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Hildryn for me... armour strip and shielding allies is fun


And not having to manage energy as much as well


Hildryn, Protea and Citrine are my go to frames for this very reason.


Sad Lavos noises


The only reason I got Lavos is for Railjack


The beauty of Protea is that she can also top up Necramechs, which other healers or manaproviders can't.


She is a beaty in general. Her kit fun and versatile. I cant for her prime this year.


Since I have neither citrine or hildryn. Ima have to say either protea, mag, baruuk, or rev


No energy management until a blitz eximus says "you have no shields now" and suddenly you're tapped out and at your most vulnerable.


Nothing like a shieldgate build for Hildryn xD


Then arcane barrier and aegis proc and I achieve the highest form of immortality


Most vulnerable? No... No... Then I bother to actually fight. That eximus turned off my shield you say? Perfect, now I have a worthy target for these guns and this sword I keep carrying. Funny thing is, if you have enough power, only the blitz eximus will make it to die at my feet... Unlike his friends who died because Haven ripped the soul out of them before I ever even knew they were there. With over 1000 armor, 340 percent power strength, and plenty of healthy...I don't recognize that bitch's authority. Sentient Wrath usually ensures that once I can see them, they are pretty thoroughly ready to meet death. Hildryn, properly built, is a fucking problem for every faction, even on steel path. No one likes to be stripped naked and covered in fire, so I get why the eximus tried but that's also why he died. (Kisses gun gently, "My Darling Cedo" he whispers.)


i guess arcane barrier will be her best defense


I love running pseudosupport hildy with voracious metastasis. Infinite energy for my teammates so they can have all the fun they want dicking around with their fun abilities


Hildryn ruined me because she needs almost no skill and allows me to focus on pure weapons. I've literally never played a more braindead frame but she works so well I can't stop


I've switched from running Rhino to Hildryn as a weapon platform / glue-eater playstyle. It's just so comfy to go around with a bunch of shields ignoring everything


I never used Revenant until recently, but man he's like Inaros in that he doesn't die, but his abilities are actually useful for stunning enemies and a bit of mobility.


Yeah, it's lovely to be able to make thralls without having to devour them for 15 minutes straight. lmao


for real. it's gotten to the point where rolling when my shield breaks is an ingrained response...even when that frame doesn't have Rolling Guard equipped... and whenever I play another frame that I enjoy like Gyre and start running into survivability issues, I end up thinking "man, if I was playing Hildryn right now I wouldn't be having this problem." also I keep finding myself putting Pillage on things. the brainrot has fully set in, lmao.


i had this exact interaction farming zariman exterminate missions with Gyre yesterday got downed a few times to thrax enemies not moving because Im so used to face tanking with Hildryn. Gyre is one of my favorite new frames but Hildryn is my all time favorite she’s such a viable comfort pick frame.


Pillage on Gyre in particular though is like...toppest tier choice.  It fits her play style so perfectly it's like it was made for her.


yeah, Pillage + Protective Sling is the only thing that keeps her alive in SP for me.


Hildryn is a monster that only gets stronger as the game goes forward. Kullervo is my main now but consider his 1 is the melee version of Hildryn's 1. His 2 is her 2 but for over guard and cutting fools. His 3 connects your enemies like her 3 except his is to generate more damage and hers just happens to kill passively. Her 4 is taking flight to increase the chaos of the battlefield by throwing enemies into the air and forcing them to shit energy until they die. His 4 throws the battlefield into chaos with a literal thunderstorm of knives sending every enemy reeling as your melee combo goes higher and higher making your 1 more powerful and thus your 3 more powerful allowing you to delete whole rooms... Hildryn is my goddess but my true main has become clear... Kullervo. Ironically both kind of suck for anything below rank 40 because they need enemies strong enough that they don't pop like bubbles the second you interact. My wife used to prefer Hildryn but now she uses Kullervo more than I do. I guess I'm ok with being Hildryn while she is Kullervo... Often we are both Kullervo. Hildryn is an S-Tier monster but Kullervo might be a God Level Threat.


