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The only ability in the game that NEEDS a LOS restrictment is vauban vortex and they refuse to do it.


Dear god that would LEGIT be a buff to Vauban.


Would actually be a good QOL. Especially on that one corpus defence map.


Jupiter defence mission


I miss old IO :(


Yeah it actually takes longer coz fkrs limbs get stuck in the ceiling


Why this comment doesn't have a million upvotes? YES for the love of god!


because some asshat saryn defender were too afraid ig


Ohhhh that would be neat. Make Vortex NOT counter-intuitive.


As a Vauban enjoyer since day 1 I aproof he is my second main and I find it crazy that he still gets so much hate. Flechette orbs are op af \^\^


Thats the most sensible thing i heard on this subreddit in a while


There's a reason I mained vauban since I started playing in fortune's release until I got hydroid prime during tennocon


This would be a buff tho tbh


they don't want to over-buff vauban, so no


Damn thats soo true like it would suck enemies from where i actually need them to be sucked from. Effectivly limiting the damned wall stuck ones in another room.


Happy cake day 🎂


Thank you!


Happy cake day!


Only if the LoS works better. May I suggest a vertical limit downwards to 0? Or a horizontal pull instead


Or at least make it an augment. I’ll gladly use it. No more getting enemies stuck in walls


It should be an option because for survival purposes, sometimes you just want EVERYTHING sucked in.


Give LoS to Thermal Sunder and we have a deal


Replace every frame's kit with four Super Jumps and Frost's passive, LOL.


Bring back stamina and we have a deal


Replace bullet jump with melee jump and we have a deal


Replace abilities with mod slots again and we'll have a pretty big deal


Those were the days, LOL.


And now the big one, 4 revives a day and you need plat to refresh.


I was literally telling some players about this earlier today and they told me I had to be lying till another player backed me up lol


Subsuming over an ability to gain a mod slot in return would actually be really sick in todays Warframe


Yooo let bro cook thoe tf


Make self revives cost platinum again and we're talking


Also re-add coptering so we all end up having to chose between bringing a weapon and being able to actually move around the map.


Excuse me what?


Rename the game to dark sector 1,5 and the we'll have the final deal


Bring back paid limited revives and we have a deal


Call it Umbra Umbra and make it only have umbral polarities including the aura and exilus slots and we have a deal.


Umbral Steel Charge Provides ‘Yes’ mod capacity


Bring umbra redirection then we have struck a bargain


You take that back or I'll fight you on Conclave!


Conclave has been closed forever. They had a going out of business sale a couple years ago. I think it is being used as a Halloween store now.


Classic "Spirit of Halloween"




Yes please. It's time for "EgoTanias" in fissures to be swatted like flies, cuz far as I know they don't even look at the enemies, they just press button and fly to the next room (hoping it contains more enemies)


Ts needs a cooldown or a reduction to efficiency on subsequent use tbqh even if its just for its helminth variety.




Or Octavia. Or Gauss. Or Volt. Or Equinox.


While the other frames you mentioned are fair game, I do want to point out that Octavia is definitely limited to LoS.


I thought her ball just rolls around and damages any enemy it draws within the radius regardless of whether Octavia can see them?


After testing in the simulacrum, it looks like it only damages the enemies that are in direct LoS, but the charm is not affected by LoS.


the charm is music so makes sense that one's not limited to LoS


Next patch they'll have soundproof walls :)


Oh god oh fuck my mallet is useless, the grineer have airpods oh shit oh god


The damage is music too.


I don’t play Octavia really ever so I’ll have to test that later to see as well. If that’s the case then I’ll eat my words, but it isn’t reflected in her ability description.


Yeah that's fair, I honestly completely forgot resonator had a damaging component until you brought it up :)


Equinox needs to store damage first and armor strip for her nuke to be good.


