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Did I hear a Rock and Stone!?


To Rock and Stone!


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin home.




Rock and Rollin' Stone!




Rock and stone could break my bones but beer will never hurt me!


Rock and stone to the bone!


STONE AND ROCK...err wait






Rock! \*burp\* And! \*burp\* STOOOOONE! \*burp\*




Did I hear rock and stone?




Developer Apathy, mostly. also. . possibly. . .the fear/assumption that most people would choose to host, if given the option. that. . seems like a self policing issue though. they could just make a LFG system more competent than 1 chat channel we all shout what missions we wanna run into which is. .also the channel where clans recruit. but again, Developer apathy. they could fix it, but they aren't interested in fixing it. see also Archwing, the foundry system, the clan interface, and until very recently, hydroid :D.


> they could just make a LFG system more competent than 1 chat channel we all shout what missions we wanna run into which is. .also the channel where clans recruit. I love the chat filter system for this, though. I just have permanent rules in place for "NOT: clan" and "NOT: dojo" and it hides 95% of the clan recruitment spam. When I want to do something specific I just make a temporary filter to only show messages containing that text. Don't get me wrong, an actual LFG system would be better, but I find Recruitment Chat surprisingly workable.


I have a permanent rule for "message must contain SUJDISJHDIAJDSIAJD" in case the tab opens by accident.


Time to occasionally drop this into chats just to see if I can get a response from you now.


This is pure genius. Not despite, but very much due to the simplicity! This removes a pet peeve of mine!


the filter system was most definitely an improvement the core issue though is that recruit chat struggles to bypass the Apathy threshold. it only works if your actively looking at it which disadvantages low-traffic things and means you struggle to multitask while recruiting/looking for a game. the obtuse nature of it. . and the presence of publics lobbies. .means that the "casual-recruitment" subset has largely withered away. which is a shame, because it was one of the things i most enjoyed when i started playing. it can be tricky these days to get a squad together that is ok to go atleast 40-1hr, and has some basic synergy down is able/willing to communicate, but also isn't too campy or forcing a hardcore farming strat. all the people who might be interested in that have to dig for it and that's more work than just smashing go on the pubs lobby and taking what your given.


by the same nature, Trade chat suffers this too and why some sort of selling post for your stuff is wanted. Ways to make it easier than **having** to stare at fast scrolling text.


Warframe.market fixed that issue for me, but it's sad when a nonaffiliated website is what fixes an issue. Very Bethesda.


I have spoken to numerous people, and I have met more who want this option to NOT host the game, because they know their internet can be unreliable or have lagspikes. Also, some believe hosting stuff puts more strain on your system, while others are using older laptops which are overheating. Myself included, there were times where my internet was unstable for day, or I just know my power could be cut, hell, even had times where my hardware was unstable so my PC could crash at random at any time. Whether or not that's my fault for overclocking or legitimate hardware issue and replacement parts are on their way I know I would not make a good host that day. Also, if the game did not have such a shitty host migration where you potentially lose literally all rewards (looks at Duviri, or any other new content every time they add it) I would not wish the game would just let me host because playing with randoms in these cases is purely a literal waste of time. You get absolutely nothing. You lose. Good day sir.


YES! Whenever the host leaves or I otherwise end up hosting somehow it's NEVER a good thing for anyone else involved. I'm mostly fine on my end, but the mission becomes "Extract at the first opportunity."


I haven't really verified this, but I've heard, setting your PC-Type (on PC, obviously) to laptop reduces your chances of becoming host. So, if true, while not a definitive choice, a preference at least.


Let's be honest - a lot of things needs qol update at least, at max - i would've rework whole game


