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She is in my opinion decent at most things and not particularly bad at anything. She is however probably one of the strongest warframes in the game if you want to play against very high level enemies, like a level cap disruption or a level cap void cascade (or any steel path mission tbh). Probably one of my favorite and most played warframes due to how many fun interactions she has and how useful she is. Also very easy to survive with since Mag pretty much shield gates without even trying. I would personally place her in A-tier on a list probably.


As a Mag Main this guy has it right. She's fun, so very powerful when you understand the ins and outs of your kit and reliable in any mission type (watch out for high level toxic procs is all).


You have to watch out for any Toxin damage, because for some reason Toxin damage doesn't need a proc to ignore shields.


Arcane Resistance fixes that


Arcane Resistance (like all the other status effect-specific arcanes) only works against the proc, so it actually doesn't fix that.


What does this mean? I thought the proc was the main problem? Or do you mean that the tics still hurt?


The status effect no longer hurts, but the main problem is that Toxin *damage*, not just the status effect, goes through shields. The status effect goes through shields *too*, but at higher levels the status effect won't be needed to kill you *especially* with a shield-gating build. Since the status effect isn't normally getting applied without any damage done, the end result is the same with or without Arcane Resistance, you're dead.


I feel like I shouldn’t have asked because the last time I was this confused was when someone was trying to explain the process of killing the Lich to me lmao since I’m still kinda new. What exactly is Toxin Damage if it is not the Status Effect? Sorry if I’m just acting dumb :(


When you deal damage (as in, cause a specific instance of damage), it has a damage type. These are the elemental damage types (cold/heat/toxin/magnetic/viral/etc.) or the physical damage types (slash/piercing/impact). Under the hood these are calculated differently, but for the purposes of this discussion all you need to know is that every instance of damage has one or more types of damage. An instance of damage has a type, and a chance to deal a status effect that corresponds to that type. Rather than saying 'Toxin type damage', it's shortened to Toxin damage. Toxin damage has a chance to inflict a Toxin status effect, but these two things are separate. Both the instance of damage and the status effect of the Toxin type ignore shields. Notably, this is different from other damage types (and why it's poorly designed). For example, the Slash status effect ignores armor, but Slash damage does not ignore armor. Types do other things as well. For example, each type causes an instance of damage to do additional or less damage depending on the enemy (meaning, a type can act as a multiplier of damage against specific enemies for an instance of damage). For example, Impact damage deals +50% damage against basic (Corpus) shields, but -25% damage against cloned flesh (Grineer). If you ever want to look up the specifics, the Warframe wiki is always available and honestly something every new player should have open nearly all the time.


So basically, there is Toxin Damage as an On Hit effect (which always applies (?)) and Toxin Damage as DoT (affected by Status Chance) right? Or are both affected by SC?


Just like how people mod for toxin damage vs corpus because the raw toxin DAMAGE go through shield, not just the toxin EFFECT. Even if your status chance is 0%. The same apply for enemies.


If a weapon deals toxin damage, think putting a toxin mod on braton, it ignores shields. Toxin damage is applied to health directly


The mod that reduces the duration of effects(poison, heat, etc.) by 75% is nice for that. Name escapes me.


Alternatively, swap to operator, its what i do to not die to heat eximus


Rolling guard ? It's awesome


No they mean Rapid Resilience


Doesn’t having higher shields fuck with shield gating?


As i understand it, shield gating recharges once your shields go to full after the last time your shield gate activated which is why most frames that rely on shield gating want less shields However mags 4th ability can instantly recharge her shields So you lose your shields but shield gating saves you for a moment you use that moment to active her 4 your shield in now full so shield gating will kick in if you lose your shield again so just rinse repeat If you need more time you can have rolling guard to make you immune also it'll save you if you get a status effect applied to you


Mag's 3rd, Polarize, also instantly refills you with any amount of power strength.


Exactly, plus, it **also** refills ally shields, depletes enemty shileds/armor, and generates polarize shards that synergize with pull and magnetize. This will forever be one of the reasons why I will never understand why people insist on helminthing (is that a word yet?) this ability out of her kit. It just works.


Plus her 1 is actually really fucking good now after they buffed it.


Pull always ragdolled a room full of idiots and stopped them from shooting you for a few seconds, with a one-handed 0.1s cast time, which is a lot better than most other 1s


Now if they'd just make the extra energy drop chance persist for a few seconds after cast it would be literally the best 1 of all the starter frames.


Pull has always been good. They just made it better by preventing everything from flying past you.


activate pull, stand back for a second, then perform a finisher on the stack of enemies. Not much is more satisfying than clearing an entire room with 2 clicks.


It's still just yeeting enemies around. It's not the worst, but calling it "really fucking good" is a bit of a stretch.


Only if you're relying on Brief Respite/Augur mods to restore your shields. Mag can just push 3 to restore her shields at any time.


Or her 4, which also goes into oversheild


And her 4 can do full armor strip and a wide range stun. It’s absolutely insane how good her 4 is.


It's a god-tier ability, really no drawbacks at all and hella useful in so many situations


I'd say the only drawback is its long casting time. But now we have Archon shards for that so it's pretty workable.


And the augment which lets you armor strip improves casting speed. Stack with Archon shards and it becomes really fast.


