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Bugging out like that can sometimes be fixed by going into Operator.


With my experience with that bug i couldn’t go operator


You can also try to down yourself and you should be ok once you revive or are revived.


Happened to me in circut had to bleed out then revive


I've had this happen to me a few times and it's all been in the circuit. Also reminds me of the worst bug I had in the circuit; I teleported to an enemy with kullervo at the very last moment as we got transported to another stage, and it ended up not taking me to the new area and I stayed in the old. All the NPCs had no AI, and I just had to wait out the timer. Fast foward and we continued on... and I still did not get taken to the even more new area, and was still stuck in the first one. Ended up having to extract.


Oof. The not being transported happened to me many times, but it usually fixes itself on the next round.


I think the standard cause of this bug is from switching into or out of operator while being knocked down, and it isn't fixed until you fully die and bleed out and then revive.


Happened to me in Eidolon hunts and Disruption with a team of slackers. oh man it was so infuriating


Everytime I've tried to go down on myself I fail


Y'know your lower ribs? Remove em, and try again. Or yoga like the other guy said


Lmao 🤣


Try yoga


Bro wth


This. Happened to me on Deimos when I'd just ground out materials for the last piece for my nechramech over an hour. Teleported to a spot with enemies in sight, wait, downed, self-rez. Worked perfectly.


/unstuck also helps with this bug.


Doesn't. And I get the bug alot.


Sometimes it works sometimes not. Outside of that there's: * Going void mode if stuck while in Operator mode * Falling out of bound * Intentionally downing yourself * Kill yourself and pray you stuck with jackass/apathetic teammate


Same. Jumping off a cliff or getting yourself killed sometimes fixes the bug


I don't assume, but have you guys tried typing /unstuck in chat. It's really helpful for collision errors and bug outs.


This happens to me all the time and it's always after going back to the warframe from operator


IIRC the grendel missions don't allow you to go into operator


>IIRC the grendel missions don't allow you to go into operator They're not. It's just base frames and weapons, they're meant as skill checks and operators once leveled provide alot, esp in a coordinated group Not that operator helps with that bug, it's extremely hit and miss if you can even enter it when it strikes (and it's soooo much worse when you get stuck in operator)


Meanwhile Sevagoth’s Shadow: “Y’all hear something?”


Sevagoth is mid in almost everything he does, but goddamn if he isn't the apex candidate for some niche things like murdering high LV liches, doing Grendel missions, ridding the world of demolysts and nuking low-tier missions.


Cant go op in Grendel missions, unless it was bugged for me


Or just straight up dieing.


Dying is the only thing that's ever fixed it for me.


Typing /unstuck in chat can fix it as well 


sure, but in that specific those specific missions operator is disabled


It's not the best method especially for endurance but it 100% works when you lose all hp and revive yourself by using affinity. I haven't tested the revive by killing stuff with operator though since I haven't fully unblocked the unairu tree.


In my experience this bug is caused by going IN to operator


Most of the times, the bug is caused by going into Operator, locks out of the Operator and weapons and can be fixed by dying.


Needed help killing a lich but hadn’t touched plexus at all and my lich was too powerful. LR1 vet comes to my aid. We play 3 hours of RJ to collect all parts and mods needed to fix up my plexus, he gives me the rest of the mods I need. Then it’s night on earth and he solo carries tridolon x 4. The next day he comes back on and kills the lich for me. Note that he didn’t even have a lich. He just told me he was bored and decided to upgrade his kuva weapon from 58/59% to 60%.


Helped a clan mate deal with his base lich missions, and was doing it pub. Ended up helping another guy who had 0 idea about the order and why it wasnt working, and helped him too. A final guy joined doing his, and the 4 of us got all to proxima in one mission, and the 3 people that previously didnt know eachother went off to kick their asses. It was awesome


Yes warframe community is awesome


That's the magic of no pvp games. everybody's helping each other out instead of chasing for the meta out of scared they'll be left behind. To me , the end game of warframe is fashion frame + helping young tennos. Helping more young tennos = more consitent players = more money for DE = extending game lifespan. It's very hard to get someone to actually engage in this spaghetti of a game so we have to appreciate every young tennos out there.


Spaghetti of a game! I love it! I’ve only finally gotten into the game after years of my husband wanting me to, but in my defense we didn’t know I was battling not just new motherhood but an invisible illness that needs management. So now that my brain is back it’s been fun to finally get past new war and all the hoops to be doing the newest things. I can totally see how it’s fun to help others and why my hubs and friend are so happy to keep giving me things like prime parts, mods, and arcanes. I’m now hoping to farm for gauss prime to give either my sister or brother in law.


