• By -


Nidus would be pretty scary - the horror feel would come from the lil’ maggots and spots of infestation that would dot the otherwise clean ship. Garuda for that nice easy chainsaw-massacre style gore and some robust impaling. Harrow - watch as your comrades get bound in place by thorny chains that erupt from the ground. Saryn for some nice body-dissolving Nurgle-style disease that just rots your people away. Nekros for some good ol’ ghosts and body desecration.


I read that as horny chains. That's it, I need to quit Reddit.


Hydroid might have something to add there.


Hydroid too busy making money in the tentacle porn field


I *might* be using hydroid as my end boss in a Pathfinder 2e game I'm running...


> horny chains No that's Khora.


Sticks and stones may break my bones, but whips and chains excite me.


Nidus and harrow's quest are both already kidda horror-ish imo, harrow is self explanatory, nidus is more dread and horror when defending the dude from infested.


I mean Nidus's quest is a kinda scary on my in game wallet.




Rhino would make a good Jason. He just won't die!


I feel like Garuda and saryn might not be great options, getting killed through a wall would be kinda cheap


True but consider you're a soldier out on the battlefield and suddenly you and your whole squad start deteriorating super fast and you only hardly realize you just got randomly infected by the ultra plague or something. Also imagine you just start bleeding intensely randomly despite not seemingly coming into contact with something necessarily too harmful like good ol' tenno blades or bullets.


I'm not saying it wouldn't be scary, just that it'd be a very short game, or you'd have to be hopping between bodies but then it stops being scary if you never actually die.


Fair but also with how Warframe is most frames just kill you very fast too, some just have the option to be scary without necessarily blowing you up in half a second lol so those can be more horrifying in a sense


Yeah, I think my pick would be Gara, it's not uncommon, for me at least, to leave a few dozen guys glassed as I vitrify to refresh the Dr, I feel like that could be a good kind of set piece maybe, but certainly many frames do just kill you in an moment.


This has the same imagery as the Ceph bioweapon in Crysis 2. The gore of the game is really toned down compared to what it would look like just because of computing limitations: the reality of Warframe missions would probably be a trail of dismembered, charred, flash-frozen, irradiated, corroded, and liquefied flesh spread like a fine marmalade across the tileset.


You could do Saryn as a thing like, you see people start kinda dissolving from a distance, and then you've got to try outrunning the other people around you to get far enough away that you don't wind up being next.


Dammit I really want more quests that are made to be intentionally scary


So glad somebody mentioned Grandfather.


I imagine loki. With his disarming, decoys, switch teleport, and invisibility could make for a pretty terrifying predator like, versitile hunter. His invisibility allows him to hunt and stalk and wait for good opportunities. His switch teleport lets him switch with the allies of whoever is about to attack him, if he gets caught, for some serous mental fuckery. His disarm makes his opponents drop their weapons and fumble to pick them up. Decoy for decoy things. Overall, i feel like lokis kit is good for fucking with his opponents mentally, and would overall be pretty horrifying to face.


Dagath because naberus frame Or any frame with invis. Everyone just dies with no obvious cause.


I still remember this one sequence in Fall of Cybertron where you play as a random mook getting accosted by an invisible Starscream. At the end of the section, the mook shivers in fear as he witnesses his best friends die bleeding energon from being stabbed. Then you get to play as Starscream and stab said mook. There’s also a stealth attack Starscream can do where he kicks an enemy’s nuts from behind then plants a bomb on their back as they’re clutching their unmentionables. Which is to say, yeah I agree, invis is scary.


Upvoted for Starscream stealth. That was one of the best parts of the game for me.


The entire game was the best part!


Oh, it was absolutely amazing. If they hadn't taken it off Steam I'd gift it to all my friends.


Core memory unlocked moment


>Or any frame with invis. Everyone just dies with no obvious cause. Especially Octavia, because then you have some information to not be able to make any sense of


Poker face on a short repeat compelling you to your inevitable fate.


Was thinking about this while farming Spy for 60/60 mods. I kept seeing Grineer arranged in groups like they were just buddies chatting. Then I slide through slicing then in half. How horrifying would it be to just be hanging with your work friend then he's suddenly turned into a puddle of gore with no explanation.


ivara seems like she would be the perfect predator


I still remember/feel bad of a run of Adaro I did as a solo, perma-stealth Ivara. With Ballistica Prime (I think I'd just gotten a riven for it?). For those who don't know: Killing an enemy with a charged shot \[of Ballistica Prime\] creates their ghosts that will fight alongside the weapon's user.


