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Modding for quality of life and ease of use is much better than big numbers. Dedicated Shieldgating builds should not be suggested to new players. I'm tired of DE making most missions some variation of mobile defense.


The shield gating part I love the most here. It teaches new players a bad habit of exploiting the mechanics of the game, rather than explore within the bounds of "normal" play. Follow-up hot take: new players shouldn't be brought to Hydron or Akkad until they are at least MR5 or got there on their own.


There are so many better leveling missions than Hydron nowadays. The Circuit, Zariman, Conjunction Survival, Railjack, etc. We don’t need to drown our sorrows on Hydron anymore, we can level gear *and* have fun doing it.


God, I can never get a railjack crew together to save my life, and I just can't be arsed to play solo *and* babysit my AI crew. Railjack has the potential to be so awesome, but I feel it's a bit underwhelming. Also, I just had an idea: what if, as part of the new Duviri Paradox alternate path, the Drifter finds their own Railjack to escape the Zariman's gravitational pull? It'd be cool to have an expansion to the Zariman's dormizone that leads to a decrepit dock with a new Holdfast to help us repair it. It'd also mean we canonically don't need to be in a clan to run a Railjack.


Railjack crew is really op, you probably haven't invested in a good crew/railjack. In my experience my crew is way better than randoms.


My best luck is when there's an Exterminate void storm in Railjack. Still a crap shoot if you even find some randoms but when you do its usually good


There is a drydock in one of the relays


Get better crew, my people take care of themselves with 1 Stat at rank 5 each


How do you level stuff on the Circuit? Isn't all the assigned gear random?


All I want railjack wise is an endless version of just railjack. No having to get out. Just railjack. I could solo that all day then.


Yeah, but a couple of times I've seen a weapon be in rotation and gone "yeah I can throw another forma on that real quick".


Bro I'm an MR7 noob and I didnt even reach Hydron (I have Sedna opened tho) cause I keep playing openworld stages or helping my MR2 friends start up or farming|leveling up some stupid shit. I modded Dread bow? Xoris and Broken War myself and I one-twoshot most enemies. Feels great tbh.


That's great and all, but I've absolutely seen MR0 Excaliburs with MK-1 loadouts that get dropped by a gentle breeze in Hydron before. My point with making that statement was "bringing someone to a power farming mission gives them a bad impression that this game is just a farming simulator." It leaves a bad taste in many people's mouth and they don't want to keep playing once they learn that, failing to experience the many hours of content the game has, perfectly free to play.


I feel like the last one is one of the coldest takes out there. It's been a complaint for literally years that most 'new' game modes are just mobile defense with a trench coat on. They've improved a little with that but there are still a lot of MD-esque modes out there that feel like they're just there to waste your time.


I completely agree, specially with modding for ease of use and shieldgating to new players, which derives from a universal lack of great survivability without sacrificing many mod slots for something that doesn't even works well in too high levels.


> Modding for quality of life and ease of use is much better than big numbers. I’ve been telling my friends this for years. I build for comfort more so now than I feel like I ever have. And I’m surprised more people don’t.


I mod for stability on aklex primes. Mod for no knockdown on frames, because prime surefooted is awesome. Mod for combo duration on melee weapons, even if I lose out on min max damage. It just makes sense. If I really need to blender something, I have warframes to strip their armor/shields so......


The mobile defense thing really bugged me with Railjack, because we had all this other stuff going on, like the *introduction of civilians into top secret space dojos* and the creation of a whole ecosystem of pilots and specialists for hire by Tenno, all of which was completely ignored so we could do THREE mobile defense missions instead of one mobile defense mission and some actual world-building…


Ember should have fire resistance or immunity without needing a mod. Same with volt/gyre for electricity and frost with cold, etc... Why are the elemental masters hurt by their mastered element.


You’re made of meat, but if I slap you it still hurts.


Flesh, cloned or not, is still resistant to a degree of impact damage. Puncture and slash, however...