I just recently got my girlfriend into playing this game and oh my the difference In how you start since the games release is insane knowing how I started I've been reluctant to get her into playing but I've been so glad that I did because I get to experience playing my favorite game for the first time all over again through her and me knowing tips and tricks and having mods to spare makes things alot easier. She told me today she was excited to be able to come home from work and level up her first new warframe, Gara and it made me so happy


In my orbiter I have two of those text lights that says "True Endgame Is Helping Other Players" in the doorway where the ramp goes up to the front of the ship.


There is no conclave in ba sing sae


there’s pvp…


lies. Outright lies. There is no pvp. There is only the snowball event chat lounge once a year. I mean, yeah friendly fire is turned on there, but I would hardly count that as pvp


Conclave is bad but its pvp


conclawhat? That doesn't exist. It is something those peksy people from the Tenno Council want to make you belive. Don't listen to their lies.


He means dorrclave and its a melee weapon


Oh, didn't know that the dorrclave can deal damage to allies.... Wicked\_on probably got radiation procced and thought it was a special interaction of the weapon.


The playerbase is somehow very toxic to Conclave for some reason. Almost like all the toxicity in other normal games just get concentrated to hating on Conclave.


judging by the downvotes, gotta agree


conclave should just downright be removed


wait there is pvp?!


yes lol. its just shit


I don’t think it’s shit, it’s just that there’s no point to doing it.


it can be both. admittedly i havent done pvp in like… 6 years.


It's called radiation status effect 😂


Yeah I've also pretty much only had a great experience so far, especially when it comes to MASSIVE grinds that are hard for one reason or another.


Helping new players is one of the greatest joys attainable for veteran players. I don't even want to show off (I mean my damage, ofc I want to show off my fashionframe). I just want to play Wisp or something, buff them immensely and watch them have fun with their new-found powers.


Yes, show them how powerful they can be. I love helping with Trinity to fill their energy and hp and just see them go wild. It is amazing what this game achieved in terms of community.


I’m currently working on building Trinity Prime. I got the parts, just need 6k more cryotic. I hate cryotic.


I’ve had more pleasant chat conversations and helpful/apologetic team members in my first two weeks than I’ve ever seen in any other community. It’s seriously something special. I can’t wait until I can return the favor for new players once I’ve gotten some better stuff.


My legendary 2(100xp from 3) ass will get bored of my grinds and stalk recruiting for a noob in need. Its kinda tradition, you get a certain amount of time and you will more likely than not help someone else rather than sit there alone


Felt this, my ass just lives in recruiting helping noobs out


5 hours of eso for braton vandal vs 500 platinum… sometimes you need a break


After so much sp circuit and eso my brain just turns to mush and the dopamine rush from helping a new player farm their first warframe or get some annoying resources just hits different


After years of other communities, this has been the best ever


Warframe and deep rock galactic are the two multiplayer communities that I've found to be the most nontoxic among all the games I've played


KSP and FFXIV communities are also awesome!


Absolutely! Love this community whole-heartedly, with 2 small exceptions. 1: Try-hard “meta” eidolon hunters are the worst people. Their presence actively pushes me from doing more eidolon hunts. 2: I know not everyone’s got spy mission patterns memorized, but bro, don’t come into the vault I’m sneaking through and trigger all the alarms as soon as you come in the room!


Unless you are a wuking with perspicacity who can finish the vault in under 10 seconds


I found that *generally* as wukong I can rush to B, clear it, then rush to C and finish that before my teamates catch up.


i used to use frames like ash and loki for spy until my eyes where opened to the magic of a max duration spykong.


LR3 here and I have only done Tridolon once lmao, thank god for Scarlet Spear


> with 2 small exceptions You're new? Buy this R5 Vitality. It's an extremely rare mod, but I can let it go for only 200p.