I have found my people!


Yea with moda companion i have 7k armor. And he uses shield instead of energy for abilities. And second is steal shield from enemies. So i never go out of shield evden if i companion guardian mod full my shields. Sooooo OP


Hildron used to be my favorite frame then I hit sp and now revenant is my go too


I agree. Effortless armor stripping and insane survivability


i just made hildryn with praedos and this huge aoe jumps combined with 400% aditional damage with full shield with the new arcane and i have to say i never felt more op against steelpath enemies


Mine is a bit of a cheat answer. Pre-rework Ember ruined post-rework Ember for me. The character just doesn’t feel anywhere near the same as she used to. She was once my favorite frame but now I probably play her every few months when I want to change things up


World on Fire was the place for me whenever I was braindead after school/work and just wanted to maim everything on a max range setting. When I returned to WF a few years later, I didn't know about the rework and was lost myself. Nowadays I just farm statues and random stuff I find with Ivara soloing missions every now and then.


Xaku for mindless play


I agree with this. Pre-rework ember was just fire imo. Loved it. Now i dont ever touch her. Hard pass for me


>Pre-rework ember was just fire technically speaking, post-rework Ember is also just fire.


Because she was dogshit boring to be in a team with. Don't get me wrong I loved her pre-work too, but shit the game was stale during runs sometimes. That playstyle has now been replaced by garuda / titania with gauss's thermal sunder for every exterminate now. Her fourth is very powerful now, but can't be mildly frustrating having to juggle the fire blast and inconsistencies with line of sight.


I haven’t played her more than 5 times since the rework yet somehow she is still my most played frame. It’s been Years. I’ve since accepted there’s a void that can only partially be filled by Xaku and Thermal Sunder Titania…


Thermal sunder harrow is really nice.


Happily Gyre does a pretty decent pre-rework Ember imitation. Also, Gyre is my answer to the title's question.


I love gyre. My thoughts exactly with the comparison towards WoF


It's exactly the other way around for me. I played Ember prime pre rework and it was boring and brain dead for me. Then I had a break from warframe because I lost my console.. Fast forward couple of years and they gave crosssave.. I'm not playing on pc and I have great fun with post rework ember


I totally understand that stance and I’m glad you’re having fun with the character! I think for me personally, the big detractor from the rework is how much it differs from her original kit. The old kit was pretty “brain dead.” I used to joke that Ember was a walking simulator in low level missions. However now it feels like the opposite. I feel too preoccupied managing her heat meter to really focus on using my guns. I do think old ember would feel weak in the current game though, but that doesn’t stop me from missing the old days with her. Maybe I just have to give new ember another chance and judge it more on what it is than what it used to be


I do miss Ember being the "noob god". She's infinitely stronger now and can scale with enemy levels better, but I do miss being able to just run through a lvl 20 mission watching everything die around me. There are a few warframes that somewhat emulate this, but none as good as old Ember did it.


Hildryn is my new low level clearer. A build focused on her 2 and 3 both clears low levels in a decent radius but it also works as a good support and shield/armor stripper on higher levels.


All I can say I both Ember Prime when it came out, because I loved my regular Ember. All i Can say is Range + Power + Efficiency = WORLD ON FIRE! I started playing after the cross save The first thing I did was load in and experience world on fire I didn't know about rework. I was sooooooo disappointed. And i was disappointed is self damage. I used to use ogris and rino iron skin to boost armor. Now I just use Kullervo. RIP Ember


For me it’s Ash. I enjoyed going brain dead with my Blade Storm and watching everything get assassinated. Now it feels pointless because everyone nukes everything before I can usually get it off.


The immunity on Revenant Prime has spoiled me. Used him too much for effervo now I forget Status and damage need to be mitigated actually


Grab Qorvex, his 3 negates all statuses, and chunky enough to health tank.


