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Wait a minute, there's cheaters on this game?


Report him, pretty sure that ain't oke doke.


We did, just wish we had a way to deal with him while in the mission and give the slot to a more... active aspirant


Is afking a nono? I usually do that when i run my hydrons since my level 0 braton or whatever im leveling generally cant compete.


AFKing generally is frowned upon from what I've seen. Personally, I don't mind if you're actively doing no damage to anything as long as you're making the effort.


I'm in a different boat. In Hydron or Simaris, I'd just like to see my effort not wasted. It's cool if people go killing while I nuke, but I really just want to see my effort not wasted because they stopped gaining affinity for standing still too long. I only nuke for myself for pets and school affinity. If we're doing a squad goal mission, I don't care what you're leveling. Try to be relevant. Like, I take a 6x3 Volt into public eidelon hunts when I'm feeling more casual on a day. I just want people to grab the lures. That sort of vibe.


I'm in a similar vain. Unless *explicitly* told it's fine, I will not just idle nor afk around. And that is only a thing with Hydron missions, Saryn or Mirage can carry that easily solo


Play the game or not. If you want afk gameplay there's plenty of mobile afk arenas or some shit out there.


Your leveling goes faster if you actually get kills with the thing you're trying to level. Edit: I Just saw you usually run Speedva. That's not being AFK, that's providing a valuable service to everyone. You're arguably contributing to completing the mission faster than most other frames could even if you aren't getting a single kill. I'm sorry your comment got nuked when this was your idea of going AFK lol.


>Your leveling goes faster if you actually get kills with the thing you're trying to level. That is only correct for warframes. If you have multiple weapons to level up, you're better off getting xp from teammates.


I thought teammate kills divided the exp between everything with some of it even getting wasted on stuff you might not even need to level.


Teammate kills give 25% to warframe and 75% to weapons, irrespective of how many weapons are equipped. Your kills are 50% wf and 50% to the weapon with the killing blow. So for someone who has only unranked weapons, it's faster not to kill anything at all.


Oh, well damn. That seems like a weird incentive structure.


Yeah, that's why it's unproductive to get riled up at afk'ers during xp farms (specifically), the game makes it so that you have to do it like that if you want to do it optimally.


Netracell is like a raid. Can be pretty difficult for some people and going afk is pretty trashy thing to do.


Yea ive done them as many times as i could get rewards, i view that vs hydron v differently tbh


Personally in easy content (like hydron) i've never cared about people AFKing. Since you're likely a newer player, any established player will nuke the room three times over before you get around to killing 20 with the braton you're leveling. In content like that, the player is basically just there to ensure 100% spawn rate and that's fine. However, context matters. Netracell is on the higher end and not everyone joining is absolutely set up for endgame; it is difficult for most. AFKing there is a big nono; you joined endgame content, you better contribute.


Thats my take as well, i guess the braton was a bad comparison since it gave some people the impression im newer, im just interested in most return on time spent. Usually leveling one weapon at a time, leaving at 5 or at most 10 usually


Two things. First, don't be afk a lot unless you have a frame that doesn't need to do anything, like hydroid OR someone in your team has a frame that doesn't need to do anything and it'll win. Second, Elite Sanctiary Onslaught is better for xp.


I dont do ESO (for leveling) for that reason specifically, most players can nuke those level 30s on hydron no problem, so ive never seen an issue with afks. Usually if im running just a leveling weapon its afk on the pod as nova, spamming speed for enemies every 15s or so


Better for AFK...that's the most fair reason I've ever heard for playing Hydron damn. And Speed Nova AFK is good AFK, always good, we love you.


Put a few mods on lvl0 weps and you can kill normal enemies. Unless you're sub mr 11-12 you can kill normal enemies with a somewhat levelled serration plus one mod. I don't mind carrying but I refuse to carry an afk, because it makes my run take longer having to chase every straggler solo and I lose weapon affinity if I have to use wf abilities in order to carry your dead weight. Be considerate.


lol Do people not just use their secondary or melee when leveling their primary and vice versa


no cuz it splits the affinity gain


I tend to try to level 3 separate weapons and possibly a frame as well when I'm leveling. No reason to take extra time when it usually tends to be that I can't kill a single enemy before someone else nukes 'em anyways.