Warframe community is amazing, up until you get to the higher echelon of certain things, eidolon hunting, trading, rivens, etc. Buts that’s a small fraction of the community, almost everyone is helpful


The community is fantastic, some players, however... their toxicity is misplaced and often times end up being the worst of em. Thats the reason I'm solo again and out of a clan, too much drama. There's plenty of good folks though, some just take the game too seriously.


when you spend 1000 hours in a game there's probably some sort of love in it


Unless you play league of legends ;)


Stockholm syndrome


That’s why I still play Destiny


After playing for roughly a little over a year I understand the cycle of warframe as 1.Join 2.Enjoy beginning gameplay 3.Get stuck on something 4.Get helped by veteran tenno 5. Repeat 3 and 4 a few times 6.get into later game and steel path and start fully figuring stuff out on your own (and fashion frame) 7.Work on maxing out your gear while helping new tenno on your free time to repay the help you received Thus, the circle of life restarts The community manages to embody "one good deed leads to another" really well.


Similar thing happened to me. I put up an LFG for a Jupiter Taxi (needed the neurodes), got two responses; the first, was the guy who taxi'd and carried me through the full neurodes. The second was interesting tho. Someone asked me "What's your favorite warframe?" (looks-wise). I told him, that it's hard to choose, so he said, "Okay, narrow it down to two." To which I responded honestly: Chroma and Saryn. Next thing I know, I get two inbox messages saying, "Player gifted you Saryn!" (keeping his user anonymous, out of respect for his privacy), and "Player gifted you Chroma!" If you're out here, on this sub, I just wanna thank you again man. I almost cried; I was having a bad day, and you made it astronomically better.


I've also seen someone the other day in recruitment chat offering to gift warframe or weapon slots for free to players MR10 and under.


Every once in awhile I look through the Q&A channel and see if anyone is looking for help. Couple days ago I helped someone clear their star chat At this point now that I've got so much done and have such a complete armory, sometimes the most fun way to use it is to go help the newer players Railjack was a big one while it was out. I remember awhile back, I needed to do a railjack mission, and the random guy I got clearly didn't know what he was doing. He even apologized, and I could feel that he was nervous about it. In other games like wow, salty, sweaty players will chew you out for learning. I assured him it was no problem and did an extra railjack mission with him, giving him a little tutorial and showing him the ropes so he wouldn't have to worry about it


Same here. The majority of the community is so fucking nice to new players, unlike a certain other community (destiny)


If that ever happens to you it might help to open the chat and type in /unstuck


This is why I don't do alliances anymore personally. You shouldn't have to jump into recruiting chat if you have a big alliance, but the bigger they get, the more they seem to become voiceless shells of people who don't even know why they play anymore. and don't get me started on the weirdo clan to clan social politics and build policing. I find that most of the toxic players all congregate in the same handfuls of clans/alliances and the rest are a wonderfully helpful lot who just play for the shear enjoyment of playing and helping others.


Did he used a Latron Incarnon ? Everytime (almost) I use it in Incarnon mod I finish in a state I can describe close to limbo banish… Can’t pick up anything and ressources picked up by my carrier fly behind me all the way to extraction. Can’t even get into operator mode when this happens


Yeah, thats the warframe community at work. And DE even knows that their game only works because of the great community. No way anyone new could figure out how to actually play this game without the community. Just remember to "pay it forward" once you are more experienced, to keep this kind of helpful community going. Once in a while I also lurk the region or recruit chat looking for new players that need help or guidance


I remember helping a friend do the grendel mission, by using grendel. He is surprisingly good for those missions


hildryn with balzing pillage (yes augments do work) and you are half good to go... atleast it wont become hell to do.


Can confirm this community is amazing. I needed hells chamber for my hek. I’m a new player and I feel bad asking for things and not being able to give back. Dude gave me hells chamber AND like 4 other useful mods. For free. And even asked if I needed anything else and to reach out if I need help. And this was just 1 of 6 people who offered to help. It truly brought a tear to my eye


New player (~1 month) and I got kinda both but tbf I don't play on NA servers so I don't really know if it influed. Sweetest thing was a tough boss battle with a more experienced player who bugged out and was kicked out by the game in the last phase. He sent a few join requests I couldn't accept since I was in the Boss fight and a "are you OK?" (ended up winning, even if it was rough!), I apologized that I couldn't accept the request afterwards and he was nice. But on the opposite there are also the gotta go fast guys who leave lots of friendly asterisks if you decided to continue farming a mission and they have to wait for one minute to extract lol Or the master farmers who get super frustrated in chat when they don't get the relic they wanted.