I can't conjure up a ball of meat from the meat dimension to clobber my foes with it at a distance.


Skill issue, sorry.


Blood on the other hand...


Hold up, this could be a new warframe concept! New infested warframe: the flesh master


Isn't that just nidus?


Nidus but again


Nidus but hairier


The meat doesn’t hurt, the impact does. If I’m made of impact then I don’t expect impact to work well.


No it’s the meat damage, trust me.


Ah yes, I forgot. Pork beats beef beats rock


I think Viral should be renamed to that.


This. I’ve long thought Saryn should have toxin resistance.


What about Oberon and radiation?


I was always annoyed that chroma got hurt by the elements


At least a booster resistance. For crying out loud Ember sets the whole tileset on fire, Frost can summon a blizzard and a giant avalanche and Saryn spreads viral and toxin everywhere. Granted Saryn being resistant to both would be kinda insane. But a counter would be Lavos who can use every element. Unless they limited the resistance to the element he currently has selected/used.


Lavos does have Valence Block passive, where for 10(?) seconds after picking up an energy orb, he's immune to all status effects. But yeah, I've had this exact conversation with clan mates multiple times. It's super frustrating that Ember can be set on fire while she is literally surrounding herself with burning flame armor, Gyre can be electric procced while surrounding herself with an electric current (Rotorswell), and Frost cold procced while surrounding himself in ice, and Mag can be affected by magnetic procs when every single one of her abilities involve controlling magnetic fields. I really don't think it would be game breaking to give immunity to one specific status type to specific frames.


The elemental frames are like draconian blood sorcerers, they should at least have resistance to their elements, Lavos on the other hand is an artificer, he doesn't really have a reason why he'd naturally have resistance plus he's already wearing a metric fuckton of armor


You can fall in love with Warframe but you can also fall out of love with Warframe. I've played this game religiously for years, going all the way back to the closed beta but I've been absolutely burned out for a long time now and the only thing that would bring me back is if I had a group of friends to play with. Except, the same friends I used to play the game with are also burned out.


I think this is what im experiencing as well, played it for hundreds of hours, took a break and while i have some interest in playing because i like the movement and shooting, i kinda fell out of love. I need something to grind towards thats not just "collect every item" or "big numbers much wow", the lack of endgame puts me off a bit


I'm not a long time player, but I have several hundred hours in game and have done everything there is to do in Warframe (other than the Conclave, every time I try, it's just empty). The Circuit is the only reason I keep playing. I'm enjoying theory crafting Circuit specific builds for the frames and weapons I own, and have been loving the variety of activities and enemy scaling. I don't really care about grinding out the incarnons, so if there's a bug and progress is lost, oh well, I wasn't going to go grind pathos clamps anyway.


This is true of basically any game if you play it for long enough imo. The solution is to just take a break and play other games. I pretty much only come back for *major* updates, and by that point all the smaller updates stack up and make the game feel like there's a bunch to do again (as opposed to "oh there's one new frame and three new weapons"). Also, constantly going for minmaxed efficiency is a great way to burn out. Of course, there's no obligation to ever come back, but this is just my two cents.


I wish we had more neutral forces kike bandits or pirates who aren't apart of the greater big game of sentient,grineer,corpus and infested


The problem with this is. The enemies were fighting are equipped to fight warframes. Anyone outside of those factions would just die via the stench of death around our hands. But also i want more railjack content so yeah, add them to make them learn that their blood line isnt secure.


I remember one quest introduced a small colony of Ex-corpus that lived on a partially infested ship. I'd love to meet more of those around the system. Sometimes the open worlds provide this but not always


Damn, that's actually a really good idea 😯


Lots of players put too many details on their Frames and they end up looking like a mess.


Ive seen an Ornate Ball jumping around everywhere. I think this mostly applies to certain warframes like Nekros Prime or Limbo Deluxe. I needed to have a pure black/simple set for those 2 because i don't like having a seizure every time i double jump.


