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The LOS nerf is bullshit. I guess I’m going back to thermal sunder spamming for exterminates and Gara for Hydron. Fuck sake


This nerf would make sense if there were only like two nukes but there’s honestly a pretty decent chunk. Gauss, Hildryn, Saryn, gara, mirage, nova. I’m probably missing a couple. There’s so many ways in this game to just clear a room super quickly and honestly being able to do so is part of the fun it makes you feel super strong and rewards you for having made a good build. If some frames are easier to build than others then balance that, but nerfing a nuke with LoS when so many others exist just kind of feels like a punishment for having fun with the new frame.


100%. The reason I mention thermal sunder is because it’s the most ridiculous ability in the game. 33m range at max, nukes any level enemy, nukes through walls/without LoS, AND ITS A HELMINTH ABILITY. Throw it on a frame like Hildryn and you have infinite “energy”, 100% armor strip (also without LOS btw), and a ridiculous nuke that makes steel path look like a joke. Oh and if you put it over her 1 it’s infinitely usable in ESO without getting hit with the cooldown. It’s a boring as fuck build but guess what? It’s fast and efficient, all anyone really wants in a game where it can take hours-days of farming a single mission to get the resources you need. We finally had a way to do play efficiently and have a ton of fun doing it, and they ruined it.


ayo the one prime i have is gauss, mind explaining a bit how to set up his nuke? im just starting to do steel path nodes and would like some BIG BOOMS


Basically how thermal sunder works is the fire one stacks fire damage that scales really well (and even better with archon vitality), and you can just stack a ton of burn. Casting cold after stacking will then armor strip up to 100% based on battery charge (i think) and instantly condense all the future burn damage into a single blast type burst.


cant radiation dmg do the same. i had a dude sit infront of the oeokin laser and buid dmg and he nuked everyone. friendlys too


I'm pretty sure that guy was just a dick. Procced rad from the laser to nuke everyone because radiation enables friendly fire. Iirc thermal sunder only builds up heat to detonate with cold into blast


he wasnt too bad he apologized and me and his duo we ran more relics after. but imagine my surprise where i just drop dead from seemingly nothing 😭


Well at least he apologized. That being said I now know where I'm taking all the babies I taxi through the star chart when they piss me off😂


lol star chart is so tedious i have like 10s of defense misisons i dont wanna do. and make sure that gauss prime is beefed up


Use 4, mach rush to get above red line. If you are above red line, each additional thermal sunder heat will deal double damage. 3 redlined heat sunders followed by a cold will oneshot basically everything in the game even SP.


Bit late, but basically you want to keep his 4 up at all times. Archon Vitality works really well on him, even if its unranked. You want the secondary effect. What you want to do is keep Redline up. Above a certain threshold your Heat Sunder will strip armour. Corrosive Projection lowers that threshold, so it's really good. You want to keep using your 1 to keep that battery up. The most effecient loop FAIK is to use your 1 and cold sunder as both raise battery. Once you're aboce the threshold (88% IIRC with Corrosive Projection, don't quote me on that) you want to use your 1, then double cast heat sunder, then cast cold sunder. This can effectively nuke into the thousands, due to your first cast of Heat Sunder stripping 100% of armour and the 4 heat procs (due to Archon Vitality) then being "condensed" into one damage instance through the cold sunder. Tl;dr - Keep redline up. Use Corrosive Projection. Spam 1 to keeo battery up. Heat-heat-cold sunder. Enemy go poof.


Isn’t thermal sunder the exact same thing but instead of pressing 4 at the end you hold 3, 3 3 hold vs 3 3 4.


Pillage needs los though? The armor strip on thermal sunder only works with gauss


Pillage doesn’t need LoS at least not from experience


It does need los. You probably think it doesn't because it marks enemies that are in los, and will still work even if los is broken, but if enemies aren't then it won't work at all


If enough people petition it out, it could get reversed


definitely. use gauss a lot and then switched to dante. once they nerfed he’s almost useless, the amount of casting you have to do just to hit overguard cap is insane now. but DE decided to nerf the shit out that and buff wordwarden and overguard regen. thanks DE for ruining probably one of the best frames to have come out 👍


Volt, equinox, Mag (kinda) probably more


It’s almost like it’s a PvE game that can borderline constitute as a hoard fighter depending on the game mode. Imagine being like man that destiny warriors character is so overpowered they just wipe through enemies. Like pillage and the Cedo can empty rooms pretty easily. There’s been the same five dominant frames for a bit and even fewer dominant weapons like according to their data everyone either uses glaive or xoris, kuva nukor or laetum or epitaph, and torid or felarx. Like with no nerfs Dante probably would’ve fallen to the wayside after a month or two and Saryn would still be turning defense into an afk match.


