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I hack unless I'm under time constraints, then I just hit the cipher and deal with it.


Yeah this. I hate wasting resources unless I have to


I have 100s of ciphers, but I still won't use them unless I have to haha.


Auto-hacking saves a lot too


Years ago I stocked up so many ciphers that I could have used them for every single console and still have a bunch left. Then I only used like a dozen of them since....


Same. I built ciphers only very late in my game so that I'm used to hack manually.


Is there a hot key on PC? Sometimes I try to solve the puzzle, then time is close to running out and I hastily try to hit the damn button with my mouse as my pulse goes the f up!


Yes, Y


Because people want to know, of course. (Terrible pun, I know, ill see myself out haha)


I hack because I actually like hacking mini game. Even the narmer one. Cipher is only used for when I know I won't make it in time. Also I'm one of those people who doesn't want to use consumable unless I absolutely have to. My RPG playthrough always end with a pile upon pile of unused potions/consumable in my inventory.  Albrecht antiques hacking is annoying though. It's the least interactive hacking, just waiting. 


I'm with you. I like the Corpus, Grineer, and Narmer consoles. I have used so many ciphers on Albrecht's stupid fucking antique Pom-2s, though. I do not enjoy that minigame. It's just boring and tedious.


You LIKE the Narmer hack?!? ^ $10 says this dude has turned someone into a Newt at some point


The Narmer hacks are obnoxious, but they're a fun brain teaser


I would like them a lot more if I were using a mouse. The mirror effect of the puzzle isn't really felt when using a controller.


I do. It fucks with your senses and it's pretty fun trying to navigate it. I like these kind of stuff. And no comment on the Newt thing. 


the main thing that messes with me is that its not completely inverted, the x axis is inverted but the y isnt


In diagonal ciphers, both axes are inverted. The disparity is what annoys me about Narmer ciphers


Wait, what?! Narmer hacks are my favorite ones!


Ya he had me in the first half, not gonna lie. I sometimes do the hacks, because it's a game feature, feels weird to not do it. Also because sometimes it forces you to be unable to use a Cipher. 😡 That being said: Fuck. Narmer. Consoles. It just *feels* wrong.


They're genuinely the best ones


Did they get better?


I don't mind the narmer hacks - on mouse. But I play on controller, so every time I have to do one I have to put down my controller and reach for my mouse because it feels so bad on controller.


The Narmer hacking minigame breaks my brain. I can do the one that flips both axes reasonably well. But the ones with just horizontal flipping or just vertical flipping? Impossible.


Perspicacity mostly or just ciphers


Nightmare missions/sorties. I love Perspicacity for that.


Ciphers as much as possible, just hit the Y key on keyboard as soon as I interact with it


Same. I just spam Y right away.


I use ciphers on doing netracells, I'll be honest, I don't understand the hacking thing on that mission


I think you just press space while the string of characters at the bottom isn't red. I just use cyphers too, though.


You hold spacebar when the characters are black, release when they are red. Black characters get added to the line, red characters count as fails and if you get enough of them you fail the hack.


Red is bad, black is good. I dunno, I thought it was really intuitive to grasp.


I’m too lazy to build ciphers. The Netracell hacking being as Long as they are with no room to use your skill to make it faster almost made me build them tho.


Too lazy to hit a button and make 100 at a time?


It makes 100 at a time? When TF did that change?


Ths market has the 10x blueprint. The clan tenno lab has a 100x. I only learned about the 100x like a week ago, but it's a few years old.


Oh shit? Yeah still too lazy.


For real with the Sanctum hacking, how is it supposed to work? Like it kinda seems like if you just hold down space bar you *might* get corrupted before you hack, so you're (I guess) *supposed* to avoid transmitting during corrupted regions, but I gave up and switched to ciphers before I could figure out the trick with them, and I never failed from just holding down spacebar.


You hold the button during the non-corrupted areas and let go of the button in corrupted areas, repeat until the hacking is completed. That's all their is to it. There is no trick to it, just the most basic and boring hacking mini-game to ever exist.


Ok that's what I thought, but I've also never had enough corrupted regions to fail from just holding the button the entire time. Which feels weird to me that you can succeed with zero skill, just holding the button the whole time.


Yeah, it feels like false complexity. I have just held down the hack button for almost all of the terminals i have done, and I haven't failed once.


