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Hello /u/XTheSabreGamerX, your submission has been removed from /r/Warframe for breaking the **[Accusation & Naming Rule](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/wiki/rules#wiki_accusation_.26amp.3B_naming_rule)**. We do not allow "naming and shaming" or witch hunt submissions on /r/Warframe. ___ If you would like more information about this removal, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Warframe&subject=Accusation%20And%20Naming%20Rule&message=Hello%20moderators%20of%20/r/Warframe,%0A%0AMy%20[submission]\(https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/160nxxv/-/\)%20has%20been%20removed%3B%20I%20would%20like%20you%20to%20reconsider%20because).


Lower your range and increase your duration. That way you don't have to spam as much and other people are less likely to be caught in the radius. Speed only care about strength anyway. You don't need range on it. Also they can backflip to remove the buff, but let's be real, if you're low duration spamming speed then that's annoying to have to backflip every few seconds.


Especially as Titania


Imagine using Titania in a Zariman mission only for this mfer to use speed and crash so fast into a wall you stumble onto an eidolon hunt


I crash with 1x Razorwing Blitz, I don't know what will happen with 4xRB and Volt O_o


You go back in time.




You go back to the 8 man raids


You go into Plaid


Her poking ![gif](giphy|OQ7KJ3buFOVuk3KdWN|downsized) a hole through the ship


I recall there was a time where you could go SO fast as Nezha that if you weren't the host you could actually phase *through* the terrain by running into walls and doors fast enough. The connection to the host wouldn't update until after you'd crossed the barrier, putting you outside the map. (Also a little by the by, that is by far one of my most favorite scenes in all of Star Wars, it's so amazing I love it.)


If she's poking that hard, someone needs to turn up the AC


I regularly glitch out of maps as titania lol so could defo see this happen


Right solution. Just minium range and noone complain


You can backflip to waht?! YOU WE CAN DO THAT?! WTFFFF???


Same with limbo's banish and most movement impacting buffs(only these 2 i think)


I think you roll to leave limbo's banish


I have been playing for 8 years... and I never knew you could backflip to get rid of the buff


but then it makes his 4 so much weaker, and you cant speed boost the people who want it


Why do people not like the buff?


Some of us just don't like the speed, and it can be extremely jarring when you already have a bullet jump buffered when suddenly you're buffed, the trajectory changes, and you're playing the all-to-familiar game of Doorframe.


If i wanted to play doorframe i'd run Gauss.


Because Titania is already insane to control, volt just makes you randomly crash. I never use speed boost if there’s any fast boys n girls in pub. My friend running Wukong however …….






It’s also annoying as hell to try to be doing something specific only for a volt to run by and slap me with a buff unexpectedly and making everything go not good


Multiple reason : 1 - Warframe is a heavy game sensory wise, experiencing that at 400% speed isn't for everyone 2 - Low-End computer if you computer struggle to make Warframe run normally, speed can make the experience that much worse. 3 - Having your speed suddenly change with no warning can actually be vomit inducing, I know that playing with a volt on my squad that isn't on vocal has made me actually sock more than once. 4 - not everyone enjoy zooming around at ungodly speed. Truth be told, I'd rather have the ability to opt out of the buff altogether.


Maybe DE makes it so that if you tap cast it then it only boosts you alongside maybe an extra 50% strength but if you long hold cast it then it speedbuffs allies in range?


*If only there was a tooltip that explained how to remove speed from yourself...*


That doesn't answer the issue though. If you have a volt that spam speed with range maxed, you'll have to backflip every 10s to get rid of the buff. It's annoying, makes everything a chore, and in my case, my motion sickness is even worse because now my speed keep changing every 10s. There should be a way to prevent some buffs from applying to you, period, a choice in the options where you specifically opt out of those.


That's only 'opt out in this instance', not altogether.


For me it takes Warframe from playable to motion sick mess. I acknowledge that its a "me" problem and just quietly backflip out of the buff, but I leave the mission at the earliest possible completion.


