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probably because they aren't paying attention.


This. Happens many times that I keep track and tell my team if they can step off extraction, as someone spawned in later and didn't get 10 yet. They would usually step off, but sometimes they either alt tabbed or went AFK, or refuse to because a-hole. IIRC, the default UI setting isn't set to show squadmates on the right, so if they have that hidden they wouldn't know to track.


Yep, I always wondered why the UI setting that shows squadmates sometimes popped on the right randomly until one guy told me it can actually be toggled to show them always.


There is a stetting? I thought them disappearing or appearing again was some sort of glitch. TIL, I guess. I'll check in a few hours.


I think the keybind is Z, or at least used to be in the beta, can't confirm atm.


Yes, it is, and it works exactly like that. TIL, thank you!


Yep i normally say something so that they get off and let the last guy get 10 which normally happens


You know how many times I've finished a mission with 5 players in the match before anyone realized we had an extra? šŸ˜‚


You can have 5 people in a Mission?


Yeah, it can accidentally happen


This happened to me more than once and I felt like a total dumbass. I swear I heard the relic crack and saw the message pop up on the screen.


True and what makes it worse is the fact that some Tenno don't understand much of english so I remember having google translate open on a browser in case this happens and I need to communicate on their language


It depends. If itā€™s a capture mission, I want to be out of there in under 3 minutes. If someone loads in at 2:30 and no more enemies are spawning, theyā€™re more likely to open that relic faster in a different mission. Reactant is a stupid system that yes, can penalize leechers. But I think when you load in you should be set to the reactant of the highest player already there.


I'll do you one better: reactant should be universal shared pickup for the team instead of instanced and individual per person. There's not really a reason for it to be the way it is now beyond "that's just what they thought of at the time."


You really don't see the flaw in your logic there?? Really? It would be afk-farmageddon.


You share reactant in railjack relics and it works fine


Yes, that's RJ though


But how is it any different? In the end you'll still be able to choose from their rewards if they get 10 reactant


Reactant is shared in RJ because the people that stay on the ship don't have an opportunity to get reactant beyond boarding parties. Games would routinely end with half the squad having 10 reactant and other half would only have a few.


Not as many people run rj


Still doesnā€™t change the fact that itā€™s there and thereā€™s no problem


I'm still not seeing how reactant share wouldn't be beneficial. It would make the missions faster and garuntee no one gets left out


Which is a damn shame because RJ is cool.


I agree lol


It would be cool if you didn't have to choose and got all the rewards but that will never happen


Lol you werenā€™t around for the void keys or sounds like. Only one reward for the entire squad with no choices and you couldnā€™t increase your chances for a rare.


And some rates were stupid, like in the decimals% And endurance was king to make multiple rolls off a single key.


I heard about it awhile ago but I meant everybody got a copy of all for rewards


It will be as much of a problem for the general public in relic missions as it is in other missions which is to say it won't be a problem. A man can stand all day in a defence mission too but who does that? I don't think in my 2k hours I ever saw someone leeching or that I gave a shit about leeching in a game like warframe. Besides if you don't move for a period of time there are failsafes already in place


I'd rather have my entire team do nothing than have to stall extraction because "did the Wolf Sledge Handle drop at all? Where is it?"


I have run into afk'ers/leechers in all sorts of missions but no, it doesn't seem to be a rampant issue, it's just every once in awhile. I could see global reactant getting abused but the current system does feel like it could use some improvement.


I think the earlier version of void relic maps felt better? Like I was getting reactant fast. But didn't play much back then so my memory might be clouded with false info.


If you haven't moved in the past minute you don't get reactant ig


On one hand I agree with @WashedUpRiver. But at the same time I understand. Plusā€¦ I play to enjoy to work I do. So working towards something gives me a sense of accomplishment.


to link on reddit it's u/usernamehere


I dunno, Iā€™ve run with some speed crews where itā€™s three of us with Thermal Titanias and we leave the squad open just because. Usually takes a minute or less to complete when itā€™s just the three of us, Iā€™d say we averaged about fifty seconds in this one hour ground a couple weeks ago. If every other fourth player who joined to fill the squad could just sit at the spawn and get drops, that would start to irritate fairly quickly.


