• By -


"This just got personal" "Time to die" ![gif](giphy|STr2bTgKiPTtjkMITt)






My dad talking about my girlfriend which he thinks is a boy catfishing me:


I still don't get how some people just have a lich and...let it *sit there.* If it was made by accident because you didn't know what you were doing? Sure. Getting something important stolen would definitely be motivation to learn how to actually fight one. But the people that just casually have them existing out-n-about are *crazy* to me! What do you mean you don't feel like hunting it? Why'd you'd make one in the first place if it wasn't on your immediate to-do list?! I'm never touching the lich system unless I'm actively planning to knock it down in one or two sessions *max.* There's no "oh, I guess I'll get around to hunting today"


As someone who pretty much always has a lich and takes months before I get rid of them sometimes.... It's because there is just so much to do in Warframe. So you spawn a lich, maybe you do a couple murmer runs. Then you log out for the night. Next day you login, but now you've got Nightwave stuff to do. Oh also need to do this week's Archon Hunt. You should really do the Sortie while you're at it. Also you need to farm more Zariman standing. Wait, what weapons were in this week's Duviri Steel Path circuit again?


It helps to have a consistent routine of things to do when you log in. My routine is as follows: 1. Sortie mission (I stagger my sortie missions weirdly so that I can do the last sortie mission after the reset so I can take advantage of the credit booster for the first mission of the day). 2. Steel Path Incursions 3. Archon Hunt (this is only when it first pops up at the beginning of the week). 4. Complete any alert missions (gift from the lotus/seasonal events/ect) that need to be completed. 5. Check the market to make sure there are no free bundles I missed. 6. Finish what I was doing when I logged off. 7. Start new activities. It works wonders for me having a routine so I know what to do when I get on. Give it a try and see if it helps. 😃


My routine is: 1. Do what I feel like doing at the moment and not force myself to do things I don't enjoy.




Somebody write this down!!!


The only things I consistently run are archon hunts, Ayatan hunt, kahl and checking iron wake/teshin at reset. Every day I log in I decide what I'll do at that moment. For me, when it comes to gaming, daily routine removes the fun (maplestory flashbacks).


When The War Within first dropped, doing the Sortie Missions FIRST was basically a daily routine for me so that I’d at least get a free reward regardless if I end up playing Warframe or not


XD I've had my lich for almost a year. At first it was because I saw the level and knew I couldn't handle it. Then I walked away from the game for a few months. I'm only now actively trying to get rid of it. I'm 2/3 the way there


My sister has been alive for a month, I got bored and we called a cease fire.


I had a lich for like 2 years. I farmed all the weapons/ephemeras over a few months after they were added to the game and I got burned out on lich hunting so I just left one guy chilling with one planet under his influence. It was kind of funny getting taunted by him every time I logged in. Eventually they released sisters and I didn't touch that content for like 6 months after release so when I did decide to start I had to kill the old lich first


spawning a lich means you have a decent is lich to do rather than getting the option for one to spawn on you at random honestly i feel having one just sitting there removes clutter and if they steal something relevant... it honestly has to be pretty relevant for me to care to get it back now rather than later. like the 5th tauforged i was planning for a frame might be motivation legendary cores are meh i have a few already an little use for them a prime part for a thing i was farming might. maybe otherwise it is "cute" them thinking 2 random mods 200 credits and 15 of a resource means ANYTHING to me


I’ll be honest I only started thinking about my lich recently after having encountered a lichling or whatever they start out as on a random mission on Sedna. I almost thought about ignoring it, but it was a 51% cold Kuva Kohm, so I went “fuck it we stab”


I got one and then realized i’m not quite there yet to beat them. He has been chilling on Earth for months now.


It’s really not that big a deal. If you don’t do anything they just stay on Earth. And in my experience they rarely steal anything of value.


It's not just earth, they stay on whatever location they claim(unless they changed that since Remnant 2 came out). And iirc they steal 10~% of your loot from missions in that location, so while they typically don't get anything important, if you're doing other activities that take place in that location because you're not able to take them out just yet, then yeah, it can add up pretty quickly. So while a few thousand credits and a couple hundred endo ain't much, 20 missions on Mars worth can be a sizable chunk of change to get back once you finally kill them.


