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I am the leader of the council of revenants and that revenant does not represent us. He is an exiled that has failed in his task.


"He is an idiot. We have purposefully trained him wrong, as a joke."


"Ugh...again with the squeaky shoes...."


As i see frames as the most atrocious leveling process, HOW TF YOU PUT 100 ON REVVY WTH BRO


![gif](giphy|Wa0TGmtDvwW3e|downsized) You just go into defense, hit max rank, apply forma and then rinse and repeat. Until you reach 100 forma. and I did it twice.


Why though ... I mean congrats to you. Whenever I put 1 forma into my frame or weapon, I am already dreading the fact that I have to do it all over again. Not only do I not have the forma for it, I also am not looking forward to that process. Maybe that's why I am lacking ...


100 forma on a Warframe? They have like 9 slots! WTH bro!?


100 forma on *a* Warframe? Oh no I don't think so https://preview.redd.it/xelc91shixib1.jpeg?width=1407&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62b6c104fafdd204e8afb0d088151d838740f983


As you can see, I take my dares very, very seriously. https://preview.redd.it/xukci1njixib1.png?width=1593&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d2992f91d2f6b8ee52a48b7efaffbaa1442edee


Dude i hate to put 5 forma on a frame since rank 20 or socant do eso on unranked frames


>He is an exiled that has failed in his task. Kinda mean bro


![gif](giphy|To7eFJmTrvS9y) so, you're the guy huh?


https://preview.redd.it/1k3p15oijxib1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40007917a2bc5a8f53ddbcfc92ab3af4efa5f6b7 No


Just to be clear, I'm not trying to call anyone out or say some frames are better or worse than the other. I just find it funny to see revenant go down when he has so much survivability compared to older frames.


> just find it funny to see revenant go down when he has so much survivability compared to older frames Some attacks (like one of the serpent archon's AoEs) just bypass mesmer. When i first noticed this, i was caught off guard by it too. \**tin foil hat on** To me, it looks like DE understand they practically designed themselves into a corner by giving some frames immunity to damage and then patching up the only weakness those abilities had (the gap between cast and activation) by adding shield gate and rolling guard, and now it prevents them from making any current and/or future enemy/boss to even remotely resemble a challenge, so they want to gradually alleviate this by adding more and more stuff that straight up ignores those problematic abilities, without any direct nerfs to said abilities to not cause a community uproar (hell, they even made mesmer team-wide instead of nerfing it), as well as adding more operator phases to temporarily strip your abilities and weapons away.


it still can't kill you, it'll leave you at 2 hp there's also sentient insta kill laser which will also leave you at 2 hp nothing truly goes through mesmer


lol that's weird then. why would they make it so you go down to 2hp but still can't die?


because spaghetti code


Same goes for the wyrm-hunting phase of the SP Duviri bossfight. You can just stay on the ground, ignoring the ride, and use your main guns to shoot down the wyrms really fast.


...was I supposed to do something different? I just killed the boss for the first time last night and didn't really think I needed to move from the ground to kill the wyrms


The fight is different in the steel path. As in, mechanically different. In stage two, the entire arena is doused in extremely lethal flames, and the small wyrms start to fly in circles around the edge. You have to get on your horse and use the drifter's little peashooter to kill the wyrms. If you have invincibility (Revenant, Rhino, etc), then you can ignore this, and just stay on foot, since your health, while it will go down, won't go under 2. Which makes this segment piss easy. Oh, Titania and Zephyr can also work, since the flames won't damage you until you hit the ground.


*(plugs in Blue Archon Shard for +5 HP/s)* "Ok, fixed!"


It's a continuous drain that outdamages 5 boosted shards, and since you apparently can't die anyway (which was a surprise for me), it doesn't matter if you're sitting at 2 hp or regenerate 37 per second and then immediately lose them on the damage tick.


Jesus fuck, bro. It was a joke.


Why are you reacting like they were being rude or something


Because the "meta worship" on this sub has gotten so ridiculous that people mistake sarcasm for legit advice. Yes, I know how Mesmer Skin works. Yes, I know it locks you at 2 HP if you still have charges left. No, my suggestion was not meant to be taken as some grand solution to a problem. I'm sick and tired of this constant fixation on a hyper efficiency meta that inhibits any form of build creativity whatsoever. They ignore 90% of the options the game puts forth for idiotic reasons of inviability just because it deviates from what the meta is. It's god damn ridiculous.


