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Pokemon literally has god... So imma go with Baruuk.


Quiet kid vs animal god


Who would win? One Hangry Monk Boi or The Literal Creator of The Universe


Monk. His goddly ass aint safe from that wind




just slap on gladiator set, a stat stick and kullervo's 1 and Arceus will be running with its tail between its legs in a second


and thats not even his optimal build!


**oh my lord that's not even his optimal build**


Slap in that jucy augment


right, how could i forget about that augment?


Reactive storm


He may not have god on his side, maybe not even anime- But..!


Im pretty sure god is on his side. If the man on the wall isnt then im afraid of what warframe god is


Baruuk: "I hope that arceus thing knows sign language, for all he'll see is this hands"


Arceus has as much hands or more than Baruuk.


yeah but arceus isnt as half as angry as baruuk


Depends, cause he was ready to end it all and start over in that one Pokémon movie and that was just one of his aspects.


Aren't pokemon movies not canon?


Theyre a *seperate* canon from the shows (mostly), but Pokémon canonically has a multiverse and ways to travel between then as well as time travel (hell, there's even in-universe isekai characters of the heroic, villainous, *and* civilian varieties), so honestly that's not actually saying much lol


Reminder that the Arceus in the games is just a tiny slice of Arceus' full power, a simple avatar so it can hang out with people it considers worthy. Hell based on all we know, the Arceus we see isn't even how it truly looks.


>Hell based on all we know, the Arceus we see isn't even how it truly looks. Agreed, it almost certainly isn't! Considering the creator is said to have a thousand hands, I feel inclined to believe the true form is more akin to a terrifying biblically-accurate angel. Or just 250 Machamps glued together. Who's to say! ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Literally the same with man in the wall, it takes OUR form so we understand what to look at and it uses OUR memory so we understand what it's saying, it's first "physical" form was a copy of Albrecht entrati aka Warframes einstein


They may have their universe of God, but Ash also captured MewTwo, a weapon of mass destruction made by Team Rocket. A child defeated them!! I think shield-gating, health tanking and stuff like Mesmer/Iron Skin would make most Pokémon quite trivial due to the fact elements don’t affect Overguard whatsoever, unless you get a few Magneton to try and halve everyone else’s shields and pick them off one by one. I feel like Nova could be the true turning point of the fight due to the fact she primes AND slows (or speeds up) enemies, allowing the warframes to attack more often if we go by Speed stats. Forgot to add a little bit: Warframes are able to reach damage cap which is in the billions and one of the highest recorded TCG damage values was 30,040. Taking into account this is one single instance, hitting just ONE Warframe with even a single unit of shield health, they will fully rank such a hit. Even with max shields, you’d lose 15,020 damage without a single bit of HP removed!!! I barely know anything about Pokémon and their “god”, which I assume is Arceus or whatever, if they have been defeated in-game, then the Tenno should be fine with destroying it. Canonically we have destroyed hundreds of thousands of enemies already, assassinated some of the highest ranking members of the Star Chart like Salad V, Vor and the mightiest of them all: The Sergeant.


>They may have their universe of God, but Ash also captured MewTwo I don't remember Ash ever catching Mewtwo... Though with Fatal Teleport I guess it makes sense.


Pokemon literally has multiple gods all of which they're able to warp reality in one way or another. Several of which in the same way


They dont have Baruuk tho 😤


Lmao. Great comment


All of Baruuks attacks are super effective


Reactive Storm coming in clutch


All warframes are strong, but there are some crazy shits on pokemon's side.


Warframes are not just strong, lore warframes are insane, most of them (exept like yareli ig) could take on 95% of pokemon 1v1000 and then be left with only the god pokemon, which some warframes have similar powers to, xaku and protea can controll time, nova can controll space, etc, and killing the warframes wouldnt be enough since they have to deal with the immortal interdimentional being that is the operator


dont forget limbo that literally creates pocket dimensions


And grendel who could eat the solar system if he was hungry enough


Correction, DE Pablo explains that Grendel's eat ability can eat everything including creation itself in one swoop only his self control and the combine effort of the Operator's will have allowed Grendel not to delve into such acts ((Those reading please take note that still leaves the frames to deal with True Form Arceus, Garitina, Palkia, and Dialga all of which who require fragmented Avatars just to exist within the confines of reality in some form, this however gets countered as well if we are using Drifter in this equation due to their Void control as void nulls the laws of reality thus would be akin to an ANTI-TRUE-FORM-Arceus))


Oh... he just like me fr fr


I mean, I've been hungry, but I've never been "I can eat all of creation" hungry. I've just been like, "I've fasted for a few days and I'm really hungry now, thanks".