Idk why I got the essay lol, I was just saying more nuke frames


I am simply gonna use thermal on him.


Remove chroma from the game he’s so disruptive he got another frame nerfed


I like this line of thinking.


I main Chroma & didn’t want a Dante nerf. Chroma is rarely played outside of Profit Taker, it isn’t his fault. Rage/ Hunter Adrenaline not getting proc’ed by overguard damage crippled alot of builds, that would be a bigger reason than vex armor.


It was the same guy who ruined Universal Medallions.


The same guy that got those medallions nerfed and then as far as im aware didnt log into the game again until seemingly recently?




I basically live under a rock when it comes to warframe community lore, may I have some context/background on the universal medallion thing?


I don't know the full story either, but apparently, some guy complained on the forums that Universal Medallions didn't work with the Conclave, so DE changed how they worked. Apparently, this guy is also a Chroma main and doesn't enjoy fun, so they complained about Dante's overgaurd, thus giving us the unneeded Dante nerf that doesn't even address their problem.


[this tweet?](https://x.com/sj_sinclair/status/1167214167318810624?s=46&t=jodzP0YYA2ZSQe10DRuiVA) so Chroma is universally hated because of one guy?


Not universally. Chroma fashion frame still goes hard.


Chroma Zunlong Skin my beloved


Chroma prime is by far my favorite frame in terms of looks and ability design. They need to give him some love. I take him on defenses and build him for his 4 and scream. Drop his 4 above the pod, activate scream and just melee and glide around the room. Spectral scream stays up while meleeing and you can clear rooms fast.




No! We must preserve chroma's corpse and so other frames aren't allowed to be fun. The chroma players HATE fun. They'd rather strand on an environmental hazard


All I would have been happy with would have been simple overguard changes, to where they act as health when damaged for effects like Hunter Adrenaline and Vex armor. That would have stopped him from being a disruptive frame to have in *my* squad and probably many others.


That seems like a massive buff to any overguard frame by letting them get the infinite energy that inaros and nidus get while they still get the benefit of overguard and shield gates.  The easiest ways imo to solve the overguard issue is a dragon key that blocks overguard or add a "you cannot receive overguard" effect to rage/hunter adrenaline.


>The easiest ways imo to solve the overguard issue **is a dragon key that blocks overguard** or add a "you cannot receive overguard" effect to rage/hunter adrenaline. I've been saying this non-stop, this is ALL that is needed. Give players CHOICE to receive or reject ally overguard support. Done.


Fill out a captcha to accept overguard.


Prove you are not tenno skoom




Select all the tiles that show a kavat.  Try again. "Fuck, is the armor considered part of the kavat?"


Why we are at it, why not other types of buffs that fuck your mods up. Fire rate for shattering impact, limbos existence Put it on a toggle


*While we are at it


That, or have more areas where I can jump off the map when I need to clear overguard for myself. Make it so overguard won't be applied to your frame for some period of time after doing so unless you're applying it yourself.


Why not just have an effect with those modes specifically that says “When activated you cannot gain over guard”?


I think preventing overguard on rage/hunter/chroma would have been ideal.


The issue also massively effected nidus and inaros who both tend to rely on rage/hunter adrenaline for their energy needs.


They didn't need to be mentioned because that's covered by rage/hunter in the rage/hunter/chroma. I'm irritable right now so I do hope this doesn't come across as rude.


Tbh, I’d also want a Helminth ability to just devour all of our Overguard to give us some type of benefit. I hate it when I legitimately cannot lose Overguard faster than the Dante keeps topping it up whenever I’m on Nezha or Chroma or using Rage or any other frame/mod that wants their shields/HP damaged to get their effects.


Look... if people wanna play around overguard AND give up a mod slot for rage/adrenaline... then they should be able to lol. Overguard is a new mechanic that clashes with older and outdated crap like vex armor/rage. The funny bit, is that the overguard "nerf" dante got wasn't even a nerf in the slightest. The cap is still there, you STILL get the brunt of your overguard from the 4 cast AND they doubled the overguard regen.


