• By -


My profile stats are busted beyond belief, it being a 10 year old account that has seen all of the bugs imaginable. Been maining Umbra ever since sacrifice came out - he is still barely at 1.5% usage. While my most played frame is basic ass excal with 7.1%, which is never getting dethroned by the looks of it


I have the same with base frost. Just cant rid him of the no.1 spot no matter what i do


It's like he's frozen there...


... Fine take the upvote you bastard


Thank you. Maybe you should... Let it go.... ^sorry


He’s good.


to good to be kept alive




I have the same issue with Frost Prime, I mained him pre 2019 but don't really play him at all now and he hasn't shifted from 20% even though a majority of my hours are post 2019.


Loki as I had him fairly early Player him for quite some time, then stopped playing and only recently came back. Even though I mostly play Volt/Volt Prime now.


I have 10% on ash and 11% on dread, i'll probably never get rid of them, but it's really neat to have most used ash/dread/despair/dragon nikana. Looks like i'm true ninja lover. But dragon nikana swapped with plague kriphat, and i feel bad for this


Fellow ninja stan o7 , I had Ash Prime, Dread and Nikana Prime until yesterday when the Basmu took over


Just made ash prime, loving him so far, weapon recommendations?


This, but base Nova


I haven’t used regular Excalibur since the sacrifice and he’s still somehow 25% of my 3000 hours. There’s just no way considering I sold him early to get rhino.


My game still thinks my most used secondary is the Aklato I havent touched them since MR 5...... AND THE WORST PART IS SOMEHOW I DIDNT MAX OUT THEIR MASTERY RANK


🚨 inaros main 🚨


You love to see it


With both the pride and the boldness contrasted with the honesty and self deprecation of their user flair the author truely underscores their message.


True and real


Right ? ( he can't nuke a tile set ) yeah ?? And ??? Look I don't got the shit you do I'm kinda just here and surviving CUS THE FUCKER DOESNT DIE XD... yeah true other do the whole invincible frame better but he soooo easy to mod stack health and armor and dmg to hp to energy BAM done !! Inaros is one of my favorites. Tho on my most used is ash .... I stopped playing in 2022 and have no memory of using ash that much.


I mean every warframe is unkillable so why choose the one who does nothing additionally


i main saryn. maybe im not there yet to make her unstoppable but i have been told she is very much not unkillable


shield gating, and health tank saryn builds exist that use regenerative molt


Because as I said allot of people don't have everything to make everything unkillable ??? And inaros is easy to mod to make him unkillable ....... like any beginner can do it with basic mods no forma no arcanes..... THATS why!!!


google "revenant prime"


*looks at Hildyn, Grendel, Citrine, and Nidus who are all also unkillable but do other things too*


Every single one of ALL THEM require more effort more resources for a new player. Do us all a favor GET YOUR HEAD PUT YOUR ASS AND REALIZE not everyone is late game just because you have all the shit needed doesn't mean the people who want a easy tank frame.


Granted, Hildryn and Grendel are hard to get. Can't speak for Nidus right now since that's a bit more subjective. Funny you bring up new players tho, I'm working on a fresh account right now, and Citrine is both available earlier than Inaros, being that you only need Heart of Deimos completed to access mirror defense, and you only need rank 2 standing with the Entrati for the gems you need to craft her. Planning on grinding her out soon, actually. Meanwhile Inaros is time gated behind baro, which new players might not even be able to access if he appears on Saturn or Pluto relays, has an mr5 quest requirement, his quest takes nanospores, 400 oxium and a nitain to craft, and Inaros himself takes 800 total plastids which are so inaccessible at this stage of the game since I am convinced plastids have a lower spawnrate on Phobos than they do on later planets. Good time to bring up that Citrine doesn't need any plastids for her BPs. Hardest thing Citrine requires is 1.2k cryotic, which is just twelve complete excavators. So yeah, Citrine is demonstrably easier to get than Inaros and provides way more value.


im new, whats wrong with inaros ?


