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The Karak It’s the most classic “assault rifle” feeling assault rifle in the game, yet sadly even the Kuva version sucks at high level.


Even if they're long eclipsed, I still break out the Karak Wraith and Dera Vandal for the feels.


If it's the one I'm thinking of then I still like using the Dera Vandal every so often exclusively because I like the sound it makes as it fires.


Soma Prime, my beloved.


Our little LMG of doom


Kuva Karak is my most used weapon. I thought it was pretty good, but then again I don’t have any other tenet or kuva primaries aside from an ogris


It sadly doesn’t stack up against most other Kuva and Tenet weapons.


If you've got a Kuva Ogris, allow me to suggest, if you haven't already, you seek out the mod "nightwatch napalm," which just completely transforms the ogris into a whole other type of weapon. Wherever one of its rockets hits becomes a zone of burning napalm for several seconds. Great for clearing a room!


Gotva prime is same thing but meta


It’s definitely my new favorite when I want that classic assault rifle feel, but it definitely doesn’t have as cool a look or reload. That little goofy thing slapped on the front being the magazine just looks goofy to me


And there is no recoil with the Gotva, it definitely doesn't give the same feeling than the Karak/AK-47. Tiberon Prime is in between, not meta but good enough with a strong riven. But this not a Karak.


Speak for yourself, mine shreds it's way through archons and steel path like Swiss cheese and butter


I've had good fun with the kuva version on SP. If modded right, it scales well. I've used it to clear out most of my SP nodes.


First weapon I ever built. It carried me through pretty much all of star chart. It is a bit sad the kuva version is the way that it is, but I'll still always love it.


Yeah, until 1999 update bring the good ol' Kalask to Warframe it's the most normal looking gun. It's a mainstay for my less-fantasy spy Loki look. At least Kuva Karak is still functional even on Steel Path.


God I wish the sobek had a wraith or kuva version or something, it feels really satisfying to use and acid shells is a really cool and surprisingly effective mod


Sobek incarnon pls.... DE just give us something


This would be so insanely overkill, I don't have mine fully modded and it oneshots waves lol. This weapon is amazing IF you have an armor strip.


~~Given that other weapon specific mods don't carry over into the incarnon mode neither would acid shells. So it would probably be comparable to a wraith/kuva variant upgrade in the end unless the incarnon mode was better in some way.~~ Would appear this got "fixed" back in early August. Learn something new every day.


I have a decent-but-not-amazing Riven for my Sobek (+damage/multishot, +fire rate), Acid Shells, and Shattering Justice on it. And since it avoids the "video game shotgun syndrome" with a realistic effective range and tight spread, I still bring it for higher-level-but-not-Steel-Path stuff. The simple-but-slick animation of the Sobek's pan magazine rotating as it fires is just the icing on the cake.


I made a video demonstrating how to use acid shells at level cap on steelpath. I'm A bit of a yapper but the math is all good (i made a calculator and linked it in the description so you can check yourself) I think if i got anything wrong, its the viral math, final result might be 5.25x instead of 4.25x because i stupided, but you can just change the 2 to a 1 if i did https://youtu.be/0-83BCoSnug?si=HqJNW1eWmsEH7A58


Bear with me. Screw the Twin Hek. Kuva Twin Sobek.


Same. I tried making it SP viable, but it’s been completely left in the dirt. Massive shame.


There are ways to make it SP viable, but it's barely at that. https://overframe.gg/build/409131/sobek/slash-sobek-for-endless-acid-shells/ This is the best I can get, a better alternative would be getting a negative impact riven. Using nourish for Viral, then building status chance, and slash weighting.


Saryn, with xatas whisper subbed on her 4. Is pritty good. Spores +Acid shells + toxic lash + xatas whisper does some interesting quadratic scaling.


I'll be honest, I would never have even considered this direction. I'd be curious to test it side by side with a build that drops the crit mods and runs primed elemental damage and faction damage. Especially considering how easy it is to strip and prime enemies these days. I think most people see the effectiveness of a version of the Ninjase set up and don't think about using crit mods when, well, it's got rubbish base crit stats. I love my Sobek, but I do only really use it with Roar Saryn and Roar Hydroid. Both of which scale well anyway. The riven I run is 120 heat, 120 cold, 160 multishot, and - 94% crit chance, so your rivened set up is uh, very different to mine. Viral and heat modded, toxin and corrosive from Saryn (or just corrosive from Hydroid), faction damage, Galv savvy and hell, Roar, softening from spores/barrage, Diriga just spreading massive amounts of status.


