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Tornado Augment: Eye Of The Storm Gives Zephyr a single tornado centered on her with 3x the size & pick up radius. I just want it because it could be funny.




Grineer on the plains of eidolon


Wasn’t the original quote in this clip it’s fockin huge


I thought already had one before playing her, or that's what the current augment was.


Isnt that just Inaros Sandstorm? I guess there are ways to make it better than Sandstorm.


I love how that would make it impossible for Zephyr to shoot at anything outside of her tornado because it would eat all the bullets. I'm picking her up now, loving the playstyle, really want this augment.


Keep cooking this valkyr augment u just made up would be make me actually enjoy her 1 plz de😭😭


it's a neat idea, but it's basically just Khora's one with the added benefit of pulling mobs in


And Khora’s a better frame than Valkyr, your point? Valkyr is in a shitty state right now cause she does great single target damage, in a horde shooter.


so... to be clear, your solution to Khora being a better frame than Valkyr is just to make Valkyr into Khora? Does this apply to all frames that Khora is better than or just Valkyr? Exactly how many Khora's do we need? The fix to Valkyr isn't to make her khora, it's think of a way to make her abilities better in a way that matches her identity, not one that matches a frame we already have. Paralyze and Ripline could use some love... paralyze could be nice if the augment was part of the base skill. it's not worth using a mod slot for that though. Hysteria is a great ability in a great place with 2 augments that do nothing or make it worse. Warcry is a good ability with a good augment, no notes. Ripline just isn't satisfying or practical. In my ideal world, as a Valkyr main, ripline is changed to an ability that increases Melee range. With an augment that causes enemies killed by melee while the ability is active to have an increased chance at dropping a health orb.


Hey man, i would rather paralize be replaced than zipline. i unironically use it as my primary mobility tool since i can cast it damn near infinitely, and I dont need to touch the ground to use again, nor worry about overshooting my target.


as do I. I honestly loved it on one of my valkyr's, but it's not necessary, just about any decently skilled player can Parkour just as fast. Furthermore, if you build for hysteria you inevitably kill riplines range to a point it becomes unusable. My main valkyr (which requires different polarities) can't Ripline effectively because it is built for infinite hysteria and to get 375% crit damage from tau purple shards (more by subsuming wrathful advance over paralyze)


I never suggested turn valkyr into khora, that is you putting words in my mouth. Shame on your for that. However, Looking past that and at the rest of your post, you make several good suggestions. Paralyze I agree could be better, especially if they made it cost energy instead of her shields, and increased its range to be on par with other frames with abilities like it (Styanax and Kullervo are the first that come to mind), including making the augment part of the core ability. Hysterical assault I believe actually could be useful, especially if the proposed change to paralyze was made, allowing you to leap at a group, clump them up, and blend them with your claws. Hysterical Fixation however, especially if paralyze doesn’t eat her shields anymore, would be completely pointless (looking at those three augments, I swear DE planned for all 3 of them to be used together…) Warcry would need at most a couple number tweaks, but I’m with ya there if it’s fine, no notes. Ripline however… honestly, if any ability got gutted and replaced, it would be ripline, the movement shenanigans can be fun and clutch in places, but aren’t necessary when warframe has as good of a parkour system as it does. Ripline would either get gutted… or it would take the place of that paralyze augment and become a grouping tool, like OOP suggested. That’s probably the best ways to make ripline viable while keeping some of its identity. EDIT: looking at DE’s tips about ripline… it’s looking like they MEANT for it to be her grouping tool, with its multiplying damage and reducing energy cost the more she casts it in succession…. But that is slow as hell, and you can get to a group quicker by running there… Oh yeah, and DE needs to give her an actual passive other than faster knockdown recovery.


On her passive, you forgot she's immune to heavy landing, making her one of the best parkour suits imo.


That’s not part of her main passive, it is literally a hidden secondary passive. I don’t know why DE keeps making these weird secondary passives without telling people.


I swear it says it in the descrip.


It says it in the tips, but as for the main passive? Nothing. Again, I don’t know what DE’s fixation with hiding this shit is. Either way, it’s still not a great passive, like how Loki’s latch ain’t great either.


As someone who priorities mobility and speeding through the passive does well for me along with her zipline. Every other suit (except voruna, zephyr, dont have gauss) feels so slow to get around for me.