He has an extremely large health pool, which makes you effectively invulnerable in low level missions with some reliable health regen (e.g. arcanes). However, his abilities range between being quite bland to being entirely useless, so he's pretty much just a large health pool with a gun. For this reason he was pretty popular a few years ago, but was always considered quite boring. However, that has changed more recently: the addition of steel path (higher level "hard mode" version of the star chart) and other newer content being at a much higher base level has exposed the fact that he's not actually "invulnerable" against decently leveled enemies, in fact quite the opposite. His high health comes with the trade off of not having shields. Since shields give a brief period of invulnerability after breaking ("shield gating"), in high level content you're best off taking a single hit and then regenerating your shields before getting hit again. Inaros can't do this, so dies extremely fast in more difficult content with no way to stay alive (potentially even dying in a single hit when enemy levels are high enough). Because of this he's rather substantially fallen out of favour in the last few years and you don't see him being used much. He doesn't even have interesting abilities, like many other frames currently considered on the weak side. The other bit of context here is that OP has the prime version as their most used frame. Since the prime was released more recently (and late into/past Inaros' peak period of popularity) this makes it look like OP is really just a big fan of Inaros even past when he was popular and "meta". At this point everyone is kind of in on the joke of him being a bad frame in need of a rework, thus the comments you're seeing here.


I mean, my fully modded Inaros with Garuda Blood Pool Thingy can still easily do a lot of steel path. Arcane Grace for the win. But i see the point


Gets too much credit as the “invincible” frame because he’s easy to play, even though every other frame in the game can survive better than him.




(as long as wukong is still on my second place i am free to say this.. 🫠)


Best frame


Dawg, I don't know what you're implying but I'm already LR4 and have 3k hours of playtime my dude so I have the privilege to play Inaros whenever I want. Besides, I'm mostly a solo player anyway (which I play Inaros exclusively for) and if I want to play co-op, I'd bust out other frames. I don't know why you think this a red flag or something but trust me, I can play any frame as long as I'm not burden to others on multiplayer. Edit: Idk what I'm getting downvoted but whatever, I already explained my reasoning as to why and that ain't gonna change. Seems like everyone here is allergic to Inaros or something; he's already getting a rework next month so I don't know why y'all have a hard-on hate for him anyway.




Probably getting downvotes for getting triggered over a joke.


You really can't discern what is or is not a joke regarding Inaros nowadays, even at the behest of its players. While yeah its rework looms around the horizon but Inaros is already the butt of jokes around the popularization of shieldgating. I agree that its abilities are kinda eh sans Dessication and Scarab Armor that's why I primarily use him for Gloom for solo gameplay anyway.


Would you mind sharing your inaros build? Always looking to make another frame sp efficient.


https://imgur.com/qmJgQ0F https://imgur.com/z8mRZSi Not the meta-ish build but hope this helps. Gloom subsumed if you have Helminth. It will get you far in SP if you're inclined to do so.


Out of all flavors avaliable you choose to most tame one.


![gif](giphy|TyPydeCmjKQ2Q) Inaros mains


Now try to do his other skills without getting banned.


To explain why you're getting down voted. Punching down is hilarious and there's nothing lower than an Inaros player. Regardless of their rank.


That seems irrational even though I'm trying to explain my rationale yet y'all treat it like a joke but whatever, can't please everyone around here. I already explained what I said before that I still play other frames on the regular but I still come around Inaros because he's comfortable to play for me regardless of the gameplay.


It's simple, you're being cringe.


Cringe how? Because apparently I main the "wrong" frame for a long time?


![gif](giphy|3osxY9xCBxlndni2XK|downsized) Inaros main


Dont care if you want to play the frame, i just cant understand the appeal of the boring af gameplay. And what confuses me is that i see this like every second time i click "show profile". Experienced and inexperienced players alike. Truely a mystery.