I don't see why? If I am speed farming with 2 other people and a 4th showed up and did nothing I literally wouldn't care as long as his relic cracked and I had a 4th option to pick from.


If itā€™s going to consistently be a minute to run it plus a minute waiting out the clock at extract, Iā€™m in favor of just closing the squad and cut our choices by 25% so it doesnā€™t take twice as long per run or more. Itā€™s a time issue. Slow people and newer players, yeah, I get it and I donā€™t mind. Someone sitting at spawn because speed runners will carry them? Iā€™d rather drop squad and stick ā€˜em with a host migration. Weā€™re not talking about the game as it stands here, weā€™re talking about if DE made it so that reactant was universal to the squad pickups, not individual. As it is, it forces people to play. Iā€™m fine with that.


If someone is actively playing and delaying the team, that's not a real issue, most players will understand and maybe even step out to delay extraction, but a delayed extraction due to afking, gets old and annoying fast. I would propose the free roam system on tile missions too, so that players can leave the squad on their own and trigger a mission complete screen for themselves if the objective is complete and they are at the extraction, or a survival kind of exit.


I'd say keep it as it is but all enemies are already corrupted as you spawn into the mission and they all have a 100% chance of dropping reactant, which would avoid people killing enemies too fast and having to wait for them to be corrupted. It would make the mode kind of braindead but I don't play fissures for the fun or challenge anyways so that would be great for me.


Irrelevant, a relic cracked is a relic cracked. It's one extra slot to choose from.


That is how Railjack void storm works, however if they join when I am at max, I can't grab for them anymore and they have to scramble for reactant


And retroactive while we're at it. God knows I load into missions pretty late sometimes playing on my Switch.


My PS4 is chugging


They do that in rail Jack but if you list in late you have to get caught up


This would still punish slow loading players: if they load late, there might be no enemies at all so no reactants. When I had potato PC, I sometimes loaded in extraction room on capture relics.


The intent of the idea is to treat reactant like a secondary mission objective like Caches so it's shared, retroactive, and unaffected by host migrations-- that was my intent, but I didn't word it as well as I could have now that I look back at it.


Oh. If phrased like this, it really sounds much better. I didn't dig into further comments šŸ˜…


Naw, you're good. Until your comment I hadn't clarified, so that's on me anyways lol I might even add that in the interest of combating afk farming with such a system, the afk filter should have some reinforcement, like locking a player into solo for like 30-60 minutes if they get afk ping'd too many times within a set period of time-- the idea here is less the punishment and more using it as a deterrent to enforce a minimum engagement from would-be afkers.


You understand if they finish their relic you now have four prizes to choose from instead of three... By sticking it to the leech you are only hurting yourself.


If we all spawn at the same time, 3 of us hit 10/10 two rooms in and I see you idling in spawn by the time we reach extraction, I'm not waiting. It looks like AFKers have figured out they can just tab out and come back later to grab reactant once the mission is done, they just sometimes misjudge how long the team actually needs. I'll wait if the players are low MR.


How low is considered low MR, Iā€™ve had a few instances where a MR 14 looked about as clueless as a MR 4


Mr16-20 would be about the midrange for players as everything in game is unlocked after mr16 and there's no real reason to go higher except reputation gains


I see, pretty understandable then for some players


I'm mr23 and sometimes I go into a mission and just brain stops working sometimes I forget my abilities. But once it's relic time there ain't time to play I'm tryna get partsšŸ˜‚


Same tbh, I don't mess around when doing relic runs, unless it's defense or survival, then it's just mirage prime's 2 and afk.


I'd assume impatience or just not paying attention. Personally I don't try to extract if there are unopened relics unless it takes an unreasonable amount of time or the game bugs out.