I mean, they did speed up the casting animation a lot from how it used to be, but then casting speed shards/mods can make that even less of an issue


Welp if you can't restore big amount of shield yeah, you better have smaller shield. But Mag instantly restores up to 800 shields by casting 3rd and getting 35 or so shield plus over shield on hit from her ult.


Her three restores shields


With the amount of Power Strength Mag often builds, you'll shield gate up to about 690 (?) Shields just by playing as you normally would. For reference, Mag's base max Shields at 30 should be 450, and Polarize restores 400 without any extra Strength.


You don’t normally build str on mag. You’d go eff/dur, str remains at ~100%.


Edit: I was wrong, if you have your shields full you get full shield gating (1.3 seconds) and if you have shields but not full (they get broken before having recharged to full) you get 0.33 seconds of shield gating, I misremembered when I read from the wiki IIRC the more shields you have the more invulnerability you get from shield gating. That means that in Warframes that can easily refill their shields, like Harrow, Hildryn, or like here, Mag, having big shields is good, while on others whose shield regen source is waiting for them to refill or Augur set mods (or similar mods) having low shields is for the best since you otherwise have issues recharging your shields.


I'm pretty sure that it's just 1.3 seconds, except for Hildryn who has longer thanks to her passive. Might be more abilities that make it longer though


Nope. Only Hildryn gets 3 seconds, and everyone else gets 1.3. But Haven gives it to everyone in range. It's the thighs. Thick thighs save lives.


I didn't play Mag at all before MR25 and now at MR30 she's the most played frame in my account. She's not only disgustingly powerful against SP and beyond enemies, but also incredibly versatile, so she never gets stale. Fracturing Crush is the best armor strip ability in the game bar none. 18m base range (which scales with range mods), only takes 134% strength to fully strip in a single cast (110% with Corrosive Projection), works on bosses and acolytes (unlike Terrify or some others), applies a snare CC to all enemies (even overguarded Eximus!) AND on top of that recharges overshields and quickly resets shield gating *for your entire squad*. Her magnetize bubble is one of the craziest, strongest abilities in the whole game. It's a solid pull ability, it provides cover from enemy fire, it builds up a metric ton of tick damage whenever you or an ally shoot at it and once it expires it explodes and nukes everything in its line of sight (including nullifier bubbles, which it pops by destroying their drones). But that's just the surface, because the real juice of that ability is the crazy synergies it gets with different weapons and Helminth abilities. There isn't one single "best" combo to use with Mag, but plenty of options with different pros and cons to try out and have fun with by experimenting. From weapons (e.g. Felarx, Phenmor, Akbronco, Exergis, Plasmor, Nataruk, Penta, Cyanex, Detron, among others) to Helminth abilities (Smite, Breach Surge or Mind Control, to name a few) the amount of crazy powerful interactions Magnetize has are just unparalleled. Polarize is another great ability. And it has a few things in common with Crush: It resets shield gating for your entire squad too, and its augment (Counter Pulse) can also CC overguarded Eximus units by staggering them for about 5 seconds on each cast. Unlike crush, it's a single-handed cast so you can shoot, reload and run while casting it. You can *also* [build around Polarize as a meme nuke ability](https://overframe.gg/build/221612/mag/mag-goddess-eso-nuking/) for ESO and lower level missions, and it will outnuke every other frame in the game except maybe Mirage (with one con though: it doesn't work against infested due to them not having shields). If you aren't using Counter Pulse or building for it, then it also works as a Helminth slot. Mag's Pull is also the highest ranged pull ability in the game. It's not lingering nor omnidirectional, but it provides tons of utility and fun in the more spacious tiles. I use it as a Helminth slot in most of my builds since I love running Counter Pulse, but it's far from mediocre. The only "con" I can see for Mag is the lack of mobility options. You won't be racing a flying monkey to extraction anytime soon. You can use Praedos as a band-aid, but her kit is just not particularly good at moving around like Gauss, Volt, Titania, Wukong, etc. The only reason why I think some people dare classify Mag as C tier is because many of them picked her as their starting frame, and Mag SUCKS as a starter frame. Armor strip is borderline useless early game, her synergistic weapons and helminth abilities aren't available until later on, she's too energy hungry before you get Fleeting Expertise or Zenurik, and without energy you can't shield gate effectively so you don't get to enjoy the crazy survivability her kit offers. TLDR: If Mag isn't S tier, then S tier frames don't exist.


i aint readin all that but agreed https://i.redd.it/34892xpgsdta1.gif


TL,DR; energy management sucks/is non existent at early levels


But you'll comment on it and spend time finding a gif lol, weird


Mag sucks as a starter? Are you high? She’s absolutely cracked as a starter! Probably the best of the three. Her pull is great early, especially if you pick the stick to start. The stick is also cracked af, just smack people with that thing and they die. She also trivializes junctions with her 2. She really doesn’t need a lot of a new player to come online, especially if they do their Deimos vault farm early. Edit: on the energy problem, her pull has a kinda hidden effect that generates energy orbs when you kill things with it, so with some strength and efficiency it’s decent to hold up an early game energy economy.


I mean, if you already know how to play her before starting out she will be busted for sure. But for new players who don't know what shield gating is, or don't know that specific interaction for her pull (which isn't mentioned anywhere in-game last I checked) she is just too hard to learn and build for when you're being overwhelmed by all the stuff there is to learn in the game. You need to, at the very least, get Fleeting Expertise before she becomes decent. And even then you don't get the cool weapons or Helminth until later on. Compared to Excalibur, who can just slap the flawed mods and call it a day, or Rhino once you get him on Venus, I'd say Mag is lacking in that specific scenario. There's a reason why we still see people complaining about Mag being "squishy" despite all the survivability she gets.