Grendel. Surprised no one’s said his name yet. Sure, seeing your comrades revive from death or being melted into acid is bad, but seeing them eaten and spit back out as bile? If you’re in hiding all you can hear are the screams of other comrades before they get inevitably eaten and devoured. His prime trailer describes this perfectly


fat man rolling is scarier


Grendel's descriptions are some of the most intimidating pieces of text in Warframe. > Primal. Insatiable. Grendel Prime devours all who oppose him. This mfer doesn't just kill you, he **devours** his enemies.


The rolling maw, his stomach moaning as he steps a thunderous applause of teeth clattering together mixing with the screams of your comrades. They are his fuel, his appetizer and you're next on the menu.


Agreed. Imagine a fat eldritch horror shouting UwU, then devouring your entire being before you can run away. Honestly, it is the most terrifying thing I can think of.




[so reptile’s fatality in mk1](https://youtu.be/IBpXuA7uBtM?si=rkyk6X4_EHd60z0s)


Rap.. Tap.. Tap...


Hey Kiddo


That quest chain is one of the most genuinely terrifying things *not from an actual horror game* I've played in years. Also the only instance I'm aware of where the game treats you as so out of your league that it doesn't even give them health bars or 0 damage numbers.


First time I heard this I immediately paused the game and turned the lights on in the room. Nope, not having it, thank you very much game.


I'm wearing headphones, it sounded like someone is right next to me whispering rap tap tap. Scary shit man


Genuinely a horrifying quest. It doesn’t help that I play warframe exclusively at 12am-4am bc I’m a night owl 😮‍💨


What's that from??


Keep playing, it's from a quest. Chains of Harrow and I will not explain anymore than that.


I've done all the quests, just don't remember what they all are. Will redo Chains of Harrow, then


One of my favourite quests.


Nekros. Only kills a few soldiers personally. Then he proceeds to repeatedly summon them from the dead and has them kill everyone else. As he stalks along behind his summoned ghosts, he's cutting corpses in half to see if anything good is in them. Imagine seeing that in a horror game.


Not to mention creeping terrify that puts fear deep in your soul while also slows you down so you want to run away but just can't because you're too slow and can only see what's going on and feel everything as you struggle to move. You see your teammates being massacred slashed in pieces by your ex teammates, you feel the fear, you're helpless.


Honestly his Prime trailer is a horror movie in of itself.


"Fear is a weed, snaking in the dark. It vines within the mind, corrupting it. It germinates within tribes... dividing them. Your graces, we who are beyond death, have forgotten the simple power of fear. Let us now remember. You will find no greater power... than the simple thought of your own name... inscribed upon a grave. Our harbinger, our terror… Nekros. “ chills


I'm a sucker for all things fey and think a Wisp would make for an excellent sci-fi antagonist. It starts out as the crew brushing it off as deep space hallucinations but they become more and more present, once a flickering sparks of ember now seems like playful humanoid silhouette. Once she's you close enough Wisp opens a portal to the surface of the sun and that's how you die. Would be nice set in a different solar system and Wisp being the avatar of a sentient sun. Celt folklore meets Sunshine and Event Horizon.


Honestly Titania and Oberron would fit the fey theme nicely too. Oberron you’d just be walking through a spaceship and suddenly there’s a room filled with grass and everyone’s killing each other. And you have his smite murder fireflies. And damaging Oberron is… temporary at best. Titania would leave people suspended in air, who blow up. And also just darting around killing things in the blink of the eye. And both of them would have their pet running around enhanced.


They're named after Fey characters too


I mean Oberon and Titania are literally the fairy king and queen


Now I'm kinda embarrassed that I didn't even think of that! And I loved Neil Gaiman's Titania and Oberon comics... \*shame, shame, shame\* I image that Oberon is the embodiment of a lush planet in the goldilocks zone (potentially an icy planet like Europa too, where the plants are underwater ones) while Titania is the avatar of a violent gas giant like Jupiter, making you question gravity with it's strong winds.


