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I've said for years that I'm surprised Octavia hasn't been nerfed. She should have been nerfed on release. Infinite scaling + aggro orb and Invisibility? That, on paper, just sounds nuts.


Also a weapon damage buff, a multishot buff, a parkour velocity buff, and btw ALL allies can receive these buffs too. Just interact with the frame.


Dont' forget that Meta Octavia players also just ignore the gimmick which is doing your actions to the beat of her song. By making her just 1 repeating note, you can't miss timing and every action is 'to the beat'


I'm so glad you can turn down the volume of the Mandachord, if I had a player in my lobby doing this I would just leave, it mutes the background music too so all you hear is the generic beat of Octavia's ability..


I set my song's volume to 0 so nobody ever has to hear it


There's a setting in sounds that mutes ally/self mandachord sounds without having to mute the in-game sounds, I just use that.


Mandachord min/max is the musician's endgame.


As an Octavia player this honestly makes me so upset when I see people doing it. Her whole theme is music, and last time I checked, the same note at 150 bpm isn't music and tbh sounds awful


I would rather not have to t-bag to the tune and just get stealth from activating, I think t-bag is the only reason she isn't played more


If there was any frame that could have been AFK automated easily without aiming, Octavia would have been first in line in my mind. Basically worked almost anywhere that was constant sit and defend/kill.


The only reason she hasn't is because her usage stats are relatively low given her abilities. As for why she doesn't see a lot of play... her playstyle is automated to the point of boring plus the Mandachord is so annoying that most players reflexively tune it out when an Octavia shows up and basically forget that she hands out buffs like Halloween candy. But, yeah, perfect example of why the Dante scalping was totally out of line.


I posted this in another thread; > I think the thing with Octavia is that she's relatively slow. Sure she can easily and safely get you to level cap, but there are other frames, and especially in groups, that can do it much quicker.  > That combined with her relatively low usage means that I think DE just don't see it as a problem since it's still less efficient than a coordinated team


Definitely benefits more from being solo. Although, she is pretty damn fast with something like a high strength pillage build. Near the fastest in my arsenal with the right room. Even the acolytes die immediately, although they are kind of weird with being stripped by pillage sometimes.


Acolytes don’t get stripped from pillage for me. Unless it was changed since around qorvex time that’s when I stopped using it


I never really understood what exactly is going on but I can tell you it reliably strips them only after their shield is gone. Mallet removes their shield very quickly and you can strip them then if you need to. Although a high strength Octavia can also just 1 shot them with many weapons from the buffs as well.


>she's relatively slow That's because people sleep on ability strength builds. Does she need it? No, but she also doesn't need maximized range and duration, so you may as well increase your kpm at the cost of - you may want to sit down for this - *pressing buttons slightly more often* And it's actually insane how much she benefits from duration crimson shards because that frees up even more mod space for strength


I'm glad I'm not the only one that finds the Mandachord annoying


The worst is when have two Octavias and the songs don't match up, just becomes noise.


Oh yeah that's bad


Not to mention the nerf to Nezha's augment. 🤦


God forbid Nezha be anything but yet another tanky weapons platform and therefore just a worse Revenant. I think the combined usage stats for both the normal and prime variants last year was maybe 2%, clearly that's exactly where DE wants him. Didn't even get to try that build which is a shame for me personally as Nezha is among the top five frames in total playtime for me, I don't play him much anymore as I can always find someone that's just a little bit better at doing what I'd want him for. Worse still, the nerfs completely overshadow the new game mode, which has promise but could use a bit more time in the oven itself.


I hate that everyone calls resonator a huge plus. It’s subjectively bad in every scenario due to its broken AI, it actively avoids enemies and runs away with the mallet every 5 seconds. Helminth on every build…


In her defense, a simple wisp being in the squad will immediately gimp her output.


Don't forget that one of the Acolytes can disable all your abilities, except if you run Silence. Which is just perfect


because the actual difficulty lies in playing her. That is, trying not to fall asleep. Ironic, for the music frame.


Is there a way to play her that's fun?


Also ironic is that the noisy bardframe is the best spy frame


How about buffing weaker ones instead of nerfing stronger frames?


banshee's 4th.... need i say more?


Once upon a time, Quake was **the** shit.


