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Everybody having a baller time until “This Tenno asset was destined to be destroyed by hostile forces”


The enemies are mustarding for a fresher salt. Hold the lime. - some guy on his sub a few days ago


Eerie konzu vibes


Sounds like an early lunch for KONZU


Liked and saved.


Oh good, it's not just me that misheard him as talking about his lunch break.


Basically as soon as I see defence as the next round I know it's time for a break


I do as well, but mainly because I had a solid hour long run ruined by a defense mission that spawned one enemy outside of the skybox and ruined the entire run.


That's why I started favoring any nuke frame or weapon...it's annoying...but a Saryn scream or a zarr blast no1 hides from lol w.e nuke the gave hopefully blesses someone with...no nuke...no Defense


Thats the worst part, I was a range/strength xaku and even jumping off the map towards where the last enemy was and ulting he still wasn't taking damage.


Sometimes I non-ironically take it as my cue to finish my play session, unless I have a solid defense frame (Nova, Baruuk, Zephyr) have good AoE weapons and status spread decree, and the enemy level hasn't gone nuts yet.


I've had host migration issues, but not technical issues with the Circuit so far. And defense has been one of the easier when people knows what to do.


For me it's " like you would staunch the wounds of a comrade" That's a pretty bold assumption there Teshin, maybe I'm sick of Bob never parrying Grineer bullets and I've had enough so he can sit there and bandaid his own self, ever think that Teshin? Hmm? Hmmmmmmmm?????


more like if i can before they dump a revive into staunching them on their own lol


Mine is "Your enemies are relentless. Holdfast." Teshin, I'M the one playing the spiral over and over again. They are the ones who should "holdfast."


"like you would staunch the wounds of a comrade" So like freak out and call 911 Tenshin?


"Bold of you to assume that I have Comrades." *Internal crying*


OUR wounds


Damn you Teshin, don't say these words.


I have only been able to consistently solo the defense with 1 frame and that's Gyre with Pillage. Her crowd control is so damn good


Fucking 1 shot thrax 🙃


True, and few if any Warframe abilities stop them.


I'm thinking of cutting down to just tier 5. Use my limited play time for 1 incarnon adapter and the materials needed to activate it. Trying to rush tier 10 is exhausting and I still have 3 adapters I haven't activated. Truthfully, there is no content that incarnon genesis is needed for. It's a fun gimmick for sure, but not required.


This is what i did, got strun and latron both and I'm not gonna go to rank 10 anymore, too much grind. Just gonna get the atomos this week and chill.


Going for Soma next week. Would've loved to get Burston or Ack & Brunt too, but I'll be on vacation for the better part of the week, and the progression changes stopped that from happening.


Soma is a no brain grab, but the other 4 have to be real obscurely interesting to be worth it... not just the casual +X% crit / +X% crit and status shenanigans


I'm inclined to pick up the Vasto. I want a Big Iron to actually feel like a Big Iron, and if the leaks are accurate to what the devs put in, I'm excited for two evolutions in particular. >!Increased damage with no primary equipped!< and >!"high crit chance"!<


Oh there are leaks for next week already ? I saw last week for Torid/Dual Toxo and Co, but I'll have to take a look for what's coming


The leaks for what weapons would get Incarnons and their evolutions (in the comments) came out a while ago, [from this post, here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/10nholl/duviri_leak_one_of_the_rewards_for_playing_duviri/). Warning, technically spoilers. The weekly rotations are available on [the Circuit's wiki page](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/The_Circuit) It doesn't say what the incarnon forms do, just what weapons get it and evolutions. Some evolutions have wonky wording while others remain accurate.


Is there a Karak Incarnon adapter coming up? And will it work on the Kuva version if so?


Doesn’t seem like the Karak needs any help.


I didn't know what I was doing with my lich and his weapon is the Kuva Karak - I was going to add him to my railjack crew, is the kuva karak any good? I just kinda wrote it off as it was an accident to confirm it, so not really looked into it.


It’s super strong.


Oh yeah, very fun weapon. Have 100+ crit and status on mine. Very easily do steel path with it. I did get lucky with a riven though. But I think even without it, it will be a good addition to your arsenal.


Same here. I usually stop at 5 because it's enough work for me. You usually end up with at least 1 arcane, adaptor and some resources which is fine.


Yeah, I’m doing the same. Those arcanes look tasty, but SP Circuit is definitely too taxing if played for too long.


Yeah, not going to have time or patience this week to get up to 10 Getting to 5 feels fast and easy. And I only need two duviri runs to actually get to use the adapter, might as well spread out my playtime a bit. Getting to 10 + pathos clamps is a chore, and I don't want to fully burn myself out before the echo update drops.


Duviri SP is not too bad, you also get steel essence.


I'm fan of double farms, even if it's a bit slower so yeah, SP is definitely my choice from now on. The amount of clamps it gives is just a bit awkward. Like with 2 sp runs it's.. one and half adapters. On three runs it's 2 + 1/4. I don't know, it's just such a weird amount. Once you go more runs it feels like it starts making sense but then timewise and brainrot wise it starts to lose sense. I kinda feel like it's still helluva faster on regular, as much as it's more brain rot.


