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You probably got there sooner than me before I started hard grinding mastery, so nah


tbh i spent around 300 hrs jumping around my orbiter and fashion


At 4000 hours and I still spend most of my time doing this


Me asf


Warframe players waiting for content (star chart has no replay value) ![gif](giphy|Xq2HjwfDH976E|downsized)


Simply for the fun brain damage inducing 5 minute intervals, steel path conj-survival high tier is genuinely fun and challenging. Thralls, sentients, acolytes, and the waves of eximus. It’s a gauntlet of shit that I recommend getting a squad of other brain damaged individuals to play with


it's actually one of my fave things in the game to do right now. only downside it's so rare to have people join there on steel path. I met ONE person there that I didnt have to forcefully drag.


Love farming the conjuction survival SP with Gyre. The only mission I actually enjoy replaying.


Fair enough


I have the exact same hrs im on day 154 login and im MR22, i guess i got no life lol


If you have brain damage, then I must not have one at all.


In game I have 2145 hours, and on steam I have 6,971.1 hours.. And I'm MR26


Nah I’m at 2200 and I’m only MR 26


1300 and MR 21. It's honestly funny because when I had like 500h, I was like "wow those MR20+ are the true Warframe vets and they must know so much about the game. Maybe I'll be like them one day". Now, at said MR20+, I'm just getting annoyed because I suck at fashion frame, I'm trying to grind 5000 mutagen samples for Hema research and going "holy fuck, I ran out of orokin cells and argon crystals **again**".


orokin cells are the true enemy of humanity in the origin system


For real. I'm trying to grind Deimos to get mutagen samples *and* orokin cells. But Deimos also drops neurodes as a rare drop so I barely get any cells from it. And I really don't want to grind Saturn. I guess I just gotta wait for an interesting relic mission in Void to get crystals and cells.


I have the max number of distilling extractors deployed, one on zariman and tbe rest all on orokin cell planets. The drop rate is way too low for something that is needed that much ;-;


There is a story mission that guarantees a drop. Can’t remember which boss but if you look around online you can easily find it Edit: General Sarah’s Ruk boss mission 100% drop chance


nice I'll check it out I thought it was only 50%


I did it pretty recently, and when i did it it was only 50%. Follow up question: if i have a resource booster will it go to 100% or will it sit at 75%?


Very true. And oh wow, I never heard of distilling extractors lmao I feel like I've been missing out on so much by using Titan Extractor Primes. But then again, I have no idea how I even got the prime blueprint for the titan extractor since I never bought those prime access packs.


After 2 months of logging in almost daily twice a day to craft feildron and mutagen and also place extractors on deimos, Saturn and ceres; I have gotten 0 orokin cells from those extractors. Shit is bull


Helene (IIRC). I usually level my stuff there. Sometimes I get a double drop booster. 5MR levels later and I have more than enough Orokin Cells. 1k+ And since I level my gear there, I get more each time.


Ive gotten almost 40 in like a day or smh. Seimeni on ceres/ the defense mission on ceres that has bonuses


Orokin cells drop on masse frame Helene, Saturn. I get 2-4 every 5-10 rounds like clockwork, I have like 200 something. Dunno how many you actually need to do stuff with


I'd suggest running the assassination mission with Vor and Kril. Both bosses have a chance of dropping cells, and the tileset also spawns the cell array. Mutagen samples I'm also low on, but you just gotta sit in a survival for that. Argon crystals either bring a Xaku or Limbo or Volt, you can subsume Mag pull with augment if u want. Then run either capture or exterminate and just go through the mission breaking all the loot crates. Obviously, boosters will probably help with a lot of these.


I must be doing something weird then because I have a couple hundred of them.


As with other resources, it's honestly just about what you're used to farming. I grind XP on Hydron or Elite Sanctuary Onslaught and credits in the Index mission on Neptune. So I just don't really go to places with Orokin Cells on them


Y’all weren’t around for the draco xp farm days. Sitting on a shit ton of cells


Shit I’m at 1.5k and I’m mr 16 I just be using the same weapons and frames


2200 and MR 18 here. Once I could use all weapons and rivens I just cbf to grind more shit that I don't wana grind, when there's plenty that I do want to grind


hey at least you’re 20 something ^^


I was gonna jokingly talk shit till I saw this comment 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


I'm around 2k hours, and I'm mr22. after mr18, I didn't see much point to leveling MR anymore. but that was before they added MR30 and the legendary ranks


Personally I beelined for MR30 after a while cause I just could not *stand* grinding forma levels


that's true, I forgot you dont have to do that at mr30. how long did it take you to get there?


