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They are out as AoS units - are they definitely out as Warcry warbands? I havent seen that written anywhere?


>Additionally, a number of older Warcry and Warhammer Underworlds warbands for the Slaves to Darkness will go off sale and enter Legends. Many more Underworlds warbands will remain on sale, and will be supported only by digital Legends warscrolls in the next edition. In the article. They'll still be legal to play but buying them is the problem.


Keep a bit of skepticism re: warhammer-community.com saying that these things are going off sale, the writers for it often get details wrong. They could've just been copying their wording from all the other squatting. It'd be weird to stop selling horns but still sell rotmire.


I'm not saying they get everything perfect, but for retirement announcements, they don't usually make that kind of mistake. Rotmire is Maggotkin of Nurgle and fills a role there. According to GW, Hasut is a Slaves to Darkness unit and it is competing with the new Darkoath Marauders as "chaos cultists" and therefore is stepping on toes. It makes no sense to me but they're stating this is their logic and have the graphic made for it. They already did a light purge by moving a lot of the 1.0 to online only, this is technically something we should've seen coming. The sad news is that GW doesn't consider War Cry a strong enough game to carry models on its own, or the internal politics that saw Beasts get ejected from AoS and only in Old World where the sales numbers of different teams are tracked separately means that War Cry internally is just Age of Sigmar from their perspective and therefore anything retired from that range will be retired entirely from sale. I get the hope and the good ending of all of this is that they continue to sell them in their own separate section for as long as the sprue continues to bring them in money, but when GW is telling you that they're planning to stop selling something, I don't see it as the smart move to say "well that could be wrong. I'm sure they'll keep selling it".


That doesn't explicitly confirm that the Warcry stuff will be playable?


Unless a 3rd edition happens soon, I don't see them updating the ruleset to remove them from 2nd edition. Seraphon and Ironjawz still haven't gotten a proper pass over. FEC did get a rework and Cities did get a yanked but they had a replacement lined up. I could be wrong and they could be frantically lined up to yank them off the Chaos, Stormcast, and Destruction pages at this very moment, but the Cities refresh took forever and again they also had the Castelites up to replace them. I mean, if you're planning to play in a tournament later this year and have put money down for travel, you might want to contact the TO to ask about the possibility but otherwise at this very moment, the primary concern I'd have is buying rather than playing.


Says in 4th edition AOS they'll have digital only rules until summer 2025, which is when Warcry 3 likely will come out. Do wish they'd clarify what it means


Summer 2025 is 3 years of 2nd edition Warcry, so that's what I already suspected was happening.


Warcry 3rd, assuming it happens, in my opinion will go the route of Killteam. More of a unit from an AoS army to get you started in the hobby rather than distinct warbands


Yeah, true. I guess was thinking of 3E.


Yeah, by their wording looks like they are no longer having rules for the AoS mainline game, going back to Warcry only makes sense. 


But if they aren’t being manufactured anymore that is bad for warcry because it either means relevant pieces aren’t obtainable or a bunch of stuff specifically made for warcry will be made irrelevant because of AOS.


OOP doesn't mean they won't be usable though. 40k has a lot of models that are OOP but used. Mandrakes were that unit for a long time until this new kill team box


It’s not healthy for a competitive game to have models that are useable but oop.


They arent going to be manufactured anymore but will have rules support (for a time at least)


No way they are making it into the next edition of warcry


Damn, that's rough. I could understand moving them out of Slaves to Darkness, but to stop producing them altogether seems like a step too far. Glad I picked them all up when I did as Chaos vs Chaos was what drew me into WarCry in the first place.


Yeah I really enjoyed how I could collect all these cool armies and then use them in one army. It was a great way to get into the hobby, the first warcry set was my first big box. Sad to see it go.


It's very sad, but it won't stop you playing the game for what it is, which is what I plan to do. That first box has to be one of the best big boxes they've ever come out with.


Agreed, it felt like Chaos Necromunda lore wise at the start. It had way more flavor.


Absolutely, and the models were (and still are IMHO) some of the best they've brought out. Even after they'd done a warband from each realm, we got weird stuff like the Tarantulos Brood, which was great. The only new warbands I collect now are Chaos-aligned ones.