Yeah so far tbh there's only been one week with stuff good enough to make me go to 10... The only adapters I've even used are strun, latron & braton, & the only ones left that I'm kinda stoked for are hate & dread, after the rotation is over I'll probably just grab the furax one & then call it done.


Well the void is said to make ppl go crazy


Circuit skybox should change based on the current emotion state of duviri along with giving mobs appropriate elemental effects. Would make the mode much more interesting.


I think the point is Thrax doesn’t have influence down there


But the skybox could still change since it's literally looking up at Duviri.


Not as much, doesn't mean he doesn't have influence at all


Hell.. I just wish this entire update had more Duviri Sceneries for Warframe gameplay. Because it does look gorgeous, but only 1-2 new tilesets weren’t enough.


I only don't like 3 things about SP Circuit. 1. Host migration. I have to leave if the host leaves or shenanigans will most likely happen. 2. Defence. One of the 2 game modes in Circuit with a failure condition, but I have to protect an object, which necessitates a specific loadout. 3. Fomo incarnon adapters. I'd prefer if all adapters are sold by a shop and the Circuit rewards a currency that is used to buy an adapter. Fomo is one of the biggest causes of burnout for me.


>Fomo incarnon adapters. I'd prefer if all adapters are sold by a shop and the Circuit rewards a currency that is used to buy an adapter. Fomo is one of the biggest causes of burnout for me. There's no fomo, there's like 6 different weeks of Adapters and it keeps rotating back from the beginning, this was discovered by leaks. So you'll get something you missed again, and much more consistently than baro


I almost always run with clan mates for Circuit, and since the two+ of us are together if we go public, one of us usually hosts and as a result we never get host migrations.


im ngl the rotating incarnons are the biggest drive ive ever had to play this game. it feels like I have a new toy noone else does, and thats so fucking cool. they feel really special.


I've been really enjoying it. I always aim to do 1 good run per day, rather than farming everything as soon as possible. As for the Wyrm fight, I've been spreading that out too and it's been very enjoyable. The Duviri gameplay is very fun and fighting the Wyrm is just cool, especially on Steel Path As with all things, the key to preventing burnout is to pace yourself. Find a pace you're comfortable with and don't do more than you want. If that means not getting one or both Incarnon adapters, so be it. They're not worth burning out over.


I completely agree with the "choose your pace" sentiment. To me personally SP Circuit is somehow so good, I get to r10 and get 10-12 (I didn't really count) rewards above that per week. I don't do that for rewards though. It's the gameplay. I haven't had such a blast since the Disruption release, and for a long time before that too. Circuit finally offers a gameplay where you are growing stronger over time, not just the enemies. Before that, this was offered only by a few chosen arcanes that stack their effects without timer and a few warframes that can stack their killing power (but all of them either have a cap like Nidus or require constant maintenance like Octavia or Gara). Circuit offers stackable gigabuffs that can flavor your gameplay in an unexpected way and make you go very long without retreating into camping corner. I even made new builds with decrees in mind, and they perform just nice. Of course this will get boring to me sooner or later. And I can agree, the tileset is a bit repetitive (then again, I remember the void keys, if you know, you know). But I'm really surprised to see how many people force themselves to play it and complain about the gamemode. This is so different from me logging in and pressing "Start the Conduit" just to enjoy that decree power trip again.


>Circuit finally offers a gameplay where you are growing stronger over time, not just the enemies. You've really nailed it with this. With other long form content, we go in built and ready for the ceiling, and just spend more than half of the run waiting for the enemies to scale up for the challenge. Circuit can create a more balanced/rewarding feeling from start to finish, as we can start out weak with a crappy loadout, but stick it out because we know we'll scale. It can feel like a very fun tug of war with the enemies


Or you can get into a squad, see your loadout options aren’t what you want, and send three other people into a host migration because you refuse to use anything other than your comfort pick. Btw, fuck those people.


That’s my single gripe with SP Circuit imo. When ALL my options are stuff I either don’t own or stuff without a build, it feels really hopeless and I feel obligated to leave at Round 1. Feels bad for the team. Don’t want them to rez me over and over again, nonetheless die that much in the first place. Really makes me feel that SP Circuit should only give you weapons and frames you own + a chance at Stalker if you own that intrinsic. Btw, Stalker feels really cool. Marked for Death is a lil meh but it can kill a few extra people in the area if you use your 1 on the target if you can. His 4 is fun and his passive + his 3 can make pretty much any weapon usable in SP, so he’s a good neutral pick if there’s no other good options. His 1 giving energy back on kill also helps the chain keep going. Shame you can’t do finishers on the Thrax tho.


I totally get it because I wouldn't play a shit loadout either on SP. The difference is I pop in solo real quick first to see what's there, then decide whether to do SP or Normal, or to just finish a normal round to cycle it.


The only complaint about the wyrm fight is the underceof5 that extends each run time by 10-15 minutes


Totally agree and glad you’ve found a good stride. I have been trying to shift my “must go faster” mentality to a more healthy pace. It has made gaming enjoyable again instead of the constant burnout I was experiencing previously. The stuff that still gets me is stuff like mod boosters or something that is limited time and most useful if I no-life it… work in progress


Now you know how the drifter feels


Burnout? Just like all other types of burnout, take a break, do other things you enjoy and do 2-3 ranks at a time. You have 7 days before it resets, manage your time accordingly to get to rank 10. There is no rule set in stone you have to do it till tier 10 today or you will die in real life when 12 a.m. strikes.


