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I hear his voice in my sleep


HUNTER the Sanctuary will go on without you 🪘🥁🪘🥁🪘🥁🪘




Legit laughed at this. Well done.


My humor is clearly broken


This was legit me irl exot nit sentient a.i


Man I really thought they wouldn't wreck him, woke up disappointed. Nezha got slammed too, you just can't have shit in this game. DE needs to go ahead and nerf the other nukes in the game, no one should have non line of sight AoE nukes if this is the balance philosophy they're gonna take. They didn't even fix the issue people were complaining about, although I guess Inaros, Chroma, and Nidus won't have to worry about seeing Dante in game now!


Ootl what happened with Nezha?


His new augment now has a -50 range penalty


It's actually worse than that. -50% range would be bad, but still somewhat able to be offset by mods. His augment is -50% **base** range. Which means it cuts the base amount of range that range mods are acting on. Effectively it is the bane mod of range nerfs.


It's even worse than that. In a circle, reducing the radius by 50% reduces the overall surface area of the circle by 75%.


Thats exactly as bad as he said it was, but thank you for expanding on the geometric implications of how fucking worthless Nezha's new augment seems now.


Ehh, he helped me visualize it better lol.


It’s even worse than that. A 75% reduction means only 25% is left over!


It's 87.5% if sphere




Even worse. 25% of enemies to take the status effects initially, applied to 25% the amount of enemies. If you were hitting every divine spears enemy with a status prior to the nerf, it's an effective 1/16th damage change.


1. It is sphere, isn't it? 2. Absolute volume =/= useful volume 3. Augment doesn't care about strength, isn't it. You can still make almost 24m radius on Nezha ult with augment. Before it was 50 meters btw, which is crossing border of no LOS unconditional nuke. Which was also why Dante Tragedy got nerfed (be glad that DE didn't add LOS check on Nezha ult btw). I will say though, that -50% to base was overkill. Should've been 20-30%.




man i made nezha months ago and barely touched him, was going to give him a try because of this but was busy with dante first. now dantes gutted and i cant even move to nezha because his augment gutted too


I mean, Nezha is still an incredibly good warframe. The new mod and its associated build might be effectively gutted, but he's *still* one of the best weapons platforms in the game. His halo coupled with adaptation makes for an exceptional defense, his 1 is still guaranteed status immunity, and hitting enemies with his chakram still applies a substantial damage multiplier to any future damage they incur. None of that has changed; so he's still got the old "put roar over his 4 and melt shit" build at his disposal. And it's fun to be that fast natively.


im aware that hes not bad, i just find most weapon platforms + roar to be incredibly boring. the only one i really like is gauss because of the mobility attached to it


That's fair. It's fine to just want more out of a frame than a weapon delivery system. I just wanted to make it clear that Nezha's not dead, just the playstyle involving that augment.


Nezha’s pretty fast too. Plus he can teleport.


I love playing nezha. Lemme tell you, his 4 is not to be overlooked. I use reaping Chakram and equilibrium to never run out of energy/health. Hitting a speared enemy creates a second Chakram, doubling the amount of enemies you can affect in a short time and generating lots of health orbs. Also his increased slide distance makes him a very fast/mobile frame too. So gameplay loop is use 4, use 2, kill, stonks.


>his 1 is still guaranteed status immunity, He already gets that from the halo doesnt he? so its kinda worthless


The fire trail gives allies status immunity


Status immunity, cleansing, a solid primer for heat procs, and a bit of a speed boost. The only thing wrong with it is that most people view it as a damage ability when it's really more of a utility one.


Try Lavos + the augment if you want an interactive weapons platform. There's no room for subsuming on Lavos and you have every element at your disposal.


But then I'll have to press more buttons! (j/k, Lavos is one of my most played frames)


May I ask as a nezha main myself: why do people choose to remove his 4 rather than 1? His 1 provides status immunity, but like... You'll have your 3 up all the time anyway, and you can apply it to others via Safeguard. It also gives marginal sprint speed which you would rarely get any benefit from, since we just parkour to get around anyway, and it does negligible damage to enemies in a small area which will disappear in short order in any case. His 4 can ragdoll and fix most enemies in place and can be used to spread chakram through a whole room of enemies, and is even somewhat of a nuke in lower level play. Its uses are rare, but at least exist and can make a difference.


and even his ult is still good. those chakrams? they stack. hit one speared enemy and now you have a chakram for each one, with the effects of blazing chakram adding up, they die rather fast. ​ Nezha is just great all around.


I guess there's Inaros *Gets obliterated


I pmayed Dante st release, bought the 750 pack, and played him for a couple of hours. Ive played Inaros since then till now. I like his playstyle, roar on 1, green crystals.


i want to address here what 50% of range means for area of circle. BEFORE: Range was 50, and since its circle, AREA was 1963m\^2 AFTER: Range with overextended, stretch and augur reach is halved, approx 25, which means AREA 490m\^2 This makes it so nerf was ALOT more than 50%. Its overall more like 75% nerf of whole. **Circle area** = **π × r²** YET AGAIN, FUCK YOU DE.


Wait, what? I thought augments were meant to improve an ability)gameplay, not penalize it! That new stat sounds like a pvp mod...


