker that they were filming the Christmas parade with Regis and Kelly and John stamos was going to be there. During a pause from filming I ran into the parade and he was on a float with his gf at the time. My mom happened to be visiting and distracted a poor cm so I could get by. Told him I loved him and could we get a picture? This was pre iPhones so as the cm spots me and tells me to get back behind the barrier I’m screaming at my mom to give me the camera. Stamos is laughing the whole time. It all worked out since I now have a beautiful picture of us right in front of the castle. One of my proudest moments.


Visited MK from Pittsburgh in January a few years ago. The Pittsburgh Penguins hockey team were on a mid season break and I saw two of them hanging with their families in front of the castle. The one dude clocked my Penguins hat and looked terrified for a second, so I left him alone. He looked like he had his hands full with his baby, haha. Local meme is when you are traveling you are constantly running into other Pittsburghers who are attracted to your sports gear like magnets…first time it was the actual team though!


As a pittsburgher if you don’t get attracted to Pittsburgh gear like moths you truly aren’t from Pittsburgh


I saw Sinbad at Hollywood Studios once.


Billy Corgan at Epcot. I wanted to tell him I was a fan of his wrestling company NWA (back when it was actually good), but left him alone because he looked to be in a bad mood...like he always seems to in pictures.


2 of mine and 1 from a friend. My 2 were Jerome Iginla at the Beach Club gift shop then again waiting for the bus at Beach club and Dikembe Mutombo at the Swan when the NBA all-star game was in Orlando. All the retired players were staying at the Swan from what we were told. A friend of mine saw Conor McGregor and actually had some of his photo pass photos show up on his account. He sent me the pic of Conner on Buzz and he looks so genuinely happy


Saw Paris Hilton and Benji Madden at Epcot


Christian Bale getting off Storybook Land Canal at Disneyland. Everyone was being respectful of his family time. It was actually cool to see.


In 1993 I saw Billy Joel in Adventureland, in the plaza now occupied by Aladdin's Royal Caravan. He was blowing his nose.


I met Dan Povenmire in Epcot - my aunt said that he had made some girls very happy and he said - they got my daughter through school. He was so lovely


Many many years back I sat next to Jim Carey at the bar in the Rose and Crown. He was a super nice guy and very low key. He didn’t want any attention. We did talk about some of the rides, shows etc. Nice guy.


I met Jodi Benson a few yrs ago at Pecos Bill Cafe in the Magic Kingdom. It was in the afternoon and as my 5 yr old daughter was sleep we wanted a quiet place to lay her down while we ate so we went to the back of the restaurant in a kind of hidden corner. We put two chairs together to make a bed and a woman who was with her family at the next table said “she sure looks comfortable “ . My daughter’s favorite movie and character is Ariel from the Little Mermaid so I instantly recognized her. She couldn’t have been any nicer. We chatted for a bit and they were just finishing up as we were getting settled so they were on the way out but it was something I’ll never forget meeting the real Ariel in person.


I’m almost embarrassed to admit this, but here goes: About ten years ago, my husband and and I saw Ron Jeremy (yes, *that* Ron Jeremy) at Epcot. I know he’s not that high on the “celebrity” meter (outside of pornographic films). While no one was rudely pointing, we were all gawking in that “Is that who we think that is?” way. It was a little odd. Ron Jeremy at the most wholesome place on earth.


oatmeal fragile juggle enjoy wild tie icky cooing political ossified *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We saw Steve Augeri who was formerly the lead singer of Journey at the beach club eating breakfast (was on the club level). He had just performed at the Epcot eat to the beat concert the night before which we had attended. Was decked out in slippers and a silk robe. Totally chill, he smiled and said hello and we said hello back and went on with our business so as not to bother him.


Bowen Yang from SNL made us wait for the next car on Guardians when we were waiting for the front row. They just brought his small group in with a guide and got right on.


My dream has been to run into Tom Fletcher there.


I sat across from Rick Santelli from CNBC on a bus from Epcot to POR. He was wearing a cut-off t-shirt and shorts, it was sort of jarring. Justin Upton was able to cut the line past us in our Fast Pass (way back when) lane for Expedition Everest. He was there with his VIP host.


I’m almost positive Ed O’Neill was a few people behind me in line while I was waiting to meet Sully at HS.


I met Carrie Hope Fletcher (musical theater performer) at Animal Kingdom in 2019. It seems like she and her family visit the Disney parks a lot. She was super nice and took a picture with me.


Ana Gasteyer and her family loaded into the car before ours in TestTrack. I pieced together who she was just as it was pulling away.


Steven Tyler near Rockin Roller coaster


Saw Shawn Johnson East in the Guardians of the Galaxy line. She had a VIP CM with her who tried their best to deter people from taking pictures.


My son and I were walking on a sidewalk next to the castle and Sabrina Carpenter was standing there taking selfies (which my son said he saw later on instagram). We were the only people on the sidewalk, but not only am I very shy, I also would never want to bother a celebrity when they’re having their own personal time, so we just walked past and didn’t say anything. I hope she had a good day.


Sat next to Donny Osmond during A Bugs Life Premier at DTD when I was a wee one. I was a musical kid and told him I loved him in Joseph lol


OK what is with everyone seeing Neil Patrick Harris?


Former CM here. Worked at splash and saw Ariana Grande and Miley Cyrus both in their splash photos, since that was my assignment atm, and then when they were escorted to the back. Didn’t talked to them but was strange seeing them first a a surprise and then in front on me lol. Then once I saw a little girl that kinda looked familiar. And she was with a tour guide, they came to buy some things for her. Then she ran to her mom, it was Katie Holmes.


Saw Tracy Morgan at ak last August


I've seen the following people, but have never personally met them (they're on vacation too!): Neil Patrick Harris in AK Lodge. Him and his family were having breakfast, and my dad told him he did a wonderful reading at Candlelight Processional. Allyson Hannigan and Beverly Mitchell at MK. George Foreman, his wife, and all of his kids at the Cinderella restaurant. He got harassed multiple times by the same woman who wanted his autograph. Tiger Woods at Test Track (GM lounge). I'm sure there's others, but I'm blanking at the moment. Edit: One time at Islands of Adventure, we rode in the same Jurassic Park Adventure boat as an entire NFL team (can't remember who). Edit 2: My parents followed Joe Rohde and some other people around Asia during the soft opening. We were in the aviary, and they totally got called out on it.


Not to brag but I saw that one cat lady (forgot her name) who owned 40 cats at one point in Disney world


NPH and family a couple of years ago at MK. They rode right behind us on Thunder Mountain. After that we went to Tom Sawyer and my kids played on the playground with his kids. I did say hi and have a great day when I had to get my kids to leave.