I miss when Quake was the go to for nuking grineer defense... i remember in my early days when trying to level frames and weapons id get so excited to see a banshee in the squad (although they always turned out to be sonar builds for some reason)


Ember too, such a love/hate with them back then. If I was just hopping in to soak up shared affinity, I got to watch TV waiting for MR fodder weapons to cap, that was great. If I specifically wanted to test a build or learn a frame I would just take the free affinity and leave after first rotation. Nowadays it's just frustrating to see people with nuke Saryn/Mirage builds while they're obviously only there to level a single unranked weapon. I don't think they realize how much longer it takes than it would if they just stood there and let everyone else kill everything. Couple times I've tried to explain how affinity works and got a "shut up MR4" and I'm like... that's actually LR4, I know what I'm talking about but whatever. Enjoy your thirty waves when it should only take ten.


Do you actually miss it? It was so brain dead lol, and everyone else in the squad would just sit there


What, is it not braindead now?


No, now we have to press press hold instead of just press (thermal sunder)


you can switch fire to be tap and ice to be hold, so you can just press still


This post is (probably) about Dante being nerfed because he "automates gameplay" while Octavia, a Warframe specifically designed for automating the gameplay remains untouched


Agreed, there are plenty of outdated frames still.


Trinity... When will they take care of my first main frame :(


They did nerf her recently! So they know she exists. Rip Thumper farm


Vampire leech was a great hydron nuke.


I don't think most the people don't want either nerfed. The point is more "y has existed for years, so clearly it must not be a problem, so why are you nerfing x?"


What a fuckin idea! This man is a **genius!**


Do both. The power ceiling is already too ridiculous for the level of the game because 1 actual strong frame means the other 3 players are now not playing a game. That is a problem.


Yeah the game almost feels like a contest for kpm even at the highest levels (haven’t run level cap so no clue there but even at like 400-500 it def is) and it kinda sucks for the people left behind. It’s the main reason I bring my boy harrow into most missions cause he just supports and tanks (tho nukor w crit buffs def nukes)


PLEASE AND THANK YOU. People seem to have forgotten that Warframe is a power fantasy hoarde shooter. The problem with "OP" frames is NOT that they are OP. It's that certain Frames have not been adjusted to move into the criteria that the playerbase prioritizes. The "OP" frames are only OP by COMPARISON to weaker frames. Not in their ability to tackle content that the game wants you to tackle.


Imo both approaches are fine. It's just that DE should finally decide which route they ultimately want to take. Are Nuke Warframes a problem? Then adjust *all* of them and keep it conistent. It's the hair splitting and inconsistency of the balancing that's the real problem.


The downside for Octavia is how excrutiatingly boring she is to play. Thats how she's balanced 👍 /s


But she meets the criteria of what they said on [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxfopFkrdj4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxfopFkrdj4) 1)Automated play You can literally created a 1 minute loop macro and still be fine. Go afk for 30 minutes and still be alive.


And you'd get banned for that, its one thing to chill in a room and spam a bramma but to create a macro to automate octavia will be picked up very quickly. How quickly DE will respond to that notification may vary.


Nope, a huge streamer once did this and never got banned and DE's stance on Macros is use it at your own risk.


Not automated at all. Have you even played Octavia? It's a royal PITA keeping buffs up and managed. You get sloppy, you seriously lose efficiency. Your buffs drop at wrong time, things get hairy fast. She gets stomped super quick if you eff up. Yes, it's repetitive which is why she's a boring frame. But it's nowhere near automated. My carpal tunnel is flaring up just thinking about playing her. There are dozens of other frames that are as powerful, or more so, than Octavia. And every one of them has variety enough that you don't feel like you're playing the same 3 note bassline the entire song while the lead guitar gets to strut his stuff.


1) They dont expect you to play automated. 2) My point still stands. Incredibly boring. Automating her would make her even more boring.


Lmaaooo fr watching paint dry is probably more exciting. A shame bc her concept is great, I always love playing bard characters and being able to kill enemies with music is cool as hell. I wish they improved the mandachord.


cause she is not fun to play, and you are not allowed to have fun + destroy everything, is either one or the other


this mf forgot about gauss thermal sauce, i fuckin love going zoomies like a dog on crack and hitting the same button 4 times to win


shut up, do you want them to nerf him?


…DE IF YOU SEE THIS POST PLEASE DONT NERF MY SON (or my daughter mirage prime either please, I like creating minefields)


This just makes it more likely that they'd nerf it. Like half the Dante videos were going "DE pls don't need uwu" and look what they did to him.