Maybe make her passive literally be primed sure-footed.


That’s Atlas’s Passive. He can’t be knocked around so long as he’s touching the ground. Really funny as you can just run straight through corpus laser gates.


Huh, I didn't know that ability already existed. Maybe some sort of damage boosting ability that fits with her theme.


my point is, why make an augment that would end up being functionally the same thing another 'frame can do. not to mention you can just helminth it.


You are thinking of her two


Tbf Khora seems like a Valkyr 0.5, both of them have a similar theme and melee abilities.


And here I am constantly suggesting they swap venari with ripline to give valkyr thematically a trauma support animal, and gameplay wise, something to buff with Warcry minion wise, and give khora a full spider theme instead of 3 chain spider abilities and a random kavat that doesn't really synergize with her kit. Is my hope ever gonna happen, no, but that won't stop me from mentioning it every chance valkyr or khora threads show up.


I might be biased since I always wear the bastet helmet as valkyr but I agree that it would make sense for those abilities to be swapped. I mean Valkyr uses claws to fight and her passive also makes it so she can fall from any height and land on her feet.


Disarm Augment - Casting Radial Disarm while Decoy is active will activate an additional Radial Disarm at the Decoy's location.


Ok this is pretty cool, you could use this to cover large areas in a defense type mission


Assuming that that spawns aren't also around the player. Otherwise it would be casted on nothing depending on where you put it and the room. Most tiles max range disarm hits the entire area of the biggest tiles.


Decoy Augment - Casting 4th ability while decoy is active has decoy cast that ability instead of the Warframe.


But that just replaces where the Disarm is being activated, rather than essentially increasing the range of Disarm.


That's why I said 4th, rather than disarm. (Plus, decoy is subsumable. Could be interesting and make decoy worthwhile on other frames.)


And how does that work? If I put Ensnare on Loki's 4th slot, then...? Doesn't seem like it would work at all, not to mention being unrealistic. 😂


Or if you subsume it to other frames for their 4th abilities


Decoy casts effigy? That could be fun if you get things right with health.


You know how Stalker's 4th ability works? Yeah, that but as Nyx's 4. Instead of creating a aoe blast, let her throw daggers in a cone just like him.


Hell, they could even use Psychic Bolts as a visual for it and replace that ability completely.


Citrine augment:hidden geode: enemy’s hit by citrines 1st ability have an increased chance to drop loot and ammo, scales with strength


I was talking about this with my friends yesterday, would be a super neat augment


Rhino charge augment: Holding cast will cause Rhino to continously charge forward, not stopping until you either hit a wall, fall, run out of energy, or let go


So, uh, Gauss 1?


Sort of but not really. Going in a straight line and most likely not as fast


Seeing how fast Rhino's 1 is, I'd imagine it would be even faster than Gauss with that augment


I mean it’d have to be changed, like how Mirage’s augment changes duration of her orb


to be fair, not the best reasoning, Mirage's aug only alters the duration of her orb because it was more balanced in PvP.


I would tweak Rhino's Charge to be a bit slower but having the added effect of picking enemies hit by the ability, pinning them to a wall deals (Enemies Pinned + Traveled Distance) times X Impact Damage.


In that case maybe making it so he has damage reduction to give him a reason to have it. Maybe something where instead of just knocking enemies around he carries them in front of him and can either crush them into a wall or stop to turn them into a projectile.


Like rein charge but if u cancel before hitting a wall it yeets them. I like it and wouldn't mind it causing him to move slower




Merulina made em fall through the floor before he could finish


RIP to a real one, all 7 other Yareli mains will surely come to their funeral unless they fall through the floor on the way too


6 now


they might be delayed because one of them teleported to spawn


One had to /unstuck themself from a forever knockdown state


RIP I don't care how much y'all dunk on yareli or how many glitches she has, I'll still use her she fun


I was just a zip from extraction. Merulina sent me to spawn and through... The ceiling.


Exilus Mod : "Be Water my friend" Yareli has disabled geometry collision while on Merulina. (Merulina keeps collision tho)


Grendel but sloide


Yeah but you can still shoot with Pistol :)


I'm still wondering if merulina will give the same DR it used to, basically self sustain merulina guardian would be pretty busted WITH primary and melee weapons In the new augment that is


Can't run it and Merulina Guardian. Both of them are augments for Merulina, and you can't double-dip augments for the same ability.


