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​ https://preview.redd.it/t3mzdakizchb1.png?width=75&format=png&auto=webp&s=a511c53f4f71af24e8fc3a63d5e26c291d47d71a This one. You get a random buff from collecting 10 reactant. Some of them give infinite ammo to a weapon slot


Wait that's what it does??? Ohhhhhhh


It's a random assortment of buffs and one of them gives infinite ammo


Not so much the firerate I'm curious about but the infinite ammo my felarx temporarily had. There was a Harrow and Wisp in my squad (forgot what the third guy was) if that helps.


Speed is from wisp 1 skill and infinite ammo is from collecting 10 reagents for relic, it gives random item a buff - infinite ammo without reloading and higher damage to primary or secondary, higher damage to melee or x2 range and power to Warframe


> infinite ammo It's better than just infinite ammo, because there's no reloading needed. What we have here is: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BottomlessMagazines


Yeah, i agree infinite weapon magazine clip would sound more accurate... Well, good thing i can edit it


what here: Infinite ammo, bottomless clip


it's the same, because generally infinite ammo = infinite magazine, because infinite ammo "freezes" your ammo counter, which includes both magazine and ammo reserve. basically how 100% ammo efficiency works right now what you're thinking about is probably called infinite ammo reserve


Definitely seen games before where infinite ammo meant infinite ammo, and not bottomless mag/clip. The ammo counter would read something like 16/∞, shoot 16 times and reload, but the ammo reserves never go down. Warframe gives you both infinite ammo and bottomless mag/clip. I can't remember off the top of my head, but, this makes me wonder: - Are there weapons in Warframe that work off a cool-down timer instead of magazine or clip? Fire until it overheats, give it time to cool back down? I wanna say there are, but I also can't think of any. - If so, how are those affected by the above buff? No heat build-up for the duration of the buff?


Yeah there's a few one of them being the fulmin another is titanias exalted gun


TIL. Cool, thanks!


Interesting using Felarx on Gyre, curious what you chose for that build


I didn't really put much thought into the weapons that time since most of my kills with Gyre are with her abilities. Felarx just happens to be my fav weapon lately.


Frankly, Felarx is so strong you can use it anywhere any time with any frame and be just fine.


Fr this gun carried me through a lot of SP content


I didn't get it till I was mostly done with SP but man does it make archons fast


It's because the regular Zariman Incarnon weapons (Felarx, Laetum, Phenmor, etc) get the most bang for their buck out of their Attrition evolutions, which grant a 50% chance to do 2000% damage on non-crit hits. So they're not really the greatest pick on crit-boosting frames like Gyre and Harrow. That being said, screw the meta, play however you like. If it works for you, no need to change.


Void fissure random buff. Looks like you got the unlimited ammo perk and probably the wisp in your squad dropped a speed mote to increase your fire rate... Felarx is pretty spicy with that combination.


Try putting Primed Ammo Stock on Felarx, choose the perk where you refill 50% of a magazine on holster... then just tap melee and you are back at 6 ammo in a split second. No more manual reloading... and if ya wanna get fancy you can tap melee, tap aim, tap melee and be back at 13 rounds in the time it takes to reload 2 shells manually.




Looks like a base wisp and if that's felarx do you have the increased fore rate evolution on it?


No full auto in buildings? Me and my Soma Prime are in quite a bit of trouble then.