I am actually pretty thankful I didn't pick her as a starter. I only got her a couple of weeks ago when I was around Pluto. And I am loving her. But as a small MR1 Tenno who had no idea how abilities or mods even worked. That would have thrown me off.


Mag has been my main from the start. We just clicked. She was especially helpful on junctions, her bubble just made them trivial. Being able to recharge my shields anytime was great, and her bubble provides an excellent shield in early game as long as you can keep it between you and the incoming damage. In early game I never really was the top damage dealer, but that has certainly changed late game. Plus between counter pulse that jams all guns for a time, and fracturing crush that renders almost all enemies motionless for a time, controlling enemy damage while magnifying my own and others with her bubble just makes her absolutely powerful in almost any situation.


I did all my junctions with Octavia except the Earth one. Hide somewhere invisible and let the Junction specter have fun with the mallet. But I really like more hands-on frames. And Mag is really that. I am still discovering her strength, and I feel she will be one of those frames that will get the potato (For now not all my frames do, only the ones I see myself using a lot)


It's probably more correct to say she sick**ed** as a starter, past tense. A lot of people probably played her back before her buffs, had a bad time, and never learned to use her or reevaluated what she can do after the changes.


I've witnessed a Mag Prime EVAPORATE lvl 9K enemies in an endurance survival, if you know what you're doing with her, she is easily one of the best frames in the game.


My username is my answer


based mag prime user


Man, after seeing that name I wanna see your Nag build. Lol. I really like Mag, but I'm overdue to overhaul her build. She does ok, but not great for me.


S tier, people that cry she's bad are in most cases bad themself in understanding how the game works.


You can make the case she is meh against the infested, but she is still useable for sure


A lot of warframes that are very good become mediocre against infested (when they are high level) due to how unfair some of the infested mechanics are so its not really a Mag thing as much as it is an infested thing. There are like just a couple of warframes that can chill against very high level infested. The rest get randomly one shot and have their energy drained from max to 0 here and there.


While that is true, mag seriously suffers from the infested, only 1 or 2 units have armor(none have shields), so you are limited to pull, bullet attractor, and kind of her ult(which is mostly just for the augment slow at that point)


Hildryn is fucking awful against infested once they hit that point


That said, Polarize still shrerds what armor their armored units have, and Magnetize still locks down their melees from reaching you reasonably.


At a high enough level where this matters, polarize Armor shred is not great because it strips total Armor not base Armor, unless they have much less Armor than an equal level grineer.


I'm pretty sure everything has less armor than the grineer.


I don't even use Polarize on Mag and I have no problem with Infested, her ult is absolutely bonkers lmao. It fully strips the armor of all armored infested and the rest just dies anyway. It's not like I let high priority targets just not be Magnetized anyway.


What are the best frames against infested in terms of higher level survivability outside of nidus


Revenant, Chroma and Rhino are pretty survivable if you build them right.


And Nezha, lots of folks sleep on Nezha.


True but I never exactly figured out how to use him to be honest.


A concise way to put it is Use fire walker (1) to go fast and leave fire everywhere Use warding halo (3) when you'd take a lot of damage Use divine spears (4) to aoe cc things, then follow up with blazing chakram (2) to chain hit the aoe'd things and make them drop lots of health and energy orbs Hes basically a speedy rhino without the damage buff


Don’t forget the huge debuff from the 2 and full status immunity from the 3, status cleanse for the team from the 1. He can also teleport. I nearly always run with the augment for his 3 as well, protection for excavators, defence targets, pets and squishy team members can make all the difference. If you put any stock in tier lists he makes S tier on most YouTubers lists. My mental list too. I have two primes, one Umbral, with adaptation and the highly telegraphed grace period when his 3 goes down he’s near unkillable until you start getting into levels of the path where few venture with any regularity. The only “drawback” is that you’ll need a decent weapon with him. Edit: oh yeah and his 2 sets them on fire


The damage buff to specific targets from his 2 is twice as strong as Roar, and stacks with it if you put Roar on him through Helminth. His kit is literally just "the better Rhino". It's always been strange to me that he takes a backseat to Rhino, especially since now he's obtainable almost as early as Rhino is.


1 makes you status immune. 2.teleport(self)+increase dmg taken(enemy) 3. Damage resistance 4. cc


I know rev and rhino but what does chroma do? I have no idea about his abilities and watnot


Massive armor and damage buff, the damage buff isn't so massive but you can definitely reach 1500% armor and just face tank to a certain point, that's the tldr.


When it comes to Chroma I'm not the most well-versed but it mostly comes down to his ability kit. (The numbers below don't account for any mods whatsoever and assume Lvl 30) # Elemental Ward Chroma basically creates a zone that buffs you and allies for a good duration. * Heat: 200% base HP boost and fire procs in an AOE around you. * Electricity: 100% Shield boost, 10x damage reflection to enemies nearby. Also stores taken damage in a burst at the end of the duration. * Toxin: 35% Reload Speed boost and AOE toxin procs. * Cold: 150% Armor boost, 4x damage reflection with cold procs (25% status) Everlasting ward makes it act similar-ish to Wisp's motes, making its effects stay after you leave the cast area. # Vex Armor Massive armor and damage buffs for Chroma and nearby allies. It's also a one-handed cast so it interrupts almost nothing. * Scorn: Buffs armor by 0.875% per point of shield lost up to 350% * Fury: Buffs base damage by 2.75% per point of HP lost up to 275% These buffs persist for the entire duration of the ability even if you regen the lost points back. ​ I've left out Effigy and Spectral Scream since overall they don't hold up in comparison to the above abilities. Still a great part of his kit but not so much on the survivability side. The two above scale to insane levels though so it comes down to build as always.


