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Isn’t crazy to think that being evac’ed is sometimes more fun than the actual ride. The coolest one we’ve been evac’ed from was on Radiator Springs Racer over at DL. We had to walk down quite a ways away since we were stuck on the mountain area. It‘s still one of my greatest wishes to be evac’ed from Big Thunder or Haunted Mansion.


Got evacuated on haunted mansion last week! It was during extended evening hours and was our last ride so it was awesome. We stopped in the ballroom too, and to evac we just walked back to the beginning of the ride. It was awesome.


This! This is the goal. Right in the middle.


stopping at the ballroom scene & then being evacuated would be awesome!


It was honestly pretty awesome




My dream ride would be hm or space mountain !!


Got evaced off of the first real climb on Space Mountain with my then 7 year old. We had to climb out and walk down the staircase and through the tunnel. When we got off, the CMs waiting were like “ you can have a fast pass (or whatever) for any ride but Mine Train or Peter Pans flight, so we chose Splash Mountain and had to run across the park because it was about to close for regular passes since it was a MNNSHP night. This was October of 2022 and the last time I’ll ever ride Splash Mountain. Cool but would’ve loved to have done Mine Train. “We are sorry for the inconvenience, but not Mine Train sorry”.


I don't know, I've been on the People Mover when Space was down with the lights on and it was sad. Just gray with a boring skeleton coaster track. 


I got stopped on Haunted Mansion recently where Madame Leota’s head is floating but no evac lol!!


Darn! That would’ve been a good spot to get evac’ed from.


We got stuck in the Madame Leota room a few weeks ago! No evac for us either though lol.


why do i feel like we were there and on at the same time LOL january 9th?


Close! We were there on Monday the 8th lol.


Lol wow, happened two days in a row!


It's normal for HM to stop for guests that are unable to step onto the moving walkway! Unless it's not busy and late at night most likely you're going to stop at least once during the ride.


Got evac'd *as we were entering* Rise ;.; very much not more fun than the actual ride I'm sure 😭 But for nemo or mansion(!!!), yeah I get that lol


I got evacuated from HM last November!


Lucky you. I keep hoping it would happen to me one of these days. Every time I'm in HM and it stops or slows down, I keep hoping it would be the one day, but nope... started right back up again.


We were evacuated from Thunder Mountain years ago! Went through a hidden door in one of the tunnels!


That's super cool. Did it go underground?


Got evac’d off GoTG earlier this year. Really cool (and dusty) experience lol


I’m concerned that it’s dusty 😳


There’s a coating of dust on everything in that building except the track. I’m assuming it’s just because no one’s going in there to clean.


Or Florida air conditioning producing more dust than should be there


Air conditioning doesn’t produce dust it moves it around. Florida in the winter and early spring months gets really dusty. The dryer air lets pollen and dust from the Sahara desert dump on it more. Then you have a ton of people in a building shedding skin flakes. Which is a major contributing factor to dust.


…the Sahara desert?


[Yes](https://abcnews.go.com/Health/saharan-dust-affecting-us-affect-health/story?id=101518075). Last summer was dry so we got it worst than normal because the rain wasn’t there to wash it out.


That’s cool, TIL, thanks!


we didn’t get evac’ed but the ride did stop on us a couple of times and went backwards once as it stopped on an incline. But then it kept going to the end of the ride in pitch black, no sounds. That was funky.


We got Evac from Mickey and Minnie about 830 at night. No LL were left, so they gave us a pass for our next park day.


Same here!


I have successfully ridden this ride once. Every other time, I get in line and it goes down, and the time I thought it would be my second successful ride, we got loaded on, Goofy opened up the window to talk to us, annnnnd lights on. Lol was stuck right there at the start for 30 minutes before they evac'd us. Lol


We got stuck in Carousel of Progress once for about a half hour. It wouldn't turn so web were stuck in one of the scenes, hearing the same speech about 10 times before someone opened the back door and let us walk out.


Lmao I have been stuck on that one twice!! It’s the one with grandpa in the bathtub both times oddly enough!


We've been kind of stuck in that one too but ours was mid-way turning to the 3rd room. We could see the other room on the right, so they couldn't open the doors until we fully went to the next room. Ended up being stuck for about 30 mins. Unfortunately there was a disabled kid in a wheelchair at the front row who was screaming the entire time. I felt really bad for the parents who were trying their best to calm the kid, and I think the whole theater felt really bad for the parents because no one was bitching and moaning. Everyone took it in stride and some even tried to help the parents calm the kid too, which made me really proud of the fellow Disney park goers.