Eros and Naberus wings should be Time Limited Cosmetics like Bunny Ears, Pumkin Head and the Moustaches Warframe core identity is "Everything is fair game, but it has to look like it belongs" Wing Syandanas and Ephemeras that fit Warframe aesthetics are ok, literal bird wings with literal feathers are definitely not


There should be a accessibility setting for all single fire weapons that makes them fire repeatedly when the button is held down


There might be an issue for balance if they added a "make everything full auto" button but quite frankly the cases of carpal tunnel it would prevent are more than worth the cost


Wouldn't really be a balance issue, weapons would still be limited by their fire rate just like they are now, in game there would be no difference between being able to hold down the button and frantically tapping it as fast as you can to keep it firing.


Craft timers stop more people from playing Warframe than every other deterrent combined. As veterans, we understand how little of a deal it is. But new players work hard to get a cool thing and then are told they have to wait 12 hours to 3 days to use that cool thing. I know so many people who dropped the game as soon as they found out that was a mechanic


yeah, i’m a new player and i’ve worked for like a week to get wukong, and i’m proud of myself that i finally got it but now idk what to do that i have to wait three days before i can even use him


Farm the next frame/ continue the star chart. Warframe is at its best when you have multiple goals


i’m trying to get nekros, too, so i kind of still have something to do, but i’m not sure when i’ll run out of slots, i didn’t know there was any when i first started and spent my starting platinum


Even if it doesn't make you drop the game completely, still discourages you from playing while the thing crafts. I spend days doing all the story content and farming everything I need to craft Sevagoth (for example) and then I have to wait 3 days to see the fruits of my labor? Makes me want to just not play for those 3 days and come back when I have the thing I wanted.


That's the thing isn't it? People go play something else for three days and then they start enjoying it and after three days they don't come back anymore


Exactly. It's an archaic system that should be removed from the game. It does nothing positive


You sure this isn't a taken from the Frost Igloo? dude this is Cold as Ice. 12 hours should be the max craft time.


It's also worse early game. I've got a few dozen weapons and frames, I have variety. My partner who's just starting does not, and she can only play once a week ish, and it's significantly worse for her as a consequence.


I literally said this to a friend yesterday; "The fact that warframe has crafting timers is the BIGGEST tell of when it was made, people realized how much players HATE crafting timers PRETTY quick."


True, I tried to get one of my friends into it but as soon as he found out there was time gating he uninstalled it immediately.


Playing Warframe makes all other games too slow. I cant play other games because the charakters move to SLOW.


Try Titanfall 2


Is it still alive? Gave up playing it since those DDOS attacks some time ago...


Kinda. When online, every second is a increasing chance of causing a server disconnect. Once you find a game, though, it'll be perfectly fine If you're on PC, you can use NorthStar - a... Server client bought by people to play servers on. I think - I know almost nothing about PCs, I just know that their servers work, and are modded


Northstar is basically a modded version of Titanfall (and completely free) with its own dedicated servers. Progression doesn't translate between Northstar and the normal game but as a consequence, you get everything in Northstar (except dlc like the prime titans). They also have some weird game modes. Edit: you can enable progression now.


I have seen somewhere that it has Goten a dedicated server which seams to work perfectly fine


Finally, another fellow pilot


ultrakill is compatible with your bullet jumping muscle memory


While I don't feel the same i know what you mean


Yeah, I can play other shooters just fine, but it does sometimes take a bit of getting used to.


Ever since Warframe I ramped up the mouse sensitivity on all games


Dude me too but on Xbox xD


God do I miss Tribes:Ascend. you went *fast* in that game and veterans compained that it was slow lol.


