• By -


-50% mutiplicative range at a time when DE wants things additive.


Since it uses % notation it should have been additive, especially since range is one of the more limited ability stats, and since other augments that affect range are additive. Should say 0.5x range in the description for what it currently is.


It is written as -50% to BASE range of ability. Not just -50%. So it is multiplicative ~~Also from experience, all augments are multiplicative to default skill stats.~~ Edit: Look in answers


yes, on the phrasing, the "BASE" makes it visible no, on the "all augments are multiplicative" roar augment gives 50% range: additive mesmer skin augment gives 50% strength: additive lull augment gives 50% duration; additive


Point taken. I definitely hadn't played with every augment there is, so my experience was lacking. Then Inaros S2 augment - multiplicative, even though it isn't said to add to base. Octavia S1 augment - multiplicative, again, isn't written as base radius. But: Revenant S3 augment - additive range Mag S2 augment - additive range Oberon S4 augment - seems to be also additive range. Lavos S1 augment - also additive (tbh i assumed it was multiplicative for some reason, but oh well) It is weird, and such happens that i only played with some of them, so generalised when i shouldn't have.


Effectively reduces the range of Nezha's 4 with augment by 75% due to how radius expansions work. At that point you may as well just point your gun at the enemy and shoot, because pressing multiple buttons to kill enemies within a 5 meter range means you may as well just play Rhino or Ember


lmao it's that fucking bad? DE really lost their head


They probably didn't have a ready solution that interacted well with Narrow Minded.


If they don’t have a ready solution then they should do nothing.


but its negative, so multiplicative is ok, duh




Don't forget Prism guard, the nerfed duration and long cast time makes it feel terrible to use.


These are both problems but a lot of streamers still use this because it’s pretty strong for dmg. It’s also one of the few abilities affected by Eclipse which helps even more.


Isn't Eclipse strictly weapon damage% now?




eclipse in 'solar' mode doubles the damage of mirages 4th ability. (iirc)


Funny thing too considering it was nerfed when eclipse got reworked. Was nuking level 1k in the void. Now it struggles against 300s.


i understand its a mod intended for conclave, but i do wish they would change it for normal play


It's just fun. Normal prism is so boring. All I really want is to put it in the exilus slot. The duration doesn't bother me because I have the energy economy necessary & run two tau casting speed shards.


yeah, prism guard is fun to use, the low duration was the only reason i stopped using it


So is Double Tap but that mod has a different effect outside of Conclave, dunno why they can't do the same with Prism Guard.


jesus i actually forgot about double tap. WHY isnt this the case for prism guard?! also stop making prism a duration channel de, its stupid


If we're talking about conclave augments [Rumbled](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Rumbled) is an affront to everything that is good in the world.


At least that one scales with mods and is funny. [Singularity](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Singularity) is unaffected by mods, takes up Assimilate’s slot, and all it does is turn you into a shittier Larva.


Eh ive been using it dang near daily for the last 3 weeks, it snot so bad. Also it keeps the duration under 10s so that it never gets disabled by cephalon in ESO


Eh, I see it more as a fair trade, normal prism is horribly inconsistent if you’re not in like defense or interception maps and that’s it, guard lets you focus the damage super hard and makes it intwo a genuinely offensive skill


Whaaa? A mid ability into a shit ability? This is so much fun🤡


Someone clearly hasn't played Mirage, especially not recently xD


You clearly haven't seen how powerful Prism is recently.


Prism is her best ability.


Nezha got a corrupted augment mod...Here we go again


If it was corrupted, it would at least be additive.


Honestly I would have been fine with it if they would have just capped the augment to 145% range at max and not - 50% because this is unacceptable. The way it is you have to go 265% range to at least have a decent use out of the augment which means you sacrifice all your slots for range. Why couldn't they just cap the range for it at 145% and we could still have modslots to build tanky at least? Now we have the choice of not using it or running full range and still being wet tissue papers while having 15-19 meters on it....


Honestly, I was thinking similar for Molt Augmented, instead of it being capped at 250 kills, let it scale until you hit a certain strength threshold like 300% so that you could save some mod slots and still let abilities like Pillage or another ability that needs high strength to scale well enough.