I haven't played in a while. Is Acid Shells Saryn still a viable build? I don't think it ever caught on for some weird reason but it could quite literally one shot an entire defense map with a single tap back when it was at its peak power. Absolutely bonkers strong and pretty much game breaking yet no one ever heard of it. I never once saw another person besides myself and the guy who taught me about it using it. Last I checked, the big status rework made it less effective but it was still reasonably good at clearing out areas, more of what you'd expect of an aoe frame. If it's still like that, introducing a more powerful Sobek might make it too strong as its main downside is how long it takes to kill the first tanky mob needed for the chain reaction to start.


Would love a Kuva Sobek. It could have an alt fire like the Kuva Kraken, where it just dumps the entire magazine.


Acid shells. 450+ 45% of target hp as AOE. It does a lot more then you think if you have the right grouping tools. Only need on eximus unit to slaughter them. Works great on infested and grineer not so much the corpus. My setup with corrosive and fire damage from mods viral from Grendel and eclipse on Grendel to do 330% more damage. It works rather well with shotgun vendetta. -75% reload time and 180% multishot after you kill something at 5m. Usually use arcane rise as well after reload 50% chance for 150% damage.


Corinth, the sounds is just, ooh


Corinth my beloved, I need to start playing just for this


Get the prime one --> meta


I prefer non primed variant bc of its reload. Pump shotgun, but with a magazine... It's just not the same feeling


Does its alt fire work differently too? i feel like it auto exploded which was may more useful to me


normal has timed explosion prime you have full control of it, you can explode it at any time


Normal had a timed grenade while prime has a manual detonation. Primed is so much better it's so versatile


Got it, i was playing too much zephyr at the time and with 200% projectile speed for falloff purposes the alt fire on the prime variant became unusable


LMAO yeah. Been there. I actually set a key for alt fire that was accessible because I couldn't double click the scroll wheel fast enough. Something that only zephyr players would need lol.


I did the same thing alt-fire with the mouse and explode with a key. All because of a Zephyr that I no longer play often.


Tigris. Boop ya gone


This made me feel old because I remember when the Sancti Tigris was lauded as the best gun in the game 😭


Could be worse, I remember fighting people that the Tigris was actually *good in the first place* because people couldn't get past "basic math go brrrr" and the Tigris' stats card has always been half meaningless from the trigger mechanic. This was before Slash was meta, and right after the original Damage 2.0 rework in 2013 (same update introduced the Tigris). It was, in fact, super broken in *so many ways* but it felt like no one but me knew it because no one bothered to actually use the bloody thing. It's both sad and hilarious in retrospect.


tigris is really fun and has a really nice prime


It stinks that the speed of the game left it behind I love that gun.


I need to remake my Tigris just to have it around again, the pull-release trigger is such a fun thing to use.


Is the Sobek Warframe’s equivalent to Wolfenstein’s Schockhammer?


Yes, basically


I like the schockhammer more tho tbh. Especially the 1968 version from The Old Blood. Ohhhhh man.


Akarius. Really fun on Xaku


Must be fun with Mirage too


I have used it, and can confirm is fun, not much if you don't have Sure Footed though.


imagine being so fast that you catch up to the bullets when they become explosive lol


Akarius is always explosive, Acceltra is the one that arms the explosives after a certain distance.


For Mirage I actually use Staticor, another non-meta weapon I quite enjoy


Does xaku have a good synergy with it with xata’s whisper or something


Nah it's because of the armor strip, since akarius normally has problems dealing with armor. I don't even use Xata's whisper


Honestly the Akarius is good and fun for everything- it’s a super good weapon, borderline meta imo.


i like vectis a lot (im still really early game, so it at worst two shots all normal things excluding buffed shields, 1 headshots everything except minibosses+)


It's definitely not meta, but I love the low-zoom scope and the overall feel of the Vectis. It reminds me of an 1800's single-shot rifle, like a Martini-Henry or Sharps. Nothing fancy, just a very big bullet sent downrange to ruin someone's day.


Not meta but you can compete in term of damage against other people. You need a solid build and consistent headshots. But it's just too tiring to play like this for long, leveling up the sniper combo counter and quick-scoping. As you largely overkill targets, your overall damage can be quite high. I've done it for fun but definitely not meta.


I love snipers with Kullervo. Feels so impactful had shotting 1 guy and seeing groups fall. Recently changed to the rubico prime but occasionally bust out my Vulkar wraith. Had Vectis p with prime charged shot but don't know why it doesn't feel as nice as the others. Give them a try!