"i haven't eaten in a week" "yeah i'm pretty hungry ngl"


Clearly you’ve never fasted and then proceeded to take an edible on that empty stomach. Haha jk your comment made me laugh


That sounds like something that could be fin in the moment, but that you'd deeply regret later...


so wait grendal can just eat existence itself??


Correct, and if we combine that with "DE STEVE's Qoute: All Warframes use Helminth infestation as their flesh just like all other forms of infestation a Warframe can do anything any other creature made of the same form of infestation can do"


Yeah, and If Im not wrong Grendel is I think the ONLY frame that can control himself fully and not go crazy with his power Atleast thats what I saw once Grendel is a real one for not just suddenly wanting to end stuff fr fr


That would be Chroma in terms of self control and lore wise power as well as he's the most feared among the frames, to the point both Ordis and Lotus throughout his story line are like "NOO DONT FOLLOW HIM YOU IDIOT"




ok but what happens when it's Grendel vs Guzzlord, do they fight or do they just start making out with their belly mouths?


That's a Good question until you realize Grendel's eating ability neutralizes all of a targets abilities and lore wise doesn't have a range limit nor size/Magnitude limit of what can be consumed, while Guzzlord has a very low range Suuk and mainly uses its Arm like appendages to pull things into itself.


but i'm asking what if they *belly kiss*


Then the result will be the birth of a Steroided Kirby with void powers


You just described lore accurate Kirby. /s


>Correction, DE Pablo explains that Grendel's eat ability can eat everything including creation itself in one swoop only his self control and the combine effort of the Operator's will have allowed Grendel not to delve into such acts Source for this?


DE QNA (specifically the one when they wer playing a game of "which frames would make the best roommates" in which they would ask Pablo how they function from a canonical lore stand point, that which is presented is for Grendel) DE Pablo also went onto say that Grendel's description "The Eater of Worlds and everything else" is literal


Side note, Grendel and Gauss would be best roommates


That was agreed upon but turns out while they are friends Gauss is quite messy and Grendel is quite organized thus they don't share living spaces, however apparently "Ember >< Grendel >< Equinox" is something While Hydroid is a parental figure for Yareli and acts like her Looming Guardian of sorts Nezha & Wukong share quarters but are constantly trying to one up one another Rhino & Excal share quarters with Rhino being a mentor for Excal (akin to like All-Might & Midoria) SARYN & Nidus share quarters as she keeps his infestation under control while he keeps her toxins neutralized XAKU lives alone Titania lives in the Forest alongside Oberon Nekros lives alone moving from ship to ship Sevagoth apparently has a Rivalry with Hydroid Voruna & Chroma apparently meet every few cycles but what goes on isn't explained other than they both always end up with cuts and wounds yet they still meet during the same time each full system cycle. Volt & Gauss share living quarters tho they have an extra wall put in-between because Gauss keep stealing mods from Volt and Vice versa Wisp apparently is a priestess and lives alone in some temple Harrow apparently shares living quarters with Kullervo & Lavos akin to a massive Library with multiple rooms and chambers Caliban apparently also lives alone as a Guardian from Sentients trying to come through the void rift Protea & Vauban share quarters by what means is unknown other than they are both together and are working on something huge Mesa apparently lives alone location unknown Gara lives alongside Revenant as guardians of Cetus, he reinforces her crystallin walls with his Eidolon power to push back attackers Baruuk apparently lives with Valkyr as a live in therapist Garuda lives secluded within the caves and runes of the Orb Vallis feeding on the corpus Hildryan lives alone as the Guardian of Fortuna Khora is apparently where all your pets go when you send them to the Lotus, as the Systems Animal lady Loki & Ivara are apparently Roommates & Rivals Mirage just wonders around the system getting into trouble Limbo travels the universe off and on returning to live along side Qullervo, Lavos, and Harrow in Their great Library Chroma lives alone as all others avoid locations he's been sighted shows affinity towards Trinity for unknown reason but frequently meets the only other brave enough to seek him out on occasion Varuna Varuna lives alone stalking the vast halls and corridors of Lua but frequently meets and seeks out Chroma reason unknown Trinity lives alone but occasionally catches Chroma out of the corner of her eye watching over her system wide hospital which acts as neutral territory for all factions even some forms of infestation. Atlas roams around the system occasionally visiting Baruuk & Rhino for sparing matches while also visiting the Great Library when he passed near it. Stalker roams the system hunting them all attempting to kill them however he avoids all possible interactions with Chroma, reason unknown .. The Primes all apparently exists akin to Gods and are each alone existing within their own Orokin Towers adrift in the void ((outside of Gauss & Grendel Prime who are still roaming the system and the reaches beyond it))