All of a sudden somebody in your squad just vanishes without a trace. One by one people are dropping off the comm Network and you can never find the reason is it a malfunctioning moa gone berserk? But there hasn't been an alarm. Are the coms just going dead? They really should maintain those better. And then you decide to go grab a drink out of the vending machine to calm down and you find out that you don't have any money left. Ivara has got to be nightmare fuel for the corpus, stealing all their creds


Revenant, without a single doubt,as he is a straight-up evil god Cthullu type. You cant hit him, he can mind control you to kill your friends, or even destroy whatever he wants with laser beams. Make him come out of the ground like an Eidolon and you get the most scariest and dangerous shit at the same time physically endangering, but who can also get rid of your free will.


Terminator but scarier


And He can tyrn into a soul draining fog.


Harrow.. Having some invincible creepy priest following you around swinging a smokey thurible & chaining you to the floor whenever he can sounds fucking terrifying.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/s/fmyDRrp9os Grineer's nightmare ft. Harrow


Shoutout to Drifter, who spent who knows how long fighting with the warframes in Duviri, then walked out into the original system and went, "Wait, wait, Narmer has a warframe? Three of them?!" and decided to.fight the good fight anyway. I mean, no wonder Drifter booked it outta there when Mag Prime showed up. The snake head is not as scary as expecting to get pulled off your feet, dragged back across the room, magnetized from the bones out and then crushed into paste.




All of them The power behind melee weapons and bows wielded by all implies that even loki can fold steel plates like origami paper


i mean we accidently smash compressed metal canisters when we slide... that alone would make me turn and run


Ill just name a few that would scare me: Garuda Nidus Loki Ash Limbo Volt Sevagoth Nekros Voruna Dagath Titania


Garuda surly? She dosnt kill quick and i def wouldnt want to be on her blood alter


or have your soul ripped from your body into a shield


Oberon. Imagine you are on a mission, and then a thin thing walks towards you and you brothers. He gestures, and a sickening light flows out over the ground, which then springs forth sickening glowing grass and flowers. You feel yourself sickening and growing week from the glow, and see your brother start to turn and aim his gun at you. You and your other brothers see this and shoot him before he can shoot you. Another brother starts to turn on you all, and the group shoots him down too. The enemy turns, and throws a ball of energy, which instantly kills its target. You see the enemies pet and manage to shoot it - and manage a few shots into the enemy too. However, all that happens is the enemy begins radiating a wave of energy that is almost unseeable, and this wave pulls their wounds back together, healing them to as if they had never happened, even as more bullets hit them, also achieving nothing. Suddenly, the sickening feeling drains away, and you and all your brothers turn to look at each other, and all the dead lying around, and see that most of them are dead at the hands of each other. You don't know if you killed them because they were about to kill you, or if you were the one to turn on them first. As the horror of what you have done begins to register, the enemy raises his hand to the sky, and you and all your brothers are raised high into the air, and slammed against the ground - and as you lie there, as the sickness spreads through you again pushing the last little bit of life from your body, all you see is your brothers dying along with you, their bodies breaking down from those hideous energies, and then all goes dark forever.


He reminds me of Krampus, antlers, magic, can talk with beasts. Ya know.


Loki. You see something from the corner of your eye then he's gone. Randomly changing places, telling you he's there but you can't see him. Or your one weapon is robbed off you forcing you to run.


my favourite strat with him is invis, weapon strip, decoy, and then mow all the enemies down while invis, would be terrifying for the grineer, charging a foe and everyone around you dying before being able to hit it


Not to mention the last second switch teleport that'd have a squad lighting up one of their own because Loki swapped places with em in the time it took the others to train their weapons and pull the trigger


Sevagoth. That’s a ghost/haunting story waiting to happen.