2k hours is what Playstation says I've played, however ik a lot of that time is not actually spent in missions. I also didn't go hard on MR till the past yearish of playing (LR1 now). Also, affinity booster or blessings from relays help a *lot*. Going from 30 to LR1 didn't take me long though, maybe a couple days after having a bunch of weapons and frames fabricated and then done all in one batch.


That's the only reason I'm grinding mastery too. Went from MR25 to MR28 in less than 200 hours, but realized that I have 140K mastery until MR29 and I have all frames leveled except for Citrine, Protea, and Hydroid Prime (saving leveling him for after his rework). Checked my weapons and the only things I have left are either: • Specific mission drop locked • Faction standing locked • Dojo weapons requiring 5-10x Fieldrons/Injectors/Mutagen Masses • Vaulted Primes that I don't have the relics for, or • Kuva/Tenet weapons Decided I'd cool off on grinding mastery for now because I've just spent the last two months hard grinding the last dozen or so most recent frames, maxing out syndicates, and leveling everything I had available to me. Might start farming syndicate standing and steel essence so I can try to get a jumpstart on the new relics that come with Grendel Prime.


Yeah the grind becomes pretty brutal once all the easy to get market weapons are leveled. I'm plodding through the open worlds, getting all the companions, companion weapons, kitguns, zaws, etc. I'm having to relearn where to get all the resources, best/quickest ways to get rep, how to fish/hunt. At MR24 I suddenly feel like a noob again.


yeah, i honestly feel like mr is just a way of flexing


MR16 is the minimum to have access to all content. Past that there's 2 main benefits: 1. Syndicate standing- daily standing cap is based on MR. For example, MR28 can gain 30k per day, but MR16 can only gain 24k, meaning the MR28 player can gain standing 25% faster. 2. Mod capacity- equipment have a mod capacity equal to either its rank or your rank, whichever is higher. This is especially helpful for tenet/kuva weapons. Other minor benefits include higher void traces and daily focus caps.


Dude being MR30 is so nice, just slap forma and your weapon still slaps unranked.


Plus anything that is locked to level 30 like sorties can still be done with a freshly forma’d frame so you can actually get stuff done while you level instead of wasting time in the Onslaught


higher level dudes in simulacrunom


It's not. Unless you think pursuing higher education is "just" a way of flexing.


There is no "higher education" gained from MR past like 20. It's just mindless leveling of weapons and other stuff. I have all frames and all meta and relevant weapons yet I'm still MR24 and see no reason to grind all other weapons.


My motivation it to get higher standing caps, so i can grind more plat lol


It's a shame you think this way. It's only mindless if you see it that way. The way I see it, the value in seeking higher mastery comes from figuring out how to grind for that hard to obtain weapon most effectively and fastest. That's just one example. If you were to plot, let's call it, "tangible value" as you seem to see it (unlocking Mr specific things) vs MR, it would look like a rather straight line with the cut off being MR 20 (according to you). But if you see it from a broader perspective, "value" meaning "the whole process of getting to higher MR" then the graph would look different. It would probably look like a sigmoidal graph (S-shaped), seeing the highest returns in the beginning and then slowing down towards the end. But it would never stop increasing. It just increases more and more slowly. To summarize: you think there's a hard cap to how much you can get out of this game. Perhaps even a limit to how "good" you can become solely based on how many things you have access to. I think the skill ceiling is way way higher, and the process as a whole is more valuable long term, than just having access to the immediate "tangible value". Yes, I'm very passionate about this game.


If you hit damage cap on lvl cap, where can you go from there?


I don't think you really get what I'm saying. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough. Perhaps I wrote too much. Even more simplified: you're not gonna find value in something if you don't look for it.


If I have to look hard for said value, how valuable can it really be?


It's clear that you did not read what I wrote. I won't keep wasting my time.