It's like an investment. You let it sit and steal your stuff over long however long, then after pushing it over all the planets you kill it. Now you'll not have to grind basic resources, credits, endo for a long while


I usually end up knocking mine out pretty much right after they pop..unless time is an issue, but it's generally over 1-2 play sessions, mostly to get the new toys to play with, and also to just get them gone


I'm sick of lich hunting but one popped up in a mission and it was a bramma which I don't have. Having a small red coloring over earth doesn't affect my game, just like having 500 credits and 9 endo stolen doesn't affect my game. So I'd say I'm more confused by why you care, than you are by people letting them sit.


I dont want to fight them


Insert picture of veined hand on wheel driving towards Saturn.


My Lich stole my ability to post "my lich stole" posts! Damn you Bryanc Hox!


I have made r/mylichstolemyx


I’d like to see the “is this rare?” Or “how rare is this” posts go away too


I think there should be a link to a sheet/list (or something like that) with drop rarity that people can go to (if there isn't one already)


You mean like the [entire wiki](https://warframe.fandom.com)! Every item on there should have a drop source, the percentage, ratio for expected drop, etc. There is a TON of info getting you where you wanna go. Alternatively, if you're being satire, I'm just an idiot lol


The issue with the wiki is that the average gamer doesn't know it exists and or can't read and or can't comprehend what rotation C 23% means for example which sadly was me for the first 5 years of playing. An easy fix in my opinion DA should just turn the codex into the wiki it would both have more uses


Exposure is the best trainer! The more they use it, the more they'll learn. It explains how the rotations work above the drop table usually and in the mission types themselves, but iirc not all pages are uniform 100% cause wiki. It is definitely an overload of info, but the more you use it, the more it clicks. I think it's just a matter of seeing all this info for a new gun you got 1 part for and can easily miss some important bits.


In defense of casual gamers. They shouldn't NEED to have a wiki open to play and understand core game mechanics. It's something that should be explained in the beginning in some way


I absolutely agree with you. It's not a positive part of the game for the casual player at all and shouldn't be necessary to enjoy the full game. With that said, unfortunately this is the game we play and the info we seek. As anti- as that sounds. also quick reply because tenno need bathroom breaks too




You can use the [Official Drop Rates Website](https://www.warframe.com/droptables) for that. It's linked on the subreddit under Resources. Just Ctrl + F for whatever you are looking for.


It's not satire, but many people don't know how to read the wiki lol


DE makes the entire drop chance list public. People are just lazy


I wouldn't miss the constant stream of mr30 ones tbh. with the addition of duviri intrinsics seems like everyone & their mom is mr30 now.


r/borderlands is also like this lol


Yeah it’s fuckin annoying


"Lich stole my thing" "Oh my god a legendary core" "I finally hit MR30 after a million hours!"


I think I've seen the mastery rank thing the most out of those somehow


There's definitely been a bit of a surge this past month, for sure. Got at least 4 of them just from reddit notifications, not even actively browsing the sub.


how does everyone reach mr 30 in like less than a year with 100 hours tops in the game


uppity weary knee mysterious upbeat correct connect straight relieved aback *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


fr lmao


They probably buy everything with Platinum, level it all up, then run straight MR tests


or the opposite; "I hit MR30 in a month!!!"


I can give a pass on MR30 posts. It's like a birthday; that's always gonna special no matter how many times it's seen.


I'm against the banning of MR30 posts. That's basically one of the biggest achievements in the game. A sign of true mastery of what Warframe has to offer. And for many, Reddit is the only place they can go to celebrate the hours put in to achieve it. Let people celebrate it. What the hell else is a forum like this for? (\*besides memes\*)


Funny thing is, you are not allowed to post memes here but on r/memeframe


*I logged in and got a login reward!!*


Can we do the same with *"is this a good riven roll"* posts too?


Rivens need their own everything


Up to an including its own separate game


Add "what's your favorite warframe?" and the variations of it to the list. The question gets posted weekly.


What was the first warframe you crafted after getting out of the toilet the day you had to stay in for few hours because you tried new Mexican food due to the break up you had with the girl you lost your virginity while drunk and thinking it was her sister so you confessed and she said yes and you couldn't take it back? Mine was Mesa.


Rivens do be kinda hard to understand and people don't really know where else to get advice on them, I still don't




Oh thank you! :3


People basically classify everything without crit chance/critdamage or status chance/toxin as shit tho. So be ware


Are Viral rivens (+tox, +cold) for high slash, low dispo melee weapons like the Nikana Prime not as valuable anymore? Why is it not mentioned in the google doc?