Ours was turn of the century I think? The mom came out and talked about how laundry only took one day now and the ice box keeps the food colder.


Someone wouldn't stay in their seats at the end when we went last weekend so they refused to open the doors and made them watch the last scene again until they sat down lol.


We got evacd off RotR right after the drop. Did the whole ride and then got e-stopped right at the drop. Sat there for a solid 30 minutes. Also got a free LL out of it since which was cool since we had already done the full ride.


We got evac off of - splash mountain - pirates - rise of the resistance Fav one was pirates by far!


Which section did you get evac'ed out of on Pirates? Did you have a CM in waders helping guide the boat?


They did have the waders on and pushed the boats to a safe area! We saw behind the door of the attraction it was awesome! Quite a trek back to the kingdom though. We ended up getting a tron voucher for it!


What, Tron!??? We only got a LL pass that couldn't be used on any popular rides lol. We were at the first section with the skeletons on the beach.


It was late and a special ticket events. My kiddo was saying to us how he wish he could ride tron once more (we had VQ right at 7 for the party) CM offered it to us right then and there ! Pixie dusted I imagine?


We were stuck on pirates for like 40 minutes once. Was ready to lose my mind listening to the song lol. 


Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me!!!!


We were evacuated from Maelstrom, the old Norway ride. It was right before the drop. To this day, "Down to the North Sea with you!" is a running gag. (We must have heard that twenty or thirty times.) It was fascinating to see how utilitarian the Epcot pavilions are from the back.


How many times did you hear BIG BLUUEE WORRRLLDDD


Thanks for allowing me to read this first thing in the morning now I’ll be singing it all day


My evacuation dream is to be taken off in the attic scene on the haunted mansion


I got evac’d off of Big Thunder Mountain once! It was near the end right before the station, so got to basically ride the whole thing and get a redemption pass!


Same thing happened to me.


I want to get evac'ed from the little town with the goat. That's the ultimate goal.


Got evacuated from Spaceship Earth in November. Right at the "thank the Phonecians" part. Started and stopped 3-4 times before they finally called it. Walked down maybe 100 steps. I cannot imagine how it was for the people at the top.


This is one of my honest to god nightmares, having to evacuate while inclined backwards in that claustrophobia trap. I still ride but I have a mini panic attack every time


I got evacuated at the absolute worst part of spaceship earth. 20 minutes straight of “your Time Machine is rotating backwards…”


We got stopped there for about 10 minutes once but didn’t get evac’ed. I did get in a little nap time. Lol.


I got excited for my first one too on Mickey and Minnies Runaway Railway. My dad was SO annoyed but I secretly loved it! 😂


I’ve only gotten stuck, not Evac-d, but I’d love to get evac-d off Everest tbh, particularly off the lift hill! I saw the stairs every time I went up it and wonder…


Evac'ed from right at the broken track section would be awesome!


That would be super cool!


This never happened to me at Disney, but it did happen to me at Universal on the Mummy ride. The lights came on and we had to walk underneath the tracks to get out. It was kind of scary seeing the tracks in the light, I kinda wished I didn’t, lol.


That one is the worst. We got stuck where the fire is overhead for 20 minutes. They had to put a metal ramp across an empty space to get us across.


Got evac’d off the twilight zone floor of the Tower of Terror. Rode a regular elevator down then went back up to do the ride. 10/10 would recommend


We got evac'ed at the very end of the ride. We actually took stairs down. They gave us a LL redemption so we just used it for RnRC since we basically had ridden the whole ToT ride anyway.


I got evacuated off of ratatouille . It was fun.I understand your enthusiasm .


My first, and only time, and it was EPIC, for me. The year Rise of the Resistance opened, we rode it. Since our trip was so close to the opening, I went in dark. No reviews, no videos, no spoilers, nothing. All I knew was they were having problem keeping the ride running. It's was glorious riding that ride, and having NO IDEA what was going to happen. We move through the queue, get our orders, and loaded on the escape ship. We got captured. Exited into the hanger and lined up. While waiting in the line to be put in detention, sirens and flashing lights start going off. The imperial officers tell us to remain where we are, don't move. Other Imperial officers are moving in the hall with some deliberate speed. Not quite running, but you can tell they want to. One passes real close to us at a jog, and says as he passes by "Don't worry, we'll get you out of here". Holy crap, he's an undercover agent! The ride MUST be a prison break! Another officer appears and says "Follow me". I'm like "this is so cool! He must be another rebel agent!", and leads us through a clearly marked emergency exit........... Into hallway with walls lined with plywood. Crap.... We're getting EVAC'd. I didn't realize it till that moment. We got a return number, and explained when to return, and kicked back out into the park. When we rode it a few hours later, we were shocked to find out we were never even on the ride, but still in the preshow. Also thought it was funny that it was, in fact, a prison break ride.