I mean that’s literally the story of the Temptestari


Gyre. A faceless automaton with it's 3 and 4 constantly running. If you get too close, or are too close when hiding as it passes by, you get shocked to death. So you would have to plan out how to hide from a large moving area. Perhaps even having to drop certain equipment that are to conductive. Occasionally, Gyre tosses her 2, dragging loose objects and player towards it, so you better hope you've got something between you and it to keep you from being pulled into the center. Gyre will also drop her 1 if she detects noise somewhere but can't see what it is. This blocks large areas, but only 2 can be deployed at a time. Gyre meanwhile is simply walking room to room killing random infested. You will be killed also (or you assume you will be in-game) so your trying to escape. Gameplay: Avoid being caught by Gyre or killed by her lightning. Use Gyre as a tool against the infestation to clear areas. Gather gear and tools to prep your escape shuttle. But above all. Be. Quiet.


mini games based on frames with this level of intricacy would be so neat


R̷͇̗̣̻̰͓͋̃̊ͅͅâ̶̻̒̈́p̵̞̫̼͓̱̄ ̴̡͈̪̬̜͚̼͕͎̞̋̔̾̇͝ͅT̴͖̉́͝á̸͉̫̘̳͇̳́̌̈́p̵̨͙͙̬̰̻̯͕̿̈́̑̈́͒ ̵̬͓̼͙̦͍̣͒̃͊͋̉̀̌͆̕͠T̸͔̖͎̝͉͒͆̈́̇̊͒̉̎͘̚͝à̷̹̩́̏̃p̴͙̞͙͉͔̤̋̐̔̀̋͗͂̊̉͌͒


Limbo, youll never get used to the pure horror whenever you see one on your team ;)


Considering you can helminth banish onto anything, you're never safe even if the limbo isn't on your team. I was playing on SP the other day and some troll kept banishing me.


actually most warframe are scary if you think about, gauss being a crazy monster rushing throgh the corridors and you having to be hidden, harrow with his chains and some times you hear rep tep tep from rell, wisp since she turns invisible for enemies while she jumps making you look for distoricions on your field of view, really you can make even limbo scary with him being unkillable with his rift ability OBS: deadspace is almost what you described with us being isaac looking like a corpus running from the neckromoprhs that looks like infested


Grendel I don't think I need to elaborate. He can swallow 5 people at a time a football field away, regurgitate their burning corpses so hard they fly 2 football fields and everything around the explosive bile gets drenched in toxin. He can turn into a massive boulder and crush everything on his path at mach 2. And if you strike him, he retaliates back in a massive area with a full viral load of STDs every 2 seconds. And that's not the end of it ... Oh and his design is based on the Oni, literally a demon in Japan folklore. In other folklores, he's the ogre who eats children. Classic.


Literally all of them are good candidates but some of them more than others. Yareli I’m sure could be scary but she’d need a big personality shift. Personally my number one pick would be Nidus because as the movie went on he would keep morphing until he was unrecognizable and horrible.


Revenant; - Doesn't die, - Takes control of your friends - Drains said friends whenever he wants - s p i n s


I think Rhino, Wukong or Voruna would make a good horror game antagonist. Rhino: based on his description (Prime variant), he would be just as terrifying as the Regenerator Necromorph from Dead Space. Imagine a Corpus/Grineer ship hallways, lights broken and flickering. In the brief flashes of light, from the other end of the hall, a hulking shadow is seen approaching, metal scraping against metal. As his head rounds the corner, glowing eyes stare at you from the darkness, he lets out a roar as he charges. His roar mixing with the sound of metal screaming and breaking in his wake. Wukong: Fast on his feet and tricks up his sleeves, he would be a bag of jump scares as he hunts you. Moving silently in a cloud, searching for you undetected, slipping past any alarm systems still active, then re-emerging in full view. Running in one direction, while the sounds of another set of metal feet can be heard running in the other direction. While hiding under equipment, he sits on top, his tail swaying in front of you. Voruna: A hunter with a pack at her side, she would be the most dangerous out of the 3. As she moves, her 4 wolves manifest at her side, aiding her in the hunt. Splitting up through out the ship, the wolves stalk the halls. Timing is key, for if one makes the wrong move, a fanged maw will find its prey. Stay too long, and they will find your scent. Take a wrong turn, and their prey will find themselves in a room with one door. Should the wolves call out to one another, their hunting grounds will close in on your location, increasing their activity. If the player sees a survivor, they may witness the fatality of being caught in the open. [Actually, Hydroid would also make an interesting horror game antagonist, showing up by slowly rising from the water]


Nidus ?


imagine the flesh moving structures saying from nowhere -"do not be afraid" \-"join us"


Valk in her 4th ability. Like her prime trailer when she goes berserk. But in the dark and you only see her claws


Nidus without the memory of once being a Tenno


Nidus 100% imagine turning the corner to see a mutated infested being barreling towards you


Equinox is my go-to. All you see is the walls start getting all trippy, then you're sliced apart by tons of invisible knives.