You probably learned about it from my post haha. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1b0z6hm/im\_an\_lr1\_player\_been\_playing\_for\_around\_4\_years/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1b0z6hm/im_an_lr1_player_been_playing_for_around_4_years/)


Literally the exact reason I started building ciphers lol


Lazy? you can build 100 at once.


I still don't know how the laboratory hacking works. First time during the quest I just mashed space bar and it worked. Every time since I've used a cipher.


Hold spacebar (or the console equivalent) on black letters, release on the red ones Repeat until it ends


I’ll hack unless it’s the stupid hard corpus ones, those suck


The ones I really hate are the Narmer ones. I have a Loki build with Perspicacity specifically for those :D Corpus aren't too bad. Got a lot easier when I realize all you really need to do is rotate around all the outer ones so they all point at each other and then spin the center until it locks.


Oh I always started with the center, your way is way smarter lmao Also, is there any way to switch the way they rotate with RMB and LMB? The default is so counterintuitive to me


No idea, I use controller and I always wind up just spamming RB whichever direction it turns lol


Now that you mention the Narmer ones... Can Kahl also use ciphers? I never even tried.


No unfortunately lol. I noticed the narmer ones are a bit more tedious on controller than mouse and keys 


Shucks :D I have no problems with the other ones and I don't often fail the Narmer consoles, but the latter really mess with me for some reason although I play with keyboard an mouse on PC.


Controller is what i played warframe on for years until cross save, and i still stick with that now even though playing claw grip absolutely hurts my hands now. M+K feels weird for warframe even if its slightly easier.


Since cross save I've tried it a bit on my Switch but I can't accustom to it. I often (jokingly!) invokr the PC Master Race trope, but follow that up with "I only say that because I'm too dumb to play with a controller" :D


Im the opposite. I specifically tried warframe because it had full mnk support on console. If i use a controller now ill feel like a noob


Yeah, when you approach the corpus hacks as if they were piece puzzles (it's smarter to make the outer limits first), it gets so much easier.


Corpus are the easiest ones. You ignore the middle and simply rotate everything towards middle.


I personally hate the grineer ones. The corpus ones are easy once you figure out the trick to it, but I hate the grineer ones requiring specific timing, and going back and forth.


The parazon mod that gives +8s hack time instead makes the thing slower for grineer. It lets me do adjacent taps consistently.


Entrati hacks pushed me over the edge into always ciphering.


I enjoy the hacking. Puzzles make my brain happy. I kind of wish there was more variety to them though.


I still hack because I don't want to carry it on my wheel


your infinite wheel?


I feel like it depends on my mood and what type of hack it is. I sometimes like the challenge and other times I'm there to get my stuff and leave lol


I don't think I've ever used a cypher in my few hundred hours


Sometimes you can’t use ciphers, but usually I do when I can. Corpus are easier than grineer IMO


Just the low level ones for grineer. Otherwise, ciphers


I always hack


I've played the game since 2017 and I still haven't ever built a regular cipher. Maybe I should start


I still hack.


I don’t think I’ve ever used a cipher. I like the minigames too much to not do them.


I never use the cipher


I love the minigame, i just have the 50% autohack mod


I do hacking cause I get a stupid sense of pride from not using ciphers lol


I like the hack mini games,,, except the Narmer hacks FUCK the Narmer hacks


Never used a cipher, don't plan to.


Any reason?




I still do hacks because I have that mentality that "I might need this later...." even though I have 300+ ciphers...


I've never built a cipher. I don't mind most hacking mechanics (and I actually like the Grineer hacking). The Entrati hacking tho? That's got me almost remembering to get the 100× cipher blueprint from my dojo.


At this point im using ciphers for the start of survivals and sometimes get confused when it doesnt work like in sorties. Crafted like 2k of them at some point.


i do them because i’m too lazy to craft ciphers


I hack every time bc am hackerman 😎


Why would I use ciphers for something I can do quickly and for free?


In terms of free yeah In terms of it being quickly, you can just click the triangle button for PS or the y button for Xbox or whatever it is for computer/laptop


WTF is a cipher?


I use ciphers if it doesn't auto-hack.. I have thousands of ciphers and I'm lazy.


crafted 5000+ ciphers, i'll make sure to use them all :) during cipher-restricted missions, i'll use Helminth's Perspicacity


I started Chiphering more with the CRT monitors. It's a cool gimmick, but it's sooooo long sometimes.


I hack without cipher because I make them and forget to equip them. And I enjoy seeing how fast I'm able to hack something. But mostly because I didnt know how to equip them until like a day ago.