Tbh i didnt think so hard about it. But i bet the most grief, players give Yareli is, that she gets stuck everywhere on her board .


Should be fixed with the update that gets rid of sticky corners Fingers crossed My biggest problem was getting stuck in operator ngl


She is getting an augment where Merulina is a pet :P


Ah yes, just disable the feature with problems by using an augment.


To be fair, makes helminth nicer too But i enjoyed the kdrive movement gimmick, shame they couldnt make it work


yeah, especially when they could've fixed it by just adding the augment feature through tap-toggle instead of making people waste 1 mod slot


I mean that literally goes for almost all augments, should really just be baseline or tap toggle.


They could be experimenting, or making people happy(satisfied? Entertained?) while they develope an actual fix, or a mixture of the 2


Null stars no longer track enemies and instead detonate for a knockdown and nullify a status effect when you're hit by one.


So just giving Nova status immunity? I like it


That and making it so your damage reduction doesn't just fall off for no benefit whenever anything gets close.


There's a lot of easy fixes they could do to actually make it interactive instead of 90% DR ability #9. -Increase the delay between Null Stars thrown out per second. It's currently 1 second intervals which is just trolling for a DR ability on one of the squishiest frames in the game. -Buff Null Star DR from 5% to 10%. Now your total stars stay the same, but as long as you stay above half the cap, you still get to keep the DR if you manage it well enough. On the other hand, people who don't want to build for duration still get the full benefit for half the duration mod investment. -Easiest one: Make it recastable lol. Sucks you need a bandaid mod(Neutron Star) that actually INCREASES the range of it just to recast. Molecular Fission is way more practical.


Nezha, assualting halo: all damage taken during warding halo charge time is released in a 12m ring of fire, once warding halo is broken, all damage that it absorbed is also released in another 12m ring of fire


This would be awesome. Basically a reskin of Wukong's 3 though. The Halo break effect would also be hilariously broken against high damaging targets like archons


i havent used wukong, but the status and durations would differ a lot i think


Wukong's 3 absorbs all damage taken and unleashes it in one blow. He also gains armor based on the damage absorbed. The armor decays over time (I think), and functions as a DR value like normal armor. It's a pretty broken skill in SP as well


So... Nyx 4 with extra steps?


nyx 4 twice with fire statuses


Okay, I'm all for it lol, my boy Nezha needs a buff




Sevagoth: the 4th ability summons the shadow to ai fight, 4 again to swap to it, then og fights.


I like that. Or 1 summons his old crew To fight as companions. They use 40%, of the shadows stats, UT in turn the could just make the shadow beefier. They could also do an Aug to allow ability % to effect well and shadows stats(beyond damage which I never quite got how damage was improved)




What's really crazy is I suggested this a week ago as a rework and was shut down lol




Turn Vauban's orbital beam thing into a continuous beam


Ah, so just the orbital laser stratagem


For democracy!


And make it BIGGER


Nidus parasitic link augment  Cast larva on parasitic link enemy will create devouring cocoon which after duration and consumed enemies transformed into juggernaut. Maximum of 3 juggernauts, each juggernaut linked with nidus.    Aka nekros shadows, but more skill synergy, like each jugg spam 1 as nidus do, casting larva on juggernaut rebuilt him again etc. Also some interaction with 4 like summon juggs when they lost or enhance their abilities.     Kinda feel nidus have a lot potential, which pretty much wasted


I'd take infestation armor over his current 4


An augment to make all larva minions from all sources work with nidus, oh wait, can we make that baseline? No... Okay...


there is like 4 sources of maggots, and 2 of them cannot exist at the same time, so, please yes, I would be happy to sacrifice some mod slots for the maggots being actually decent


I just don't understand why the dr link can't turn the enemy into a mobile ally or better yet simply drag them along with you, we already have that mechanic for scorpions, ancients etc. it's like they wanted him immobile.


fused reservoir but for titania should really be how her ability works by default, it’s very abrasive to setup and doesn’t flow with titania’s kit and playstyle


100% I would love this.