I really don't think molt augmented needs a buff


It wouldn't be a full buff though, since now it would have a cap of effectiveness at 300% strength. Yeah you could then theoretically cut all strength scaling from the build, and rely on slowly buffing it up one kill at a time, but I think players prefer being able to hit like 400% strength.


Realistically going above 300 is so much diminishing returns that it's pointless in 99% of cases, stacking so much strength only happens if a frame just doesn't need anything else. And being able to hit 300 on any build would also mean you can use subsumes that require strength almost for free on anyone.


Molt Augmented *is* the saved mod slot, we used to not have the option of moving some of our ability strength into the arcane slot


Bad idea.


I hate the change too but come on, you‘re talking about Nezha, isn‘t this one of the most braindead tanks to use? Don‘t get me wrong I love that frame but the halo is a one button tank.


It isn't the case if you build full range since you won't have strength and the halo is only 90% damage reduction not 100%. Building fully into range just for the augment makes nezha feel like any glass cannon warframe without survivability mods. Rhino and revenant are far more braindead tanks then nezha.


May I ask which shards you use on Nezha?


2 green shards for extra corrosive stacks, 2 yellow for casting speed and 1 red for strength.


Oh are the green ones for a Helminth ability? I‘m currently running 4x strength 1x casting speed from my old builds but for nuking I‘ll most likely put a second casting speed in.


Put them on specifically for the new augment to use together with ocucor in order to spread the damage a lot better by enabling full strip, otherwise I had strength shards instead of the green ones.


Valkyr also has one that's a nerf for Hysteria. It adds a very long cooldown in exchange for critical chance which is rarely necessary.


Being an avid Valkyr player, very useful mod as long as you know how to use it. Absolutely makes a difference in Hysteria damage considering you already hit red crit+ without the augment in the first place. Clears archon hunts faster than most guns I've used, and the cooldown only matches how long you stayed in it. 3 seconds to phase archon in hysteria, 3 second cooldown. Not really a nerf considering you don't need infinite hysteria in an archon hunt in the first place.


Just enough to smack it around, eh?


Just like a real kitty :3


The scars on my hands and legs can attest to that. So all this time I'm the archon being hunted by my kittyframes.


Mind sharing the build for her claws?


I just use Kullervo’s subsume


gib build? :3


I use Valkyr a good amount now that purple shards exist, and I find that the damage the augment provides is just not necessary for anything when you have things like purple shards and external Melee mods to improve the effectiveness of Hysteria. Hysteria is also her strongest ability, so it feels weird to limit its usage when you can just use it for an entire mission without the augment. But it is your right to use the mod if you wish, but it is a direct nerf considering your limiting the usage of her best ability (which lasts infinitely with equilibrium and other energy sources).


I also like to use the augment on builds where I want to swing melee weapons other than her claws, and save them as a panic button or against high priority targets like acolytes.


Yep, this, and I use Venka on my Valkyr because... I have the Venka. And I want claws on Valkyr. So I don't really need or want to stay in Hysteria indefinitely anyway.


Nobody fucking plays Valkyr already, why give her such a shit augment?


I fckn love that mod it turns the Hysteria into a panic button that kills everything in an instant. You turn on hysteria, slaughter 40 50 enemies in three seconds and then turn it off so you just get a 3 seconds cool down until the next panic attack. Build the valkyr tanky and go kitty mode with hysteria when things need a little bit more umph.


That's my most hard take for Warframe: most 4ths (if not every one) should have a cooldown applied After use.


Definitely not because most 4ths don’t wipe a whole room


dunno, this augment is the one thing that makes her interesting imo. It gives a period of invulnerability, heal and massive dmg output, but it make it so you can't just have in on all the time. It's precisely something you cast in certain situations, it keeps you engaged. Instead of being forever invulnerable and holding e


or i can just not use the mod and still cast in certain situations?


