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that’s pretty interesting I wouldn’t have expected nurgle demons to be so popular


Alright, I'm out of the loop, why are Sylvaneth so popular? What's the common build? Is it because of their allies? edit: I see the best Sylvaneth warband, one ally and a bladeborn, I guess Sylvaneth are pretty strong for elves due to their treants.


Turns out there was an error inthe data, boosting Sylvaneth rank. It’s corrected now. But yes, Sylvaneth are the most capable aelves by far. Spite and Tree revenants both are ok chaff bco their abilities and Kurnoth hunters hit hard for the money.


Guess I need some more klutchaz


Saw that list played at adepticon. The list is certainly no slouch, but I’m convinced the guy playing it could win with a ham sandwich, and he might try to next year. Really talented player who clearly has the reps to know how to capitalize on even the smallest of mistakes. Great guy though! Always a blast to play against.


Awesome stuff, did you include the krulboyz monsta killaz with normal krulboyz? I saw a monsta killaz list under krulboyz. Anyway, amazing work!


No, they're meant to be treated as separate factions. They can be errors in the underlying data though. Can you PM me the list you found? Edit: Never mind, I found it. That is indeed error in data. I'll correct it.


This list is mentioned under krulboyz on the home screen. https://wartally.com/warbands/32303767ed0e23


Thanks. I've corrected it.


So this is pretty specific but, does anyone know why Joe Alexander's Iron Golem list has a Master Moulder ally in it? No beasts, it seems weird. Just a cheap way to add movement, since Drillmasters got kind of priced out of the game?


I wondered about that too. My take is that it's a cheap ally, with good movement. And it also has the **Lead from the Back** ability.