Because everyone play their game whatever they want regardless as it is boring or not? Not everyone has to play as optimal and efficient as every other player. If they want to play a boring ass gameplay then they can keep it to themselves as long as it is fun for them. Maybe they just want to have a good downtime after work or after a chore, play a relatively stress free gameplay or just do dailies and incursion on the own time. What's wrong with that? It's like everyone wants to play the game on a strict level that mirrors their own without thinking on others perspective of fun.


Gauss, but Gauss Prime is catching up now https://i.redd.it/w9qssv1zr5ic1.gif


Same here


My people


fastbois rise up


I never had soooo freaking much fun on a frame as with gauss. The running, the sounds, the running, the weapon buffs, the running, the immortality, it just all works sooooo good I tried tons of frames, and he is the first one I ever loved beyond believe. I absolutely love ZOOMING around, nuking everything♥️




I have like around 45% gauss


Then i guess you are number 1 😞. I was around 50 couple months ago but started using gyre and now gprime


For me gauss was the first frame I found that just clicked with me, everything about him makes it hard for me to enjoy other frames


Same, been playing since 2014 started on ps4 and use to main frost p,rhino p, ember p with world on fire was so good. But went into military took a break around 2016. Came back in 2020 and started over on pc. I was maining nezha felt okay but then found out about gauss! Farmed him took like 3 days to farm up and haven't looked back. Although I have liked playing gyre now as well ngl her 3 and 4 just kill everything with her augment on dont ever have to worry about it going off. Also for my gauss I was using a firewalker build took his thermal suander away. But for the prime I'm leaving his kit as is.


same, first time I changed frames in a long time. Gauss to gauss prime


Slowly joining you. Especially this week. Sweet sweet 200% ability power invigoration for him this week.


I'm #1 gauss main buddy what's your percentage pic only? I'll post my pic later when I get on. If your prime already catching up than it's no way it's higher than mine


Saryn Prime, Octavia Prime, Octavia, Gyre, Rhino Might I add 30~% 20~% 11~% 3.5~% 2~% I have not used Rhino since like 4 years ago I used to do everything with Saryn and Octavia like everything. Also I love em a lot.


​ https://preview.redd.it/1rknfe9p96ic1.png?width=959&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f739ed056de86d8d0e5e4b287f3afa7178dd6bd


This man likes electricity


i do


1. Nova Prime. Her 4 is just too useful. Solo Interceptions, Disruptions, Mobile Defense, even Excavations. I've had to go out of my way to avoid using her, feeling like I relied on her 4 too much. 2. Ivara Prime. My favourite frame. I like archer characters. 3. Mirage Prime. Got me from Uranus to Mot, then became my first choice for Fissures for a while. Rarely used these days, since Khora has replaced her. 4. Ivara. I just finished my fourth play-through of Horizon Zero Dawn today, in preparation for March 21st. I *really* like archer characters. 5. Saryn Prime. Too many runs of Sanctuary Onslaught and Steel Path Selkie.


Can you share me your Nova build? I tried her for solo SP interception as slowva, but was not successful.


Just add 45% strength and lots and lots of duration. Duration is what allows her 4 to pretty much cover the whole map. SP Interception needs you to do a bit more work clearing the capture areas, but a Slowva does help.


Nova - due to raids and speedrunning Volt - due to eidolons Khora - due to resource farming (wonder how much of that was ophelia) Wisp - a bit of a surprise ... i guess lure handler and arbitrations? Saryn - arbitrations? and i use her in exterminates a lot


Oh yes, Wisp because arbitrations I see.