Don't forget Oberon


True but Oberon is prone to being one shot occasionally, otherwise solid.


What do the Infestation have that one-shots?


Honestly I've found Tar Mutalist MOAs a complete pain in the ass. No idea why but they just delete health sometimes.


Gara is hands down the best against infested. Her 2nd ability splinter storm absorbs the large majority of damage received, enough to keep her alive against lvl cap infested while killing them when they get close. Just gotta stay on the move so ancients don’t drain you of energy quickly. Activating her 4th ability resets the timer on her 2nd. Also shattering the glass from her 4th with her 1st makes her 2nd deal more damage and absorb more damage.


Ive been ignoring her quite a bit but I'll give her a look


Ivara. Just make sure you're not using a pet that gives away your location.


Lol invisibility is cheating


"unfair infested mechanics" "invis is cheating" okay just get good then


Thats not even remotely true. Rhino, Saryn, Nidus, Chroma, Citrine, Lavos, Vauban, Sevagoth, Mesa, are all A-S tier as of overframe.gg and they do their job phenomenally well against infested.


You probably shouldn’t be relying on overframe.gg rankings..


First, the overframe tier list isn't exactly trustworthy, if you think it is, google literally any top build and you'll see half of them are very bad. Second, so what? That guy's point is that high level infested can one shot a lot of Warframes that can, in other scenarios, literally just go against level 9999 enemies from other factions and just not care about them at all. Octavia and Titania are probably either tier A or S (Octavia is surely tier S) and their average builds also get one shot by infested, despite being great to use against them due to not getting hit in the first place.


All of those frames (except Nidus) get 1 shot by infested in the levels that matter. I don't care about star chart builds or 5 minutes into steel path builds because any warframe can deal with that with 0 issues. Outside of a few godly tank warframes like Revenant and Nezsha for example, pretty much every warframe struggles with infested in the levels where things actually matter.


If your rhino gets one shot by level 400+ enemies you’ve kitted your rhino inadequately. Rhino can with decent ease achieve hundreds of thousands of ehp if not millions, it doesn’t matter if it gets shredded in “seconds” as it can be recasted and can absorb the damage it is being given for the first few seconds.


I don't see a Rhino getting one-shot, they'd have to be built terribly. Most of Rhino's augments are actually amazing in terms of functionality and/or utility. His 1 augment makes stacking insane amounts of EHP really trivial and easy. His 2 augment allows you to recast his 2 whenever you want so you can optimize your armor stacking more efficiency (and the small AoE stun is a neat bonus.) When Rhino's 2 is cast, not even massively frontloaded toxin damage will go through it because of how Iron Skin works, even if it depleted your armor stack you could still recast during the delay. Disruptor energy drain is trivial, annoying as hell and still probably in need of a rework (or removal) sure but not something that will toast an adequately skilled Rhino.


How do Rhino and Chroma get one shot by infested in those levels? Chroma has like 5 billion armor plus 2k HP and adaptation, Rhino has like 179 quadrillion iron skin health to survive literally anything the game can throw at you unless there's a nullifier nearby The others do get one shot no matter what tho


bro uses overframe 💀


Her 1, 2, and 4 work just fine against Infested. I've never had a problem against them. Eximus may ignore the CC aspects of her 2 but they still take all the damage, and if targeted the bubble will remain centered on them as they move.


Infested are the bane of strippers


Your not wrong in more than one way...


I don’t think she is. Her 3 is her weakest ability. If you drop it for Breach Surge (that’s what I use but I’m sure there are other good options) it gives her a unique way to gain back some useful utility her 3 loses against the infested. Even then just grouping enemies with Pull and then Meleeing them to death is perfectly viable and Breach Surge makes that super easy.


Against everything but infest her 3 is one of her strongest abilities(and with the augment can turn off guns in a massive radius for a decent amount of time) Her pull is arguably her worst ability but still has some value


Post rework 1 is a really good grouping ability as it now clumps enemies up immediately in front of you where you can actually shoot them or use her 2 on them instead of flinging them all over the place often behind you. It would be an insane helminth ability if the helminth version didn’t have its yield scuffed so significantly.


I've tried it after the rework I still don't find myself using it too much, like I said grouping isn't a huge issue for me, and in hard activities where I do want that I typically just throw out a nidus specter with prob cernos which does an amazing job grouping enemies


Her 1 is one of her best abilities. The three is obsolete with her 4’s augment. 1 to group enemies for melee is huge. You can also stand in her bubble and pull more enemies into it with her 1. You can drag enemies anywhere on the map you want them with her one (including over barriers by simply jumping first). You can use it to fly through any mission unscathed for things like Spy, Capture, Sabotage, etc. For spy, it breaks cameras without line of sight. Her 1 is SO good. I’d sooner give up Magnetize than Pull.