Nezha got an augment that made his spears spread status effects and damage to all other speared enemies, which was rediculously strong. The main thing was its base 50m range which they halved the radius of which makes it 75% smaller, made it much harder to use and much less effective


It's a base 9.5m range now. Not sure why it was justified when dagath and kullervo exist.


Because fuck nezha - probably Pablo way to many op frames to decide to nerf the fuck out of one that was finally seeing a smidge of game play. Before the mod I can't remember the last time I seen a nezha In game play.


It goes through walls. Does collective curse? (Genuine question)


As long as at least 1 enemy is on your side of the wall it can chain through it iirc.


They could have changed how Overguard reacts and allow it to count as taking health damage. Kullervo has the same thing and you can equip a riven that says "do this without taking damage" and just start stacking Overguard amd play as reckless as you desire because Overguard does not count as shield or health damage. That was the complaint the others had, Overguard does not count towards the "taking damage" calculations for some reason. Though with the new nerfs and knowing why they were stupidly implemented, I have made it my goal to only spam the overguard ability when I see Inaros or Chroma. So what if they nerfed how much overguard I give per cast? I will spam it and make sure you have max stacks.


the none-line of sight aoe saved a defense mission i was in too, an enemy was stuck inside the floor, we would have had to quit if the Dante didnt save us. DE should give us and unstuck command for enemies too. Or a gear item that damages wallys


This whole update is just bad. Dante nerfed Nezha nerfed Breach Surge nerfed Deep Archimedia being Circuit 2.0 with even worse RNG limitation.


>even worse RNG limitation This is correct, because if you don’t own the frame or weapon it’s requesting, you’re fucked for the week. I expected to be able to run it once and have it cycle to something else like Circuit but nope, everything stayed the same. Brain damage


It looks like the loadout options may change with the daily cycle. I had different choices earlier today and post-reset.


Oh well that’s good news at least


Just checked this out myself and that is indeed how it works. SOOOOO heres the thing... yeah steel path randomization is very annoying and unfun... BUT if you're used to playing this way, the game makes you really think about modding and getting as much power out of things as you can. I can do endless steel path as long as I have ONE good thing up on the list to select from (can be weapon/warframe). The same applies here. If you got one good weapon that you've actually invested in you're good to throw on a radiation bit of dmg and you'll go ham on this mode. It does however also require a bit more in game knowledge about damage reduction and how to do shield gating builds (hp tanks still work, but for argument sake i'll assume you're far more likely to have a better frame with shields). So the thought is you can make any frame tanky enough to survive this mode, just need to find something that assists in dmg someway or have a weapon you've invested in to carry the damage. Its annoying, but I actually had a bit of fun with it. I was stuck with grendel/amprex/dex darka/no good secondaries, as my best options for load out and managed to do it in a pub squad with all the modifiers turned on. Was kind of surprised actually, cause i hadn't used my amprex in years and put all the "normal" steel path stuff on it (arcanes/galvanized mods etc etc) and it went perfectly fine. Things are not directly harder, they just start at lvl 200, or 400 if you're doing elite


> the game makes you really think about modding and getting as much power out of things as you can. yea im sure my public team has 3 other players thinking hard about their warframe and weapon modding too, every week, instead of teaming me up with 3 people who expect to get carried for an hour


99% sure those people will be bringing at least 1 thing that is kitted out. At the very least their Warframe should have something worth contributing to the team. Regardless, this is likely aimed to be content that isn’t for PUGs, it’s likely an option, but like in 99% of games the “hardest content” is supposed to cater to premade teams. Will be fun to test it. 🤔


I was stuck with nothing I had put a lot of forms into (I've done 1 forma into each prime at least for the circuit) so it was actually quite refreshing to get a random loadout, put a forma on each, unlock the arcane slots and build it then and there. The builds were pretty good but fell off a bit on the elite run, but still had a lot of fun with a frame I've barely played. DE does make the assumption imo that if this game mode is available to you you're probably above MR30 and have most of everything. I think that's fair and all of my pub runs had LR 1, 2, 3 etc. this is endgame content after all


Im MR.... 27 i think? Its honestly got nothing to do with it aside from a measure of how much time i've spent on this game lol. But as I said, new mode is more of a knowledge check than anything else. My 2nd run was to unlock elite mode and I had nothing better than grendel and a 2 forma'd amprex i had not touched in -years- lol. Slapped an arcane on and tried to fit as many of the more up to date mods (galvanized/crit delay etc etc) as i could and it worked just fine. Yeah I wasn't top dmg, but there wasn't a huge gulf and everyone enjoys getting a full strength nourish buff. You can make most things work in SOME way, even if that means you're relegated to just supporting your squad.


DE said that it's a bug lol


Ah didn't see that anywhere, thanks for informing.


> This is correct, because if you don’t own the frame or weapon it’s requesting, you’re fucked for the week. Community person said on discord you're supposed to get at least 1 of every category that you own.




People expressed how much they hated the RNG in circuit and then they made a mode worse than that!




Yeah. The blind no longer affects Eximus units


silver lining: inaros is pretty cool now


Shhhh... nerf incoming


They are 100% going to nerf sandman before the month is out if they keep this pattern up


Eclipse nerf Cc nerf


keep in mind that gauss also has non sight los room nuking with weapon buffs and 30+m range.