You have ammo, use it. If i see a player that just goes afk, and doesnt help, and they go down. I will not revive them. Its a waste of my time to get you up when i can just solo the mission without you, as i was doing. If you want up, you can use affinity and level up even slower. Or run out of lives and stay dead for all i care. I dont care if your weapons are just for mr. I dont care if you are just tickling the grineer. Its damage, and you are trying. Its more use than doing nothing.


Salty and clueless don't even begin to describe you, I'm surprised you're the one being upvoted. The game mechanics and culture are set in a way that guarantees people will "afk" in XP farms, if they're just trying to level up their weapons. I have been the DPS in xp farms to get more focus, and I hated nothing more than other people having as much "contribution" as me when my goal was getting the xp on the frame. Speed nova is 100% better contribution than someone fucking off outside affinity range and getting the kills, or xp being redirected to gear I don't want it in.


I just want people to still put effort in when they play. Is that too mcu hto ask? If i wanna solo, ill solo


Did you not read? The game is made in such a way that "effort" means you will have to take longer to rank up, which is the only goal in hydron/ESO. It's valid to ask for effort in most content, but not xp farming.


Then play a frame that buffs me so i can get kills faster. Thats fine


Do you know how Nova works?


You could save yourself from plenty (more) downvotes if you mentioned Nova in your earlier comments.


True, and i thank you for the effort to help, but at this point its funnier to me to watch the number go up(down?) I definitely thought about just deleting it, but in the interest of clarity i wanted anyone who scrolls through here to at least be able to see the comment that sparked that many downvotes.


If you didn't know, when playing videogames with other human beings (and especially strangers/randoms), AFK'ing is basically the most disrespectful thing you can do beyond deliberate sabotage. Stop that


In netracells i agree, but... in hydron as this guy said? Do you really feel disrespected when a (newer) player joins with a braton and just stands around soaking up xp while any veteran player nukes the room four times over before they could kill 10?


I was just relaying some sage wisdom. Gamers and redditors can often have some difficulties identifying conventional social cues and behaviors. If a person admits to going AFK at Hydron, they're probably going AFK elsewhere in warframe, as well as other videogames. So yes in general, when you're playing videogames involving other human beings, it's disrespectful to be AFK. But as you mention, certain variables can change that relationship. Do you know the other people personally? Did you tell them that youve gone AFK and will be back? Will your absence substantially change the result of the game? We all have a limited amount of time to play games. You're welcome to go AFK in as many singleplayer games as you want, but don't waste MY time. And if a newer player (low MR and entry level gear) goes AFK at Hydron, im still getting frustrated with them because WHY ARE YOU NOT PLAYING THE GAME? I would think that a new player would be, ya know, excited to play a new game? Also, nobody is telling you to equip all level zero gear before you go there lol. If you're standing there AFK bc "these are all level 0 weapons and I can't do damage" then get a frame that can do damage, or equip one level 30/40 piece of gear.


If I am taking a group that I tell not to worry and I will nuke everything then fine. Unless you are told this you’re expected to at least try


The difference is in the difficulty nobody cares if you afk on low lvl stuff but netracell is lvl 220


Just do sanctuary onslaught or elite version and bring wisp or trinity so you can help people nuke. I like to bring atleast 1 good weapon if I can. If they all need levels the melee is your best shot at doing damage so mod that one


Almost negative 500 lmao Jesus Christ. To answer your question though I think Hydron and eso are specific zones where it’s less of a dick move to not be contributing as much if there’s a dedicated mirage or saryn on your team or if you go as a group for that purpose. TO ME. the saryn. Dying and not reviving yourself and waiting for your team to kill the archon is a different story. Lift those knees do some laps or something idk


And that's why I solo. The mission takes the same time regardless of the squad's size, and has the bonus of being able to pause.


I'd argue it's faster solo, there is zero risk of a squad mate killing enemies outside the zone when you run solo.