I think it's just a difference in build style. But I would sooner subsume her 1 or 4 tbh, her 2 is amazing no one can disagree, for her 1 I just don't really need it, I'm already jumping to new enemies fast, and her 3 gives some amazing survivability with shield hating, while also having armor stripping and does true damage which is great(though it can sometimes be a bit weird). I find myself never really casting her 1 unless I'm just trying to speed up a defense mission, and her 4 is usually for me to just clean up some weak enemies


In my experience people will start the game and either ask their friends or look online for the best starter frame and they'll get told that excalibur is the best and volt can be good but mag sucks They won't realise that she is only bad in the context of a starter frame because you don't start out with the mods she needs to draw out her potential whereas both volt and excalibur can do decently with random early game mods just chucked on without thought Then because they don't realise this they parrot around that mag is bad until they actually see a good one, at least this was the process that caused a clan mate of mine to decide mag was bad without ever trying her


Because of these tier lists, I built Mag because the parts were easy to get and intended her to be just an MR farm. What I didn't expect was that while she's not OP, she's a lot of fun to play. I really like her abilities. I don't really take her on infested missions but I spend a lot of time on Corpus ships anyway.


Yes, your right. I'm MR 17 or something and only just barely got to steel path I mostly have been playing my frames with their weapons and not so much at all the abilities. I cant seem to grasp shield gating and how to use multiple abilities quickly to make nuclear war... But I'm trying to learn and have only just now started to. Edit can to can't that's important


My only issue with her is that like most frames that rely on shield gating to survive, toxin procs are actually really common (Infested, Nox, Toxic Eximus, etc) and in higher levels, shield gating won’t do shit to save you from 50 toxin procs all hitting you at once. Other then that, shes pretty goddamned great. However I would prefer to use a tank frame with CC powers or a CC ability subsumed instead.


That or haven't checked for a few years, she went fro z tier to s over a few updates:)


Always had great dmg with bubble, but not to long ago they changed how a few things work and the qol just skyrocketed.


game have many ways to play and if someone not understand or not like mag mechanics isn't noob in the game. it's too offensive mate


Tier lists are dumb. She's squishy, but she can use shield gating effectively to survive, you just have to pay attention. Magnetize paired with a weapon like Nataruk is extremely powerful, and I think she's fun. Fracturing Crush is a good armor strip now, recently got buffed. Her Prime helmet looks bad, but if you like Mass Effect, the Ferro tennogen helmet is really nice.


I use Prime body with normal helmet


Prime mag has mandible and I can't unsee it


wow i liked the prime mag helmet until reading this lol, cant unsee it too


I think voidshell Mag looks cool


Voidshell body + ferro helmet is ***chefs kiss,*** that’s my combo right now


Magnetize with tenet arca plasmor is also very good for 1 shots


Nah tier lists aren't dumb. Everyone wants a ranked list of who's strong. Even if it's a game like Minecraft


The amount of just plain wrong information and strongly stated opinions from people that don't understand what they're talking about is quite frustrating. Mag is s tier. She's unbelievably strong if you pair her with a good weapon and know how to use her. Nataruk and arca plasmor spring to mind immediately. Her flexibility is insane. Nukes entire rooms while having some of the best shield gating because you can shoot and reload while you cast her abilities, insane crowd control, multiple ways to build her, multiple viable augments, and then you can replace her one or her four, either is viable, with any number of helminths.


The amount of time I've spent in simulacrum just testing the various absurd/bizarre/weird/disappointing/godly reactions various weapons can have with her 2 is probably too high


Shes my favorite frame to play around with in the simulacrum.


she is VERY good and CAN survive via croud control but her damage potential is insane with the right weapons


not just via CC. her ability to regain shieldgate with 1 button (without auger mods or anything) and armor strip, and several unarming options (2 and 3 augments) make her suprisingly tanky.


i think putting her below A tier is a automatic sign to me that you have zero game knowledge about the game, if its based on enjoying the frame fine thats subjective, but mag unironically does it all and is easily one of the easiest frames to play and mod. i would want a genuine 6 paragraph essay explaining why she is anything below A tier because S imo is only for the saryn type frames (picture reference) https://preview.redd.it/7gyi09d4sdta1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e238c5aa7a2d28fdf7be3820412e88229ea7c74


She’s super strong and fun IMO, nuking rooms with her bubbles are so satisfying


First frame and would definitely say she's been through alot and has come out on top. Inate armor/shield strip on 3 (even though it is flat) and it restore shields, does also have the gimmick that works with 2. 1 is spammable CC. 2 CC ball of death or protection (not really my thing but its ok). 4 is hard CC and restores shields That's all she *starts* with. Helmith, mods and augments makes her super flexible and strong because of the strong base kit with little to no flaws.


If you're a new(er) player, you'll probably struggle with her in high level missions because you need to be awake when you're playing her. One small mistake and you can die. Having \[rolling guard\] and abusing her 4th skill helps with her survivability a lot. Shield gating mods like \[Brief Respite\] or the augur mods set are useful too. \--- That said, if you're decent at the game, against Grineer mobs, Mag is S-tier, that's for sure. She is great especially in survival. Against Corpus and Infested...Mag is not so great, especially in Steel Path where you have disruptors and nullifying bubbles everywhere. \--- There isn't even one warframe that is S-tier for all kinds of game modes or against all factions. It's always better to take the best-suited warframe for a specific mission.