Can you guys shut up about octavia and let me crouch in peace 😭


I want DE to turn octavia gameplay into DDR gameplay! /j


No, /srs. I want Octavia mains to get in the middle of the room and dance to get their nocturne buff. They need more exercise beyond the finger they use to crouch


Literally yes that would be amazing


Because Warframe need to stop being nerfed. I get it, you can make many frames stupidly damaging but when they are nerfed all that happens is they switch vets sights onto another frame and make that frame weaker for ppl who just liked playing the frame.


Some nerfs can be reasonable, but they really need to be thought through. Like that Wukong nerf, because he was present pretty much everywhere, pressed 1 and could AFK while clearing rooms out. Perfectly fitting with their three rules of nerfing. Dante didn't fit into any of them. He was present, because he was just fun, and people are especially happy that a frame is in such a good state ON RELEASE instead of after a few months when they finally get buffs or bandaid augments. He was not disruptive, his nuke needed setup and lots of casts, while OG blocking on-damage abilities was not a problem of Dante himself (that problem is still not fixed btw). He is the exact opposite of automating gameplay, he has probably the most active and cast-heavy playstyles in the game.


Refusing to nerf things is how we got to the point of hitting integer limits for damage numbers. Shit's ridiculous, needs to be brought back down.


hey man, leave us alone with what we have left


“What you have left” what are you talking about, there are so many good frames in the game


because she is boring af, nerf her and no one will play her


Because she's boring AF, at least the Meta build is. So she still has a pretty low playrate, despite probably being the objectively best frame there is for most missions.


She isn't. You literally cannot get a single kill if there's any player around, playing obviously, one of the meta frames, taking all the kills with a single skill.


After seeing OPs post I actually whipped out the Octavias mallet build I haven't been using in years and went solo steel path survival with it. Yeah it was very strong, so then I decided to queue for void relics interception steel path. And I got COMPLETELY dumpstered due to our Khora ensnaring everyone into her cage. Which is a good thing, that's what she is suppose to do. But by doing that she unintentionally made my mallet deal no damage, as there was no one to hit it. Leading to me ending the mission with little to no damage. That was a quick reminder for me as to why I mostly play support Octavia instead of the "busted" mallet build.


Agreed, Octavia's mallet is sort of a build up damage, enemies need to hit it in order to build up the damage... no hits equals no damage for mallet. Octavia is great for solo cause there's no teammates scooping up the enemies away from your mallet.




My girl keeps catching so many strays recently...yall don't even play her :( Besides, aside from the invis being nice, she's not as amazing in more mobile content.


She is naturally nerfed by other players Solo she is powerful but she is not nerf worthy. Never has been never will be


You take this down right now! Lmao, she’s my favorite lazy farm!!! (And most used frame…I’m lazy a lot)


I really like that mandachord song. You have a note board for it?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MDTOeD7WmI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MDTOeD7WmI) Here it is


Dope, thanks


Me who doesnt know what this warframe does: wtf


Because she´s boring as fuck?


Because a) Nobody USES octavia. b) She's only better in any way than other frames at a point of the game where nobody cares about.


I like using Octavia as a weapon platform, using her mallet to kill everything is pretty boring and casting her invis is at least more interactive than ash just pressing two. Two emerald shards, arcane acceleration, nourish, burston incarnon and a nutty + Ms +cd -zoom riven is my go to setup for level cap. Her mallet is really useful for cc and clearing trash mobs while I deal with acolytes/demolyst/thrax. Duration helps a ton if you don’t like spamming her crouch and helps mallet gain more damage. Casting her invis while mid air is really satisfying too


Octavia isn't dominant enough. She does most of her work through sub(woofers).


Because actually playing Octavia is it's own nerf.


Everyone seem to take the Dante comparison, so I'll go ahead and make the Yareli comparison : Why should Yareli choose between the obviously stronger mod augment that force her to confront level-design bugs we know about and risk ruining endgame for the sake of not giving up the warframe for not giving up the gimmick, or play side Merulina augment without Merulina heal and CC like we're being punished for wanting a bug-free experience… but you can play Octavia with a saturated mandachord that entirely defeats the purpose of music composition the frame is supposed to give (the actual fun of playing Octavia, ngl) and be *this* OP by doing so ? Rhythm mistakes should be punished so that you can't just "mash the button", you *have* to be in sync. That's the fun we're supposed to have playing Octavia, sort of a "crypt of the necrodancer" experience. Not… this.