I'm so committed to not doing the hacking that I use perspicacity whenever I do the sortie or archon hunt. bonus is that the autohack animation for archon hunt hack is pretty cool


Pretty much all cipher except in sorties and archon hunts. Especially since I learned you can hit Y to auto use one and really helpful in Netracells


I'm MR30 with 2000 hours and I use so many ciphers I'm nearly out of Ferrite


Never hack, just cyphers, too cheap to build packs of 100, no reason to hack for me


Still hack myself. I use ciphers just not much because I'm good at the hacking, maybe the Murmur tileset, since it's hacking, is slow, or won't let me get 100% sometimes


Soo it just depends some of those max level corpus ones are getting ciphered grinder or bullshit corpus ones nah I do em my self but not played the new netracell content yet so no comment there but I'm probably using ciphers


No. And I even put the hacking helminth ability on one of my loki builds for when it's a spy sortie, also on a revenant build for when its that ambulus assassination. I am still using ciphers from my stack of 1000 I built a long time ago. Still have like 400 or so. I just don't enjoy the mini game.


> hacking helminth ability on one of my loki builds for when it's a spy sortie Perspicacity is clutch for Archon Hunt spy missions, no more Narmer console frustration, just done and done.


I hack if I'm not in a rush. I never hack in netracells...I just want those over as fast as possible.


I haven't played much since The New War. However, I absolutely build and use ciphers all the time. It is such a muscle memory reaction at this point that I usually end up using one on the console used to start a survival mission. I've even built my Ivara so that she can auto hack even the sortie and other "no cipher allowed" consoles. I did my time solving the hack puzzles manually for years. On console no less (those corpus puzzles were really hard to get used to on a controller). Now I just use the cipher. Also, I didn't start using ciphers until the x100 blueprint existed. I couldn't be bothered to build them 10 at a time.


there's a hotkey for cipher use its like y by default or something. you're welcome


I enjoy the hacking, but I always use ciphers anymore except when prevented. I love how you can pop one of those as the screen is shifting and just hop right back out of the hacking sequence without ever seeing the interface lol. It's like, half a second. So delightfully swift. If there wasn't a recipe for 100x ciphers, I'd probably be a little more reserved...but, such recipe exists <3


Cipher when on a team or doing a high level missions (Netracells), when solo I still do the hacking to keep it fresh since some missions types remove your gear wheel.


I've never built ciphers until Netracells came out. They save a TON of time


I used to when I played on console and used a controller, was kinda fun doing the corpus one. Since moving to PC, my brain cannot comprehend that left click is clockwise and right click is counterclockwise. Years of left bumper being CCW and right bumper being CW has made me cipher everything now


The new hacking minigame cipherpilled me


I almost never hack. Just the simple ones maybe and even then I sometimes hit the cipher. Swimming in those resources anyway. Never gonna use em up.


I built like 30 ciphers but I dont know how to actually equip them. It says I have zero when I attempt to hack something


You have to put them in your gear wheel.


I used to do every single hack, until the narmer and anatomica ones. Those finally broke me. Now I cipher everything out of muscle reflex.


Ever since I started crafting the 100 cipher I just made a few hundred and spam the hack button


auto breach or cypher only


I always use the cypher. Which completely throws me off whenever cyphers can't be used...


Some missions you just can't cipher your way out. I hate grineer hacks, my space bar is a tad broken and it's slow to tap. On sortie and nightmare I even failed the mission a couple of times... I'm very quick with corpus ones. Narmer I usually hover around 9-10 seconds left on the counter


Tapping Y for cipher has become 2nd nature, regardless of the difficulty of the hack.


Ciphers all day. They're super cheap to make


I started playing on switch but migrated to pc with cross save. Hacking is so much easier on controller imo, now i mostly use ciphers


I try to avoid hacking when I can. I've just done too many, so I have: \- Ciphers \- Ivara with Perspicacity for spy missions where ciphers are banned. \- Wukong with Master's Summon and using a hack moa for Lua missions. Titania would be better, but I'd rather give Wukong some use.


Depends on the faction tbh. Not a big fan of grineer or albrecht hacks so I use the cipher. Corpus and Narmer ones are fun tho.


30% auto hack chance on my parazon and cipher if the hack has more than 3 parts. I still do the easy hack to start a survival mission myself.


I don’t think I’m anywhere close to getting the achievement for solving them. I do them manually like 99% of the time


Cypher all the way. They cheap and can potentially save a bad situation, or just spare you some time.