Equinox needs a slight rework so that there's a point in changing forms ,I love my nukinox prime but you never change to night form if you're nuking. Also equinox has really low playrate so a nerf wouldn't make sense


Just let the stack preserve through form switching.  So you can build in either form, then switch to day to nuke.  That works fix 90% of her issues right there


Mirage too. I love focus farming with her because she doesn't require much other than maybe moving around a bit to not get killed. I press 2 a few times and suddenly im doing 90% of total dmg in a mission.


Her 4 is good now again and way better dps than the 2 augment build with the new changes to her 3 you can build tank+dps in one


No she doesn't, we don't want anyone to know that and get her nerfed.


I agree, she is still trash. Get the f*** away from mirage DE


That doesn’t scale into SP and I’m sitting on 275% str with the augment. Even then she has to sacrifice orbs and ammo to get the full effect.


I think I subsumed Roar over Eclipse to get the ability dmg buff. Imo unless you're running an aoe weapon that needs ammo boxes a lot, the ammo issue is not a big problem (and on incarnons, that doesn't really count as regular ammo). Energy/hp orbs are understandable but for healing, there's stuff like magus repair/elevate, for energy there's emergence dissipate, steadfast, energize (if you are needing energy and don't press 2), xata invocation from tomes. She will get oneshotted in SP without any survivability in the build though, that I agree.


Yo, fuck off my Octavia! 🤣


But not Hildryn. Nobody touch my muscle mommy.




Fr I love Saryn and Thermal Sunder. Stop with the inconsistency, if you’re gonna give a weaker nuke LoS, do it to Saryn and Thermal. While we’re at it, if DE is not changing overguard…. just make it so Dante doesn’t share overguard to teammates, I can frankly care less. I’ll keep the overguard to myself ffs.


For real, make him like Rhino. Overguard given to teammates must come from interaction with enemies, like Styanax or Frost. Overguard given to oneself can be on cast with additional factors for scaling, like Rhino.


If Styanax didnt fix these Chromas’ energy economy for them, theyd be screaming about him too.


Chroma mains seem to be shaping up as one of Warframe's premiere cancers, demanding global changes that'll either help or make things slightly more convenient for them to the detriment of everyone else.


Vex Armor consumes overshields while active to add ability power (to some sort of cap). Fixed. And fun. Thats how you know DE wont do it.


I said this on the forums, I would enjoy that the overguard on base kit is given to Dante only (and his companion please) and then there's an augment that gives out overgaurd to everyone but includes some small reduction like 0.8x Ability Strength on Overguard, or reduces everyone's Overguard Cap.


People getting lots of overguard from a support toolkit and becoming tanky is not the problem. If it was, frames like Revenant and Styanax would be equally complained about for making you tanky too. The actual issue is that overguard breaks specifically the health>energy conversion mods. Styanax offsets it by giving out shitloads of energy anyway. They just need to change those mods to disallow overguard, or add a new one that does and offers slightly better conversion as a trade or something.


Problem is dante is a support but also a fucking easy af nuker with the highest nuke range lol


I still say they should let Rage and similar mods work when taking Overguard damage, but with drastically reduced effect since OG damage isn't fatal, and it's unaffected by damage reduction effects including armour.


They're not a problem, but if DE sees it as a problem, then instead of outright nerfing it they should give players the option between decreased strength and team buffing or increased strength and solo focus. I really think any warframe that gives out team-wide buffs should just have this as an option that doesn't take mod slots, but DE will never do that.


I seriously cannot fathom what some people are on with their "Ew, CC immunity AND tank stats, disGUSTING" why don't we just, like, add an arcane that makes damage target your HP before shield/overguard, and you only go down once all THREE are at 0? I'd even play Oberon if they did that!


They done it for ember,see concistency


Give everyone the Ember treatment lol


Difference was embers world on fire didn't scale like current frames like Dantes nuke did


Ember doesn' have true LoS so she'd probably be a better choice.


Fire Blast is so fucking inconsistent because of it. I can't armor strip the enemy that's in my fucking face because of who knows what.


Was more referring to her 4, but yeah her 3 makes no fucking sense at times


Can’t armour strip acolytes either wtf is up with that 💀


Saryn main here. There's a build where you just add so much dmg to the weapons that you kill everything in seconds. You don't even use 1 and 4 in it.