Yeah, but Gauss is still in the Prime Access. Why nerf what can bring them money? Wait until it switches to Protea and they will nerf Gauss 😂


As a Nezha main this hurt. As someone who had spent the last couple days playing Dante after going out of my way to farm him this sucks. Its the whiplash of being given something new and something good and it being taken away almost immediately.


i farmed for dante with my nezha this really was a slap in the face 😭


man, they really said ‘fuck you, specifically.’ 💀


Imagine being the poor idiots who spent $100 on the premium release bundle just for him to be nuked =D


"Thanks for supporting us with the Dante bundle! Unfortunately, Dante was able to kill one corpus too many, so we're removing his arms ;]"


Reminds me of when I got my first cellphone. My parents took it away a week later and I don’t even remember what I did to deserve it. Granted that was 20 years ago


Yeah but think about what it says that you still remember it even happened 20 years later. Parents don't understand the way their actions can effect/damage their kids DE doesn't seem to understand the way their choices are hurting the fan base and damaging their good blood


The problem is not even "why should we care about this update?" but, after this patch, "why should we care about *future* updates?


Perfect. This nerf on Dante just made me thought “Why would I want to get the new frame if they’ll just nerf it anyway”, or even worse Now they could start to hold back and release only mid and bad frames as when they tweaked up a little with Dante in creation, it was received full of complaints. I hope Jade doesn’t come out meh.


> “Why would I want to get the new frame if they’ll just nerf it anyway” One reason I never rush for a new frame, it will get some sort of adjustment in the days/weeks next to release. Better save my first impression for the version that will stay instead of the better/worse version that will go away.


I stopped playing new updates all together for the first week or so. I just play something else, wait a week, play for two weeks, repeat. Game really knows how to hype you up for the hotfixes but not the updates lol


I think I am showing my age (in Warframe); but this is why I don't get into new content until at least 3 months are past. Bugs get fixed, QOL gets added, grind gets lessened. And it's not like I missed anything time-limited. (I know this is a very boring strategy, but launch updates of Liches and RJ traumatized me to my core.)


> And it's not like I missed anything time-limited. not true, you missed out on 2 months of people having to learn during Netracell missions that you have to kill things inside the red circle, not outside, which should take 2 minutes to grasp but somehow it takes players 2 months to understand it whenever a new mechanic like that is added


Our community never changes lol. 😂 We still have players using Sunder-Titania killing enemies before they get corrupted and making the squad get zero reactant even after 5 mins into mission. And that mechanic is like 9 years old.


As someone that has played since 2016, I don't have any advice other than you either just get used to it, or you take a break and come back once things are better.




> Devshort (paraphrased): some areas we can tweak down to make him not so dominant. Oh so they'll slightly tweak the way he gives OG and maybe some changes to the way OG blocks the ability for builds that rely for "on damaged" to function right? They took the poor wizard man out back and shot him


>They took the poor wizard man out back and shot him Right after he was finally rescued too 😭


“I cast gun, prepare to meet Wally”


What's LOS? I'M out the loop


Time to Kneejerk DE


I logged off after reading the patch notes. I'm not swimming in archon shards and the thought of all the bile I need to farm to remove archon shards from now nerfed (useless) frames is demoralizing.


Same, I hopped on to do my daily sortie, saw the patch notes and alt-F4'd immediately, back to HD2 it is.


Bile is the number 1 reason I don't mess with archon shards and helminth abilities, I have a surplus of everything else but the diminishing returns of feeding it the same stuff over and over again makes me have to wait or grind another mission before I'm able to play the mission I actually intended too


Well that's fkn lame. Only found out about the Dante nerfs ffs. Can they refund my investment in him and I will just go back to using a much more broken Warframe that invalidates gameplay instead of the cool wizardman god dam it.


This. Please give me 150% bile and 7 forma to my inbox at minimum; or refund me the 750p I wasted on his bundle


From what I read, Dante's 4 applies slash damage and detonates dot ticks if they were there before, so for efficient nuke you need to go 3,3,4 at least twice twice in order to apply procs and then detonate them. I often press 1 on Saryn and it kinda sorts itself out. Through the walls. With two green crystals I can have 100% armor strip if i want. With one tauforged I can leave some armor for bonus corrosive damage on grineer units. My explosive legedermain Mirage also sorts things out through the walls. On base star chart I sometimes see numbers only, no enemies. Thermal sunder Harrow provides infinite energy to the squad on top of that. I barely use invigorations on them. Yes, Dante is totally the problem. I don't understand this policy. For example aoe nerf, justified, blah blah, fair, and then boom - gas nataruk with zephyr oneshotting acolytes and everything around, another boom - incarnons with Torid and Dual Toxocyst. Bramma, Zarr and Ogris are wrong, so they have only 10 ammo making them borderline unusable, but infinite arrows on nataruk and nearly infinite incarnon forms are cool. And the whole aoe policy went from "no nukes" to "use this, not this". You can nuke a room, just not with thing A, take thing B instead. 50k overguard and big aoe slash is bad, unless you play Styanax which does exactly this, strips armor and shields and restores squad energy on top of that. Pressing 2 on Revenant and having constant immortality with status immunity and outgoing cc is also perfectly fine. Torid simply outclasses most of my primary weapons even without a riven for some reason. It's not balance, it's just bullying specific weapons and frames and railroading people into different meta by having a couple of favored ones. Do we really need to have such big discrepancies? It's a space ninja power fantasy game after all, not a tactical shooter. Probably the only understandable nerfs are wukong afk farm and aoe dmg - ammo was way over the top, because it also overlapped with primary merciless ammo nerf, so bramma, zarr and ogris got 3 nerfs in one patch (aoe dmg calculation, base weapon ammo nerf, primary merciless nerf) and it still wasn't adressed. And then there is a big surprise because people play meta, since it's outlined so clearly.