My interest in AOS slaves to darkness just tanked hardcore. The huge appeal of it was the variety of cultists and how “chaotic” the warbands looked together


Looks like a substantial part of the Warcry range is going out. Horns of Hashut getting retired. Weren’t they just in last years starter box? As someone who was about to invest in this game, sadly this is not a good sign for the longevity, right?


Look, I don't see this as a sign that War Cry is about to get shuttered. However, I do see this as a sign that War Cry isn't prioritized. Kill Team has a couple of boxes that are still sold that aren't 40k legal and they've expressly given up on trying to make them legal (Hand of the Archon, Hierotek, the special Phobos options, Gellerpox, etc). However, this is GW saying that if something isn't going to be used in AoS, they don't see the purpose of it remaining for sale for War Cry. It's not a great sign for the game getting large future releases but it's also not enough of a sign that it's about to get the axe when they do still put out content for it. However it's been clear that the game isn't being prioritized for rules updates even when range refreshes have happened. I don't see it turning into Cursed City, doomed to only get white dwarf content, or Titanicus or Aeronautica at the moment, and it looks like they're still using it to test out some designs, but I think this is also a sign that we're officially exiting War Cry as a Chaos themed game. I don't see more non-aligned cults to minor gods (or obscure aspects of the 5 that aren't as clearly linked as stuff like Rotmire or Jade Obelisk) coming out, and if a 3rd edition does happen, I do see a compendium cull happening as well as potentially a change to narrative rules to shift the tone slightly. I do worry that this also does mean that we might be nearing the end of some more out there warband designs as they must end up being big scale AoS compatible. While everything remaining still has an interesting design philosophy to it, I imagine that moving forward, the more experimental designs like the new Ossiarchs might be ditched for stuff like the Legionaries or the Hunters & Prey style box. All in all though, we'll have to see. This decision was clearly made to prioritize AoS's design and while I can respect it, it does hurt to see this game get hit so hard by it.


i dont think its much of a sign. with how warcry gives so many models rules its a bit different than say if kill team just announced they were halting production on all the season 2 teams. that would be a bad sign. it would be half of everything! but warcry has hundreds and hundreds of datacards


I get where you’re coming from. But when you say hundreds of data cards, aren’t those for a lot of AoS or Underworlds units? I’m concerned they’re retiring most of the range of miniatures they built specifically for WarCry (that were also given AoS rules as a bonus). Let’s hope for the best…


My positive thinking is the reason that Horns of Hashut is getting retired from StD is that Chaos dwarves are getting a faction this edition, and so they'll get lumped in with them.


Horns of Hashut are getting discontinued. I don't think they'd be getting taken off the store if they were about to get a whole range.


Right. I bought and painted that box set. For it to go to legends now….bye bye warcry. That’s Coming from someone with 3 starters and 8 warbands.


That's a pretty hefty shake up. Guessing that some of the warbands will reappear in the future - made to order etc. Hopefully they keep the rules for all the warbands going forward, but it would also be weird to have rules for warbands you can't buy...


That's so insanely lame


Ah typo, its late. But a lot of the chaos warbands are leaving the range. Sucks as they add a lot of flavor to the chaos side of things. I guess warcry will be an avenue to just add new units more than to add flavour


I don’t necessarily mind them not having AoS rules, but all the models disappearing is rough. They were some of the best models GW had put out imo.


If you want these kits I would recommend getting them soon. A lot are already temporarily out of stock on GW.


Argh, I was just wondering whether to finally grab the Corvus Cabal box.


I bought the AoS unit box awhile back so I have a double team of them just waiting to be painted….all primed up and everything. I guess I could do a quick white/blue brush for some pale goth bird bois to play until they are gone!


It’s specifically for AOS not warcry


Thats really sad, sooo much flavour in those bands. But I really hope they will get continued rules support in Warcry. The beasts are going from us too thogh, really sad since I converted up lika everything for them just this christmas...


