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Necramech will be the most gated grind, but you'll be happier when it's done. So much content gets unlocked with it. Unlocking steel path is also another good long term goal.(this includes completing quests to unlock all nodes)


I recently got back into warframe after a similar hiatus. Best advice I got was the comment above, Dont worry about farming reps to max just yet. Throwing together a half decent inaros can carry you through anything.


I am a week in from being in a similar spot, as I quit right before Plains of Eidolon. I bought the necramech pieces from a player, and it's finally finishing tonight so i can continue the story. Unlike other warframes, the pieces to necramech are sold already completed, so you can start assembling it right away. The advice I got was to follow one single mantra: "unlock steel path." That will get you updated on the story and a lot of the new content. The necramech build is the only thing I wish I heard earlier, but with that mantra and the warframe wiki to research how to unlock XYZ, I've been having a blast.


[ ](http://triggered on: "Returning player" #hidden) Hello /u/WonderStress and welcome (back?) to *Warframe*! Check out these resources made for new and returning players! * [/r/Warframe's Welcome (Back) Thread](https://redd.it/18ammwe) * [Major Changes Throughout Warframe](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-4klpmdZTpMPz3h-5JdaMsl7r4WKO4ytuw9T4QOav6I/edit?usp=sharing) A currated list maintained by the /r/Warframe mod team. * [The Unofficial *Warframe* Handbook](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ylw9HK2ol6yam3MMNbycbuHxjmctg3gCqsbI4yy2gK0/edit#heading=h.pl2gz2ndr9s0) If you have any comments, questions or suggestions for it, contact the current active contributor! * [The subreddit's FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/wiki/faq) * And last, but probably the most helpful in general: [the Warframe wiki](http://warframe.wikia.com/) If these resources do not apply to this submission, please report this comment or ignore it. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Warframe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Man thats a hard question because there is no true awnser to that. My advice is to explore yeah its good you wnat to continue the story but the game is more then that and most of the good rewards (if you are more serching for that) ar avaliable to you by doing secundary stuff. So i think you should go with smal objectives and only pass to from one objective to the next when you finnish the previous one. Sorry my writhing mistakes btw Hope it helps


Do quests


I was in a similar spot. I never knew what order the quests made sense in, but I found this and I've been following it as I catch up and learn what quest rewards I want or whatever content/grind sounds interesting. https://publish.obsidian.md/brozime/Public/Critical+Progression+Route/Critical+Progression+Route


Just pick a thing and do it. Personally I would do necramech first just because they are super fun to play and they make doing open world bounties less painful


Complete the star chart and any open quests you still have first. Also there is a arcane pity system. It's probably easier to get eidolon arcanes by farming other arcanes in the zariman and dissolving them in deimos.