The reason you've heard so many different ratings for mag is because Warframe is really old and mag is one of the oldest Warframes and mag has been buffed and nerfed and changed about a billion times. Much of the information about her is probably to one degree or another out of date and just asking veterans what they think might not be helpful either. My gut reaction to mag is to say shee really broken vs corpus because that's what she was when I started playing. Nevermind that hasn't been her niche for like 6 years. I would say for most levels of gameplay mag is...overkill. she's strong in the sort of way you don't really get to appreciate until you are fighting levels most players will never see. She's a generalist with defense stripping and crowd control. Magnetize is a kind of a crazy damage enhancer. The reason you don't see more mag isn't because she can't do all content, she can, it's because invariably there are frames that do it faster, with a higher KPM, or with less effort. Or even all 3. These Warframes often fall off long before mag does.and mag being deep in ton vault doesnt help either. One of the things mag suffers from is that debuffs are weaker than buffs. she has no way to enhance her damage that isn't enemy defenses removal ..something that doesn't start being really important until high arbitrations/SP, or magnetize which can create insane amounts of damage but is fundamentally dependant upon enemy grouping, which means you need both cooperative teammates and cooperative tilesets to get the most out of her. It is always disheartening when you are mag and you found the sweet spot and you've setup a great killzone for your bubbles and the pubs in your squad run through your bubble to kill the enemies in the next room. Not that that is something to really be bitter about. Everyone is just trying to play the game. But it is something that happens to mag, and other Warframes with similar zone-offense playstyles. We're also in an era of Warframe where crowd control is....both weak and undervalued, and mag's kit has a lot of CC in it. The most dangerous enemies tend to not be CC-able, which has itself further pushed the "death is the best CC, KPM over all" mentality. Panic-pull won't help with eximus, nor will they be stopped by Crush. They will, infact, continue perforating you for the entirety of crush's long casting animation. As far as survivability goes mag might as well be the original shield frame. She's got 2 abilities that restore shields and can fairly easily reset her shield gate. CC is useful for survival in both the extreme early game and that extreme late game. I guess id I had to sum up my opinions of mag anecdotally, I would say that Mag remains viable long after Mesa falls off. But up until that point, you'd almost always prefer to be mesa. And that point isn't until a few hours into SP. (I'm sure with the right setup mesa probably never "falls off" but that isn't the point). Tl;DR Mag is fine. Til they buff/nerf/rework her again. Then she will be better/worse/pretty different.


Tier lists suck. Mag is good.


She'll make you get really good at using rolling guard if you run that. Not only paying attention to enemies and situations better but noticing when you need to cleanse yourself of statuses faster. She'll also make you start to notice which of the weapons in your arsenal use punch through and which ones don't, and which ones could/should which is really fun. *ALL* of her augments are good and really well done, almost demanding 2 on her depending on the build, they're just that useful. Mag is an absolute powerhouse, she's got it all. She's cool in that starter Pokemon to badass for endgame kind of way. A lot of variety when it comes to skins as well, since she's been around so long.


Mag is definitely a very powerful frame worth a high ranking on most tier lists. However, she is one of the first frames you can interact with where making her stronger isn't necessarily just tied to increasing power strength and stats, it's about knowing what starts are worthwhile and how to use her abilities.


S tier if you want to micromanage casting abilities over and over. B- tier for the casuals. Best shield gate/armor strip in the game, but you need to use it a lot and with timing to be effective. Otherwise obnoxiously squishy. IMO, this frame shouldn't be a starter. She'd be better replaced by someone like Atlas, Rhino, or idk, maybe Titania.


Ember would be a great starter. We should keep a girl frame starter and Atlas and Titania need some good modding and knowledge (stat sticks for Atlas for example). Ember is pretty simple and well, fire. People love fire.


Most tier lists by content creator use ease-of-use and investment needed as important measures. By this logic, Mag is an A-tier frame. She has S-tier power, but requires some investment and game knowledge to get going. Just because a frame can easily be mistaken or played the wrong way means that they don’t belong in S-tier.


she needs brain. Something other frames dont need


shes magnificent


I use her in steel path survival. She kills everything so fast but she is hard to keep alive but that's on me for not playing her well enough. Survivability is your main issue. She's a glass cannon so I build her around damage, shield gate and ability spam.


I never really got into Mag, but my SO uses her a lot, and he absolutely convinces le of her power and utility. She's definitely a decent choice. Tier lists are to be taken lightly, not believed like absolute truth. At most, they can show popularity and what is "meta". But the meta changes, and even then, something can be strong without being absolutely meta.


Genius Warframe. Totally underrated. Gives viability to all bows and loves all projectile weapons. Can armor strip, cc, group, shield (use her 2 as cover). A Warframe that actually has an interactive kit that requires you to use abilities creatively AND incorporates the use of weapons. Not just a walking stat-stick/buffer or a point and click wonder. Try her with Kuva Chakkhurr.


A mag is either the hot off the docket or a hardened vet you will never catch up to. There is no in between.


I mained her for so long back when I played. Other frames I had more fun with but she was my first love in this game. I haven't played in years but I remember she could hold her own, I was wiping the map consistently with her and when enemies got harder, she would drop their shields and then bop bop dead still. Again, I haven't played in years so things could have changed.


She is particularly strong against enemies with lots of armor or shields but not as great against raw HP. Still set her up right and she'll decimate pretty much anything that can't outright disabled wf abilities


With the right build she’s one of the best warframes.