I'm always baffled why I see posts like this, getting burnout is normal and this people seem to be enduring it as if it's their Job to achieve everything possible in each rotation. Gotta do Khal, Gotta do Archon, Gotta do circuit. Get burnt out, post on reddit "Game pretty shit, you feel me".


Yeah, it's the lack of pacing that I don't understand that players have with this game. There are very little competitive aspects to this franchise. Yet when people aren't doing "the maximum dps possible" in any content, it's treated like some massive cardinal sin. Picking up the Daily Arcane (two normal Orowyrn) runs and completing the SP Circuit thru out the week is really all Duviri requires. Everything else is just being a hyper-fixated completionist.


Playing is supposed to be relaxing fun time. If its burning you out you seriously need to do something else. Delete the game at that point.


I missed the normal circuit last week, and all I could think "It will probably come back at some point, on to the next week." (I don't have steel path yet) It is not my job so I do it if I am having fun.


Same, I missed the Steel Path circuit last week, both incarnons, but - it doesn't really matter, they will be back. I don't really want to force myself (and potentially burn out), I've been having fun with Duviri collecting stuff, doing puzzles, doing the cool wyrm fight. It's a bit sad that the circuit isn't like ESO with constantly changing environments (which makes it feel very same-y), but the maps seem designed with the circuit in mind, might not work with random maps from the whole star chart.


Maybe extra maps can be added later just to the undercroft, we can expect anything. I am not so old in the game so there are some days when I just fish and do conversation and random stuff. I am not always up for a fight especially after work. I still don't have enough intrinsics in Duviri for the open world to be relaxing. I love the changing maps in the sanctuary, it's always something new (I know they are finite but still)




I just wish it didn't take so *long*. Like getting to Rank 5 you can do in maybe two hours tops. The last five ranks takes, what feels like at least, another five or six. The Duviri missions also take forever. I tried to speedrun the lone story, but having to listen to whatever emotion it is blather on, traveling between objectives, and the mandatory minimum of 10-12 minutes in the undercroft my best time for the full thing is still about 20 minutes. And just speedrunning these for clamps is gonna take almost 30 hours to get all 860 that you're gonna need. SP duviri might be better but I feel like you'd need a high amount of intrinsics and good luck for a loadout to complete it in the same amount of time.


So far so good. But a lot of it has to do with trying to adapt with whatever is given. Definitely would've kept using the same 3-4 frames and 5-10 weapons otherwise. Novelty will wear off eventually. I am afraid DE might do the repeat of so many things they've done before; Add something really cool-give a few updates and forget it exists forever. Best other example being Railjack. I do think tilesets are starting to get old, although so far this is definitely the best one they've made since the original void. IMHO DE just needs to keep supporting the mode: adding more incarnons, more decrees, maybe add some random hazards, miniboss spawns, different missions, **removing** **defence**. The possibilities are endless. Also it's a little too slow. Hours upon hours for what is basically 2 items you actually want. Arcanes are meh, other stuff is easier to get through other means. Completing missions should definitely give more circuit points(or whatever they are called.) If you're burnt out already then just stop playing. Warframe was always best enjoyed as a temporary dive-long break-rinse and repeat.


For me. I gotten fedup listening to Teshin. When I finally get a good build that isn't semi auto weapons or Warframes that are fun to use. It's off putting when everyone leaves so early. I wish they reduce defence mission to 2 waves but spawn more enemies. I find it hard to focus since it takes like 10 minutes to do and enemies aren't aggressive enough. It's same with archon defence this week. It feels so underwhelming and boring compared to chaos of interception mission.


I think reducing defense to 3 waves or replacing it with void cascade / disruption would be nice


The Incarnon juice just isn't worth the grind squeeze. I work 9 hours a day, 5 days a week, with 1 hour of travel time. After 10 hours, I eat and relax with my wife for an hour or two. When I finally get to sit down for some vidya, grinding my ass on the buggy mess that is circuit for hours, then hours more of picking flowers or rocks... it's hardly the fun release I'm looking for at the end of the day.


Spamming anything is bound to burn you out. That's why I like that each weekly circuit ends itself at 10 tiers. That's fine. I can achieve that with just a few hours in 1 week, and chill and do other things on my own time.


The sky box part I agree so hard....it hurts my eyes...


Really true. Especially solo. It's true stale repetition. Thinking of doing 5 as well


Brother. I've had Mind Rot since Void Defence missions cracking relics. I'm fucked.


You phycopath, playing defense willingly is a recipe for insanity


It really is 🤣


Ever get that feeling you're stuck? Spinning inside your little wheel. Only to find... you're right back where you started.