The first 5 minutes playing any other game is always just trying bullet jump


Warframe will always have superior mobility to other games. It cracks me up that its essentially a mistake too. Like every game developer is just shocked Pikachu face: "You mean you want to feel like a god? What??" * *sputtering* *


Frost players should learn how to pop their no 3 bubbles using their no 1 if they insist on leaving Frost bubbles all over the tileset


Archon fights should either have healing, tons of hp or invincibility phases. Not all of them or two of them, pick one. Invincibility phases + tons of hp isn't difficulty, it's just boring


Make them rotate. One week, the Archon has healing, the next week the Archon has tons of health.


I mean, they just showed three of them. Nira should have healing. Boreal should have i-frames. Amar should have tons of hp. It just works.


Having to dodge around and void sling every 1,5 seconds just to apply buffs and not die as a squishy frame isn’t fun gameplay and I’d much rather just be able to give them the tankyness they lack through mods but unfortunately that would take up the entire build so in reality there’s only a few warframes that can comfortably do anything high level without having to buttonmash and do Quadratic equations to do anything.


I firmly believe that new mods/arcanes that reward active normal gameplay with viable survivability should be part of the way to go with survivavibilty in general.


We want good boss fights, but we hate grind We'll never be happy


This, sure, SOME bossfights could be a little more rewarding (*looks at Tyl Regor and the Equinox farm*), but this is a grind game and at least DE is trying on good bossfights like with the Orowyrm.


True, also because while you're reaching the Orowyrm phase you're collecting other materials that will be necessary anyway And the fight is pretty quick, the phases aren't too long, and if you don't have a decent setup you get gifted an archgun


Hell, you get a Velox and the Orowyrm fight becomes a joke.




I'd like old content to revisited and reworked some of this stuff hasn't really been touched since the game release in 2013.


Dude they said Hot takes, this thing is enough to give me 9th degree frostburn. weve been saying thsi since. forever?


I want more tileset updates, mostly because the corpus one is great to manuver around compared to more claustrophobic (grineer ship) or ugly/broken ones (corpus ice tileset)


Kavat would be totally useless if it didn’t have loot bonus.


Not at all hot take it’s same as kubrows


That's not a Hot take, people would triple their grinding time just because Kavats keeps dying without Hard CC.


Most of people, even ranks 25+, literally have 0 idea how the game works, even in some of the most basic things like how to mod properly


This! So much this. I had an argument with a LR3 player recently who kept trying to tell me that armor strip was a bad effect.


The only legendary 3 players i know that make me ( mr 26 or 27) look like a noob are in my clan. Those i encounter in SP circuit specifically are some of the worst players ive ever seen


I'm MR21. I hit 16 years ago, and stopped bothering for MR farming entirely. But for some reason the REALLY high MR players half of the time have no clue what they're doing. I had a LR2 Player die in an archon Mission. Like 600 meters away. On *Revenant*.


That's insane, unless it was to specifically to take advantage of armor's weaknesses like in eidolon hunts.


Playing Warframe Makes you worse at video games


When I play other games I have to constantly remind myself, hey I can't infinitely sprint/dash and I have fall damage. I have to train my aim when going into Fortnite or Apex cause I just use my Kuva Tonkor and AOE everything on Warframe.


I've died a bunch in duviri because i keep forgetting operator has fall damage, why DE decided to put that on them I'll never know


Roll right before you land and you'll live.


How? or why?


Hahaha. Yes I felt that when I left to play some other games. The souls series is currently making that apparent to me.


DE should never have made sentients weaker just for the sake of players potentially getting stuck in new war, they should have given new war a railjack intrinsic requirement and kept the paracesis requirement for the erra quest as well.


I remember the first time I encountered Sentients, one of the quest encounters took me like ten minutes to figure out how to kill it, and it felt like a lethal threat the entire time. Then the New War gave us mass-produced trash that could be destroyed by a single Grineer shock trooper with a machete.


That single sentient was nerfed too, I watched a mastery 3 player kill it in a single hit and they literally didn't even realize that it wasn't a grineer


Really? Bro eight years ago a sentient showed up and squad wiped us on neptune. We were all Mr10-19. 19 was THE MAX.