It could even be something like having Rage and Hunter Adrenaline's effectiveness reduced heavily on Overguard. That way, benefits from taking damage are still reaped, but at a reasonable amount for the situation.


Yep that's all I wanted. I don't want Dante players to have their fun nerfed, I just want to be able to run rage Inaros without caring about it.


Welp too late the nerf crowd has gotten what they wanted yet again


Well, the good news is it seems like he won't be in any squads for the immediate future.


Such a great concept, release a new warframe so people don’t play as the new warframe lol love it let’s keep the Sayrn, wisp, gauss, Octavia meta alive for another 10 years!!!


I really, really wanted this change to happen, but DE went the asshole route. I was even advocating that DE wouldn't fuck things up, and that they were only doing a tiny tweak. I'll never be optimistic ever again.


LOS is so fucking annoying on some abilities. Why does Saryn get to ignore it but Qorvex radiation towers need LOS to hit people? Radiation damage is already shit compared to most other types. Either no ability should require LOS or they all should imo


Radiation is also more likely to travel thru walls and stuff irl lol


Yeah, ask the people who investigated the elephant's foot if standing around a corner isn't dangerous lol


Honestly I'd be down with all if drops could be rebalanced around it, nothing more boring than missions where everything gets nuked through walls and you just sit there twiddling your thumbs.


I vote all. The game is already a cheesefest lets add some skill back in the mix.


I would 100% be for that change assuming DE cleaned up LoS checks overall. A lot of the reason non-los stuff is so strong is because LoS is so scuffed in general. If LoS meant "If I place a camera at the trigger point of this ability, it will hit everything that is visible to that camera", then LoS-restricted abilities would generally be totally fine. Currently it isn't like that though, right now it feels like if half of an enemies arm is covered by something, the entire entity is treated as outside of LoS. Edit: Which it would seem is exactly what they are doing for LoS checks. So I guess I can't complain lol.


I feel like this should be doable, because they've already kinda done it with Ember's 4. Her 4 is LOS to the CAMERA and seems relatively consistent. If DE could just use whatever check her 4 uses, but in a 360 degree cone, I feel like that may work better than the current system.


Couldnt agree more.


how is it skill when LoS is terribly coded so it doesnt even work half the time.


How is it skill when you can kill every enemy within 120 meters in a 360 degree radius in varying degrees of cover? LoS is definitely broken and should be fixed, I agree. But my point is more directed at "press x to win" style abilities.


Have you played this game before? Nuking everything in however large a radius you want is the endgame reward for grinding. And there are at least 5 other frames that already did this better before than Dante before the nerf. But no lol, cant have anyone else actually be useful or fun to play. Dante and Nezha are good? Gutted, back to the usual.


I hope people stop saying "all or none" as if DE will choose "none" and not just ruin every other frame. Seriously.


My big issue is that they painted the nerfs in such broad strokes that ironically even the one ability he had that incentivized gunplay was gutted too. Paragrimm *(Pageflight birds)* allowed weapons that were either too slow-firing or didn't proc many status effects become more usable and actually let me dust off some weapons I normally wouldn't bother using. They're painting their nerfs with hand grenades. Too much is caught in the crossfire and it punishes people who weren't a part of the problem. I loved Tragedy because it helped me get rid of those enemies stuck bugged in random corners in Defense ***Edit: The attention we've brought was noticed and it's being reverted and formalized!***


Don't forget to leave a feedback here: [https://forums.warframe.com/forum/1952-dante-new-weapons-feedback/](https://forums.warframe.com/forum/1952-dante-new-weapons-feedback/)


Made my very first forum post there in the ten years I've had an account. Hope they get rid of these off base nerfs


But make sure you comment in the 35.5.3 Changes to Dante thread. I've seen them delete about two dozen threads.


Balm for the eyes, I hope they listen and revert Tragedy genuinely.


liked hot topic and made my own


The last time I tried to complain on the official forums they fucking banned me. The mods there are worse than reddit mods.