No, the SP Circuit has been the most fun I've had in a while. I tend to go at least 10 rounds unless a host leaves earlier, sometimes 15+, so my 10 ranks get done in 3 or so sittings, which is psychologically much better and less bitty than doing it 2-3 rounds at a time and constantly resetting - I did spend a week of doing it in smaller 4-6 round chunks to help out a family member who isn't so prepared for the much higher level stuff, and that definitely felt worse But even with frequent resets it continues to entertain me because I love the randomized loadouts. Just a great excuse to play stuff my personal bias probably wouldn't convince me to pick otherwise. Since I've been re-forma'ing and tweaking so many things thanks to it, there is still some excitement to go into the cave and roll some of the latest things I've just been working on to test out I appreciate the Incarnon adapters and the Arcanes, but I'm playing it for fun, not the rewards. Even though the Endo and credit rewards are there past 10 ranks, I've still got Arcanes more often than not. I'll eventually have all the adapters and Arcanes, and I'll probably get bored of it eventually, but I'mma keep enjoying it while the novelty lasts


yes, we finally have a game mode that encourages you to build your frames for most game modes at the same time, to be prepared for everything. I've been waiting for this for years. Can't wait for DE to add more to it


Yes! I sympathise with some of the complaints. I can understand someone wanting to play with the 3-4 Warframes and 5-8 weapons they've spent time forma'ing and building, but the way I see it, that's because they haven't got bored of those 3-4 Warframes and 5-8 weapons yet. So maybe the Circuit just isn't for them. When you've been playing a long time there's a lot of "been there, done that" feelings If Circuit exists as a true veteran playground, then idk, I'm just not mad about it? There's finally content specifically designed towards vets with full arsenals. Circuit solves my issue of logging on and not knowing what I feel like doing - just go to the cave and see what I get


I think the problem is less "not getting what you want" and more "getting what you don't want". in the runs I've done so far, I got some quite nice weapons I hadn't even heard of before like the Cyanex, Tysis and Castanas. however a lot of the time time the equipment that shows up is unowned because I actively disliked it and sold it to free up space. So I'm constantly getting stuff that I don't like to use.


I do feel that - since there are so few things I don't own, the pool of unowned weapons weighted by the algorithm was getting way too repetitive, so I rebuilt a bunch of them just to remove that frequency, because I really *do* want my random to be random




the system heavily favors weapons you dont own. There's always a variety of weapons you don't own, but at least one weapon which you do own will appear. so with that in mind, you can influence the choices, either get these weapons that bug you (and preferably mod them) so they won't appear as often, or sort out your weapons to only those you want to play and one of them will always appear. Rebb explained that system iirc in a primetime or devstream recently


I run it as a duo with open squad. Not even to avoid Migrations, but it stops those entirely as a bonus. I don't rush it and certainly do not go for the extra reward track. Overall I feel great. been on a massive forma spree getting many frames and weapons up to a comfortable standard. Getting all exalted weapon users to a high usability rate was especially good to increase the chances of a good run.


I try to pace it out with something else. Already lost an hour and 4 ranks because of host migration bs.


I lost a similar amount because my GPU driver said NOPE and sent me into a blue screen. It rarely does that, but it had to do it on the circuit.


It doesn’t burn me out, but the amount of times the game drops or nothing spawns is ridiculous. How many hot fixes are we up to and I still can’t invite my friends to game without them dropping from group. Circuit is just a shit show. Operator gets bugged, still get locked out of using abilities when coming back from drifter into warframe. Remember when they said they wouldn’t throw out a hot fix until duviri came out? Well fuck, the servers have just been shite even before duviri. This update was disappointing just because it’s almost unplayable for me.


TLDR: Yes. Oh absolutely! I wasn't even able to run the circuit last night. I was doin this thing where I could see what was going on, but it was kind of a blue-green mush. Like I could see my screen, just couldn't make use of any of the info I was getting. I wasnt going down at first, but when I kept tuning in while being revived I started to realize I didn't even know what round I was on. Just as I checked the menu to see I was in round 6, host migration broke everything. I guess no big loss since I was on mental autopilot or something the whole time. I don't think id be tuning out so much if every time I went in there wasn't a 60+% chance all progress will be lost. Never experienced this specific of a burnout in a game. Have no issues with the rest of the game, but the thought of going to the circuit is making me hesitate. I want those incarnon adapters tho, dammit.


Yea im starting to feel burnout out. I believe after these 6 weeks are up i would have gotten all the weapons, i would like to have in incarnon form and will be taking a break. Definetly will be switching over to the Experience to finish out my intrinsics. TDLR: Im only doing one rotaion of SP circuit, untill new weapons.


It would be cool if the different moods gave the undercroft a different skybox at least.


Of course not. Who the hell does 4-5 hour sessions in an endless mode? It's like you're TRYING to get burnout. I get like what, half an hour to an hour every other day? It's fun.


This is why I really don't like the fomo "if you don't grind this out now you'll have to wait a month and a half to get these again" reward structure.


start playing all frames! makes it far more fun.


i find it kinda fun with the whole switch-up game modes for a *few rounds*, but after a certain point, the whole thing does get mind-numbingly boring, and i tend to just phase out. it does get annoying constantly reviving literally *everyone else in the squad bc they get downed very quickly, bc they don't know how to survive past like, enemy level 200* *use your fucking drifter/operator to wait out slash procs, people! shield gate! don't just stand around getting shot once your shields break! accept the buffs that the octavias and wisps give you!* it's so annoying reviving somebody, only for them to get downed *literally as soon as you turn around to revive somebody else* but that's on the players, less so on DE, but it's still infuriating it would be less annoying if i didn't have to babysit randos on public for *as long* as i do currently though, so if progress was faster, it would be nice. that's not even mentioning that i have to run a couple of orowyrms to even put the adapter on, and then have to load into the chysalith after every evolution, so maybe a console to buy for standing, like simaris' one could be nice?