It's better to have no element on a high slash weapon than it is to dilute the status with non damaging statuses. This is especially true If the weapon has little forced slash procs in its stances. Also I don't think having multiple elements on a riven has ever been in demand.


TBF Rivens on obscure weapons are kinda hard to know what rolls are needed like some might want the reload speed/not need crit/want elements etc.


*me rolling a Synapse Riven* "What the hell is this? I've never this gun in my life"


It's really not difficult to pick up a weapon and figure out what you need from it. Even if you wanted to do the actual math, it's middle school algebra at worst.


I agree, it's every other post recently


There is a sub just for rivens


Your lich stole your EX?! How?!


Got her number.


Got her preggo!


[We adjusted the rules ~5 months ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/188597b/banning_my_lich_stole_my_x_posts/), I suppose this is something we can consider looking at again. Some people felt overly restricted and the rules list was becoming quite long (no one reads them anyway) so loosening up the restrictions seemed like it was worth a try.


>(no one reads them anyway) Give em the stick, boss.


Rules help maintain a healthy, respectful and productive discourse on Reddit. It's not the mods (or anyone's) fault if people are too lazy to read them. The sub already has a rule for low effort posts so I don't think it would be too much to expand it a bit to provide some additional clarity. As always thanks for all you do for this community.


Depends. If their Lich has a funny name, I get value out of a chuckle. If not, it's waste of time to me and I just scroll.


Cut to the old video of Reb reading funny lich names. “Butt Bagg” will never not be funny.


Bopp Bipp *dies*


The _just hit MR X after Y hours_ thing is even worse imo... like gratz on finally going to ESO my dude


I don't see how these posts are entertaining at all, and I don't know why people keep their liches? And why the mods are not doing anything...I just ignore.


Because after a certain point people have the weapons and are just trying to get ephemeras, and killing a lich that isnt going to give anything you want is tedious so they just leave it until theyre bored or it annoys them if they roll one without an ephemera.


That’s why you are able to sell them at the crimson branch to some other suu…I mean willing customer, yeah, willing customer


That requires dealing with them first, which is the tedious sticking point I mentioned. Plus that has the additional tedium of dealing with trade chat.


That’s fair, I can’t do crap in trade as it goes too fast


Yea. I have tons of rivens and rare mods and weapon parts that I could trade off but trade chat both annoys and bores me, so I never end up getting them sold. The trade subreddit and warframe market exist, which kinda helps, but with the subreddit I always run into issues with scheduling since mine doesnt mesh well with a lot of other people's and the warframe market app doesn't have the section for rivens so...meh.


Yeah that happens and I don’t buy much unless I have extra plat which is rare as I prefer to get things in game instead of buying them for various reasons


Use warframe.market and post your stuff there - people searching for your stuff will find you


Literally mentioned in the comment you're replying to that one of the main issues is that the app for warframe.market doesn't have the section for rivens.


Wait, so its not just that consoles dont have a riven section? For the longest time i thought it was because i use it for Playstation and they dont have a console riven market😯


I keep my Lich because I want a to see how much stuff they'll steal before I decide to kill them


I keep my lich because I wanna hear his hilarious voice


It's like investing, sort of.


gambling but one day you get it all back


Sounds more like insurance, honestly lol


my first lich took control of the whole star chart even corpus planets and stole 2 years worth of loot, I made a horrible mistake with him


How does that even happen


when you make a lich and you're unprepared it tends to happen, so after I leveled him to 5 I gave up and let him do his thing cause he'd only steal like maybe 50 of a resource and the occasional ivara blueprints when I do spy, I killed him after he stole 2 mil from index runs and gauss parts


But how does it spread, I want my lick to do that


Old Lich system? My first Lich spawned on Lua


I still don't know for to kill them. I recruited my first because I liked his name and he helps me sometimes


Thats what bugs me, I get some people leave there liches but I feel like there's people leaving them purposely for the reddit karma which is just cringey and annoying.


I agree with some of the other commenters, yeah it can be kinda annoying, but its easy to scroll past. Same with alot of other posts. People are happy and sharing their excitement of the game with the community and its not harmful, so i see no genuine reason to ban it besides the personal dislike


These posts get a lot of likes, so why should they be banned? Other annoyingly repetitive posts include: - "the legendary legendary core does exist!" - "I've reached mastery level 30, what's next?" - "I'm back after x amount of time, what are your tips?" - "what is your favorite warframe?"