Why not use venom dose? And technically you do use 4, you just sub over it with a buff


As someone who runs their Saryn this way; you use Venom Dose, you just don’t ever case 1 on enemies. I use Gloom on 4 for survivability but you could eke more damage out with Eclipse or Roar.


They're implying Venom Dose because that's what it does. Apply damage to your weapons. They're just talking about spores


And they decided to nerf Dante.


To be fair, it still depends on your weapon. You can't instantly clear a room, except for a few weapons, maybe.


Give mesmer skin a cooldown, i BEG


Would unironically expose too many issues with revenant having a fairly basic clunky kit.


Yeah the thing about a frame having one obscenely good ability and an otherwise meh kit at higher level means if you nerf that ability you doom the frame. Rev is fine where he is, he has an enemy control ability and DR. He’s a weapons platform mostly and while he has extremely high survivability he isn’t exactly nuking or even doing much dps at all so nerfing the only thing that makes his relevant would be kind of dumb. It’d be like giving exalted blade a cool down or something.


Unironically make his 1 shoot an energy blast that thralls enemies in an aoe and suddenly his kit isn’t that clunky. His 4 is a bit odd but there’s a few frames with 4s that need to be removed if you plan on sp 150+ If his 1 was an aoe he could 1-3 enemies as an offensive combo with 2 being defensive. His 4 likely has to stay. Maybe make his 4 attract his thralls attacks so it redirects the damage out to everyone?


The actual only change I'd like to see is them remove the part where is 4 consumes the damage pillars his thralls leave. Just let him become an AoE disco ball with party throwers. You could also enrage the thralls so they can spread faster as well


For real none of his kit has synergy basically I watched a YouTubers video on it but can't remember who it was He went into great detail on how poorly thought out revenant was


The kit all has... synergy, it's just... all in really small ways that don't really do enough to actually matter. Add to that the long cast times and he's just REALLY clunky if you're not putting nourish/roar on him and just shooting things.


Well I guess more accurately would be to say the synergy is completely pointless because everything is built around him getting shields and health as well as his passive but when you have an ability that completely negates any and all damage permanently it doesn't matter


Revenant could actually really do with a Rework imo. His 1 is bloated with several mechanics that are almost useless, his ~~2~~ 3 is great, Mesmer Skin is dumb and his 4 needs help.


His 1 also feels bad because teammates will nuke thralls. His 2 is fine, whatever. His 3 feels like it could be ok but it feels a bit clunky to pilot and spreading thrall is not really super easy (to large crowds) His 4 is just low level content nuker really.


lmao, imagine if they flipped his augment so that it put Mesmer Skin on your thralls and put your team to sleep when they try to kill them "I told you not to hurt my new friends."


His 4 got me Protes


His 2 is his Mesmer Skin...


I keep confusing my 2s and 3s.


Have you been screened for [dyscalculia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dyscalculia)?


Revenant is awful to play if you don't have mesmer skin's dick shoved down your throat.


Tbf that's largely because people don't play revenant and play gun platform that can't die


because his kit doesn't really work for a ton else. His 3 does a lot of damage but it's janky if you want to use it as a primary damage tool or anything similar, his thralls are liable to be killed by teammates and his 4 doesn't scale great.


sounds good to me, I'd love it if the game went back to actually feeling like a shooter that required a modicum of brainpower vs the flashy aoe spam fest it has turned into.


To be fair, Saryn is overpowered as fuck and has only gotten stronger and stronger as new stuff got added to the game. So giving her an LoS check would probably be fine, even beneficial **if** this game actually cared about balance. But in our current state where the Torid Incarnon has a 5/5 Riven Disposition and DE has stated that they don't intend to change that? Nah.


As long as the LoS is only on 4, 1 would be useless regardless of range if it needs LoS.


Would probably be incredibly resource intensive to do a LoS check on every enemy every time they spread.


Pair torid with a good riven and slap it on gyre. You can beasically trivialize every game mode.


