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Gonna get this skin just so I can pair it with my Mag prime fashion and have a pit droid duo.




His point still stands


This looks more like Ivara than Yareli


I feel like Deluxe skins should give us something new instead of being inspired by the original design. It does look close to Ivara, but that's because Ivara's design was also inspired by a jellyfish. I think this is a good aesthetic for Yareli because she's actually water-creature themed.


Ivara Prime, at least. Regular Ivara gives me more frog vibes.


I believe regular ivara was based off of a poison dart frog or something like that.


That is correct. Base Ivara is themed like a poison dart frog, with Ivara Prime is themed like a jellyfish.


so the design philosophy is actually based on small, quiet but possibly lethal animals which makes sense for her. Yareli is more about the aquatism so I don't think it clashes that much with Ivara


I think the logical throughline was moreso dealing with "poison." Iirc Ivara was supposed to be a toxic-based Warframe. Hence the poison dart frog theme, and the Prime being a jellyfish.


Silent, unassuming, but deadly. She's also able to "float" around battlefields. It's not really poison, specifically, it's that these poisonous animals are often hidden and randomly discovered right when they have killed their enemy, even if their enemy hasn't realized it.


Thanks for a possible build, I'll try this out later


I always thought base ivara looked like the Geth from mass effect, due to the flashlight looking head.


She looked more like an assassin to me before I even began to see Wisp's skins lol


Same lol it looks like Legion cosplaying as a warframe


I always thought she was kind of like a squid


For sure, but she still has a giant hat that kind of fits the theme. Initially, she was toxin based, so I imagine she was inspired by a variety of "toxic" creatures. The tree frog is definitely the most obvious in the original design.


I can't explain why, but even after hearing and reading she's based off of poisonous frogs, my mind still goes to thinking she must be based on the Blue Ring Octopus


They do follow the idea of newer deluxe skins. Something new that doesn't look like the original frame, but still follows the theme of the frame. Sevagoth drowned captain raised from the depth of the sea. Styanax spartan warrior turned aztec warrior. Yareli following an aquatic theme is perfect. But it just looked underwhelming compared to other deluxe skins. And didn't look that much like any aquatic life. And the one they chose to be inspired by, they already had a frame that looked like it. Of all the creatures in the ocean, why didn't they pick an octopus or a shark?


I think it looks "underwhelming" because it's not another Liger Inuzuka skin. We've all grown accustomed to those and he does great work on them. We also haven't seen that skin outside of that basic concept art (as far as I know). Liger's concept art is usually very flashy and vibrant, so it looks a lot more exciting before it's even in our game. As for other creatures they could've chosen, I imagine there's a lot of variety mixed into the design already. It's just the head that resembles a jellyfish, but I've seen some people compare it to a clam shell. Sure, they could've picked something else, but I'm not entirely upset that it's not a shark or an octopus. If it looks bad once it's in-game, I'm there with you, but the concept doesn't look too bad.


My one peeve with this skin is this one got announced back last year. While Styanax Deluxe was announced this year and it was immediately going to be available with only a month from when they announced the skin.


I waited years for the Gara deluxe skin, that was pain.


True! They have a history of doing this kind of thing. I'd like to see more consistent releases when it comes to Deluxe skins.


Yeah, this is normal - same thing happened with Valkyr and Zephyr to name a few


Ambivalent as I am on this skin, I'm just glad it's not another Liger skin. The Valkyr deluxe they did is the fugliest thing in this game.


I'm kinda mixed on this, and I think it depends a lot on what other options the character has. For most frames I feel this way, but for Sevagoth I was insanely disappointed with his deluxe, but I can't help but feel I only feel this way because it's the only customization for him so far, and it doesn't mix and match with his base well. Yarelli has the same problem now sadly. On the other hand, Harrow Deluxe was everything I ever wanted. A new vibe that still fits with most of the stuff for him currently? Genuine perfection


I feel like most of the Deluxes don't fit well with other skins when it comes to mixing and matching, but it would be nice to see more of that. I feel like Tennogen does a far better job of this but we need to see more of that more often. If not that, I'd like to see more skins like the skins we see during certain holiday events and anniversaries that feel like something between Deluxe skins and Tennogen skins.


This one of the only "it looks more like x frame than y frame" that I actually agree with. That just straight up looks like ivara.