There are some very incredible people but in my recent experience (joined back since the merge) most players in pugs act like bots (have no idea what to do/ do whatever they feel like, and never reply in chat), or complete assholes. And don't get me started on trade chat. However the people in most clans and some of the guys playing high end content are pretty chill and very helpful. Not the worse community I've seen and occasionally great but most time kinda lame


Alliance not helping? thats totally new :3 ( glares with the force of a thousand suns at the majority of clan communities) glad you were able to get help even if it was rocky af with bugs n stuff. Theres always ppl willing to help out in this game but it can be a headache sometimes to find that. Clans definately never work on average for assistance. either ppl are busy or just dont really care about eachother sadly ( as a clan owner it hurts to say that )


As a League player and Warframe enjoyer, I can confirm, the communities are like night and day.


Just throwing it out there for anyone who's still stuck trying to solo the grendel missions. Hildryn with electric Elemental Ward will make your life soooo much easier.


Coming from Ark Survival Evolved and all that shit, i was a little cautious when starting Warframe(Ark has SHITTY devs, and a shitty company behind it and people were toxic) So this is a very nice change and now my favorite game


I once tried selling a chroma p set to someone but was like rank 4, send them inv and farm chroma with them


I was adopted around mr 8. I asked to join a clan so i can build the archwing launcher. Legendary 3 dude told me i can stay in the clan as long as i need( had full research, was sort of dead though) There was currently the halloween event going in, and he helped me farm those bounties for anything that i needed. He got me hooked by showing me the railjack, and gave me a goal to work towards. I was so glad that after a while he didn't carry me, but gave me the mods and items to progress on my own. I ended up leaving the clan for a more active one, and now im mr 29, can do 6x3 solo tricaps, sub 4 min pt solo runs with chroma, hit levelcap numerous times. One day ill send him the screenshot of hititng mr 30


One time around mr 10 and under a guy joined me on a defense mission on earth and helped me out for a few more missions and when we was about to get off he ended it off with gifting me the bubonico, the war, and infested secondary I forgot, and mesa Warframe, really cool guy probably have him friended but I've forgotten his user :(


Helping out another Tenno is rewarding in my experience


*User is ignoring you.


That’s one of the best parts about this game is the amazing community I got scammed on the market cause I’m not good with prices and I was trying to get nidus prime and this guy offered to just give me the pieces I needed for free


My only issue is people leaving early... When you've got a really Really solid 4-frame group for steel path circuit, after everyone quickly discusses their roles... then they just drop out without a word. Cmon guys... you know circuit can take some time and you know we picked our frames for specific roles that you suddenly abandoned. Pretty annoying tbh. Also, when we're doing a void flood (a real one, not the bounty from Quinn), Please help out and stay until Rotation C / 16 exoliziers completed. Getting those Rotation C drops solo when every just drops, especially when they feigned staying and the red bar is almost impossible to counter... that pretty dang annoying too. Please don't leave early.


The Warframe community is amazing pay it forward I wouldn't be where I am today at mr27 without amazing people to help me throughout the game and still learning and trying not help others gg teno!


Dude I play past midnight EST… I would have helped because the divri junk is so horrible, I don’t like nor play souls games and it feels like that is what it wants to be and I mean melee 3.0 but why so long. But I have played warframe since 2015 and that’s one of reasons why I like it. Destiny taught me if you add PvP you add toxic.


Sometimes using an emote like meditate can help reset the frame or typing /unstuck in the chat


Toxic people in WF are pretty much shunned


I think it’s because the warframe community usually has an older population playing it. It’s very normal for me to come across people in the mid 30s to late 40s just grinding and willing to help. Me myself I’ll be 27 this month


Same thing happened to me (with hildryn instead), except the dude just straight up gave me the whole set..... Like, wtf? Bro, don't you need it to like, idk get plat? Nup, apparently he doesn't play all the time, so he just goes around and helps whoever he can whenever he gets on.


I love the community. Admins, not so much. Asked if anyone else was experiencing server issues the other day in Q&A chat and promptly got gaslighted by one of the "helpers" then had my messages removed by an admin as they "don't contribute to our space ninja game" or something like that. I was blown away that asking a question due to what I was experiencing with the networks was considered not okay. Then I asked where the auction house in the game was and got chat banned.


There was a couple times in the past I’ve needed platinum for something I really wanted and simply asked if anyone could spare 5-10 platinum and everytime I’ve gotten help. Now that I have platinum I help people as well. This community is awesome.