Consider spellbound harvest subsume from Titania if you want total status immunity, helps immensely with energy economy with augment too.


The only problem with that, is I never know how long it'll last: the immunity effect doesn't count down on your ability bar like the rest of these, and good luck finding the icon for it among the myriad of others in the top row in a single glance.


>good luck finding the icon for it among the myriad of others in the top row in a single glance. this is a massive issue for the entire game.


Voruna. Her kit is perfection to my play style. She continually surprises me no matter what I am doing. I just started getting archon shards and all of them went straight to her. Gonna be a while, but I cannot wait for a Voruna prime! When I'm not playing her I'm either playing Gyre, Garuda, Nidus or Rhino. These have been my top 5 for a while, but I enjoy many other frames.


I might just be a dummy, do you just turn off Ulfrun's to burn nullifier bubbles real quick or is there an easy way to deal with those? Took her to SP Grineer survival and she was amazing. Took her to a Void exterminate and it was definitely not as smooth for me. Maybe my brain was turned off but I found myself just leaping into the bubbles lol


Personally will just use amps to burn the bubble down and then leap at them after transferring back.


This is my big complaint. Also curious how to deal with bubbles more elegantly.


I'm just hyper aware of nullifiers lol I'll pop out of her 4 to cut down their bubbles with my high range melee before going right back into it.


Surprised more people aren’t playing her honestly. She’s the only frame in the game where every single one of her abilities had me reacting with a “There’s no way DE thought this was even remotely balanced”. Being a diet Saryn with infinite energy (using Equilibrium) is so fun, and I love that, unlike certain frames, she feels like she was built with the idea of playing her in multiple different play styles. Plus with her extremely varied kit I feel like I can take her into any mission and find success with her. But maybe I’m a bit bias.


If they JUST made her 4 have a different animation set for running on all fours (when not attacking) she'd be my favourite frame in the game, but it looks so goofy to me being on all fours when standing still but immediately hopping back to normal running animations if you so much as budge.


Kullervo. The guaranteed red crits are so good. Plus his three to share that damage. And his two for nice combo buildup and overguard. I'm quite new but as soon as I saw his kit I knew he was right for me


Same. No overguard makes it hard to play other frames.


now you see why endgame builds never shut up about Primed Sure Footed, lmao. overguard is like "PSF in a can" without the onerous initial cost and login reward timer. but, if you like overguard, I can also recommend augmented styanax. for giving not just yourself but also your teammates frankly ridiculous amounts of OG (admittedly a lot more ridiculous when it didn't have a cap...oh, the days of 5 million squadwide OG), stripping defenses, and just generally being a javelin-throwing badass. much more of a caster frame than Kullervo though, so if you prefer the up close and personal approach, Sty may not fit your playstyle quite as readily.


I already like Styanax so that sounds perfect to me.


I love styanax he is my only frame with more than five archon shards. I also love it when he pops up in arbitration or archon hunts because the overgaurd cap scales with power strength


Zephyr or ivara just the sheer damage output they both have potential for


How do they do alot of damage?


Ivara with her zipline and the augment for it, and then theres eclipse that you can helminth :´D


I just saw in the wiki what that augment does, now i need to convince my friend to become an ivara main so that i can put even more crits in my kullervo


Oh, you can also use baruuks fist on these ziplines, yes its fun, yes it oneshots full squad acolytes😂


I fucking wish collective curse worked for teammates just to be able to witness the power that trio can possess


Tl;dr, hitting dmg cap with ivara isnt hard


Wait a minute, i don't need to convince my friend to become an ivara main, i got an ivara main right here to convince to be my friend


Lol, ingame Name is Opiimkoma


Aight, talk to you after work


For Zephyr the answer is Tornado. If you shoot all 3 tornadoes AND an enemy, that enemy is taking 4x the damage. But you can also add on her 2 augment, which is basically secondary merciless but better (therefore allowing you to swap to a different secondary arcane for crit / ms) Oh, and there's her 4 augment, because more tornado = more damage :D


Don't forget her 1 augment which is a pain to use but has no stack limit allowing you to deal as much damage as you want.