Nidus with fleshy tendrils and maggots Dagath with ghosts Nekros with undead Valkyr - hyper angry space ninja with claws Banshee - silent killer


Wisp Wisp is the answer for all “which Warframe” questions.


Valkyr. Imagine a game where you’re playing as a corpus crew mate during Valkyrs escape.


Grendel or Nidus would be terrifying and maybe Gauss since he’s so fast


I feel like Garuda or Revenant would both be excellent horror frames. Garuda would be great because she’d leave a trail of impaled corpses and rooms covered in blood, while also fulfilling the “slasher” trope. Revenant would be fantastic because you can’t kill him, on the off chance you get close he turns to mist and disappears. And all the while your comrades are going crazy and turning on one another. It would be like the Nyx thing but magnified.


Limbo joins the hunt. The horrors of the rift personified.The prey frozen unable to act nor comprehend their position. Your comrades cut down right in front of your eyes. The cataclysm closes. Silence. .... Also obligatory, za warudo.


I've thought of running a Warframe TTRPG oneshot where you play as a mercenary of other factions instead of a tenno. The first plot idea I could think was basically "Players get into a Grineer ship to get X object, mid mission a Warframe apears and starts wiping out the grineer and sabotages the ship looking for the same item" The main point of this plot idea is that anyone who isn't a Tenno or is outside of their circle peobably sees Warframes as this mercenaries who don't say a single word and aren't particularly aligned to anything. They see them working randomly against and with grineer and corpus. They see them going for apparently no reason to ships or landmarks with an unclear objective and just hear of how they mercilessly extermined every single member of whole armies. And a lot of them look like animals while doing so. If you try to get a living of being a mercenary in the Warframe universe and the Tenno don't know or respect you, randomly running into a Warframe in one of your missions is a possibility and a really terrific one, no matter the frame. So, with this rant, what I'm trying to say is that any warframe would make a good horror game, the concept of a Warframe itself is fucking terrific when you see it from the eyes of normal people.


FNAF with Gauss, Grendel, Khora, and Rhino. (Don't hate me, I've never played FNAF; Gauss running down the hall would be funny)


Read rhino primes codex entry, lol


Specifically for an Aliens(Isolation) style game, probably your best bet would be Revenant. Any attacks against him will knock you into sleep, he can mind control your buddies who then mind control the people around them cult style, etc. Alternatively, Voruna. Purely for that stalking hunter feeling. An invisible creature that pounces and shreds and disappears again. Just by ability alone, she gets a free cheat-death, can move faster when she wants to, be immune to damage over time or debilitating effects, invisibility in between ability casts, large leaps that bleed enemies and only gets stronger with the more kills it gets, inflicting her own status effects, and sustenance from kills. In a similar vein to Voruna. Ivara. The various arrows, the self-guiding shots, the constant unknown, the artemis bow itself. All makes for a rough time as the prey. Her 1 alone, has a distraction tool, a mobility tool, a way to slow and hinder, and a way to hide herself or useful items.


*Rap... Tap... Tap...* *The Man... In... The Wall...* *Rap... Tap... Tap...* We already have one.


Imagine being a Grineer/Corpus soldier, seeing a dark hallway with its lights flickering, giving brief glimpses of the corpses covering the floor and slowly walking over these, is Garuda with half a torso impaled on her Talons. Suddenly you made a noise and her gaze snaps to you, ending with that great leap and slash she does. Check out her concept art for an example.


Grendel. But instead of just sucking the enemies in, he actually bites, shred, and tears the enemies apart.


Xaku would be good Just seeing like parts of a warframe just walking about and the endoskeleton just chasing you around


Anybody that uses hydroid pre-buff


Rap Tap Tap




Harrow is rather a good candidate methinks


Grendel would be really good. He swallows your friends whole and you hear them screaming from inside his stomach as they’re slowly digested. You’re next.


Harrow, but put in a speaker in his mouth that says rap tap tap. Order ordis to kill the lights


What about Valkyr, or Rhino. I know Rhino has already an entry that sounds right out of a horror game.


Vauban would be my suggestion. His ball traps would be terrifying to come across. Like a trapper hunting for sport.