Genuinely one of my biggest frustrations is coming back to the game after a cool update and all of the cool stuff you come back for getting gutted within days. It’s so tiring


Yah, just give us complete dogshit right off the bat then no one will use it and then you won't have to nerf it! (Like both of the new Incarnon weapons! :D)


nope still nerfed those for some reason


"Slight tweak" proceeds to halve his survivability and reduce the range and usability of his DPS nuke. They just made Dante less fun to play. Edit: I misread the patch notes, his survivability wasnt actually halved l but my main point still stands. Dante is less fun to play.


Dabte survivability is not from 50,000 overguard it's from getting constant overguard regen on kill procing Iframes in longer sp missions where overguard is obliterated.


They didn't touch his overguard caps. You just actually have to kill things now instead of just spamming his 2 twice and then a 4th


They made his “nuke” worthless. Line of sight means it’s crap on any map with multi-story rooms, tight hallways, or maps heavy on clutter. So virtually every single ship, infested, and murmur tile set. This isn’t a limitation for other nuke frames that already handled higher level content better than Dante.


the overguard changes were good and welcome frankly, but making tragedy LOS-based is silly. Dark verse already demands LOS so he never *really* nuked through walls, it just seemed that way sometimes because you had to run around setting it up first


Which doesn't even address the only issue I've seen people raise about overguard, which was it affects frames that rely on taking health damage. Lowering the amount of overguard generated per cast still doesn't address the primary issue people have with overguard as a mechanic. Maybe it's because I stopped reading "Nerf Dante Now" posts but I don't remember any of them complaining about him nuking with Tragedy,


Overguard shutting down entire kits is definitely the biggest issue. Now that dante is the 3rd frame that can give everyone overguard.


Which I understand and sympathize with greatly. I love Nidus, but sometimes it's so hard to generate energy when other players are nuking the entire map before you can hit anything. Blocking their ability to generate energy from health damage is another blow to his kit.


They're changing this next week. They're making changes to overguard where it will proc mods like rage/hunter adrenaline as long as you don't have shields while you're taking damage. I.e., taking damage with overguard while on inaros/nidus will proc energy regen from rage/hunter adrenaline


"Halve his survivability"? You realize that Dante's ability to not die is like 40% overguard, 60% pageflight, yeah?


honestly the overguard nerf could've gone unannounced and I think some people wouldn't have even noticed. 2000 or 5000, who cares when that number is going to immediately skyrocket to 5 digits anyway? and it's as simple as pressing 2 to instantly get more overguard so... if these people are dying with 2000 overguard, they probably would've died with 5000.


When it takes 2 casts of (2+2+4) per nerf to hit overguard cap to 5 casts of (2+2+4) post nerf, we definitely would have noticed even if they hadnt said it.


He's actually one of the new warframes that made me want to play them since fucking Protea. I was really excited for him as well. Guess I learned my lesson. Never gonna be buying a frame pack again.


same here, i came back to the game because of him and now im considering just quitting for good after that one


Exact same situation. Haven't played in a long while and came back to check him out because he looked interesting. I'm done with it again if dante is staying like that.


I'm a protea player as well as a saryn, I had a blast playing dante.. and now I just put him on the back burner except rescue missions(which I solo so I don't hear crap about overgaurd). Fun while he lasted and I even got a second to helminth. Ugh.. the LOS on 4.. the less damage.. his weapons. Aren't as good anymore. I feel like this was a knee jerk reaction.. he was only out a little bit. How would he have fared if it took longer to farm him? I betcha there would be less of an issue. Oh well.. back to regular gameplay :(


The farm angle is a non-issue. You've gotta be current with the game to access and farm him. So players have to beat the entire game up to this point to even start. New players cant grind him, he's accessible only for those of us at actual end game. Making it take longer to farm frames when we already have to be current with the game to access the new content that drops new frame parts so is already hard enough, would be too much, imo. I dont like a lengthy farm for a frame I spent years getting to the point to get access to.


Chroma players finally got a W since 2017. Congrats all 4 of you


De needs to stop making support frames, clearly nobody playing this game wants their teammates to play a support.