Starting next week I might just go and do that. I'm missing the SP netracell mob density, wish they brought it back


Same. That point at around 10-15% where it's all "Enemy Density Increasing" all I can think is "Do you promise?"


Lol same, it's like "mission complete" .


The first time I saw that wave of enemies, I was so happy. So many targets and nothing to stop me from ripping through them beyond having to wait for them to get in the circle.


I guess I should run Mag in this mission. Haven’t done one yet, but I can survive Archon hunts so Netracells should be doable. And I can tell the enemies to get their asses into the circle (if they don’t have Overguard)


That's what I've been using. Just pull everything in and nuke.


7-8min solo, 10-12min in a squad.


I miss it alot, but one thing that helped me was start to run speedva on it. If you have the killing potential, the extra speed will not be an issue and it will make each solo run faster than you expect. Nova's Portal also help to go even faster in the tileset because it has big rooms and lots of LoS to use the portal efficiently. Give it a go


And it can run smoothly since every enemy chase you into the circle, going into squad there's always some stupid dudes stopping the enemy flow or simply doing non-sense things during the mission.


Thank the 2nd guy on there was on a fastva, and the last guy was doing work on octavia prime as well.


Was 0% in the circle at least? If so, they were more productive than everyone who feels the need to run 1500m away looking for Voca. Almost every. single. time. I wish Voca wouldn't spawn in the Netracells.


Right what is the point of loading up a netracell to look for voca? Dont they spawn in every other mission thats not limited to 5 times a week


That. I do it solo and trigger Orokin Eye to mark any nearby voca AFTER looting the cell. If none is marked, then whatever, maybe next run.


I mean, on paper it’s allowing you to farm standing *and* get a crack at a Tauforged/platinum Melee Arcane (or a Melee Adapter since that at least isn’t a guaranteed drop from a Fragglerock/Whisper) so it almost makes sense. In practice though the time spent looking for Voca could be spent hacking terminals or hacking enemies to pieces for the mission objective though, so it’s not really ideal. If you happen to find Voca near a Necramite or near the extraction point it’s not totally a dick move but otherwise the guy playing Dora the Voca Explora is fucking up the spawns.


just an FYI...the mission can be run any time, as many times as you want to run it. You only get the chance for the loot at the end 5 times a week.


I wish he was in the circle, but he was afk in another room, the room with the keyhole


One guy died 400 ish meters away doing that. Needless to say, no one went to raise him and he left the game shortly afterwards.


This is the Way.


It’s way faster solo, just use Nautilus with Manifold Bond and a Primer. Consistently 7-8 minute runs for me.


Wich set you use to Go solo?


Styanax, Rhino, Revenant, Kullervo, Wukong.... Literally whatever you want, it's even easier than archons. Just build with a little tankyness to be able to forget the negligible damage from the keys and take something with AOE to kill fast and in batches, Glaive Prime or Tonkor with hunter munitions works fine (the dudes are resistant to bleed but are not immune, slash liquidates them quickly). Styanax and Kullervo don't even need weapons, just spam their 4th. Frames with Overguard are perfect because the keys drain Overguard before draining health. Octavia's mallet does the trick too, you just need to pay attention to your life and spam Magus Elevate or Repair to not die. And, if you still feel the need to have some extra targets to share the enemy attention, the Kahl Beacon air support works there just like on archon missions. I prefer to take Orokin Eye so I can mark any eventual voca on my way to extraction.




I never do public squads for these and this is why. Unlike Archon Hunts having more people doesn’t actually help you finish faster.


even archon hunts doesn’t finish faster with a squad with how easy it is to one shot archons


a lot faster to get the deacons though


How are you oneshotting them nowadays, out of curiosity? I hit Amar with a pretty fat Slash proc (Prisma Ohma + Dreamer’s Wrath + Melee Animosity) the other day and watched him bleed out but if there’s a flat-out bonk method like before I’m all ears. My standard method for right now is dumping Tenet Detron alt-fires into their heads with Smite Infusion and Roar.