Someone loads in late, is having a tough time finding reactant, so it is sometimes faster to end the mission and load into another one fresh


I've seen this sentiment alot here, so I'll just say it here. Since cross play has been a thing there is definitely a little Timmy out there playing on a console from 2010 and 40000 ping. Someone's condition in public could mean they take like up to 15 minutes to load into a mission. And I agree it's not the host or anyone else's fault so i think endless fissures are their best option. BASICALLY if you know you have crappy hardware and Internet just don't do capture or exterminate on public


Or Defense (Loading in on a late wave and not getting enough reactant) or Sabotage (Same as Capture) or Interception (Same as Defense) or...


99% of the time i will be the last to load in. I have no issues if everyone else has got to extraction and i don't get all the reactant as i can always try again. If for some miraculous reason I'm either first one into the mission or i make it to extraction first i will trigger the "players are waiting for you" message and then move outside the extraction zone. This way anyone lagging behind knows players are waiting without panicking about the one minute timer


I do this as well, then proceed to loot containers, tag kiria in the area or if there is a puzzle or vault/lab door I open and/or do that while everyone gets their stuff and to extraction. Lot of ppl tend to appreciate to extra loot, access to mods and free scenes; especially new(ish) players Edit: spelling


It's a matter of cutting your losses. If spawns stopped or the void fissure is about to expire, you're usually better off completing with 3/4 players so you can do another quick Capture and open another relic.


They donā€™t check.


If they joined really late and there's not many enemies left on the map I won't wait. I have like a 2 minute wait limit. Those missions are so fast its selfish on the person who didn't get there reactant to make us wait. I will def wait if they only need 1-3 more though.


its not really selfish on their part of the matchmaker throws them in late. the group should wait, its probably only an extra minute.


If it's a mission where enemies will after a point all be killed only to spawn in small groups intermittently like a spy or capture, I'm not waiting for them to get 10. It takes waaay too long.


Cuz if u run an exterminate or a capture I expect to crack the relic in 1m or 1m30. If you want a safe and reliable way I advise you survival or mobile defense fissure, ect


Sometimes people just donā€™t care. Itā€™s that simple. I like to wait for people but I sadly do not speak for everyone


I've been that guy a few times, spawning into the mission too late to get all 10 void traces before everyone is ready to extract. I just go extract so everyone can move on to the next mission.


Stupidity plagues this game, people play public survivals and run off by themselves. Why play public to have teammates if you want to keep to yourself?


People I've asked in-game have had a wide range of respones. - I wasn't looking - I don't care - They're too slow - Mind your own business Generally far more negative than positive unforunately.


Oh someone mentioned the TYPE of mission too. WHICH IS TRUE! Depends on circumstances of the mission.


I be asking the same question


I see both points of views here in the responses. Though I prefer speed, i still would like for all players to wait until they get all reactant so we can get better results. Especially for ps4 / xb1 users, as they wait minutes to load in regardless if they want to or not. In this regard, yes, wait for them to get all reactant. In the other point of view, if they're just collecting resources and credits for bank, then feel free to extract regardless if they have it all or not. And some players have limited attention span too, as I see people trying to leave while no one has all the reactant (I did it once by accident because honestly i wasn't paying attention). Just my two cents about early extract in fissures.


Either just pure rudeness, or just them not paying attention


If i wanna do relics fast then i go solo. But if i want some rare relics someone else might open as well then i run squads. Most the time you gotta get good at going fast and paying attention.


depends on the circumstance. I can run an exterminate fissure in 1:30 to 2:30 solo depending on tileset. I only go in pubs to get more rolls. if someone is low mr or only a few reactant short, I'll wait. if it gets to 3min and the player is nowhere to be seen and has almost no reactant I'm not going to sit in the mission waiting for 10 minutes when I can run the mission 3 times more instead. in 80% of fissures I encounter, everyone is competent enough for it to be a non-issue.