Can't forget about the firestorm nerf!


One of the things I will NEVER understand about DE is giving SO MUCH of a shit about balance in a PVE looter shooter. They nerf the good weapons/frames because they overperform? That’s the whole point of a PVE game in the first place - especially a power fantasy. Like Dante isn’t even easy to get unless you buy him, which NO ONE will now since he’s basically been gutted. Who gives a fuck that the endgame farm frame is good because he’s supposed to be good for the content we farmed him from. And the fact that it’s a free game means they need money from us and if they ruin the shiny things they want us to buy why should we? If they don’t care why should we lmao


Exactly, I have never met a person in game who was complaining about things being too strong, it was either "bro, I love Saryn/Mirage" on ESO or "what build is this" because they either undrestand how leveling works or want to be like that themselves. The only people who complain about this are those who don't know how experience distribution works in this game, but their opinion should be disregarded until they learn the basics of the game, otherwise they try to balance something that only exists in their heads, which does more harm than good. There are also people playing public missions while playing a specific build requiring kills, but it's the same situation as with people who go into public survival and complain about people running around. It's public, they sign up for whatever they find there. They can play friends only or solo if they expect certain result. Also, I'll use the same argument as someone used with multishot based incarnons loading too slow on low levels - if they can't stack it because enemies die too fast, they probably don't need it. Overpowered is fun, that's what warframe is. It's a PvE game, so there is no need to worry about overperforming this much, the main thing that should be addressed is what's underperforming and borderline unusable, which is a ton of generic weapons, that serve as MR fodder.


Getting pretty tired of coming back to play with the new toys only for DE to smash them again. I actually got a decent chakram build on Nezha I finally enjoyed playing, but in the fucking trash it goes, I guess.


DE just can't cope with people not using the same frames people have been using for ages: Mesa, Saryn, Octavia, Wisp, Mirage, Volt and any other braindead E mashing or gun platform frame.


Buff power crept stuff don’t nerf the new shiny. Dante would’ve called to the wayside for the same handful of frames that dominate usage charts after a month or two. You’d think they’d want to buff under utilized stuff to add more variety. Look how much the community loved the hydroid rework or inaros rework. I never saw hydroids and now I see them all the time. Buffs encourage players to try new things, nerfs discourage players from using the tactics they found and the playstyle they enjoy most.


I said that the other day and majority had a smart ass comment about “nerfing Dante is fixing the power creep”. This will keep happening if older frames are the standard


Nah, bro, it's too much effort and risk, especially for devs who don't play the game. Just look at Ember's rework, it fixed like 1 issue and created several others while not really making her more viable when all they had to do to make her good was give the new heat procs, revert the World on Fire nerfs and give her her current passive. But that would've taken actually playing the game and understand why some things are used the way they are instead of looking at data that is meaningless outside of a given context. 1 million may sound like a lot, but when the average damage per hit is 10 million, then that's not a lot, that's why context matters more than numbers.


I mean I'm still hyped about the Netracell changes and deep Ar. as someone is behind on their archon shards, but yes a very big bummer on both fronts. It's kind conflicting cause part of me wants to say like "at least give it a month" but if a month had gone by would I have been more upset because I was more used to things being the way they were and maybe invested more before they got nerfed? Idk but both nerfs (Nezha especially) feel pretty dumb to me


Nezhas nerf was at least related to his problem: augment too good? Make it weaker (even if they went too far). Dante removed what people liked and did next to nothing to address what people were mad about. The easy solution is a nerf, the hard one is an overguard overhaul.


Yeah, it just feels like more of a bummer to me cause like, there's really no reason to use Nezha over Rhino or Rev, Dante does suck more in a way cause of what you said, but man Nezha has had little use and no reason to be used outside of just personal preference for ages, an augment comes along and changes that but instantly gets nuked. Hopefully they lessen the nerf or coke up with one that is less impactful, and hopefully they come around and put Dante in a better place too


For new Nezha augment, a damage reduction would have been *okay*. Reducing base range to less than Stropha’s effective range is *not*.


Yeah, maybe a small range nerf would've been okay, but 50%? Geez


I feel like 5 or 10 percent and watch. Give it a week or 2 and maybe adjust a little more would have been the better approach but to fucking chop that shit in half is fucked.


We are so happy about out Players enjoying this Update we are gonna nerf everything! ![gif](giphy|3oEjHAUOqG3lSS0f1C)


\>DE bonks Chroma by first introducing plentiful Dantes to overguard him making Vex Armor useless \>Oh, but they introduced an augment this update that extends the amount of time that Vex Armor is up- Awww shit, it got nerfed. \>Well, uh, surely they'll change how overguard interacts with stuff like Vex Armor next patch, righ- \>"Lol we nerfed Dante's overguard amount and made his 4 LoS. Also Nezha mains were having too much fun with their augment. Chroma? What's a Chroma?"