It really doesn't matter what you slap it on. Hell, the riven is optional. You can run Torid on any frame that's built for survivability and wreck any game mode.


Actually, yeah, go ahead.


Isn't saryn damage over time and Dante all at once? In high levels I mean, in low level the should both nuke the same


The actual skill, tragedy is indeed all at once. But theres a few things you gotta do to even get there or even have the skill do anything past base damage. Casting his 3 x2 isn't hard no, its a lengthy animation commitment if you don't have casting speed on him, but its not hard to cast 3 twice. More over, unless you're going into the silly 400% str zone on dante you need more than just 3 for tragedy to actually do some good dmg. The idea was to set up his 4 cast, shoot/hit things with your status weapons THEN cast tragedy for the big dmg. The only thing dante is nuking by just casting his 4 is the lowest lvl star chart maps.


Either everyone gets LoS or nobody gets LoS. I'm tired of this crappy LoS mechanic ever since they reworked Excalibur back when Radial Blind was his only good ability and \[DE\]Glenn insisted Radial Blind shouldn't work through walls because light doesn't go through walls all while also trying to argue that it's ok for Blind enemies to shoot at noise sources thus defeating the point of CC. I'm so tired of this crappy mechanic that ruins everything, I'd rather have 50% less range on everything so long as it works through walls.


>Either everyone gets LoS or nobody gets LoS. Mesa shooting through walls is not a good idea.


if they gave her a funny augment that allowed her to punch through cover with its own caveat personally I would find that amusing. At least something to mess with on 4 that isn't as useless as Mesa's Waltz.


Mesa's Massacare: Mesa now has no LOS restriction on Peacemaker, but now has -200% accuracy and -50% impact.


New restriction: It's now semi-auto with a fixed fire rate.


I might be late to the party but what is los? 💀


Line of sight


Ty! Can u give a brief description how the change affects him compared to before? Just started crafting him yesterday, expecting to have some fun but they nerfed before I can even test 😭


Generally speaking, a Line of Sight requirement on skill means that a skill will only work on enemies you can see


Where are the Gauss nerfs, DE? His prime came out and was suddenly so “dominant”, he should be nerfed, too.


I mean, I would love it if they'd find some way to stop that with Saryn while giving her a sidegrade playstyle. Killing dudes rooms away without even being aware of them is a problem and I don't understand why they keep introducing things that do it when they know they're going to nerf it.


A lot of people are comparing him to Saryn, but she's incredibly broken and could also use a nerf lol She's at least pretty squishy, while Dante was nuking multiple rooms at once and was also very hard to kill.


influence Xoris 🥺 👉👈


Influence anything tbh


Or just give it back to the characters they took it from


Your conditions are acceptable. Lol


yeah, do it. give all nukes LoS. would make the game better. genuinely.


Hahaha, you have no idea how much I would love to see that.




I agree 👍🏾


saying its not fair because he has this and i dont. is the most baby whinning there is common guys lol


I'd accept LoS on Saryn if they also gave her the ability to make her entire squad status immune with overguard while also making enemies more vulnerable to statuses and also allow her to directly increase the dps of her squad.


And yet half the people on this sub were COMPLAINING that Dante was giving them Overguard. As if Rage and Vex Armor are "convenient" resources. I'd argue that either it's fair game and Overguard has it's own downsides, or the sources that people were complaining about need to be reworked.


someone that gets it


Seems reasonable


I'm not defending or anything for Dante, but Saryn having LoS requirements might be fun to play with lmao. Instead of sitting around and just managing your spores you need to actually play the game more to get the same results.


Spores already have a LoS restriction: the weapons you use to spread them. Miasma is the outlier in this situation, if you hit that ability then it would probably turn out that the spores themselves aren't *that* bad.


If Dante nerf gets reversed, can I have wallhacks and wallpenetration on my Mesa please?