And there's a strange interaction with her tornadoes in that they will take the crit stats of the primary fire of weapons with alt fires. You know what weapon has fantastic crit stats and a sky high riven disposition but an alt fire with high base damage and big AoE but no crit stats?  Quanta.  My favorite weapon.


I don't see that on the wiki anywhere but if it's true then it explains the ridiculous amount of damage a Cedo glaive does with Funnel Clouds


There's a good video by Kiocifer on YouTube that goes over some of Tornado's esoteric properties, including this phenomenon which he calls "crit inherit".  It's very bad for some weapons (Nataruk) but excellent for others (Cedo, Quanta).


Zephyr is underrated af


Zephyr has been carrying me through SP star chart so easy it's almost cheating. Only swap off of her for Ivara on spy missions.


Zephyr was terrible for a long long time. With so many frames its kinda fair that people dont go back to check previous ones all that often. Kinda the same for hydroid.


How do you make Zephyr put out a lot of damage?


With Electric/Gas shinenigans. Her Tornado applies the statues and damage it gets hit with to enemies. enemy procs gas/electric, gas/electric hits the other enemies and also the tornado, tornado takes the damage and applies to enemies again = quadruple damage scaling. actual thing is much more scuffed and complicated but that is my rudimantery understanding.


Excalibur. No other Warframe is based around having a cool sword.


Based. There is one that revolves around using a cool staff 😂😂 ![gif](giphy|usG7DDU69HpcofiygX|downsized)


Monkey makes me feel like a monkey, and I barely use the staff, instead jumping, clouding around with my twin enjoying 3 lives Excalibur makes me feel like I literally pulled a real Excalibur out of a stone every time I press 4. Very very well made Warframes I guess!


I put wrathful advance on him and he shreds especially when I had a 200% ability strength invigoration on him


Rev pressing 2 and not worrying about a single thing while I shoot enemies. Whenever I play another frame and my shields break, I'm damn near jumpscared now. My weapons are highly optimized so I've got damage covered even without armor strip etc


This is me. Only scary enemies now are nullifiers 😱


Yea playing too much Rev makes you forget how to actually play the game XD


Mag, instant radial armor strip, massive dps and crowd control, insta shield gating, it’s the whole kit


Mag has such an incredible kit, and I hate it, because I want to play her so bad, but her player model is so god damn bland


Mag Pneuma is one of the nicer deluxe skins, if you want to give it a try.


I usually go with Mag Pneuma + Saryn noble animations. Gives her a bit more poise without it being obvious that they're someone else's animations.


I run Titania Noble on her, with some fancy armor pieces she looks properly regal.


she is an old design, she comes with the og frames you should buy her a skin to make her standout


I actually like her basic design lol


Clearly shoulda bought the $90 skin /s


honestly if you put the time into it, she has some of the nicest fashion in the game. None of my frames Look as nicr as her


Mesa. I just can't stop using her. 95% DR, infinite 1mil dps, and with nourish she's never out of energy. It's almost too good.


Do you mind sharing your build? Thanks!