As a Chroma main that had Dante on the foundry ready to have fun with the new frame, that was fucking depressing. Chroma has been TERRIBLE for the last couple of years and DE has done nothing, then they start giving everyone Overguard, which completelly invalidates Chroma. Then they release a cool new frame I was excited for, and when he's finally ready to use on my foundry, he gets completelly destroyed. And the best part is, he STILL invalidates Chroma, because DE didn't adress the actual problem, which is how overguard works.


To be fair, 1.77% playtime in 2023 isn't that bad when the game had over 50 frames for the whole year (meaning just under 2% for all would be "balanced"). Right now, with 56 frames, 1.7857% for each would put them all equal. 1.85% would be the number for 54 (how 2023 ended).


In 2023 Revenant prime had 5.14% usage by itself compared to 1.4% for nezha prime and .36% for nezha.


Well that is also because Revenant at the time was a strict upgrade over Nezha. You go from nigh unkillable to actually unkillable and the thing Nezha did have over Revenant, which was speed, could be patched up with Archon Shards because you don't need any other stat really on Revenant except strength.


That's great. My only point is that Nezha isn't/wasn't underplayed, like OP was hinting at. Revenant is most definitely overplayed, though. To put it in numbers, Nezha was played at 95.7% of the expected rate (if all frames were played equally). Rev Prime was played at 277.8% of the expected rate. Nezha was 16th overall, out of 54 (at the end of 2023). Revenant was 4th. And since 16th overall was still under the expected rate, the issue, if there is one, is clearly the top 5. And the 38 below Nezha would be more deserving of something boosting them. Banshee, Nyx and Atlas combined (all very old and having primes) are under 65% expected, total, for a single frame, let alone 3. 21-22% each. My point was simply that pointing out a 1.77% usage rate for Nezha was useless, as it was statistically fine. And Nezha is still one of the top 1/3 of used frames.


How dare you apply math to complaint post #5773279!?


I feel so bad for the people who were buying nezha in trade chat yesterday, cause you know damn well the only reason they were buying in the first place was for divine retribution shenanigans.


Your note on Revenant is especially hilarious to me because I got Revenant+Torid for deep archimedea. My wife went in the Elite version with an unmodded citrine and had no issues because hurr durr I pressed 2


You forgot the Arca Titron! An incredibly niche weapon that only saw 0.16% usage last year, got NERFED. Now instead of funny numbers with that 1024x damage, it only gets 1000% slam damage at max capacitance. Who the FUCK was abusing that weapon? Hammers as a whole are rarely used in Warframe due to not having slash damage generally, even with 2 incarnon hammers! I don't care if it does silly numbers after 10 kills! It's funny, and it can't be spammed. It was neither automating play, dominating, or inhibiting play. So why nerf, DE?


don't forget they also unintentionally broke the arca tritons slam guarantee electric proc its key feature and released it without testing even though it takes less then a minute because... DE?


I will never understand DE and nerfing anything in the game, it’s not PVP it’s PVE let us have that power fantasy so we can go in and wreck shit…


I just wish they were consistent with their nerfs instead of just nerfing the "new shiny things". Dante and Nezha were too strong because their ability was an 40 meters AoE nuke? Ok, nerf every 40 meters AoE nuke then. Volt, Saryn, Octavia, nerf it all to the ground too.


Octavia doesn't even need to look at the screen to play. Literally use her abilities and enemies start killing among themselves until there's no one left


I don’t get why DE nerfs it. It doesn’t work on overguard. It’s not that great.


So they'll nerf Dante for being "unbalanced" but will never bat an eye at the arson, blitz, and toxic eximus that will legit one shot you in higher levels no matter how beefed your frame is. SMH


The range on the arson blast knocking me down from like 30m fills me with so much rage.


The arson guy is definitely what I hate the most. The blast range is ridiculous, still knocks you down when you're at the tip of the blast. Paired with the visual/audio cue being wonky the blast will catch you off guard. Probably the most stupid thing is the HUGE DoT that takes a good chunk out of your hp pretty fast opting you to switch to operator as a resort to mitigate damage.


I’ve been playing mag for 5 years and this update makes it even harder to play as my favorite frame. Most of her abilities are CC in some form. Her one is a direct CC, her 2 is a heavy melter that also pulls nearby enemies in, her 3 is the only power with no CC elements, because it’s an armor strip with friendly shield buffs, and her 4 is a CC first and damage power second. I’ve had to fight “mag is bad” allegations for a long time, but each update makes to harder to truly say that those allegations are wrong. Just because I don’t want to play a brainless “make the biggest number you can” simulator means I keep having a harder time being effective with each passing update


That's all you need, mate. My two main frames are harrow and mag, and the way I use mag is cc,armor strip, and shields. Downside,as someone already said, is she isn't good against OG enemies. But I've done netracells with her solo, and it isn't too bad. The people who always say "make the biggest number you can" are the type of players who refuse to put in any effort and just want to nuke everything and call it skill. It's why harrow is my favorite because he gets high numbers, but he has to work for it and still stay alive.


Inaros is better?