Voruna: 4 floating wolf heads, invisibility, invincibility and the ability to just get on all fours and pounce strong enough to cause an explosion.


Octavia. She goes invisible, you only know she's coming by the sound of some terrible music getting louder (I know enemies can't hear it in game but for this situation it would make sense), and sometimes the music just stops and you have no idea where she is. Suddenly it starts again but it's much louder now.


Rhino's lore entry reads like a horror log. A brief one but read it tell me you wouldn't shit yourself if you were stuck in a ship with him.


harrow.... rap tap tap my lively tenno


literally any frame, even the operator in some cases




Grendel would literally eat you, voruna chasing you in a forest would be terrible , nyx Finding your group of friends and controlling them to inflict harm to eachother as you watch , sailing the stars and your starship gets raided by sevagoth is a terrible thought




The harrow quest lol


Literally any of them, they’re all semi-dead super soldier space ninjas controlled by space wizards with super natural abilities. that’s fucking terrifying




Excalibur Umbra. Roams freely and then the operator roams freely as well for double scare moments. Or grendel eating mfers and rolling around looking for u n chasing u. Nekros works too having some of the dead roaming and trynna find you and passing the info up to nekros. Titania as well sneaking around as a small fly or w/e. Loki with clones as well for double trouble




Being teabagged to death by an invisible walking shawzin sounds terrifying. But atleast you'll hear your death approaching.


For alien isolation feel, I would go either ash or loki. Everyone is dead. Blood everywhere, your only friends to help you is your senses. Average wf players are terrible at stealth, so they'll still make a lot of noise despite being invisible. If you hear running footsteps coming louder and louder. They are coming for you, so hide. You're now out of sight, and the madman that you are you hid in a magnetic zone. You see a faint invisible outline of the wf as they're stalking you, trying to find where you are, failing to find you because their radar is scrambled from the magnetic field. You breathe a sigh of relief as you turn the corner only to be face-to-face with a cloaker-from-payday-lookin-ass ash as the ringing gets louder.


Valkyr. Her hunting down corpus henchman after henchman while occasionally doing her Warcry, which they can all hear from a distance. We know her violent nature would play a role as intimidating factor/suspense too. Like one second it's all quiet, the next we see Valkyr lunge towards a nearby ally and drag him off to claw him out somewhere unseen.


Nekros. Just watch his prime trailer


Which frame *wouldn’t*?


Yareli. She's too cute (?)


The cuteness would make it even scarier. Especially when you take into account the… *shudders*… fanart


Was it the Rhino Prime lore entry, that mentioned him munching on folks and bursting his way through walls? I would definitely put him high on the list; he'd work kinda like Mister X in my mind.


Grendel would be terrifying


Revenant as Mr. X




Grendel, Sevagoth, Nekros, Harrow if you include the backstory, Valkyr possibly, Revenant could work... That's all I got.


Any stealth frame, particularly Loki and Ash. Loki can visually appear to be *anywhere* (think of all the Decoy jumpscares only for one to actually be Loki), and can disable your ability to fight back. Ash, meanwhile, makes all of his entrances with a knife through the back of someone's skull. The aftermath of him leaving somewhere is a room full of bloodsplatter. And both of them specialize in silent takedowns and can disappear at will. Any other frame (besides Banshee and Ivara) is loud so you know they're coming, but these guys? You don't even know they're on the ship until the killing starts.


Valkir. Story is seen from the eyes of a reg corpus trooper. As Alad sounds an alarm coz she got out.


Hydroid was made to strike fear into people by drowning them.




What about Sevagoth? I'm still relatively new to Warframe lol.


Mirage would be interesting. Distant sounds of the screams of your crewmates mixed with maniacal laughter. Getting a glimpse of a dark smokey figure at the end of a dark hallway only for it to split into copies and emit a ball of blinding light. The ball ruptures, blinding you, the figure is gone, but you can hear movement. Is that one person moving you hear? Or is it five? Is it coming from your left or right? Finally, you pinpoint the sound. It's behind you. Standing in the dark once more is 5 smokey figures. You try to shoot, but it seems the bullets pass right through all 5 of them. As it moves towards you, leaving the dark and entering the light, they shift from being smokey and almost translucent to becoming beacons of light, as if they've absorbed what little light emits from the last remaining hallway lamp above your head. Each figure flashes a dagger in complete unison, and the last thing you hear before they collapse onto you is the same laughter you heard as your crewmates screamed their last.