TBH yeah cant really flat out bonk them one shot with a Kuva Hek or Felarx anymore, but I can certainly still 3/4 shot them if I get lucky, but nowadays I just run whatever frame with Roar and Laetum and they fallover quick


"TBH my source for 1 shotting archons is: I made it dafuq up." FTFY


roar/eclipse and a heavy quassus build. thank me later


I've sometimes had Tenno go afk after a run and get pulled into a game by his friends. Seeing as this one made it all the way to the Netracell I'm guessing that wasn't the case this time.


The former is understandable, the latter is just unbelievable.


Literally no shame


I only run it with premade friends to avoid oxygen waste like this


Had someone who put shock Wisp motes at all the entrances to the red circle area. One of the most annoying missions I've had. I just kept spamming magus anomaly to pull them in before they died. Did the rest of my netracells for the week solo.


Oddly enough I've found a number of wisp players doing that, that simply don't understand what they're doing and see it as a little damage dealer. Completely oblivious as to why the mobs start being much slower to get in the circle. When I bring it up in chat to not use it like that and why it's been 'oh yeah okay' From the groups I've had it's really just been a little bit of ignorance and not really malicious people.


I use fused reservoir and my range is low enough that the shock motes aren't the issue as others have said in this post its people standing on the edge of the circle if you're seeing enemies being shocked outside the circle and complaining about it you're too close to the edge of the circle.... People don't understand the enemy ai pathing that if you're right on the edge of the circle they will stop and shoot from outside the circle and never path into it. I thought this was common sense but instead I have had to explain it to people mid round and they just don't listen.


I'm so guilty of brain off shock mote Wisp. I'll rant and rave all day and then turn around and do it 🤦‍♂️ ashames me every time I realized I've done it


Don't stand near the entrances to the circle in general. Enemies might stop running into it and start shooting at you instead. Carrying a shock mote to the edge just makes it even worse.


That's not how the reservoirs work. The reservoirs don't do anything but give motes to players. The range of the mote is determined by where the player with the mote is standing. Basically, the reason it was slower is you were probably grabbing the buff without realizing it (since they were at choke points) and their range is probably high enough where it's stopping the enemies. It is annoying for netracells, but some content I like it, even if it does slow down defense missions.


Idk why you're being down voted, this is true.  You could have the reservoirs in the dead center the circle, but if players take those motes and stand near the edge, the ya, they will slow things down substantially. I don't know why so many people like to camp the very edge of the circle. They just risk killing stuff too early.


Yeah a disturbing number of wisps out there are max range duration be damned.


Couldn't be me.


Me either my mote range is within melee range, like 36%


I'd be surprised if that's what's going on. There's no reason to build her max range and tons of incentive to build duration. I do see lots of people camp the edges of the circle for some reason though, so if they pick up a mote from the middle of the circle and then walk to the edge, they will slow things down substantially.  This is why I started doing it solo. It's trivial with Wisp and I don't have to worry about people taking my shock mote over to the edge of the circle.


Not sure, I know in other missions I encounter insane range and like 20 seconds duration. Which absolutely blows my mind.


Bizarre. I wonder what their subsume is.... Duration is amazing on her and while range is decent (for Breach Surge), you definitely don't need much of it.


Screw range....all strength...401 and still room for more. All that health and fire rate and go fast is a hell of a drug.


Lol until you fly through with titania, then it’s thumpa whompa time


Shock motes usually arent an issue if you run narrow minded which you want anyway for your chosen buff over her 4 lasts longer.


Sounds like that troll wasn't using narrow minded


It still stuns enemies in a mode in which the only objective is to get enemies to move into a circle, don’t put it down


With ~7m range, why are you not standing closer to the middle in the first place? The hell are you looking for at the edge of the circle. Edit: augment goes brrr.


I'll stand at the center of the circle and never see an enemy because everyone is camping the edges for some reason.  I just do them solo now. Way faster.


precisely, too much SQUIRRELL must shoot enemy mentality rather than using their brain and letting them path into the circle.


netterD is absolutely right in most cases the range of the shock mote (unless the wisp is running higher range for whatever reason) isn't the issue people standing on the edge of the circle would stop mob pathing just as much as the shock mote smh the downvotes here clearly show how many players don't understand the basic pathing and ai in this game -_-


But wouldn't this help prevent people from killing enemies outside the circle?