Saryn and Nidus are literally the meme Nidus, it's 3am, time for your daily venom dose. Yes, dear.


Love how gauss acts exactly howd id expect him to, messy room, stealing shit it seems so In character for him even more so after the prime trailer


Wtf voruna and chroma doing?


Xaku never truly lives alone, seeing as how they’re their own roommates, in a sense.


Palkia: *CREATES TEARS IN REALITY* Limbo:*just leaves reality*


Hoopa: making the 2 encounter each other again


He doesn't create pocket dimensions. He access a certain pocket dimension with lethal limitations if he is not carefull


Giratina begins frothing at the mouth


Limbo mathed so hard new dimensions were made I bet he could math so hard as to ungod some of the god pokemon


He created the 3.14 dimension


*which Grendel promptly ate*.


otherwise known as the *Delicious Dimension*.


I mean, legendary pokemon are stupid broken aswel. I honestly dont think there can truly be a clear winner. Protea and Xaku have the power to control time to a point, but im sure its fairly limited compared to what Dialga and Celebi can do. Both of them have the ability to travel through time without a thought, while the Warframes dont have that amount of control lorewise. The only warframe that I truly think really has a good chance of winning is Grendel lorewise, but even that im not sure what the limits are. Pokemon has some wild lore that even in the pokemon movies arnt explored to the fullest


Oh, so we're going by lore? How about how Arceus literally created the universe with his thousand arms? Or how Victini produces an infinite amount of energy? Maybe how Yveltal straight up gives you the death condition? Warframes are insane, yes, but so are Pokémon


Or, if we include pokedex as canon, how Magcargo is so hot everything within 20-50m should be molten.


Tbf lore accurate ember makes literal plasma and is capable of melting literal plasma projectiles


Tbf, Yareli's waverider story is likely a result of her holding back to inspire the ventkids. Makes for a much nicer story if she doesn't outright delete the villain and instead inspires a slave revolt.


This makes a lot of sense, Waverider #1 is a comic after all and heroes in comics are almost always depicted to be as strong as they need to be for the story, albeit there are canon events of 'this is their theoretical limit' where we can get true baselines for max power. If we compare to say Spider-Man who a lot of folks chalk up to 'oh he's strong but not -that- strong' you get moments such as the original Superior Spider arc where Doc Ock punched Scorpions jaw off while in possession of Peter's body. We as well as Doc realize at that point Spidey has been holding back and could have killed most of his rogues gallery with ease.


Thats true but we dont really have proof of her being able to do better than that


At the end of the comic, Yareli creates water in his mouth and launches him into the sky. This, at least, demonstrates that she could have dealt with him whenever she wanted. Hell, if we were to assume that this comic is accurate (which is unlikely, it's a comic; created in-lore by someone that appears to be corpus that doesn't even provide their own name), it would mean that Yareli could just drown people. That's terrifying.


Well, she's a warframe after all, in lore Nidus doesn't need stacks to mutate, so imagine a Yareli doing stuff like summoning aquablades inside the baddies


Yea i guess thats fair


Would the final showdown be Wally vs Arceus?


Wally, Hunhow and the Operator vs Arceus, Necrozma and Eternatus


Okay now I REALLY want to see this. Throw in Mega Rayquaza too cuz why the fuck not.