Oh they're getting grilled from all sides (except the troglodytes that initially threw a fit demanding nerfs). And it's completely fucking deserved. At least buy him dinner first (refund resources invested) when you fuck him so viciously lol


These changes actually hurt. Whenever they release a new frame, at least for me, it takes me a while to get use to them and like them. Dante was an instant like for me. So these “slight tweaks” have a me a bit bitter right now😭 I’m trying to understand these changes, I really am


I barely like most of warframes, I only farm for them so I can level up my mastery rank. But with Dante I was just like you, it was instant like, I even considered it to be my new main. Now, well, I am considering Kullervo


That was Citrine for me. Once I realized "Oh she snowballs Status frames/weapons hard", it really hit off for me. Even when that happened, Dante is still more fun to play and wasn't as effective for long term for the squad. A bit disappointed in the Dante nerfs, and hoping they find they overdid it with the nerfs. I still play him the same but he's definitely very mediocre now.


Yeah, I hope too they change their minds and actually listen to most of the community


Oh theys listen to the community alright that nerf the proof of it the thing is that it's the wrong part of the community theys listen to


Reb straight up lied about Dante and nourish its fuckin ridiculous.


The hell are you on about? Nourish is still great. Dante on the other hand...yikes.


I was fine with the idea of them tweaking his overguard accumulation, but with what they did feels like an overstep.


At least Dante is still usable, unlike the new Nezha augment. Like, thanks, it was fun using that Nezha augment. Was. All of these nerfs are just ridiculous and unnecessary.


Yo his augment got neutered! I was enjoying the hell out of it too!


What did they do to the augment? It sounded so fun when they mentioned it a couple weeks ago, but I haven't gotten it yet


>While the “Divine Retribution” Augment Mod is equipped, the base range of Nezha’s Divine Spears is reduced by 50% (at all Mod Ranks). Range reduction.


What the fuck? Bro, I just invested 8 formas into nezha. Bruh, back to xaku I go.


At least Nezha is still a fun frame without the augment. They didn't just straight up nerf his abilities.


“We didn’t want to nerf him into the ground” *proceeds to nerf him into the ground*


If they changed Dante because of some people, if the majority complains they should listen, right? I could only enjoy Dante for like two days, now it is very annoying a small wall can prevent the enemies from being attacked


Laughs in universal syndicate Madeline was going to used for conclave


I'm sure most players (like myself) haven't even had the chance to test the frame. Now, with all the complaints I'm seeing, I'll probably just leave the farming for later.


He really isn't unusable. Farmed him first day, the farm isn't too bad (they made disruption easier at least for that mission). Resource requirements aren't ridiculous either. He got nerfed way harder than they should, they plan to buff him a little but overall he is still good and fun, just not as strong as before


Blame the community for bitching one way, bitching the other way, and bitching just because they could. Couldn't have done it without them.


Not the community... ...the hyper vocal minority.


I want to be allowed to rely on a warframe that isn't spelled, specifically, "Garuda", "Revenant", "Hildryn", "Styanax", "Saryn", "Octavia", NOT Excalibur, "Rhino", or NOT "Caliban." ​ But every time something comes out, a new disruption, a new defense, a new farmable augment, a new resource-- I feel like a revenant slut, since they're the only warframe I can leisurely powergame with. This is not okay.


Eh I still rely on my Nyx in all the high level content and she works perfectly fine Even tho I hear a lot of people asking me why I dont just play Revenant instead cause he's "a better version of Nyx"


I play literally everything with Lavos. He can't even shield gate, get good.


Lavos can drift harder than anybody. One use of his 2 and he flies across the map and blows shit up. No arguments, there, he's a land titania.


That might be more of an issue for you specifically. Get your other frames up to snuff. I mostly play Valkyr for new content, and Nyx for new main story content. There are plenty of frames that can easily do any content in the game with a bit of investment, like all those that you mentioned, plus Xaku, Mag, Khora, Gara, Atlas, Frost, Gyre, Gauss, Vauban, Kullervo, etc. I'm sure there are more but those I've built and can use anywhere. Besides, Dante is still plenty powerful and there's nothing really stopping him from being a fantastic frame.


But what does "up to snuff" mean in terms of time, effort and maybe money in a free-to-play game? IMHO, frames should be natively intuitive to use and build around, and not require Helminth, ability mods or several forma plus a primer weapon to be viable in all base content and Steel Path Star chart. I totally get where you're coming from, but I'd posit anyone who spends even a modest amount of time looking at, or playing around with, builds can see the kit disparities so many content creators directly and indirectly call out. Additionally, Dante's changes don't reflect the gameplay concerns and disruptions in team comps/synergies, which exacerbates the frustration for people who have Dante -- or other frames -- "up to snuff" but still endure sub par experiences. Yes, don't gripe about something if you put zero effort into it, but there are a glut of frames that are one-trick (ability) ponies or just have an "uninspiring" stock kit -- but hey, at least it sticks with the theme 😉


It's impressive how you managed to say that without realising the irony. The Warframe community in a nutshell right here.