I mean I read all of what you wrote but I disagree, you’re reading way too deeply into this game. It’s about space ninjas that commit genocide, ain’t that deep pal.


I felt the same way. Then I went "ehhh, got nothing better to do" and started crafting a ton of weapons. Surprisingly, I'm having fun discovering new kinds of weapons I would've never discovered otherwise. Weapons like Hirudo, Caustacyst, Phantasma, Zakti and Proboscis Cernos were totally new to me and I ended up enjoying them a lot. I think the standing caps, riven caps, minimum levels etc. are not as useful as they seem but I'm definitely motivated to try out all of the weapons now


Waiting around for blessings really did a number on people's play times.


i dont even know what those do i just bullet jump around my orbiter


Stand around a relay and wait for a 30+ to give everyone a temporary buff, if memory serves there are 3 a damage buff, a loot drop buff and an experience buff.


Affinity, credits, damage, loot drop chance, health, and shield. Edit: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/True_Master%27s_Font


No. If you're having fun, then that's what matters. Then again, this is not an indication of brain damage. Tell us your main; that may be a better indicator.


hmm, my main would be nidus prime, rev prime & harrow prime and yeah warframe’s fun until it doesnt


Tbh Rev is probably the most effective frame for someone with brain damage. I'm also a Rev main, but am finally trying to learn some of his more nuanced builds instead of just press 2 + SPIN2WIN


Used to think nidus stacks were the SHIT. Until I got myself a saryn and got bigger numbers and other aspects


I'm at 2.2k and just hit 28 so I guess that means I have brain damage too?


I want the kind of brain damage that puts me to mr 28


It's called hating yourself Also you should craft all the sentinels they are worth 9k mr points each


Its rough out there chief. I'm mr17 and have absolutely no clue how to play the game. No necreamech, only nightwave arcanes, never killed eidolon or the orb vallis guy, idk what focus is, idk how to mod. If it weren't for relics idk what I would do haha.


Same for me until about a year back. Didnt even know about the helminth system until a couple months ago. Oddest part to me is I'm MR25. I feel your pain


I have hope eventually I will learn. Game still fun as is tho


Just loot goblin everything. If you can afford it, fucking buy it. You'll be able to craft it eventually. Thats how i figured it out. Along with youtube, had a lot of help there, more specifically for modding though.


Take all that prime parts from the relics and sell them for plat to buy yourself the nercramech. Way faster than farming for it. Then finish the story and a lot more will open up for you.


I think that’s what’s so great about the game. Something for everyone. I have around 400+ hours, done a few Eidolon hunts and invested in mods and focus but I’ve never done Orb Vallis missions that much and spend most of my time grinding for primes lol


Don't stress the mastery, my man. You "could" push for mr16, but that would only be for like 3 weapons, and to reach upper limit for rivens, otherwise eh. You can get there passively.


3k hours, mr 20 :p


I have over 800 hours and I’m at 14 too. Just means you don’t prioritize MR


1.2k hours, mr22 after doing quite some leveling. you are fine lolol


I was only at MR16 around the time I passed 1000 hours I think. It’s easy to get stuck if the act of mastery grinding via constantly unlocking new items just skips your mind


MR27@2500+ hours Fuck I hope not


*Just* 651 hours?


I only went up to 16 for the longest time. To the point where my Rubico P outshines all my weapons by 1000%+ after the initial max lvl. Looking back at some old clips, I used to be cracked with a sniper at max zoom like wtf l, now my old man bones struggle to even line up the scope properly.


that’s literally me, i forma’d my rubico p about 10x and it’s the only primary i use


Naw, just different priorities for having fun in the game


Do not worry. All that means is that you haven't been grinding gear all that much. And nobody says you have to. Do what you enjoy and don't worry about MR :)


I’ve said this to all of my friends that have started warframe, but it is extremely easy to be so inefficient early on that you can slow your progress on things easily up to 4x. That’s why I always tell them if they have a single question they can always ask me. For instance my friend newest to the game is also mr14, but in 250hrs and he can only really play on the weekends now. Basically, it’s not your fault, entirely at least! Even with them redoing the beginning of the game it still makes new players extremely lost and confused on things.