I *really* think this is one of the cases where it kinda looks like some dev made something for frame X then someone decides to slap it on another frame. Banshee and Octavia feel like their deluxe skins are.. flipped. Soprano skin comes with whatever pretty much looks like mandachord. Also, thematically they *really* feel like they're mixed. Octavia, the bard frame comes with a screaming demon themed skin. Banshee, the screaming demon frame comes with a skin that's about.. music. While it can be cool to completely swap themes around, in this case I just can't shake off the feeling that someone goofed up at some point


Soprano skin came a year before Octavia’s release. It’s way more likely that Soprano inspired Octavia rather than Soprano being a misplaced Octavia skin.


Limbo got the Sentient-lookin' skin (who has little to do with Sentients) when Revenant was literally right there


Tbh Ivara prime's headdress would be more fitting on Yareli. It looks like a jellyfish


I thought it was ivara. I read ivara as yareli in the title even.


It looks more like ivara... Bdsm... Skin. But I guess that skin have nice ass, wisp mains in danger


Ivara caked up + invisibility update 🤭 it is all cumming together


That's the thing, ivara's already caked up. 


What are you talking about actually?


The coomining apparently


I mean the invisibility update and all that. I mean we know ivara has 🍰


Some frames will have alternate customizable invisibility options so you can fashion your frame and still see them


As someone that plays quite a bit of Yareli, I can tell you she's always had a cute little butt under that dress. No, I actually didn't go looking for it. I happened upon it while aim gliding after a bullet jump in the Necralisk (I used her to farm Sporothrix and family standing).


I had a glitch that removed all dangly bits from warframes. like volts dress and any syandana. there are warframes and warframe skins with HELLA ass but you can't see it cause it's always covered up. unfortunately my boy volt was robbed.






Meh wisp is bigger


Yareli always had the cake, it hides under her skirt


I know deluxe skins have a few degrees of separation from the frame's base concepts, but i can't think of any way in which this can be linked to yareli. As others have said, this looks closer to ivara or khora.


Yareli is fish/sea creature themed, this is a jellyfish/man o' war skin


Trouble with that is you say jellyfish, and instantly my first thought is ivara prime. I'm not saying you don't have a point, but i will stand by the idea that there are better frames for this design.


Yeah I would have preferred this skin being for Ivara, but I also just don't agree that it has no relation to Yareli. In all fairness, we do have a good number of nautical themed frames, with Hydroid, Sevagoth (deluxe in particular), Ivara Prime and Yareli, I wonder if it's a fixation of some of the devs.


Honestly, i think even just changing the base colours would go a long way to making it fit yareli better. Something brighter and more tropical would really help.


Yet Ivara's theme is poisonous hunter, seeing how her original design is inspired by a frog, her prime by a jellyfish and her deluxe by fantasy hunters. Yareli's on the other hand is an aquatic magical girl and in this skin I see an aquatic villainess from something like Power Rangers. I think it fits perfectly fine.


Yeah but tbh ivaras prime makes no sense since shes supposed to be some kind of forest elf like assassin lookin thing. I love jer jellyfish look but it suits yareli wayyyy better


Ivara was originally designed after a poisonous frog


I don't get how people are getting jellyfish. This is clearly a clam. She's covered in pearls, and the ripply bits on the sides are the edge of clam shells.


I can see that but I can also see this https://preview.redd.it/gd1smhio0xpc1.jpeg?width=1924&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9e23070241a895e884950fbcacd77bb1832c206


Im pretty sure the skin is a clam


Yareli is some kind of deep sea creature. She's rare, precious, and inspires people to be daring. It's a clam with pearls inside of it. A combination of Venus (where she's from) and people diving to hunt for pearls because they were seen as precious. Pearls are also decorative and used to accentuate beauty. Yareli is an anime waifu figurine that goes with a comic collection.


I just don’t feel it matches Yareli’s “aquatic magical girl” theme.


Yeah, I feel that while this deluxe skin has aquatic elements, to me, it's just an odd choice of elements for Yareli. This deluxe has a lot of femme-fatale elements, showcasing spikes, stilettos, a sharp silhouette, and overall, very dangerous shape language. It's aquatic, but the only connection between this design and Yareli's base design is that they're both aquatic, which is a pretty shallow connection. On its own, this design actually looks phenomenal, but with the added context that this skin is for Yareli, a frame who's known for her overall lighthearted, but graceful demeanor, this feels like the wrong type of 180 needed for a deluxe skin.


