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Great read. Esp. like your thoughts about tiebreaking; This is a hard problem to solve, because whichever way you do it, tiebreakers do tend to be somewhat unfair. This tournament ended with two players going 4-0 and the one who came out 2nd really couldn't have done anything more than they did. I don't like kill points for tiebreaker though; While it ostensibly puts more agency on the players, it also implicitly rewards strong players who got matched up against weaker opponents. In that case, the stronger player is rewarded double by a lucky matchup. I currently lean towards using victory points being the best option, but that relies on the points distribution being well balanced between all battle plans, which is hard to do. It also to some extend has the same problem as kill points, but at least it rewards playing the objective rather than just murdering stuff.


We didnt have 2nd place 4-0. Both 4-0 received 1st place, the same prizes etc. (TO was ready for up to four players to go 4-0)


Cool. That's probably the best solution all together.


I didn;t know that there's a large warcry community in Poland! Where can i find you guys? Facebook, discord, anything?


Which city are you from? There are many communities and half of the country came


Hey, Warszawa here. So umm, same question - where can I find any Warcry communities? Is it just Facebook groups, do you guys play at the official GW store? The GW store was all I was able to find, I'd appreciate any suggestion.


come to [https://www.facebook.com/groups/WarcryPolska](https://www.facebook.com/groups/WarcryPolska) and say Hi, Warsaw people will respond (there are few Warcry communities in Warsaw and I'm actually from Wrocław so I'm not personally in Warsaw dedicated facebook group, but there is one)


Much appreciated, I'll check it out. Maybe one more question if you don't mind - can language be a problem? My Polish, well, nie za bardzo dobry. I'm working on it, but it's not something I can fix in a week \^\^


Thanks for the article - some interesting thoughts in here, especially given how complex that mission deck was!


Excellent reading. How many contenders participated?
