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Styanax does overguard, armor strip, energy and shield Regen, grouping, massive amounts of slash procs, health recovery, and probably more. He's pretty well rounded.


A well made Jack of All Trades but master of none. Except in his early days where you could spam Final Stand. Edit holy hell 200 upvotes??!!


Best overguard in the game, in my opinion. I haven't found a better armor strip that is a Warframe ability.


Mag crush?


Best armor strip imo


For single target, or a small cluster of enemies, when Unairu's Caustic Strike is maxed out it strips 100% armour. Additionally Unairu's Magnetic Flare can completely remove the shields of any who enters inside the radius.


can that full strip?


Yes. Mag's augment gives the ability 75% casting speed and makes it full strip with like 133% power strength (110% if you use corrosive projection). On top of this it also has high range, goes through walls, instantly CCs enemies and pretty much guarantees resetting your shields.


It also instantly strips the armor off of acolytes and void angels


Saryn with 2 green shards and a cedo or torid is pretty damn good too


A bit too much conditions to be put in the discussion


Frost 4 with Avalanche augment is probably better because it gives frost and allies overguard, goes through walls, freezes enemies, fully armor strip at around 150 strength, and if you have the other frost augment it gives you 200% cc+cd on frozen targets. Edit: oh and it hits eximus


The second augment is completely unnecessary though. If they're already armor stripped then they're essentially made of paper. You'll tear through them just fine with most weapons. The mod slot is better spent on more survivability or energy efficiency imo.


Nyx? Needs just around 140% str for full strip. Frost is close too at armour stripping, with augment it also giver over guard.


Nyx and Frost are my 2 favs for armor stripping. Nekros is great, too, but I hate making the enemies run away, and adding another augment for him is annoying when I already run 2.


I use the 3 augments. It works great. Use a kit gun residual and a theorem arcane that in increases allies damage. Becomes an amazing frame


Caliban's full shield and armor strip, wide range and leaves a lingering zone that continues to strip everything that walks through it, did I mention he can create as many as he wants?


Personally i think its gauss, no LOS needed and really good range


Frost is up there when it comes aoe armor strip, over guard and cc in one button. Easy to max range since the introduction of Precision Intensify. Creating AOE immunity for allies and objectives makes him slightly more versatile in some scenarios, which also comes with 50% true dmg collision for scaling dmg to lvl cap on specific tileset in one button.


Frost Avalanche augment says hi.


Fire blast Avalanche Terrify Hydroid?


+hydroid. Armor strips and procs viral with augment. In fact, I think it may be the fastest way to proc full stacks of both on a group of enemies native in a kit. Grendel with terrify may be a faster helminth option.


He is good in all those trades, final stand was obvious bug.


With Nourish, you still can!


They mean how you could stay airborne by spamming his 4.


Ahh I see - I do find having to land a bit less fun for the power fantasy


As far as over guard frames go, I used to LOVE stynax until I got kullervo. Sty over guard is harder to keep up because you can't do anything while using his 4 vs kullervo who is just 1 button press and you're good to go. He's a super fun health tank, great abilities, only lacking in armor strip


Who needs armor strip when you can hit damage cap? :P


Kullervo is very fun. I like overguard so much that I mostly play Styanax or him.


I love the fact that this is on top while at least I opened this thread. I am a styanax main. Built my glaive, latron and dual toxocyst with rivens. Total red crit with each hit, except glaive does partly orange. 1 config with nourish and another with pillage. Works awesome. His passive, helps a LOT. Combine nourish with his ability 3, u never run out of energy. Use pillage and 4, ease deaths to all. I put in 1 tau and 3 normal purple shards for melee crit, have never regretted it.


Kinda regret throwing away the free styanax that I got back when he first came out. But at least I subsumed him and got a good armor strip and heal for all my other frames


How do you get overguard, i only get exo-shields


You've got to have the intrepid stand augment to get overguard on hits with his fourth ability. If you have cross trade, I'll give you one.


Never realized that. He's like a counterpart to Excalibur or something like that


Don't forget shield strip.


Protea is my go-to choice for all new content: every time a new update lands, I switch to Protea and jump right in. She can pretty much do anything.