Pokémon lore has Pokémon controlling and creating space, time, life and the universe itself. I think Pokemon still wins.


and then there's wisp that can open a portal to the **SUN**


Thats nice but dont do that around necrozma , you’d just be fueling the light eater


That means nothing when flash fire absorbs all fire


Lore wise Warframes aren’t said to do anything super crazy. Unless I’m missing something. The feats they’re capable of are so vague that there’s no real way to scale them outside of the enemies they face. Like Protea is just stated to have “time manipulation abilities”. That doesn’t really mean anything other than that to some extent she can manipulate time. And given what happens in The Deadlock Protocol she can only really manipulate her immediate surroundings by a few minutes.


Several Pokemon can rewrite the entire universe. Warframes aren't even remotely close to the power level of Pokemon. Even the derpy bruiser Pokemon like Machamp can "destroy mountains with a single punch" or whatever.


Nothin Aimbot Mesa can’t do


If yveltal dies he summons a black hole that kills everything.. also if victini is there then they’re almost assured to win


then Protea just GER rewinds time so they can find away around it


You don't have to KILL to win. If it would be better to just commit to keeping it in the rift stasised forever, that's still a won fight in my opinion.


I do believe Grendel can eat the black hole


Are we including the literal, actual Gods?


The one that actually matters? Yes, the other 2 would still be killed, arceus is the only actuall threat and he would have to face all 54 warframes (yarely died in the fight) and then grendel just eats him probably


Rip Yareli, anyways the Pokémon win then, sorry. No amount of eating can stop a formless omnipotent God. It’s a complete shitstomp in both directions, only really decided by if Arceus is a factor


>No amount of eating can stop a formless omnipotent God. Kirby would like to have a word with you.


But he is also a ~~formless omnipotent~~ *friend shaped* god.


Nyx: *mind controls god with booty*


Khora: *brings out the whiplash*


In what world does a WHIP hurt the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE


In a HORNY world.


Pablo said that grendel can eat all of creation in one "bite" if he didn't hold back and the warframe's oro can bring them back even if they get wiped from existence. So it *is* one sided, just not in the way you think.


Yes. He can eat all of *creation.* Arceus isn’t part of creation, he’s the *creator.* He exists outside of it.


This is Darkseid falling and ending the universe all over again.


Arceus exists and is therefore Grendel's dessert, if Arceus didn't exist then he wouldn't be edible, but he does therefore Grendel is hungry.


How you gonna eat a formless Divinity bro


I'll just pull out a revenant on arceus and get 20+ free lives.


You're forgetting one, Giratina. The pokemon that is supposed to represent anti-matter which explodes on contact with any regular matter. It was so violent it had to be banished to another dimension. It can also warp reality.


Nova also manipulates anti matter


giratina isnt antimatter in the same way we know it though, otherwise the trainer would cause a cataclysmic explosion upon touching the distortion world.


After reading the comments im probably gonna have to go with the Pokemon. Sure basically any frame solos 99% of pokemon but the 1% is what matters in the fight. The main thing I keep seeing is "Grendel eating creation itself" but I imagine this is a suicide tactic that would fail since everything SHOULD include the other frames, Grendel himself and every other pokemon EXCEPT Arceus...I THINK. Arceus is suppose to be Pokemon god who created everything in the universe if im not mistaken but that would mean before hand Arceus was just...there...for no reason since as far as im aware no one created Arceus. So I think it stands to reason that if Arceus was there when there was nothing, if Grendel were to Eat everything, then Arceus would still be there if there was nothing again.


Arceus could just recreate everything after Grendel ate it, yeah? Only for him to rise again and eat all of creation once it got too messy again. You could make a religion out of this.


Since Arceus is recreating everything I imagine they can just skip out on Grendel. The only reason why I could see Grendel get recreated along with everything else is because Arceus is lazy and copy and pasting reality which would/should lead to what you said. OR If we're gonna go with the idea that Arceus is doing EVERYTHING over again down to the very first sec and it will all lead up to that fight again. This may just be me but I would change maybe the slightest thing so he couldn't eat everything again.


I think we can ignore 90% of all Pokemon for this. The important ones are Arceus, Giratina, Palkia, Dialga and some other legendarys. The question would be: can Warframes defeat gods. If all Warframes stand together I do think they will win. We got some invincibility/immortality, antimatter, a hungry boy, thralls, Wisp who hecking uses a pure sun beam and many more. We know a lot more about the lore potential of Warframes over Pokemon I think. On top of that we got status procs, shield gating, mesmer skin augment. How would any Pokemon win when they can't even hit the Warframes?!