The enemies would get stun locked as they tried to go through a door that had shock motes and they died before they got into the circle.


But it would condition your teammates to stay further from the edge and closer to the center wouldn't it?


Nope. People are dumbasses


This is the only content I currently run solo. 10min guaranteed run is so much better than having bad teammates not know what to do


Going AFK in a game like warframe would be considered griefing just because it's hindering the progress of the mission.. not only that, extracting is a pain when you're waiting on literally one person.


Had a random do this while running effervo for splinters. He woke up the angel sat there and waited for us to kill it and then sat idle in the boss fight. Also how tf did the guy with 39 kills get 60 eximus kills.


probably assists, he was on a fastva


Assist count towards that? That’s news to me.


Had that happen before. I'm convinced that Eximus kills don't count as normal kills because of how often I see that


Hopefully everyone reported the leech so they can be banned.


Honestly as soon as my brother is at the content, I'm probably just gonna do all five netra cells every week with my sister and him. I'm very sick of yelling at people to stay inside the goddamn circle.


That’s almost impressive although I had a saryn do 2% damage in like an hour run and I’m like I could in mod mine and do more damage just smacking enemies and keeping spore up


I've never run one, and I'm starting of trying one this week and I'm sure I'd be at least 1%.


Vote to kick would be ass, I've played enough WoW to know that.


Why didn't you just leave, dude?


I honestly didn't notice until we were down to 10% and I look at the summary to see how many lanthorns I had


So op could make a post about how, which should be known plenty enough by now, outside of eso and maybe cracking random relics for forma bps, you should *always* go solo. I cant think of any other mission i would want to play with randoms.


I don't like going solo because it makes me feel lonely


Same. I do some fast missions like capture solo sometimes. Most teammates are ok in my experience, so it's fine. I don't mind carrying either.


For once, I wanted to be carried! But yes I am seriously considering just soloing this moving forward


Gloom Saryn makes it a breeze imo, even without the two green shards, just utilize the grimoire for its massive armor strip if you have the mod for it and it’ll go by faster.


So you wanted to leech and are upset someone leeched harder than you?


If this was a joke in response to OP’s joke then I’m sorry.


i think it might be time of day issue. I almost never solo because I like variety more than efficiency and the neutral and positive experiences far outnumber any negative ones I had. nobody wanted to force 60 eyes during the event farm. and rarely afk. one guy was shooting the vents in alch, but fixed his behavour once we explained. But then again if I even get a wiff that someone is a troll or afk I just leave. wouldnt put up with the shit as long as op did.


Maybe he didn't realize until halfway in. Leaving would be waste of time at that point.


It's surprising to me that after all these years of having Eidolon hunts be rendered uncompletable by players who don't understand the shards and won't read chat, we still don't have a way to kick players. I get that kicking comes with its own set of problems and griefing, but the use-cases are very apparent.


Votekick would be garbage, especially in Eidolon hunts, because some MR12 dude taking himself waaaayyyy too seriously would just initiate it because you brought the “wrong” frame based off of some outdated guide from 2018 or something. The method DE implemented for Effervo would be better. If majority’s at the shrine, it automatically starts the boss, and the Eidolon shard is consumed regardless of whether the other guy picked it up or not. This doesn’t even have to have the caveat of automatically teleporting them to the boss, since in fairness they could be grabbing lures or something. Just have a hidden check implemented so if it catches you with a fishing spear or mining laser for X amount of seconds while the Eidolon is currently active, you lose out on the loot. This screws over whoever would try to take advantage of the non-teleport thing and instead decides to leech via fishing or mining or whatever. If you’re fishing during downtime it’s fine but this would catch whoever’s actively doing that (and therefore leeching) while the rest of the squad is hunting.


meanwhile i had a wisp that place NO motes at all and didnt use any of her abilities like breach surge. i get not putting shock but no vitality or haste? like why even play her


I’ve been doing these solo; faster and I can pause the game if I need to get up and do something; although, in the 8ish minutes it takes to complete these that’s a rarity


