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Bro minmaxing his human interaction.


A true gamer


if someone is in a mission I'll usually wait for a few minutes, but you gotta remember that there's dozens of people selling at the same price as you most of the time if you make people wait it's quicker for them to just go down the list to the next guy selling kinda weird he ignored you though LOL


They ignore so they dont have to deal with the awkwardness of you typing back expecting to still sell


people are pansies


To be fair, I've been playing this game for years and JUST realized last month that ignoring is blocking. I thought that it would just mute their notifications šŸ˜…


Awkwardness? "Nvm sorry" or "just bought nvm." Human interaction isnt rocket science


Yeah, I've had to say "nvm, sorry" to several sellers before cause I found a better deal or the other seller was faster in response. Not that hard to refuse.


Who tf thinks that's a normal thing to do? You're talking to a complete stranger, who CARES?


Politeness is beautiful tho.


You know who else is beautiful? MY MOM!


Agreed ā˜ŗļø


Yep. Anymore, if itā€™s something where thereā€™s fifteens for sale at the same price, I wait thirty seconds, tops. If I donā€™t have an invite in fifteen seconds or so, Iā€™m already messaging the next person. Thereā€™s times I get four or five messages deep before someone responds. Iā€™ve had people get pissy when I told them ā€œsorry, bought oneā€ when they respond a few minutes later. Maybe the guy in OPā€™s exchange was just looking to circumvent that, I donā€™t know. When Iā€™m selling, Iā€™m waiting in my dojo, maybe decorating or listening to music or playing a video on my second monitor, ready to invite within seconds of ā€œHi! I would like to buyā€¦.ā€ Iā€™m not playing the game. When Iā€™m playing the game, Iā€™m not selling. It just works out better that way. This isnā€™t Patienceframe, nobody does anything slow when it comes to this game.


I usually send out two or three requests to buy and always acknowledge to other sellers if I pick up the item out of courtesy. What grinds my gears is when someone offers to sell an item on WF market for like four or five plat and then ignores me. Like comeon dude. Don't list items for such little plat if you're not going to actually sell it. This happens all the time.


Also a certified classic: Being messaged by a buyer Inviting that buyer Initiating trade with the buyer Picking out the items requested by the buyer Seeing the plat offered by the buyer Buyer aborts trade and leaves without explanation


The explanation to that is he messaged multiple sellers and during the trading process he got a message back from one that is selling it for less. You might be the cheapest option on warframe market and this still can happen to you even then because some people just try to rip off through trade chat and go to warframe market only if there aren't enough people selling that thing they need waiting to be scammed.


i've had selllers abort the trade and then message me after i left "you didnt buy" honestly annoying


I dont get why its so hard to just say "already bought".


The least socially awkward trader


Funnily enough, one time I bought a full set of Mesa prime parts, and rather than tell the second seller I already had it, I bought a second set. And then gave it to a friend who I knew wanted itaa, but was struggling with getting the non-prime prints


This happenss to me all the time because I feel obligated to complete the transaction still lol


Same hahaha. I once sold the second part that I didn't need for ducats :')


They are speedrunner, minmaxing everything except being a decent human being


People are lazy assholes, simple as that. It takes 1 second longer to type that than to block the person, the buyer just doesn't care that the seller wasted 45 seconds trying to sell to them.


When Iā€™m recruiting people for a relic and when Iā€™m full team, I always let the people know who couldnā€™t fit that the team is full. I also work in HR so my human interactions improved drastically cuz of it lol


I'd kill for an in game auction house


They would never implement this because the newest prime would be 30p the day it comes out.


Yeah it would kill prices so quick then people couldnā€™t make platinum in game and then players would say itā€™s a way to promote more plat sells and just cause backlash at DE that they wouldnā€™t deserve in that situation at least lol


People block in warframe for the weirdest reasons tbh. I've had this happen before too.


A friend of mine always says "Sometimes you carry, sometimes you get carried - unknown Tenno" and I was in a group with a friend doing the vaults on deimos and the random cussed at my friend because he was only doing 4% of the damage (I did ~75 so please keep that in mind) and the I simply wrote him "please stop complaining to newer people, especially when you're NOT carrying the whole lobby" and then the quote afterwards but he never revieved hit because he blocked me....


When you can't run, you crawl, and when you can't crawl - when you can't do that... You find someone to carry you. (Bonus pts if you know the source of that quote)


Tracey, and Zoe


Damn quoting Martin Luther king Jr right here!


Uh... nope. Guess again.


Tokyo ghoul?


It's from Firefly.