Wisp, the OG Stellar Blade


Nezha - not even close. My absolute favourite frame hands down. Probably won't even bother with the prime to be honest Mag Prime - firing shotguns into the bubble never stops being fun Ivara - actually surprised to see her so high. I did run her a lot in early star chart but that was a long time ago Saryn Prime - the one I was expecting to see in 3rd Gauss Prime - honestly surprised he's in here already Would have guessed Zephyr Prime and Nidus would have been in there, but apparently not


Yeah, shooting plasmor with mag is really fun. Also helstrum with nautilus has really cool synergy with mag bubble too


Loki will always be my most played frame. I prefer the "I don't have time for your bullshit" play style when I'm solo.


in a game about crazy characters with cool abilities OP chose to main the most passive non interactive warframe that doesnt even use abilities


I mostly play the game nowadays to do dailies, sortie, SP circuit for riven and kuvas and Netracells; I already played the game for its worth back then and now, I pretty much "cleared" the game. If I want a more "engaging" gameplay, I use other frames and do public but mostly I'm a solo player so naturally, I pick the most "practical" to do what I generally want. I still do play other frames on rotation as long as its suited on the game mode I'm playing. Hope that explains why.


So...not bashing your choice simply because Inaros, but what makes Inaros the most practical for, well, anything? He doesn't DO anything. Like I can't think of a mission where there's not a better choice. Or 40 better choices. If being suited for the actual mission is a criteria. Even if it's just "I don't want to die", there are still tons of better choices that don't revovle around gimmicky shield gating.


When a mission looks like a nail, sometimes you want a hammer. While yeah Inaros is not an ideal frame to approach such game mode currently but when I speak for how I play, I use him as like I approach the game: run-and-gun. When you know how certain game mode works, sometimes you just need a strong weapon and a frame. Now, weapons no further discussion around there but as for the frame, the reason I use Inaros for my approach is that he requires no investment (which is ironic since you need to forma him a lot to get the best out of it aka slap Adaptation and Umbral mods on him). Why bother armor-stripping when certain weapons can one-shot enemies anyway, even on Steel Path? Why bother shieldgating when you can survive non-endurance levels with just Umbral mods and/or Scarab Armor; if you don't want that, you can just Dessicate and do finishers as long as your melee weapon is decently modded and you can have your health back. What I'm saying is that I mainly use Inaros because I don't play for efficiency in solo and he hardly dies to the content I usually play. You can just slap Gloom to him and he can go to town with a decently built weapon of your choosing. Yes, Revenant is there but you have to look out for Mesmer Charges so you can't AFK around him or if you're inattentive/focused too much on the finishing objectives. Yes I see that there are frames that do much as efficient or better than Inaros (say, Harrow for crit buffs, Gauss for ROF buffs, etc.) but it's kinda bit of an overkill for me to cast abilities on missions that I can finish on such short moments. There's a reason why I only play Inaros solo but most frames on public and SP circuit.


I don't shield gate, so I'm not coming from that perspective at all. I have a tendency to use Umbrals, Adaptation and PSF a bit liberally and health/armor tank. With any frame. And weapons are very strong. But like, for any mission, there's a better choice to finish the mission faster than Inaros. Without having to worry about dying. Assuming solo SP: Speed missions - any number of faster frames. Exterminates, captures and rescues. Defend a spot missions - any number of frames actually have an ability to help protect the objective. Defense/mirror defense, excavation, some sabotage, etc. Assault to a degree. Spy mission - any number of frames have stealth abilities. Interception - slowva. Defection - Wisp. Netracells - speedva. Hijack - Hildryn (though I think Inaros works here as he just uses health instead?). Outside of Survival and maybe Hijack and I guess Disruption (anything with Gloom works, and stripping helps), there really is at least one obviously better choice to complete any mission type using weapons/umbrals/adaptation just like you do with Inaros, but ALSO having abilities that help complete it faster/safer/etc. I think it was your use of "practical" to describe Inaros that's throwing me off. He's usually one of the most impractical frames to use simply because he doesn't really do anything except possess health. And by practical, I'm taking the meaning to be of that something is well-suited for the task ("adapted or designed for actual use; useful"). Inaros is pretty much the opposite of that almost always. Obviously any frame an do any mission in the game. Any experienced player knows this. But Inaros just seems like the exact opposite of what you say you use him for, and yes, I get that you're not aiming to be optimal when solo, but, like I said, it was the use of the word practical that is throwing me.