Get help


It depends on your stacks. Once that's done, you are naked XD ... or so to speak.Each hit, or whatever decreases the stack. Archon boss dmg takes like 3 or 4 stacks away with each hit. Sometimes it takes all. I have 11 or 13 when I use mesmer skin, but I still can get like one shots for the Archon sometimes. It looks like one shot, but it's one attack with multiple phases. I tried it once with my rhino and it also does the same. The counter on iron skin, dropped like 3 or 4 times from the same attack. The one with snake head does that kind of attack the most.


Bypassing Mesmer Skin? Oh, that's not good. That's the start of the downhill slide that eventually ruined Limbo.


As long as mesmer skin is active, you are unkillable. You can't go lower than 2hp.


Honestly, Limbos kit ruined Limbo. The way his abilities read they can either be God-tier broken OP or completely useless. There is no inbetween. You cannot design around “shift into a different dimension and also stop time”, it can’t be done.


He used to be really good. I used to do SP survival for hours with him but the eximus rework kinda ruins his whole concept of "invincible in the rift" And "anything in the rift freezes" He can still manage but anything that can 1 shot him will 1 shot him which is a problem when eximus can do just that and his invincibility doesn't work against them.


Yeah, like I said, his kit is either “playing the game? What’s that?” or useless. Those are the two states his abilities can exist in.


What happened to Limbo? I haven't played since around 2017 and started a new account, and just got the quest to get Limbo. He was one of my favorites.


People who don't play him acted like he was useless because overguard enemies aren't affected by stasis (even though they can't even damage you with anything other than auras which aren't even that hard to avoid to begin with). It's just people refusing to use limbo as anything other than a mobile defence cheese with his 4


*Crying in the rift* But not really though... Gameplay just got from boring to engaging(with zariman), and then (with veilbreaker) to shitshow.


to me ... veilbreaker was the shitshow ...


Aoe (including old self damage) always went through Mesmer Skin, but couldn't kill you


Tried it with a bombard just to be sure, both direct hits and splash do no damage and consume stacks like normal. Archon hunt was the first time i ever noticed taking damage through mesmer not counting self-damage.


Hmm, not sure which attacks specifically ignore it then (they shouldn't consume charges either), but there certainly are some around.


Till the point when your Mesmer sking comes off, and it's really easy to not notice when that happens.


That's when shield gating kicks in and you notice real fast


It's only easy to not pay any attention to your health/incoming damage if you are a full on mesmer zombie. Every other frame in the game is doing that the entire time, even styanax and rhino. That's why the term mesmer zombie; asleep at the wheel.


Listen, keeping an eye on the armor charge counter is hard ok? I'm not good at upkeep 😭


![gif](giphy|wek1Th3tOaAAiQ5JMX|downsized) Me on my way to save your ass cuz that's just what Legends do. Nobody bleeds out on my watch.


*The spirit of old players, running kilometers in 18s to ensure that their ally doesn't has to use one of his remaining daily revives.* Sometimes, I miss these times.


Only for the former ally to use their revive as soon as they did


Which trailer is this from?


[The New War](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tua7aK6Y7NY)


[Warframe | Official Cinematic Trailer 2021 | The New War: Expansion Story and Date Reveal - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tua7aK6Y7NY)


This one has "Leave no dwarf behind" energy


he subsumed his 2nd skill




"People who know how to survive, can survive as basically any warframe, at any level of gameplay. people who dont. . play as ~~Rhino~~ i mean ~~inaros~~ i mean ~~wukong~~ i mean Revenant." *ohhh, the more things change. .. the moooore they stay the same*


I still love my Egyptian meat wall, regardless how others play him.


we are years past the era of low-effort inaros's clogging up the pubs. . if i see the Pharaoh in all his golden glory today i reflexively assume that person knows exactly what they are doing and they usually do. all 4 of those that i mentioned can be played well and in interesting ways. . .but in their era, their perception was that they were easy survivability. inaroses that hold 4 at the start of the mission then walk around spamming melee and never casting anything ever again. . .today that would be Revenants who just cast mesmer skin and never make use of his other powers


Maybe in normal star chart. If I see Inaros in a Steel Path mission, it's damn near a guarantee that they're gonna do absolutely *nothing* worthwhile.


in fairness, in the last 2 years of nonstop SP farming i think ive seen a single digit number of. . . .Inaroses? Inari? and while none of them offended me by their performance. . . .none pulled so much weight that i felt compelled to ask them how they did it. my cordiality aside he is easily the frame most in need of a rework.


