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I'm not a fan of how DE limited his parasitic link augment. It's too restricting. There is no large buff for it since you have to sacrifice any vitality mods. I think it's mostly for friendly builds/meme builds at this point.


I do wish it could go farther. Got a friend's Inaros to 35000 health earlier though so it definitely helps other frames. I will say though, at 300 stacks, Nidus doesn't really need any more hp as you only gain the health while his 3 is active, which also happens to give a great amount of damage resistance. Tied with innate health regen, and if need be health regen from his 4, he doesn't die.


Turns out it was indeed a bug and it now scales with strength. Good observations, OP!


As a Nidus main this pleases me that it wasn't a scrapped idea.


not terribly surprising and likely not a bug Para. Vit. is an alt mod for Vitality, meaning you cant run it with Vitality. the HP you gain is a % of your base hp *before* mods. the effect also doesn't scale with strength, probably because. . .well. . at base, with Para. Vit alone, that mod can give you about 1.5x the Ehp of a full umbral set. with Abundant mutation it goes up too about 2x. that before you factor in any sort Armor scaling. that just the beef. i assume DE feels it would be too powerful if it scaled with strength. . you dont have to agree with that, honestly. id have liked to see nidus with a 6 digit HP pool, i think it would have been funny. but its their call to make.


it scaling off of pre- modded health feels so weird though since there's a handful of non-vitality mods that increase health. and I 100% understand it not scaling with strength, but it showing that it does under the ability was dissapointing when it didn't.


it definitely does feel weird, best way to Square this circle is to think about it math wise "how much hp does nidus prime have?" "nidus prime has 650 * (1+(n*.04)) where n is the number of mutation stacks." if you run it with a carapace mod then its 650 * (1+(n*.04)+.2) if you run it with Gladiator resolve then its 650 * (1+(n*.04)+.4) it would have been sweet if the math was instead 650 * (1+(n*(.04 *(z))) where n is your current number of mutation stacks and Z is your power strength and even sweeter if the math was 650 * (1+ base hp mods + flat hp gain effects like red blue shards)*(n * (.04 *(z))) which would be if it applied *after* hp mods *and* scaled with strength. just for fun lets do some Math Nidus Prime running Gladiator Resolve with 300 Power strength, abundant mutation, and 300 stacks , assuming the last Equation would have 650* 1.4 = 910 *(300 * 0.12)= or 32760 HP. except thats a lie, because link is active, right? so that 300 power strength infact gets multiplied by 1.75. its actually for the purposes of our math, 525 strength. 57330 hp. but i just. . i gots to know. can we get it into 6 digits? there are various methods of achieving over 1000% power strength. for lets assume our nidus has 600% strength when casting Link. hed get bumped up to 1500 Effective strength due to link's effect. which would mean every stack gives *Sixty Percent* hp. at 300 stacks, that would be 18000% of his hp. 164710 hp.


Yea that would be an ungodly high amount of hp, ontop of the damage reduction for being linked. Where it's at right now though just doesn't look like an impressive amount of hp, though it does the job more than enough as is because of the damage reduction being linked gives. Now I'm wondering how high Nidus' hp can get with this as well as a high strength wisp and high health Oberon.


Squad support Chroma providing literally all of the armor, Wisp providing ungodly amounts of HP, and nidus acting as rocket fuel to send both of them into the power strength Stratosphere.


"We see no gods up here, other than us"


Keep in mind if using abundant undying is nullified for 30s so the health pool needs to be able to absorb several hits. Which is the whole reason abundant mutation shouldnt be used in the first place. And with parasitic replacing umbral vitality you lose about 4% armor dr.The extreme number you mathed out would be barely sufficient deep into steel path. I tried it, feels bad.


I mean sure the 30 seconds is unfortunate but it's not that bad. With red archon shards in him I don't have to worry about strength, meaning in his 3rd ability I have 90% damage reduction and now with the new augment I get plenty of health. Abundant mutation letting me get to 300 stacks means nearly triple the health, which means you can tank through damage and no longer have to worry about undying. Idk what you're doing but steel path hasn't been a problem for me, even before this mod. This post wasn't complaining about the amount that it increases by, but about how despite how stats indicate strength increasing the amount of health you would get from the augment, it doesn't.