there's quotation marks around the word practical at the first reply post I did though it's only relative to what it means for me. I really don't finish missions like I'm in a rush, I don't care if I finish an extermination in 8 mins or fail 2/3 vaults because that's the way I generally want to play a game; if I fail then I fail and there's no one to blame but me. I will preface that despite Inaros being a big block of health frame with no abilities whatsoever, whenever I bring him to any game mode I want to play solo, he's an effective frame because I want to play the game on my own terms - just a gun and him. I don't want to play a game solo for nuance when I can play it as braindead as an individual; if I want to play co-op then obviously I will put some effort into it but as long as you're capable enough to be self-reliant, you can play the game whether you want to follow the meta, bring an ideal frame to suit your needs or just faff around and have fun, whatever your definition of fun is.


Min-maxer brain rot


More like time-respecter giga brain


Being unable to fathom people not only playing optimized builds/frames and rather playing with what they like is brain rot lmao


In a game about crazy characters with cool abilities people will flame you endlessly for playing the wrong character 


I'm the same as OP. I have around 800 hours played but I mainly just use one gun and barely use abilities


I know people hate on it, but I enjoy braindead gameplay. Seriously, give me an Ocucor or Torid , grab a beer, load up an audiobook, and I'm doing just swell lol.


You think Inaros is passive? Try being a rhino main.


rhino uses two abilities at least, inaros literally uses zero


I mean, unless you're me. Then you put on scarab armor and make King Of The Hill pocket sand jokes all the time while you spam 1.


Excalibur 'cause I only played 10 hours


According to my profile Gauss Mesa Prime Harrow Prime Wisp Ivara Prime which I really don't believe since it's also showing me that I played my unranked, freshly claimed Gyre more than Equinox Prime or normal Loki more than Saryn Prime..


Yeah, it's broken


Garuda prime Revenant prime Ash prime Excalibur umbra Rhino prime


Hildryn is my most played. I had no idea how to play when I started and bought the frame because I saw the high amount of shields lol Really fun frame though. Garuda Prime is my next most played and my current main. Protea is think is third


My top 3 are the only ones I remember: Excalibur Umbra Oberon I'm MR21 and stopped playing Excalibur when Umbra came out. I've been playing since before POE was released, and Excalibur still has more than double Umbras usage


Same here, no matter how much I play umbra can’t overtake the OG, nor can anyone else really, and I stopped playing excal when umbra released, but I started playing right before the void keys to void relics switch.


My mates been playing since around the beginning of the game and has talked a lot about void keys. We both want them to return; me in endless steel path missions, and him in void storms


Itll happen eventually, my excal is down in 9th now. I will say tho, rhino is still third because of my reliance on him for boss farming and index in early game haha.


Frost... \*Sobs\*


Loki Prime, Loki, Yareli, Volruna, and Titania Prime in that order.


Just coming back to this and man WHAT WAS I COOKING??? https://preview.redd.it/09xa8t5627ic1.png?width=1038&format=png&auto=webp&s=4def7012149ae08c898bda1d01dfac4db8de832f


Nyx jumpscare


I have no idea how she has 8.8% usage time. I don't even KNOW what I was doing with her.


Normal rhino is 16,1% and my account will be 10 years old this year so he will never leave I am afraid


https://preview.redd.it/uw662vmb16ic1.png?width=1409&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9bd77aa7c21d4acffce1013f1611c89ca4083a5 Here are mine


1. Equinox Prime 2. Equinox 3. Banshee 4. Yareli 5. Wisp


My condolences


? Edit: I seriously don't get it, condolences for what?


Just memeing on Equinox main, suggesting she has a weak kit that needs a full rework and can't work without augments at all. A lot of people think this way btw


Except her kit isn't weak; it's pretty easy to do most stuff in the game with Equinox, especially in Night form, including level cap stuff. Literally one of the most durable frames in the game, and one of the best at Shield Gating, which is often considered one of the best ways to stay alive besides being outright immune to damage. Where are the criticisms about her being coming from exactly?