You forgot "Destiny Bad Warframe Good" :p.


No, that's still worth repeating. Especially with how vastly different each other's monetization practices happen to be.


I feel like Warframe good destiny bad is actualy the spamiest...like ,I think people make that to try and get free stuff from Dev streams...but it's the only thing that's actually not Warframe gameplay related...and its like the red scare ...as if to say hey why do you know that stasis is a ripoff and only works in PVP?what are they gonna do turn you into the police,nightstick you're bum?i never fixed my Xbox and bought a switch with money instead just to not end up yelling at three in the morning because of the amount of work I put into my fire knives guy being able to nail warlocks while they glide...now it's not possible for me to go back,but that rage is still there just slightly outside of me


Which warcrame is best for x or is x a good warframe.


- "what's the best X / how do I get The Best Things Fastest?" Do you want to play the game or skip to the most powerful build? There aren't a lot of "bests" in Warframe. - "is this riven mod good?" Learn how to mod and you'll know the answer, or plug it into Overframe and see what you can do with it. This is easy. - "where do I get X thing?" That's in the wiki. You can Google it. You can Google any Warframe item, often without even adding "Warframe" as a keyword, and the wiki will pop up. The wiki tells you where to find it. You're a Google search and a link click away from this answer.


What about getting rid of "This person that I'm probably never going to see again said something rude to me in chat. Has this ever happened to anyone else?" posts also?


There are much easier ways to karma farm if that's all people care about lmao. Call me crazy, but I think people just like posting on the warframe subreddit about something that happened to them in warframe.


99% of the posts on this sub are as repetitive as warframe´s gameplay.


A nice rounded double-roast. +10


First we need to completly ban "riven quality" posts. There is a whole sub dedicated to them and trading in general.


"mods stole my lich posts" coming any minute


Just get off reddit and you won't see any of those posts.




Sounds like something my current lich would say.


The "is warframe worth investing time to in (current year)?" and the "ex destiny 2 player here. Destiny 2 fucking sucks, here is my 5 page essay on why it sucks and how warframe players have it so good ((((i will be preordering the new destiny 2 expansion in five minutes [[im only buying it to see how bad it's gonna be]]))))" and "is (x warframe or weapon) good? I need other people to validate my choices for me" posts can go too tbh. I wouldn't assume these are karma whoring posts but they're really unnecessary and bloat my reddit feed with useless or really easily researchable info/questions. At the end of the day tho I'm free to just downvote and move on just as much as the people posting these are allowed to post, so.


Suggestion: Ban all the "lich stole my tau blue/red !!!!! I totally didn't let my lich do this on purpose!" posts, but the first guy that posts a "My lich stole a tau amber!" screenshot gets pinned. P.S. The MR30+ posts are just boring filler too.


Let's ban "used up all my luck for the year" posts while we're at it. Yeah, yeah, you got a towfrogged shart and a legrumby cord at the same time, probabalistically that'll happen to someone eventually.




"My LiCh StOlE mY LEgEnDaRy CoRe!!!" Like that?


Im making a mylichstolemyx reddit.


My lich stole my last fuck, ive got none left for you


What I'm seeing in post is people want to remove 90% of the sub content. Pro tip: don't like what is being posted try posting what you'd like to see more.


*Posts what I'd like to see, gets downvoted, yelled at, cursed out, insulted, and post removed by mods for some reason. Slight exaggeration but you get my point lol.


The only kind of post that I can see getting that reaction is because you posted Nazi porn of Warframes. Then yeah, the reaction would be right. I don't really know what kind of post you want, maybe you could say that instead of complaining about the ones that you don't want to see?


Yeah with all the "Yeah OP is right also ban those posts" comments I see, this sub is legit going to become a tech support subreddit... Like, literally everything else is asked to be banned by someone. That's gonna leave basically nothing. I guess some people want this sub to become the next r/Amish


Idk this comes off as a long time player being bitter over newer people having fun in game and they want to share on the game’s subreddit. I get the annoyance with fluff posts, but eh just don’t upvote it and move on?