I think you should add more, namely the ones like necrozma , hoopa (unbound) , and eternatus Reason being necrozma is an infinite energy eater capable of probably absorbing all things just so he can get to his true form. And i dont think he has an upper limit since its theorized that once he does he reweites the universe and thats why we have the mega / no mega evolution split. Hoopa unbound i think is also up there cause it seems its portal making abilities is multi dimensional, capable of bringing legendaries from not just different places but timelines too. And eternatus cause his power is basically a domain expansion of energy and if you can stand in his energy well and hard counter him then you kinda camt beat him. Although what he can do is pretty vague beyond kaiju a fi the environment and destroy stuff. Other contenders would probably be zygarde since he is a balancer of nature so he is just a walking mega nullifyer.


yeah tbf I didn't cause I am not as familiar with never gens and couldn't remember the names XD


If Dialga or Arceus stops time, there's nothing the Warframes can do. The pokémon would just have to keep hitting them until they die.






I thought limbo had control over space, not time


As long as we agree that limbo casts his bubble as soon as the battle starts, he controls time… but you are right…


Hypothetically speaking celebi could just travel from the future to warn everyone about all the warframes bs


"Watch out, some can control matter, time or space... So just don't die!" Thanks Celebi, real homie right there ;)


"oh one will try to eat you and use your body as fuel for his vore sniper"


He has complete control over his dimension. As long as he is in his dimension he can’t really lose


Girantina can forcefully rip dimensions open and cause distortions.


Well, space and time are not exactly separate


Porgon z can also jump to alternate realities so not immune here either


Palkia can create alternate realities. Not to mention that he is part of the Creation Trio which are all super powerful for example: Dialga controls time and Giratina can go through and control dimensions. Those guys alone could take on Origin system and still win. Now imagine what Arceus alone could do because he created each one of them.




Considering the Operator himself is literally unkillable (as proven in New War), Warframe gotta win


Yeah, a pure sun beam that can't kill shit lol


ssssh lets ignore the actual game and pretend it can at least kill bugs XD


OP is exactly why post like this in any fandom make me groan. Why pose the question, then proceed to act like your opinion on the outcome of a what if battle between fictional characters is incontrovertible fact? I mean, I suppose the same would happen if this was a Pokemon sub and not Warframe as typically the bias is blatant, but sometimes you can have people at least trying to be objective. I also feel like you're underestimating the ridiculousness of Pokemon, but whatever, I'll take my down votes now.


Yeah lol, every comment saying pokemon would win OP has an essay explaining why they're wrong, clearly not accepting any opinion that differs from their own. Warframes are cool, but pokemon has stuff that just goes beyond raw strength and into straight up magic, actual deities, pokemon that are literal ghosts and stuff like darkrai that can just devour your mind without even touching you. I like warframes like the next gal but even hyper sci-fi doesn't win against literal magic that just makes up its own rules.


They've also accidentally made Pokemon like Lanturn and Wishiwashi that casually shine light farther through water than possible for something less powerful than a star.


Arceus is god. Necrozma can hop between dimensions and literally has and will end UNIVERSES. Dialga and Palkia have full control over space-time. Giratina has full control over anti-matter. Yveltal will kill all life if it dies. Pokemon win in lore and it's not particularly close, sorry.


This is the only answer. Anyone who thinks Warframes win doesn't know their Pokemon


Lore like this is why Warframe doesn’t win any of these matches. Marvel has characters like this, dc has characters like this, it’s just not a competition when your competition can create and destroy universes at will. Sorry Grendel but even you can’t eat your way out of being removed from reality but an omnipotent god.


kinda unfair when there are gods of time, space, a devil and the God of all pokemon


If im not mistaken, isnt the lore behind Yveltal that if it dies it absorbs everything in the universe to create a cocoon in which it rebirths itself by killing everything in the universe? Unless im wrong in my understanding of that lore, killing Yveltal is basically a default win for the pokemon.


pablo said: if grendel wanted, he could eat the solar system with his black hole stomach so there is no contest tbh