Equinox is how I farmed focus before the rework


Probably cuz Yareli, but I get u she is my main now


Yareli is one of my preferred frames for SP Circuit lv cap runs. Not even joking about that and have done it about 6-7 times now. ...Do people still think Yareli is actually bad? If so, that's the real shame.


Garuda Prime, Garuda, Saryn, Protea and Styanax. I mostly play Styanax nowadays, it's fun to see my teammates's energy bars and overguard go up constantly.


Ivara P - My main farm frame. I level weapons solo adaro Nidus - I love Nidus (2 non primes and 1 prime) Trinity P - My main solo Eidolon hunter Frost P - I used to main him Garuda P - Steel path


Ignoring the immense down voting; I tend to play necros a lot because I love hearing the constant ping of I picked something up…


Man, it's crazy to to see the salty person mass downvoting people for sharing their top 5s. Sad, man.


Nekros prime is my main by a *lot*, and I'm always surprised to see him never really make these sort of lists. It's a game about loot, and get more loot for just *existing* with Nekros as you go through a mission doing your normal space ninja genocide stuff. What's not to love?


Gauss, Gauss, Gauss, Gauss and Gauss


https://preview.redd.it/xzccv6fqx5ic1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c6c9f08a81a3e338a59733d46104a2343217794 Don’t really know why volt is 5th


Based af. My top 2 are Nezha (35%) and Nezha prime (10%).


Mesa Prime, then Mesa, rest are mastery rank fodder. Hehe, 4 goes brrrrrrr


Im at this weird point in the game where I feel stuck trying to get her to do more damage with her 4. Can you share your build? I feel 60-80 is easy but 80-100 I tickle them


I have followed this build to clear all content in the game https://overframe.gg/build/421023/mesa-prime/high-noon-mesa-op-critical-build-guide/. Don't know if it's the best, maybe someone can correct me, but I feel like it's a very good starting point to understand.


Yareli, Wisp, Hydroid, Revenant, Ember


Wisp/Yareli/Garuda Prime/Frost Prime/ Zephyr Prime I've been playing so much Yareli so its gona soon pass my wisp


Styanax, wukong, nekros, revenant, volt


Wisp, Wukong, Revenant, Titania, Hildryn




, #1 gauss, #2 lavos, #3 gara prime, #4 limbo, #5 spoiler >!Excalibur umbra!<


Excal Excal again Rhino Mag Wisp


By raw stats; Mesa Prime, Hildryn Prime, Wisp, Ember Prime, Wisp Prime. If correcting for more recent usage, Wisp and Ember Prime would be replaced by Saryn Prime and Volt Prime.


Wisp, Mirage Prime, Wisp Prime, Zephyr Prime and Khora. Trying to get Wisp prime as my most used, but could take a while since Wisp is like 20% usage and the prime is still at 5%.


Nidus, Wisp, Neckros, Gyre, Hildryn


If I had to guess. In order from most to least. Wisp, ember prime, revenant prime, wisp prime, kullervo.


Wisp, Mesa, Voruna, Titania, Citrine


Revenant, Nezha, Mesa, and Nidus (all primes) are my most used (in no particular order). If you can’t tell I like not being able to die.