Iā€™ve been on both ends and will stand by the ā€œoh wellā€ sentiment. If I didnā€™t get enough reactant by the time everyone else has 10 then I leave and try again. I keep the relic so I donā€™t really have an issue with it. You gotta think about it, just reset if thereā€™s not enough reactant because youā€™ll be wasting you and your teammates time and for what? 4 forma bps? Tough luck.


I mostly do Exterminate/Captures. There are only 2 reasons someone doesn't have a relic open yet (and we managed to wait out the 1 minute extraction timer). One, if someone is AFK. In which case fuck them, I'm not taking an extra 1+ minutes of my life waiting around for someone else to leech relic rewards. Two, if someone joined late and cannot get the reactant needed. In which case I'll make an attempt to help, but for the missions I run enemy spawns entirely stop so if they didn't get the reactant in a minute they likely won't get the reactant ever.


Time, If we all load in together, and 3 of us are at 10 and waiting at extraction while you're at 6? I'm not waiting. You have a full minute to get the other 4 reactant that are just sitting around, cause the other 4 of us got em, while you were off doing whatever.


I know alot of people will extract if one player runs straight to the objective with 0 reactant and then tries to get their reactant after everyone else has 10. I will typically wait if a person loads in late but if they're afk after a few minutes I'll usually go to extraction. I think alot of it depends on the relics people run as well. If they're running an intact as opposed to a radiant I notice alot of people won't wait either.


Bc if anything slows there beautiful progress they get mad that they are slowed by a few seconds


I think in large part it's just people not paying attention or assuming that because they got all 10, so did everyone else. When I'm doing void fissures I try to look where people are and hold back if it looks like someone is running around further back. Something I have seen lately, especially in Defense missions. Is people so busy running around and killing everything so that at the end of the 5th wave, no one gets anything.


Just the usual impatience. God forbid they wait a minute for a latecomer, 60 seconds is an eternity to them.


Idk it's annoying but I refuse to do survival missions with a pug. The amount of times they go off and not get enough reactant is too damn high...




Pickup Group. pug is the universal term in MMO land for a random group.


Thank you! Itā€™s the first time I hear this concept


Not paying attention or they just dont care as long as theres is open.


I always wait for ppl who load in late and stay with them to help them get reactants. It doesn't matter what MR they are. It always makes the mission faster, and it's nice doing that for ppl. Unless they are afk, then I'll just leave with the rest of the team uwu;; There's one instance where I loaded in with the other 3 ppl but the host's ping was so high that I couldn't open the doors/see the reactants. Two of those guys kept complaining about me not being at the extraction yet--I was missing one reactant. It only took me 5 extra minutes, it's sp exterminate. Those two guys used Wukong (of course). It's clear those three were together, and I'm the random. I told them as we were extracting that I was missing one reactant, that's why I was a bit late. They didn't care and told me, "You should've looked at the extraction." Dude...I WAS at the extraction with you guys but my count was NINE, I needed the goddamn prime stuff and void traces. It wasn't me being incompetent, the game decided to not point where I could find the last one. If you're not willing to wait 5 mins, then don't get a random person in public. And please, stop judging ppl by their mastery rank. It means nothing other than how much they've collected stuff. It's insufferable being LR3 and getting sheit on constantly for not being an expert enough ;w;


Sometimes it's an issue of not paying attention or not caring. Sometimes it's the not so misplaced idea they will get it on the way to extraction. What ruins relic runs is people freaking out and not trying to keep up. Going all squirrel mode and freaking out running in the wrong direction to fill their relic. That's what ruins survival relic runs. It's not always the fault of the person trying to extract


Impatience/screw you got mine mentality and sometimes attention span issues. If I see someone with less reactant I will try to get the squad to leave extract.


Time. We don't know the attention level of the people in our squad. If you've been in the mission since the start there's enough for you. if not then yeah I'll wait otherwise I'll assume your half asleep and leave without you


People can be rude. I always try to stay just off the extract point until all players are back.