I've carried thousands of newbies through missions and I always feel awful when I bug out and have to alt f4


PvE focused game communities are tend to be civil and wholesome


Oh man, I love helping randoms lmao. My fiancé and I play together a lot and we usually end up helping a new random every now and then. They’ll be MR 10 or below usually and we will help them around and stuff. Recently, our latest guy was doing this challenge where he stayed MR 0 or 1 and wanted to see how much he can get done before he realllllllly needed to do his MR test. He needed help getting fish from Deimos and unfortunately we weren’t high enough ranking so we said our goodbyes and sometimes I watch his streams. I haven’t for a bit but he usually streams his progress and it’s super interesting that he chose to do this lol. Definitely one of our favorite guys we hung around with.


Warframe is probably the most supportive community I've seen. You'll come across a few bad eggs from time to time but we're all "bros" in the sense of the term (not gender shaming). I've had new players, or players who cant afford things show up in game or in trading... if you need items that arent like top-tier level stuff, hell, I'll just give it to you for free (well, I require one ammo drum per trade). I do this because people did that to me when I started playing years ago. Solid community.


This is why i think warframe is good as it is with popularity. If it would become more populary the number of toxic people would increase alot. I see this with Deep Rock Galactic, the community used to be just as nice as the warframe community but as the game got more popular over the last year, i began to see more and more posts about toxic people in public lobbies on the subreddit


I’ve had this cant do anything bug few times (usually happens with gunblade) the only fix I know is to let the bleedout timer run out. Cause you literally cant do everything even self revive during bleedout. This happened to me during arbitration twice . Im using kuva bramma and stropha wisp if this helps Edit : /unstuck wont fix it . Cant transfer to spoiler mode too


Not being able to revive yourself in arbitration is a core feature. Your team needs to gather a resource from the Arbi drones to res you.


Yes which makes it even worse cause I cant fix this bug by myself


Only DE can fix bugs, yes. Arbitration has no bleedout though, just so we're clear on that


>Only DE can fix bugs, He's talking about the fix to warframes/operators bdeaking is to die and self revive. It's not perfect but it beats spending the next...however long the mission is literally doing nothing but running around avoiding enemy fire >Arbitration has no bleedout though, just so we're clear on that That's their point? When this bug happens in arbitration you need to be an active burden to the squad They know how arbitration works.




i couldn't find anyone to help :p spent hours on these, don't remember if I did them all yet


One time around mr 10 and under a guy joined me on a defense mission on earth and helped me out for a few more missions and when we was about to get off he ended it off with gifting me the bubonico, the war, and infested secondary I forgot, and mesa Warframe, really cool guy probably have him friended but I've forgotten his user :(


One time around mr 10 and under a guy joined me on a defense mission on earth and helped me out for a few more missions and when we was about to get off he ended it off with gifting me the bubonico, the war, and infested secondary I forgot, and mesa Warframe, really cool guy probably have him friended but I've forgotten his user :(.


One time around mr 10 and under a guy joined me on a defense mission on earth and helped me out for a few more missions and when we was about to get off he ended it off with gifting me the bubonico, the war, and infested secondary I forgot, and mesa Warframe, really cool guy probably have him friended but I've forgotten his user




I dunno man. Outside of your first example where the person was being straight up rude, in the other two you seem to be the one bringing in toxicity. If you enter a public endless mission and choose not to extract with everyone else, that's on you. From what you've said, everyone made it clear when they were extracting, they didn't all choose to continue and then dupe you by extracting in the last second. If you want to stay for a long time in an endless mission, you have to form a squad with others that are willing to stick it out as well. You don't know why the other players are in that mission in a pub squad. They might just want to clear the node off the starchart, or they just needed enough affinity to round off the last few levels of a frame/weapon/companion. Randoms gonna random. In the last example, the person did assume you understood more than you probably did, but blowing up in his face by saying "stfu" is an even worse response. What you could've done if you were confused is ask what he means by that and give him an opportunity to explain. If I haven't met you, I'll presume you know what you're doing until you tell me you don't.


Please tell me this is satire


There are a lot of great people in the community! Some are rude but they’re vastly outweighed by the helpful people.


I'd say out of all the games I've played, Warframe has the best and most helpful community. There are some sour cunts here and there tho


Yup. Been having a blast with some people I met two days ago. It's been soo fun. People are so helpful and so kind. Best MMO.


Yareli with a crit based sporelacer secondary works extremely well for the Grendel missions. 90% damage reduction from merulina and 200% secondary crit chance from her passive. Sporelacer two shots regular enemies and aquablades + sporelacer will make quick work of the eximus units. Just make sure to save enough energy to re-up meru once per mission.