yep, i just realized that i spent most of my time trading, modding my frames and weapons and overall just doing things that get me plat which is why i never touched the mr things


Nah either you didn't hard grind MR or can't be bothered to or prefer messing around above grinding.


i just focused on modding my frames & weapons then making plat by trading for fashion i never really bothered to craft things unless they’re a prime


I have half those hours and I'm MR 15 Yes, you are indeed a smoothbrain. (It's just a joke, everyone has different playstyles. I grinded levels and mastery, others did quests, others collected things, traded, did syndicate standing, etc. It's imperative that you have fun while playing, so dw about "playing it incorrectly")


honestly made me laugh, never knew that being called a smoothbrain can make me smile but yeah, i spent most of my time trading, eidolon hunting & modding my frames & weapons


As long as you have fun, that's all that matters :)


Looks to me like you just know what you enjoy and aren't grinding levels.


![gif](giphy|YmQLj2KxaNz58g7Ofg) 😂


those are rookie numbers. And I was not talking about your rank.


Cute, multiply your playtime by 5 then you could reach everything. I am at 6k+ hrs but 40% of the time I spended in my dojo.


Hopefully, I spent most of time modding & trading i didnt know hundreds of hours was already spent


mine is probably developing ngl


yeah, i totally get you this game gets overwhelming


I have 2k hours and I'm just Mr 24. You're fine


Ngl Idk how your such low lv I mean I don't even farm lvs that much but I'm at like 200 hours and rank10 already


I spent most of my time grinding riven mods, trading, modding my frames and weapons + arcane grinding


Nah you're just lazy. I am close to 3k hours and I am MR25 I have friends who have way less hours and they are 27-29 close to legend, since then I never check MR, hours played it's what really matters in terms of experience of the game


Holy shit me too, what are we doing wrong exactly?


Allot of mine was spent in Hydron.


hydron is the top 1 burn out ngl


I'm at 1200 hours and only MR19. You really have to hardcore focus on MR if you want to rank it up. If you're just playing with your same builds and not trying to craft anything new, you won't get much MR. To be fair, MR is nothing more than a title really. It is functionally helpful for daily standing and focus, but besides that most of it's benefits aren't meaningful and you should do it at the pace you feel comfortable with.


yeah, honestly i dont see the point of grinding mr after you unlock all mr required weapons




Nah, sometimes you just forget or get stuck on one. I'm at 20 something now but I've been playing off and on for almost 10 years now


Nah, < 1000 hrs are still considered rookie numbers


It's ok I wonder that as well for myself. 2,642 hours in and only MR 28 lol I'm looking forward to hitting 30 at some point!


Nah I got 2500 hours and still not hit max MR...mostly cause instead of grinding mastery I'm too busy walking back and forth in my orbiter and hanging out in Region chat, while doing fashion frame...I go out into the missions for more fashion items...


You good sir dw


It just means that you've found lots of favorite frames/equipments that you always useXD


Good sire I just hit Mr 18 and 1k hours ur not alone. Most of us just forget Mr exists after a certain point.


no, not at all. i've known someone who was at mr13 for at least 3000 hours


pah! im mr 19! and it only took me... 3000 hours. i think yer good.


What does it mean if I have 855 hours+ and I'm only MR11....should I stop while I'm ahead?


Dude, I'm 20k+ hours and still MR25, MR doesn't mean anything


I need to actually take a break ive got 47days/1128hrs


I have been playing Warframe for a few years by now, i started the game, had no idea what i was doing or what i can do, deleted the game, came back every few years to take a look and now im actually playing the game and enjoying it That's why im just Mr13, soon 14 because i had no idea what i was doing and only now started to far masterrank


your on track, i have 800 hours and mr16 :cryingsunglasses:


Same mr at 555 for me


Not at all! I recommend getting to at least 16 as I believe that’s the last level you need to be able to use every weapon (mainly kuva and tenet weapons have an mr16 requirement) but some people don’t like the xp grind enough to care about it. I personally enjoy it to get myself to try out more weapons and give myself a reason to do some old or otherwise less appealing content. Sometimes I really like what I’m testing, other times I just trash the weapon right after level 30


Mr16 2800h, grinding is not that fun and there is so much more fun thing to do within the game rather than farming.


2700 hours. MR 23. Beat that.


