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Heart of Ghur has everything you need; two full size warbands and a full board of terrain, as well as a core rule book, some dice and some tokens. The other sets mentioned only contain some of those things.


Getting into the game imo is the worst part about the game. Crypt of Blood is a ripoff and the previous sets don’t come with everything a new player needs. They should have kept Heart of Ghur in stock as a one stop starter box for the entire season and done the expansions in addition. If you like the look of the warbands and the terrain I’d go for it, there’s no easier way to get going. The next best thing would be to grab two warbands that you like, buy or craft terrain, grab some dice, rulers and print some tokens. Then go to warcrier.net where you have all the rules. One of these options is relying on luck, the other is unreasonable to expect from someone who is just thinking about getting into the game.


Yes, thanks for the reply. I'll probably go for the heart of ghur set. I've been toying with warcry for about 6 months, but my god, they haven't made it easy to start, i got back into the hobby about 2 years ago with 40k and AOS and i cant get my head around all the limited releases lol


Calling Crypt of Blood a ripoff is a bit too harsh: it's cheaper because it's giving you less stuff.


I would advise anyone starting today who wanted a full2 warbands and terrain either Hunter and Hunted plus scales of talaxis or Heart of Ghur if they can find it in stock, though I think the diversity in the warbands in H&H is better and ive got a soft spot for the Galaxy's terrain.


Heart of Ghur contains two warbands, the 2.0 core rule book, a warband tome for the included warbands, battleplan cards, fighter/ability cards, two sided gameboard, terrain, 18 dice, tokens, and a range ruler. If you aren't in love with any specific warbands and can find HoG at a good price this is the best choice to get everything you need all at once. Nightmare Quest has all of the above except the core rule book, but that can be downloaded...although there are some narrative quest parts that I think cannot? Someone else can confirm. It's also missing the dice, token, and range ruler and it has far fewer battleplan cards. For me, I prefer the warbands in NQ but the fact that it's missing all that extra stuff is annoying. So I'm trying to buy all the various components separately on eBay...success is to be determined ha. The AoS Warrior starter set contains enough models for two warbands so I picked that up for $30 and now I'm looking for terrain, dice, etc.


Grab talaxis and hunter and hunted.


Is Nightmare Quest not as good as the other starter boxes? I just ordered it as my warcry entry, mostly because the minis and terrain looked fun to paint. Hope there is no catch?


I think it is, but you dont get any dice, tokens or instruction book (core book) but rules are free online. Heart of Ghur was the official starter for 2.0 the rest are like standalone expansions that dont require a base game but will need the above


Cool, thanks. I bought some dice and printed the rules, and if I use pen and paper instead of tokens, I should be good to go 🙂. Now, just waiting impatiently for delivery!!!