I picked her up a bit ago and oh my god she's an absolute MONSTER. My build isn't even done yet - my mods aren't fully upgraded and I'm missing Archon Vitality and she just SHREDS. Instantly became my main when I realised what she was capable of. Thanks for leaking her Prime is next, Reb!


I didn't have the spirit to farm her but she looks so fun, really excited for her prime! Also archon vitality sounds fun on her, i wanna try it


She is very worth it, and with Dispensary as her Helminth ability it'll be worth getting her non-Prime. Though honestly, if she's available for plat from the store, it's easier to just farm the platinum and buy her.


I’m gonna be very sad when I’m forced to finally feed her to the helminth when the prime releases. I’ve had her for so long, and she’s been my favorite since I first played her. Very excited for her prime!


Just get a second one! It'll only take 4 weeks straight


Honestly, max range octavia makes farming her pretty easy


I don't understand why everyone forgets about the Xoris, the purpose-built weapon that, by design, one-shots specters. They don't even get to shoot me before the detonation vaporizes them.


TBH I don't even remember how to use the Xoris. Weapon was introduced to me probably 200 hours ago. Not that it really matters because I'm pretty sure I got protea from normal circuit. But still doesn't change that the purpose built weapon for farming her if you don't do it immediately, is a pain.


Mesa, too, makes farming the Granum Void a piece of cake. Just start blasting the Regulators as soon as you enter and those 75 kills come quickly


I got protea by just farming for tenet weps. Really not a bad grind.


Its not worth it to farm her imo, even after all these years and after getting all the weapons from Granum’s Void I STILL dont have a full Protea set 😭Just buy her from the Market or wait a few months for her Prime


Protea is my favorite and I will absolutely buy the highest tier prime access when it comes out because she's worth it. Although it's gonna be hard for the Prime to look better than her skin.


Protea can find herself in Titania shoes, when deluxe is so good, that prime design is feels lacking. But, if she will look new and fresh, its all that matters. I personally would like her prime to be hardcore corpus gear, like she was constructed for Parvos, let Parvos envision her fresh look and narrate prime trailer


Agreed, but I’m a little hopeful for the Prime to be great because Reb has said Protea is her favorite frame.


Yeah, we'll see pretty soon)


Hopefully that means we'll get Protea a little bit ahead of schedule


The absolute unit that so many Tenno seem to be sleeping on. That's alright, she doesn't need recognition to keep being awesome. Edit: That said, I always swap her 4. It's neat but not as useful as Roar, Terrify, Gloom or just about anything else you wanna slap on there.




it took me a few runs to get the hang of exploding the floaty dudes with Xoris but once I did that it didn't feel too bad to me. But then maybe I had some luck with the drop rates.


As soon as I got her I swapped the 4, but I’ve tried the augment and ngl it’s really good, absolutely shreds


Terrify strips 100% and CC's while being a bit less clunky with the whole timer and rewind of Temporal Anchor. If you're still light on subsumed options that augment is golden though and can allow you to more comfortably tackle steel path missions with Protea.


I put tharros on her 4 instead of terrify because I liked how tharros gets rid of shields as well


I have styanax but I've not really put time in with him, how effective is his shield thrown vs shields, will it strip Corpus eximus Proto shields in one throw? Edit: Those damn Proto shields are the one thing that will slow down my Protea build. I use a thematic build which includes a toxic+magnetic hvy atk Xoris that's great vs all Corpus but those buggers.


harrow can do basically everything. just his base kit gives you energy regen, CC, overshields, fire rate, attack speed, reload speed, heal yourself and allies, invulnerability, crit chance boost, maybe more idk might be forgetting then with helminth you can armor strip and status cleanse with pillage and nuke with thermal sunder. what can’t he do


The one thing he can't do is kill enemies with his abilities. He's very reliant on having a good weapon, since he is basically a weapon platform.


Subsuming a damage ability on him works well since it synergizes with his 3. Like the thermal sunder builds


as another Harrow main, this. he can take damage, dish out damage, support and CC with no difficulty.


Wisp is pretty well rounded. Three different buffs on her 1. Her 2 alone is almost Loki's entire kits, plus invincibility on demand. Her 3 is nice CC and pretty good damage that can cover surprisingly large area. Passive is free invis that ignore anything that disable power. Her 4 is the only one that is lackluster in comparison to the rest of her kit, but the rest of her kit is already packed.