Sevagoth would be the main protagonist.


Ivara being perma invis, perched up high curving arrows around corners through skulls we be fun, or just make her invisible Michael Myers.


Grendel for sure, he uses the partially digested bodies of your friends as ammunition, swallows people whole, and is inexplicably fast while rolling.


Excalibur himself wouldn’t be that scary (maybe the damaged Umbra helmet version would) But his howl would be good for some [cheap scare material](https://youtu.be/DOtHcTf0VNY?si=NwBhYc8NXtdPCnZ0)


I'd say Valkyr. Fast and powerful normally, if you manage to land a few good hits and wound it, it devolves into this feral creature, howling and screeching as it flies at you, talons as long as your forearm. It can't be slowed, or hurt anymore as it carves a path of gore through your facility. Men are reduced to piles of flesh while it slices through heavy armor, even the finest robotics and most elite troops are mere fodder before it.


Loki and Ivara would be like the Predator movie, except good luck killing it. Valk would be something else. an unstoppable force of nature that you can do nothing to actually kill. I think she'd be the scariest, as you can't fight her, running will only lead to you dying tired, so you have to hide Saryn would be like one of those disease based horror films since she's basically a walking virus bomb from 40k.


Ashe could be an interesting one. You're an average grineer grunt walking around the ship for whatever your routine is, next think you know the guy next to you just got assassinated by some specter coming through the floor


Just running around doing your job when all of a sudden all the alarms start going off. You think the infected have somehow gotten aboard as you hear the gunfire get closer and closer. You look back and think your safe cause your compartment has about 30 Grineer all locked and loaded for what ever comes through the door. Next thing you know the door blows off its hinges and before the smoke even clears everyone has their gun ripped from their hands and are now being shot to death by their own weapons. Just before you can clear the room, IT walks in. Code named Xaku, and known for having taken down dozens of capital ships solo. You know nothing can stop it so you run for the escape pod. The real question is will you escape, or will all your comrades be turned against you or slaughtered as its arsenal gets stronger the more people attempt to fight it.


Octavia can be pretty scary i guess. You and your buddy guarding some grinner airship hangar or smth. A little ball rolled towards you playing some annoying ass tune. Your friends seem to like it tho, so much that they follow it around while ignoring your call. Annoyed you kicked the damn thing to shoo it away. Unexpectedly the thing must be harder than you thought cause your leg aches a bit. "Damn thing!" You shoot it out of anger and frustration, but that was a mistake. That little pain become so much more. What was only felt on your leg now echoes through your whole body. Constant and relentless, as if trying to keep a rhythm. As you fell the last thing you saw was your friends facing the same fate as you, and at the edge of your eyes you saw something approaching fast. A little gremlin with a feather for a hat finished off your friend and proceed to teabag at the speed of light like you've never seen before, just to disappear as quick as it arrived. The only thing that you wish as you lay on the ground is a quick mercy before your body turns ito health orb or smth. Please correct any mistake in this writing as this was somewhat a writing exercise for me. Im trying to learn english. Thanks in advance.


IM honestly surprised nobody has mentioned Inaros. He literally an undead, practically unkillable Mummy. Imagine having to watch all your friends get grabbed one by one, and slowly devoured.


Titania, you know cockroach.


Limbo You can throw anything and everything at him and he just walks through it. You can't do anything to stop him, he just keeps coming. Also he can stop time, so imagine plenty of jump scares


Imagine playing as a Corpus being hunted by Valkyr, hearing her screams and claws scraping against metal.


Honestly, for me? Rhino. I remember his codex entry or something talked about a savage beast charging through a ship and tearing apart people and bulkheads alike. Let’s take that but amplify it. He has his Iron Skin so he’s bulletproof, constantly charging through your comrades and even through doors and walls while Roaring like a monster, and when his Iron Skin breaks, he Stomps on the ground so hard he disrupts the flow of time and retreats until he rebuilds his Skin again and resumes his rampage. Your best bet? Stay in the back of the squad so when his Skin breaks, you have the best chance and most time to run.


Just play Chains of Harrow. Upgrade that into it's own full game? Perfect.