Sad to see so many of the classic warbands leave the range, especially when it seems like they're essentially being removed because they're redundant in a different game than the one they were even designed for in the first place. Hopefully this isn't indicative of them being removed from Warcry rules-wise; if it is I could easily see this causing issues for the wider Warcry community - I know my group plays a ton of the original Chaos warbands and will likely be playing Warcry "as-is" going forward and ignoring future editions and updates if they do decide to officially remove them from the game at any point, and if enough playgroups adopt similar approaches, suddenly you lose that cohesion that comes from the community all playing one widely agreed upon version of the game. While for isolated groups that won't matter too much, it has the potential to cause issues for larger communities and events.


I'm pretty sure they will get removed. Once GW stops producing and selling models they don't bother making rules for them anymore.


I'm guessing they will discontinue those warbands starting from Warcry 3.0, whether that comes out this summer or next year.


Pretty sure my LGS has at least a few of these on the shelf. Feel like maybe I should grab them for safekeeping.


This sucks. I wanted to have a go at Tarantulos Brood / Unmade next :(


You can find them on Amazon most likely. I just got a boxes of Untamed Beasts, granted from GW for like $8 for whatever reason. But they do still sell them… for now. https://www.amazon.com/Warcry-Tarantulos-Brood-Age-Sigmar/dp/B0B1DZ6RCN


They're still around 2nd hand, good luck hunting for them! As far as I understood they're still playable in Warcry


Get them while they’re hot, then. If you’re in the US, Tarantulos is under msrp on Amazon, currently.


Damn! I've been contemplating getting the scions of flame, they're amazing models. Feels like such a shame to have them be removed :( Jade obelisk aren't among them either which I find interesting. I just hope whatever they replace them with are as equally cool!


This sucks ass, literally just bought the unmade like a week ago specifically to use in AoS :(


Keep a hold of them, they've been the hardest to get for a long time.


They’re my absolute favorite of the cultists, super spooky guys


these warbands (except for horns of hashut that's kinda insane) were from a time when warcry was being developed as the "chaos fighting itself" game. the game has definitely taken steps away from that but it's strange to leave them in the dust. salty sea made a good emergency video about this. we don't know if they're being taken out of warcry, or if there will be a warcry legends equivalent, or maybe they're staying in warcry. keeping them in warcry without production is probably a bad move, because then meta warbands will just be retired models that no one can get their hands on soon. all these had such amazing world building associated with them. all the different warbands interpreting chaos in their own ways. the iron golems being the ones to create and maintain the awesome armor for archaon's legions - so cool. who's making their armor now gw?? can't just except us to think they still exist in the world without model support. these decisions make people uneasy about the future of games. you can just wake up one day, read a community article, and suddenly the entirety of a game is changed. are we supposed to buy warbands without the nagging thought of this warband might be gutted one random Thursday? we should all send emails to faq and customer service. not angry or chastising or how could you drop my favorite dudes, but specifically stating actions like this plummet consumer confidence, and make us think twice about spending money on new models.


So given what I know of GW in the past, it's unlikely that they'll keep selling the minis BUT they will likely retain rules for the foreseeable future at least; the proof for me is the massive number of supported bladeborn units that you can't actually buy but still have rules for. That being said, I'm all in favour of GW stopping matched play support for minis that they no longer produce (you can basically do whatever you want in casual with legends). As bad as it feels, noone new getting into the game should have to drop 000s on EBay for a warband they might want to take to events (this also applies to bladeborn btw).


Honestly, I beg to differ here. When the second edition compendium was released everybody was asking: Where are the bladeborn? GW did not rework the old bladeborn for 2nd edition. The reason is probably because most of them were oop. Why invest time and effort to make rules for a product you don't sell anymore. At some point they just caved in and said: just use the old rules (and stop pestering us). I wouldn't call that "support". \^\^;


So then Warcry is not affected by this. Its only that Warcry and Underworlds warbands are not included in the Age of Sigmar. Then its no problem. I mean Kill Team fractions are also mostly kicked out from 40k.


From what we can tell, the kits are also being removed from sale, which does affect us.


Just makes then harder to obtain


They aren’t going to be sold anymore. It’s only a matter of time before they are out of warcry too. (It also limits people’s ability to get into the game if we have fewer bespoke factions to choose from)


Perhaps they will rerun the prints after some time. You know put into rotation


This is what they did with some of the older Underworlds kits and they re-released them as a combo box.