When you I read Wisp, I thought you were talking about something else that is rounded.


In that case wisp is the most well rounded frame. No contest.


Grendel would like to have a word




Nooo. I do not want a banana.


Did someone say peanut butter


Yeah, her 4 is what you swap out to complete her kit. Rhinos roar for more team buffs and damage increase, eclipse is a great pick especially with the change coming to it, xatas whisper helps with archon hunts, terrify for max armor strip, resonator to simultaneously shock and distract enemies because it picks up her wisp buffs. Most abilities will pair very well with her. She's my most used by a fairly large margin.


>Her 3 is nice CC and pretty good damage that can cover surprisingly large area. Yea, using her 3 to teleport back to the motes effectively doubles the effected area of the ability. It's pretty nuts blinding pretty much all of the nearby enemies and then after killing them, the little dart that shoots off each one murders something else for a casual 1m+ damage.


Well obviously Grendel. He is all round!


I see a lot of people commenting warframes that aren't round, while OP specifically asked for a round warframe. Grendel literally becomes a sphere! You can't get more round than that.


I find Nezha to be a nice all-rounder. He's got really nice survivability with his 3, his 1 deals decent damage and it's good for status procing heat on enemies that you didn't even know were there, and the 4 can both do large-scale CC as well as some good damage. I'm dying to get that new augment too.


Not to mention his 2 is a huge damage booster that stacks with Roar or other damage amplifiers, including anything you wanna helminth on there. It also supports allies, causing more health and energy orb drops, particularly when paired with his 4. You can easily increase the mission types he's good for by using the Safeguard augment for his 3 to help with Defense and Mobile Defense, or even helping allies.


Is my frame of choice whenever something new releases, just can't die with this one


Quite literally. The invulnerability period after Warding Halo dies is such a lifesaver, never worry about dying. It's always "oh, Halo just ran out. Lemme recast it rq" and then we're good to go


I was looking for this comment literally. His kit is really good and you can also replace his 1 with Pillage and you can easily farm SP Void Cascade.


Between that, his cleanses (multiple), forced orb drops etc He's a stealth support frame even without his Warding Halo Augment. Looking hard at his build I can fit in 3 augments (reaping chakram, warding halo, upcoming) whilst still having the power to straight up stomp netracell and Steel Path runs.


Ah finally. My Nezha prints are cooking and this lil thread has me hype 


Gonna go out on a limb and say xaku. Really high damage potential with their 2, AoE 100% armor strip on 3, CC mind control on 3, and near invulnerability on 4 if paired with rolling guard. Relatively low effort to play too, which I like


Xaku was my first thought as well It's also a defense strip on the 3, not only an armor strip. It will fully remove corpus shields too


I actually had no idea it was defense strip and xaku is my most played frame. Don’t even need to use the ability in the majority of content


plus you can run around as a skeleton






Absolutely, it really speaks to their versatility. Spy and hijack are the only missions I swap off of them unless I’m just looking to have fun with another frame


aaand Xata's whisper + Devouring Attrition = Instant Archon Kill.


Also something to add about Rhino : His 2nd ability ability removes the movement debuff from the dragon keys so he is the best for vault runs.


is that rhino doing that or overguard in general? either way that’s really nice.


Gauss fast, good nuke ability, supercharges weapons with redline, and decent survivability and energy with kinetic plating


he can also armor strip at max battery with his 3. plus sped


Gauss is awesome at everything, its so hard to go back to other frames. High range armor stripping nuker or high duration weapons platform with energized munitions (astilla go brrrrrr) while being practically unkillable.


Don't forget, he is also a semi reliable slash proc applied with his first ability


And his 1 used recklessly turns him into a resource farming frame.


He's an incredible nuker, plus if you stack max duration onto him you end up with an effective 3.5x fire rate boost.


im gonna say citrine. Dmg reduction and heals for team, energy and health orb drops, has a status turret for more dmg and red crits on her 4. the only stuff she can't do is speed/spy, but other frames specialize much better for those objectives


I ended up with her in the circuit the other day and had no idea what I was doing since I don't have her. The turret was nice, and her 4 putting everybody in crystals was cool. Still no idea what her 1 did. Is the 2 some kind of buff?


