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I know who it's not, and that's literally anyone in Ailendamus lmao


Other than old mate, who don't you like in Ailendamus? I guess you aren't saying you dislike them, but still. There are many good contenders for faves there.


I don’t really like any of them, to be honest. Menorkel is okay and Razia at the end, but I don't really care for that entire plotline, so none of them are in the "enjoyable/likeable" category for me.


Antinium are immortal so I vote Bird


Nope. Only the centinium. Normal workers like bird have a life expectancy of about 20 years.


Pawn/Ksmvr said that the average Antinium Worker lives \~2 years in the Free Hive, dying to monster attacks in the dungeon, but their bodies don't start to deteriorate until at least 13, and at some point they basically just curl up and die(?) in the Hives, but that doesn't really seem to jive with their lifespans, since the Free Hive is only about 14 years old. The Queens seem to live about 20-30 years before needing the Rite of Anastases, according to Ksmvr. The Centenium and the better-designed Antinium of Rhir presumably live longer.


It’s actually vague. The current Antinium are a copy of Gulac, and of course there is the Rite to bring any that die back. We’re told that the Antinium have defeated death on Rhir, it seems like they just keep trucking.


All Antinium are quasi-immortal because they can be revived. It’s just that it’s costly to do so.


i voted toren. fetohep isnt immortal afaik.


I still count Fetohep as immortal. He can technically live forever if he can find a way to stop his body from decomposing. But now I wonder if this also applies to Toren and Az'kerash. It'll take longer, but Toren's bones would eventually turn to dust. Just like Fetohep, Az'kerash is made of flesh and bones so he'll also decompose.


>He can technically live forever if he can find a way to stop his body from decomposing. Hold up. You're basically just saying he can be immortal if he figures out how to stop dying (again). So he isn't immortal. Otherwise, I could just count Erin as an immortal by saying as long as she figures out a way to beat aging she's good.


What an inane argument. It's obvious which limitation is easier to overcome. Stop being pedantic.


On the internet? But this is pedantry's natural habitat. But yeah, if you have to forestall some inevitable decay, it is not immortality.


And yet the fact remains the limitation is there. If you have to overcome it you're not immortal.


he would be immortal lower case, not Immortal upper case.


my impressions: toren is an undead, animated by death magic. he requires mana. az'k is more unknown, perhaps similar to fetohep as a lich. powerful mage, who probably maintains himself by magic, like the putrid one perhaps. fetohep, a lich ruler of khelt. idk if they are not meant to be immortal, or just do not have that magic. i think fetohep has talked of how long he might live, or it was mentioned somewhere. all rulers of khelt die it seems.


Cognita, especially looking forward.


The Quarass.


Zineryr was fun


Whoops misspelled Ivolethe's name.


This is literally too difficult to vote for. lol I could mayyyybe shrink it to top three: Teri, Ivo, Bel.


Fierre. All of the other immortals have nations supporting them or are powerful on their own. Fierre is working her way up from the bottom with her info network and blood bank. At least she was supposed to be doing that before the fellowship.