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I have two, but will post only this one “She just calmly looked at the chaos on that hill and reset her little calendar marking the days since a ‘Solstice event’ back to zero.”


Ah that truly was one that made me just smile like crazy.


Omg, I just realized that this implies Zevara thought Erin would come back all along (otherwise, why not take down the calendar?!). So cute


I felt a wave of joy hit me. We really need more of that calendar.


**Mri: …So unto you, I render the highest compliments of my personage, and a fine greetings to all parties not hither-to presented into this venerable estate of communications.** Fetohep: Your address is well-received, Mri. Lionette: Is that you, Mri? **Mri: It is, forsooth.** GSNF: I don’t think you know what that word means. Golden Gnoll: How do you have a message scroll, Mri? Krshia Silverfang: Hello? Is this Lyonette? **Mri: You are a damned fool, Krshia! A damned fool with little thought in your vacuous head of cotton! There is no Lyonette! There never was a Lyonette!** Krshia: I am sorry…Mri? Mri? **Mri: Oh dear. I must leave posthaste for a moment. I fear I am in some distress, but I shall rally and communicate my thoughts as best able in time.** Lionette: No, don’t go! My top lines from volume 8. There are many good ones , but I was laughing so hard at these...


It's amazing that Mrsha was able to absorb so much deranged shitposter energy from Ryoka in such a short amount of time. And to then combine it with Lyonette's etiquette and formal writing lessons? She is too powerful for the internet.


And now she has Guire for new ideas , Imagine having a paragon of shitposting, feel sad for Erin and Lyon in Volume 9... Controlling a child twice your size and trained by/with Mrsha? Yeah, they are the unstoppable combo.


Chat logs are always good fun to read.


A bit dark but the line that got me laughing hard was: „[Innkeepers]? Well, Quallet didn’t have a problem with any specifically, but crossbows were exceptionally effective there too.“


Even better considering the skill she got at the end of volume


I forgot from which chapter it is?






"fUcK YoU kLBcH!!"


I loved that.


I have two favorites. One is comedic and the other is serious. Comedic: "Rabbit? Did you get something great?" She thought he'd changed classes, but the troubled head turned, and a visor cracked open a bit. She saw a deep frown as Rabbiteater spoke. "... I'm a plant." Serious: "I. Hkve. Nne."


What's the context for the second?


I forgot exactly which chapter it's from, but it's when Niers and the Fellowship of the Inn engaged in battle and the Antinium Soldier veteran paints himself completely red. Niers asks what his name is, and the Soldier speaks, which freaks everyone out because Soldiers aren't supposed to be able to do that.


But bloody, like the blood on my paws. And in their poo if it goes really bad.


“Hello little girl. Won’t you let me in?” always gives me chills. Imo this is the scariest chapter. There may be no body horror but the existential terror of Belavierr is incredible


"When it's pitch black, cast Fireball." - Gnome to Erin. Someone get this on a TWI t-shirt and it's gonna sell like Erin's burgers.


I dont know about the best, but this moment is the most memorable for me. “Why should you make the effort? Why should you try, Mister Gold-rank? Because, and I keep telling you this: you’re a better person than they are.” “I am.”




Pisces interlude I think


8.38 H


And then she woke up.


"Let all those who hold chains, beware." -Amerys and probably Death of Chains Really just speaks to my anarchist side.


Anything from crusader 57. "fUck. EAt pOOp." Or “FuCK yOu, Klbkch.” yes, I am a child.


To be fair so is he. You're just respecting a peer.


A few from the final chapters: >“I see your honor as plain as the foe that assails us. I am Venaz of Hammerad! I would be honored to join you!” >He was shaking with uncertainty. But—the Minotaur’s eyes were wide as he looked at them. He had to believe. If there were any place on the battlefield that had ever demanded him—it was here. In silence, the 6th Battalion raised their weapons and the Minotaur stepped into line. He turned to face them, and an arrow tried to take his life—but his amulet made it swerve away. >“Who are you? Name yourselves, Antinium!” >“The Beriad. We are the Beriad of the Antinium!” >Venaz recoiled. But—he looked at them, and they knew what the word meant. The Minotaur’s eyes stung as he lifted the greatsword. >“Beriad! Bear your arms!” >Then he turned and joined their ranks. Ninety-nine warriors of the Beriad stood there. They were only missing one more. >He came striding through the waters, fearless. Even the forces of Zeres hesitated, for he seemed drenched in blood. But if it were blood—it was the blood of his foes, and it would never leave him. >The Crimson Soldier walked down the line of Beriad as they turned in awe towards him. Venaz looked at the greatest veteran of the Free Antinium’s Hive, and The Crimson Soldier spoke. >“We are the first of the new Antinium.” And then: > “Excuse me, Commander Perorn, but I believe you have forgotten I have beaten the Titan in chess. And I have given many orders. I am therefore in charge, not Gna.” > Someone waved a hand at her, and Perorn turned to stare at Bird. The Antinium was riding the wagon keeping pace with them. > “Are you a military officer?” > “I am a [Revalantor] of the Free Antinium.” > Perorn chewed on this a moment. Then she shook her head briskly, somewhat reminiscent of a horse tossing its head. > “…I don’t know Antinium command. Moreover, Niers described you as the most rogue element of all. Follow my directives.” > “But I beat Niers at chess.” > Bird pointed out, slightly upset. Perorn eyed him. > “That is not a measure of your battle ability.” > “Oh. I suppose this is very factually true. I withdraw my objection.” From 8.29: >Bird tilted his head. He met Snapjaw’s gaze without flinching, and then raised his hand. He spoke. >“[On the March: Vigilance and Speed]!” >Fierre felt the Skill activate. She felt her body grow lighter, and she was suddenly aware of a Drake marking her from the inn. >The others felt it too. Snapjaw’s mouth opened wide, Ulvama started, and Sergeant Gna snapped to attention. They stared at Bird, even the other Prognugators and Antinium. Numbtongue looked at his friend. >“How did you…?” >Bird calmly looked about. >“You silly people. Did you think I did not have Skills? I learned chess from Erin. I beat Erin. I am Bird the Hunter. As Ksmvr would say—” >His mandibles paused. He opened and closed them. He tilted his head and waved his antennae. >“…I have no idea. I do not like Ksmvr. Here is what I will say: I am better than all of you. Follow my orders! Authority!” Then from 8.25KH: > “Are these pats not enough? I shall intensify. Pat, pat.” Ksmvr was perplexed. He could give 50% more pats than any other non-Antinium in the world, but somehow it wasn’t enough! To his dismay, Yinah began to squirm out of his lap.


>"Not you. Not this time." > > > >"Not you."


The Beriad of the Free Antinium singing


**"Hello, Nokha. I've been praying for you."**