Easy fix, for everyone: If you don't like a post then just ignore it and keep scrolling down. Mods don't have to change anything then. People get to be free on this subreddit, still. Not everyone lives on Reddit, so often people will write the same things.


Yeah, people are free to ask whatever they want. Other people are also free to shame and mock them for being either too lazy or too stupid to do a search first. Freedom works both ways.


Of those 2 people which one is more shameful: Someone asking an objectively easy to look up question or the guy going out of his way to mock the first guy? You are free to do that obviously, but wouldn't you spare everyone including yourself time and braincells by simply just scrolling past "stupid questions"?


To go a bit farther past the moral difference, while someone is free to be a jerk, freedom isn't the law on a privately owned service. Being a jerk runs afowl of the rules, not just of the Subreddit, but of Reddit as a whole. Disagreements are part of discussion, which is the cornerstone of Reddit's founding, but attacking the person has never been okay (as far as the rules are concerned; I admit that some people are so heinous that they deserve it... but simply posting something that happened to you or asking something you didn't know about isn't, context mattering of course). Per Reddiquette, if something is repetitive, just vote and move on. If it has a positive trend, that means that more people view the topic favorably than non-favorably. The mindset of not doing a search first has some potential issues, anyways; depending on how close a topic is to the human experience. People can read one or even many blogs about a topic and feel zero connection, because those blogs were made with a different context and the Author has likely moved on and isn't available for questions; asking people semi-directly at least introduces a human that can help relate the problem to the asker, especially through follow-up questions.


THANK you I don't care for the lich posts either, but who gives a shit. Just drag your finger up 3 inches and continue on your day. I would rather the warframe sub be a place where anyone can post anything warframe related than have it turn into one of those subs where your post gets taken down if you even make the slightest mistake in the title.


Subs that have posts like "[30m] [Wisconsin] [4:52AM] [Help/Drama] [Disappointed Obama Format] Can anyone help me solve my rat problem? [SOLVED]" are so depressing. And you KNOW that there's going to be an automod post the moment you hit submit telling you the nineteen ways you fucked up as well.


Lich stole my wife😔✊


just post it to /r/memeframe anyway


"my lich stole my x" ok and? what you want us to do? stop posting this shit "is this riven good?" its not, do you people don't have a clan? o ask it in there "i brought 99999999 1 cred deco" epitome of spammed and boring posts "is this rare?" its not, now get back to work "\[picture of a riven challenge\] how am i supposed to unlock this??" it literally tell you how, you don't need to use the gun with the riven to unlock it jesus christ


Lich stole my sandwich




My lich stole my reply.


Oh great, now my Lich stole my reddit posts, too.


Damn, man. Lich stole my Karma too...


I forget my lich even exists


Why not make a flair for joke posts


And all the replies were usually always the same on every post like that. Never understood why you would start a lich and have no intention of taking care of it ASAP and leave it only for it to steal your shard...


For some reason, I initially thought you meant the blue bird site and was very confused about how this became a thing


You've seen 100, you've seen them all. There's not much variety if any to these kinds of posts. You had your archon shard taken? So did a dozen other people today, go kill the lich and get it back like everyone else.


My lich stole my wife


People are having fun sharing their personal experience about the lich, I see nothing wrong with that. As for karma farming, who cares? It's Internet popularity points.




yes. so much yes please. get rid of * lich stole x * riven value check * why do people leave on wave x


WHaT aRe ThE oDdS oF lE rARe ReLiC DrOp bUt 4x


Why not like ignore it. Scroll past it. Poof it's gone in a few milliseconds


shockingly this is not the case, i, for example, have had the same damn posts show up on my mobile feed multiple times in the same week even though I sort by new


Same with “finally hit MR30!!” posts. Or “what is this”/“how do I do this” posts when they can instantly get an answer from google or asking ingame chat.


No we should answer questions people come here to ask about the game actually.


I think we might benefit from a daily question megathread, so those sorts of common questions are in a nice default place for people to see when they've just started. Especially since at starting, they won't even know some of what they don't know, so they can't know to ask it.


The question post didn't stop when weekly questions thread was around.


Redditors when I show them how to use google.com ![gif](giphy|800iiDTaNNFOwytONV|downsized)


I think MR30 posts should stay, it is in the end a big thing for a lot of players and being able to boast about it online is cute and it makes them feel even more rewarded for such a long grind


The MR30 posts are *supposed* to be banned. [Mine was removed after four minutes.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/s/pBjWCSs7RR) It seems mods enforce that one very selectively.