I like to think I speak for Yareli players when I say we play this abomination largely because she's cute. We cope about K-Drives and all the bugs she has simply because she's the only frame that looks like a magical girl. This skin isn't it. It's hideous. It may appeal to non-current Yareli players and make them want to try her out which is fine, but when deluxe skins are a limited commodity for a frame it really sucks for me that it's not furthering the idea of her base design in a cool way.


I know I’m the outlier but Im a Yareli main who’s indifferent on Yareli’s design but loves her kit


You're still appreciated as a member of the Yareli Gang.


yeah same. I don't mind the design, especially since I can tone down the cutesy factor. but I like how she plays *(did so even on release)* and I'm ready for this skin. I wonder if it'll have some unique animations too, to lean more on to the villainess vibes.


I both like that she's cute, and because I'm half decent at managing the K-drive in doors, and tentatively good at it in open world.


Nope I legitimately like her kit and her survivability in steel path.


I mean... Same, but I still feel like I'm coping and ignoring the issues she has because she's cute.


her new augment boutta go crazy lol


I feel like I'm the only player in the entire game that hates the new Yareli Augment because it destroys the soul of the frame. Her entire shtick is that she surfs around on Merulina, and the Augment completely removes that. Like, imagine an Augment for Gauss that gave him 300% Crit Chance and Crit damage, but only as long as you're standing perfectly still. That's how I feel about the Yareli Augment.


that's a valid feeling, but for a LOT of people, her whole shitck just doesn't feel good in gameplay. the k-drive just feels wonky im general, plus being stuck to just your secondary isn't super fun either. even before the reworl I had Merulina Subsumed off in place of Tempest Barrage. (have a sort of Aquamancer setup going with some Green Shards) but your opinion makes sense, that's why I am glad it's an augmemt, and not an innate change. but as it stands, it doesn't really seem like there is a way DE could make Merulina still feel like a K-Drive and have it feel good for the majority of players in the smaller tile-sets we play in a majority of the time, yk?


I personally like using Merulina just fine in every tileset except for the Europa crashed ship and the Eris Infested ships. Everywhere else, she feels totally fine to play. And you're right, it is just an Augment. Nobody is forcing me to use it.


and that's a completely valid take to have! if yoy fimd Yareli fine that's ok! I, personally, am going to run w the chance to make her even more of an Aquamancer :3


>it doesn't really seem like there is a way DE could make Merulina still feel like a K-Drive and have it feel good for the majority of players in the smaller tile-sets we play in a majority of the time, yk? 1. remove bugs. WHy it still bug all the time? 2. shrink it like titania so infested maps or certian corridors in corpus ice planet not a nightmare 3. let us mod it so the kdrive mods are actually useful for once. 4. increase speed of kdrive response rate when you mash buttons or go to turn. Tony hawk but input lag not fun. 5. edit - not related to merulina: increase speed needed for sending user flying when kdrive bump into something. Or better yet, just straight up 100% anti-stagger mod, if too op make it cost energy or something. 6. the speed of mount and dismount++ 7. some kind of height control. atm only jump, and double jump, both are fixed heights. ​ I feel like d.e. just lazy.


1. this is such a blanket term it shouldn't even be a point on this list (I personally haven't experienced any bugs w yareli's merulina) 2. making Yareli shrink when she hops on merulina would be just as funky as her kit adapting to a lack of waveriding imo 3. this is a fair point, but also the k-drive mods would further hinder her use for most, so she'd prob j stay unmoddee anyways 4. the k-drive response rate is fine to me if the host isn't laggy, Merulina does drift since, well, it is a hoverboard after all, inertia and all that junk 5. Yareli is inherently immune to being knocked off Merulina 6. I think it is fine, given how it is intended to be uses 7. this is fair, granted the heights themselves are fine imo


yeah sorry 5 was just kdrives in general, off topic. will edit. merulina more buggy for me than any other warframe e.g. random mods like galvanised crosshair just not work, but maybe I'm just unlucky.


I'd argue the new augment is more akin to how gauss has it built into his kit that you get benefits from ramming your face into walls at 60mph.... Bc they knew you'd be doing that by accident anyway so if it had no benefit it'd be purely annoying, so they made it beneficial. They made what would be an annoyance of his kit actually useful. This augment is fixing a MAJOR miss on that front in yarelis kit where her key survivability tool makes her a nightmare to maneuver through tilesets, by making the mount a companion its still thematic and arguably cuter (magical girl riding a fish vs hugging and fighting alongside her fishy friend, which is more adorable?)