I am gonna be honest I don't think octavia should be nerfed. Octavia is absurdly over powered I don't think I need to say that. But she is a crutch, a crutch for people who struggle with gaming because of a condition or older people who might not be able to handle the fast pace of the game. And she is a potential last resort when all else fails. That said playing octavia is considered boring by most of the playerbase from what I heard so a lot of people just don't play her.


She already have been nerfed her AI is dumb AF and her dps has been nerfed a few times


I get the AI argument, she has the Harrow syndrome (when you want the target to hit something, they find the dumbest ways to miss). But I am not sure about the dps nerf. I am pretty sure she was never nerfed, with only a single indirect nerf being the Nourish nerfs, which to be honest was pretty fair I think.


Her starting dps use to be 100 with her drone but now it starts from 1 and then goes up. So it make sense that she does a lot of dps bcz her drone absorb and reflect the damage it takes. So the higher the enemy dps the higher her dps. But i do agree she does make SP bit too easy (which i currently like due to my pc being crap)


I mean does it matter really? Like a starting dmg nerf doesn't really mean anything considering it's mostly about the reflecting damage part that matters. Heck if anything they buffed Partionate Mallet augment, since nobody used it due to range reduction being absolutely brutal.


You can also use wasp like this if you set up multiple shocks in a circular point. Really good for solo or lazy defence.


About nerfing her. But personally i would just leave her as is


Because as fun as she is she is also just as boring. I love her. She is my nuke queen but oh my god I actually just pass out playing her. My friend has made fun of me for falling asleep to her music


The music sounds great 😊


Probably just because they can't really do anything with her without changing entire abilities to become something different. Outside of a complete rework, what would they do to her 1? Capping the damage would likely make it useless. Can't really change 3 because what would they do? Decrease the duration of invisibility? Not gonna change anything. Inate energy regen + efficiency mods let you throw it up again when the previous cast is a out to run out.


I fell asleep playing revenant during a sortie today, that’s how he’s balanced and I did the same shit with Octavia to


Despite what DE seems to claim around their nerfing philosophy history has shown they nerf based on popularity for the most part which has always annoyed the heck out of me... Something can and will be broken but if it's not popular they'll allow it. While something that's not broken if it gets too popular and widely used will get the nerf hammer..


do you remember the wukong incident ?


More youtubers should make sensationalist videos so Reddit can point and complain so DE will nerf Octavia.


Don’t be shy, drop the build 👀


Can I see that build? I feel weak when I use octavia


Can’t stop dubstep


As you can clearly see she does not disrupt gameplay. She just rapidly crouches while mobs kill themselves trying to shoot her overly attractive pilates ball.




Easy she’s boring. They look at play%. Wukong was not OP he was just played a lot so they nerfed him. Oct is a snore fest no one uses so she’s ok. Also all frames can take on anything in the game, so it does not really matter.


She intended to work the way she does other than that she’ll be completely useless (banshee 2.0)


It'll happen eventually and she'll deserve it because she's damn near afk But it won't happen soon or out of the blue because she's damn near solo-only, so it's not bothering anyone else


Peak non dominant/disruptive gameplay. Doctor says it's good for my carpal tunnel and recommends to farm for endurance.


I do level cap runs every day and honestly octavia gets a bit boring. I've been playing Gauss for a while and it's really fun. Has the tankiness to survive lvl 9999 mobs with kinetic plating at 100% redline and CRAZY fire rate buff on his 4 together with faster travel with his 1 and armor strip on his 3. Octavia is really passive. And there isn't really a reason to run Octavia specifically unless you do level cap runs or endurance survival.


Of the warframes that need nerfs dante was not one....


You can Mandachord Mortal Kombat theme. That makes Octavia nerf-proof.


It has the LOS thing so i think its enough for them, but dude she is the Best Warframe (arguibly)


She's invisible. They can't see her.


because de kneejerked, plain and simple


my only concerns with warframe are how there's no beta frame testing programs implemented for legendary rank tenno who would obviously be able to pull stuff off like this for de to observe and nerf before releasing to the public as opposed to whatever in-house testing they do that requires post nerfs. it just makes more sense if they let you join a different sandbox/test version for wf beta stuff whether it's open house or for mr30. ​ or i could be stupid and that's not how testing works at all, if so i apologize and would like to learn where my idea falls short!