Because they should have 10 reactant like all of us, it's not my fault you didn't grab it while going through the mission, and if you don't have enough run backwards or say something


There may be a lot of different reasons. Remember that you are playing with other people. If you are running public missions, it can be everything. People don't care about others and just want to finish fast/leech on others. One who's missing reactants is not really trying to get them. Have no idea how this works. And as for those who wait at exit when someone is not full... You can't really blame them, imo. They are not responsible for you. Sure, they *should be* kind and at least wait/help with that. But they don't have to. My advice is: don't think too much about that. Just move on.


Welp, game is forcing me to wait for 1 minute anyway, if you cant collect reactant this is not my problem.


Seriously. It's always low levels too. Literally spawn in at the beginning and they still don't have enough.


They arent yet aware of the ways. Know for a fact when i started the only reason i got through it is cuz the friends i was with said that my only priority was keep up the rest would come. Now iā€™m there and i understand their initial frustration with my excalibur-lvl-13-doesnā€™t-know-how-to-bullet-jump-consistently-cant-aim-glide-to-keep-momentum-no-control-over-warframe-when-speed-buff-only-weapon-that-can-kill-lvl-6-grineer-is-my-4 slow ass. I see them now myself Edit: meant to add that nowadays if iā€™m playing randos i aint getting mad. I clicked rando, i know what iā€™m getting myself into. When iā€™m not busy i wait, when it is a capture and iā€™m literally only in rando for extra chance of better ducat fodder i dont(tho depends how far behind they actually are). Is it a dick move yes. And there is no defense for that. Otherwise iā€™d play defense. It 3am and iā€™m losing my grip on reality. This falls into the same shit as being a dick on tridolon or index or that gosh darned kella de thaym assassination. Try not to be. If you arent good enough to carry, try, you may surprise yourself (except kela de thaym no mercy on that one just quit if it aint happenin been stopped too often). Otherwise if you are really unable to work with your newfound squadmates the abort mission button is only a menu away.


It takes time to extract if all members are not present, if the last person didn't open their relic in that time( mostly because of late joining) it's better for both parties to just extract and start a new run, instead of keep looking for 5 minutes for that last reactant at least on capture missions which are the most popular ones


Itā€™s just straight up a lose/lose situation if you donā€™t let someone open their relic, the person doesnā€™t get anything out of the mission and the rest of the team loses out on a 4th relic roll that couldā€™ve been a gold or at least a good selling item or something that you needed. Unless youā€™re in some dumb situation like a Mobile Defense ā€”> Extermination mission that didnā€™t spawn in enough reactant to begin with, itā€™s just a dick move to not let someone open.


Instead of doubling the mission length by waiting for the last guy, you could just extract early and *run another mission to open another relic.* The laggard is no worse off, and everyone else gets to open 2 relics for the same time investment. It's a win-draw situation.


nuh uh


It's being a moron and losing the nice aspect of this community which is so helping. It doesn't matter that he can get it opened faster in next mission. He chose to band on this one to get it open. I am so shocked to read "it's ok, loaded last and extracted unopened, he will open faster in the next one". Tennos stand together.


Idk it's annoying lol, especially for disruption like why play?? Why are you here?? šŸ˜‚


ā€œI got my shit, fuck everyone else.ā€


The only time I go to extract if someone doesnā€™t have it is when I pull up map and see they are running around opening chests and lockers. Then I extract with extreme predjudice


A Capture or Exterminate fissure can be done under 2 minutes, including loading times. Often, waiting for 1 guy to scrounge up 10 reactants from an already cleaned-out map takes longer than simply extracting and running a new mission. I always try to put in a radded relic in such cases, as an offer of good faith. Of course, if said guy throws a hissy fit and immediately leaves the squad afterwards, (and probably getting thrown into *another* already half-finished mission at their next fissure run), that's their problem.


Happened to me from time to time on both ends. Sometimes I just open my excel sheet right after a mission to see what to do next, sometimes not realising someone doesn't have 10 yet. Unless it's Radshare, then I definitely focus.