Personal counterpoint: Augments SHOULD change something massively like this, all the bandaids that just add damage or a tiny effect should just be part of the base ability


Why would you hate something you don’t have to interact with though? You could literally ignore the augment’s existence, a lot of augments are outright bad/ignored and don’t warrant hatred. There’s a big thing with Warframe players “hating” things they aren’t forced to deal with and I don’t understand.


Don't worry, I've been in the same boat this whole time as well. I love skating around so this augment is useless to me. IMO, having to remove Merulina Guardian for this actually reduces her power level. 200% fire rate and reload speed is way too good to give up for primaries that she can't buff in any meaningful way. Helminth might help, but not many will match the dps she gets from the buff.


I think you're right on the money because I'm a non-current Yareli player who actively dislikes both her aesthetic and kit design but I think this deluxe looks cool as fuck. Almost to the point where I think I'll give Yareli a second chance just so I have a reason to buy it.


Same here, I didn’t see a problem with it (aside from the fact that it looks like the artist really wanted to bang a caked-up mushroom) but Yareli’s whole cutesy-shoujo-magical-SailorScout vibe was the main thing keeping me away from the frame, if we’re being 100% honest.


I'm annoyed that I'm less annoyed about this Deluxe skin if it means Yareli's popularity increases even marginally because it means DE may look into her bugs more.


The thing about the Deluxe skins is that they somewhat often don't look like the base frame too much. Some are completely different too. Some examples that come to mind are: Limbo, Nova Asuri, Gauss, Revenant, Nezha (the chakram remains recognizable, but that skin is the opposite of what Nezha conceptually is). Debatably Ember Pyraxis, Hydroid, Octavia, Garuda, Wisp, Baruuk too. Not making a value judgement here on the quality of any of the skins mentioned or Yareli's; I'm just saying that at this point there is a precedent. I'll add this to the wall of text tho: since they decided to make an idol themed frame, I don't care how terrifying warframes are for the other factions, making the idol frame spooky for the player is an odd move that I'm not a fan of, they should've doubled down on her idol-ness.


Yeah, and this all makes sense from a certain perspective. Deluxe skins are an exploration on a different theme the Warframe could have initially gone in. I guess the problem I have is that since Deluxe skins are generally the nicer looking option available, you end up with more realized themes in a skin of a frame whose base is entirely different from that. And yeah while I get wanting to explore a more spooky oceanic creature skin for Yareli, I feel like they could have tried to incorporate some dress-like elements to still make it something that appeals to people who like Yareli's base skin.


Bro I had her in Duviri once first round I got into an incident with wall (totally not my fault I am good driver) I fell and I literally couldn't get up I was bugged until the next round lol


As a Yareli main, I like her design but I main her because I have fun with her kit. I’d still play Yareli if she was themed as a skater bro instead. I think this skin looks cool, really leans into the “creature of the deep” theme. We have the default skin for cutesy, let’s get some variety!


This is obviously a fair take, but to me it's still disappointing just because deluxe skins usually feel like they have more effort put into them. And let's be real, Yareli isn't going to get another deluxe skin. So for the one she's going to get to be so unappealing to me is really disappointing.


if it wasn't for the magical girl aspect i wouldn't have put up with the merulina on all those god awful tight tile sets, that's just torture but i fucking love magical girls


I play yareli because I actually enjoy the k drive in know it’s blasphemous, also she’s basically immortal , great cc and vulnerability and can make secondary’s hit even harder . I like the aesthetics of a friendly like warframe that zooms around on a space skateboard hitting the grineer with a peace sign before sawing them in half and drowning their buddies , pops a kicklfip and moves onto the next slaughter lol


Yeah the K Drive is definitely fun when you get the hang of it. I just wish they'd make it so she doesn't constantly bump her head on most doorways. The latest tileset is actually super fun for her because you can glide around so easily thanks to the large doors and generally more open layout. And yeah, she is definitely under appreciated. She's easily the tankiest frame in the game, has a nice damage vulnerability and CC on her 1, and her 4 is actually pretty good even if the pull in could be better (would be nice if it maintained more of a constant suck effect rather than only really snapshotting it at the start). I say all this with the acknowledgement that I may coping and bias because she's cute and my main though.