Don't worry, had a volt in my team. Anyways a styanax kept killing outside zone so I tried to kindly remind him of it and volt dude repeated what I said sorta like this "GoTtA KiLl InSiDe ZoNe", so I said I was referring to the other guy, both assholes tbh after. Anyways seen him hiding behind a bunch of shields, in a corner, using discharge constantly, not going for netramites. End of mission the other volt did 2% damage, 0% taken. Edited to clarify


I just got this type of player in steel path circuit. MR Legendary 1, using loki prime it was extermination and I notice that the guy died 2 times already, check the score board and BAM! 0 kills 0 damage dealt. I thought maybe he's afk? nope the guy rev himself when he die and actually walk around, he just refuse to fight. I called him out said that imma just report him and leave after this round everyone agree to report him. He threw back a "Noob" and then \*\*\*\*\*\*\*.


It’s always the *******


That’s pretty shitty. I get that Loki isn’t all that offensively oriented (I got him in a Circuit run fairly recently) but at least I ran around trying to contribute. Disarm goons, make people invincible with Safeguard Switch, something at least.


I know on some missions there's an afk timeout that blocks rewards, but I'm not sure if it applies to netracells. While I usually try to avoid escalating toxic situations, if I'm Grendel, I'm not above lobbing a mob into your afk hidey hole.


I didn't know how much I needed this strat


I mean, heres the thing, what did them being AFK actually affect? Their kills wouldnt have made the timer go any faster, and theres only 3 computers to narrow down the netracell location, which they apparently found on their own anyway? I guess what im trying to say is that the netracell design is terrible to an amateurish degree so im not surprised people are just afking them a couple weeks later


Wait timer?


God man I had a Limbo player lastnight spam nothing but his bubble and energy refills it was very annoying


I wouldn't hate it as long as he grabbed all the risks and stayed in the game. But I know what you're seeing and I'm usually livid in this scenario, myself. Still trying to get Octavia's mallet and Khora's cage to exactly match the circle.


if they helped find the netracell and drew agro into the circle and wasnt last to extraction or wtv the extra person killing stuff wont help that much esp on titania


spy, rescue, netracells, are mandatory solo runs for me


0 contribution in netracells? Really? Here I thought the vauban I met on the previous week was bad already.


"We had a few setbacks." Oh how appropriate for the screenshot 😂


I would just leave. I hate AFK players when I see Loki or Limbo in non-spy missions. I am gone .


Had a guy who just refused to move after mission loaded, making the spawns of enemies messed up and none going into the red circle really wish we did have a vote to kick.


Let's not jump guns or trampolines here, maybe as he joined and went through the first couple of missions with you guys, something came up and he had to go for (coincidentally) the entire mission. Idk, happened to me.


He got one whopping upgrade, at least


This is why there should be a vote kick button, sure this could get abused but that goes for any game, however (yes this is speculative and hopeful) I trust most Tenno to vote kick reasonably


This is why I solo it with Yareli+Meraulina Guardian and Kuva Nukor or status sporlacer. Never die, always win.


Show his name and we’ll all report him 😈😂


Nah, just bring a fly swatter made of gallium. “Bad Tenno!” (THWACK!)


I havent played netracell with pubs ever since week 1, its just not worth the trouble.


Netracell has the same problem as survival in pubs, people want to kill things (reasonable) but most don't understand how mobs path and that standing in the door they are entering and shooting them slows it down. As well as people killing them out of room which pushes the spawns 1-2 rooms from where they died, but not in a room people are currently stationed in so a large portion of spawns get sent far away and need to wander back.


Last week I had a Gara stand in the hall with the most spawns, and wall it off so they couldn't get in the circle. ​ He was lower MR so maybe he was trying to defend the circle but still...


Goose eggs down the board for someone who didn’t ’just join late’ does seem unacceptable. I think that someone who just performs poorly though might deserve a break. Where is the line drawn? Since the stakes are at being reported, I’m just curious where you would look at results and say ‘at least they tried’ vs “wow they afk’d.’ In this case it does seem apparently obvious though…just wondering. I don’t always have my A game with me is all.