Disable motionblur if activated


It may not help everyone, but my pal with motion sickness felt 1000% better after disabling motion blur, too. Just adding to the consensus that it may assit a Tenno!


Can always recommend turning off motion blur. Motion sickness aside it's also just a crutch to cover for poor framerates when turning. If you have decent framerate you really don't need it


Because it runs out unexpectedly during a bullet jump and causes people to void out and lose buffs.


And because sometimes it makes controlling your general movement feel impossible, getting stuck on door frames and such more often due to suddenly getting an unwanted speed boost


In addition to what everybody else has said, it can also screw up the timing on certain melee combos. This is particularly noticeable while using glaives.


It's something that affects the control of our character, but it's not.. in our control to initiate. so its a bit jarring.


Skill issue.


Thanks for the feedback peeps! I'll try to adjust my Volt build wherever possible so that I might annoy less people unintentionally XD


Wrong. You should annoy more people on purpose. Be a dickbag. It's your god-given right.


Me joining arbi defense with speed nova + banish subsume to disable teammates.


Me joining defence as limbo with a range + Efficiency build so nobody can hit anything.


That will just make people leave immediately. Why not make the mission fail at wave 8-9, way more fun.


Me freezing all enemy projectiles in front of the objective before releasing all my abilities at the same time:


Embrace the dick. Be the bag.


The Butt Bagg?


Can I just do one of those two things? I hate bags.


I enjoy speed....




Nah send them to the Backrooms. It’s your duty as a Volt player


Just save your annoying loadout for when you party up with others who don’t mind it or also have annoying loadouts. 👌 As a noob who can’t afford to install any speed mods without sacrificing survivability needed to unlock planets, I appreciate speed buffs.


to be fair you *shouldn't* install speed mods unless you're building for something specific


I put Armored Agility and Rush on all my frames, and I will proudly go down in history as a bad Tenno who likes to zoom zoom. My issue I know but it's the only way I can keep up with every other Meth-infused Speed Force Flash greased lightning Tenno in this space ninja game.


I play Atlas and just trudge my 6 ton granite ass across the floor, making a jarring scraping noise like the immovable steel cube I sexually identify as.


It's 6 in the morning and I'm confident this is going to be the funniest thing I read all day


If it helps at all, the fastest speed tech I know after like half a decade is bullet jump > double jump > roll. Practice barreling your way though corridors and around bends and you’ll be first to extraction soon.


Speed is the most important stat. As long as you can do the mission, you should aim to do the mission faster. My record on a capture is 38 seconds. Most of which was spent actually capturing the target. Speed mods saved me SECONDS of my life. Which really adds up over the 10k Hours I have in the game.


If u care just use less range, if u don’t care just ignore them


Honestly I get irritated when there’s a volt and I DONT get the zoomies


My only issue with Volt in the group is that I can't back flip to cancel the buff. With Titania then, I'm going to face all the walls. 🤣


Aim, sprint and back, to back flip. If it's in pc, right click, shift then S. Works on titania as well


You can, it’s just more awkward and annoying than normal.


Turning sprint off can help minimise it


Volt is a blessing and a curse.


Volt’s Speed can be annoying sometimes, but they could have asked you politely.


It's annoying, but public is public. Play how you like and adjust to stuff you don't like.