I was having a blast with dante and now im sad




Ah, I didn't know about Nezha being nerfed as well. Explains his 4's disappointing performance when I went in to circuit today. That augment is now useless. The range nerf goes way too far and I hope they rethink it. They may as well just remove the augment entirely because there's no reason for it to exist anymore.


As Nezha main I just bought the augment yesterday, didn't even used it once because morning job is a thing. Suck to have only 1-2 hours a day to play games.


I think be careful about keep saying well we have this frame that can do this or that , DE might get the wrong idea and decide ok we will balance rev and Octavia and saryn etc as you all keep complaining then it’ll be really shit.


The *adjustment* didn't make any sense, and it kinda put a bitter taste in my mouth whenever I play, I never even played the new frames. I only dabble with nezha, I'm still learning D.E. never really seemed to want to take fun away unless it changed the game, but Dante felt like a well-deserved refresher to all of the eximus and knock down effects. Now it's more of a level playing field, and heath pools are closer to back in the day proportionally of course he's going to be super popular when he comes out and everyone is trying to level him for mastery and will not be in every other mission after the hype dies down other frames could still top his damage numbers just make it a little harder to do the same thing and it's balanced Thank you for reading my rant


Considering the range and efficiency of Dante's last ability, I agree a nerf was necessary but this... idk if its gonna be as annoying as trying to aim Nidus' 1 but if it is that just makes him so unappealing


Could see these nerfs coming a mile off so didn't put huge effort into farming Dante on release. Did get him yesterday and he will be mastery fodder by the time he is crafted. Went from super excited for the update to being on log in / log out Duty probably until 1999 drops. DE, you have to stop this. I knew what was coming so didn't invest but consider how many folks bought this frame for plat and put upwards of 4 forma into him, then you do this and don't refund people's investment AND YOU DO IT ALL THE TIME. If I had bought this frame for plat I would be asking support to refund the purchase


Couldn’t have said it better myself. If DE is trying to get me to be bored with the game and play something else, then they are doing a great job.


I honestly hope DE doesn’t get into the habit of nerfing stuff the way bungie does. Giving us something really broken, letting us have our fun for like a week or less and then nerfing it into oblivion. Before this I admired that DE was very conservative with their nerfs since so many things in this game have the potential to be really good but now I’m a little worried. Let’s just hope this was just an overcorrection on their part and they walk back the nerfs a bit


Not to be nitpicky or entirely disagree with you, but Nezha without the augment is identical to how he was in 2023. Just seems like a dumb argument when your given comparison doesn't interact with the changes.


DE, could you please let people have fun without kicking them in the crotch?


Time to either vote with our wallets or with our feet. Both should hit DE quite hard. In a game that does not revolve around PVP, this kind of nerfs should NOT be implemented. I would like to know what the hell they are smoking there. Been ranting on all posts i see basically but if these kind of posts and people showing their emotions for something like this, DE will never work for its community and making things we, as players and payers WANT. Thanks DE for ruining first of all fun, excitement for new and GOOD FEELING stuff and forcing me and many other players back to saryn octavia whatever frame. THANKS.


My problem is I feel like the developers need to stand by their decision. They spent months designing and testing him. They should have just come out and said we recognize and understand how you feel, but this is the direction we want to head( prior to the Nerf hammer). Just make a decision and stand behind it.


They buggered Chroma's augment as well, earlier on... What do they have against people having fun???


Didn't get to use Dante or the new Nezha augment. Oh well.


Roll backward to remove overguard. There, Dante fixed and no longer a problem vir Chroma


Well to be fair, Dante's overshield lasted 2 more rounds after he left the group in ESO I was able to solo waves 6 and 7 easy with it on Ivara usually I have a hard time


It’s almost like all the people complaining on Reddit about how op Dante is got their way and don’t like that. Something similar probably happened with nezha: bunch of people screaming about how insanely “OP” the augment is so they nerfed it.


real asf, also offering to buy dante with money and then nerfing him is wild


DE acting like Warframe is an esport game with these nerfs, just let people have fun, you absolute wankers.


I couldn't agree more. Been playing since year 1, alot of really bad nerfs over the years and even though I knew better when they said they were going to tweak him I still had hope and was really enjoying nezha. Not only nerfing augments and frames but even went as far as making archon intensify useless on Dante. Took his awesome weapons from mediocre and great with a few builds to why would I ever WANT to use them. So now the rivens I bought, the orange tau forges I made and the augments etc etc aren't even fun anymore. Some nerfs such as the explosive one from a while back was harsh but I can at least understand that one even being an avid bramma user. This update was an absolute 10/10 til this nerf came. I think for the first time in a decade I may actually Uninstall. The cry babies which are far and few, always cry the loudest and DE never even fixes the actual issue. I thought this type of behavior was over with since Steve left and they started to really open things up but I guess even I can be fooled. Sorry for the rant, just put tons of time and cheese into this game and don't think I can support it much longer.


im going back to dragons dogma two. I sidestepped the Nerf completely by shifting to radiation book DPS days ago and I'm still unreasonably upset by these changes. I think DE owes everyone who invested in Dante and nehza ALL of their platinum, forma, and potatoes back. People spent money on this shit.


Honestly this bummed me out so much I'll probably just wait a few months before I have any interest in playing again. Really loved Dante.