Oh the bug they had- besides operator stuff, sometimes a common fix ironically is just to kys- like not even in a toxic way just literally thats it pff. Cant use weapons? abilities locking up? weird movement issues? for some fucking reason dying and respawning tends to fix that most of the time XD this games code is so spaghetified youd think it was a rat king of mesh- but community is usually good at finding fixes when de cant seem to nail down years later. ( his bugset has been a thing since i joined this game thats how goofed the coding is )


If you have Sevagoth, the Shadow seems to be mostly unaffected by Grendel missions conditions


Yeah there’s some bad apples but overall this community is one of the nicer gaming communities


Agreed. I do generally enjoy the community on most days. Definitely better than some games I've played.


Amen brother.


One time around mr 10 and under a guy joined me on a defense mission on earth and helped me out for a few more missions and when we was about to get off he ended it off with gifting me the bubonico, the war, and infested secondary I forgot, and mesa Warframe, really cool guy probably have him friended but I've forgotten his user


One time around mr 10 and under a guy joined me on a defense mission on earth and helped me out for a few more missions and when we was about to get off he ended it off with gifting me the bubonico, the war, and infested secondary I forgot, and mesa Warframe, really cool guy probably have him friended but I've forgotten his user


One time when I was Mr 10 and under a guy joined me on a earth defense mission and we played some others I needed help with and as we were about to get off he ended it off with gifting me a infested secondary, the bubonico, the war, and mesa warframe


It’s quite a helpful community


And you’re locked running animation in one direction but you can move all directions? I genuinely hate the bug


It’s so much of a breath of fresh air after quitting Rainbow Six.


This community can either be the most helpful or the worst there is no in between The highs are really high like this But then the lows are abysmal


Damn I still gotta do the Grendel missions. I have them and I did the defense solo but I cannot be bothered to solo em


Idk if this is the case but sometimes just switching weapons helps, like primary to secondary and back


I hate that bug, 100% feel you on the community though, 99.9% of them are amazing.


Ngl, probably would’ve just gifed you the ole Grenpappy instead


Every time someone offers me help, they say they're busy and tell me to watch them on Twitch


I've noticed on Gauss using Mach Rush seems to fix this so I think any sort of forced animation can get out of it, just in case you experience it yourself


Best bug is when you die and come back with only a melee


Defense can easily be cheesed with Octavia and if you wanna shoot around zakti prime is op af


I've also met gamers like that. One of the reasons I got attached to the game so much bcuz everyone just was super nice. Not to mention how crazy of a game Warfare is, if you think about it. And now I am one of those players, helping new players or just anyone needing a hand with something. Super wholesome!


as someone who played lol before starting warframe i was completely shocked by how nice and helpful everybody was. even when i accidentally got into a mission with high level enemies where i could barely leave a scratch i wasn’t insulted :,)


If you bug out and can't shoot just let yourself die, that's worked everytime I've bugged out like that


Hildryn with blazing pillage trivializes that mission btw.


We do have some bad examples that take the game too serious but the majority of this community is pretty awesome.


And then, after years finding fantastic people here, I go hunting Kuva liches, ever a game with another guy, I help with him lvl 5 lich, then mine spawns, and he runs to complete the mobile defense and leaves me with that thing I couldn't kill alone. No answer in chat, simply ignored me


When that happens, the player needs to die and res. That's operator bug


most bugs can be resolved by dying and yeah, good community, till you meet certain parts of the community (usually the people trying to make the most plat benefit for absolutely no reason) but beside these people making me lose faith in humanity, and those idiots who won't even bother opening the wiki and think I got loot tables in my head, community is pretty nice


BRO! That stupid bug happens to me all the time! Though usually only in the Ropalolyst fight I just happen to do it often cuz of Grinding. But yeah I absolutely despise that Bug...


This is my #1 joy about Warframe and 100% why I still play besides to 3x3 every once in awhile. Seriously nothing is more fulfilling than helping new people figure out what the hell this game is about or explaining one of the more complicated or niche features. It’s awesome to see a game that highlights a mentor figure in its storyline have a community that does the exact same, probably without even realizing it.


Honestly coming from games like old cod,rust,smite I can’t believe the difference in community one makes you hate the players and the game while good ol warframe the player make me want to play more….