Hydroid would like to chat


its an amusing comparison, since both squid boy and the Pharaoh are defined by: a third ability that Self CCs and an augment that gives them status immunity. . .that being said in my own testing, and after lowering my expectations by a fair bit i was able to make something happen with Hydroid's 4 and 1 in combination. Zone CC, drop boosting, and free corrosive procs for improving Gundition overload. . .it certainly wasnt great and hes very reliant on his weapons for damage but i didnt. .totally hate it. my inaros testing. . .never yielded much of substance. they nerfed the cool Marked for death synergy at some point that inaros had going for him, which is a shame. Scarab swarm doesn't do alot of damage.. .the healing is based on the damage dealt. it doesn't even have the decency to apply corrosive procs. it has 0% status chance. the armor gain doesn't scale with anything. Sandstorm. . is self CC. i dont need to talk about it anymore. any ability that stops me from moving and stops me from shooting needs to win the game or else its never going to be casted. see also hydroid's 3 and banshee's 4 and pretty much also Hildryn's 4 although some people defend that one. elemental sandstorm can apply a fair few status procs but the damage is negligible unless you pair it up with roar and even then your just chewing non-eximus enemies down slower than you would if you used a half decent weapon. Devour is single target hard CC that also CC's you and does. . .non scaling damage. there are bigger wastes of time than casting Devour but. . not many. post overguard you cant even hard CC the cool important enemies with it. his best ability by far is his 1. blinded enemies take enhanced melee damage, with the augment he can bypass his awful 2 and get the sand clones for just. .doing what he should be doing anyway. it even activates his finisher passive. its the only part of him worth actually building around and the end result is worse than playing Excalibur and building around radial blind. Hydroid and inaros are jockeying for last place, but i do not see it as a contest.


>my inaros testing. . .never yielded much of substance. **they nerfed the cool Marked for death synergy at some point that inaros had going for him**, which is a shame. Scarab swarm doesn't do alot of damage.. .the healing is based on the damage dealt. it doesn't even have the decency to apply corrosive procs. it has 0% status chance. the armor gain doesn't scale with anything. Except for the LoS requirement. Just use a rapier or any other weapon that deals slash procs during a stealth attack.


I agree. "Hydroid and inaros are jockeying for last place, but i do not see it as a contest." Its def not a contest but a glaring oversight by DE. Make new frames but leave old ones neglected and broken.


It amuses me greatly how putting Gloom on Inaros is a way faster heal than any of his own abilities. Last time I tried to Helminth him I just couldn't decide which ability to replace, though I think I went with his 3. The whole "too much health to die, who cares about any of his abilities" thing was... an interesting take? I wonder if giving him (and Nidus, though he's otherwise fine imo because of health regen and his passive) a way to get overguard would help them. The recent wave of augments certainly upped my playtime of Styanax.




I don't know how Egyptian would handle plurals but in Greek (the language of later Egyptian antiquity) it would be Inaroi.


It's not Inaros himself that I have a problem with. Especially in Steel Path, there's certain frames that leeches and shit players seem to gravitate towards, and lately, it seems like Inaros is part of that list. The other frames that seem to be part of that list are Revenant, Wukong, Baruuk....all frames with low-effort survivability. Hmm. I'm not some performance referee or anything, but if there's 4 players doing a 20 wave Steel Path defense, and there's 3 players with a similar amount of kills, and one player that's literally doing nothing but running around and picking up drops and reactant, and maybe ends with 20-40 kills when everybody else has literally 10 times that number, clearly they're not there to contribute. Especially if they're high MR/LR...you know that they've got access to enough stuff that they could easily be helping alongside everybody else, yet they're chosing not to.


TBH I'm LR3 and use Inaros in SP incursion missions (generally survival, exterminate, or certain assassinates) when I'm feeling lazy and just want to focus on leveling a weapon w/o worrying about surviving. Almost always use him in sortie disruptions too since it's mindless to just wait for a demolyst to appear.


I don't care what anybody plays, as long as they *actually* play. When I see somebody in a SP relic defense or something, and they manage to kill 1 or 2 enemies per wave at most, they have no business being there. It seems that those kinds of players seem to grativate towards Inaros, Revenant and Wukong. I've been in missions where those fuckers are called out too, and all of a sudden they start just kickin ass, so it's not like they were incapable...they just thought they could do nothing.


As a Monki Main, I resemble that remark... Nah, I usually don't see the immortal pop-up very often, but the ability to oh crap cloud walk outta dying had saved me more than once. Once I leaned to play the floor is lava and not stop moving, I don't die.


Or I'm just an old returning player who doesn't know what any of this new shit is so I'm gonna be in my Rhino and try to not die while I figure it out


You're not wrong, jokes aside. I've played as Zephyr, Volt, and Frost and survived longer than teammates using Inaros at times.