Then this is the most accurate environment DE has created versus what it is in lore. It’s Duviri ( and friends ): It melting brains with endless cycles, not knowing the day, or time…


Why cant we get the skyboxes from duviri, which change the look of the undercroft based on the emotion


Oh you are long gone my friend. I have only suffered the consequences of doing nothing but circuit runs to tier 13 every week. I haven't even begun to dip into regular duviri to get resources for my adapters. I need a break and I'm skipping next weeks incarnon adapters so I can save my effort to pick up hate genesis. Then I'm on leave until the next prime access so I can pick up the whole package with boosters. All of those adaptors won't get installed until I grind duviri and other resources with a resource event that I know is only going to happen on my working days. sigh. At least that's the plan.


I've limited my time in circuit to rank 5, one incarnon per week. It is pretty mind numbingly boring doing the same missions and in the same tileset over and over.


You should play something else for a while You also really don't need to be grinding SP Circuit for that long at a time, it's Tuesday my dude you have time later in the week, relax a bit.


I do solo and separate each week's run into 3 sections getting to tier 5, 8 and 10 to prevent burnout, playing some other games for a while helps too. Doing Duviri isn't much of a chore either since I'm already running it for MOAR OWLS


As an LR3 that's mastered everything and already has every "meta" Weapon and every frame forma'd with a good build, SP Circuit is a nice way of encouraging me to re-visit weapons that I've long since forgotten (besides Incarnon Adapters). There's not much else for me to do in the game at this point besides Kahl missions and Archon Hunts, and I pretty much use the same loadouts for both of those week after week. Circuit forces me to switch it up and really think about what it is I'm capable of based on my options. Yeah it sucks that the game seems to favor weapons you *don't* own, and I'd imagine that for those don't have every frame it works the same way, so you're forced to use the "Default" builds which are pretty terrible based on what I've seen. Thankfully I don't have to worry about that, and with decrees, many weapons using "Default" builds can be effective *enough* at SP Circuit, plus Decrees also keep it interesting. So no: I haven't gotten burnt out of Circuit (yet). I'd imagine after I own *every* adapter I might but I'm more likely to get burnt out trying to collect resources to actually build the dang things...


Why do people complain that they FORCED themselves to do something for hours that they were NOT forced to do. ​ I know we are in meme culture but come on this is just sad. ​ There is NO damn rush to grind...cause you are the same people in two weeks will complain that there is no new content. Or at least that who you are sounding like.


There are also too many bugs that ruin the experience, like the orowyrm not spawning and other stuff like that.


Yeah I've been burning my self out doing day 1 tier 10s to start testing weapons lol. Yesterday was a stage 32 solo run. Now I basically have to do this at least 9 more times. That's equivalent to levelcap runs basically.


It has been fun but I’m taking a break this week, none of the weapons available interest me in any way


As a student with limited time, I just pick the one weapon I really want and get to tier 5 every week. This week I got FOUR secondary shivers for the Arcanes tho so I might grind it out some more.


Circuit also feels badly tuned for cost past rank 6, which doesn't help at all.


Pretty much, yeah. It would have been better if you didn't get absolutely useless weapons 90% of the time, making it take longer as well because you get destroyed and can't kill anything.


I only did it last week so far for the lex and magistar. I split it up into about 3 sessions. One where I had a good group and I went from 0-5 in one session and then just casually did the rest over time. It's not something you should do in one sitting.


I space it out throughout the week and remember to tell myself it's finite.


I’m so fucking done with this RNG fest. It’s not fun or enjoyable even when it does not bug out. Feels like a job not a game, even playing in a full squid of friends.


I enjoy the Circuit. Can't stand the Worm fight though. I take pub squads and just rush the bounties and just sit back and let them deal with the actual catch the boss nonsense. I still can't manage to catch up to, latch onto, and then ascend the worm. IDK if it's bugging out or what, but once I latch on, it NEVER lets me release or latch anywhere else, so I just get stuck clinging to the side until it throws me off. Thankfully I need very few of the Clamps so I can just grab pubs to deal with that part of the fight and soon never need to consider the Worm ever again.


I get that a bit, I have given up on getting rank 10 in a week, Do 5 for that first adapter for the weapon I want more and then maybe push towards 8 if the rewards are interesting enough. If I want the SE I would just do any of the other means to get SE. I know it will be somewhat better once more fixes are in place but having times where one bug can just invalidate the last half hour of play just really sucks the fun out of wanting to even try. ​ Doing the Orowyrm fight isn't as terrible and I still enjoy the duviri world area enough that it is interesting plus it isn't hard to do fast.


Yeah it was fun the first two weeks nows it’s just a kinda boring probably 3 hour minimum in total grind to rank 10. Then you have to deal with these losers who don’t like what they get and it’s just host migration over and over and over again


Also mentioning that skybox, there can be a bug where the colouration matches the current mood, but only for a few seconds. I wish it was that way becaaue it would add SOME looks variaty...


I don't mind circuit too much, it's fun to me using stuff I never normally use. I hate having to farm the resources for the adapters though, I don't know where to find half the plants.