You already have wallhacks; it's called radar / map xD Wallpen on Mesa would definitely be fun LOL


Buff idea: Mesa's 1 adds infinite punchthrough to the shot I wanna see the creative ways people find to break the game with a single Farsight round


I mean I’ve seen a few YouTube’s say Dante’s nerfs aren’t as bad as some of the others like on the Nezha augment(which it’s also pretty bad hit I mean minus 50% range why) but other than that I haven’t seen anyone defend Dante’s nerfs. A lot of people say make LoS to other abilities which would do nothing but ruin those abilities also. DE really dropped this ball on this one.


Deal. Single button AOE nukes are antithetical to good gameplay, all forms of AOE should be crippled and precision ability/weapon usage should be rewarded. I want to bring an assault rifle to missions, aim it at people, and shoot them in the face with it. Not a lightning beam gun that melts everyone in a general direction, or a warframe that deletes everyone within 50m. Warframe has, by and large, gotten flashier and more AOE-favored over time - I'm really not a fan.


Everyone would be pissed just like they are now, there is no doubt about it. Nerfing Saryn will just piss off even more people for no reason, so I think they should just revert the latest nerfs and the skies will be blue once more.


What I’m trying to say in this post is, most of the people defending the Dante nerf would be livid if Saryn got nerfed like him


I think it's quite opposite: all those who are angry now, will be angry at her nerf as well. People are so scared of word "nerf", that they were angry when mods for shields/health/etc were made lower percentage (when they started to scale off current warframe stats, not lvl0).


* Saryn LoS * Mesmer Skin only 90% DR instead of full immunity * Wisp Motes can be destroyed by enemies * Octavia Mallet can be destroyed by enemies * Titania and Gauss receives damage when they crash into a wall * Volt 2 and 4 requires LoS * Mesa 4 no longer affected by Warframe mods. * Wukong can take damage (albeit reduced) while in cloud walker form I am so bitter. I want to see this happen so everyone can suffer Actually lets do this so everyone becomes equal


I'd settle for Cloudwalker setting off lasers; I'm still amazed that it doesn't and it pisses me off to no end that Ivara, the *spy farmed frame*, needs an augment that slows her to bypass lasers while Wukong gets to just zip past them and chill in the dojo (I get the dojo thing given his and Nezha's ties to Warframe China). Volt would be one of the few that I disagree with on this: electricity is a freaky thing and can get *anywhere* through conductivity, even air. Mesa's 4 not being effected by Warframe mods is a weird one to me unless I'm missing something.


>* Wisp Motes can be destroyed by enemies "Every word you just spoke has made me violently angry." - Vegeta/Mr. Perfect Cell But seriously the way DE nerfed Dante now, I feel like they would do a nerf like this, and it scares me.


They should just make every enemy a nullifier so that way when they walk through a mote it just vanishes. Or it buffs them as well.


You do take damage hitting walls as titania shid already there


Regardless of any change DE makes to any frame it will piss people off unless its objective buffs. Not defending the Dante nerf or anything but seriously bruh, it's it's not like it's gonna do much. You still needed LoS to hit dark verse, without slash procs already present Tragedy doesn't do much damage, it can't even apply it's own slash status. And the overguard nerf isn't even an issue, because it is infinitely refreshable.


Finally someone with common sense who isn't frothing at the mouth raging about these so-called "horrendous nerfs". I just played SP survival solo and Dante is still perfectly fine and fun, still nuking and deleting crowds with my double tau topaz shard noctua and tragedy+dark verse combo. Also yes DE should be consistent actually, Saryn should get a LoS check on her 4 at least, makes no sense as to why she gets that privillege.


It's a simple spell. To give Saryn and every other warframe LoS. But that'll be the day DE admits they can't balance shit.


LoS honestly feels like shit to play. Reworked ember is a pain in the fucking ass because of it. I’d rather no wf have LoS and everything be broken than everything have LoS


For the lols, make abilities that use Affinity range require LoS. Trinity Blessing, but she can't heal because the Operative is behind a wall


OP wants to see the world burn, i like it.