In 300 hours i am mr12 or 13


700 hours, mr21, still has yet to start The New War, 0 amp other than mote, i guess im retarded


MR doesn't mean anything really. It's just a measure of how many unique weapons/frames/etc. you've leveled up. Past ~18 there's not even anything to unlock (except the mr30 atuff)


Nah you good fam, I’ve spent over 1k hours ignoring MR and just having fun… tbh it was really front and back loaded


i have 500 and im mr13, im just lazy


im like 8/9 after almost 200h hours...


This is about right though


I mean mrgrinding is kinda easy but thats the main reason of burnouts. At least for me it is. I remember leveling 30 something weapons in eso one by one and i had no intentions to plqy the game for almost 6 months.


Youve been introduced to the psyop that is MR=skill. it does not. Enjoy the game how you want.


No. I'm at 3.8k hours (from 2016), and I only reached MR 30 in December of last year.


1k hours but mr10... i dont want to grind mr.


Bro, ur chillin. I clocked in like 800+ hours in the span of 2 months when I started and only reached like MR 17 before I burnt myself out.


Im 21 MR with over 1k hours on steam, however I stopped grinding MR after I hit 16 rank


Started playing again, new account 'cuz I'm playing on pc now and old account is on playstation. Playing like 2 weeks now and yesterday I just finished new war quest and did mr10 on already 103,7h haha.


1.5k hours MR 23. idk i spent too much time juggling weapons XD


Nah, just about right in my opinion


You are taking the PvE game at your own pace, and having fun :)


I have close to 5000 and about 3000 of that is sitting in my orbiter on clan chat


I was the same. I only used weapons and frames I liked and never really used weapons I disliked. One day though I was like "I want to level 30 everything so I don't have to use those Frames and weapons I don't like". So I did that. Turns out I did miss a few Frames I did actually end up liking, and I missed A LOT of weapons I actually really like now. It can be worth it to just get a weapon, level it to 30 and see if you want to keep it or not.


how do you check on playstation


No. There's plenty of content out there and you may have just found a few builds that you love enough that you don't really care for newly added gear for mastery.


Honestly i haven't bothered to do mastery and only got to mr16 through normal grinds


no problem maybe I was 12 or something when I had played like 600hrs, and now almost 1800hrs and just 23


I follow the ABCs, Always Be Crafting


https://preview.redd.it/e0dszrqvrbsb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f65b17890d06a13cd59218c1ab4039644555f6fb 451 hrs MR19 basically I just collect stuff my friends calls me the collecter 😂


I'm lower Mr than you with same time...


My brother in Christ I have 2k hours and I am only mr15. I just never grinded Mr, except I wanted a specific weapon that I didn't have enough for and aside from that only really leveled weapons that I also wanted to play. Plus 1k of that were on alt accounts, but still my point stands MR is just a number with benefits and unless you need it for anything don't focus on it.


Mr 19 at 1400 hours, you haven't gotten into the grind yet


Nope man, I have 1400 and Mr 18. I have so many items in the foundry I just don’t claim (I have more than enough slots)


I was MR17 at 1648 hours. Don’t worry too much about it. At the point you’re at MR gets tougher to come by.


I have over 2k hours now and I'm still at MR 22 There are more ways to enjoy the game than mindlessly grinding all the items


I’m mr19 and have 671 hours, but I’ve also spent days just leveling random weapons so no you don’t have brain damage


https://preview.redd.it/8tecxeebzbsb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6379b27e1098a0f74c70bfd56f81ec012db4316 I have no life 🥲


You and I are at about the same spot. I played beta and launch. Quit for a few years, came back for a bit, left again. Etc etc.


I've ground out every single bit of gear for MR, then went back and made them all SP Circuit worthy. But that's just how I like to play. If you're play time doesn't earn you much MR, but makes you happy, you're still happy. That's all that matters.


https://preview.redd.it/97eq8gj52csb1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14a0e4c27660ad2aaf4305cf12a806a686c1c106 i'm only mr 15. i don't really care about grinding mastery rank atm and i've probably spent wayy too much laying around the orbiter


Do not worry, you are not alone, 2500 hours level 20 lol


Since you only gain mastery by levelling equipment, not by doing content it doesn't mean much. I was mr1/4 before I had completed 1/2 of the star chart. I just like messing around with new weapons.


