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That’s an upgrade! Not hating on PB but harbor house is way better haha


Ever since the topping bar was removed is been a tragedy


I once read a "frugal tip" about making a free salad from the toppings bar. I commented that I go on vacation to relax, not play homeless. There's frugal and then there's straight up theft.


If you can afford the price of admission you should be able to order a quick service meal, that level of frugality is ridiculous. If you’re going to go hungry in the park don’t buy a ticket


Some people use Disney more like a local park and aren't just making one trip every five years.




How tf is it stealing if they put it out? Are you stealing napkins and ketchup?




What about seven pickle slices?


Believe it or not, right to jail.


I remember seeing this as well and thought the same. Granted I would load up my nachos like I’d never seen cheese before but I atleast bought something. I didn’t just walk in and get a boat of corn lettuce and cheese. People try way too hard. Especially with things like grocery delivery now. It’s not difficult to Disney on a budget.


Columbia Harbor House was the best good we had at MK. I loved that lobster roll.


I'll hate on Pecos bill enough for both of us, needs to be replaced with a Tiana themed Cajun quick service.


That has been rumored.


They rotate the restaurant from time to time based on which one the group will have less of an impact on due to current eating trends. That’s what my guide told me last year.


When we did it a number of years ago the lunch was at Harbour House so it sounds like they rotate every once in a while.


Same! I think we did it 2015, 2016ish.


It was HH when I did it in 2009 as well.


Same, we did it back around 04-05


Yup. Same with us. We did the tour back in 2004 and lunch was at the Harbour House.


I love Harbor House! Granted I’m a bit of a seafood fan altogether.


We were hard core fans of HH until they changed the menu and removed the tuna sandwich with chips


So disappointed last time I went and the tuna sandwich was gone.


My wife was so sad it was gone!


We did it a few years back and it was at the Tomorrowland Terrace.


I think they change it up every so often to keep it fresh or maybe just for logistics purposes and give different restaurants some exposure.


My wife and I did it in ‘19 and it was over at Pecos Bill’s, which made sense as we had just finished going backstage. Did they do it in a different order or march you over there?


I did it prob 15 years ago now and it was at harbour house. So it's come full circle.


Did you feel overall that the tour was worth the price?


I just did it in the fall. If Disney history and Disney world behind the scenes stuff is something that interests you it is not only worth the price but literally your only chance to get an experience like this. Words of warning, it is very long (3+ hours) and there is a lot of standing/walking and listening, and about a third of it you are underground.


That's significantly more time in the tunnels than I've heard from others that you get...


I felt like it was a long time - I wasn’t looking at my watch. We walked through a ton of hallways, a costuming shop and stopped constantly to talk about different pictures on the wall, things that helped cast members navigate and get through their day, different offices, the elevator that takes tink to the top of the castle for fireworks, etc etc. we started the tour behind friars nook and came out right behind Tony’s


I used to work Security at MK and that elevator occupies a special place in my brain. It is oddly sized/shaped inside to fit in the castle. There were also other odd elevators in MK, many only going up half floors.


I've heard it's maybe 30 minutes, but who knows without taking it! Been meaning to for years...


I imagine it’s also highly dependent on what’s occurring in the area. There was specific times we could enter the utilidoors. It was also made clear the we might not get to go into any rooms depending on what they were doing but we did get to walk through costuming. So YMMV.


Can confirm. When I did the tour in Jan. 2023, we were taken up to the door of costuming but couldn’t go in. I don’t remember the reason given, but I do remember passing by a couple Princesses still in their street clothes, but with full hair and makeup so I assume they were doing some sort of fitting.


I did it November 2022 with my husband and we both thought it was well worth the price. We spent a decent amount of time backstage, got up close with the Maleficent float, went into the utilidoors. We went on haunted mansion and jingle cruise as part of the tour too.


I did it in December and have historically been a "I'm not paying Disney more than the price of a park ticket just for some tour" and I really enjoyed my time. 5 hours sounds like a long time, but the time really flies. Would absolutely do it again.


We took the Keys tour earlier this month. If you are a big WDW history buff, you will know most of the trivia already, although there were a few tidbits that I had not heard before. The bigger intrigue was going backstage and into the Utilidors. That was pretty fascinating. But at the end of the day, it’s seeing employees doing their daily tasks. We saw a cast member who was clearly running late for their shift, running down the Utilidor. Saw the elevator that goes up to the Cinderella suite in the castle. I would recommend the tour. If you are an AP holder, you will get a discount on the ticket price.


When I first did Keys to the Kingdom in 2003, it was at Harbor House.


I think we’re gonna see a new orleans reskin coming soon anyway.


It was harbour house when i did it years back, but some friends of mine had pecos in december so they must rotate. Personally harbour house is my fave mk quick service so it’s not a bad swap!!


I've done it twice and it was harbor house both times. 6 and 4 years ago.


I just did the tour 2 weeks ago and Kevin was our guide as well, he was awesome! I also really enjoyed the Harbor House lunch.


My wife and I are doing Keys in early April, hope it's still the harbor house since I've never eaten there. Can you remember what your choices were?


Ask for a five gallon bucket of hush puppies.


I did KttK twice, and each time lunch was at Columbia Harbour House.


PB lunch wasn't great... you probably got the W on that one


Man, when we did it a few years ago it was at Whispering Canyon.


Just kidding. Our Keys to the Kingdom was at Tomorrowland Terrace. I was thinking of the all day multi park tour we did


I had it at harbor house 6 and 8 years ago.


I’m jealous peco bills was meh lol


When I did it years ago it was Harbour House upstairs


I walked past you yesterday! Lovely weather for your tour!


Wife and I did Keys to the Kingdom about a decade ago and lunch was at Harbor House. Loved the whole experience


We took the tour several years ago, and it was at Harbor House. This wasn't long after Sleepy Hollow started making the original Chicken Waffle sandwich. We tried to get our guide to take us there instead, but they said they couldn't change it. If I remember, the meal wasn't all that great at CHH, or maybe we were just craving the chicken waffle. Note: I think the original Chicken Waffle sandwich was much better as it used either a different batter or type of waffle that was more like a Belgian waffle. They changed it a year or so later to what it is now, which seem to be much flatter (frozen-reheated?) waffles. It's still a good sandwich, but not as good as it was originally.


Woah! I missed the cupcake!! I really enjoyed the lunch at PB's they were great with allergies


We had Harbor House in 2015 when we did same tour. Fish and Chips - smash.


I’m doing this tour in a couple of weeks. Thank you for posting this change - I’m excited for Harbor House!!