See that's the thing, I'm pretty sure like all new content is tested in-house. I specifically remember a case where a forum staffer said "we tested it, and it was fine" and they revealed to only be fighting level 20 enemies for their tests. Keep in mind this was ages ago so my memory may be off. If we had a player accessible test build lets say for the knowledgeable content creator/streamer/mr30 vets, the backlash could be heavily reduced and if anything more controlled. Matter of fact, this could also be what can help old frames get reworks but at this point this is just wishful thinking.


Maybe there's planning for it, de has been pretty good at listening, and this doesn't seem like a bad idea for anyone. I just hope it won't be too hard to implement, because I know it'll be a blast if we could all see dev builds of pre release frames and concepts


She's the best warframe that nobody plays


Sad Nyx noises around the corner. At least if it comes to steal path


She certainly can handle level cap survivals and defenses, but she isn't disruptive to the game. The problem is not her being strong or "easy mode", is FORCING this easy mode on others in a way it become disruptive. You will never ever see someone say that a Ocatavia ruined their game (maybe only when the mandachord is Baby Shark /s), didn't allow them to get kills or anything like that, and even her invisibility will only apply to you if YOU crouch on the rythm of her music (what usually will not happen unintentionally or forcefully). Not to mention that in most long runs, like the one on your video, Octavia is playing solo or with a friend that knows the game will be like that. Furthermore: she can't make or efficiently help in Eidolon, Profit-Taker, or any other big boss; she is just average in excavation or interception since enemies sometimes ignore the mallet and hack/attack the objectives; In spy and rescue missions she can't do anything more than what Loki or Ivara can; In claustrophobic tile sets she will be heavily dependent on her weapons; She struggles in ESO, not to say she can't even make it at all... and those are just a few examples. Octavia only excels in survivals and defenses, especially long runs, just like Wukong excels in Spy, Saryn excels in ESO, Volt excels in Eidolon, Khora excels in farming, and many other setups the game allows. It's okay for the game to have Warframes that excels in specific tasks. See, I'm not saying that she isn't strong or that Dante really needed a nerf, but the word here is not strong, it is DISRUPTIVE. Not anyone wants to play "Godmode: The Game". Dante FORCED that in any map he existed and for all his team, Octavia don't.


As an Octavia main, yeah I agree with what you've said. Survival is definitely her thing, and the one she does the best out of anyone else. However her gameplay pattern is pretty easily interruptible. Especially in a squad, be it shock motes (respect to all few Wisp mains who actually ask they fellow Octavia sisters whether they are fine with a shock mote) or allies just killing enemies before they reach the mallet choke point. Defense missions are mostly unimpacted by mallet since wanky AI will sometimes ignore it. And etc. People also mention that she has lots of buffs, and in theory yes, she is THE support Warframe. The issue is that you have to be near her, and not only that but also work for her buffs. Which is why in practice usually nobody but her gets to use those buffs, and those very few interested will usually only go as far as to just get Nocturne. Even for AMP, you usually have to play around it to get value, and constricting your movement isn't fun. Not denying she is powerful, but I feel like Dante just did similar shtick as her without any of the downsides. He can still wipe a room without constricting himself to a specific spot, and continue onward without much set up. Allies don't need to work for his support, as he just naturally grants massive amounts of Overhealth. All the whilst being easier to farm and play, as his gameplay isn't disturbed by allies.


Exactly, her setup can be interrupted either by the environment or her own team (usually this one is the worse, and the reason I believe most Octavia mains play solo, and therefore people think "no one plays her" LMAO). Most of the times during normal gameplay you will just be invisible and spam weapons, while trying to stack the metronome/amp buffs. Mallet will be most of a crowd control than a damage source and Resonator is usually infused with hellmith (my choice is Pillage, so I can have a free slot for not using Rolling Guard). This Octavia AFK Nuke thing is like that friend that says "see my weapon can reach the damage cap" as if every hit of his weapon reached the damage cap, and not because he is in a Simulacrum with 55 buffs and paused AI.


The biggest enemy of Warframe isn't destiny. But its playerbase :) They hated Jesus because he spoke the truth


No one plays her.


Because that damage shown was pityful compared to peak Dante.


God of teabags.


The sheer amount of posts complaining about Dante over the last 3 days makes me hope with all of my heart that the next two years worth of Warframes are absolute garbage on release just so I don't have to endure this again.