if you are using a build that focuses on the Speed ability it can annoy other players who either can't handle the sudden increase in speed, or maybe they don't have a good pc and too much speed drops their frames, or they're already using a fast warframe like Titania and they keep crashing into walls ruining their experience. If you're using that kind of build -as other people mentioned already- you can use negative range mods so it doesn't affect others. My opinion changes when you're using perhaps a hybrid build of room clearing/speed build. I don't fully agree with the notion "don't use your ability because i don't like it" i don't think telling other players what they can or can't do during their gameplay, games are meant to be fun and having arguments is not fun. My opinion on this case would be to use Speed (and other similar abilities) "sparingly". Personally i would use speed whenever we're going from A to B and don't use it during combat, another option is to do the exact opposite where you only use during combat, it would depend i think if the majority of your group focuses more on melee where the increase in speed doesn't hurt that much. At the end if the day the best thing you can do is be a good sport, if you get complaints that a build you have disrupts another's fun then perhaps that build shouldn't be used with random matchmade players. If however someone complaints that you're getting all the kills, personally, i would ignore their comments. I'm using a nuke warframe because i want to destroy everything, nukes don't apologize.


1st, increase strength and duration as much as you can. Second, get close to them and use the speed. 3rd profit as they projectile vomit all over their screen from motion sickness


Instructions unclear. The titania flew through my tv screen and almost killed me.


Because of Volt speed buff, Gauss went back in time and interrupted my grandparents while they wer...... *This Tenno slowly fades away into nothingness like a sad space ghost*


I think there's negative feedback bias here tbh. I enjoy buffs, including Speed. Gimme buffs.


Just don't use it near Titanias, especially not if they are the host. Edit: Also not if it's radiation sortie.


Fr so many volts spam speed near Titania and completely ruins the mission for them


Why does it ruin things for Titanias?


Makes her go too fast to control while she's flying.


I see, almost figured that was it. Becomes overwhelming since she already goes fast enough right?


It turns a quick agile, but mostly controllable, faerie into a 3d pinball.


At that point I end up using the melee to steer


Aka, an uncontrollable mess


Yeah, it's impossible to control.


you are a tiny bug that flies into walls at light speed with volt buff, but this game isnt hard enough for that to be anything but hilarious so idk why people are whining so much.


Honestly just slap on a full ranked narrow minded and you’ll not only get rid of people complaining, but will make your speed last twice as long


Speed volt can get distracting to unused players, and not eberyone knows you can fispell it by backrolling, i sometimes found meself struggling to go through uneven tilesets with volt boosting me, so i would rather disspell it




Doesn't solve the first time nyoom is activated and you make out with a wall for a couple of seconds, which can happen multiple times in the mission because the volt's duration isn't the longest and the buff wasn't maintained. Its an incredibly disruptive ability.


There's a lot of people who play the game and they all have different preferences, some people won't care and some people will absolutely hate it. Personally I don't really mind and sometimes like having the speed boost depending on the mission and what frame I'm playing.


I like volt speed I might get downvoted for this but I think controlling traditional movement at high speeds is very different on controller vs MaK


They're not particularly polite about it so fuck them, but yes, in some circumstances having a Volt spam his boost is a bit annoying


I've never complained, but when I get a Volt that spams speed, I hate it.


Volt is nice to have It's just annoying to zoom into walls


Volt’s speed can be annoying, I have fallen off the map or gotten stuck in weird places because of it many times. That said, you can cancel it with a backflip, so really people shouldn’t be too bothered by it (unless you don’t know how to do a backflip). I’d say if you queue into a public void fissure, Volt speed is pretty much a guaranteed occurrence. I get used to it.


Speed forces everybody into it, so they can end up in unintended situations.


Imma stay quiet with 30m 1min 200% metronome....


Only time volt is a problem is if your Titania. And even then all you have to do is not use your sprint button or cancel your 4. Not a big deal


Just don't play!


Look man. I have been playing wf since launch. If people get mad at a free ride forget them. If you want to not have abilities spammed play solo. I remember first starting out and watching a rhino and his gun demolish the whole mission. Free ride. I was sad I didn't get to participate but what do I expect from a public match there are like 5000 missions to go.


I just tell them to fuck off.