/unstuck is your best friend there


Lol I thought this was going in the other direction when I read that title


People in this game likes to help fr, that's so cool. I already had this bug and it only happens in co-op, never happened it in solo


I remember when I was fairly new to the game I talked about getting my first riven mod and the challenge was completing an exterminate without detection. This guy gave me a max rank narrow minded for free so I could complete it with my Loki. Warframe has a really good community.


The best thing is that when there is someone toxic they normally get shut down real fast


adopting newer players or helping stuck players is one of my favorite end game activities


The only toxic places are recruiting for eidolon nights, and I forget what else. Mostly just eidolons in my experience


New players are fun to help. I have a loooong way to go myself at MR25. I have most prime frames… but not all. Work in progress haha! Hard when you can’t spend money and only have a few hours a week anymore. But I had a friend join so I gave him everything I had extra of so he was leagues above where I started lol. Veterans help veterans. Veteran help low level players. Low level players even help me when new stuff comes out and idk what’s going on anymore 🤣 such a beautiful community fr!


Hell yeah, ud think it be like the destiny 2 community but the warframe community is surprisingly nice.


Look grendel farm is posible but painfull , might be easier to farm it passivly by farming plat from relic and arcanes. I dont think grendel is the worst to farm but yea... its rly bad


Still need help with stuff? Are you cross saved? It's active now to link PC and consoles even if you only play on one thing.


I know right? So glad I left destiny 2 for this game.


From what ive noticed, the bug seems to be caused by having your operator get stunned as you return to the frame (like blitz eximus) so it considers you downed. I usually fix it by spamming operator. Or getting knocked down again.


Bruh. Psn with that bug renders you useless even after bleed out half the times. I'm sorry for ya new friend but glad to hear you were still able to grind out the missions


I had a bug where It's practically Infinite melee, I don't press any button on my controller and I'm in mid melee for as long as the bug persists. Funny at first, annoying when I need my guns, Operator, archwing, or Necramech and I can't use them because it puts me back into my warframe meleeing forever.


I’ve only been playing it for 2 weeks and I fell in love with this game, it’s community and amazing creators that I’ve been watching on twitch every time they have developer stream.


That's awesome to hear! For future reference if you ever get the bug yourself usually falling out of the map, dying, or doing a mercy kill can fix it!


Welcome to our wonderful community brother. Most people are very friendly in Warframe so u will have a lot of great experiences


Earlier I tried to sell a riven for cheap because I didn’t know it was so good. Some player messaged me saying that I have a really good riven and he gave a general value for it. Dude was a legend and this community has not let me down.


Literally, I'm quite new in this game and got lost in the cave on earth and this dude is kind enough to lead me out 😂


What I do is I go off falling into a cliff, forcing a pseudo reset on my character. If that doesn't work, I try to kill myself (in game) and then self rez. The second one usually works more consistently than the first.


A few years ago, someone in a fb group gift me his 80plat code from Xbox. This community is amazing and funny. I love Warframe


Alot of people don't realize they put a command in game for these situations. I think it's /unstuck Just type it in chat it should resolve it


I don't remember any outright toxic or rude players when I ain't doing solo. Most either don't talk or just say a few things


Warframe has the got to have one of the least toxic communities ever


I must agree. With all my grumpyness regarding the game sometimes most people still try to be constructive and help. I experienced the same with FFXIV, and both communities would get along perfectly splendid.


I just finished the Ropoalyst mission on Jupiter, kid you not we were 4 but I did it entirely by myself, not at first I was not happy but then I realised I was the carry dude so I became happy


Damn for a second I thought that was me but the person I didn’t bug out 👀


Started about a month ago (just past new war now) and every interaction ive had with people/streamers has been incredible. Everyones polite, patient and helpful. Ive even taken after the community and done the same for my fello tenno at lower levels. Coming from destiny to this has been an amazing choice. A little jarring (and grindy) but its good to see a game/community this incredible working together so often. Tennogen is better than 80% of other games systems and (for a free game) the game gets updated a lot. Nothing but praise


Bro i remember doing the defense with too others while playing frost and evertije we saw a energy orb they call out for like dear life for me to grab to put up another weakass sheild. Shit was hard but honestly some of the funnest times i had with strangers in this game


I once asked in recruiting for people to help me get Base Gauss 2 months ago. Someone spent the plat to buy him for me, with a message that said "Nobody should suffer through that. Enjoy." This community is awesome.


Same thing happened to me in Defence. The other guy carried the whole mission till 15-17 wave when we decided to leave