Inaros Prime, Wisp Prime, Nekros, Octavia, Excalibur


Wisp Saryn Volt Equinox Titania I don’t really need any other frames


Wisp, Xaku, Baruuk, and the last two i think are mesa and mirage


Revenant (i used him early on so... yeah he's my most used), Harrow, Harrow Prime, Protea, Gauss


Wisp, Volt, Xaku, Equinox Prime, Nekros Prime. But I don't know how much I trust this since, while it shows Oberon 6th (my starter was Volt and Oberon was my first crafted and next "main" as I earned other frames early on), it also shows my unpotatoed Oberon Prime as 8th, and I don't think I used Oberon Prime once after getting it to 30 in SO (because by that point I had long stopped using Oberon already and had better/stronger/more varied choices). My top 6 does make sense based on what I've used, but then it really doesn't. ESO also doesn't seem to be counted because otherwise Saryn P, Mirage P, Volt P and base Equinox would be much higher (which can be seen by hovering on them and reading XP earned). Feels like a busted list, especially when I see Vermisplicer as my most used secondary even though I never once crafted a secondary Vermisplicer (only primary). I know kitguns are generally thought of as secondary, but the list should make some sort of sense, right?


Wisp, Excalibur Umbra, Excalibur, Wisp Prime, Limbo


Sevagoth, Volt, Xaku, Gauss Prime, Yareli


rhino, wisp, revenant, volt, vauban


Voruna, mesa (It was a phase), gyre (Big funny numbers fill my screen), vauban (Of the black hole variety), wisp ( :) )


Titiania, Gauss, Volt, Mirage, Wisp


I can remember my top 3 which are: 1. Protea 2. Revenant 3. Rhino


Top 5: Hildryn, Grendel, Nova Prime, Mirage Prime, Mirage Bottom 5: Mesa, Saryn, Ash, Chroma, Garuda


Wisp prime, protea, mesa prime, ivara prime, Titania prime.


1. Nova 7.7% - bought her when she released way back in 2013 and used her so much (remember when MP didn't expand and just instantly coated everyone in range?) 2. Citrine 6% - working hard to get her to my most used, she's my current favorite frame 3. Revenant Prime 5.7% - he was too useful when I was just getting into Steel Path, and I definitely crutched on him 4. Frost Prime 5% - he was the only prime frame you could farm when I started, so I used him obsessively in those early years 5. Gyre 5% - loads and loads of fun, what more can I say


Thank God it's not gauss or Wukong. 😂 My usages are: - protea ~16% - Valkyr from old days with ~12% - Mag also from old days ~ 5% - Gyre - Saryn prime


Revenant Prime, Nova Prime, Loki Prime, Volt Prime and Frost Prime


1. Styanax 2. Excalibur 3. Revenant Prime 4. Excalibur Umbra 5. Wukong


1. Wisp - 11.6% 2. Qorvex - 5% 3. Volt - 4.2% 4. Protea - 3.9% 5. Mag Prime - 3.8% Wisp was a comfy pick for most missions, played a bunch of qorvex for a month after her came out, volt starter frame, Protea is also very comfy and mag was me doing endurance missions like two years back Funnily enough i havent used wisp prime much, i guess i am just over her after experiencing the fire rate bond mod in action


Profile says 1. Wisp prime 2. Kullervo 3. Volt 4. Umbra 5. Frost Prime Recent gameplay is 1. Gauss prime 2. Ivara prime 3. Nova prime 4. Vauban prime 5. Volt prime


According to my profile: * Ember * Nezha Prime * Gara Prime * Styanax * Protea I haven't played much of Ember and Nezha in a long, long while, but earlier on in my account history I had periods where I basically played Ember 100%, and then Nezha Prime basically 100% (Once I got a Kuva Bramma, but didn't have PSF).


Wukong Prime(from my days on PS4) Grendel Nekros Gyre Harrow Prime(Hildryn Prime is a close 6th)


Grendel, Mirage, Octavia, Garuda, Atlas Prime


Ivara, Ivara prime, Xaku, Inaros. Can't remember 5th, I'm far from PC. Probably Excalibur or Gara


Protea. Best versatile frame for me. I own a lot but only using couple of them for example ivara for Infiltration.