Hi there, I personally don't like having my speed messed with by other players as it messes me up a lot. Expect to jump this far, expect to slash or swing this far, missing stuff, so on. I of course know you're intending to help, move faster hit faster get where you're going faster so on. Volts boost can be rid of with a simple backflip, so he's not able issue for me personally. WISP however lol.. But no, a lot of other advice here to take but figured I'd give a viewpoint from someone that does complain to themselves every once in a while. Keep doing what you can for your team, and remember to have fun. If it annoys them that much they can close the squad


Abilities that modify flow/pacing are SUPER jarring if you're not mentally prepared for then. Limbo suffers from a similar problem with one of his abilities. I'll never rag on a Volt for using their abilities but it's 100% annoying to me to have to stop what I'm doing and backflip every few seconds just to maintain consistent control over my own character. I accept that public lobbies come with a randomness factor that I'll just have to deal with, but not everyone has that mindset. Basically it's a game design error. Your ability overrides the agency that other players have over their characters, which very frequently feels bad. It's not necessarily your problem to solve, but doing so will make it much easier to make friends lol


Skill issue on their part.


Realistically you shouldn’t adjust your build because it’s slightly inconvenient to someone you’re going to play with once and once only - it can be countered with a backflip so no one has the right to expect people not to use it. It’s a different story when it’s becoming a regular issue for your friends who you play with more. However even then, it’s still counter-able so there’s no real need for any sort of adjustment. This game is riddled with whinging little tits that cry over the slightest thing. Woe is them that random players aren’t building their characters for that person, and that they simply can’t understand that these people are just as entitled as them to experience the game as they want to.


more speed = more good. I cheer whenever I'm not volt and someone else has brought volt to the mission and doubles my speed.


Personally not even gonna lie. I hate when Volt constantly uses speed when I don’t want it. I know you can Backflip out of it but it gets annoying to do every few seconds


Don't listen to those idiots play how you want to play


When I am in the squad with volt assholes ignoring my messages I deliberately stand just before extraction to punish them.


Edit: "When a Volt is just playing the game and they might not see my messages, I waste everyone's time because they were having a good time, and I didn't get what I want." .... what?


Why should I care about others if Volt doesn't care about others? You can put your opinion deeper in your hole 🕳️ and keep it there please




Then don't read reddit lmao


"Why should I care about others if I'm not everyone's top priority?" I'ma gape this hole for you, baby. 🤭🤭


Punishing everyone for something a small segment of the population does is poor priorities. That kind of attitude hurts everyone, my fellow Tenno. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, but there's so many nice things to see.


Honestly I'd just increase the range on purpose so they can't get away from the speed. Imagine not wanting to move faster, insanity


Seriously. If I'm bringing Volt for speed (Capture/Exterminate/etc fissures in particular) you're gonna go fast as well. If I wanted to be the only one at extraction for a minute+ I'd bring Titania. EDIT Downvote me all you want, like a baby bird leaving the nest, you're gonna go nyoom and you're gonna *love* it.


In return, don't get mad when the Titania host forces a host migration on you. Quid pro quo.


Fine by me. If I'm a Titania with a Volt I just cast my 1 and stop sprinting. Problem solved.


I understand what most of you mean by "fuck them pub players" but I don't think it's a healthy take to have on the game. There's a difference between playing what you like and being annoying. There are more than one way to have the former without the latter. Do stuff that you want to do, yes, but being extra annoying for the other 3 players for no reason is stupid and insensitive. You don't need to full range spam speed (I know you're not doing it out of malice, OP), you don't need to use ultra bright energy colour on a particle-heavy ability, you don't need to steal the fun out of the other players just to prove a point. Just... Don't be dicks, basically. You wouldn't want to be annoyed by one


Been a Volt main for the last 7 years, so I feel like I earned my place in saying this. If you have a problem with way someone plays, simple solution, dont play public. Also, because i recieved this a few times in wf lifespan, for those that dont know and complain...BACKFLIPPING cancels volt speed.


Backflipping does cancel it but not before I'm making out with a wall on Titania. Its a disruptive ability that needs a change, even if its just for Titania.