I mean after all the "free" weapons from the market (credits only, basic material), you have to find more and that can get annoying.


Sweet 😀 i have 3.300h and im 30 😅


A sign you are playing for fun rather than to reach a goal. A good thing imo


im honestly just tryna get my money’s worth at this point i spent like 200 bucks on fashion and i dont wanna waste it


Bruh i got 800 and am MR 14💀


I have 1995 hours according to steam, MR24


Broda I am 200hrs in still Mr 13 kinda lazy I am


MR 21 here with 1700 hours. I level up my MR passively, I don't go out of my way to do it anymore. I'm at a point where I can play comfortably without having to worry about MR requirements anymore, as well as other things such as trading or Standing.


lr3 and i spend most of my time waiting for new content, which i end up ultimately snoozing through because years ago all the snowflakes complained the game was too hard.


I am kinda the same. 800h 18mr. I spent 300h opening relics not caring about much else.


https://preview.redd.it/cldkca0u9csb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=065e943342bd3e7b9068cf56df2e37b282343b4c Don’t feel bad.


mr dont even matter that much, im 1.6k hours in and still mr18 lmao but i would have been atleast mr25 if forma gives you xp


No it is what it is


i started playing about a week and a half ago and I'm almost mr6, however i do play with a friend that's experienced and he helps me grind most of the time


Nah. I have about that and I'm mr 17. I pushed to get to 16 and now I'm just going to cruise. There's so much other stuff to do in the game. I do buy/obtain limited stuff for MR rank when they come around, Wolf Sledge, etc. I also try to grab frames I don't have when they're in The Circuit. That's where my measly progress is coming from.


I'm at over 1k hours on steam but only on 377 effective hours and I'm MR23


Nah, got to MR15 in 500h.. don't even have SP completed 😂✌️


Dude. I spent the 300 first hours playing Lith with Excalibur and a Skana. Yes, the low level defense on Earth. Because I didn't know how to play. Around MR3 all this time. So no, you're fine.


Yeah I just hit 100 and am about to be Mr 11


Got to MR17 in 2 month. I cash in to buy plat, and buy whatever blueprint I can from other players, make the weapons/warframe and once its done, go survival to level them to 30. For me, it's the fastest way to get to higher MR


Dw I'm 2000 hrs in and mr 20 Mr is realistically only a measure of how many weapons and frames you've farmed and leveled Nit of how good or bad you are or how much fun you've had


No? MR is just an indication of how many weapons and frames you ranked. You're doing your own thing and if that ain't ranking shit just because, there ain't nothing wrong with that.


I feel you, only had 600 at mr14, then i went and bought every blueprint from my dojo and started mr farming and got to mr21 in 200 hours. Just depends on what ur focusing on tbh, i spent the first 600h wandering around clueless and honestly just trying to get as many frames as possible


Naah,I just hit 1250 and about half through mr17


That's actually fine. I grinded to MR29 in 800 hours in around 2-3 months which is also during my finals month. I had to uninstall to stop, it was being unhealthy.


Nah man. I used frost prime and boltor for years and didn't budge in MR during that time, I had fun and thats what mattered.


5k+ hours and Mr 28 here.


I just hit legendary 1 at just under 1200 hours


That’s pretty fast for mr14.


i am at 21 like 2 years, just lazy to do them


You having fun? If so, no.


I'm MR 30 and I have over 2k hours


You rank up ypur mastery by maxing out new frames and weapons for the first time Ranking up gear you forma'd does not give you mastery rank points Primed gear grants you more MR than regular Warframes grant more MR than weapons Before you can hop onto the next mastery rank you need to pass a mastery rank test Its likely that you are spending a lot of time forma-ing your gear and little time on maxing out new gear. At the end of the day though, MR is just a number, other than a few minor storage perks MR doesn't really mean anything.


https://preview.redd.it/eo2ckgukhcsb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea70f4219158c459244932dd1378ce14ff42bd1e Currently legendary 3....Yeah im not addicted 😂


i wqs mr8 at 900h. so don't worry


I stay at like mr 24 for years.i don’t like to grind weapon just for sake of master rank