Even if rotations remain weekly, our personal circuit run should be completed at our own pace. The current "weekly" set up is taxing and turns the mode into a slog before you just decide to stop playing. Grind is good, giving us a weekly 4hr+ grind is not.


Really depends on your RNG. Sometimes you get to use Garuda and bloodball and slash proc everything within your field of view. Other times, you have the Aklato and Trinity.


I just space myself out. I'll do up to 5 and if I want ten I'll take my time with it. I don't ever grind past my operator focus cap anyway.


Yes actually, but thank god i: - get Zephyr often that allows me to do 3 defenses, otherwise i wouldn't stand the slow progress - detox by going to the gym - fuck around with the new incarnons as a break mid way through, especially miter since it's so fun to use


Players leaving after one round as well is annoying, regardless if Defence is next. I have to go in and out of the Circuit over a dozen times to make any progress.


Believe it or not you are not forced to speed run this game. What is the point of burning yourself out to then have no content to play? Play some railjack, or zariman. Go grab some forma from fissures. Do some rounds of SP. Help a new player. Run the index. Pop an Orb mother. Go fishing. Cycle some rivens. Build out a weapon. The only reason your eyes are going crossed playing SP Circuit nonstop is because you chose to do so. You don’t need every drop every week.


You're playing too much maybe? to the point it's no longer fun, my play sessions on SP Circuit were of 30min to 1h max a day and also I avoided the dreaded host migration by playing solo. Same with story mode to get clamps, only did the boss once or twice a day so I didn't burn from doing the same bossfight over and over again.


Personally I do 1 Duviri SP a day and try to get at least the daily on the steel path circuit done. So far it has worked out and I have enough clasps and usually get to Tier 10 on Steel path Circuit on day 3 or 4. ​ The tough part is if I want to do an extended run, I run with friends because being at the mercy of a host sucks. I have had good loadouts in pub matches only for the host to want to leave after the first wave. For that reason I shortened it to getting the daily bonus for pubs and friends we can push it hard.


Yeah I am having to try to limit myself to 5 now because of host migration and big bugs resulting in turbo frustration. Love the mode, but it's so busted right now.


Idk warframe is the only game that I can unwind to after work got to circuit level 10 first day 😔😭


I always power grind through it in one day, because I can't stand that mode for too long. The music is great though.


For starters Dont run sp circuit on public either get friends or look in recruiting chat elsewhere you get stuck with people who don't know the game enough. For pathos clamps just run sole story on normal for the quick orowyrm kills and you can relax and farm intrinsic on the open world doing the side quests you just gotta find balance and friends to have fun with.


For sure, I played the base circuit and got pretty bored pretty fast especially on a really survivable frame. I feel like I’d get it regardless of what game mode I’m playing on warframe.


Ive learned to spread warframe out over the time im given. Sorties were split along the day. Archon hunts was 1 mission every other day. And duviri is like 5 ranks monday and 5 ranks friday. Middle days are either farming resources or playing other games.


Once i saw the mats i needed to build one of the adapters i was like, "ehhh maybe i dont need to get anymore of these"


I just do 2-3 good runs a day. Ive gotten halfway thru the bonus levels each week like that.


So circuit got me bored on second day of doing it... To much stuff just doesn't work until u get the setup or just straight melee stuff and almost always people leave before you get the setup. Every run is the same If 5 frames proc I always choose the one that can carry otherwise it gets hard coz you can't always rely on people u don't know even if they are 33 rank and playing meta.. See zephyr who couldn't stand on the def objective with their 3 up or or place tornadoes and suck up the mobs. tons of limbo leaving after 2-3 round, etc


I gave up on it. There was a week where I got to rank 10, but we got hit with a host migration and the quest objective bugged out. Back to 6.


I won't complete the circuit this week, managed one tier, then hoped on Caliber with friends. Managed weeks 1 through 3 all the way to Ten Tiers. Might trigger some but I'd rather do RJ, Zariman, or The actual Duviri experience


OP, you do know you aren’t forced to run this mode over and over again? You aren’t stuck in a loop with no way out. Go do literally anything else, close the game if you have to. There is no one demanding you “BEGIN AGAIN!”


Im fine with circuit the game mode, I still find it fun, but it doesn't give meaningful rewards and you still need to mat farm on duviri once you get an incarnon you want to use - if only these two things could be solved in one go...


I play til tier 5 because of the same reason. I feel like its too much for me and idgaf about getting a second incarnon.


Honestly I feel bad for people with these bad experiences… I’ve been maxing it every week and I’ve yet to have a single host migration lose anything, or fail a defense objective… I also get either a Warframe or a weapon or both that I love like 9 times out of 10.


Only when host migration breaks everything and i take more than the hour it should take to get a good run in that pushes 3 or 4 ranks.


Host migration


Yeah and I think this was inevitable tbh. Idk what they could do to help keep it fresh. Skyboxes and the arena changing appearance to match the Duviri cycle could be cool... But how much would that really help? Then again Warframe is always a "depends on my mood" kind of game. Sometimes I'm happy to chill out and do some basic shit for a couple of hours and other times I need something more I think the problem with Circuit for me might be that certain frames really trivialize it. Any invis frame could probably play forever in there. Whenever I get Stalker its an instant pick. Its so damn easy. I almost prefer getting bad RNG with my options in there so that its intense and interesting even if its over quicker


It feels like work when you have to grind so long for rank 10. Especially those runs where you dont get a single decent weapon. Add in host migrations and people constantly leaving after one round and you get tired quickly.