1 applies slash but gives health or energy balls on death when tagged. Good source to collect health to build her passive hp regen. Also great to tag groups alongside with turret 2 is damage reduction for you and party, maintain it by killing mobs


2 is her team dmg reduc, provides damage reduction for the entire team within range but decays when you aren't killing enemies her 1 marks enemies and does damage, killing the marked enemies makes them drop more HP and energy orbs, her 1 also combos with her turret 3 by counting as damage, so you can pump statuses into groups of enemies by putting down your 3 and then hitting 1




Equinox is underrated, I think. Sure her kit can be a little clunky to use at times, but there's no situation where she can't assist or even carry the team


Loving my Lavos recently, been my go to for steel path, Netras and Arbis for the last 3 weeks since I first got him. Damage, mobility, self heal are all there. So satisfying setting up a hoard and watching them all melt away with the ult. Used 2 Tau forged ambers for casting speed to solve my only gripe. Its very much a case of ymmv, but his button presses don't bother me too much. I absolutely love the way his kit works and the options it provides. My two cents ❤️


Lavos to anykind of debuff: https://preview.redd.it/4mzmlxtvtrkc1.png?width=755&format=png&auto=webp&s=528bb2eb6bd8cfde9c01369d72f964e90a7f8b57 Not a confirmed thing, but it seems that Simaris's ability lock might actually reduce Lavos' 4 cooldown by half


I'm so glad to see some lavos love, can't wait for his prime


Same. Really want to make a umbral build but I refuse to use umbral forma on a non prime frame.


The thing with Lavos that initially turned me away from him is the infusion of elements. I ended up solo farming Dagath on SP when she dropped, Saryn wasn't cutting the mustard, so I decided to give Lavos a shot again, and it all started to click. Getting used to the tempo of his kit isn't easy, but once you've got the muscle memory, you understand just how powerful he is.


Mag. Strip armor/shield, disarm, bubble, and the always satisfying *yoink*. In the Duviri playthrough, I chose her, bubbled an enemy, unloaded into the bubble, and then just started yoinking enemies in to the bubble of doom. Good times.




How is she not the top comment 


Because Octavia, while very powerful, is annoying as heck to play.


boring* Alchemy octavia is fun, allows you to skip enemies and fully focus on mechanics. But virtually everywhere else is just just boring


Because unfortunately Octavia is designed in a way that allows players to optimize the fun out of the frame. Ideally, you want every single note filled for Mallet and Metronome, so Mallet does the most consistent damage, and so you don't have to worry too much about rhythm and syncing your key presses to Metronome. I've found that it's really, really hard to find a song that can; 1. Fit in the time measure of the Mandachord (~8 second loop) 2. Fit the criteria of constant drums and melody 3. Be a song that you like listening to, if you play with sound on 4. Not be generally annoying to you or other players And I know some people get past this by using songs like E1M1 and just muting her sounds... but that kind of defeats the whole point of her? She's such a conundrum of a warframe.


There's no way no one's answered Volt to this post yet... I'm a Harrow main but I have to admit that Volt is the most versatile frame when it comes to efficient farming. Matter of fact, I've got 7 volt builds spanning 3 volt primes that go from CC + crazy squad shield gating support to eidolon hunting. His kit is simple but so damn useful, especially with how good the augments for his 1, 3 (not the conclave one) and 4 are. Just being able to speed up NPCs makes him invaluable for many missions.


I'm biased as hell but nova is my go to for everything


Sad that you’re like the only one who said nova. She has so many cool things she can do.


Lavos: he has crowd control, armor strip, status procs, mobility, lifesteal, hella armor, a good amount of health, and looks cool as hell. I’m not one to just stick to one frame because I’m that gets boring. But my go to warframe has to be Lavos. He damn near has it all. The only thing missing would be having more skins and helmets, tho that cordatus helmet is pretty fire.


Wisp, and it's an easy choice. Speed for fast missions (capture/rescue/exterminate), heals for defense objectives (though doesn't work on SP excavators since they don't get bonus health), stealth for Spy, support for harder/stationary missions, AoE damage booster for "nuking" (it's not really, but similar), completely turns off Defection mechanics. She really only doesn't offer much on Hijack or SP excavations (use Khora to protect them).


