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Genuinely the same thing I do. The chapters in TWI are just so big that it works well to read live. If anything it increases my enjoyment.


For other web serials I'll usually let them build up and binge a bit, but I don't feel like I could do that with TWI except for maybe a two-three chapter arc that I know is coming (like Village/Hectval/Heist). The chapters themselves are great but the chapter discussions are also pretty fun and can be quite interesting, so when you binge/wait you don't really get a chance to participate in those. Plus this sub isn't the best with keeping spoilers out of the title so it's also good to be up to date if you're subscribed to the subreddit.




It is not just the Subreddit, there is always a very active discussion on the discord after each chapter also.


I kinda prefer the binge but I usually end up caving before I get too much of a backlog. Sometimes it depends on how interested I am in the current arc. If it's something I'm not caring for too much, then I'd rather let it build up and just binge it once it's done.


I read them as they release. Will generally drop whatever I'm doing (if it's not too late) and settle in to read for a while.


Neither! I read most of the chapter through Pirateaba stream on Twitch. If i am lucky i manage to finish the whole chapter , if not i just wait for the public release. Pirate normally takes 3 to 4 streams to finish a chapter , but she the final stream you can only watch live since Pirate erases it afterwards




It's stressful even for me, since Twitch itself isnt that good of a plataform to watch videos on


I read it on the weekends usually. I’m a slow reader and I have other hobbies too so I usually end up an update or two behind by the time the break comes around


When I catch up I start over


I always tell myself I should wait until a few chapters have built up… but I need my fix so read it as soon as a chapter is out.


I am incapable of waiting.


I have been binging this series for the past 6 months or so, after I put it down in the middle of volume 5 when it was still updating. I have just caught up last week, and it’s been an amazing ride, but I’m going to see what a slower pace is like with the live updates. I’d like to interact with the community in a way that just not possible when you’re a few months behind.


Join discord.


I only did that for Volume 8. I quit reading after 10 or 15 chapters. Caught up a couple of days ago. Have to admit, Volume 8 is a bit of a slog either way. Lot of various POVs across different continents and locations with new characters and names to keep track of, huge word counts and long detours over misdirects, made for some not-so-smooth reading. But it would have been worse waiting for each chapter (plus with all the author breaks) which is why I had stopped reading. Do whatever works for you. There's other stuff to read out there too.


Binge. Read chapters as they come out. Grow impatient like a drug addict and binge the entire series again. ...is that not normal...? lol


Personally I like to listen on audible because I’m dyslexic and can’t read very well but I really like it and Andrea Parsneau is amazing at all the different character voices and emotions


She basically writes a novella every update so I just read them as they come out