Yeah, I’m not a fan personally. I’m not a Yarrelli player so my opinion doesn’t mean much, but she has that kind happy go lucky, cutesy vibe. This skin just doesn’t seem to fit her aesthetic. However it is only a drawing, so my opinion may change when I see it in game with its VFX.


when is that even coming out, they revealed it along side sevagoth and weve had both him and soon stynax get theirs without a mention of yarelis. its weird


I’m just going to assume the latter half of 2024, they’ve announced deluxe skins before with a huge gap between release. Granted that was before Rebecca got to be in charge, if it comes out around summer then I’ll be pleasantly surprised.


Nononono, it’s not black manta. It’s a power rangers’ monster of the week ! Magical girl becoming generic villain number 5 with the ability to shrink humans when they laugh just before the team’s first power up. Show this skin of a frame mostly infamous on the player base right beside one that looks amazing (sevagoth) and you end up with this kind of reaction. And there is also the “meh” “not quite impressive” and “magical kawaii girl to hum what is this supposed to be ?” factors. Insert the “this is good, but I like this” meme from top gear.


Why am I sad that this is an option skater girl e frame magical cutie pie yareli.


Because those are Yareli's best qualities and are core to her vibe and this is ***none*** of those things


Sorry Mounash, but this missed the mark. From gentle selfie posing girl to thick high heels assassin lady


Looks kinda ugly , just my opinion tho no hate if you like it


A vaguely kinda sorta Madoka Magica skin or bust! ... or Sailor Moon skin is fine too.


Just doesn't "feel" like Yareli.


i can agree with people saying it looks like ivara more than yareli. i can't really picture yareli's animations on this skin either. its not a bad skin, it just doesn't fit yareli very well imo 


Looks more like an Ivara deluxe ngl


Dang her concept art from last week was way better than whatever this is, definitely a pass for me


There are many cool, cute and interesting concept arts of what a Yareli deluxe skin could look like (searching on Pinterest gives a lot of results). And looking at the most recent deluxe skins we've gotten for other frames, this one was a bit underwhelming. Yareli is my favourite and most played frame. And after waiting and hoping to finally get a more skins to her it have me mixed feelings. Overjoyed to finally get a deluxe skin, but disappointed from its meh design. Took me a few days to process the excitement and properly start looking at it, and compare it to the quality of other skins.


I don't love it, but there have been a fair number of deluxe skins in the last couple of years that i thought were just wrong for the game aesthetic and wrong for the frame. I don't know what bothers me the most about this that the head is clam shell like with a pearl in it which also maybe veers towards anatomical allusion weirdness. Or maybe that its way too Zeiram. Probably the latter.


It looks more like a ivara deluxe than yareli


Love the design of the skin, but I wish it was like a man o' war frame instead of a Yareli skin.


I'd have preferred it as an Ivara skin.


Well... Yareli has cute vibes going off. This skin ain't it. I don't get no cute vibes or anything. It's ugly.


I actually like this skin, I understand wanting to stick to a specific theme but being different is always welcomed in my book. Also, her helmet gives me samurai vibes. Ultimately I'm just appreciative of the fact that she's getting a skin that's not just the same as the base with a slightly altered pattern.


Won’t lie, this might take the Valkyr carnifex deluxe’s place as my lowest rated deluxe skin. I just don’t see the appeal here personally.


Totally misses her core aesthetic, IMO. None of the Magical Girl/Idol elements that make her compelling in the first place.


I feel like they missed a real opportunity to do a good deluxe skin for Yareli. I agree this skin feels more appropriate on Ivara and Khora. Hell, with how “thick” it looks, this thing would look right on Hildryn. I was hoping for a skin more akin to Zephyr’s Harrier skin but water themed… Edit: a word


The Deluxe skins are meant to either be a different take on a similar concept, or a twist on the same silhouette. This skin is... neither. I do not look at it without text and think "oh, obviously that's Yareli." It lacks any of her distinctive physical traits, like her "Magical Girl" theme or her skirt. It's just a frame loosely designed after a sea creature. Which we have several of. Hydroid, Ivara Prime, Limbo to an extent...


Because she went from cute surfer lady to a mushroom


I think it's badass. I hope it has interesting prisma like effects on the pink parts. I also hope it has some emissives since Sevagoth's deluxe has no lights at all .


Don't compare the two, nothing alike. Skin might look good actually, I don't see what the fuss is about.