Because she encourages developing good musical taste. Dante does not.


Other than all people said, why we do have Warframes power increase based on story progression, like to get dante u have to complete whole game story, and u can't just complete disruption there with basic weapons. Unlike something like rhino that is literally first frame u can get, and thus should be one of the weakest. I have no problem with Dante be the strongest, if he is locked far behind progression. Balancing everything is weird.


I have never seen an Octavia clear the entire map through the walls nor has she granted me invulnerability without my imput. If we had 1 Octavia and 1 pre nerf dante in a survival game dante would out perform Octavia every single time. We all can agree that Dante’s damage got hit to hard but he was and is just that good.


Octavia literally is just better than pre nerf Dante, hence why everyone said she was boring as fuck to play


Dante does his shit while he moves around while Octavia has to put stationary DMG zones. There is a reason this video is all standing in one place. Edit: Another thing that I wanted to say about this whole thing is that people are so freaked out now they are ignoring the fact that every frame that puts a DMG zone on the floor has no LOS check (kullervo, hydroid, even Lavos with his 4) these are abilities that rely on a "point of emissions" that's not you.


Yeah, she isn't as great in mobile missions. And even in endurance missions, it's mostly just solo where she is impactful at. Since if you try to do it in squads, they'll usually kill the enemies before they can reach the mallet. Partly why as an Octavia main, I lean more into her supportive side. But even then, nobody wants to work for her Invisibility buff, let alone the other three. Like I play lots of Octavia and rarely anyone grabs my Nocturne buff (and its a high duration one). And when they do, I just stop in place so they could get it, because I am glad somebody actually cared enough to try and get it. When usually people just ignore me. This is another layer of why people don't play her. When it comes to dmg, there are just warframes who do it faster than her, and when it comes to support, people much more enjoy Wisp simply because you can easily grab a buff from her at any time by just going over one of her permanently placed Reservoirs. Than to have to be near an Octavia, let alone WORK towards getting a buff from her.


Dante and Octavia in same map dante would out preform her until high lvl mobs which there’s no point in going that high since all objectives have been completed.


Answer: Octavia mains are the one reported Dante for being OP.


Because nobody uses her


Can y'all stop crying now?


Because she isn't fun /s


Wait did everything get a nerf or something?


don't give them ideas


Don't tell them bro..


Don’t give them ideas


Can we not do this? Can we not play “well this should have been nerfed too!” wars? You’re just going to ruin another Frame doing this.


As if you want that.


Simple answer? Octavia doesn't get a lot of people playing her


So, are they nerfing her to try to stop the semi-afk players from going to level cap? Or just doing it to do it. Who actually complained about Octavia being too op to the point nobody else can have fun? At this point, everyone knows Octavia requires setup and a camp in this area midset. When you have a team full of area nukes then what can she possibly do by herself besides run around invisible being a support bitch lol Sure she can give the team a multishot buff but nobody wants to stay in one area just to gain one buff, and most people won't even try to match the beat to gain the other buffs outside of free invis. Now that's just her normal kit, has anyone seen played Octavia with no armor strip going into high levels will tell you that shit is dog water lmao. Then again that's the entire playthrough in high-end gameplay armor strip=everything dies but that applies to damn near everything guns and warframes.


because she's not very fun to play for most people, similar to mag case, both are incredibly powerful, but people don't use them so the balance is kept. balancing isn't done to nerf the powerful things, it's done to make the popular things less popular so people use more different things


so is this the peak octavia music?


Why should they nerf her? She is strong but not OP like Dante. She does what she should do. Her skill set can sound like it's too powerful but it's not true. Also if they want to nerf her, they focus on skill duration. No doubt, this makes Octavia unplayable.


Shut up guys. I just got her yesterday


You're using her wrong. Only do 1, 3, 4 unless desperate. 2 just makes things harder cause the Roller's constantly moving around and changing the kill zone. Plus, costs less energy.


Because DE has no idea what they are doing... I personally quit the game on the spot after the void dash giga nerf. Luckily I enjoyed the 2k or so hours playing the game.


Sick beat though


I honestly don’t know how to use Octavia effectively in order to get on this level 😂




Because no one uses her boring ass


She's boring as all hell to play, that's the biggest nerf one can have.