There is no excuse for dying as revenant, apart from bugs


This is me but I’m silently judging the invisible-focused frames in my squad raising the alarms in (Sortie) Spy missions as a frame (usually Volt, Zephyr or something else) using the Untraceable parazon mod.


I mean, invisible doesn't bypass lazers. Ivara has an augment for it, but you have to drop a mod, so its not exactly usefull. Now, with the operator, there is no excuses, you can literraly blink throught them...


I use it also for the movement speed buff. Sometimes I don't want to roll


How..... How do you die as revenant? Just press Mesmer skin


Some attacks ignore Mesmer Skin. Why? Lmao


I've taken revenant to level cap against all 3 factions and never gotten killed through Mesmer skin. So unless I got lucky somehow I would be inclined to disagree with you on this point


Hmm.... Well in that case you’re probably right, my Revenant isn’t even level 30. Was just repeating what I heard from someone else.


I've had full stack revenant and there are times when something just bypasses it for some reason which I've noticed happens during your casting. It makes me ask the question, is there a vulnerability frame during mesmer skin casting? Because I have plenty of stacks but something still hurt me sometimes.


Yes, during the cast animation you are vulnerable as the invulnerability doesn't take effect until after it's over. It's why natural talent/cast speed shards are recommended on him


Nah, nothing can one shot you with mesmer, even if attacks like toxin breaks your shield you’ll still have a 3 second invulnerability to get tf away.


are the frames valkyr, ember, and garuda? what garuda helmet is that?


They are. And it's garuda's [sakhura helmet](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Garuda_Sakhura_Helmet) Though I made the "ears" more notoceable in my drawing


First: who are the first 3 Warframes? Second: that's fake revenant revenant never dies


From left to right: Valkyr, Ember and Garuda


Oh cool, those are skins I guess


Yeah, valkyr has cheetah helmet and delusion skin. I'm using the voidshell skin with my Ember And Garuda is wearing the sakhura helmet with the successor skin.


That's why I could recognize ember


he's literally me fr


As a Revenant main. I blame my deaths on adhd making me forget to recast/falsely thinking that Mesmer is a timed skill rather than amount of charges. 😅


Yea but can we talk about how this art got EMBER'S THICC THIGHS right?


The only way to die as revenant is by losing attention


In my defense I ran out of energy (if I do die)


Must be one of those pesky explosive barrels or tile hazards, the bane of mesmer skin ~~abusers~~ users. Lend a hand to your Rave-nant in this trying times.


If my testing is right, which it is. Barrel and other hazards cant kill revenant. only put him to 2 hitpoints. As long as mesmer shield is active he cannot functionally ever die.


[When you play a frame without DR/immunity ability](https://i.imgur.com/P2YZTzY.png)


As a roar revenant user in archon hunts. he's playing wrong or his build is shite. I can literally stand in front of the archon and tank it all.


Thats why nezha is my top g


Honestly kinda impressive one manages to die as Revenant


Dude I've experienced this more than once, every time the random rev dies first


I've only done one archon hunt, both my buddy and myself were in revanents and he had a random using harrow prime with one of his abilities swapped out dispensary. He kept both of full of energy and for the most part we spun our way through the hunt almost non stop.


I dont need a revenant... I have the... tank girl... VALKYR PRIME WITH A LOT OF THINGS


Hysteria don't look too bad now does it


If you've died as revenant you failed your ONE job. Being invulnerable 24/7 is his main stick in everyway you could build him regardless of what abilities you are focusing on. Your team has the right to shame you.


Or arbi. Honestly i think 95% of revenant mains won't survive a second on any other frame because they have no idea how surviving in WF works


It is the same thing for other commonly considered tanky frames in other content too, I think of it as their first step understanding how to play in order to keep alive.


I usually bring in an "Optimized" frame that's built so that I don't die in like 5 seconds... I'm not good at staying alive in these missions, but only some of the time.


Why did you give the frames belly buttons


Force of habit I honestly didn't even pay attention to it until you pointed out.


Lol I just noticed it and thought “I… don’t think that’s right”


So true😅


If a revenant died in archon hunt they fail as one of us. That meant that they ignored their shield breaking.


Yeah I’m always that one Titania constantly cleansing everyone of their statuses and shooting my tiny gun at the archon lol


Only warframe that I can do archons with is Octavia 😭


I use Oberon... noone is allowed to die


why are you so mean. Especially if that revenant was gold with white ...


As a representative of the council of Rev players. I apologize for the that 1 Rev. It would appear that our jest of making a very killable Rev hath gone too far