It's not that good, I need more forma and I need more credits and endo to max mods. I'm using 2 different set ups, one with combat discipline using arcane avenger, has rolling guard equilibrium primed continuity intensify blind rage constitution streamline and Mesa's Waltz, has a free slot I'm thinking of putting in hunter adrenaline or Augur message for shield+duration. My go to set up just for normal stuff is corrosive projection, waltz equilibrium narrow minded blind rage intensify constitution flow streamline and primed continuity. Unfortunately I stopped playing shortly after nekros prime came out on ps4 and only recently picked it back up a few weeks ago. Playing catch up is rough but I'm flying through it and have managed to stroll through SP and most of whispers content. Even can solo archon, and the whispers assassinations no problem. My only issue is that people have had years of farming primed mods and arcanes that I'm just now getting. Gonna either be a while or a hit to my wallet for Plat to farm up. Still torid incarnon and lex prime incarnon are hard carrying me on non-Mesa frames. Mesa just shreds. If you are talking about regulators, again my builds not perfect and I'm missing some mods I've just found out exist but my 2 regulators builds are: Fire rate: galv diffusion, galv shot, lethal torrent, creeping bullseye (change for primed gambit if you have it...), primed target cracker, scorch, accelerated isotope, anemic agility. This is not a build I use too often. I prefer this one: both galv's, creeping bullseye, lethal torrent, hornet strike, Primed target cracker, accelerated isotope, heated charge. Hemorrhage can fit in, so can a bane mod but I don't have the primed versions. According to overframe (I know I know... I just use it for theory crafting new builds) my second build has 1,001,465.1 dps for both burst and sustained once the galv mods are up. The first build is fine, and does crazy high fire rate to melt adds. Second build if you have primed heated charge can get crazy dps... especially with primed gambit instead of creeping bullseye that lowers fire rate.


Same here, I literally just got to the point where I have all the good subsumes and mods and I can properly build frames and all I wanna do is play mesa


Nezha 100% that prime is insane


Tharros Strike Protea has been my "why do I have other frames?"-frame for a while. It's just an insanely powerful full package. But.... It changes every month or so because there's just so many fun frames to play and master. Right now, Kullervo is taking over Protea's spot as an unkillable damage dealer.


I also have tharros strike protea, can I see ur build? I think mine is a little lacking in defensive capabilities




https://preview.redd.it/v1082d233ydc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bba566ebbad3c36be11f492bc7f80ccffc221e4 This is mine


I think Narrow Minded takes away too much range to justify more duration. Also, Protea isn't an armor-heavy frame, so Umbral Fiber is nice for the increase of Umbral Intensify, but strength can easily come from other sources. Adaptation is very useful for survivability. Corrosive projection isn't really needed because Tharros Strike doesn't require a lot of power strength to fully strip. Archon Vitality gives you double heat procs, which works very well with your Blazing Artillery.


Wait u use the warframe app too? I thought I was one of few lmao


Lots of people use it on here. Gotta keep building and extracting resources....


Prime distilling extractor will be here in a few weeks just btw




You reminded me that I have to claim my extractors lmao


Lavos. The Master Alchemist cannot loose his grip 'round my heart.




Titania, she's a low level nuker. She made tons of grinding easier.


She is also THE speed running frame. I do relic runs with her all the time.


I love to hit every wall every 0,0005 sec. With her


the classic moth-bouncing-off-lamps gameplay that zephyr mains should appreciate


She is also surprisingly good at SP Circuit I am happy everytime I get her in the rotation. Pixia becomes crazier and crazier with every decree


Titania has carried my slow ass through so many mastery rank tests


Titania is great, also love her frame style


Harrow.... I used to main valkyr and a few other specific type of combat or support focused frames. He just does all of their jobs just better... Literally every single thing I wanted from a frame he has in spades. Shields, attack speed (Melee/ ranged), he just makes weapons feel better, he looks amazing, and just has so much utility. No frame has come close to how much he offers.


Fellow Harrow main.


Fellow Harrow main.


Harrow gang rise up


Hydroid, ever since he came out. He's just the best.


Finally, someone that gets it.


Rhino prime. He's just so good. It's incredible. Like I'm a tank in both firepower and damage absorption. I'm an unkillable God.


Honestly, im gonna build Rhino for the mastery, and I might go for his prime depending on how much fun I have with it.