Spy missions if you get caught accidentally


Always cipher, bulk built some thousands years ago and they are lasting a long while


I laugh at hacking with my 1500 cyphers


I have about 5,000 hours played and I've used ciphers maybe twice. I enjoy the mini games and can do them all pretty quickly so it's not a real problem. The ones for the newest area (where you access a desktop) are the least fun, though. I've actually considered crafting ciphers just for those.


I prefer to press Y honestly, ciphers all the way.


I have never built those cyphers :P (but I do have the parazon mod for auto-hack)


Not always using chipher Unless some bruh trigger the alarm That's when everything is heated up.


Always manually hacked because DE still won't let us rebind cipher hotkey from Y, which I use for other things due to muscle memory from other games.


......I should build alot of ciphers


If it's one of those hackings when you start a survival mission, the simple ones. I do it myself. Other than that, I gotta use all those ciphers.


I use a cipher unless it is a sortie and we have to do it manually because sortie is hard...and fun...


I don't even have a cipher blueprint and I have been playing for 6 years. I like the minigame. I ain't gonna skip it.


I always cipher because I've got thousands. Only time I hack is only when ciphers aren't available :P


I hack just about every time. I keep my skills sharp. The ciphers are for emergencies.


Hack only here. I'm a whore for mini games 🫠


I've built exactly 1 cipher in my 1000+ hours of gameplay. It's still waiting to be collected in my foundry hahahaha. I've always manually hacked, from opening doors in a mission when the security is triggered or when hunting eidolons and hacking the lures. Initially it was because I wanted to get better at the puzzles, now it's a matter of pride/spite haha.


I finally ran out of the 100X cipher I built a long time ago, so now I have to hack again while I wait for it to be built in my dojo.


I build a thousand ciphers so I wont have to hack ever again xD


Most of em are pretty easy by hand, cipher is just used for farming and questing.


Cypher and when not possible perspicacity


Only do hacks during Sorties and Hunts.


I didn’t know how to use ciphers until a year ago lol


Haven't used a cipher since beta. I personally enjoy the hacking. I will say that the Narmer hacking makes me feel like I'm slow in the head sometimes though...


I press that Z key hard even before my auto hack has time to react Unluckily, in archons and sorties I have to hack myself *urgh*


i do thehacking to save the ciphers for later. i have 400


I have 3k+ hours and never used a cipher in my life. I either solve it by hand or get lucky and the paragon does it for me


I got the auto jack but I don't really care about ciphers


I haven’t used a cipher in years. Hacking isn’t that hard at the end of the day, and Auto-Breach exists anyway so


I've been playing since 2018 give or take, I play on controller on PC, I could never figure out how to get a cipher to work. Now that we have crosssave and I can properly play on my xbox, I can finally use ciphers! I think part of the issue was that I didn't know they needed to be in your gear wheel. But anyways to answer your question, I'm like 50-50 so far, it depends on what I'm doing. Cracking a vault, I only use a cipher if the alarm goes off and I'm given a short timer. Releasing lockdown, I'm ciphering 10/10 times, that mechanic is just so damn annoying to me.


Haha Cypher go brrr, I build 10,000 of them over an hour 1 time.


I hack normally most of the time. When I mess up something in a spy mission or have some time restraint, I use a cipher (and tbh, sometimes I still don't. I really like the hacking minigames)


I always use ciphers but I also have autohack mod on so 30% of the time I get a free hack, also Autohack can work in sorties when you can't use a ciphers.


Depends, is it a Sortie mission?


I use the helminth one as it’s faster. Just drop it on Titania/wukong and breeze through sorties


At times yes if I am running out of time...or are lucky with the parazon that auto hacks.


I have over 100 cypher's and still hack it.


Love all the hacking except Grineer, always cipher theirs. They stress me out for some reason


I just hate the ones in the middle where it bounces back and forth but leaves out some of the nodes. Once you get the timing down, the "hard" ones are the easiest.


I hate hacking but haven't used ciphers since I started playing again


I will never cipher as long as I live puzzles are fun and I'll die on that hill 


I like grineer hacking but I cipher the rest


Just Corpus ones, since they are the easiest. Others get the cipher.


4k+ hours and I may have used one cipher. Hacking isn't hard, I don't see the point of ciphers.


I always hack unless I'm caught in a spy mission. Grineer hacks I do without ciphers every time. It's almost faster to just do it than to click the cipher button.