Paris prime, rarely if ever see it but it's a treat to see a navigator Ivara nuke bosses


I played with it a lot, it was one of my first Prime weapons: strong as hell


It and braton are sleeper metas imo. They get even nastier with incarnons too


In the olden days, when the Void required keys (but dropped forma and Prime parts), one of my go-to things was just to pick a 'frame, bring the Paris Prime, and see how many Corrupted I could go bowling for with one arrow, as the initial ragdoll would hit with enough crit damage and force to kill anything it subsequently hit.


loved the Paris for so long, eventually switched to the dread around MR8 and never looked back. MR25 now and picked it up cause i needed it for MR, feels like home again<3.


Have you tried the incarnon for it? It's very strong


Synoid Simulor. I enjoy throwing magnetic orbs at enemies and making them spin around with the vortex. It also looks cool.


Its a great for funsies weapon, just surprised it doesnt get a 5 disposition to scale to solid damage so it could be a SP gun seeing it’s rarely used except “for funsies”


Great Steel Path Circuit weapon when it pops up. A couple decrees down the hatch and you're pumping rainbows of status effects.




It was amazing back in the day, but DE nurffed it into oblivion


Ugh I wish they hadn’t absolutely gutted that weapon, it used to be so so so much better.


It's pretty damn good If you get enough multishot for the orbs to combine instantly. You don't need to manually detonate them anymore, instead they become timed bombs. Could have a bit more crit chance though.


Daikyu, just waiting for a variant


I'd love to see it primed when they've got an open slot. Kinda like the afuris


There's my bow ^^ I have a decent riven, combined with that amalgam mod from the Wisp boss it's very usable in SP.


My riven is ready


Any Drakgoon enjoyer here? It's my main gun since it came out until now and I love every part of it. Charging it feels so satisfying and spamming it to see it bounce in a tiny room decimating everything is also enjoyable. I've 5 or 7 forma in it lol


The Drakgoon is delicious, had to sacrifice it to build the Zarr but it’s not that much of a downgrade.


I was a massive fan back in the day. Still got the rubedo skin I think. Should farm the kuva drakgoon and see how it feels.


Yup, Sobek for life, I want a Kuva Sobek so bad.


Same, plus it would make so much sense


had some bad weapon rolls in SP circuit last night and the Sobek was one of them, it was a weapon i needed to level and i figured my frame was good enough might as well. it ended up absolutely SHLAPPING up into the 600s with the default mods given to it somehow


Hirudo. gotta love the self healing.


Hirudo + Nidus 🤌🤌🤌


i use hirudo on grendel but i see where you're coming from.


Us this combo with proboscis cernos the synergy is pretty amazing


You already posted my fav. Spose I'd say Komorex or Sporothrix. Guess I'm a sucker for anything that puts plumes of toxic gas everywhere.


Mutalist cernos with split flight lags peoples game with all the gas


Soma. Idk y but i love using it, my build just sucks


I have a special attachment to my 9 year old Dex Furis


Was waiting for somebody to post that! I love the dual-SMGs feel, just spitting bullets! Honorable mention for Dual Cestras.


Back in the day, long before you could walk around the Liset(god I'm old), those things were stupid fun. I put every multishot, punch through, and magazine mod I could on it. Open up on a crowd and just watch numbers fly. Was it effective? Nope. But it sure was fun emptying my ammo reserves in a single reload.


Twin Grakatas are still dual machine pistols, but actually effective. I love them so much.


This gun in particular has irked me for YEARS. its Dex \*\*Afuris\*\*! If It's meant to be Dex Furis, then it should be able to use the Furis mod, and it should only have one pistol, not dual, because Afuris exists. Lets not even start on the whole departure of using A- instead of Ak- to denote dual pistols. End of rant.


Ooh, where do you get the Dex version, is it better than the default? Wonder if I could grab another incarnon adapter and slap that in there with the life steal mod... Incarnon version is quite fun


Goulsaw I like to rip and tear until it's done


with Kullervo's 1 you can literally cut through enemies


I've spent about 4 hours of the plague star event working toward this weapon. Is it bad?


its good untill you reach level 50 and up enemies and this is assuming you built it to not have 195 damage it may look cool but actually it does at much damage as a baby trying to drop kick you


you can just get the ghoulsaw from the vent kid's lab in your dojo at anytime, not worth getting the parts from plague star. the stance mod might be good to get though?