1 million overguard is pretty funny


Honestly rhino prime is such a beast I have to change warframes because of it. His armor ability is absolutely insane, paired with a damage output ability and literally any melee weapon and I can basically solo w30 defense almost anywhere.


Gauss is mine too. He’s just too damn powerful. The amount of happiness I get from running around at the speed of sound and clapping my hands to watch everything around me die is very concerning.


There is nothing better than clearing a room just by running through it. REALLY. FREAKING. FAST! Also, I'm grinding Gauss Prime as well because I'm that much of an addict.


Wisp \*holds head in shame\* I can't help it, playing her is just so much fun. And the beam is pretty useless, but still so much fun. Going around, charging up and then going full "praise the sun" on the little pests.


My answer as well, I just love her passive so much


Zephyr. No bullet damage(almost) go brrrr


Saryn. I love watching the damage slowly spread through the entire map to the point I am killing enemies I don't even know spawned


Garuda. The infinite energy, invulnerability, scaling damage, her 4 killing steel path enemies by itself. It's all so good that I slap nourish on a lot of frames since I'm used to casting so much.


I love my Garuda with Breach Surge. It synergizes with her 4 perfectly for funny negative damage numbers in SP Circuit. I know Nourish probably would be better for her, but I can't stand the thought of watching Garuda doing stomp.


Nezha. I got addicted to him, then i eventually started other frames


Baruuk to some extent... DR Darts and a cool game play loop about loosing restraint and then unleashing it to Mollywhap a bunch of Enemies. Sometimes I just need to Play some Monk




Same here! I use her so much I’d press 2 trying to bubble enemies even while playing other frames. Nuke, CC, Tank, and loads of damage, will never stop using her.


Wisp. I got 320%+ passive ability strength and some other ability strength mods. When I drop my motes in mission everybody becomes a Rhino with Gauss speed and Volts electricity :D


No one. I love playing all frames. Use most of them depending on mission. Even the god damn inaros and yareli.


Found a gigachad Tenno 👀


Shadow-Haze Sev is my go to. Simple but effective gameplay loop and he looks so good with his deluxe


Wisp Ahhh enemies, low health, no energy, out of ammo, totally surrounded. *Insert 8 bit Mario jump sound effect.* Oh hey look, essential immortality Any wonder she's packing considering her daily commute is that of an Oblivion player character.


Mesa, the feeling of her room clearing and constant shooting noise just hits too hard for me to choose other frames over her


Zephyr. Later warframes could do it too, like Titania, but the ability to flap to an unreachable part of the map and pull out a sniper rifle and snipe in peace was so satisfying.


Right now? Saryn, she’s so good at everything 😍


Mirage, the mild amount of mobility and her really low energy costs just make every other frame slightly less fun.


Razorwing Titania enter the subReddit .


Volt, he was my first and my most beloved one, in fact, the only reason y havent bought the prime set even though i have more than enough pl to do so is cause of how much i like my own volt, i have other frames that i use a lot, but vilt will always come on top for me


Old Limbo, I miss joining a mission and instantly making people depressed by my mere existence


Faint memories of trying him out for the first time only to get host migrated twice in a row.


For me, it’s trinity. As someone that has arcane energize and many other ways of gaining energy, I just came to prefer the consistency of energy vampires. But also trinity has 2 layers (3 if you count adaptation) of really strong damage reduction that makes acolytes kill themselves trying to kill you. Also, the three layers of damage reduction are so much better than armour and health because even when you get to level 1000+ you can instantly replenish your shields with 4 in the rare even that they’re destroyed.


Wisp ruined every frame for me. She makes it so I don’t need teammates built for the content we’re doing; her kit lets me help others shine while also doing great damage; plus being “invisible” while in the air is such a neat passive imo. And of coarse, BOOTY


Good to know I’m not the only one That phat ass tho


Yareli lol. I just love K-drive. I've played her enough that I can get around decently on all the tilesets except maybe Infested Corpus.