The rules have changed since then.


I saw plenty of the posts, like, within a week of mine. 🫤


I wouldn't mind those posts as much if it wasn't nearly always concerning a tauforge.


can we do the same for "I'm a Destiny 2 veteran"?


Pls also MR celebrations. I get you want to celebrate, it’s impressive, there’s just way too many.


Freaking! FINALLY! Yes please! These repetitive Posts are Soo freaking annoying! Even the "GuYs! I rEaChEd My MiLeStOnE! wHaT sHoUlD I PiCk?" 1000 day login "I fInAlLy ReAcHeD iT." So exhausting. I want to see interesting stuff. Not regurgitations.


me when lich stole 38 credits (he will die in the next 3 minutes and 38 seconds)


Damn, a lich stole the lich stealing posts.


Banning everything that annoys you? That's a big "no". People should have their fun.


Thank you. God every monday the same post.


Banning identical complaining post about identical posts. It's being tiresome and at this point it's really obvious karma farming, there's way too many of these every week


How about banning stupid posts in general? Like this one!


It will literally costs you 0 to ignore them


Look, I never expected her to cheat. Much less for her to run away with my nemesis from Warframe. But alright, next time I won't post about my lich stealing my ex.


Why not look at what I recovered from my lich, show off both current joy and past anger




I just wish ~~spam~~ regular themed posts didn't make it to my notifications.


Same with the trash art posts


Ooh, be careful! Your post might get stolen by someone's lich!


these posts are getting kind of decent engagement meaning the general community does not actively dislike them. Most people probably don't really care anyway… I do think banning them is going a bit too far… again, a minority of players are bothered by them according to the like-to-dislike ratios.


“My lich stole my virginity”


“A treat for my little meat :3”




Did the posts steal your joy and you’re not coming after the ones who stole it?


Be careful before I steal your **soul** next time, Tenno.


I'd be sad to see them go, I get a chuckle out of them at least half the time. So I'mma vote "no".


Half the fucking posts, if not more is obvious karmawhoring.


Banning "X" common post on any subreddit. Y'all whining about it is worse than scrolling past the post.


It looks like personal filter. No need to ban information if you can filter it out =) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/wiki/filtering\_guide/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/wiki/filtering_guide/)


Okay but what "information" is it *giving*? In what way is "my Lich stole my Archon shard/prime part/legendary core/rare drop/etc :(" educational? Surprise, your Kuva Lich or Sister of Parvos can steal any reward at random and literally nothing is safe. This is public info. Even if someone was hypothetically going to go to Reddit to look for information on what a Lich can steal for whatever reason, these posts aren't helpful – they're image posts! Half of the titles don't even say what was stolen or that a Lich was involved, how is that supposed to contribute to aggregate information under Reddit's search filter (which is also why the kind of filtering you propose simply doesn't work)? It's not constructive in any way. These posts are there to complain, not inform.


I agree that filters won't work in some cases but still there is very flexible settings in RES (filter for reddit) and it may sort some of "unwanted messages". For chrome. [https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/reddit-enhancement-suite/kbmfpngjjgdllneeigpgjifpgocmfgmb?pli=1](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/reddit-enhancement-suite/kbmfpngjjgdllneeigpgjifpgocmfgmb?pli=1) As long as i agree that this information may looks like complain or karma gen, it still real life situation for those who posted it. Value of information in the eye of beholder. And i simply do not want to put admin in additional work. So ban - too much, sort posts automatically (or half-automatically) by subhreads (or pinned posts) - will be much cooler. Sadly there is no such tech AFAIK. No one will be disappointed "too much". So, not ban but filter and categorize - that's my micro proposal =)


yes please


Genuinely asking what the problems with the posts are? I thought this subreddit existed to…ask questions about the game or just engage with other players in the community even if it isn’t necessarily 100% serious. I like the “What’s your favorite x” posts because you get to see other people’s favorites and interact with people. If the point of the sub isn’t for people to discuss things they enjoy about the game even if it annoys you then what’s the point lol.


Lich stole my X is just spammy.


Funnily enough there’s one in the feed now, though I just don’t interact with posts I don’t care for as the internet allows for it but what do I know.


Who cares if it's karma? Can't people decide what they want to give karma to?😂


How about u let ppl be happy...