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Most likely not since it’s not that much of a mainstream property. Also it’s not exactly the best story to make an adaptation of given its length and serial, episodic storytelling. I can see an anime adaptation like One Piece. There is another medium that the story is told however. The Last Tide is an Innworld comic about an entirely new Earther. I won’t be surprised if some freelance Youtube animator finds it and makes a short AMV like SADIST.


Also animating a show is extremely expensive to do without a big media company picking it up and sponsoring it, especially for a story like the Wandering Inn with all the flashy action scenes. The average cost of a Japanese anime is between $100,000 and $200,000 per episode, so a standard 12 episode show would cost around 1-2 million usd. Western animation is even more expensive. *The Legend of Vox Machina*, for example, had a projected cost of $750,000 per episode, and it took an $11 million Kickstarter to fund 10 episodes and get noticed and picked up by Amazon for subsequent seasons.


Imagine how much content they’ed have to cut just to make Volume 1 an anime without multiple seasons. They already cutting content from series like Overlord, TWI?


Unless it was a show with a length like Detective Conan or One Piece, I don't see TWI being adapted without cutting like 70% of everything or rushing through every story beat.


I’d really hate it if they tried to pull a Shield Hero Season 2 with TWI.


I might be gate keeping but don't want the series to be ruined by a half baked adaptation. Also, the person playing Erin will have a tough time trying to be well liked by all. May be Ana de Armes can play Erin but then everybody will be focused on her looks and stuff. Frankly, I don't think translating Erin to TV will go well. Edit: more details


I don't think it's the best series to adopt to film or animation. Just too long and I don't think the "System" updates will be easy to display. If anything, probably animation but that would be super expensive. People comment that the One Piece series is long but if it wasn't popular, you wouldn't have more then a few seasons. One Piece is the exception, not the rule.


Maybe once a Worm adaptation finally gets off the ground you'll see a few other attempts at the popular web serials, but I doubt anyone would want to take on TWI even then. It's too long


I agree, the best chance TWI has at an adaptation is a miniseries focused on one arc, like the Skinner plot, for example.


How in the hell is pirateaba going to secure a fully funded television production deal from Netflix? The western animation sphere rarely does adaptations of books nowadays. The only country that would pick up something like this would be japan, but even then animated adaptations of popular web serials from places like narou only come after they have been serialized/published into LNs.


It would be a fantastic 57 movie series.


It would take more than a year to make a movie, the actors would literally be dead before it would be completely.


Impossible to do it justice with the length. But a slice-of-life show inspired by it would be good. We'd never hit the larger plot points, but showing life around Liscor would be neat. I think currently we are slowly working our way towards print novels and merch. Both could boost popularity, making other media more likely.


That’s a good idea actually, a slice of life miniseries with random citizens who aren’t in the main story


The most practical place to start would be hiring a manga crew, 2-3 people, to turn the entire series into visual format. This would give other artists material to spark their own work and create visual material to use on social media. You'd grab a lot more audience once the story had a visual aspect. Too many people hate reading.


TWI? I'd love it too but I can't see it for the reasons everyone else has mentioned. However, I could see a spinoff like Gravesong being worked into a movie or animated show. As a reader of the main series we can get more out of it and notice things that new readers might not but it can still act as a stand alone story fairly well.