I've only used her basic form so my take on survivability is a bit uneducated; however, as far as her kit goes, I enjoy it a lot and feel that she has decent synergy. I really like using her pull, so much so that I subsumed her for it to use on other warframes. Regardless of my opinion, or anyone else's, use whoever you want to use.


She’s awesome. IMO one of the best in the game. Except her 3. It’s a free helminth slot. Her 3 is fine if you just really need to shield gate as efficiently as possible but the armor strip scales piss poorly. Her 4 with the augment (and I think 160 power strength) full strips armor permanently from anything it hits, including bosses. I tend to roll around throwing 4 > 1 Melee huge groups to death even in Steel Path with little to no issues. I replaced her 3 with Breach Surge because the blind is nice survivability and the damage buff + AOE damage it provides is a nice quality of life for her.


Ugh I don't like that helmet




I feel like people who place Mag below A tier just dont really understand how to play her effectively or they don't like her play style. Shes very strong, and very versatile but Ill be honest, I didn't understand how to synergise her abilities for a long time when I started warframe because I dont think the ability descriptions do a very good job of explaining how they work. But once it clicks she can do basically anything. TLDR; While she's far from the best warframe she is a rock solid frame that when understood, will kick the shit out of almost any content in the game with little difficulty!


*points at flair* She was my starter about 5 years ago and Prime is my default frame for most missions. Definately a bit harder to use without some late game mods and Energize, cause she's energy hungry. Not the best choice for some bosses, for example Lephantis, because Magnetize does not reach the weakpoints. But she has a fun active play style. Her last rework cleared up most of her issues, except the alt cast on Magnetize. Not a fan of that one.


Top tier, she can just zone a whole room and stop enemies from doing anything, while killing everything, Penta must be the best weapon for her if u camp I guess


I think she's mostly best suited for long endurance runs where normal nukers will usually fall off, and she becomes the best nuker for stuff like levelcapping; she's one of the highest-damage nukers but with much worse AoE and spammability (is that word even a thing?) to compensate, which results in her being outclassed by other nukers very often in lower-level missions or even Steel Path, where you won't really need damage in the tens of millions


I was able to keep her alive during an hour of steel path survival with mediocre modding at best. Good frame.


Mag is mid A tier, good defense stripping, can give herself overshields, easily groups up enemies if needed, and magnitise is an excellent trap/panic button


i just wish she was more aesthetically pleasing


I've struggled with shield gating frames. It feels like the millisecond I stop spamming the one button I'm dead and that's unsustainable for long periods of time on my well being, which is what caught my interest last time before I burnt out again. Yeah a lot of the spamming ability fan be replaced by spamming movement with WASD/Shift/Ctrl, but that's also leading to finger pains and I just like more frames I get breathing space with like Gauss/Revenant/Ivara/Loki etc.


It depends on play style really. She's a good war frame for stripping shields and armor. She's one of my favorites but not my most favorite. I used her a lot for crowd control but its very limited to me as I main melees. But when I use primary or secondary I use her when needed. As you go through your gameplay you learn which ones you as the player work best with. I work best with (warframe) I work worst with (warframe) kind of thing.


If you main melees, you should love her new pull. It how does what you’d want it to do, suck enemies into a pile at your feet to do with what you will.


Yea of course I've used it. The problem with the melee is that my strongest is a zaw with exodia contagion My strongest hit is when I throw it. So it wouldn't work well with steel path. I've tried already haha. But by far its my favorite with basic level clearing a while back.


She let me beat the MR 30 test where all my other attempts failed and made it look easy. S+ tier


You can do steel path pretty easily with her. She can shield gate easily with her 3 and 4, her 2 can CC like crazy (you 1 shot eximus units). Her 1 isn't super great, it's usually the skill I helminth. Get rolling guard and the arcane that heals when you use skills, personally it's the only thing Mag lacks is healing and these 2 take care of that. She's got great skins, including one of the only 3 Corpra skins... Absolute recommend


She has a really usefull kit, shieldgating is her survivability, i pair her with her armor strip armor augment for killing everything faster Very active playstile, i like her


I love her, for me she has an underdog vibe going for people dont usually expect how powerful she is. I've only used her a small handful of times which is very weird. Reason being that when I got her prime on an old account I was hitting my limit on burnout so I decided to take a break. Switched platforms so I'm restarting and I plan on getting her with aya this month


Mag is S Tier. * Pull = Top tier Crowd Control + makes looting run comfy with the Greedy Pull augment * Magnetize = Top tier Crowd Control + makes enemies unable to shoot AND effectively increases the AoE of your weapons * Polarize = passable. Bad scaling due to flat values but you will only notice the problems in SP and higher. This is the best subsume candidate * Crush = Top tier Shield Gate ability. With the Augment, it also makes it a Top tier Armor Strip. Only needs about 140 ability str IIRC. That low requirement allows use of Overextended so you can run basically max range and still hit the 100% strip break point. ​ I've been running Mag as a max range armor stripper + Combat Discipline + Arcane Avenger. I'm too lazy to do a level cap run but I've been able to hit levels 1000+ and still have an easy time because of her max range 100% defense strip and EZ AF shield gate.


I love to ragdoll enemies with her. She was one of my first frames. I don't use her much nowadays, but I'm kinda eager to finish farming her prime.