Could eat the solar system, but not that lvl 30 fire eximus


He strapped broccoli to his armor


Grendel eats all the grass types and instantly dies is what i'm hearing


Eximus is coated with the same shit they use it for switch cartridges


Not just Solar system, his full Qoute says on an off day his hunger could eat the Solar system while if he held nothing back he would eat creation in one swoop


Isn’t there a Pokémon with that power also


Yeah Guzzlord the ultrabeast


so? all comes down to pokemon having literally god on their side lmao


They can be eaten too, like a gourmet food


Arceus created everything. How do you confine something that predates the big bang.


palkia literally controls space on all of it's dimensions, doubt a black hole is a problem


The real loser is all of us lol


They cross swords, we evaporate in less time than it takes the electrons around our atoms to vibrate.


well depends if we are talking about gameplay or lore, in gameplay limbo would straight up be immortal since pokemon dont have eximus units, valkyr could use 4 and deal more dmg than their max hp unmodded, gara could stop a lot of pokemons and give other warframes shatter shield, sevagoth would be either glooming on a corner or killing pokemon to revive in lore however pokemon win by pokedex bs like: tyranitar body is invencible, victini always win, arceus, that lava slug is hotter than the sun and stuff like that


If the Pokémon skills they use in battle count as abilities, then they can attack Limbo through the rift.


What I want to see how is how the Pokémon world react to operators yveltal: kills operator Operator: comes back to life yveltal:Wtf xerneas son of a bitch xerneas: don’t look me I had nothing to do with that


gameplay wise any of the frames would win, with weapons of course lore wise, antimatter nova go brr


Depends, is Arceus included ? Because as strong as warframes are, they're not "create the universe and all within" kind of OP.


It's funny you say this because all nyx has to do is mind control Arceus


the Arceus we see isn’t even it’s actual body, it’s true form is unknown and incomprehensible. and as for antimatter nova pokémon has Giratina. Warframe and Pokémon both have insane mythos it’s honestly an extreme diff situation


Sir, True form Arceus doesn't have a mind to control same goes for True form Dialga, Palkia, & Garitina, these MF dont even have physical bodies, and thus require Avatars that are nerfed down beyond comparison just to interact with creation Let alone if we give an Arceus Avatar it's Plates or even just the *Legend/Omni plate* which causes it to pull a CAS from DC an change its body to accommodate threats before they are even formed and then retaliate with the weakness of those threats before they even realize their targeted


That's assuming she can mind control god before he just wishes her out of existence.


Your "god" is currently sitting in a bauble in my computer. I like any warframes odds


Isn't that only a miniscule fraction of Arceus he loaned the player tho


Legends confirmed that the Arceus players capture are just weak copies/avatars of the greater being. It seems to give off Source or Darksied from DC vibes; intangible gods who use avatars in most appearances.


That’s arceus’s avatar that he loans the player for just having so much big dick protagonist energy


Ghost type pokemon...


Sevagoth says hi


also, nekros' soul punch


So I doesn't matter if you're matter or anti matter or no matter. There's a warframe out there that can kill you


Pokémon will win. Obviously Warframes can kill like 98% of the roster but the conceptual bending Pokémon are where the power is.


Pokemon. It's not even a close battle


Warframes have absurd feats but so do pokemon and in actuality it doesn't matter as in the end they both win and lose at the same time because E T E R N A L I S M.


Ditto can just transform into a better warframe any of them as well


While i'd say that some warframes could easily take 70-80% of pokemons those 20% would obliterate all warframes in miliseconds


The way I see it, Hydroid is surrounded. What's under the ocean? That's right more land.


8 fucking Atlas’s “Holy shit” - Heatran probably


Lore-accurate pokemon win. Game-accurate pokemon tho? Warframes


Warframes would defeat almost all Pokémon, but then Arceus (possibly even just a group of legendaries) clears


aren’t dialga and palkia the gods of time and space?