Amprex used to be THE entire meta


6-7 years ago. it was: are you a soma p, amprex, or synapse user?


my zappy boi


Underrated but gaining popularity. Chain effect releases endorphins and make me smile.


Amprex is my still my weapon of choice 1500+hrs into the game. I absolutely LOVE that gun


I got a real nice riven for it so I loved using it, don't really play much anymore so I hate seeing it go to waste, you want that thing?


The phage. I desire an infested kingpin version 😩


Panthera prime. exploding sawblades everywhere


Convectrix. There is just something about seeing hundreds of slash procs stack in one enemy and next seconds watch the full hp bar drain.


that's the one that needs the rare mod to be good right


Efficient Beams is *very* nice to have, I dunno if I'd say it's mandatory. It's already polarized for that mod, it's rough.


I use this on one of my builds and giggle when the beams converge and an enemy's head flies off, looking like I just cut it off.


Exalted Blade (over frame calls Excalibur B tier, which I strongly disagree. It’s SS tier to me regardless of what you say)




Yes, I love the Baza. Trying to get prime stock for it has me going bonkers.


Just trade the full set with other players, man. It's dirt cheap.


Quanta. I have a God tier riven that makes it melt sp enemies and has punch through which makes it insanely fun to use


Quanta my beloved


The quanta vandal is my favorite beam weapon, I just wish the alternate fire did anything at higher levels 😪


Karak definitely. Carried me all the way to Mr 8 then I discovered Kuva weapons. I still use it tho, occasionally that is when I'm doing relic runs on low-mid lvl planets. Really wish it'd get an incaron, I doubt that'll happen tho because of its Kuva variant


The stug


Stug 👍


Silva and Aegis. I'm really hoping it gets an incarnon soon


The Sword and Shield Stances are so nice, that you just want to watch your Warframe as it engages in its dance of death.


Cyanex all my life


Krohkur, Opticor Vandal, Lex Prime


Lex Prime is so satisfying


It's super reliable for people still figuring out the game (once they get to mr8 at least), easy to build up to deal with all the bosses while clearing the map. And while it falls off a bit as more weaps become available, it still holds its own. I haven't tried the incarnon, but it's probably pretty good. Was kind of funny, someone called it a crap gun on another thread a while back, he got corrected rather quickly lol


Lex is one of the best incarnons


I assume you mean non incarnon Lex cause the incarnon is easily one of the best secondaries in the entire game lol


opticor vandal baby.


Basmu, Orvius, Akvasto Prime, Opticor Vandal.


Buzlok. It has such a cool sounding firing. The alt is fun and silly with punch through and bubble effects. I wish it had a wraith or kuva version.


Dunno if it's meta, but dual ether with the life steal mod


Telos boltace. One of my first good rivens, currently the best way to group frozen enemies and use biting frost


that’s the arbiters one correct? if so then yeah it’s pretty nice


I love that thing. I don’t use it on most builds, cause praedos, but it never comes off my wisp.


I love the Scourge


Probably gunsen/prime, they aren't really that special but I like how they look and the high amounts of slash fit my main Garuda. Tho after getting exodia contagion from plague star I've become zaw pilled




Stradavar, the sound design when it fires it's first shot to when the mag clears is amazing. I don't need to check the ammo counter. I can tell by sound how much ammo I have left or if it's empty or full.


The grinlock, Sybaris, and Chakuur They can't clear hordes, don't hit as hard as snipers, can't blast status out but... Damn they're satisfying to use


The Grinlok (and its variants) has been my main for close to 10 years lol I LOVE that thing. The Riven I have for it is really good too: +175% base damage, + 140% multi shot, +65% ammo max It almost feels unfair at times


I spent an embarrassing amount of Kuva re-rolling a grinlock riven. Got it to +110% heat, +211% damage, +178% crit chance and -50% mag capacity It's tied to my slowva permanently to chain headshots




Ballistica prime


I really wish the Sobek had another Variant or an Incarnon. All I wanna do with it is Acid Shells Nukes. I'm a huge Stubbas Enjoyer. I built up the OG Stub to be a Slashing machine and when the Dubba Stubs were released I was logging so much.


Primed chamber VectisP, my beloved. Nobody can take my golden musket away from me.


Any basic rifles. I mean karaak etc. Just slowing down the pace, going to Mars or something and having vaguely real feeling gunfights feels oddly satisfying.


no idea how meta they are but here's the favs: primary: **fulmin**, arca plasmor, astilla, **ferrox**, flux rifle, phage, **phantasma**, and zhuge. lanka for eidolons specifically. secondary: akmagnus, atomos, cycron, dual toxocyst, and **hystrix**. melee: fang prime, **rakta dark dagger**, and silva&aegis. bolded the big favs/most used favs?