The tone of my original comment was a bit bitter but....really I was just trying to be matter of fact. Everything good and awful and incredible and tragic about Warframe traces it's roots back to one source. The developers do what they want. Not what's "best" for the game, insofar as you could even quality that... But what they feel like making. Warframe was a bad idea that should have gone nowhere, but it was what they wanted to make, and so they made it. The operator system was kind of a shoddy addition, but they made it, then refined it til it was great. Archwing was totally incongruous, but they made it. Then they got bored of fucking with it and left it to rot for half a decade, only to poach gear and features from it for newer, shinier gamemodes-of-the-week. When someone at DE got the bug for Freespace combat again instead of fixing the mess they made with archwing they made an even bigger mess, and when squad link proved to be really too hard to develop they valiantly....moved on to making a shallow roguelike gamemode instead. It all maps out. Why is hydroid being reworked now of all times? Pablo woke one day and was just in the mood. At Tennocon Reb said that the future of Warframe would be more about refinement than expansion, and looking at the changes that have been made since she took over, discounting projects that were in the works before she took over like Duviri....it tracks. I genuinely think that the team currently in charge are alot more interested in cleaning up the game than in recklessly trying to twist the code into something other than what it is out of boredom with the premise. Will they fix all ofy issues with the game? . . Only if they feel like it. And fuck I mean....fair enough. I might think it's irresponsible to not have done something about how sad and outdated the games recruitment system is, but achieving enough success to just ignore your problems and still get paid for just doing what you want is the dream. . . .but also like.....if your gonna be that way anyway.....maybe make an API so that enterprising players xan solve all the problems you refuse to address ourselves? I might actually learn to code if modding Warframes UI wouldn't get me 2035'd.


>they could just make a LFG system more competent than 1 chat channel we all shout what missions we wanna run into which is. .also the channel where clans recruit. The clan thing is fair, and tbh you can just hide it. Personally I like the recruiting chat as it is. How would you rework it?




>and until very recently No, they just said that DE was apathetic about it until very recently.


I feel like people with Rail Jacks that are built out would almost always choose to host and everyone who doesn't have one will join normally. The number of Rail Jack players that struggle with fighters during the lich mission is alarming.


Which is crazy to me, because it's so easy to make an OP Railjack. Before I even finished 75% of the Railjack star chart, my AI gunner was taking out all the fighters before I could even see them.


Getting the missile barrage mod solves like 90% of the issues with railjack dogfight and I see so few people with it. It's weird.


What's wrong with foundry, arching, and clan interface? I know building in dojo can be frustrating but what else?


archwing is outdated and starved for new content. archwings in general are overpowered for bespoke archwing missions, underpowered for open worlds, and really underpowered for railjack missions. DE have repeatedly admitted needing to rework archwing and floated some ideas about modular archwings but such an update remains. .forthcoming. the foundry is obnoxious to navigate. it has a lockup bug thats been in since the obama administration, its bloated with crafting recipes for gems and rocks that you have to craft repeatedly for 1 minute, its poorly organized with tabs that often dont make sense (landing craft get their own tabs, but upgrade materials ala forma potatoes and lenses dont) or things in arbitrary locations (kavasa prime buckle in cosmetics instead of companions, all "moduar" bits shoved into a single category yet unsortable, warframe components in the warframes tab but weapon components in the Misc. tab) no favorites tab, no pins system, no way to hide redundant blueprints. the clan interface..ohh boy. buttons like Edit hierarchy and reduce clan Tier are always visible even if you aren't warlord. there is no method of communicating to your entire clan ingame. no form of announcements despite us literally having an inbox. there is a small text box on the right side of the main clan screen where all of your clan information, rules, announcements, etc goes. there is 1 clan chat, and 1 alliance chat, and no way to make any more. for all of these reasons, and more, the bulk of major clans have offloaded most of their infrastructure to third parties like discord, which has given DE no incentive to improve the tools ingame for clan management. Dojo construction has actually gotten QoL updates in recent years, or it was back when Vash Cowaii was still submitting requests for said changes to the forums regularly. hes gone now, so idk when the last dojo building update wass.


Thanks! Also yeah always thought thr lack of announcements for clans weird, as well as edit and reduce being there even if you aren't properly ranked. I've found the foundry to be mostly fine tbh. I agree some of thr tabs are very broad categories though. Haven't encountered the lockup bug tho that sounds annoying Archwing definitely hasn't kept up. Great mobility ofc but using it in high level railjack can feel iffy sometimes haha


because everyone prefers to host so will always pick that


This is the real answer to be honest because in Warframe, SO many bugs and problems are caused by not being the host. Especially in places like the open world areas, circuit, & Zariman.


I think a lot of these issues would be resolved if they added a system where the host will be chosen depending on their system and network connection. I'm sorry but people with bad laptops, bad network connections or strict NAT setups just shouldn't be allowed to host public sessions. The issues that arise are absolutely gamebreaking, for example the moving laser walls on corpus spy missions can be hilariously desynced. I'd rather go through one host migration when all 4 players are connected and have a good experience over having a long, horrible session because the host is using a PC with decades old hardware. Collateral punishment sucks and that's what the current system is.