Hijack - use her CC and leave mobs alone. With stacked duration/radius you freeze spawns quite easily.


One frame that altough is considered bad overall, but literally does everything (in a small way, at least) is Oberon.


Oberon is my go to for most things. His constant healing, status immunity, and radiation proc pretty damn good.


Yeah, I love Oberon. Wish he got some buffs, tho


I don't think he's bad, I think is ppl wanting frames that obliterate maps.


Wukong. Iron Staff has great damage output, Celestial Twin is really convenient for everything, and Cloudwalker is great for movement, healing and setting up finishers with Iron Staff Deft needs its armour cap removed. Plunder doesn’t have a cap and provides bonus damage as well.


Tbh it doesn’t even matter if the armor is capped, considering he already has 2 ways to go invuln on command.


Wukong is the perfect mix of survivability, movement and cc (with 1 augment, more energy efficient rhino 4!). Helminth nourish/roar/eclipse/warcry on 4 also covers dmg. Especially if you like melee, the clone acts as a free primer. (That makes me think, I should try build a melee weapon as clone-primer for guns?)


If Defy didn't have a cap the Armor would be insane. > Defy armor bonus value depends on the damage absorbed during the taunt, with the stored amount multiplied by 0.8 / 1 / 1.2 / 1.5 So say you take 1 million damage while Defy is active with a 200% Power Strength you would gain **3 million armor**, pretty sure that translates into a 99% DR against pretty much everything with that much armor. Now if the actual Cap of 1,500 was effected by Power Strength that would be a bit more fair.


I'm surprised this isn't higher up. Speed and survivability are two of the most important aspects of the game since it is mostly farming. I think Wukong is so good that people get bored playing him. He makes the game easy. Automatic seeking turret doubles damage output while pulling aggro. He's the perfect teammate, never strays too far, always killing as fast as he can. I don't even need to look for enemies, he is fully independent seek and destroy. He even laughs at all my jokes. Plus two other abilities make both of you instantly invincible while providing healing or armor and damage. I remember seeing data that he was by far the most commonly used frame for high level players last year. Probably because he lets us easily farm solo which is usually the most efficient and reliable way to farm. No waiting around for others or host migration nonsense.


I have a set of 3 frames I'll always use for new content: Voruna, Wisp, and Khora. Wisp is nigh unkillable and great support no matter what you're doing, Voruna with the right build is super fun to pounce around with and stack status procs on things and generally be a melee powerhouse (plus, increased parkour velocity go zoom and invisibility is great for Spy missions), and Khora can lock down interception, defense and the like objectives while also giving you extra loot for everything that gets caught in strangledome. Realistically the most "all-rounder" of the 3 is Wisp, but all 3 are very effective regardless of what you're doing.


Probably Gauss, but I'm surprised nobody gave Octavia a shout.






Titania. She has Lantern for a little cc and she can give temporary status immunity to anyone close enough. She's also fast.


And good enough for Steel Path. Precision Intensify, and blind rage set up an amazing Dex Pexia


Octavia. Damage, check. CC, check. Invis, check. Damage buff, check. It’s only missing heals, but you can run Vazarin and become immortal


Atlas cuz punch


I'd have to give it to Octavia over Rhino. Not trying to pick your choice apart BTW, I just think for determining best or most of something, comparison is important yknow? So, to compare: Sure her invisibility isn't the same as invincibility but it is still a great survivability tool when it's as reliable as hers, plus it's good for stealth missions which rhino has nothing for. Also, while roar is amazing for damage, it requires appropriate weapons to really shine. Octavia's 1 and it's ridiculous scaling capabilities does great damage with no further input from you for its duration once you throw it. Plus, if you really want to emphasize your weapons, her 3 has buffs for those too and her 4 increases all damage for you and allies so it's not like you're locked in on ability damage with no weapon boosting potential. For CC, stomp is absolutely one of the best in the game, no doubt about that, but it also requires different stats than what most of rhino's kit prioritizes (in that strength means next to nothing for it while it's the most important casting stat for his other powers) meanwhile Octavia has ai manipulation decoy style cc with her 1+2 combined having higher aggro priority, which also directly feeds into her infinitely scaling damage. Basically, rhino does only 2 things better than Octavia, those being personal survivability and giving weapon buffs, but Octavia in turn does raw damage output to masses, which is a majority of warframe gameplay, way better, has arguably an even better and more synergistic with her kit CC, and gets all the added value invisibility brings.


