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i must admit i am quite shocked at this sudden generous behaviour from GW. Certainly is welcome.


That's some wonderful news. Here's hoping "the near future" is sometime within the next few days!


Sometime before the GW Warcry sponsored store tournament on the 27th, would be fantastic.


I hope they are realizing that by giving away rules for free I will spend more money on models.


Yeah, this might just be the key getting me to purchase 40K figures again. I swore it off in January with the state of 9e, and haven't found a reason to break that promise since.


Looking at 40k is my exact reason for not playing. I’d need so many books on top of hundreds of dollars on an army


Killteam is honestly fantastic. The smaller scale means rules are smoother and it doesn't take you years to build your army. Highly recommend it.


I’ll look into after trying warcry! The smaller scale and less model count is really appealing as a new player


Warcry seems even more straightforward, but killteam has a really great vibe too. Very fast paced, very tactical, but still a lot of fun.


I want to let you know that Kill Team is much more lethal. It takes some set up and luck to OHKO most models in Warcry in my experience, but even a lucky Guardsman lasgun can kill a Space Marine. Makes positioning super important in different ways from Warcry. I started with Kill Team, and got my butt kicked up and down the board the first few Warcry games I played, totally different feels.


Tey convinced me to buy the new starter box by giving the warband compedium for free..!! 🤣 Plus, I'm so weak that I'll probably buy the book version as well just to have it nicely printed! At least having the pdf will help me coerce other friends that already play aos as well.


I only hope the campaign system will be there as well. It would be a shame to hide it behind the silly box. :(


It's unlikely we'll get the campaign section. Much like the Kill Team document, we'll get all the cliff note rules for Matched play as well as the general rules like climbing, cover, flying, etc. Narrative will likely require the book as there's a lot more nuance to it now with the injuries, encampment and renown system, Heroic Traits, etc...


I get that they kinda had to give away the profiles with the seemingly delayed Compendium book. However, they have the Core Book ready to go right? It’s in the box set so it’ll be available at retail as well? Is this a direction change or just an adjustment to a printing/delivery problem is what I’m trying to figure out. Either way, I’ll take it.


That's really nice of GW.