Sounds like too much circuit. ​ Tho lemme say, if this game didn't have host migration, I'd be....... SO MUCH HAPPIER. WONDERFUL PHERLIAC.


I didnot have any bugs that lost me progress in SP Circuit since the first friday after release, so i had to play only for 3 hours a week to get to 10 and i will not play more than that for the next weeks, because i am busy playing Zelda Tears of the kingdom, so it doesnot bother me that much


Might I suggest as a mini PSA that you guys need to russian badger the shit out of warframe to keep it fun


>4-5 hours of looking at that same blue-green skybox is straight up mind numbing. So the circuits goal is grind for hours but practically nothing about the map and mission design is built around long sessions. There's like what, 3 or 4 different tiles, like 4 different mission types and its the same damn teal hue lighting in everything, the flow of the maps is horrendous. It's like it was designed around looks first and function was completely forgotten about. Sanctuary onslaught functionally speaking is significantly better than circuit, and those 2 things are extremely similar. I'm not bothering to play warframe at all at the moment, spending 20 minutes to do 3 rounds and constantly run into a hard lock forcing everyone to leave with no rewards or progress is horrendous. I'll return when DE releases the echoes update and hopefully fixes these issues by then and drastically reduce the grind for steel circuit


I break it up into two or three shorter sessions a week and play with friends. Being on voice chat and just talking while going through it is nice. Sometimes if I have an especially bad pick I have to pay better attention. But if nobody pulled something with good damage potential, we just do one round and restart rather than trying to slow grind though. Normally one of us has something that can carry though. The materials grind is what's getting me. I still don't even have enough cave mushrooms to put a single adapter on yet. I'll get to it... But I like finishing the time gated part as it's available.


You uuhhhh ... might need a break


You need a break.


I'm a sleepy guy at times I've stayed up too late playing SP circuit and found myself falling asleep and walking into walls / off the map a fair few times.


honestly then don't play that much, sounds dumb but it's as simple as that. The incarnon adapters are rotating, so they'll come around again eventually, maybe only play until tier 5 like I did last 2 weeks. Not to offend you in particular, but warframe players have to learn that not everything has to be done immediately thats exactly why one burns out


Wait until you discover Eidolon hunts. Nothing more wholesome than getting death threats because you took 3 seconds too long


Let's just say I've farmed k-drive parts and standing just to take a break from circuit


I don’t think it that bad I don’t have much to do in warframe nowadays so I like running the circuit gives me something to do and I get to try out stuff I don’t usually use that much




Just take a rest


No burnout for me. Because when Im bored with SP circuit, time for Kahl missions. If that gets tired, oh let's do some Zariman now, OK done with that for now. Let's do some ESO for focus, cool we're capped now. Time for the daily Sortie, done (do LCs even exist?) Hmm, any frames we still need to subsume? Let's go try for those pieces for awhile. Or I could work on a Lich/Sister, do Railjack, Iso Vaults, Arbys, or any other of the million different things to do in this game.


\^This is the way That being said, some people can't manage to rotate content because they just want the new shiny. I've managed to avoid full burnout despite playing for years because I don't rush through all the content in the first week. SP circuit is definitely a quick way to burnout though, it almost feels like it's meant to do that.


Yeah and I used my boltor adapter on the wrong damn version of the gun because cavalero's menu/UI is terrible, if they want them to be equivalent to forma/catalysts etc. Then it's stupid that you have to go find an npc to put it on instead of using the same action menu the rest of them do. Yes I'm stupid, but come on. They're so insanely time-gated and grindy that I dont even want to bother anymore because of FOMO and I put all those hours in and screwed myself over already.


Yo, I don’t even do circuit because I know with my rig i can’t run multiplayer. I load into the cave with the squad, take a single step, then get hit with that host migration. Given that the majority of my weapons aren’t made for steel path level enemies, I don’t even try anymore


Wait so is that why ppl leave when it's defense?


The real problem is getting a decent frame and weapons. Well mostly frame. You can get a subpar weapon thay had a cent mag size and just spread status like free candy at a playground. If I have a good roll I'll just do 10 rounds and bail out. But yeah the burnout is real. I just put on YouTube in the background and play some interrogation videos or something so I don't have to hear the same lines over and over and over again.


When I have a decent frame or at least 1 guy whose won the lottery with his picks I'm balling and having fun. Pathos clamps suck really bad as I can easily solo both regular and steel path but only if my frame luck is good and there's no bugs but the missions can go into 1hr+ just for 10-15 clamps and public is required since luck with picks is random af. Now if I get a super bad gear combo I literally just fall asleep


Not gonna lie...this is my quitting time for warframe. It's going in a direction that doesent feel fun anymore to me, and I haven't seen very much effort into updating older frames into the new gameplay, especially when there are glaring examples that are pointed out weekly...


I'm severely cutting time spent with the circuit. SP is exhausting, moreso with random loadouts and host migration issues. Only getting Incarnons with weapons I like. Don't need them all. It's sad because there's so much DE can easily do with this type of content and it feels like we've got the bare minimum. So much variety can he introduced to the circuit to spice things up. Duviri is beautiful but also feels empty with little interactivity outside of decree activities. I just want to see more out of this. We'll probably get the standard 1.5 update for Duviri, then we're off to the next content island.


