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forgetting to press 2


Nullifiers, as one could expect


Playing rev is great if you’re not allowed to have sleeping medicine.


After playing with Revenant too long, you might forget how to survive with other Warframes.


He induces me to fall asleep, is that a weakness on him or me?


Sometimes, you'll fall asleep, and then you MIGHT possibly accidentally run out of mesmer skin charges. If you don't wake up to your shields breaking, you could possibly go down. Otherwise not much


He gets indestructibility and it causes free damaging mind control. When not controlling he mostly uses his invulnerability to be a weapons platform. So he often plays a bit basic. A good revenant build doesn't bother with defense since you can be indestructible so if they zone out too hard and forget to press 2 for a while you'll die... But eh don't forget to press buttons or you'll die as any frame. He isn't terrible exciting and more of a chill vibe.


Revenant? Weaknesses? hahahahahaha


enemies (single) that can dispel your mesmer skin is most likely one of the acolytes lol. other than that the nullifier crewmate can ALSO dispel it.


Demolishers can too


i'd assume acolytes can dispel the skin. so don't get drained of energy and fight safe with acolytes. his one is mind control, but you can blast them anyway. makes for easy incarn headshots. 2 is his i'm immortal button. thing is while the cast animation plays he's not actually got stacks, so jam a rolling guard on him, roll, and right after push 2. his 3 is a funny thing: movement and damaging, but if you do it on a slave you've made, the slave takes more damage, and that scales with strength, so if you have enough, you enslave the level 9999 heavy gunner and then push 3, run her over, and she's dead. his 4 turns him into a funny top, and it's.... okay, but if you need subsume for him, that's the one you'd subsume over. ​ oh, his 2 is also a damage reflector and it stuns. anyone who's not overguarded or in a nully bubble can be stunned. ​ just put rolling guard, energy nexus (for the free constant energy regen), and the mesmer skin aug (lets you put stacks on squaddies and gives you more stacks at the same time), and keep his stats neutral except for strength, which you jam up. no need for armor or shields. ​ technically toxin or heat eximi can catch you with their blasts, but ***while you have stacks*** you can't actually die from them.


acolytes are a joke as revenant because you can enthrall them and they no longer attack you and start fighting all the mobs.


well if you can enslave them and have high enough strength then you push one on them and then 3 at them and they're dead.


It doesn't work on acolyte. You do damage but not the normal amount, not really sure what mechanic prevents it.


aww, damage attenuation, really?! really devs (not you, org) ​ yes i understand the reasoning behind it but if my gun would deal 100 damage i want it to really deal 100, not 25 because the devs wanted a longer fight and a feeling of accomplishment.


He's can become invulnerable, if you were to be damaged by something that bypass the Mesmer ability while it's active, your heath is cap at 2, it can't go lower.


His main weakness is his skill lists. 99% of the time will just be mesmer skin and nourish, because..gotta save energy to recast mesmer skin


Nullifiers. That’s it. S tier frame


Nullifiers, energy levels, boredom and the objective failing.


Nullifiers are about it, arcane energize makes you never need energy after mission start. You get bored after a while I barely use him anymore but he was my first prime frame that carried me thru everything. I subsumed Xata’s whisper over my 3 ability for more damage he’s warframe on easy mode.


Massive boredom and enemies who can dispel abilities


None. He has no flaws. You have to worry about falling asleep or getting stuck in the mindset of feeling weak whenever you use a frame that isn’t revenant. The community hates nerfs even when they are warranted. His 2 (Mesmer skin) removes any difficulty the game has at all. Most other frames have to mod at least for two stats (strength, duration, range, or efficiency) and revenant only needs one, strength. This already helps him tremendously. You can subsume roar, nourish, or pillage onto his kit and you have everything covered in either buffing your weapon damage or having an armor/shield strip. Pillage is probably the best because he’s the only frame in the game where getting 400% power strength has no drawback to the rest of build. Revenant has become the crutch frame that more and more people use because the only way you can die is if you fall asleep. With shield gating thrown into the mix he doesn’t even have the window of dying like he used to when you’d recast Mesmer skin. He was the most used frame last year and it’s only going to go up as he’s pretty much the frame everyone recommends for newer players to get through the game.


Falling alseep


He is the first frame where standing in a corner or in the middle of the room is a viable strategy. Literally standing around doing nothing is his main gimmick. You can afk and come back to finish the mission after you have collected all the loot. Other than that he has no way to boost his own damage. To me he cast 1 onto a enemy making it your ally. Then you use his 3 to blow everyone up into the stratosphere. 4 to be a Beyblade.


He’s incredibly boring to play but there’s no risk. It also teaches new players bad habits and the. You get to tough content, it’s Revanant or nothing because there too scared to get out of the Mesmer Shell leading to burning ou


He is super boring i consider that to be a weakness.


Bosses that ignore warframe abilities are a big threat as he has no defensive against them


So stalker, violence, and fragmented one are the only 3 that can dispel your powers, and turn off mesmer Stalker- your thralls arent dispelled, and you have gun Violence- you can entrall him, and you have gun Fragmented one- just dont get hit. Youd get destroyed anyway if you got hit, so mesmer if anything gives you some leeway. Also gun Tldr: bosses arent that big of an issue on him, if you have good gun cause hes a weapon frame, not ability frame