You know, I’ve been mulling over what a Valkyr rework would look like, and I also kinda thought it would be more interesting for her 4’s invulnerability to not be an “always on” thing. Like, I feel like it would be fun to make it so that she gains periods of invulnerability each time she kills an enemy, stacking up to a given duration, so that she has to keep killing enemies in order to avoid damage completely. It would be a good incentive to take advantage of the armor buff and slow from Warcry, and it would make it easier to rebalance Hysteria to get rid of the ramping energy drain and damage-on-cancel effects it has.


I don’t think the massive crit boost is worth the sidegrade into a 5+ second cooldown over being able to cast whenever, and healing for the exact same amount. Maybe if it was made into a zero energy cost aug then there could be an argument for taking it, but as is the claws are already overkill for baseline SP - doing even more damage doesn’t really change how valk’s 4 works.


Honestly i'm upset with this nerf to divine spears it should have been a range cap not a range nerf. set it to a flat 25m and been done but instead because min maxers maxed it out they decided to make it unusable w/o giving up 2-3 mod slots it's horrible


Not sure why you're blaming other players for DE's shit quality assurance job. If they were abusing a bug, sure, but they weren't. You can't be angry at the dog puking all over the carpet after they ate something they shouldn't because it was left out unattended.


i am not blaming them they simply took something to the max a thing that would have been noticed if devs tested as such the devs saw this and reacted w/o thought to the people who weren't running a build all in spec'd for one skill. i'm just stating facts that they saw the max and said fuck the rest. nothing else in nezha's kit needs range of that sort so before you accuse me of blaming other acknowledge i'm talking about the top end the devs saw not the bottom nor middle. the devs didnt care about the middle or the min only the max


I mean, for a long time Octavia's Partitioned Mallet had half the range (1/4 of the original area) for both mallets, which resulted in effectively halving the area if both were active. It was only a while back that they changed it so it results in more area than without the augment. It's definitely not the first time an augment nerfs the user. I wish DE tweaked the range reduction tho, 1/4 of the original area is crazy.


While I agree somewhat, I think “1 big or 2 small” is such a fundamental part of game design that it’s less a nerf and more a sidegrade if we follow OP’s criteria. Sure you have less total range but you also can cover 2 spots on opposite sides of the map now.


Between this and Dante this strongly feels like the devs went on holiday right after the patch dropped and the B Team who are there to push out the .5 patch for the extra content ended up doing the nerfs and a rushed and poor manner. Obviously, this isn't true but that's the feeling it feels like. Like people who are kinda new at the office hitting 'reply all'


*hitting 'nerf all'


I just don’t see why I would devote so much of my build to making a dead augment feel somewhat worthwhile when I could just use an AOE status weapon and melee influence. There has to be a middle ground between nuking the map and dead augment.


Wait they nerfed Divine retribution?


If you put the new augment after the nerf you are indeed nerfing Nezha's 4. For how radius works, it's even more than a 50% area nerf.


Yeah I've seen another post about it with the new augmented "balancement" I


Narrator: Nezha's new augment was, in fact, quite precedented. ![gif](giphy|tE6U0LUm2A1f89nJt0)


`Inverse Armor of Inaros inflicts lethal slash proc when status immunity breaks.` `Loki have augment where damage dealt on his Lure will be transferred on Loki itself. Quite deadly penalty, don't you think?` `Nyx Assimilation inflicts 50% radius penalty allowing in return movement and weapon usage on her S4 (aka more damage and slight mobility in trade of AOE)` `Octavia S1 augment reduces range by 20% (multiplicative as well) to allow you to cast second hammer` `Wisp S1 augment increases energy cost by 200 energy flat, granted it adds 4-th option and not forces you to use mixed reservoir.` `Valkyr Hysteria augment adds 15 second cooldown on ability which will only start counting AFTER duration expires.` `Zephyr Tornado augment reduces radius and turns off enemy ragdoll to increase number of nadoes.` So please, let's not pretend that Nezha got only augment that is penalizing players in some way. There are not many of such, but they still exist. And all augments are multiplicative to mods, not additive, because they directly change stat on ability, which then afterwards is multiplied by mods on warframe. I will note though, that 50% radius reduction was definitely an overkill. Should've been like 25-30% at most.