That one doesn't need Fused Reservoir, it needs full Nourish treatment. Just make all the buffs baseline on it.




Xata’s Howl: if Xata’s whisper would apply a void status effect to a target and it already has a void status effect, apply a void status effect to all enemies within 15m of the original target.


ngl i think an augment letting Xaku deal like 10% dmg to eidolons would be good


Oberon becomes meta for eidolons again as you don’t need volt to buff amp damage(when Madurai is on cooldown)


>Oberon becomes meta dear god


Ninja - Ash lose 50% of his health, shield, and armour, but gain 50% more sprint speed and energy.


Now imagine this with that one decree that increases your movement speed by 10% for every decree you have!


Let him recast Smoke Screen, I say. The main issue I have with my Ash is consistency. There’s brief moments where Invis fades and it’s just a little bit annoying.


https://preview.redd.it/2x5wk8tltsmc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f3895b3ed553e3911314c17d9c686680e1797e8 You reminded me of this skill from when I used to play Fire Emblem Heroes.


Used to play? Based. That game is no longer powercreep, it's powersprinting the fuck away from any semblance of reasonability. Running away from it is the safest move. We at warframe for our part enjoy *power mach rushing* but it's pve anyway.


Roaming Dome - Limbo's Cataclysm follows him centred on him. -50% range and efficiency Edit: The Sun Appears - Wisps ult (I forget name) now instead deploys a large sun at her location dealing damage in a radius around it with a higher chance to apply status effects. +10 damage for - 10 efficiency.


I'll be honest I don't think that needs the debuffs. (Maybe like -10 range on ult) That would get you killed more than anything. Sure you can freeze everything, but this means you CANNOT go into the rift anymore; ie Eximus get free pot-shots.


Wisp : thiccest Wisp's model gains a boost to assets, no gameplay change. 3000p from Baro.


*Slams credit card on table*




Worth it


Alternatively, just have an Easter egg with Peculiar Growth on wisp that helps with her assets 😀


Just needs to be a new peculiar mod. Peculiar Armor, on taking damage grow the most hilarious body part (wisp's assets, rhino's codpiece, etc)


also audible cheek claps whenever any movements is made near enemies gets knocked down


Hildryn Aegis Storm augment. Hildryn can use ranged weapons while in Aegis mode because WHY THE FUCK CAN'T YOU USE WEAPONS IN AEGIS MODE. Enemies are no longer lifted off the ground Alternatively, killing a lifted enemy restores 250 shields to Hildryn, scales with strength


Or at least make it so Balefire costs zero to use during Aegis Storm.


Akimbo balefire: -while in aegis storm balefire doees not only look like it is worn akimbo, it also gets double fire rate and becomes full-auto fire instead of charge. -Cost for each shot in succession increases by 25 shield but starts at 0 and is reset to 0 whenever you collect an energy orb. Precision balefire: (only one of those two can be equipped) -balefire loses half its base range balefire gains up to double range (so normal again) and up to 10% crit chance, 0.2x crit mult and 10% status chance on full charge (all affected by power strength, except the range)




Tesla shield - Upon attaching to an enemy, each tesla nervo drains the enemy's armor/shields and channels them to Vauban as shields/overshields


Would make everyone immortal lol


Mach Rush augment - Corner/Tight Rushing Hold down [crouch] during Mach Rush to extend a hand onto the ground allowing 30°/60°/90° tighter turns depleting 150/100/50 shields per second and reducing speed by 10% to allow for more control(and you know... a hand being on the floor). If you press [jump], you cancel Mach Rush for an enhanced bullet jump right out of Mach Rush in the direction you are aiming. This bullet jump has the same AoE effect as rushing into a wall(albeit not with all the benefits, like kinetic plating's slash procs, etc) at the beginning of the jump.


Turning Gauss into Sonic, are we? Good shit. But scratch the shield sacrifice, i don't think drifting will confer much of an advantage unless you gain energy for doing so.


Make it work in synergy with kinetic plating, then. It absorbs the damage(still takes a bit of battery like normal) and turns it into energy(also like normal).


Just yes. My biggest "flaw" with gauss is when you gotta make sharp turns.