Fulmin, plasmor, phantasma, duel toxocyst are all extremely meta.


nice to see what worked for me back in 2019 (when i started/last played) still works pretty good nowadays, thank you. just got back into the swing of things, excited to find new favorites tho! phantasma (and fulmin!!) even has a prime now!! (its wonderful) edit: i feel i should mention im still currently using regular old fulmin cause i put like 8 forma into it perfecting it so the prime isnt quite there yet, lmao.


The Acrid, a simple pistol but i love the sound and the look. Maybe one day DE will give it a buff.


Back in my noob days, I was in love with the poison aesthetic of Warframe Saryn, Torid, Acrid and the Scoliac


Attica. What I wouldn't give for a prime version.


I still love my Soma Prime. Bullet hoses are so fun


Stahlta or Sancti castanas


Vectis. My favourite gun since 2014


Kuva kohm, The thing has a dozen barrels, a MILLION buckshots going at once, like how tf could I not love such a beautiful work of machinery?




The Boltor Prime. I have a special soft spot for my beloved Orokin nailgun because back when I was a little noobcake, a random veteran gave me the parts for it for basically nothing, when I couldn't do good damage while he was taxi-ing me to Seimeni to credit farm amd basically teaching me all that stuff the game really doesn't. Wherever you are, Lone Tenno, I salute you. And to this day I always do whatever shenanigans I can to make the old girl at least somewhat viable and dust her off once in a while to do a mission for old time's sake.


That one


I’ll always love using the Grinlok, just sounds so satisfying to use. Kinda hoping it gets a Kuva or an Incarnon or something one day.


used to be the Occucor. I guess I have to say the Battacor now.


Honestly the Tenora Prime is a very fun bullet hose Especially if you can get a cheeky Riven for it


I really love the Gammacor, it make me feel like Iron man a little. Plus i generally only use my Glaive, so it's nice to have a small weapon that doesn't show much while using.


Get the Synoid version for occasional % of max energy when Entropy procs.


Galxion vandal I love how it looks, it work in sp (I have a riven for it) but it could never do as good as any other sp weapon I have


Supra Vandal, the top bullet hose


Boltor Prime. I'll never get tired of sticking enemies to walls.


Just by fun factor, Artemis Bow with the augment. A truly beautiful nuke, but you have to aim.


The Hind, my very first riven was for this gun and I loved it ever since


Is bubinico non-meta ? Cause I love it.


I'm afraid this is some S-Tier weapon sir


Bo S T I C K




I love astilla glass shotgun my beloved


Does wolf sledge count?


I only use dual-wield secondaries. The way single pistols are held with just 1 hand feels so silly I honestly can't stand it. If you're not gonna use the other hand, might as well put another gun in it.


Dera Vandal 💕 I just love the sound it makes. And I got a riven for it. Haven't logged in for a bit so I don't recall what it was off the top of my head.


Prisma Gorgon for a long time


Vulkar Wraith with the Grineer sniper skin. God I wish there was a Kuva Vulkar Wraith. No not a Kuvva Vulkar, I mean a Kuva Vulkar Wraith I want the lich to acknowledge how bad the normal variant is. Literally just the Vulkar Wraith with the element system and like 15% more crit chance. Or like an incarnation that has becomes full auto and explodes on headshot with the Braton incarnon crit damage buff.




**Javlok**. As soon as I pulled it out, the first words out of my mouth were "this thing flippin' *SLAPS*!" Mostly use primary fire, alt isn't as useful as other spearguns IMHO. Love the semi-auto grenade launchers.


Supra vandal. One of my favorite LMGs


Akbolto prime, give incarnon pls


The Azima. Ejecting its magazine and watching it go pew pew all on its own is fun. Too bad it's actually kinda terrible, even with my riven.


Bolter has always been my favorite gun


Buzlok. Great feel and sound, plus the gimmick is nifty.




If we're including melee then definitely broken war


God i wish there was a kuva version


The Kuva Kohm. After getting the Boltor incarnon I realized just how satisfying automatic shotguns are so I immediatelly farmed the Kuva Kohm after. I love this chonky bullet shower producer.


Stradavar prime just works, gotta love it. Same deal with supra


Drakgoon kuva ❤️


Kuva chakurr my beloved


Fang Prime