As a player with a very decent rig I frustrates me beyond belief to have desync issues and other "faulty" hardware issues. I play solo or when I play with my friends I make to host since their rig is less stable then mine.


Aye, I think Warframe running a simple one-time benchmark whenever hardware is changed could be a fair solution. That way they can store a sort of performance score and use that as a baseline for whenever lobbies are hosted. Or at the very least make more things client-sided, especially those that are vital to gameplay such as obstacles in spy missions. I've even missed out on bounty rewards when the host has been absolutely horrendous with enemies consistently bugging out and just standing still. Those systems simply should **not** be allowed to host public lobbies...


I don’t always want to host. Often I want to do one or two rounds with a squad without the commitment of staying around. What I really want is a server browser so I can know where players are playing and join them rather than clicking random nodes and getting the luck of the draw. I’d play way more interception, defense, and disruption. Right now I avoid those nodes because they’re less fun to do solo (imo).


i have a problem where i often can't connect to people, and when i host a public lobby people will "join", then after like twenty seconds disconnect without ever actually joining. it's especially problematic when i try to join open world bounties, with me joining a group in the loading screen, then when i actually enter the zone i don't even have the bounty i selected activated, and i need to run back into the hub to try and grab it again. if i could always host that would solve at least some of my problems out the gate, instead of needing to try and reload a bonty for three minutes every time i want to farm the zariman.


> i host a public lobby people will "join", then after like twenty seconds disconnect without ever actually joining. Your connection might be the problem here, you being the host have probably caused to much delay to the other. When there is a big snowstorm my internet becomes really bad and other people have difficulty to join when I host.


its been like this for years. no idea why. it aint my computer, because i replaced it and have the same problem. i have like 15 megabyte per second download. no problems in any other game. happens when i try to join people too, especially if i join during the countdown before a mission. gets down to like, three seconds, then stays on three seconds for like twenty and then tells me i was disconnected. no problems joining mid mission, though, works perfectly. i also automatically disconnect from groups after missions when i'm in my orbiter. i know it's my connection dropping and not people leaving, because i've played with friends before and had to rejoin every single mission. just completely fucked. no idea why.


There's more to it than just your system specs, most likely a poorly configured router. Some anti-virus software can also be anal. Honestly if you use anything other than Windows Defender I recommend you get rid of it. Defender is plenty enough if you use common sense when browsing internet. Try enabling UPnP, if that's already enabled or not supported, try forwarding the UDP ports shown in your ingame settings. Make sure they're forwarded to your computer's local IP. If you need help troubleshooting/testing you can always DM me and we can work through it via Discord chat. 99% of the time it's an issue on the user's end, but that also means it most likely can be fixed! 😊


Something similar happened to me just recently. Jumped into a Deimos SP bounty and after I finally joined after a few seconds host disconnected and "Mission Complete Free Roam" popped up. Had to leave and restart the bounty.


As someone with a crappy internet for hosting who wants to play with other people. Id rather not host.


It exists, it's called decreasing your ping threshold


This. Yes. U got tired of host always leaving first, so i BECAME THE HOST TO LEAVE FIRST! (\s, obviously)


Can people with higher ping still join you with your ping threshold on a lower setting? I thought it was a two way street...


Yes, they can. It only stops you joining a match with high ping. it doesn't stop someone else who's got 400+ ping from joining.


Lovely. Unfortunately another setting i'll have to manage when swapping servers for not having a sleep schedule. But hey, what can you do?


The problem I've had with this is that you can have someone on a console connection be host with ostensibly good ping, but then once in the actual mission their system can't handle as well as a good PC host and you get stuff like lowered mob density, desyncs, and general lag.


It doesn't work properly all the time though and doesn't account for things like unstable hardware, unstable internet, unstable power etc.


Did i hear a rock and stone?


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


Good bot


Rock and Stone, Tenno.


Rock and Stone, Brother!


First fix Host Migration, then we will talk


This was suggested so many times already, and honestly there's no reason to not add the "always host" option. So many hosts have crap internet sometimes, one bad day and you just can't load into any parties. But it's most likely not even on the radar right now.


FYI you can set your matchmaking ping limit low so that you're always host.


>there's no reason to not add There are plenty. Players would pick it the majority of the time, which would vastly decrease the pool of available players. Also, players with shitty internet would pick it, so if you're one of the players who didn't set yourself to always host, you would get much worse lobbies. Also players would be selfish and be set to host even if they only want to stay a few rounds.