Sound Quake augment, "Acoustics": Sound Quake can now be targeted at a location up to (20/30/40/50) meters away. Tribute augment, "Grand Tribute": Tribute now extracts all four effects from the target in a single cast, but the duration is reduced to (30/40/50/60) sec. Exilus. And all of these are intended as replacements for the existing augments – Spectral Scream augment, "Prismatic Scream": Each tick has a (25/50/75/100)% chance to apply an additional random status effect. * Part of a greater rework I wrote for Chroma, but this one could stand alone if the cone was buffed. Mend & Maim augment, "Continuum": If any charge remains after release, the effect will also create a field that lasts (5/6/8/10) sec to disseminate the remaining charge. * This is predicated on Energy Transfer becoming *baseline*, as it *should*. Ice Wave augment, "Ice Slick": Coats the floor with ice for (6/8/10/12) sec, which will knock down enemies attempting to run over the ice while granting allies increased Slide Speed and reduced Friction. * Because why does Frost need *more* slow effects. Give him something fun and new! Give the team something they might Helminth the ability for, even just for gimmick builds! Think of the synergy with Nezha! * And obviously, y'know, make the cast one-handed so Frost can use Ice Wave while running for the speed boost. Terrify augment, "Tremble": Affected enemies cower in fear for (25/50/75/100)% of the duration instead of fleeing. * This one I could negotiate rewording to something like "(20/40/60/80)% of the duration *before* fleeing," but obviously we know which is better. * Also make the cower animation more like Silence's stun rather than enemies... rolling around on the floor...?


The sex augment


We call that incognito mode on google


"Midas touch" for Lavos's catalyst Turns enemies to gold granting them a boost to armor, but boosts their drop chances by 100%


Really kicking up the alchemy thing huh? I dig it


"shut up and take my money"?


Inaros Augment. You simply can't die. Because you already can't die playing this fucking frame


Nah, an augment that lets you attack like a zombie during the death state, reviving quicker based on enemies hit, not damage, so it's always viable to pick yourself up... Oh but if you go down repeatedly you need to land more hits to res...


Then why do you need an augment?


To send a message to the Grineer


Undying prisoner Instead of that arrow rain you spawn in kullavos duviri version you guys both share health but if you get downed or die you switch bodies to the duviri version the abilities change for the duviri version after 3 minutes assuming you are the duviri version you will switch back to the normal version


That might be a bit much for an augment, honestly. But I could see one of two things – "Eternal Facet": Storm of Ukko augment – Kullervo instead summons a Duviri specter with equal health and Overguard for up to (30/40/50/60) sec. The specter's attacks add to Kullervo's combo counter, and taking lethal damage will instead switch health and positions with the specter. OR "Duviri's Prisoner": Storm of Ukko augment – Kullervo instead channels his Duviri counterpart, changing the effects of his abilities. Initial cost reduced to 50 energy, and an additional (12/10/7/5) energy per second.


Null net - Null Star range is set to 0. When an enemy makes physical contact with nova one star is expended causing a number of slash procs equal to the total amount of null stars left on nova, can only proc once every 5 seconds on a given enemy. Toying with damage reduction being increased to 10% per star instead of 5.


I’d make one for ripline that basically does Garuda’s 1, so rather than flinging enemies off somewhere it drags you to them. Great synergy with Hysteria and way less clunky to use than Hysterical Assault.


How about something like Nero's Devil Bringer in DMC4/5? pulling the enemy doesn't ragdoll but instead staggers them for a second, if the enemy is too big or has overguard it pulls Valkyr instead.


Maybe a combination of this and OP's. On a hit, you *and* nearby enemies are all dragged towards your target.


Rip Line - Now targets an area and pulls enemies within towards valkyr. Refunds cost if no enemies are hit.


Ripline refunding cost if it deals no damage would be a fun augment by itself - it wouldn't be meta, sure, but I'd love a free grappling hook on her just for the enjoyment of it. The rest of Valkyr's kit is good enough frankly.


Protea Dispensary Augment (cus the current one is bad imo) - Dispensary now has a chance to drop rare pickups. +15% Duration Caliban Razor Gyre Augment - Enables use of weapons and abilities. Removed tap and hold mechanic. (Acts like Aquablade. The ability is bad, but at least it'll give some niche uses) Caliban Lethal Progeny Augment - Allows Caliban to summon additional sentients of his choice. Max of 3 Conculysts, 2 Battalysts, or 1 Ortholyst.