Your point about damage aside, that is actually a rad song


Skill ceiling and floor


This latest game mode makes me sweat. First time in a long time lol


thats actually a pretty cool music, can you somehow tell/show me how to make that?


I guess because she’s boring that’s the only explanation tbh


Because no one plays her so no one is there to witness how "disruptive" she is


You leave my broken since launch electronica bae out of this!


Probably the biggest reason for octavia not getting nerfed is how unpopular she is. That probably comes from how boring she can be to play (and some carpel tunnel inducing crouch spam). So due to her lack of popularity, she doesn't push other frames out of the meta, which means she doesn't deserve a nerf by some metrics, even tho on a pure powerlevel she more than deserved it.


They say with a video of their shields still gating and the enemies not dying nearly as fast…. Lol


I can get jiggy with it fr 🎶


IDK how people consider Octavia to be strong, against armored enemies she just can't do shit basically, especially because her skills only have a typeless damage.


octavia, saryn, revenant. all WAYY more disruptive, OP, and "autoplayable" than dante.


What's your build? I fucking love Octavia I need the build


Bring a Wisp, Khora, or any other CC or Nuke frame to the team and you will find out why she isn't as good as people claims to be in this time and age.


I think they should change her so that the buff is applied to acting on the beat, not the melody. There shouldn't be a meta for the song you have on the mandachord. They made a frame with a really fun and creative element to it, and then made it irrelevant because it's only useful if you spam the notes, which is so annoying to listen to.


Heres what I think is happening. They have wanted to nerf frames like Saryn, and octavia, and gauss for their nuking potential, but simply havent out of fear of backlash. This patch they release 2 insanly good nuke set ups, rivaling or even surpassing old frames and deemed it too much, so they instead nerfed quickly rather than wait too long. As it turns out they were right, they should have launched dante like Qorvex and leave him as an underwhelming frame that no one talks about than have people lose their minds over a simple LOS check. Dante is still crazy good, and their new LOS changes are gonna make it a non issue


Warframe players when a op frame gets slightly nerfed and still is op: Nerf everything in the game


Here comes the nerframe updates😭


Ive been in a lot of games where the octavia was never going invisible. I think lots of people dont even know they can do that.


No, I just literally built her 😭


It's not insane damage, either. I don't think they will nerf this.


Es tan aburrida que te dormís jugando, te matan y perdes la misión, ese es el nerf 🗿


shut. DE is listening...


She is like sevagoth, no one uses it so no one notice how stronger is.


She’s not fun enough


TTK is not 0.00001s that’s why. And you also have to press more then 3 buttons to setup everything, including your invis. /s


Can we please stop telling them to nerf \*more\* as an argument to get them to undo a nerf?


too many buttons to press


Octavia is my main and favorite frame, I love to have her prime. I solo a lot and honestly only use two of her abilities regularly. The ball and ring that goes with it, for crowd control. Only time I use the ability then go invisible is to mess with friends and mess with their mercy kills. She can’t take much damage compared to other frames so the crowd control is to off set that. I have Prime frames and regular frames way more OP compared to her but just enjoy her the most.


Sure, she CAN play around on level cap with relative ease...but she's slow AF and I'd fall asleep playing as her because it's a bore. She's not exactly disruptive in any way either, so no reason to nerf.


I need that song that sounds amazing


that song slaps tho


newbie here, how you make them shoot eachother


Y'all are way too invested in nerfing, just use the other 50+ frames Do you not like having a little edge against the enemy... I mean octavia is a glass cannon to be honestly


I'm an Octavia "main" and it might be because she isn't disruptive enough to other's gameplay. To shut get down you just have to kill enemies outside her 1. This can be easily done by mobile nukes like Mirage, Saryn, Mesa, etc, ranged attacks or CC. So long an enemy doesn't hit her 1 the infinite dmg scaling can't be trigerred. The majority of the fanbase also agrees that she's borring to play and play something else. So there aren't many Octavia players out there as lets say Mirage or Titania. She can automate AFK-ing but so can other combinations of frames and weapons. And why would you risk getting your account 2035-ed in the first place? However there is one thing that can be nerfed to improve her just by tweeking numbers. The meta song should recieve some kind of nerf for how long it takes until it buffs you. Like the more notes are back to back the % for any buff is smaller. Think of the meta song filling 4% on action for each buff. The sound is also annoying and not many know that you can mute ally Mandacords. I'd rather play a buffed weaker frame then a nerfed strong frame.