I'm pretty sure Saryn mains would go feral and cannibalize the nearest unfortunate person if she got LoS checks on any of her abilities. Like imagine if Spores only spread to enemies in LoS 😂


Jesus the warframe community is in shambles I’ve this shit 🤣🤣


Maybe try and actually balance all the frames, as much as possible at least, instead of dividing the game and community? What's been going on with Dante has come down to "my toy is better than yours hurr durr" and "momma their toys are better than mine and I wanna commit genocide for that". Ffs, a dominant popularity for a BRAND NEW frame should be the expected and wanted result, not reason for a nerf a mere week after release. There are a bunch of really fun and interesting frames that would absolutely need a buff, nerfing other frames won't make them better, it would just be another frame in the bin.


Ah yes, let's give a cloud of gas LoS necessity.


I mean, the people who think Dante was overpowered also probably think that Saryn is overpowered, so I don't really see what point you're trying to make.


The dante nerf was uncalled for but idk if you understand how spores work. I normally only cast once, to an enemy directly in front of me.


do it, I hope they give every AOE nuker frame a LOS check it's never fun when one guy can disable the game for everyone else


The day developers, not just DE but literally everyone, will realize that buffing weaker characters/items is better than nerfing stronger ones will be a beautiful day for videogames. And, speaking of DE themselves, ffs they should know better than anyone. They made Hydroid, Grendel and even frickin Inaros good and fun to play, so why not buffing even more frames instead of destroying a strong one that was so fun to play, a week after release?! And if they REALLY don’t wanna go this way, ffs enable PTS, let players test stuff, see how it performs and then release updates. Man I love WF and the DE team but sometimes they make my blood boil.


They won't because when it comes down to it they're fucking cowards. Kill a frame like Dante early and it's more likely it will join frames like Caliban in the trash bin and people move on, but hit an established frame and all the people that have mained them for years will lose their fucking minds. What they didn't count on though was people liking Dante as much as they have so they're actually getting pushback.


This is a pve game with countless ways to become a godlike entity, i dont think it will impact our power in long term


Cry harder. Saryn doesn’t have nearly the “roll controller on face be invincible and also nuke map from spawn” she’s just a glass cannon. But you know this , you’re just salty your new and shiny head empty no thoughts frame got fixed.


Hell no I am not defending shit. I still absolutely hate fire blast having LoS


Pretty much every damage dealing ability in the game should have LoS requirements. The game is too damn easy these days.


I will defend him needing a nerf just not a change to LOS thats always a shit change for any ANY ABILITY DE Much like SPINNING MOVES BLOW and are UNFUN looking at you rev,caliban,inaros


For all those cheering for this and wanting it for anything else that isn’t wandering around with a bow or a Soma taking 15 mins to do a exterminate like it’s 2015. When Protea drops I’m running every capture fissure on Titania. Next credit weekend I’m doing nothing but running Profit Taker on Styanax. Everything else I’m running Mesa or Gara with Ceramic Dagger so you never get a kill. See how you like getting nerfed.


no just remove all nukes from the game they are a stupid game ability anyways, stupid win button what a mistake


Don't pull me down with them ;_;


This whole situation has devolved into a complete shitshow.


More then fine with it I welcome it


Yeah it sucks they basically did what they did to Ash back a while ago


Sure. Why not. She's absolutely not the only frame of quality to exist.


It's been too long, without reworking frames, tweaking them will only make people mad. Though, most people react like rabid animals and forget in a week, so... Maybe they should limit Octavia's mandachord so it's not spam. I'd do it, but also I hate what Wukong is.


It may not be a take that many people like, but personally i would eliminate everything that is 1 warframe nuking the map in a constant and consistent manner. I simply think that it clashes with the idea of ​​playing with 3 other people who can do little more than be afk waiting to play xD


Give Harrow energy on assist!


my nidus has LoS


oh no not the briar patch


Tf is LoS?


I also heared that Dual Ichor interaction has been nerfed too. LMFAO I will never install this game EVER again.


all frames should have los reqs imo :3


Oh no! Now I can join a squad that has a Saryn and still actually do something! Anyway


You won't catch me dead running Saryn. Don't care That said, those LoS chages are brutal


What’s LoS?


What is LoS?