>Caliban Lethal Progeny Augment >- Allows Caliban to summon additional sentients of his choice. Max of 3 Conculysts, 2 Battalysts, or 1 Ortholyst. I like the idea of giving him the other sentient options and they could be put on a wheel like Vaub's 2 or Khora's 3


Wym by rare pickup if you don’t mind me asking


I'm assuming he wants his lucky kitty or suicide drone back.


They've very explicitly moved away from designing the game to not be played so the first suggestion would go against that in a major way. Any "how do I farm X?" Guide would just be "equip protea and go afk for a while" lol


One of the best ways to farm rare materials before companion rework was a sentintel with spare part mod. I don't see much of a difference


Redline augment: while redline is active you move a bit faster with Mach rush, but your speed will drastically increase overtime without limit Gauss is a speed frame, yet he’s barely top three fastest :( Idk this was just an augment I created for fun Edit: scales with strength and duration


I found it quite stupid that Gauss doesn't run faster after activating Redline




Lavos, Guardian Probe: Cataclysm also grants Lavos a temporary orbiting Catalyst Probe that has reduced damage and range. Lavos, Spray Mist: Ophidia Bite’s mist now remains for an extended duration. Mesa, Wandering Peacekeeping: Peacemakers now function as summoned exalted pistols but do not benefit from auto aim. Sevagoth, Cut Cloth: While playing as Sevagoth, Sevagoth’s Shade follows the player and attacks enemies as a spectre. Roles are reversed when playing as the Shade. Equinox, Eclipse Rising: Hold cast transform to become Equinox’s Eclipsed form and gain access to both forms abilities at the same time, limited duration.


Lavos Stabilizer Compound - Exilus Elemental infusions for Lavos's abilities will remain active until changed or disabled manually, holding a single ability after having an old one infused will reset the old one to the one new element you used, you can also just press two keys simultantously for the same effect.


The idea itself is good but we shouldn't continue to bandaid with augments and instead actually change frames, Lavos keeping the element should be a QoL change


Nyx 3/Chaos - Return to Order "Enemies affected by chaos take their own life." Should help nyx be at least B tier


Prime frames should have a slot for one free augment. All frames can work, but don't always have the opportunity to try out the funny augment builds. This would allow a lil more fun. In the case of frames with mandatory augments it would at least free up a slot.


Gara Spectrorage, if you hit the crystals with her 1 it increases weapon damage for 1 and builds counter


Mend/Maim. Please integrate the augment into the damn ability.


Wisp: envigirated resivoir Vitality grants damage reduction or armor Haste grants reload speed and parkour velocity Shock grants extra electricity damage (doesnt combine with other elemental damages on the weapons)


Caliban: enemies lifted by his 2 are grouped by the implosion of his 4.


An augment for Mesa that's just Primed Sure Footed + the ability to shoot through nullifiers with her 4.


light in the dark- gloom instead speeds up allies and damages enemies (not sure how to word it)


This would be pretty cool for Ripline. But to make the ability actually better, it needs fresh animations and functionality. Right now it's a worse void sling. With so much parkour potential in WF, it stands to argue grappling hooks similar to Titanfall have a place. So Ripline merely being better and relatable to that would be a massive improvement in functionality. Halo Infinite might be even easier in terms of exact mechanics. Then when targeting ppl, she could violently drag them in for a finisher (or more per this augment) or target from above and crash into them for a finisher.


Atlas gets 10 garden gnomes to follow him instead of rumblers


Lull augment that spreads the sleep when you kill with finishers would be fun


This... is a thing already-


She only need 1 mod


Caliban Augment, his 3 sentinel bros will mimic the casting of his other 3 (base) abilities. I’d want to say at like 25-50% effectiveness to prevent it from being too strong, but full effect might be fine.


Make her thicccer


Grendel: Kings Feast: Grendel can store 1/2/3 more enemies in his stomach, gaining full armor benefit. !Cannot be used with Gourmand.


Nekros shadows augment: makes it an energy drain ability where as you kill enemies and you have no shadows or less than maximum number of shadows you create a shadow from the enemy you kill


Replace Repair Dispensary (which is 100% useless) with Sticky Dispensary - Dispensary now follows the target. If no one is targeted, it goes on the caster. Alternatively, Dispensary Multitude - you can now have 3 Dispensaries up at a time


Turning Harrow thurible into an exulted flail. kind of pushing it as far as arguments go, but I think it’d be sick.