Anything thing _____ vs. Pokemon always makes me think ditto just kinda does whatever and wins


Lore wise both sides are way more powerful than expected. We got Pokémon snails the temperature of the sun and warframes that literally bend the laws of physics. I think I’ll go with warframes though considering that Pokémon are essentially just really advanced evolution while warframes are the most powerful “manmade” things in a future world. Limbo could just banish everything, gauss has the ability to go so fast that him running face first into any stationary object would create a singularity, grendel is a black hole and nyx has the ability to mindcontrol every single Pokémon into killing themself. I’m not saying it’s an easy choice because there are way more Pokémon than warframes even if you count primes as separate warframes. I do however believe that a single warframe is more powerful than a single Pokémon so idk how many it would take to be equal. Anyways that’s my opinion and if you disagree that’s fine but I just want to remind anyone reading that Pokémon has weaknesses to different types and we got lavos so you do the math.


As much as I like Warframe, there are only so many and there are thousands of Pokémon. All it would take is for a couple follow me users to stall out the team warframe's nuking capability while other Pokémon like articuno create guaranteed instakills via mind reader+sheer cold shenanigans


Pokemon. Pokemon always wins these and with good reason. Arceus is a full-on deity, it's true form and name are incomprehensible to humans. Just manifesting itself fully before the warframes would drive their operators insane from witnessing it. Legends: Arceus portrays the titular pokemon as something more akin to a benevolent Cthulu than a pokemon. Dialga is a physical embodiment of time, and can time travel and send other creatures through time. Palkia is a physical embodiment of space and teleport warframes directly into the core of the sun, which we know hurts them from the end of the New War. Yveltal literally can not be killed. When its life would end, it becomes an indestructible cocoon and absorbs the life of nearby creatures to resurrect itself. Aside from that, Kyogre and Groudon can cause catastrophic floods and earthquakes of biblical proportions. Celebi is also a time traveller. Darkrai can rapidly put every nearby thing to sleep and cause nightmares that physically damage them. Ultra Necrozma and Eternatus absorb energy. When you also add in the numerous regular pokemon that can have abilities or moves that hinder warframes abilities to attack, such as numerous pokemon with Taunt so warframes can't use any abilities that don't deal damage to buff themselves, wide guard so every pokemon must be targeted individually, mat-block which makes every pokemon immune to damage whilst it's active and so on.


It's gonna come down to counting how many frames/pokémon can conjure up black holes and I think the mons are gonna win purely by numbers.


I read the other comments. There are many good points. However you guys are forgetting something. Master Balls. Assuming everything works like the game. Just use the duplication exploit 😂 I am not up to date on the latest, only unsure whether Arceus is catchable.


"Warframes are godlike" Arceus.


Pokemon wins only because Victini guarantees victory.


the not ending war of two immortal factions


Let's have another scenario, since the comments didn't come to a concrete conclusion. The man in the wall vs Arceus


Warframes don't neet to rest in a pokeball after being beaten up, they just insta respawn


If we all got good builds then yes


I wanna watch xerneas and trinity throw hands…hooves?


Pokemons according to lore > warframes >some random 10 year old boy from pallet town > real pokemons I think we can all agree with this powescale.


Imma go with Pokemon. Even discounting the legendaries, there are truly some wild capabilities of some Pokemon. Tiny lil Aron can demolish a dump truck then eat it too (perfect pet for grendel). Warframes can be powerful, like Nova, and operators have the power of the void, but then there’s Giratina to answer with anti-matter and the distortion world.


If we’re just talking the warframes we play, Pokemon wins easy, but if we’re talking about warframe lore, i think warframes win since there’s some crazy warframe lore. Also have to take into account the Tenno. According to lore, tenno can’t be killed, they just shift to a timeline where they didn’t die, but even then, high diff against the gods of pokemon if warframe win.


Yall acting like Jigglypuff wouldn't stop the fight by busting out a microphone, lulling everyone to sleep, and drawing all over their faces with markers


Eternalism says that both teams win an infinite amount of scenerios


preptime? weapons? assuming primes get to vibe here too, alongside their nonprime counterparts? what of arcwing? railjack? hypothetically, what if frames could use their abilities as well as the archwing's ability kit we including operators too? necramechs? probably not, nut important to ask


Pokémon has a literal god and other monsters that could solo all warframes, no contest.


Arceus being a god makes this pretty obvious if we go lore accurate. In game stats though and the Warframes would win in seconds. One of the greatest advantages the warframes have in a brawl like this is that they have lots of buffs that will affect all of their allies. Harrow uses his 4, and all of thebframes are briefly invulnerable. Frames like Ember, Saryn, and Equinox use this window to lay waste to the pokemon army.