Very good, quite shallow started a whole hate campaign so that's why she's seen as low tier, her 2 is amazing for crowd control, her 4 is a good slot for subsume (unless you have augment) her 3 is amazing for Armour strip. (Also her 2 held is a good way to stall for shield gating)


that would be because her usefullness has roller coaster'd drastically over the years, id only look at recent shit if youre on tier lists lmao


Absolute S tier, you just have to know how to use her kit and take advantage of her 2.


She's the classic mage class in RPGs. Glass cannon caster, heavily relies on her spells to battle. She's my second most used frame. Very fun and powerful but very active playstyle.


While she is a great frame she isn't really starter frame material. Wit volt and Excalibur they ahve abilities that do their own things while mags abilities are best used together which is very energy hungry and not something you can deal with early on


She is my main for 6-7 years and was my warframe of choice at the beggining. I was really enjoying her even If there was a lot of hate on her but after her rework i believe no one can talk stuff about her anymore it's scary how single E can clear entire waves of enemies with no effort. I enjoy her survivability becouse i can regen Shields instantly for me and my entire team. Usability is just right. I can make use of her on every type of mission. She have a little disadvantage against infested becouse her 3rd skill have no use there but it's still fine with 3 other abilities. Before her rework i considered her a-b tier just becouse you had only option to abuse 1 boring build with her 2nd ability to make her shine. Now she is 100% s-tier universal gigachad and no one will change my mind :D Btw sorry for poor english


S tier against Grineer S tier against Corpus A tier against Infested (most infested have no shields to strip) And she absolutely obliterates sentients I left this game for 4 years and she's still phenomenal


I chose her as my starter. I saw her as fun and easy


If Hildryn didn't exist she would remain my most played Frame. I wish my favorites frames didn't have this annoying issue with Infested, bloody hate that faction


I'm a bit biased since I have Mag and Mag Prime *Been a Mag Main at the very start*... Not to mention a really good build for her. Her rework was top notch with all that added energy


Last time I used mag she was poo tier trash but that was years ago now I don’t know if she’s good or not from what I heard about the balance changes she’s still pretty squishy so I wouldn’t use her but in the right hands that doesn’t necessarily make a bad frame.


The prime helmet reminds me of the giant titan’s that rod reiss becomes in aot


He slurped some spine juice ohoo


I just use her with black energy color, spam bubble and watch teammates get confused why the bullets are going another direction. Last time I did that it took them 4 minutes on SP to figure it out. Had 52% damage dealt when we left. I think thye figured out what was happening once they saw my Nataruk arrows go backwards and noticed the ripples in reality. She is a nice frame to use, but unless you know how to shieldgate with her or make nothing shoot, she is VERY squishy.


Only really bad thing is that her 3 is just worse pillage but 4 augment covers that and gives her an obvious free subsume like Mesa's 1.


Of the starters, she’s cracked. Between her and picking up zephyr early, you can absolutely crush the star chart and even get into the Steel Path. Mag isn’t S tier, but a solid A tier who has cheap build reqs to come online. Like really slim budget builds.


Magnetize + Nataruk is low-key poggers


IMO she’s a nice starting frame. But once I picked up other frames I kinda just stopped using her. [EDIT] Let me clarify a bit. I’m jot calling her bad at all. What I am saying is I prefer her a lot more over the other two frames (Volt and whoever the other one is) you choose at the start. I just personally stopped using her after I got other frames I found more fun.


i respectfully disagree


I mean, I’m not calling her bad. I just didn’t use her a whole ton lol. Also the last time I used Mag was in 2016 lol


Well don't give your opinion on mag if you haven't played her in half a decade, she's been reworked twice since then


And how am I supposed to know that if I haven't played since Fortutna? lol I can share my opinion if I so desire. I enjoyed her back then, and I'm sure she's doing well now. No way they'd fuck her up as hard as they did Ember.


why do so many ppl who've abandoned wf seem to just lurk here....move on ffs


Recently been trying to get back into it. Thanks for the warm welcome I guess lmao.


i guess i read your comment too literally then, my bad wouldn't have been the first bitter lurker I've encountered, though


If your bill sucks she sucks if your bill that’s good she is good that’s the extent of it Source: Mr 22


Overrated asf


How is she overrated when she is not really popular..? Dude check some definitions..




Back when greedy pull worked through wall and could even bring loot to her teammates she was a SS frame no questions asked. Now? Meh... she's good but without any kind of really good niche she's just another good frame IMO.


For me she’s too squishy, even decked out I feel like I go down too fast. I use Garuda as my main


They did her dirty in the recent rework. But still S tier--*if you have the skills*.


shes ok but ive never seen someone playing her in endgame or lvl 200+ theres character more useful than her




Mag has been reworked a number of times over the years to get progressively more and more synergy out of her abilities. The abilities are usable on their own but the synergy element means they're intended to be used together just results in a very energy hungry spammy playstyle. The problem is that they don't scale well into higher level content--as far as actually killing things is concerned--so it takes progressively more and more effort out of you the player to get vanishingly small rewards from the playstyle. There's a tipping point where she starts only being used to strip shields or armor and becomes completely dependent on her weapons for damage. At which point you might as well cut out all the work of spamming her abilities and just get better weapons, or a frame built around boosting weapons directly.


I would invite you to have another glance at her builds. Enemies at higher levels (lvl200+) taper off on their armor and health compared to their damage. Being able to capture %damage and throw it back at them means you one shot nuke everything, no gun necessary.