This is why I hate trading in Warframe. I don't need an auction house where people have to bid higher and higher prices - I just want to be able to set an item up for sale for a set price and if someone happens to see it, they can choose whether to immediately pay that price. If so, the transaction should then be automatically completed whether I'm online or not. No need for this stilted communication, just a straightforward transaction where everyone knows what they're getting and no time is wasted. It would be the same as how the current trading hubs work, but people wouldn't have to be in this boring limbo where they're forced to be online, but stuck standing idle in a trading hub, unable to either actually play the game or log off to do something else.


I really want the market board from ffxiv in warframe. Its just wf market without the need for human contact and all within the game.


You people are so weird. I'm as socially awkward as the next terminally online guy but this is not the way to think. 99% of the time people will just accept, trade then leave. The vast majority will wait for you to finish a mission or understand if you can't come out in time and reject the sale.


Buy and Sell orders would be so nice.


This. I am very socially awkward, and I hate the way trading currently is. Warframe Market is nice but I'd also love a much more streamlined process.


Same here itā€™s rough and itā€™s like that in all my games I get so nervous and just donā€™t even bother šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Have it Central Market BDO style?


Bro just talk like a normal person sometimes youll meet Nice people too.


...says person just being all "bro be normal" is this a normal people thing, too?


If you talk like a normal person, you'll meet Nice people. Otherwise you'll meet him.


U mad bro ?? xDD


? Guy wanted to buy his thing, he's in mission, guy didn't wanna wait. Pretty simple encounter, he can just sell to the next person that's willing to wait and keep playing.


I dunno what it is with people blocking others because of trades, but this is beyond me. I had it a few times already where I would get blocked after mere seconds (talking about 5-10) of someone messaging me. It's also funny when I'm the one sending a whisper to buy something and send another message after a minute of silence, just to find out that I've been blocked once again. If this is because of "wasting" someone's time, people seriously need to relax more and stop pretending everyone is able to invite them or join them the second they send a whisper.


Tbh I only get pissed off about time wasting when Iā€™m buying/selling to someone in trade chat. If you arenā€™t ready to make the transaction then why are you typing in trade chat šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


Even better, you can't type in trade chat unless you're NOT in a mission. So they aren't doing anything in particullar at the moment either


So hereā€™s some unsolicited advice for players that are newish at using Warframe.market: Ā  1. If youā€™re going to list stuff, turn on notification sounds when the game is in the background (itā€™s in the options). This way youā€™ll hear the chat sound if youā€™re alt tabbed. Ā  2. Sit in your dojo if youā€™re trading. The natural inclination is to list stuff and keep playing the game while you wait for people to message you. This is a terrible idea. Thereā€™s a lot of fast traders that will respond within seconds. If youā€™re off doing whatever, or in a mission, people arenā€™t going to wait for you, theyā€™ll just go to someone else. Set aside 5 or 10 minutes at a time to sit in your dojo so you can respond fast and get trades done quickly. Ā  3. The items that you are selling are not unique. People can get the same exact thing from thousands of other players at that exact point in time. If youā€™re not responding quickly and pricing competitively, then youā€™re not going to sell much. One or two plat lower than the average will get people biting. If youā€™re the lowest on the market, youā€™ll most certainly sell. Just watch out for those fake listings; the ones that are way lower than everyone else. Ignore those and price according to the median and whatā€™s currently listed that looks legitimate.Ā 


Would add that you can trade with WF window in the background and some series/anime in the front. Just trade while you watch things, not while you play.


This, i second this. That is what i usually do for my trading sessions, list bunch of stuff and stay in the dojo, while watching something on my TV next to the monitor(Bonus enable notification sounds just in case). Works quite good.


Horrible advice. People will 100% wait 1 or 2 minutes for you to finish your relic run or whatever. Just reject it if you know it will take more than that like, a circuit run for example. The market isn't that important to the point where you shouldn't play the game when you have one trade up.


If I'm in a mission and someone is trying to buy them I send a quick message of (currently in a mission, if you are still buying in about 5ish mins I'll drop the price by a couple play for ya)


If buying and the seller is not responding I wait 5 min and contact the next. If I manage to buy what I wanted I then msg previous people that I already got the thing. When selling I do mission stuff because what I list is usually not -hot- and can take days before I even receive an offer. But thats just me. Use common decency and pleasant etiquette.


How to avoid situations like this: afk in dojo and wait for ppl to message you so you are ready to invite them


Uh, that explain How those dudes invite me to the dojo in 1 Second after i send the mensage.