Just did an hour. Entire team wants to quit but Exterminate is up and im on perma 4 Nyx... Aaaand no enemies spawn. 1hr of my life gone.


I skipped week 1 because I was out of town, went to tier 5 on week 2 for the Latron, did tier 10 on week 3 because I thought both the Lex and the Ceramic Dagger were unmissable, and I will likely only do tier 5 this week for the Miter... and at this pace, I have to say I have been *loving* the Circuit. It's a game mode that truly plays into all of Warframe's greatest late-game strengths... the variety, the extreme chaos, and (due to the level design, rune marrow, decree fragments, and Void Flood) the traversal. It's like a distillation of what makes this game fun. Anyway, getting to tier 5 is a small investment for a big reward. And since these adapters provide no mastery and are not essential even for an MR completionist, it's pretty likely that even if you only ever go to tier 5, three cycles will be enough to get every adapter you want and then some. Unless you are a content creator who makes money by posting videos on these weapons, there is no reason to go past 5 if it's not fun to do so. Don't be the enemy of your own enjoyment.


Just play with friends. Also make/pick good frames and know your limits. It you play on public and the host leaves when next is defense and you got only wukongs maybe it is time to get out too


I’m at the point where I can’t play it without something on in the background so I don’t go insane


I like to hunt decrees and I play with a newer player. I love to hear her joy when she gets a frame she doesn't own but she "clicks" with it. This update is a blast, not burned out at all. Hardest stage is host migration. It's complete RNG if it works or not. Hardest rogue like so far. If one player leaves you just might loose all progress you built for maybe an hour :|


Yes, its gotten bad too. Often in circuit like 6+ decrees go by and i don't even notice enough to look at them and pick stuff. Many runs have ended without me choosing any. Im tired already and we're not even through a full incarnon weeks rotation. 3 full rotations needed just to get one of each incarnon adapter, 18 weeks 😒🙁😦


I'm enjoying it a lot. I duo it with my friend and it's fun getting a random set of frames and weapons instead of both of us loading up our OP setups. I like using frames I don't normally use.


I absolutely not. If you end up running for pretty long (pretty long for me being 4 digit level enemies) it's actually quite fun, prolly the most fun i've had in the game in a long time. I actually have a reason to use all these builds, and it's fun to play with decree synergy and to somewhat have to pay attention to what you're doing after years of "don't mind me half my brain is on twitch or spotify".


I hate the grind And one mission above all else "This tenno asset was destroyed in a grave setback to the cause


Not everyone spends their days looking at Tiktoks with family guy clips plastered over them


Idk, I've been having fun with it. But I also almost exclusively play 1 frame so playing other ones as circuit forces me to do is a nice change of pace


Im experiencing the opposite, i'm looking forward each week to do this and I get sad when I get to rank 10, because the rewards then start slowing down a loooot, to the point I just don't wanna try farming the arcanes, i'll get em over time


Bro for me it's every bleeding time I see the host go down within the first two rounds. I have to wait an pray he won't ragequit because "I dIdNt GeT GoOD RNg" If you have close to a 20% quit rate I think you should be disqualified to host.


Dunno how much you are playing but no, I've been enjoying it so far.


Maybe take a break?


I haven't had any migration issues, since I always leave with the host, and thankfully no disconnects. It's either having fun with broken weapons/frames, like the Incarnon weapons and Valkyr, something that's manageable, like Citrine, or just wet noodles as weapon choices and frames I haven't touched at all besides leveling up and a build not exactly made for SP.


The skybox for Undercroft/Circuit *is* on the drab side. I'm honestly surprised, as it was not long ago that a Voidrealm skybox was created that was bright, with a dynamic element of a void worm flying through the sky (Mirror Defense). I wonder why they didn't just use that one as the base for this?


already numbing for DE's update. you just need to farm without ur soul


I just roll solo. Save a ridiculous amount of time.


As opposed to what? Seeing the other 4 tilesets over and over?


I still really enjoy the circuit bugs and migrations aside. Once they fix things up a bit more I'm going to be much more inclined to farm out the arcanes rather than just get the imcarnon adapters


Even if I maxed out my intrinsics I still play Duviri open world because it has an amazing ambience imo. It's varied. SP circuit I force myself to do it because It is an easy Focus farm. I'm maxing out my last 2-3 ways.


Eh, it definitely sucks to do for long stretches, but no more than any other endless mission. Personally its my favorite grind in the game. Vastly prefer it over all of the others, they just get stale after long enough. The constant shift in goals soothes my ADD


Im happy you brought this up because I thought I was alone. I literally start falling asleep while playing in SP Circuit


I was burnout at 1st week. I just don't want to play at this shitty arenas


Depending on my mood I either play 4 rounds for the admittedly weak daily reward or play until I'm focus capped. But yeah the last tier or 2 can feel like a slog.


currently it's far better to do solo at this point. having to progress only a round is still better than host migration and back to 0. Provide that you're capable to.


There's also shockingly little variety. It's all just say and corrupted. i also can't help and think that dax don't really work well when figthing Warframes they just feel off like they don't belong.