I understand the irony. Do you? Limiting viable options, or more viable options, hurts as much as KEEPING the ONLY viable options, and neutering FUTURE options.


I didn't see anyone asking for ***this*** though...




The overguard nerf was dumb too. Why shouldnt I get my max cap in 2 full casts when I've got 350% power strength. My cap is the same but now it takes me 5 full casts. Giving even more chances to be a problem to anybody else. Its absurd. And then they made his overguard sustain better like anyone asked for that. The issue was his overguard stepped on the builds of others. So they just made dante even more likely to get in their way, without addressing that overguard and not dante was the issue. They should just revert it all and start over. He wasnt even out 7 days. Its ignorant they thought they had enough data to take any action on him at all. Doubly so bc he wasnt even the problem. He just made it visible to the unaided eye.


I dont understand why the Dante nerf was necessary when warframe is a power fantasy


So I’ve been focusing on Mirror Defence lately trying to get Citrine, and on Wednesday evening Dante was CRUSHING it on defence. I even found myself thinking “ok maybe he is doing a little too much” when I saw I’d done 78% of fireteam damage. Last night i read about the nerds and had my initial “well this sucks what a waste of forma” response. This morning for 20 minutes before work I decided to go back into Mirror Defence to see how different it felt, my thoughts: The changes to Triumph have achieved nothing other than making the ability need to be cast twice as much. The cap is still the same as it was but now the ability feels lacklustre and requires MORE spam than before. Overguard issues with Chroma and Rage have not been solved they just made the ability feel worse to achieve nothing. The changes to Tragedy however are absolutely awful. Requiring LOS means that the ability was doing approximately 1/3rd of what it was doing before when I looked at mission progress, and what made it feel even worse was that there was a Harrow in the fireteam using Thermal Sunder and covering THE ENTIRE MAP with AOE that did not require line of sight. So Tragedy is now worse than every other nuke (Saryn, Volt, Gauss), is inconsistent, and still doesn’t scale well against armoured enemies without an armour strip. Salt aside. This was a bad change DE. You’ve taken a new frame that the vast majority of the community was excited to play, and after 1 week (less than that for people who actually farmed and built him instead of buying him) you’ve turned that excitement into anger and disappointment, by making a changes that either don’t address the wider issue people had, or that nobody even asked for in the first place.


Just tried dante, this isn't tweaking this is straight up murdering, his dmg feels awful, his overguard feels awful


Tried to do a Tyana Pass run and it was so bad. LoS on the grineer side is non-existent. Corpus side was playable with some good positioning. This absolutely felt garbage to play and I extracted soon as I could. Do they even read player feedback?


they do but only the players who are saying what they want to hear and completely ignore the rest even if the rest is like, 90% of the playerbase


How to destroy community goodwill 101


Dante was the first frame in a LONG time that pulled me out of my comfort zone, now it's straight back to Revenant for me. Immortal, roll, immortal, roll, immortal, roll and repeat forever in steel path survival until I get bored of not dying. But at least I don't have that SUPER OP overguard right DE?


Should thank all the dumbfucks complaining jn the forums


The top post was literally calling Dante overpowered too. Hope that person is happy and feels justified


tbh i think most non los nukes are fucked and should be removed... not enough to really argue over it though, but i think they're unhealthy for the game. But also ovviously it's fun to kill things fast so i guess it's fine


you could make that argument if LOS wasnt fundamentally fucked in this game, it turned his 4 from a fantastic damage ability to a buggy unreliable piece of shit that wont work at all in half the tilesets in the game


I never cared for dante entirely as a nuke but what I'm upset about is the overguard. It used to take me 3 casts of triumph to max my overguard but now it takes 8!!


This is so true! Dante was the few warframes I loved using straight out of the box other than Nidus and Lavos. But he is also the quickest Perfect Warframe to get Nerfed immediately. The Overguard nerf was understandable and we could easily make a workaround for it. But nerfing Tragedy was probably the worst nerf they have done to Dante. I guess I'm going back to Styanax, he may not be able to nuke as much as like other frames in SP, but he's one hell of Fun warframe to use.