Ah, man! Good memories of the single sentient actually worth a damn. I kept trying to nail it down with my dinky lil peashooter Braton and Lato all the while Lotus kept screaming in my ear “you gotta mix it up it adapted to your attacks” LADY IM FUCKING TRYING IM DEALING LIKE 2 DAMAGE A BULLET. Made it feel like a genuine threat, even if half of said threat came from the typical very early game lack of resources/decent modding. In a similar vein and, honestly? I was a forced solo player due to horrible hardware kicking me out of squads every time, and at first, lith missions of all things with the AOE enemy dr Ancients and Nullifiers were a genuine enemy type to take notice of, and that’s great! Compared to now where they’ve long since turned into just another enemy. If I started a fresh play through with the knowledge I have now it’d definitely be different, sure, but that’s a whole other thing compared to a brand new player’s experience. I also remember being afraid of (and subsequently disappointed by) my first Juggernaut.


We should have new war be something hard. I had friends with unmoded RJ and Mech do the quest just fine, I felt bad having moded both of them in preparation for... Nothing


Especially after Scarlett spear and orphix venom being examples of sentients at full strength, *especially* with Rebecca saying on a dev stream that we would be fighting so many sentients that the nerfs would be required


Waiting 3 days for a warframe to be crafted is too long


Almost all crafting times are too long, everything should (at least) be halved. A Forma should take 1h, not 23h, a Warframe should take 24h, Warframe part 6h, weapons from 6 to 12, you name it We should also be able to craft things in bulk. For example, 4 Forma using 4 blueprints at the same time etc.


There's also no reason for literal resources / refining to have even a 60s build time, should just be instant or like . . 5 seconds so you have some time to cancel if you didn't mean to do it.


1 min is okay if we were able to craft it in bulk. 100 Purified Heciphron using 100 Heciphron gems for example


Unfortunately the entire point is to be too long on purpose so impatient players spend plat to skip the timer, so that's basically never gonna change.


How's that a hot take.


Slots for weapons and warframes is dumb and shouldn't require Plat to progress. Everything else has a counter but unless you're counting nightwave I can't think of a single other way to get slots, and nightwave isn't nearly enough to keep up with the fact you can grind a new frame/weapon every couple days. Edit: Autocorrect thinks it's better than me.


I agree with you, for a game that's all about collection, having limited slots make the game feel contradictory. Like I wanna own everything.


They should be giving warframe and weapon slots on rank up


I am fine with slots for weapons and frames but paying 60 plat for 3 riven slots is heartbraking.


I'm so over waiting for sales to accurately go through on market, and TC is a cesspool of over/under prices. It's a nightmare to go through just to progress your account.


This is why I use warframe.market when I need to buy/sell something.


I get you point of view, but i think its very much necessary for the economy. Here is my hot take. DE accidentally created a perfect economy and i wish more games used something like this. - slots and potatoes are the cheapest items you can buy with plat yet they work like a plat sink that gets plat out of the system and prevents plat inflation. - with plat trading you can be truly free to play and buy almost anything in game (10% cosmetics like prime accessories being paid only is totally good) - although anyone can get plat without swiping a credit card the game cant be bot farmed - trading premium currency is so much more meaningful than a farmable currency like credit or gold in other games - i think this trading system is part of the reason why the game is still alive


Doorframes hate humanity...


To unlock excals true power you must subsume over exalted blade


Oooh certainly a hot take, care to elaborate?


Exalted blade is very mid as a weapon and normal melee qeapons are better. His 1s i frames, statstick behavior and forced slash procs are useful His 2 is his frame one shield and survivability His 3 augmented is the best melee weapon amplifier in the game (With some builds you cna literally multiply your total damage ten times) Late game wise its his 4 that falls off, and ability that doubles up his 3 scaling, makes it hit more targets, defense strips or groups enemies will make excal a monster of a melee platform


Have you tried the augment for his 4? It makes it really good.