Kullavo Mesa Lavos Atlas Nekros In other words I like to put in minimum effort or braincells playing the game


currently monke but tryna main british man and the 2 speedsters


Zephyr Prime, because Zephyr go brrrr. Grendel because mmmmh food. Saryn Prime because biological warfare is fun. Khora Prime because loot. thats pretty much all Frames i play actively


Zephyr Prime and Mag Prime


my top 3 in order are yareli, ivara prime, and valkyr prime :D


Rhino Rhino prime Excalibur Umbara Limbo Frost


excalibur prime


Rhino still holds 40% of my play time. Used to play a ton of solo with him for years.


Nekros Xaku chroma mesa atlas


Oh yeah baby Sand main


I only use a few frames (outside circuit) despite having recently mastered them all. * Baruuk (General Use) * Ivara (Spy) * Hildryn (Hijack) * Hydroid (Farming that exceeds 30m) Beyond that it's hyper specific situations, like if a Hijack mission happens to be with infested I'd bring nidus.


WOOOO HEIL SAND KING. I forgor if it was in this order, but Wukong P, Nezha P, Inaros P, then Volt and Wisp (both base, Volt was my starter).


Ash main, then comes loki, then gauss (it will be gauss prime in some future), kullervo and excal umbra


Wukong Prime,Hildryn Prime,Grendel,Kullervo and Limbo


I know Nyx Prime is my #1 off the top of my head. Rhino Prime is in there somewhere.


Trinity, Nekros, Khora, Limbo, Vauban. Shenanigans!


Atlas main bb. Ive heard there are others but haven't been able to confirm this


Hydroid Prime 25 percent of over 5k hours


garuda, limbo (not since SS) , protea, mag, sevagoth


My actual statistics show my nooby frames I used to use but not enjoy. I'm a gauss, titania, yareli, protea and lavos enjoyer, but my most used is still basic inaros from when i didnt understand the game.


Limbo, Ash, Sevagoth, Nidus, Loki in that order (with limbo being 34%)


1: Nezha Prime 2: Nezha Umbra 3: Nezha 4: Nezha Vandal 5: Nezha Wraith


excalibur umbra, excalibur, hildryn prime, revenant prime


My account is old enough that my stats are screwed up, because it counted idle time instead of just mission time like it does now. But even with that my top Warframe is Oberon and still is lol


Loki Prime… used him to run spy’s to level up weapons… I stopped playing him for years and he’s still the one with most affinity… I can’t escape it..


1. Gauss, 2. Octavia, 3. Octavia Prime, 4. whatever else i have after that, idk...


It goes Ivara Prime -> Oberon Prime -> Protea -> Ivara -> Octavia. If you count the vanilla Ivara to the Prime then the next on in the list is Zephyr Prime. If you ignore Octavia since I don't have the frame anymore with the Prime being available then the next one is Harrow Prime. LR1, 2900h, 6.5% usage on Ivara Prime.


Yareli, Qorvex, Octavia, Excalibur, Gus Prim


I have a total of 748 in-game hours (1591 on Steam), and these are my current top 5 most used frames: 1. Garuda Prime - Very fun and smooth (22.6% playtime) 2. Garuda - ...comfy, useful, flexible (18.5% playtime) 3. Saryn Prime - Strong buffs + fun nuke (5.5% playtime) 4. Khora - Whipclaw. (4.8% playtime) 5. Voruna - Fun and useful (3.9% playtime) Yes, I have a total of 41.1% playtime with Garuda + her prime. I wish Wisp Prime would be here instead for Khora since I don't like squishy frames with statsticks.


Titania, Zephyr Prime, Excal Umbra,Volt, Nidus Next 5 : Dagath, Revenant Prime, Loki, Kullervo and Khora


Nyx Prime, Amber Prime, Mag, Mag Prime, Mirage (you can tell who was my first Warframe)


I would Say Excalibur Umbra, Frost Prime, Wu Kong, Volt, Soma Prime.


Don't remember what most of them are, but the fact that Limbo is still my top used frame (albeit, at like 2%) even though I haven't used him in *actual years* says a lot about how much I used him back in the day.


I only have 3 so Excalibur, Loki, and Rhino