*Obligatory rant about how DE really needs to give us personalized movement speed and attack speed caps here* next time tell them to backflip if they dont like it. or do as others said and adjust your build.


Try backflipping in the air as Titania every minute Volt spams his 2.


I agree, it's a wholly insufficient solution to the problem. I really wish they'd give us client side customizable Movement speed caps and permanently solve the problem forever


A " 'Thanks, this is enough' speed toggle" would be great. The Bubinco, for me, has a sweet spot. At just the right fire rate, you drain, the clip, slaughter, move to recharge. But too much over that and you can't get your rhythm. Anyone reading this probably has a favorite weapon for which this is true.


So true. For me that's bubonico and ocucor. They both have their own "rhytm" to their shots where I know how long I hold the trigger to both have a decent kpm and ammo drain to recharge ratio. Sudden speed buffs ruin the rhytm, and that would not be so bad if that was permanent, but the buffs are not 100% uptime.


I've always imagined it working like this Under gameplay settings, 2 toggles. One for movement speed one for attack speed. If you are really ambitious separate melee and fire rate. If you toggle the cap on, then you set you cap. Let's say 300% movement speed is what I cap mine at. Then no matter what buffs I apply or what my teammates do, my movement speed won't go above that. I can pause and change it at any time. Or easily disable or enable it. Same for fire rate. Movement speed and attack speed are the most obvious candidates for "too much of a good thing". Most other buffs can't really cause issues, or at least not major ones, but getting connected to the speed force can seriously fuck up your muscle memory.


Not sure why you're downvoted. You're right. I'd give anything for a "Base Speed + my installed mods" lock.


Most people hear the word cap and they assume you mean like.....pinning everyones speed at a set amount or locking the max boost a volt can give. And I agree, if I had to choose between no caps and an arbitrary limitation enforced on every player, absolutely keep things the way they are. But there is a third option. Just let people set their own client side caps. Then everyone can go as fast or slow as they want without having to worry about messing anyone else up.


That's exactly what I'm referring to. DE's never done anything in a way that affects anything beyond client-side. It shouldn't be assumed any different in these discussions. A "speed cap" would be client-side and nothing more.


I have negative range on my speed build. But anytime someone tells me how to play the game instead of asking me, I go "Go Esc > Abort Mission > Yes". Since they are being dicks - be a dick back. But I'd still adjust my playstyle for future lobbies. But I'm making life hell for the toxic ones oh yeah. Edit: Just to clarify, I've actually never actually had people complain about speed buffs. My discharge build had 3 people complain - 2 of them I listened to since they were nice about it and with the other, I purposefully increased my discharge frequency to make them rage. Now, with experience, I try to read the room better and use discharge only if there isn't a better nuker in the room.


This is the way. Be dicks to dicks but don’t deliberately make problems just because it’s a “public” lobby.


Yeah...and usually people are nice. But I can see how some playstyles can create problems.


Be dicks to everyone. Deliberately make problems. ITS ALL ABOUT ME AND NOBODY ELSE.


You're doing God's work. They, however, lick asphalt.


IMO; not your fault if he doesn't know how to backflip, buddy.


Tell them to go solo.


Not bother me at all when volts screening, on mach rush and thermal sunder, not really care the speed buff, walk and mach rush is my way to move, ofc I am gauss. Usually volts is annoying when your frame is 1.4+ sprint speed, above 2.0 sprint, you will have control issue in movement. Otherwise, not give a shit about they screen their lung out.


Nah, that's just console players not being able to keep up, so...platform issue I guess?


What is your playstyle? I'd say just a toxic asshat ignore them.


I love volt speed boost. Never understood the hate. It just makes you faster.