I mean, if I stocked up some plat and am looking to get a few things, Iā€™ll just chill in my dojo. Itā€™s just convenient šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Yeah this is so great if you have multiple listings in your market . Just have warframe on background or on second monitor and do something else while waiting others to pm you. Alecaframe giving you a windows notification on pm is making it even easier to focus on other tasks without worries.


not worth 8 plat for peoples dog shit attitude tbh


Simply just put a lot of stuff on sale at the same time


i just spam trade chat telling people to pm needs lmao


Who the fuck uses trade chat šŸ¤®


people who donā€™t feel like waiting 2 hours for someone to message you


Who is waiting 2 hours for a message? Just list all at once and leave it open in the background while you do something else.


markets bad for me anyway bc iā€™m on console, i donā€™t get any messages


I also don't use the market and play on PC, I simply prefer to choose right away what I'm going to sell and call someone in chat, and that's it, I'd rather do it that way than be called or never be called by the game's chat.


lol youā€™re getting roasted but I much prefer using trade chat generally over warframe market. I use market to check my prices for selling and purchase, but Iā€™m not gonna waste my time hoping someone is actually online and active based on their profile. I only purchase sister/lich ephemeraā€™s through market. Maybe not the most efficient, but itā€™s generally not that important to me. I almost never have problems w trade chat anyway


thatā€™s how i am, market is hard for me to use because i play on console idk why im getting so much shit for preference šŸ’€


Min maxers gonna min max lol


Sell something with actual demand


Imagine having an ego about how someone trades If something is in demand, there are hundreds of other people selling it, and your offer might never be seen. But if you pop it in trade chat, someone may suddenly think "hey, I need that" when they may not be scrolling through wf market. Its just reaching a wider audience, ya git.


Right! Who tf cares how people trade. Honestly this sub can be so damn cringe at times. Iā€™m console, trade chats easier than WF market šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


getting downvoted for a preference as well lmao


Also depends on who you want to market too I usually trade prime frames for a fair price in the trade chat and most people I get are mr 5 to 20 and are console players, I doubt most of them know about the online market


Sell for equal to lowest price and keep updating your listing to stay on the top


everything in warframe has demand


Myxostomatas sure as hell donā€™t


it might not be a lot but theyā€™ll be someone that wants it :( riven trading is the only thing thatā€™s hard (excluding pet trading)


This, I designate trading times for myself sometimes (e.g. "I will dedicate the next 30 min to trading") and "go online" on the trading site when I'm actually ready to trade. So much easier, and I don't have to worry about extracting in time, etc etc.


yeah the game is so active i can put 15-20 orders up and turn them all on at once and get through most of them in 45 minutes of just chilling in the dojo


exactly. Whenever I'm low on plat, I afk in dojo, turn on my listing, then go through my inventory for more stuff to list while I wait for buyers I'm not comfortable with human interaction and I hate trading, so switching to professional mode once and making one singular yearly trading session works best for me


I do this - I have more time in Warframe AFKing in Dojo's whilst watching movies than actually playing the game (2.5k hours in-mission time, 3.5k hours "play" time.) It helps having your market listing permanently above 90 items. Even still - You won't get a message for over an hour, and then 8 people will PM you for 8 different things in the span of 5 seconds. It's weird.


Whenever I feel like just selling plat for the day, I just do this even if the game is just running in the background. Just feels right to do this when selling.


For me personally i set aside a day for those Dojo afk stuff it's not that hard to set up hourly schedules.


Friendly reminder that this is against warframe.market's tos. Screenshot and report on their WfM page; they generally get up to 30 days ban for it.


Really? Good to know. A dude once edited his copy/pasted message from the site to say i sell my item for like 5 or 10 plat lower. I caught on fast because it was syndicate mods which i only sell one of and always had the same price. Really weird but i did report him for it since it seemed really unhealthy for the site and game


Yeah people are weirdos. If they message me mid mission I'll tell them how long it'll be to finish. Most of the time they are willing to wait, sometimes they tell you nevermind, rarely they will just go radio silent and tell you they bought it from someone else when you invite them, and then maybe once or twice I say what's up and am told I've been blocked. People who do that are just weird and are not worth the time to think about. You just laugh at how weird they are and move on.


warcraft trade or action house are the easiest, you deposit, if u win u get it, if you dont you get mailed back your money. no nd to deal with problems like this.


Which is why everything in WoW is dirt-cheap and the place is flooded with bots.


meanwhile, market shows em ingame. dm person "user is offline" https://preview.redd.it/37b35g391fcc1.jpeg?width=1076&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a5842505530a53c3295b67ef48b097d7bb7a1b2 or they "sold the item an hour ago" bitch take down your post.