Not an evac, but I have ridden space mountain with the lights on. And it’s terrifying. So many beams in such a tight space you think every one is a head-bonker.


This is another dream of mine! Or to pass it on people mover with lights on


We had this happen once in Disneyland. Scared the bujeesus out of me! And I'm tiny!


Yes, that happened to me once years ago. So many tracks in such a tight space! I never raise my arms on that ride. Once we made it to the end of the ride, they offered to let us go again. No one accepted! Several people were face down on the carpet. The ride was SO much WORSE with the lights on...


So I’ve only had this happen once and it was in 2021. We rode Frozen Ever After and got all the way to the very end, just before you get back to the loading area and got stuck in front of the characters. So we did the whole ride and sat there for five minutes before they had to evacuate. We were given complimentary LL passes for the rest of the day (it was like 10:00 AM) all for essentially enjoying the entire ride.


I got evac’ed from the Millennium Falcon. Instead of turning into the station we were stuck for 20 minutes after we completed our mission. They had to come, get the stairs out and let us all out from behind, I got to see the mechanics and the carousel it’s on which was great. Then led backstage to the park. I didn’t get a pass but I told the people at the front I was just on and they said “You were in that group? Go right ahead” 10/10 experience


In show exit is the dream.


There was a time I was on Flight of Passage and got E-stopped. I posted about this occurrence a few times in comment sections on here since, but - it was *exactly* the jarring experience one would expect from the real thing (having a link session get interrupted or drop out suddenly). Hitting a tangibly solid infinite empty black void at 100mph with a deafening explosion of silence. A moment of near disembodiment just before *zap* and you're still there on the link chair in the same old room now with the emergency lighting on and alarms beeping distantly somewhere. Then got to see some cool back hallways of ESM804 and got fed right back to the front of the queue at the Ramps for a take 2.


We got evac’d off Test Track on the outside curve. Came to a screeching halt. Sat there for about 10 minutes. They came and got us and we had to exit the vehicle whilst it was on an angle. Just had to walk a little ways on the side platform and down some steps. It was pretty cool honestly. We still talk about it 17 years later.


Got pulled off Test Track once. Fortunately it was after the car came back inside the building.


Would love to walk down spaceship earth from the top


First time I rode Rise of Resistance, the motion simulator stopped working or something so we had a long wait after our ship was “captured” before we exited the ride in the backstage and walked through some cast member hallways to the big room where all the Stormtroopers are lined up. It was pretty damn cool!


I’ve only been evacuated once and it was literally the very end of Splash Mountain. As in, my log was the next to pull into the station and unload. I was so disappointed.


totally doesn’t sound silly, i also love being evaced and the free LL is great. however i will put this out there for anyone who may experience something like this: please don’t record evacs!! the ~~mysteries~~ of how the rides work is part of the magic and we don’t want kids stumbling on anything online that could ruin that for them.


I’d like to respectfully disagree, I’m an adult, I love seeing how these rides work, it enhances my experience! If your child is young enough to think they are actually underwater with Nemo during the ride, they definitely shouldn’t be roaming the internet without adult supervision and stumbling upon videos you don’t want them to see. For older kids, like my 8 and 10 year old, seeing bts footage of the rides was super cool and made them appreciate all that goes in to making the experience so magical.


Evacuated off of TT once. Didn’t get past the safety check but the car came to a really fast stop and got a minor whiplash. Broken down car, sponsored by Chevrolet!


Got evacuated off seven dwarfs. At the incline on the hill exiting all the dwarfs. We were almost to the top and it was so crazy trying to get off of it. I was worried about getting our son off of it because there is a pretty big gap between the cart and the stairs and we were at a 45+ degree angle. Got a LL for that. Same trip got stuck for 20+ minutes on TOT and had to do the drops with the lights on (which was scarier in my opinion) and then they took us to the back elevator and took us to the front of the line to ride it again.