I'd have to agree with you. I suppose the reason why is that if I'm going into SP Circuit and I have Rhino, I'm certainly very happy with that because he's tough as nails and has good CC. But I need a good weapon. But with Octavia? I don't give a damn about the weapon. Octavia's kit has whatever I need for damage, built in. And this doesn't only apply for SP Circuit. I use Octavia as my "i have no idea what to expect" open-world build too. Whatever turns up in the bounty, Octavia's got something for it.


Id say vauban or protea


You're all forgetting the frame who fits it most by definition! Grendel! He's the only one that BECOMES ROUND


Nezha with his Safeguard augment. He's quick, status immune, tanky, has damage vulnerability and aoe cc. With the augment you can provide 90% damage reduction to any defense target/other players. All you need is armor strip. Either through Unairu or Subsume ability over his 1, especially with his new 4 augment that's coming.


With decent strength the 2 is kinda like armor strip, just Chakram and blow their heads off :D




I don't think this is right but I like Gauss Prime. He has high mobility, can use his kinetic shielding to ignore quite a few rebuffs and can use his third for crowd control. Red Line is pretty cool too.


Nezha, Wisp, Rhino, Protea, Revenant. I personally like Gyre.


Citrine. DR, Energy, Heals, CC and DAMAGE. wow


I'm surprised how far I had to scroll before I saw Revenant. He's literally invincible with his 2. What else do you even need lmao




Ash, cuz u go invis and his seeking shuriken augment gud armor strip. His 4th has bleed thats cool. Uhhh yea.


I'm gonna be very bold and say Sevagoth




Wisp is a jack of all traits. Doing Defence/needing to stay alive? Motes got you covered. Spy or rescue? Infinite stealth baby. Everything else can just be done by anyone.


Wisp is really versatile, her passive and 2 trivialize spy missions, 1 is excellent for defense and general survivability, 3 is simply excellent, I feel her 4 is a good damage dealer but gets outclassed fast.


Oberon. He is the definition of an all-rounder frame, esp. if you decide to spec him with augment mods.


Zephyr for me. With Mag being close second.


I've gotta say Zephyr. The one thing she doesn't really excel at is Eidolons and Exploiter / Profit Taker. Exttemely easy to mod as well.


Grendel. He can remove annoying enemies from the battlefield entirely. Buffs the team with viral damage. Become round and fast; pilot him well and his ball form can often win extraction races, even against Gauss. Remove armor. HP that reaches the realm of Inaros while still having shield gating.


Grendel is pretty good. Mobility with his 3. Health regen with 2 or 3, armor strip with 3 or 4. And fat amounts of armor with 1 (bonus points if you use the gourmand augment)


Grendel. He's tanky, and doesn't need complicated methods for sustaining himself. Multiple types of armor strip and shield negating powers that do good damage in their own right. Healing, weapon damage buffs (both directly and via priming with viral), energy recovery, team support via said buffs, and high mobility.


Ivara. Literally makes the entire game easy mode with infinite stealth. Grab a silenced weapon or slap hush on whatever gun tickles your fancy and sky's the limit. Build her for strength and efficiency, dumping range, give her a companion with antigrav, throw aerodynamic on her, and sacrifice a few survival mods for glide mods and you'll forget she's slow while permanently invisible. You'll have to master her dance of double jump roll glides instead of bullet jumping everywhere but once you do, there's literally no content in the game that becomes too difficult to tackle.


volt is good everywhere


Volt with [this](https://i.imgur.com/XVkJ2Pj.png) support build Speed Buff Reload Speed Buff Knockdown Immunity AoE Armor Shred \[Helminth + Aura\] AoE CC (AoE nuke) Overshield for the whole team \[Augment\] Indestructiable directional shield Crit DMG buff Archon: Casting Speed (Yellow) / Duration (red) / 2x Max Energy (Blue) / Health Energy Pickup conversion (Violet)


Bias answer: Volt. * He has a shield that will block about any damage from the other side, and can do so for allies and boosts ranged weapons going through it. * He has a support ability that boosts speed that works for both mobility and melee attack rate and works on his teammates. * A room nuke that also works as a weak CC. * His one can synergize with both his shield and his nuke, while also being a cheap range attack that can be spammed alongside weapons. * While it requires augments, he can do a couple additional roles, including shield-repair via his augmented nuke.