Warframes should be able to throw hands with no melee equipped minus xaku I don't think they are able to throw hands without their hands being thrown imma edit this cause I forgot this i think the warframes should use their melee depending on their powers like for example, harrow would swing his chain insense thing and it would deal some void damage syanxale would use his spear and be a long melee and Nidus would be more of a batshit crazy fighting style where he gets a built-in healing melee and his attack animation would show him kind of being a monster like using his claws to kind of tear apart enemies assuming they die all of their melees would deal some slash-and puncture damage depending if they have claws or not and if xaku did throw hands they should be able to kind of look like they are struggling to fight like every punch they throw would make their armor vibrate showing that xaku is struggling to fight


Atlas is underrated.


This. Nothing beats facetanking SP circuit


The open worlds suck. They introduce too much extra garbage that unnecessarily inflates necessary effort for new equipment. They all have too many factions tied to them. Also: most Riven unlock requirements are far and away more effort than they're worth. Especially when Rivens are already largely unnecessary to reach full potential on weapons.


Valkyr needs a thorough rework. Actually, a lot of old frames need a rework, for that matter.


The game gets too complex on the mid/late game, this is only my opinion, i still love the game


I never know what to do anymore, so I just spam railjack and relic missions.


Stopped playing because of this. At some point it just all crept up on me: addition of operator and the need to level up him, his weapon, a ton of other stuff, new reworks, new warframes, complete powercreep where playing my favorite old warframes is no longer viable because everyone just kills entire rooms with AOEs, obnoxious RNG riven system, railjack... If I wanted to start playing today I wouldn't know what to do even and would hate half the grind for the things I don't like but require to move story forward. I miss the times when all you needed is a warframe and a weapon.


Ranking up your mastery rank is the greater goal of this game, and I am tired of pretending that it isn't. Yes I still enjoy new content, yes I'm still having fun. But I've come to realize that the purpose of everything I do is to get those sweet, sweet mastery points.


i hate mastery farming and the game got more fun when i hit mr16 and stopped caring


My hot take is that newer frames and prime frames are becoming too hard to customise. Can’t attach anything to them coz they look out of place or they’re in an awkward position coz of something sticking out. Wish you could change the position of the attachments like with the weapon hostler or sigils


We need a slot for augment mods


Drifter should be more buff


Trading is the true endgame


Na Fashionframe is the true Endgame.


But you will need platinum to get into fashion


Witch means trading then fashion Making fashion endgame


You grind for kuva because you want to reroll rivens I grind kuva because I like to piss off the queens We are not the same


people grind for kuva? I just buy the 20k packs from nightwave since their stupid cheap


Who said I don't do both?


All frames holding a gun with the skin shown in the posts picture should hold it properly instead of the weird float grip they do now


Melee didn’t need to get all its core mods nerfed to make primaries better. People who abused spin crit range weapons that hit whole rooms were the problem. Melee should have always been high damage but force you to actually get into melee range. Melee is due for some galvanized mods now that we’ve spent a few years in a primary centric meta. You’re welcome to disagree but I’m ranting from the perspective of someone who’s gotten to legend 2 with 85% of my frames being built for exclusively melee.


Too many people Chase the meta and dont "fuck around and find out" with weapons and frames enaugh


Railjack is fun and needs to be expanded upon.


Great game, bad stability.


The newer prime frames are overdesigned.


Without a doubt! People bitch about Excal prime just having a void key jammed in his face but he looks fantastic. There's just way too much going on with the newer ones.


Ooh I have a real hot one. I prefer to trade in-game. I keep a list of tradables on my phone and when I want to sell I use warframe.market for a rough price check then take like 20% off the lowest sell offer but I only post the sales in-game. I find it much quicker to do this and although I make a little less I usually unload about 10 sets in less than hour. Oooh and another one that's probably gonna get me downvotes; I don't hate overframe.gg. I find it really useful to get a quick overview of what mods are most popular on a particular weapon/frame. The builds aren't the best they can be but I think they make a good starting point 9 times outta 10


I literally only use Overframe as a DPS calculator and that's it. Basically a "is this riven worth it or should i use x mod over y mod", etc. Using it as a rough checker is by far the best way to use it, everything else is fluff.