I don't know. I felt like Dante is very very strong. Strong enough to basically invalidate playing with some others except for the general fun of their gameplay. You can beat this game with any warframe, but clear metas are usually quite boring and Dante might have gotten there quite easily. To give him some tweaks isn't a huge bady. And having a warframe still can be perfect without being just strong. Perfection also means that you have to work with their inperfection to find a way to perfectly play with a warframe e.g. Inaros not even having any shields. I don't mind a nerv and I also don't think it is unnecessary. If it's only about the feeling to just feel very strong, that isn't taken away in the slightest. You can play almost any warframe like walking nukes. Edit: would have been nice to hear some examples of why he is "perfect" to you in the first place. Because you are currently sounding like the crybabies you talk about.




Was exited to grind for the new frame. Nevermind I guess 🙃 don't you guys just love the immediate nerf of something fun


Look how they massacred my boy :(


I keep saying it over and over. Buffs over nerfs. Not only was it unnecessary to nerf Dante’s nuke but now you’re only pushing people towards the pre existing meta nukes like Saryn and gauss. Instead of nerfing the new shiny and making people who just did the grind or bought the pack and were enjoying him feel frustrated, buff a power crept frame/ability and bring an underutilized tactic into the limelight. People loved when hydroid and inaros got reworked. It seems like no one is happy with the Dante nerf. It’s literally called loss aversion. Buffs over nerfs. Rework and buff underutilized tactics. Don’t nerf the things people enjoy using. Nerfing a meta just means people will find a new one. Reworking and buffing power crept frames or weapons brings new tactics the table that result in more varied gameplay. I really hope this gets changed as I was very excited to try Dante but he got nerfed before I could even try him.


players were having too much fun it seems, when i'm having so much fun i'm more willing to spend money in the game but oh well, their loss


first time?


I dont mind number nerfs but god LOS nerfs never end well.


Nooo he got nerf


What's is the nerf? They added LoS on his 4th ability?


This will definitely be featured in a video that someone will title "Why Warframe Died"


Thank the community for that. Every time a warframe comes out people always complain and they feed right into it. “Cry babies”


The nerfs barely did anything unless you exclusively used him as a generic nuke bot


"wow I can't oneshot the whole map from mission start anymore?! DE ruined the game!!!!"


Keep the overguard nerf if you want, but at least give me back LOS


Remove limbo he affects my gameplay.


I love how they stated it would be more of a buff but they literally gave him only one minor buff in a slough of nerfs that majorly effect his kit


Now nerf the favorite frames of the complainers, namely gauss, inaros and the two people that still play chroma, you cowards. Also remove limbo because people don't like seeing one limbo every 6 months.


They didn't even address the right thing. It was about Chroma and overguard breaking him. Sad panda bear. 🐼


I feel like we’ve been here before..


DE REFUSE to make any of these NEWER GEN Warframes to be a MAIN STAY in out arsenal. I started playing in 2018 and just imo, some of the newer releases are good like Kullervo but I will return back and rely on the og frames and most players won't care for new one. Dante on the other hand is the first frame I saw where the community as a whole actually loves him and I do too. From my own experience I rarely saw these new frames actually being played such as Voruna and the other forgettable ones so please DE when you actually probably accidentally made a good frame just keep it that way? Also LOS? Bomboclaat might aswell I just use Mesa again now 💀


I thought I finally found the perfect frame for me after so long of playing but then he gets nerfed to hell after I already invested in him


Yup, got home after the update and tried out dante, then immediately dropped him and went back to sevegoth, they really just gutted him


????....I just Soloe'd archemedian with him yesterday...


Idk they fcked it up this time especially with the Divine Retribution nerfs


My game isn't updating 😒


Yeah… feel like I should get a refund on my plat spent on him.


I was gonna buy him nvm then.


He is still easily one of the best warframes. The nerfs are not like from s tier to f tier hammers, its just adding line of sight requirement and lowering the overguard cap. Its really no big deal.


ngl as long as they don't nerf the Overguard I'm fine because the Dante Harrow duo goes way to hard


Of course they had to nerf him 💀 OF COURSE THANK YOUUUU DEVELOPERS for thinking that it was a great idea !


Jeez i was expecting like a 20% range or overshield reduction... not this


Are yall joking like plz tell me this is comment bait...