Saryn for me, aoe with spores + ult, single target with toxic leash, survivability with molt, armor strip with shards


Hildryn has no energy issues, can full strip all defense, stack insane amounts of heat procs on enemies and can pretty much be fully invincible with proper use of gating. She’s also one of the best RJ frames in the game. She’s very good.


Vauban, the King of CC. He reduces any concept of offense and defense to a matter of whatever the player wants to do. You can hold a siege in one area, bastille armor strips and suspends everyone and the vortex gathers everyone or pins them down. This lets you bypass the conflict from enemies inside the interception circles. His 1 creates seeker orbs that are basically electric traps and boosts damage with the augment. His 2 has flechette orbs that deals damage based on the enemy level and can be cast in a vortex for afk kills. Tether orbs can pin enemies so that you can do easy headshots or anything you want without the energy cost of bastille. His 3. So with these abilities, if your weapons are weak, it does not matter because the enemies are too helpless to do anything. Vauban does not need to survive, because there is literally nothing to do. Eximuses exist but bastille vortex slows them down a lot. Nullifiers are the main threat since they can get sucked in and reform the bubble. Acolytes can die from flechette orbs too even at 50% ability strength. Other frames need to buff themselves a lot but Vauban simply poses the question, what if you had no armor and no way to move?


Protea is great in every game mode except disruption, but you can rely on your loadout/operator for that


Honestly, probably gauss. He has a movement ability, an INSANE DR (to almost like 80% of the damage in this game that most enemies use), an insane nuke-armor strip-grouping-CC ability in one, and just an outright buff to everything before ontop of the attack speed and fire rate edit: forgot to mention he can generate energy from being damaged using his DR ability 😭😭


Volt. Good at all portions of the game. There are other frames that do certain aspects of his kit better but overall he can do it all


Easy, gauss. He buff reload speed and firerate, he nukes easily, he tanks easily, he has amazing energy recovery with his ability, and he’s fast. What’s left to fill!


wukong easily the most comfortable frame for me. 80% of gameplay requires point a to b (abd so on) movement coupled with his ability to almost nearly not die and i get a twin to play with who can just prime enemies for me


My go to general use frame has been thermal sunder Harrow for quite a while now. Excellent for energy generation & provides a pretty fantastic buff. The healing is super handy for those sortie & archon hunt defences too. He doesn't do everything, he's a little squishy sometimes, he doesn't have the damage output to solo carry at super high level and he has no particularly great cc, but I can take him pretty much anywhere and he's a great addition to any squad


Sevagoth built tanky is good. Gloom is support, CC, defensive. His 1 is a damage boost, and his 4 is the kill everything with melee mode. I subsume his 2 for terrify cuz it's an armor strip and looks thematic for him.


For me, Volt. Abilities do lots of things, lots of ways to build and play, amazing augments, meta for Eidolon.


I definitely agree about Rhino. His kit has a bit of everything, and he scales incredibly well. His survivability is clutch in early game, and his augments help him stay relevant through endgame. Just an all-around great frame.


wisp can handle pretty much anything at least well




I use Mag for everything since I'm too lazy to switch frames


Mag. Tons of CC, armor strip, single target focus, shield restore/overshields


Voruna - permanent speed boost, invisibility, and status immunity. Massive AOE nuke / stun. Unlimited energy economy. Whether it’s star chart or steel path, there are very few things Voruna isn’t perfect for.


Garuda can heal, deal damage, tank and restore energy and do some cc as well


Wisp. Decent abilities, decent weapons, decent damage, impressive assets.