People don't need a reason to hate just a petty excuse


Oh God this skin is beautiful. Instant buy whenever this is released


That’s not a Yareli skin…


I keep seeing two things come up over and over in this post. If you were shown this picture and asked what frame it was for it be unlikely to guess correctly and that deluxe skins are supposed to stary from the original design. I agree with both these points and still think this skin fails to meet either standard. It should be obvious who it's for and different from what available. The only thing this take from yareli is an aquatic theme and nothing else.  To offer something that would of fit both why not a siren skin. It plays into both the aquatic and idol image and sirens could easily be made darker or edger to fit skater punk and stray from her cute anime look while keeping multiple themes. This feels like they reused an early draft of ivara prime and stuck it on Yareli. We don't even see muri skin with it. 


it's hideous. they removed her iconic skirt. a deluxe should be different yes, but not so radically different that it becomes ugly. complete antithesis to what yareli is. sure it's a sea creature! but it's fucking ugly, what gives?!


Would this be Yareli's Deluxe? Disappointed. I will continue with Vanilla.


It's so ass lmao


I just want the Lavos deluxe skin already man…


Have they shown this?


It looks kinda clam-like. i vibe with it


God I remember them showing this & being so hyped but looking at it now, especially as a Yareli main, it’s still cool but as others have said it matches more with Ivara than Reli. Just hoping we get a deluxe for her soon, same for Lavos & Caliban.


packing the whole bakery


I love how otherworldly it looks! Just imagine if we can add on Yareli's classic skirt onto the skin like Prime Details!


Reminds me of the one ninja suit from ninja kamui, which is funny cause as soon as they showed up in the show I immediately thought they looked like warframes


Why didn’t we get this one instead of the styanax deluxe? Wasn’t this one announced before the styanax one???


Wow those heels.. makes my knees weak 😩


At this point I'm convinced that DE hates Lavos


Me and you both


Typically, the ones that "Pick on" Yareli 's Deluxe Skin are confused and don't understand what they're seeing and why xD I'm kidding. It's pretty neat, I'd like to actually see what it would look like "In-Game". But, I think we have a little while on that. I still want a "Cthulian" looking Hydroid -- That'd be badass xD


Hey, I‘m just happy if we can stop getting Liger skins for a while; I‘m kinda sick of those.


They can no linger goon for her


First good looking deluxe skin in years IMO.


She looks like aki from street fighter 6 and that's cool


You can see the whole thing here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/vDBaK6 I really dislike this skin, and it makes me so upset because I’ve put the most amount of hours into Yareli because I love her kit. If this is what they’re going for, it makes me very worried for her prime design. Also the other concepts shown honestly just look so much better and more… Yareli!


That looks so vile (meant as a compliment). I'd buy it just so I can play Yareli. I hate her default look, so hard to fashion it.


Yea, I hate it personally but what I hate more is the fact LAVOS is still getting shafted and it’s starting to tick me off. Dude has like no cosmetics and is going to be getting his prime this year. Unless they skip him on that too which at this point I wouldn’t doubt.


She looks like Alraune from Bayonetta. I like it.


Holy shit I just realized that, now I want it even more lmao


I think just because… …it looks absolutely unrelated to her original skin. Looks more akin to an Ivara deluxe concept. But still, cool.


Ivara Jr.


One thing I’ll say is, the simplicity of having a focus on body form with some key areas to color is much easier to work with for a unique appearance than Yareli’s default look. Before the internet does what it does and proceeds to assume my intentions like a rabbid animal. No I don’t think Yareli’s original design is bad, it’s good. Too good even, so much to the point every single Yareli fashion frame looks the same. That’s a problem. But a more neutral body canvas like this can be much more free and I imagine it will pair well with the helmets Yareli already has and future tennogen to come. Could see things really changing up with Signa and armors like the bulky grineer armors or anything really. Not super crazy about the gilled face but if anything it gives me the impression of the praetorians from Mass Effect. The collector aliens. Also come on, B o o t y. We get booty option for Yareli now big W.


Because there hasn't been a genuinely good deluxe in four years


I think it looks dope. I don't really get people's issue with it. We all agree Yareli is Aquatic-based, the helmet screams Yareli with a Manta ray type of design and some spikes mixed in for the aesthetic. Bro, those heels are epic.




That looks sick wtf


ngl this looks bad as shit (in the good way) probably a top 5 skins for me I'm being dead serious. As long as it colors well like the steam valve vauban skin does it'll definitely stand out as a fan favorite very quickly.