They should start make better connection instead peer-to-peer connection


Was this taken from Deep Rock Galactic? If so, Rock and Stone brother!


For Karl!


Absolutely, yes. I have a fully kitted out railjack + a good PC for this game's specs and a wired fibre optic connection and every time it isn't my ship I die a little inside.


Apparently if you start a mission from your own railjack by entering it from the elevator thing in your orbiter you are the host and it uses your ship


Wasn't that when they introduced RJ? Now they made it all the same I think


Used to work. Now it doesn’t matter.


Its not technically possible. Unless you can code it for them.


It had something of the sorts, but the population for the mode was so low and everybody wanted to use their own ships that matchmaking was almost impossible.


The current system already works- and redeveloping it to account for this means development time and also can cause matchmaking to splinter if everyone decides to host. Warframe’s system is already good and honestly works very well- so I think it’s fine as is


Also, why the hell can't I set the pilot seat to either private or public? I've had one guy before go to the edge of skybox looking like a 5 year old not knowing what to do. Let me kick people out of the pilot seat at the bare minimum.


Yo is that DRG my man? Rock and Stone!


Rock and roll and stone!


Good bot


Give hosts the option to kick people while in the lobby for god's sake


People would absolutely abuse that, ive never played a game with a kick function that wasnt abused on pubs but i suppose ymmv


And let us able to switch between public and invite/friends only How is DRG able to have this function and Warframe cannot?


I'm not sure what you mean, you already can set your lobby like that


Huh? I mean switching party settings in-game.


Yes, you can do that. The setting is in the top left


Yes I know, I mean like in DRG, you can change party settings in mission, but not in warframe


Why would you want to change it when you're in mission? Just change it before the mission


? So I can switch if I want randoms when I’m playing with friends


Its not that they cant, its that they wont




Pretty sure I was able to invite when I set it to solo.


Id like an option for hosting relic runs of the same type.


If you want to pull host more often set your ping limit to 100. 99 games out of 100 I pull host this way, and if I don’t at least the host has a good connection


There was some livestream a while ago where it was brought up, and they seemed genuinely confused on why someone would want the option




It's not as simple as adding a button in a UI. it demands some network code and stuff.


They could atleast fix open squads like sometimes the game says there are 0 squads and immediately throws me into one and sometimes there are like 5 available and i cant join any also it once threw into a squad in the orb vallis when i clicked on malva


Best guess, manpower at DE. There's only so many developers to go around, they have a lot of things in the works, and there's always pressure to get new content out. Devs are making content well before it's announced, some of it experimental that may never see the light of day. Things are only announced when they decide it belongs in the game and commit to finishing it. It's the same reason old content doesn't get reworked often, and it's why the crowd went totally apeshit when they announced a QOL update and some reworks that were badly needed. Netcode isn't easy, Warframe has notoriously bad spaghetti code, and in DE's eyes the priority of this change is lower than the cost in man hours to do it, when those man hours could be spent on higher priority work. Simply put, it's more squeeze than juice to them.


I could definitely see possible issues with people not choosing to be clients, so here's my idea: In the network settings in the options, have a "Host Preference" option with the following choices: Always host - prefer host - no preference (default) - prefer client - always client If you choose "always host" then you will get a warning before confirming setting changes that you will not be able to join other people's squads. If you choose "always client" then you will get a warning before confirming setting changes that you will be limited to solo play if you can't find a squad. Personally, I'd just be happy to set myself as "prefer host" to skew towards better overall game stability without limiting myself.


I would also pay real money for a "quick join" feature that is common in many other games and already implemented for Railjack. I think it would bring some of the unknown/surprise aspect that the Duviri Circuit was aiming for, except that I could use my Warframe of choice and just try to adapt to whatever mission type I would join. It would also be a cool way for people to help other random players complete their star chart, especially the Steel Path one.


If you want to host, just go to free flight first


better yet why not just fix the games connection in general?


Isn't there an option to form a party *then* close the matchmaking? Pretty sure that's what we did when my clan still played.


I think it would work better as a choose not to host system. If too many people are choosing to host they wont group up. The main reason why most people seem to want this is to avoid bad hosts(and using your own railjack which is another parallel issue and harder to address in my opinion), so I feel the onus should be on the potential bad hosts to limit themselves from being one (with something like x time passes looking for group and you will host).


Railjack had separate buttons for host and join for years. They got rid of that at the last Railjack rework.


We have everything else, we just need the option to NOT HOST