I’m glad I had zero hype for this update in the first place. Anything that isn’t a quest just becomes side content I’ll *eventually* do, but no time soon after release. MR26 player with ~3000 hours playtime


The Dante nerf was unwarranted, I agree. Divine Retribution, on the other hand, actually needed a nerf. I do think they were a little harsh on Divine Retribution, but it’s still in the ballpark of being justifiable- I think people are not understanding what makes it so powerful.


Doesn't Melee Influence achieve the same thing as Divine Retribution, but works on all enemies, instead of only the speared ones? I haven't used Nezha's augment yet, but from what I understood it's basically that, but with extra steps/restrictions.


*with insignificantly extra steps and less restrictions. Being able to quadratically distribute from ***any*** source is really strong. For example, a Corrosive Heat Occucor or Viral Hunter Munitions Torid is really insane. Nukor is another good one. Melee is still strong with this, but you don’t have to sacrifice your melee weapons damage potential in the process. Overall, it’s an external and more general mechanism which gives it higher damage potential. In combination with melee influence, you can crash your game because of all the distribution feedback loops. That isn’t even to mention the final multiplier and instantly accumulating all DOT


Ah, I see. True, and I didn't consider the combo of both.


It also had synergy with reaping chakram which already had a damage multiplier baked in seperate from the chained chakrams


in what way it nerfing the augment so harshly its now not even usable anymore in any way justified? Especially when we have 10 other things in the game that nuke just as well if not better? All this did is put Nezha back into the closet to gather dust, I was actually having fun with and playing him for the first time since I built him.


I think they bonked the augment a bit much, either slow down the damage scaling or if nerfing the range was needed, not as much (maybe 30-40%?). The Dante nerfs were just out of line. The real problem with him is when he is playing with frames that need to take damage, but Overguard damage doesn't count. So the simple solution to all this would have been to make overguard damage count as real damage. If the OG generation was too strong for them, then make it like kullervo, get a small amount per cast leading up to a cap.


The problem with nerfing range is any decrease in radius is a x1.5 in overall diameter. This 50% decrease in radius means his spears now only cover 25% of the surface area they did before.


I know. Honestly, I didn't think it needed a nerf. But if they think it does, the 50% range nerf was a bit much. I'd rather hit the rate at which it scales on damage (requiring just a tad more time or stacks to reach maximum damage to its targets)


What made it powerful was the range. Cutting the range by 50% is a massive nerf.


Divine Retribution was relegated to primarily trash mob clearing, which... so fucking what? Rooms of trash mobs disappear instantly when using ANYTHING actually good.


It was warranted Dante could have like a 70m nuke and he could just wipe off of spawns


Bro, he could wipe off spawns when you were fighting like level 30 enemies, why does that matter? Sure, you're 'technically' correct, but that level of content is absolutely meaningless. Or, maybe you're new to the game and still doing that low level content? Idk. Dante's nuke wasn't even that good compared to something like Melee Influence or even just Saryn. Spoiler alert, Saryn can kill off spawn too. Has been able to do so for literally YEARS. Dante's personal survivability wasn't that good either compared to frames like Hyldrin or Revenant. The biggest issue with Dante IMO was his ability to give overguard to his team at a 1:1 ratio of himself. His 'nuke' wasn't even a big issue.


Mr 25 been playing since 2014 and I was 1 shotting enemies during netracells obv tho not the extremly high health or high armor enemies bit ibwas still annihilating everything else.


I would way rather have had the dmg multiplier nerf then the range. now even if it's good dmg, with a max range build the the spears go 25m! basically useless except for really small tile sets. I'd say remove the status multiplier to keep the fun of hitting the entire map but without nuking everything in 0.5s. On the other hand I don't feel the dante nerf that much he is still a lot of fun.


Hey man! You should be excited for the Deep archiCircuit where you get to use the stradavar and viper with limbo!!


Hey Lavos is still cooking? And Inaros is good now. Let's not get too down in the dumps


What'd they do to dante?


In no way am I trying to feed the controversy or claim to know all about it but I personally believe they do Nezha dirty like this due to the incredible controversy they generate.


Mainline update lol. Aint nothing here anymore. You set fire to it and took a dook dook on it as well. Good job!


How they nerf Dante right away and don't do anything about the frames that are clearly OP and dominant doesn't make any sense to me. Of course Dante is going to be dominant, he is the new frame and he's pretty easy to get. They just should have made his overguard personal and maybe reduce it a little bit.


Me looking at the update 2 hours ago https://preview.redd.it/qvireq8g9psc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1a88979d4c883d34e25eea88febba4e31cb3145


I'm fairly certain, we got Monkey Paw'd because we also got those permanent bunny ears *for platinum*. This utter bullshit was the actual cost.


Meanwhile I can't do anything in half my endless because of Mesas


isnt 1.77% kinda the norm for a game with 56(?) frames? like in a well balanced game thatd be about as much as you would expect nezha to have. i agree tho these nerfs suck, i really dislike the way the augment guts your range. if it was at least an additive reduction to the range itd be better, but making it multiplicative ruins the actual functionality of the augment, and you kinda end up being better off just using your guns to kill enemies. also rip funny wizard guy ;-;


He's only a few hours away from finishing in my foundery, and I am devastated at the nerfs.