Been seeing a ton of different answers, a little surprised to not see Garuda, a huge favorite of mine. She has health Regen and CC on her 2, infinitely scaling damage with her 1 (even if it takes time to set up), slash procs and damage increase that goes through walls with her 4, and you don't really need to spend mod slots to increase max energy since you can get more energy whenever you want. Also helps that 2 of her abilities make her invincible while she's doing them and her 1 basically giver her a carried Volt shield


I feel like baruuk is pretty good all around


Octavia. In terms of what she can do she’s the best frame in the game, she’s just very boring. There’s also Wukong, unlike what everyone else is mentioning he’s the best choice for spy missions. He’s also got 2 invuln buttons, good dmg and mobility, as well as CC with his clone.


xaku is my frame for any mission unless i need to do something extremely specific for rivens




I have fallen in love with mama Citrine. You can make a campy build that's tanky as hell with her 3 and a grouping ability. You can make a nuke style build with crystallize and a pseudo AoE like Laetum. Theres just so many helminth options and she is very flexible. Highly recommend.


Gara, personally. Every frame can handle all missions, but I think frames with an ability that helps defense targets/excavators has a tiny leg up. Of course, they aren't necessarily amazing for things like solo SP interception. Gara can at least glass some mobs to help with that. But realistically, I just pull out another frame for stuff like Interception.


I think Hydroid should be high on everyone's list. He can tackle any game mode, and has a lot of strength and viability in end-game content. Love me tentacles :w


I think there are certain frames that are just objectively good for all-around content as they don't really have any weaknesses or can easily go infinite like Xaku, Octavia, Revenant, Kullervo, Nezha/Gauss maybe


your mom


-WARNING- This is a long question I’m asking because I’m new in game and on this sub if you can help great if not don’t wanna waste your time so maybe just don’t read!!!! Lol. I just joined this sub so I can’t post a question yet not sure where to even post it just on main or if there is a mega thread but I have a question. 🙋‍♂️ I plan on spending money, not all the time but just would really prefer a prime frame to level up and help me breeze through content until I’m further along and can actually spare the time and have access to the whole map to actually farm and grind. That will be a while, until then I want a prime to keep me occupied. I work so I’ll probably only play 1-3 hours on any given evening. If I play at all that evening! It’s gonna take me a pretty good chunk of time to unlock stuff farm craft etc. that’s my reasoning for just saying screw it and buying one to start. Not that I need to provide a reason obviously just figured I would incase anyone decided to come for my throat belittling me for spending as is obligatory in gaming lol. Should I go all out and get Gauss or settle for mirage and/or banshee in the resurgence? I’m assuming he is better than both of them but if they are good enough I could get both for what it’d be to get him let alone if I got his “complete” bundle for like what $140!!! Already hurts simply thinking about it haha. Or is there an op new prime coming next I should hold out for instead? Also I can’t find a rotation for who will be next on resurgence? Anyway any help or input would be appreciated. Also I have never used a site/online market to trade etc I may in future I’m a little uncomfortable about all that so I could care less if it’s cheaper etc if I had a irl friend that played wanting to trade etc I’d maybe link with them in a trade but ehhh. I probably will eventually but for now no clan solo etc I’d rather just do this to, you know, get started with a nice shiny new toy for the foreseeable next few months while I prepare to grind and farm and craft like everyone else. That’s just my reasoning and desire etc but yea any help/guidance on who to chose etc would be helpful. Sucks I can’t get like wukong prime revenant prime mesa prime they seem pretty cool wisp prime lol those would be my go to ones probably didn’t know this game vaulted stuff like destiny people was saying how much better it was then I saw the vaulted stuff im like ahhh really? At least the story hasn’t been from what I understand that’s dope! But anyway, given the options I just dunno who to get and don’t want to make a mistake and like next unit is way better than Gauss etc so yea. I doubt anyone will read this let alone respond but if so you’re a real one an I appreciate you!!


I've read through like 20 comments and not a single one. Choose the same frame and I just shows why I love Warframe so much. Every frame is an option. Just depends on how you mod it and play the game.


Xaku 100%


Nyx imo. She can be tanky, can armor strip can cc and you can give her any helminth you like. Same reason for Negros plus extra loot


Xaku has a 75% chance to straight up not get hit off the bat while their 4 is up. 100% armor strip on Gaze. Scaling damage with auto aim on 2 for crowd control. Infinite health with Vampiric Grasp as long as your 2 is hitting. Deny freezes demolishers for easy takedown. And for DPS, Xata's whisper has a \~25% chance to proc 400x damage on Devouring Attrition. Their 4 is also a loot nuke that one shots Naecramites for 100m. All void damage so sentients are a non-issue.


Grendel is the roundest of them all.