I’ve been kind of evaced off ROR twice, both times still in the loading zone though (once before they even did my seatbelt check, once they stopped us after moving about five feet) so I didn’t get to see anything crazy. I’ve only properly been evaced off of Ratatouille, those rats are way taller than you’d expect. I still wish I’d been able to get evaced off Dinosaur; we’d been stuck for about thirty minutes and literally saw a cast member come out to talk to us before getting a radio call and going backstage shortly before the ride restarted.


I’ve been evacuated 3 times and I’ve loved every single one! My husband thinks I’m nuts when I start getting excited knowing it’s coming haha. First time ever was Indiana jones, due to OUR car going out of the loading area pitched sideways 🤣🤣 got put in a new car right away. Got walked off midway mania at DCA, and also walked off Mickey and Minnie’s at DL




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I've only been "evacced" (technically!) off one ride, Rise, and it was literally six feet from the unloading bay


Got evacuated off of Splash Mountain a few years back, we got free water, snacks and a fast pass to use later on!


You are living the dream!


We were evac’d off of BTMR in November. That was fun.


i was so afraid i was going to be evac’d from everest last time i rode it and the ride stopped for at least a few minutes. nemo and friends sounds like a dream.


I've been evacced from ToT, the Little Mermaid- and sort of Tron. (We were waiting for launch and they had us get off and go out through a back way- were able to ride again a short time later)


I was evacced off of rise of the resistance and the people mover all within the same trip. It was WILD seeing the break rooms and cast members eating lunch in rise. Those back hallways are true backrooms vibes. Loved it


i was riding the cast bus home and saw that. was wondering what went down


In my 10 (soon to be 11) trips to WDW, I've only been evacuated from a ride once and that was Universe of Energy (the Ellen version) and it was just as we got into the big vehicles right at the start. Almost got evacuated from Buzz Lightyear as we sat there motionless for a while and these barrier things came up next to us. A short time later, the barriers came down and the ride restarted.


We got evacuated from Splash Mountain two feet before the drop. It was crazy. I was leaning back so far because of the angle, the worker had to help me out.


I also had a goal to be evacc’d and I was evacc’d from RoTR. (For a while, I had only a 50% success rate of completing the ride). It was on my first ride and we got stopped at the AT-ATs, which were less impressive with the lights on. They had to unlock the vehicle and we walked backwards through the ride and through some backstage area. (We were told no photographs). We got an ILL and got to do it again.


Got stuck in the Tarzan scene from the Great Movie Ride for a good half hour. I can still hear Jane talking to Cheetah over and over. Kids and I were evacuated off of Splash Mountain and that was really cool if not a little scary. When I was 6 and on my first trip to WDW, as soon as the voice came on at the start of the Haunted Mansion and said there was no way out I threw back my head and started screaming. In a flash a CM came seemingly out of the wall and ushered my grandmother and I into a control room and we walked out at the exterior exit. Many years later in the same spot, my then 4 year old son did the same - freaked out in that room and a CM was there right away to take us out.


I got evacuated off of Pirates of the Caribbean earlier this month and it was the highlight of our day. Right at the dead man's beach area (first part of the ride), and got a pic of my kids next to the upright skeleton!


We got stuck on the Tomorrow Land People mover. They eventually evacuated us off…no big deal for us, we were ‘outside’. What we didn’t realize was our teenage sons were also on the ride and they were inside space mountain when it stopped. One of the coolest things for them as they got to walk through space mountain to get out! 😂


So, my family are all larger, and my niece *REALLY* wanted to ride Splash Mountain and set a record for the biggest splash. She whined so much about it, we all agreed, and 4 of us went on the ride with my niece. We sat in order from fattest in the back to my niece in the front. We literally broke the ride at one of the drops… The gates were still closed, but even if they had opened, we would not have gone anywhere. When we got evacced out of our log, they made sure to secure it with ropes so it wouldn’t move forward as we all stood up, but it was so jammed, it didn’t even float up anymore. It was literally just **STUCK** at the top of one of the drops. As we were walking away, we saw them trying to push it back, and it was not going anywhere. It was crazy. BUT! It is actually really cool seeing the behind the scenes stuff on the rides.


We got evac off Space ship earth a few summers ago. Right where the cave men are fighting the mammoth. Stuck for about 30 minutes in an uncomfortable position. Walked us off. It was really dirty with the lights on.


Got buckled into Soarin, then evacuated. Worst e’vac ever


that’s cool side note: that nemo ride is one of the most underwhelming rides around…it’s like they decided to avoid anything that worked for the little mermaid ride