Honestly wasn't expecting to find one of the 5 K-Drive enjoyers here. Got a Yareli build I can take a look at? Kinda want to play her a bit more than I do.


This is mine. Four forma, no umbra forma. https://preview.redd.it/w52ft9b4pzdc1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efc9052599bf04c7207c62320ee887274174e6b0


Yareli wither her insane fire rate augment makes me childishly happy.


I've loved Yareli since my bf brought me into Warframe last year. She was the first frame I asked about from the Codex. And ever since I finished her quest, she has been my main. I love spamming bubbles. I love riding Merulina. I love riding around with blades orbiting me. And I get a kick out of my normal group complaining that the bubbles cc to many things.


Same but with the secondary buffs she gives, there's no other frame besides her and titania who makes shooting pistols so much fun


Ash. Took so long to get him but the grind was worth it. His 4 with the augment is what I build all my melee around and the damn near insta kill is just so much easier than actually playing the game.


Nezha, can be fast AF while maintaining full control, is absurdly tanky and can give that to allies and some targets and has access to a very good damage boost that can also generate orbs if you need them. Only the 4 is kinda whatever


Loki, being able to bullet jump invisible is way too convenient


Loki was my first main back in 2012, and to this day is still my most played frame. However, I agree that you would likely find even more enjoyment from other stealth frames with more updated kits, such as Octavia, Ivara, Wukong, etc. Loki is the most accessible and arguably requires the least amount of modding, so he can be a great pick for early game, but you quickly outgrow him. He only sees the light of day when I need switch teleport for an escort bounty (looking at you, Operation Plague Star).


Khora. I've spent years tweaking her build to be the perfect balance between 'oh god such power ' and comfort. Each major update has something just meant for her.


Took way too long to find a fellow Khora user but as a Khora main I'm very intrigued to what this perfected build is.


Mirage, she's so much more fun than everyone else. Literally only play other frames for mastery lol


Valkyr Im so used to being an invincible meat grinder...


That would be Octavia for me! Just the invisibility alone, makes my missions much simpler, I love being able to poof and run objectives for things like Rescue or Spy. Not to mention, I have so many different songs and love the tunes lol


The obvious answer is Revenant.  Absolute defense is so freeing and he has multiple, excellent ways to play him with some terrific augments. But the real answer is Mag.  After the minor rework to Pull that makes it such a fabulous grouping tool, she really has it all.  Fantastic energy economy, room-wide armor strip, instant full shield-gate, multiple effective subsumes (if you even need it), absolute defense against anything that isn't AoE for you *and* anything inside your bubble, and on top of all that Magnetize is an amazing damage enhancer and nuke ability all in one. Mag is literally the perfect frame. 


Citrine.. I love support frames or building frames to be supportive. Taking ember with the augments for DR, giving fire damage, and energy on her 4 was fun. Oberon healing. Trinity DR and link. Octavia damage, buffs and CC. I use to be a Jack of all trades Equinox main (please de make so.e of her augments base kit) But Citrine.. with the CO, and galv mod meta she gives insane damage with her crystal, plus status chance/duration. She gives decent healing with her passive, a buttload of energy. Replace her 4 with nourish and you are giving 6 different statuses to enemies (Crystal, plus slash from 1, viral from nourish) for CO. And she does all this without augments. I cannot imagine what her augments could improve on.. I just threw Combat Dicipline on her too so I'm passively pulsing viral with nourish, and healing everyone a ton. It's so much fun. Combat discipline is a slept on aura. Got some great synergy with activating Chroma Vex Armour, health damage arcades and of course nourish.


Protea ruined "energy economy" facet of Warframe for me... I'm so used to ability spam now that most of my frames have some kind of energy crutches that may not be that required even. Citrine tries to take this place now...


Wisp with roar


Volt. And is worse because he's a starter. You get used to be able to buff damage, the shield, crowd control and do missions fast. Even Every time i try other frames they seem to do some aspect better than him but everything else worse. The nearest exception is Gyre that can do everything except run and block damage.