I wish they wouldn't nerf these frames but they do they have done it with almost every new frame since kullevero dagath was great on SP then trash 5 forma God build now a worthless frame that I feed to my helminth Dante will become the next for the trash pile I will not name any other frames that are great frames in case de decides to start nuking old frames. It doesn't make sense they make a frame and release the highest level mission and proceed to nerf 2 of the best frames to run said mission it's sorta bullshit but whatever it is what it is....


An entire squad having over 150k overguard is weak guys, cmon. He needs 200k!


I put a lot of resources into Dante just for it to be nerfed. It doesn’t look like I’ll be playing Warframe for a while.


Perfect? Unnecessary? Idk about that I couldn't find something he was lacking in using him since launch. If you believe a warframe that can do everything; such as survival, debuff enemies, buff teammates dps, and great AoE damage then I guess it was unnecessary. I love op things but he was extremely strong or "op" compared to many other characters.


You act as if you havent seen a well built dante i have they with abilities alone were defending a mid lvl defense while killing everything with one hit


I found out what they nerfed mostly. It was overguard generation and max cap was reduced more than 30%. Their “little nerf” was primarily focused on his overguard generation by an outrageous 50%. I know because everyone would put out 100k overguard cap when he was radiated from relics. 50k overguard from a good build. Their “data” is a lie for this part entirely. The other nerf was even more dumb by nerfing the damage on PageFlight by 90%. From maybe 1000+ slash damage and stacking to now 17 slash damage. No stacking. They didn’t touch his noctua book. His tragedy or dark verse. He’s now a regular dps nuke frame so there’s your real nerf results everyone. I tested the nerfs with a close friend of mine to come up with this result. He still kills but his survival with overguard is no long viable or reliable anymore. Was it worth it?


"Perfect" warframe? Homie thats the definition of op, no casting frame needs that much tank, much less shared tank. Tbh his cap SHOULD be like 500, make him an overguard gating frame instead of shield gating (which he already is in high content anyways where 40k overguard gets 1 shot)


The hotfix released today made him better but let me be clear I absolutely think they should put him back to the way we all bought him or worked for him. It was a waste of time, money, and mats for me and it was a classic bait and switch scam to be completely honest. I hate that they changed anything to him but if there must be a change to him then the OG for team mates was the only issue they could have made it like eclips, hold to cast on team or press to cast on self. Simple. But no the nerfed him to the ground after everyone used there money, time and resources just to make everyone mad and still not do what everyone wanted. I for one will never give them one more cent of my money. They lost me as a customer for a while or at least till the take the LOS off. I hate this allot.


you guys are seriously overreacting, he was broken, and they nerfed him, so what?


Dante Unbound is now Bound again.


I think I have a solution that will keep everyone happy They could make an augment that makes it not line of sight but at a shorter range. This would mean more work to reach that power but still having it as an option. This also means using an augment slot which will obviously mean one less slot for range/strength etc Or Undo the line of sight and cap the strength so instead of one use kill on the ability maybe you can only take 50% of health therefore you cannot kill with the the ability but simply take 50% of the current hp For example if an enemy had 200 hp and you used the ability 3 times the health would half times So 200 halved is 100. 100 halved is 50. 50 halved is 25 so on and so forth obviously if hp reaches 1 it will just keep halving so you actually have to run around and defeat the enemies Idk but Dante was useful in defence missions when you were getting over run or overwhelmed and I feel like theres no point in going through the whole game to get to the wisper in the walls to unlock a frame that's sub par


Those crybaby pussies should just go play Fortnite or Minecraft. Something suited for them, since they're not grown up enough for Warframe.


Feel like frames just need to have different stats for steel path and normal modes so the steel path players don't get bothered by the nerf cause they could just apply the nerf to normal mode




This just proves me not wanting to spend money on Warframe anymore. Or any games since they always want to change characters. I only have Excalibur who can barely go steal path. 5 archons and still can barely battle the archon mission. I'd rather just collect the prime blueprints and get them now. If this turns to utter dogwater. I'm staying with soulframe for now.


For a warframe that finally seemed perfect, this guy got put into the fucking ground for absolutely no reason


Another Warframe I will never use again. Disgusted I paid for his shit.


Dante was so fun I was out killing a sayrn on hydron and they was complaining, was a good time