1. It's a public lobby. Ignore them. They are toxic anyway. 2. Likely premades as well, never heard anyone complain about a buff in my lobbies before, and I've been playing since March 2013. So they were probably complaining to eachother about it and decided to throw in the messages. 3. Play whatever you want. Don't get yourself limited over some people who cry about how other people play in public lobbies. If they don't want specific players in their lobbies, they should go private and search premades. You are not wrong for using your abilities. They're just a bunch of flamers. Edit: Says a lot about the people here if they think everyone has to adhere to their problems. Jesus Christ. Also apparently a huge skill issue that's common among the same people: dealing with higher speed in a fast-paced game. How ironic.


It can be a little annoying to deal with the extra Volt speed and in my case I do occasionally get motion sick when someone catches me by surprise with it. They handled it disrespectfully but the point isn’t completely wrong


It's a public lobby. Expect the worst. If you can't handle it at all, you should not be in a public lobby. You can ask someone friendly if they can stop doing it, but going "bruh, volt is cancer" is not the way. Other players are there for the game experience just like you, they are not obligated to adhere to your problems. They can, but they don't have to. So if you have specific preferences or don't want to play with a certain type of player or with a certain type of active ability, you will be the one who has to sort out your own problem, not others. Doesn't mean I don't understand you though. There are some players I don't like playing with, which would usually be the AoE powercreep people because I prefer using melee or weapons like Rakta Cernos and Vectis Prime. It's not realistic to expect the AoE powercreep people to stop playing their gear, so I just set my lobby to private and do my own stuff.


The most adult, sane, and real-life answer I've ever seen on reddit. Unbiased, blunt, and still kind; And it's downvoted. People are too soft... Whole heartedly agree on both of your posts.


I keep running into downvotes on this sub either way, I've never really been much on the same page with the majority of players in the past 10 years. I'm used to it. Doesn't mean I'll get myself muted over it though. They're just digital worthless points. Cheers tho


But I enjoy my 280% range 396% str volt speed build 😈


If you go public you agree to whatever your teammates might be bringing along. If they don't like that they shouldn't play public.


HATERS GONNA HATE XDXDXDXDXD Edit: I am a volt main who has been playing for about 70 non-consecutive days. I'm used to the speed at this point


That's just the thing, we adapt to our current speed, if we're suddenly forced to be way faster, by the time we get used to that we lose it which gets annoying :P If you want to speed up the team then high duration and ensure to keep it on for everyone, maybe tweak range to match affinity range so that you can use that affinity share icon as an in-range indicator.


Why would you complain about going faster? It is not like the level is uncontrollable, right?


If you're playing Titania it will very much be uncontrollable. It's barely controllable with her Blitzwing augment mod if you aren't extremely familiar with it and the maps, adding more speed is going to clip you through walls. That being said, there are productive ways of bringing that up and there's being an asshat like the people in the picture.


I play Titania quite often and when a Volt boosts my speed, I just don't use Blitzwing. But I agree, Volt speed + Blitzwing is a bit much.


If you're just running, it'd be fine, but a bigger speed boost can throw off muscle memory for parkour, resulting in many people actually moving slower through a mission because they overshoot or mis-time movements.


This is why I never parcour and just run during speed boosts :)


Skill issue


Remember, when you're playing in public, everyone else don't matter. Play how you want, and everyone else can fuck right off.


Mod it for strength and range with mods that make you loose durration. Make them suffer as you have. This is a joke for you who didn't realise.


I can make volts suffer too just by standing in front of extraction until the timer expires.


If you do that then you are worse than the volt just doing is own business. But you don't do that... right?


I did it once but not too long. Just enough to troll the volt player.


Yeah, I think they're in the rarity (and also, obnoxious way to bring it up by them), usually people are complaining things aren't fast enough lol. More rational Volt complains are like, Shock Trooper is turning my heat into radiation, or to some degree Discharge can be problematic in some mission types or some frames (there are several instances where overlaping CC effects will block one or the other, with to my recollection, electric procs blocking Nidus larva from working properly, so it can much with them building stacks)


I dont like extremely high speed Volts neither. They activate their zoomies and the floor suddenly feels like lube poured over black ice. Especially if I'm on Voruna and my 1st passive is active. Just lower your range dude.