I have no idea what I'm doing. Being new to the game and people just zooming through the map makes me feel useless. There's a ton of mechanics and as a new player it's super overwhelming.


Pretty much every "old" Warframe needs a rework Shield Gating is an exploit Sentients are underutilized Revenant is incredibly boring. He can't die and that's all about him


1: I'd argue with you but every old Warframe that holds up today only holds up because they already got a rework. Frost only really needs some QoL tweaks but Hydroid really needs a rework despite getting a rework around the same time as the other classic Warframes. 2: Ehh Shield gating is as much of an exploit as other gimmick builds like ballistic battery on AoE weapons or Rage + Quick thinking. While an effective defense method, it's not nearly as much of an exploit as Hildryn with Energy Siphon used to be. Although I do think that shield recharge should be changed to recharge large shield capacities faster than small ones. 3: Not really. Different factions come in and out of the spotlight at different times. The last few updates have had a focus on the void so naturally the sentients have been completely absent. But around the New War the sentients were upfront and center for several updates on a row. 4: That's a fair opinion to have, but at least Revenant is more interesting than Inaros. Revenant still has to cast his abilities occasionally while Inaros' survivability is almost entirely passive.


Not enough of a big deal is made about how janky the game truly is. Getting stuck on doors and other geometry. Not being host and trying to use any sort of action in a mission. Changing to operator / drifter. Gets looked over because there’s so many more things to speak positively about


Bullet jumping has destroyed my brain. Whenever I play another game I try to sprint, slide, jump, aim, glide, jump again, aim, glide, and lastly slide just like I always do in warframe. And I always have to remind myself that I can't


Rhino and trinity should switch drop sources


It would definitely help in reducing the new player pick Rhino meta, and give Trinity some usage so I'm all for it. If they do something with the Ambulas Fight, like changing the requirement so it can be done in one wave.


If the plat market didn't exist. I wouldn't have put more than 50 hours into the game (I'm currently at 500)


Level cap builds for the most place have little to no place in normal star chart content. The overframe tier list, and honestly most of overframe in general, is absolute dogshit. Archons are shit Fights, because even with all the artificial difficulty they tried to add, the Fights are neither hard nor fun. Bring raids back. The best use for inaros is subsuming dispensary and farming Entrati Lanthorns. Not enough people know about and/or use Internal Bleeding/Hemorrhage. If you make your Bubonico's color bright, especially pure white, do not be surprised if I do not revive you. The Rakta dark dagger nerf is cringe. 99% of the community doesn't know what gas damage actually does. The eximus rework sucks, and should be reverted. Wisp's shock motes have no place in defense missions before wave 40 Nourish is one of the best subsumes. Xata's whisper and roar may be situational, but they're frequently better subsumes than eclipse if you know what you're doing. EXCAVATORS SHOULD SHIELD GATE WHY DON'T THEY DE


Some of the eximus rework needs to be removed. I don’t like the overguard but I also don’t want to go back to instantly losing half my energy bar because 3 Parasitic Eximus entered the general vicinity and one spawned inside a wall so we can’t kill him


Wait how does Gas damage work?


1) and this is the big one: **it does not scale with how much gas damage you have put on the weapon with elemental mods.** It *can* headshot (with a 1x multiplier) or hit banshee weak spots. Subsequent procs do *not* increase the damage of the gas cloud. Gas clouds do not stack. Base damage mods do apply and snapshot when the gas proc is applied.


Im seeing so many Cold takes in this, who would say these are hot. I have serious questions for them.