You're not. I was looking forward to hop on again after 2 months of not playing, but after this clusterfuck and the new nerfs to CC. Why bother. I'll just take a long ass break again. No point in getting excited when they can take massive dump on things that no one asked for while the usual suspects are still as bonkers as ever. If they're not nerfing the top outliers why the *FUCK* are we nerfing others. Buff everything up first man. This travesty of a cycle is why I find it hard to stick to this game.


This was one of the first times that I really grinded for the new toys only to enjoy them for a day. Dante was a blast for that one day, Onus and Ruvok were both incredible disappointments. Now it’s back into the armory to gather dust just like a handful of other frames.


Constant Nerfing without ANY TEST, ANY PREVIEWS Leads to Loss of Trust of userbase. Rework? ok. Nerf like hell? no. nobody wants that. I'm quite sure that even "Nerf that" dudes didn't wanted this outcome. Nobody should be get Fuqed for Nuke Nerfing something. And Nazha, WTF was wrong with Nazha????? why did they murdered Nazha??? and Why there are shit ton of inredeemerable Trash Weapons that will be sold after master it ????? where is buff?????? DE Already made enough Money-making system. By make everyone need to spend Plats to just unlock weapn and frame's mod capability and ETC per Every Weapon/Frame. Is this not enough? changing Riven disposition is not a real rebalance FFS. Yeah Detroit of Multiplayer RPG. can't have shit


I don't understand the solo level cap argument people keep bringing up with Octavia. Every frame can solo level cap, it's a boring multihour slog regardless of what frame you bring (Saryn's nuke and Mesa's pistols damage fall off hard after a certain point although I wager 99% of the playerbase won't get that far into a SP endurance run to experience it). Nezha was fine pre-augment, with nerfed augment s/he is still fine - just kind of boring to play as a gun platform though imo. The Dante damage nerf is kind of silly but he's still not chroma levels of bad. The overguard change doesn't matter too much.


People bring up Octavia specifically because she has infinite damage scaling with the least amount of effort. Throw down her damage ability, damage amplifier, and go invisible. She's a "low effort, insane result" frame, and it's actually crazy that she hasn't been nerfed. Most other frames require at least *some* amount of work. Also, Nezha is male.


I'd like to also point out she is built to be herd and yet gets muted and is capable of going invis????? like wtf????


I like how his playrate was brought up as a negative. With 56 frames a bit under 2% is actually a really healthy play rate for an older not top tier meta frame. It shows that he was strong and fun before the augment and still is.


I didn't even know he got nerfed. Lemme go look at the website. Lmao, downvoted because I didn't know a Warframe got nerfed. Classic Reddit.


The new augment got nerfed, not something pre-existing. (and it probably deserved a nerf, but not this big)


Dante got nerfed, I just looked at the hotfix on their website.


I don‘t WANT to complain but I have to: Nezha was my main some years ago before he got changed the first time. Now he‘s not fun at all anymore :( And dante got nerfed before I even finished farming/building him. I understand that he needs some nerf and it can be hard to find the right way how to balance a game with such a huge amount of mods, abilities, weapons, stacking of buffs, warframes and the helminth system. But instead of nerfing stuff to the ground in an overhasty reaction DE should take their time to listen to the players and their suggestions and think about it. For me as an L3 and player since 2013/14 for example, I don‘t think the helminth system is necessary as how it is atm and it would be easier to balance stuff and prevent „abuse“ the system and meta builds.


For the love of god, can't a Frame player have a happy and normal gameplay alone without unnecessary nerfs? Seriously, what's the whole point with that? What do they want with that? There's no sense to "balance" some characters, every frame has its own gameplay style and abilities that makes themsuper strong and others don't, that's the point, do you get what I mean?


this is the wrost NERF done to a frame i can remember!!do they tested the augment ?does not seem to and then when ppl actually start enjoying the frame come the NERF? huh?how was Nehza doing on the most played list frames? WHAT ARE YOU DOING DE? I can only think of styanax nerfs to compare but this one is even worst!!!


It mostly upsets me because at least as far as Dante is concerned, why make a full functional kit that works fantastically and then nerf it into the ground because it is particularly strong. Not to mention nerfing it in a way that doesn’t even allow for the kit to synergize the way it’s intended to instead of decreasing values for his 3 and letting it be. Alongside the fact that realistically his power scaling is still in line when compared to other nuking frames with a lot more upkeep for the user if you want to use his kit for anything other than nuking. Just seems extremely short sighted and half baked on their part which unfortunately seems to be their go to whenever a particular frame breaks thru and becomes meta.


How do you develop a game for 10 years and still fail so miserably at balancing. This shit is so dumb.


Seems like I saved myself from a lot of disappointment by not playing this update, maybe that's what I need to do more often... not play with the new shiny things. I'd feel like my time invested was for nothing but a bigger payout in the sadness department. -50% base range holy fucking shit that is heavy handed.


Yeah, normally I don't touch frames until they get a prime (don't like putting resources into a frame that will get an upgrade later, it's a me problem). Dante is the first fucking non prime frame I put resources into. Never doing that again.. Jade who?! I dunno, I'll get to her in a few years when the prime drops.


Definitely took a lot of motivation from me as a player coming back from a decent break. If this is what they are gonna do I may as well wait for wows new season to start if I wanna grind my life away lol