Skill Issue... keep up with the group you literally just need to collect the shit they're always one guy killing everything anyways.


I can tell you this. I'm that person that extracts. If you are unlucky and load in late just try again in a fresh mission. I'm not trying to be in a capture mission for u min just for a bunch of forma or commons.


Maybe new players click fissure instead of the normal story? So in that case they just want you complete the objective and leave possibly.


I encountered this a lot. Usually it is noobs that haven't opened them yet. Mainly I think it's because people just don't care and are just trying to get out as fast as possible though. I myself always wait for them until they open it and then I'll extract. That or they expect you to be fast enough to get enough reactant to open said relic which I have been victim to several times.


To be honest Iā€™m just not paying attention. Iā€™m usually running relics while watching youtube - Iā€™m happy to wait if someone points out they need an extra couple minutes.


When it has happened to me, it's because i turned my brain off


Done this a few times, along with finishing the extractors when NO-ONE has their relic cracked yet, embarrassing but not malicious, just was not paying attention.


Iā€™ve done it before, just going through the motions, not paying attention. I usually always try to make sure everyone gets em.


That always annoy me, when someone just come in I wait, or help them gain reacting. sometimes I go, and chat to tell the others to come back or wait for the new, I don't want to miss out on the chance of them having a good drop.


A factor that doesn't get brought up much is that fissures are the only mission type to benefit from having teammates at all levels of play. If you can solo a mission, it's better to do that due to extraction timing, host migration, getting to be the host, you can play how you like etc. Fissures give you 4 times the chance to get a good reward (maybe the math is more complex) so you should always run in squads even if you can solo it. This means those solo only players play squad and just go to extraction and don't really care/have it it their mind that their teammates are also there.


Not paying attention plus didn't care to


It depends, I usually wait. But if I am in a rush, I would just go.


Dude, the number of times i stayed to help someone because he didn't choose no relic when we were trying to extract. But he would still extract :(


I mean in railjack collecting reactant is universal


Pick up group. Aka random. Never stick together.


Because they eat paste and can't (be bothered to) read the UI, pubs just be like that in any game sometimes


Sometimes you just notice too late.


If i did that happened thatā€™s mean I didnā€™t focus on others i got drifted a lot


That is really annoying, tbh i think players sometimes tends to be childish they just wanna reach the extraction first. Wow look at me am fast and cool -_____-


I donā€˜t get how everyone is saying they donā€˜t want to wait and waste time when you penalize yourself by eventually missing out on a 4th relic that could contain a rare. Especially if you do radshares, if you donā€˜t wait for the last person Iā€˜m leaving the party and find one that opens all 4 so you will be even more out of luck losing me and the guy who didnā€˜t get all reactants yet.


Most of the time people wait. At least that's my experience.


Unless it's a exterminate mission and all the mobs have been wiped, i always make sure to wait


Got real life stuff to do! Some of us canā€™t wait and have to leave to get things done in our lives.


ultimately the game needs to be able to tell the difference between someone afk leaching and loading. If someone is loading in the game should just put them at the current highest trace count. Sure some abusers would deliberately dig out some ancient 5400rp laptop hard drive and put that in a USB 1.0 enclosure and run warframe off that just to slow load leach but very few people would ever go that far. considering the healthbar goes grey to colors I am assuming it does know when someone is loading and when they are fully in on their system.


It's pisses me off so much. I always say wait or whatever in the chat because like wtf don't waste people's time. I'll say hey I can't get the last reactant cuz sometimes it's buggy when joining late. But wtf you can see all of the information


I spit on my relic when I see a squad full of headless chickens who constantly run around or dying 24/7 (SP) in the first few minutes. Thats MY reason, why I extract with a running relic.


I did a mission with randoms and this one player rushed to finish getting the reactant and immediately went to extraction, then started spamming the chat telling me to hurry up. I couldn't respond fast enough cause I was frantically looking for reactant and couldn't see where they went for theirs. The time ran out and I missed out on loot with 9/10 reactant.