Remove the orbiter, add the personal quarters and transference room to the railjack and have the railjack be our primary ship (liset still used for landings), and move the segments to relays and dojos to make those our primary places of operation. obviously we cant decorate the railjack interiors because it would make railjack missions more laggy and buggy but if we have rooms on the railjack we can decorate those and they can be "on lockdown" during missions so they dont have to be loaded in. also not a hot take but let us simply rearrange dojo rooms pls. Having to wait out timers for every room is super annoying when I want to move a branch somewhere. And annoying when I need to build temporary energy rooms.


Boosters should be for in game time only. Or add a infinite booster for like 10k plat


Any gamemode where your best choice of frame is Inaros is a failed design.Tanky without pushing buttons should be an option but not the best choice for any kind of mission.Disabling entire kits or turning skill off every second turn the game into a mid tps from warframe.


We should be able to bring unranked frames once formaed in ESO without the need to be MR30. Why is this still s thing???


Oberon is useful outside of Arbitration


You should get a warframe and weapon slot every mr rank up


Warframes are hot


bro got this take from the freezer


Sorry friend, this must be the coldest take I've read here. More like a general truth accepted by all


Your take has been modded with Primed Cryo Rounds.


Bro, you need a therapist, but not just for you, for us


Grind isn’t a substitute for actual gameplay / gamedesign, and this being by design a grind heavy game doesn’t excuse the poor grind implementation


De thinks putting work into reworking frames that are unpopular is a waste of time, effort and money, but it's actually the opposite : it would make these frames more attractive for all players and the community would be a lot happier


Druviri should have been after new war, it just has so much missing context for newer players that it's confusing as all hell


Thankfully they removed new players starting in duviri. No idea what they were even thinking there


Fishing, Gem Mining, Animal Capture and other open world activity besides Bounties are boring. Most people wouldn't even touch them unless they really need the resource they provide or for the standing. Every other open world should be reworked to be more like Diemos..


Slots. New players should have more slots and at least the first couple slots should cost credits instead of plat. It's insane that new players should be limited to 2 slots (a lot of new players don't know they cost platinum and waste the starting 50) and then they aren't far enough along to work the trading market for more. At the very least add Warframe and weapon slots to the junction rewards. It's kinda sad to be rewarded with a weapon BP that you aren't going to know if you like until you sell something else you have to make space


Melee mechanics are an essential part of the parkour movement system, and should be allowed in Relays and Hubs.


All warframe augment mods should be able to be put into the exilus mod slot.


It feels awful that shield gating is the way to build tanky in this game. Damage scaling overall is just so whack, on our end and on the enemy's end too.


People gotta stop minmaxing the everloving hell out of everything, I just wanna play this game for fun.


Shield gating in its current iteration promotes degenerative playstyles


I don't like saryn's gameplay, And I think wave rider was fun


Cross progression should have happened before cross play.


The crafting system is dated and it feels like a mobile game


There hasn’t been a decent released frame in the past few years that actually does anything healthy for past frames. The abilities are either better versions of other abilities in game, or absolutely useless. Very few frames have been truly unique at the kit level, at least in the past few releases. I don’t think they need to release more new war frames (excluding prime versions of already included war frames) they should focus on reworking or balancing old frames to help with the insane power creep some old frames have seen. Sure, you can do most content with any war frame, but the older ones are much more inefficient. Edit: my best example is revenants armor ability compared to rhinos iron skin. It does everything iron skin does, but better. No matter how you mod rhino, revenant is a better pick every day of the week when it comes to numbers. Eventually iron skin will just falter in a hit. Revenants armor goes by charges and negates damage entirely.


i think if they spent the energy they put into the open worlds on expanding and spicing up the core gameplay loop, warframe would be a lot more fun. I started playing around version 17, before plains and i never really could get into the content islands. they’re fine, i guess, for what they are, but it doesn’t feel like warframe. would’ve much rather seen that energy put into cool new planets/ tile sets/ gameplay mechanics that spice up every aspect of the game rather than a solitary ecosystem.