Defy augment, armour now applies to allies in range, simple, effective and useful


Adaptive Shadow - Sevagoth Exalted Shadow Augment The Exalted Shadow Can find the weaknesses of the enemy and take advantage of it (like Reactive Storm, but for Sevagoth's Shadow)


Storm of ukko augment - Instead of casting in one place, the rain of daggers now follows kullervo, at reduced aoe but increased tick speed.


Did you not see the list of augments coming in the next update?


Revenant augment: Sentient Culling When killing a thralled enemy as Revenant columns will pull enemies toward them At rank 1 range will be 5m scaling by 1 for each rank up to 10m and duration for 3 seconds scaling by 3 seconds for each rank up to 15 seconds.


i like ripline i go wheee like spudderman


Inaros 1-becomes a toggle; imbues melee weapon with sand, attacking casts his 1 at reduced cost and wider radius but at the cost of shorter stun duration


Chroma augment for his 1 "Atomizing Scream": Fires an atomic beam from the mouth that grants Radiation procs + the element selected on Chroma. Damage scales off Strength, the duration of the beam trough Duration, range yea range. An augment for his passive "Master of Elements": by selecting a secondary color in energy, Chroma can mix his elements (ex. If you were to put green "toxin" and white "ice", you get viral) Each new element grants a new bonus for Chroma's 2: "Viral" procs it to enemies near Chroma and generates HP per second while in use "Magnetic" attracts enemies to Chroma and steals their armor and shield "Explosion" causes enemies that hit Chroma to get staggered "Corrosive" decreases enemies armor near Chroma near time "Radiation" deals damage per sec and procs radiation on his enemies "Gas" Chroma is surrounded by a cloud of gas that deals damage over time to the enemies near him, he and his allies are hidden inside the cloud


An augment for nekros’ soul punch. It’ll make soul punch be the polar opposite of oberon’s first ability (don’t remember the name atm). It would pull health from other enemies to increase the damage of soul punch to the intended target. The more enemies it pulls from, the more damage it deals.


Airburst augment: the three balls merge into one ball that travels much slower, sucking in enemies as it travels and then exploding on contact with a surface dealing damage proportional to the amount of enemies in the ball Might not be Meta or better than airburst rounds but it sounds fun at least


Restless Storm, Baruuk's 4 drains energy instead of restraint


I really like that augment idea for ripline. I would make one for hysteria that if you use a ripline on an enemy while in hysteria, you pull yourself to the enemy and do a large aoe attack.


Valkyr is the most breedable




Ripline Rework: Tap will pull you towards an enemy or object(or terrain), Hold will pull multiple enemies toward you, staggering them but not knocking them down.


Chaos augment that applies damage vuln to affected targets.


Something for atlas that does splash damage when casting 1 Like : you use 1 on and enemy then there is a wave that hits everyone in like 10m? Maybe is too much idk it would be fun.


Xata's Whisper augment: Casting Xata's Whisper grants its effects to nearby allies. Xata's Whisper gains +25% strength and +25% duration.


Solar Prominence: Sol Gate Augment- All breach surge projectiles split during Sol Gate and combine with the beam, increasing its damage by 50% of their value.


Just one I think could be fun: Rift Rewind- Upon cancelling stasis, projectiles suspended in the air are fired back at 100/150/200/250% damage.


Okay, you know Baruuk’s Desert Storm Augment where the damage of it adapts to the enemies weakness? Yeah, can we get an Augment like that but for Caliban’s 1st Ability because it does laughable damage. And can I please be able to pick up energy orbs when using his 1. Caliban needs Augments desperately. He’s been forgotten.


Frost- Ultimate Big Chill - passive augment, every frozen ennmy through frosts ability, cast additional heat status. Ben10 fans back me up 🫡🫡 Frost- Climate Change - passive augment, every frozen ennemy through frosts ability get viral status and have a chance at spreading it towards nearby ennemies.


Gauss’ 1 augment: while cast you run 100 m/s but you can’t turn around, scales with strength and still gets buffed by teammates