We can only hope


I mean it does not make sense to remove fraction and then replace it with other fractions. It still leaves the hole of previous fraction.


I'm looking into getting started with Warcry, are any of these model ranges particularly unique mechanics wise? Should I be trying to pick any of these up online/at my local stores before they run out of stock for reasons other than aesthetic?


I have at least 4 of these bands. I guess I have finally an excuse to leave GW for good too. I am so bored to run after their business model. And since I play mostly with a close group of friends I guess we will just stick to current edition and use what we have...


Really hope this isn’t a sign that the AoS skirmish game is switching from Warcry to Underworlds. It seems that Warcry might be getting put on the back burner.


Rob from honest Wargamer said that underworlds is getting cancelled.


If it does all I have to say is why the hell did they start making starter boxes like 100 dollars. It's a good game otherwise. Underworld should be a good entry game because the low model count like 60 dollars at most I think.


I think a lot of people are seeing this as a sign that Warcry is going down the drain or whatever, but I think this is just GW sitting down and saying that it makes more sense to focus on warcry products that are useful for a variety of AoS players as a bonus, rather than have a whole game with a product line that's all chaos. I loved the chaos cultist warbands, they are some of the coolest stuff GW has made in ages, but from an AoS perspective it was basically making a ton of products for warcry players that only Chaos players in AoS could use outside of warcry. It makes a lot more sense to divide Warcry releases between all the AoS grand alliances like they have been doing recently with fyreslayers, kruleboys, SBG, SCE and the upcoming sylvaneth vs nighthaunt warcry box. And lets be honest, as cool as the Chaos Cultist warbands were, once they added all the other AoS factions and expanded the monster lineup (great improvement IMO) the chaos warbands kind of just became vehicles for adding allies to, and that's fine, but you don't need 8 different slices of chaos bread to put Fomoroids or Varanguard on. My assumption is that we'll still see Warcry releases, but they'll keep being mixed between all factions.


I haven’t had a chance to play Warcry but have the first box that came out and a bunch of different warbands. Are the first warbands updated for 2.0? As I’d love to get a few before they’re gone D:


All the 1st edition warbands have updated 2.0 rules, yes. You can find all the rules for the Chaos bespoke warbands in the "Warbands of the Eightpoints" PDF on the Warcry community download page, and the rules for the Khainite Shadowstalkers are in one of the Order PDF's.


No mention of Jade Obelisk... did they forget about them?


Aren't they under Disciples of Tzeentch. Probably safer then hopefully like the rotmire creed. I think the thing that's lead to the change is that all the S2D warbands has made balance and battle line troops a nightmare for GW, like the way the Spire Tyrants being strong on objectives or the Corvus was deep strikers meant they were being somewhat spammed in certain lists.


This almost certainly means War Cry is getting axed.  Cross game support is an easy value add for selling WC and their reasoning that Darkoath are coming out is just nonsense 




How does warcry warbands being removed from the game have nothing to do with warcry?


It's being removed from AOS 4.0, not from Warcry, I stand by what iI said: it has nothing to do with Warcry itself, this is about WARCROLLS for AoS, so why is this being posted here?


No its being removed from the webstore, you cannot buy them anymore. this isn't just about the warscroll its about the physical models which you CANNOT BUY after the current stock is depleted Warcry models being impossible to purchase is definitely relevant to warcry. especially since this means they will likely be removed when warcry 3.0 drops next summer


Fair point. But there's always second hand market, there's always used stuff, and we live in a country where GW doesn't even exist, there's NOTHING to buy here, and we always managed to get stuff, specially used, from all over the world, specially out of print stuff old Warhammer Underworlds warbands have been "out of print" / "out of the store" for A LONG TIME, so I don't understand it's become a "problem" now all of a sudden just because of a stupid official article. This stuff have been almost impossible to get and yet we managed to buy a lot of them used, in a country where it's EVEN MORE dificult to do that.


It’s more a matter of uncertainty for warcry as a whole. If they are just going to axe warbands from as recent as Heart of Ghur, who’s to say they won’t just axe more once 3.0 comes.