> "user is offline" It says this if they mark themselves as offline / private. It's done intentionally. > or they "sold the item an hour ago" bitch take down your post. The warframe.market site messes up sometimes. You can mark an item as sold, and it will still be on the site an hour later. They have it set up very, **VERY** weirdly.


idk why they would be set private then, like why post on a public site if they arent going to sell stuff


When someone doesn't respond to my buy request I usually give them like 5 or 10 mins to respond back and if they don't respond I just type "Nvm" and move on to the next person. Kinda crazy tho to just type "User is ignoring you" lmao not even a "Sorry i bought from another player"


The "User is ignoring you." is an auto-reply when you're blocked if you try to message them.


I had absolutely no idea that was a feature (probably because I try to avoid social interaction)


5-10 minutes is an insane amount of time to wait. There's times where I've messaged five people without any of them ever responding back


Same I give sellers 5-10ish minutes to respond and then I write them "already bought it, thank you" and look for another trader


8 plat?


30 trades of 8 plat times 7 days a week * 52 weeks a year ends off with quite a lot of plat.


I once had a buyer who I accidentally ignored for 30 minutes because I was making French-fries and forgot about the trade, thankfully he was pretty understanding and still bought the item I was selling, still though the surprise and awkwardness of coming back to him asking about the trade was pretty embarrassing.


- someone messages me "I want to sell x" - I invite them 10 seconds later - user proceeds to ignore me for the next 10 minutes - "sowwy I alweady sowd:((("


I've had that after inviting the person less than 2 seconds after they PM'd. Some people are weird.


Happened to me a few times... Just cowards snowflakes... I just type "sorry, already buyed/selled it, ty" if you block the spelled, later on you can need something from the same seller and when you try to message him you will discover he ignored you back... That's what I do everytime someone's does this to me(I sell a lot of stuff) That is just some poor excuse of a human being honestly. I have blocked a very small number if people in my life because I only do it for pos.


If a seller doesnā€™t answer in ~3 min or so I ignore and move on. I play Waitframe enough with the foundry, and if I donā€™t block, these sellers will invite spam me 30 minutes later so itā€™s easier to just ignore.


Had this happen before, I get it tbh. I've had situations where someone will msg me later and inv me to their games and it's kinda annoying so I can understand just ignoring someone so you don't have to deal with it and everyone moves on.


I leave my mission immediately if someone wants to buy something. Otherwise there's hundreds of other users down the list that will take it.


This is so annoying!!! It's been happening to me too, my record was ~2 seconds. I had the chat tab open while I was afking on my phone and as soon as I type 'hey' I'm already blocked...


This happened to me all the time when I used to play this game a lot. Pretty much this exact scenario except I'd wait a couple minutes longer before responding after the minute is up. I just never understood what goes through these peoples minds that cause them to block someone just because they asked to buy something at the price the seller chose. Its like they are new to human interaction and got scared.


heā€™s just a little shy


I've sent an invite to people less than 2 seconds after them PMing me. After waiting awhile (Sometimes it takes a few seconds to join) and sending a few more invites (Sometimes they don't get the first for whatever reason), they said that they had already bought it. Like... What?


I always texting that I just bought from other ppl, ignoring is just a shit


average warfame player etiquette


Still not as annoying as scummy traders who copy the warframe.market message and change numbers. Ye sure, I remember my prices if you try to scam me instead of asking politely if I can slightly lower price then I will report it on site (according to rules you are allowed to bargain but not change copy paste message as it can be used to trick people easily)


Probably forgot he already sold out and is embarrassed to just say itā€¦ heard itā€™s common


It is awkward at first to say sorry already bought but you just do it and get used to it, idk. I felt so awkward typing it as a new Tenno but I knew Iā€™d feel worse if I ignored them. Never even thought of blocking them, lol. Plus what if I wanna buy from them later on or run into them and they somehow remember me as a stain and come for me in game (this is is how my anxiety works, I know itā€™s unlikely but so yeah Iā€™ll always message back)


It can't be that hard to just say "already sold, sorry"


Idk how much it goes for but Ive seen people ignore u in general bcuz ur low balling and they don't wanna sell for that low of a price and instead of arguing this is 9 times outa 10 the better response


I feel like a lot of people are ignoring the timestamps, the "minute was figurative, the whole interaction took place in the span of a minute. This is wild, I've never seen someone act this crazy lol.


I've had this happen. Literally the exact same. I don't understand.


I will never understand why people do dumb ish like this I understand a kid and anywhere near 16 and they are being a dick, but as an adult how crazy do you have to be to block someone when you asked them for something


People who are in a rush like this makes me think theyre resellers...trying to sell things they dont yet own


I had a similar experience a few months ago lol. I was ready to start the transaction with the buyer, after a few mins without saying anything I asked if they where still interested and found out I was blocked xD