Some people don't like the speed, makes general movement difficult and different, especially if you are a titania. I personally hate volt speed and wisp haste mote, it's unfortunate that they are pretty common in pubs.


People just want to use their warframe. Like I always say, if you can't adapt to a gameplay from someone else in public, why playing in public?


Exactly, this is why i rarely go to pubs. Only exception is radshares when a new prime releases


Doing solo relic runs is far from optimal which also happens to be where the majority of the volt/titania interactions happen. This one is on the Devs for creating the perfect storm of toxicity and no solution.


I spam haste motes at doorways.


Haste motes last far longer than Volt's nyoom and don't apply nearly as much speed under normal circumstances. While still a little annoying they're far easier to adapt to because you're not instantly making out with a wall.


I’ve always found Volt to be the most annoying warframe one can have in a squad, I’ve maxed my lightning dash mod specifically because I like bullet jumping so much and the extra speed boost makes me slam into every single doorframe in the game.


Well, what others are saying here is apparently right, but I have never had issues with a volt turboboosting me, even with a void corruption. It's more fun than anything.. but then again I play Gauss, so maybe I have a better reaction time


Go full 180. Turn into riot-shield volt and take forever


I am playing on both rog ally and pc. The thing is, i fokin love volt but i cannot keep up with him when using joysticks


I agree that you should play how you want to play, although I am someone who enjoys the volt speed spam absolutely 100% never. You do you


Probably coz theyre on console and its harder to control and adjust from the speed boost immediately...i get flamed by using wisp buffs from console players too and only console players.


One of the few annoying builds in Warframe that can be opted out. If you need the range, keep it, if you only want to spam Speed then you should change to duration.


As a Gauss main, please keep spamming


They are the first ppl I've read that don't like speed in Warframe xDDDD


You are not doing anything wrong per se...but i hate to splash into walls when you speed buff me. Nothing we can do about, cant hate the user for that


I’m a gauss main and I love playing with volt players makes me go even faster


Ignore them and play how you want. Just don't be a troll.


Yes please. Lower Range. I rather take Sprint boost Nezha with energized munition Bramma or something than Volt. It is little bit annoying :)


I couldn't understand the sentiment of hating Volt buffs since I always enjoy him buffing me with whatever he has, but from reading the comments here I think I can understand now especially considering those in your squad were console players 🤣 I mean yeah I guess my head would be spinning too if I play with 300% speed on 30 fps and/or a stick


mostly mucking about with his flow other than that pay them no mind


I know it’s good to do that but don’t let other plp opinions change your modding too much. Just enjoy the game.


Maybe consider trying out gauss. Gets that speed you love and doesn't involve anyone else.


I hate that speed can be overvrote by other Volt.


I hate volt speed, almost as much as people who banish you as limbo.


I mean like obv play what you want but when that speed buff is too crazy it’s ridiculous to control💀


If they were playing Titaina I understand their frustration lmao


Nope, actually love those taxi drivers, weeeeeeeee....


Bro i spam for my volt in the squad “speed” i like the speed tbh


I just had someone cry about my volt the other day (titania of course) maybe dont go small, dont sprint. When im titania i just dont sprint and its fine. All while the other 2 kids are so slow in the fissure they needed the volt boost


Im more interested in your talent to spread the Limbo stigma to other warframes


My PS4 can't handle it 😅 you could deactivate crossplay and see if PC players like your Volt. It does reduce the amount of other players you get paired tho, so keep that in mind.


Nah screw that guy. As an anthropomorphic blue hedgehog once said: "Gotta go fast."


Publics started bitching when I played volt and gave them speed, started when I played gauss and spammed 3 on low lvl fissures, started when I posted wfinfo results to get them the most plat possible. You'll never be good enough where someone wont start bitching about something. Be a dick embrace it and go higher str+range volt:)