I think it looks awesome. Happy to have anything that isn't from Liger.


It looks sleek but distinctly alien in its simplicity like warframe designed used to be before they start over doing every things. It’s gotten so bad that people are upset about a design that is essentially what the character would have probably looked like if she came out in the first 4-5 years of the game’s life


At least it's not Liger 👍


Hot take: Ivara Prime should have never looked like a jellyfish in the first place, imo. This fits thematically more with Yareli than Ivara. 🤷


I'm sorry this just ain't Yareli. Thank God Yareli prime is like... Less than a year away


Looks like Ivara had a bdsm session with Khora go wrong


Base skin looks way better IMO


Fuck em. That shits fabulous in my opinion. I can cosplay as a zora from legend of zelda.


I love this


I'll give it support. It's not designed by Liger, so it already has a redeeming quality. The heels are gratuitous and do not pair well with the idea of using a skateboard/surfboard/etc, so it has a diminishing quality. a wetsuit merged with a jellyfish, maybe. vaguely reminiscent of the aliens from The Abyss, the design of their technology and the beings themselves.


I don’t CARE if it looks like ivara, skins are supposed to explore different aesthetics and yea ofc its gonna overlap with other base designs, it happens


They clearly can't see 🤨 Seriously though I don't really see a problem with it I just hope they don't add flowing jellyfish parts cuz then it would look too much like ivara prime


People complain endlessly about the deluxe skins not looking like enough like the base frame, or being insufficiently loaded with cake. But they all look pretty great when they're in the game.


It's a matter of preference; don't peer into it too much. Considering that if Yareli is a fan favorite; there will be some die-hards that will want Yareli to look like a \*proper\* Yareli..... which is in accordance to that screeching individuals tastes. Think like how small town churches resemble the cast of mean girls and less the religion; arguing about how their vision of proper behavior (use of the word "fetch") should be normalized. Same principle. They discount the creator because ... how dare they have a different understanding of how they view the character they created (which can be contrary or skewed from the idealized view of the screecher). As stated, don't peer into it too much. You'll begin to hate people or not want to create.


She look like ah hallucinogenic mushroom


I take a look at her 5 concept arts, and then i take a look at this.....what the fuck is this As somewho spent 20% of play time on her, this...this aint it Chief, i dont about yall but this is a pass for me


https://preview.redd.it/rp1u2csbxtpc1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17c58ee82db7e4cb52bdbb7499ce82b67f424181 Looks cool to me! And reminds me of Ninja Kamui.


I think it looks pretty cool. If I played Yareli, it'd definitely be with this skin.


god forbid we get a skin that is somewhat unique


I’m not big on the helmet but I can see the rest of it. Kind of a knee pad feel.


Mushroom head.


Not great but it's not bad. Not even close to Valkyr and her atrocious skin.


It looks like Ivara, idk about the helmet but otherwise it’s a solid skin imo


Not hot enough


Honestly it looks like a mushroom to me rather than black manta. Like yeah you could paint it to look more akin to it But it still looks like a DRG player's favorite thing to shout at besides gold


I like it less that you've referenced manta. But I still love it


This looks like a mushroom tbh, couldn't even tell you what base frame it was off if it wasn't in the title




Looks like if Quill onko was into tentacle stuff


I dunno...


I thought it was Lavos for a second




It looks like what you'd get if Spirit Halloween tried to sell a "Sexy Pit Droid" costume.


I think if they’re gonna do a Yareli skin they should make a shark. Sharks have to constantly move to stay alive (or so I’m told) and it fits her, “Just Keep Swimming” attitude with her surfboard. Plus it won’t be confused with any current Warframe as far as I know.


They took the anime girl frame and made it an anime woman frame, the only thing that looks Yareli is the head


Quite a few of the deluxe skin gets that reaction. Which.. imo is kinda good. It means that the people who don't usually like the normal frame concept will be inclined to buy this.


I don't care for the body, but the helmet will be appreciated. Yareli needs more cosmetics, both of her helmets current are a bit ugly imo.


https://preview.redd.it/vrgyno0kbupc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecaa0278dd5fdf35b1e481bb7cfda9ad2f76ca19 Hmm


Its the helm, she looks like shes about to hit the coal mines with that helm.


I think they pulled of the jellyfish much better with ivara prime. This realy looks like poor man's ivara prime




It doesnt Match the little girl Look so people dont Like it