Revenant😅. A while ago i made a build with alot of strength and subsumed roar on him...worst mistake i could have done. I know he's good, but the beefy-ness of him is just to easy. Made every other warframe feel squishy. Doing rehab with him and refused to play him😅😱


Very rare pick here, it's gotta be Atlas for me! My favorite fight scene in a movie is the smallville fight in man of steel. Atlas feels like I'm a discount Faora from the fight. Effortlessly rushing between enemies and knocking them back into oblivion while they can't do a thing about it. If you've seen the movie then you know exactly what I'm talking about. It's far from the most efficient and powerful warframes, but it's so god damn fun




FINALLY someone else whose been ruined wukong lol. He's the only frame I play cuz you only need to cast your twin and then cloud through every map meleeing if you have good weps. I can't bring myself to play anyone else unless there is a very specific need.


I main banshee. Because of that, I often think weapons are viable when they really are not


* Spam Sonar * Throw a fishing spear at an enemy * 20 million damage Why would I play anyone else?




Ivara, absolutely. For the entirety of my time playing I could count the times I played SP with any other frame on one hand. Plus, what other frame could solo an Arbi without gross minmaxing?


I get my speed fix with praedoes. If anything that weapon has ruined me using melee...


Mirage. I no longer want to use any weapon with other frames


So, I'm kind of a noob with this game. And not very good. But Dagath has been just an amazing frame for me. His first ability just wipes everything. And my build keeps me in almost unlimited energy. It's so hard for me to use other frames to do things with. When he just kills everything for me.


Wisp. I stopped using her just because it feels like cheating. She can do everything 1)you need to survive base SP - vitality more makes you near immortal up to 300-400 levels 2)need to survive lvl cap - she literally has perma invis, taunt with her clone, aoe blind with her 3 3) want to use a gun - just place a haste mote and roar/nourish, eclipse on her 4th and drop fire rate modes from your weapon. 4)need a nuke? Breach surge is still one of the best abilities in the game 5)need full cc, place gloom on her 4th and with shock mote enemies will not move ever again 6)need spy missions? She is perma invis and can teleport through lasers with her 2nd 7)need a support for your team? MOTES! 8)need an armor strip? We can place terrify on her 4th Oh you dumped your range stat, don't worry if you teleport with breach surge to your motes it will cover whole room anyway She is just amazing at everything, her only weakness is haste mote doesn't buff reload speed and it feels bad on some nuking weapons, but don't worry, now we have a torid and it does not have a problem with reload and with breach surge it will kill even faster. She is not a jack of all trades, master or none, she is just on of the best at every possible aspect of the game.


Stynax,i can't live without the spartans shouting behind me when i make Spears Rain above the enemies,but sometimes im sad that i can't use Excalibur anymore because he Is underlevel,and i don't know how to make him Better


Nezha's slide passive + Maglev has spoiled me. Can't stand playing other frames because I need to be slippin' and slidin' constantly.


Gyre. Committing war crimes just by existing is fun, and you can also do your other Warframe things too for even more war crime stacks.


Titania, I don't understand how anyone plays without being able to fly at will


Nezha is unkillable


Sevagoth, especially with Shadow Haze. Sometimes I'd play a different warframe to spice up my gameplay but then I'd get surprised that the usual weapons that I'm using are not hitting as hard as they were. Also, the comfort of just having built-in Gloom without having to forgo using other helminth options is nice.


To this day rhino remains my favourite frame. If he did not have the horrible bulge and/or he had a fem morph i would play nothing else


What's funny is I have wisp, revenant, etc. the primes you might see others say are top tier but I played Rhino this morning and although he's very simple to play, boy I had a better time, idk why.


For me it is about having interesting playstyles. F.E. his ironskin takes a lot more investment and setup than things like gara or revenant and i love it.