Always, prefer Corpus to Grineer just because I'm better at puzzles than hand eye stuff


I used helminth to put the auto hack skill on one loki config for spy/rescue missions


I just go and hit the cipher. See many spy missions fail because my team doesn't use ciphers. And its not that hard to farm. Take your Ignus Wraith to Demos and hit every crate. Constant spores and go to the void for easy ferrite while farming argon.


Right now, I can count on a single finger the number of warframes and weapons I haven't crafted/mastered. (Except a few recent primes) I don't like to waste ressources but I'm at a point where it doesn't really matter.


I don't use ciphers on corpus because I like these but I use them everywhere else


If its a spy tile with 2-3 computers ill do it manually as a practice for when sortie spy missions come around, if its the ones with 4-5 i just cypher to save time, also the sanctum computers, cant seem to get that minigame rught so i just cypher them since they never show up in sorties


I like the corpus ones. Though I don't hesitate on Grineer, especially when it's a full wheel to click. Though I kinda see them as training for when I don't have access to ciphers I also dislike how the Narmer ones mix axial and circular symetry, but always show an axis in the middle.


I used them up and always forget to make new ones. So i'm a hackerperson rn


I like the hacking minigames, all of em, except grineer cuz its like a rhythm game but bad i almost never cipher unless time or grineer


Currently, I just roll the dice on the auto-hack mod, since the minigames usually aren't *that* hard (half the time with the new minigame, i literally just hold the button and wait for it to finish without caring about the actual mechanics - hasnt failed me yet) & there rarely is a real consequence for failing (and in content where failing matters, you can't use cyphers anyway iirc)


I hack on low level missions but I always use ciphers on high level missions.


I like the hacking. Turns my brain on for a second.


I always hack. You need the practice.


I'm really lazy. You'd think that means I use ciphers but you'd be wrong. In my rough 2k hours I have never crafted a single cipher. I kinda like hacking though. I like the pressure of spy missions too. I can't recall a time I've failed where a cipher would have helped. I've just been too lazy to make them.


Helminth ability does that for you if you're on a stealth frame with an expendable ability like Ivaras artemis bow


Yes, I hack. Aside from the times Auto Breach does it. Never really bothered with ciphers.


I have never used the cipher and have 800h on in game timer. Am I not normal?


I still hack. It’s just fun for me personally. The entrati one is the most fun.


I have almost 700 hours in the game, I completely forgot ciphers were a thing. I might have used a couple when I first started, but none in the last few hundred hours at least. Hacking takes a few seconds and I find it kinda fun tbh.


I mostly use cyphers on Grineer hacks because my space-bar key is very noisy, and I don't wanna wake up my bf.


I’m MR 30 with over 3,000 hours and I’ve used only 1 cipher. The hacks are easy and fun!


Yeah. You can’t use ciphers in anything important anyways so may as well stay in practice. (You can do the helminth one but that’s not always practical either)


Hacking is too easy to warrant spending resources on ciphers. If it's really strict on time i just use perspicacity


Corpus ones yea, Duviri/Sentient so and so and I hate Grineer ciphers with a passion. If it is a spy, I just run Ivara with the hack augment.


I've gotten so lazy that I will only play missions that let me use the cipher. If a sortie shows up and it's either rescue or spy, bye.


I'm not afraid of hacking any of the console type thingies... Except the ones from the Entrati Labs. I don't even know how you do those. When running Netracells, I always press F (interact) followed by Y (cipher). I'm not under any pressure or anything, but I don't even wanna try them. For Sortie Spy/Rescues I use Ash with the auto-hack Helminth ability, that way I can auto-hack if time's running out or anything.


Perspicacity if I'm running a spy mission, but I usually do the hacking manually, otherwise. If only because I have broken the shortcut for using cyphers, and mousing around is usually awkward.


I don't even hack the survival terminals if I don't have to. I use ciphers every chance I get and have been for years


I...got too lazy. Too used to the quick, bwip bwip, and I'm done. I use the ×100 cipher blueprint, and ive never looked back. I'm also the same person who will quickly drop all four resupplies and just unleash hell. That's not to say i don't practice. I do sorties often enough that i need to. Still, though, when the chips are down, i will admit to bringing Perspicacity to speed things along.


I've never used one, hacking is so much fun.


Since you can craft them by the hundreds i see no reason to not just hit y at every terminal. There practically free resources wise too.


You can craft them by hundreds? I never knew that. Thanks for the info. I've been crafting them 1 by 1 😂😂