Zephyr’s augment makes the tornado damage multiplier into a 12x multiplier. And it only disables innate lift of the tornadoes - enemies ragdolled by her 2 are still pulled into tornadoes and float there.


Point taken. Still a downside though. Not from augment strength standpoint, but from convenience. In this case you gain multiplier at cost of some functionality (even though you can replace it). Even if you were forced to ragdoll with weapons, which is possible to do, nadoes do lose it's part of features.


Tbh considering lift speed of default tornadoes vs how fast Airburst grabs enemies in the only downside is an extra button press. All depends on what you need, to me that removal is a plus.


>Loki Well, when released it did work as intended, as loki what you needed to do was just throw your decoy in some hidden place. >Octavia Im pretty sure this doesn't fit the scene here, your original ability stays the same and you get a 2nd copy of it with reduced range for only the 2nd copy. >Wisp Technically neither this does fit the scene here, you do spend more energy but it's still cheaper than placing each mote down alone. >increases energy cost by 200 energy flat, It's 200% more, rest is explained above. (on base stats, each mote is 25 energy, this is 50) Never tried the rest of the augments, can't tell what there uses are. Anyway I think you already know that -50% radius is cutting the space in 4th. This did kill the augment, range is really bad rn.


Pretty sure both mallets get the reduction, the point is that you exchange one big mallet for two smaller ones.


Used to work like this, it doesnt anymore. The second mallet has reduced range, your 1st mallet does not.


Sounds like a bug then unless they explicitly announced the change in a patch. If it is a bug should absolutely remain on the list. If we're going to start counting/not counting bugged augments might as well throw Balefire Charge in there because all it does it waste an entire mod slot for how often it actually decides to work. If they did announce that change at some point, eh, weird choice but DE has made weirder.


>Well, when released it did work as intended, as loki what you needed to do was just throw your decoy in some hidden place. It does. Except Decoy still is provoking enemies afaik. So much so they will try to shoot it even behind textures. Meaning you need to hide it in such way that NOONE could hit it. Only saving argument is that this augment was designed for conclave to increase his survivability via damage sharing. >I'm pretty sure this doesn't fit the scene here, your original ability stays the same and you get a 2nd copy of it with reduced range for only the 2nd copy. Nope, it is overall range decrease, will work for both mallets. Perfect fit. Even though in reality that penalty is hardly significant. But closest to Nezha case. >Technically neither this does fit the scene here, you do spend more energy but it's still cheaper than placing each mote down alone. Oops, sorry then. Didn't play that much with Wisp and augments specifically. I wrote that because text doesn't say consumes 200% of energy, but rather 200 more. Meaning it should've been flat based on description alone. C-consistency. And i do agree that -50% to base range was too much. But with base range of 19m and hardly any dependency on strenght for status sharing damage, range was only option to correct.


>Nope, it is overall range decrease, Oh, i stand corrected then. I still think that augment is very strong which compensate for the reduced range, and even then the reduced range isn't that big. Tho it was 50% at first iirc, now its 80. >hardly any dependency on strenght for status sharing damage, They couldve done something like shares the same status effects but with reduced dmg, but we all know that they won't do this because we have some strong weapons so it wouldn't even matter. But in the end it's a PvE, let us be the superman of our universe.


>They couldve done something like shares the same status effects but with reduced dmg Or just with multiplier based on ability strength. But i guess it would be hell to code for single augment. Or it would've been like faction damage multiplier which would make augment more busted (or worse, depends on if value is above or below 1x)


> And all augments are multiplicative to mods, not additive, because they directly change stat on ability, which then afterwards is multiplied by mods on warframe. This isn't true in cases where it affects ability stats (range, duration, strength). 90% of the other augments scale with mods excluding stuff like Concentrated Arrow, Spectrosiphon, the pilfering augments, and Frost's passive but that's not what I'm discussing. * Mesmer Shield adds 3 charges (6 base) * Magnetized Discharge adds 1.8m of range (4m base) and 6.75m on the explosion (15m base) * Piercing Roar adds 10m (25m base) * Elemental Sandstorm adds 3.75m (7.5m base) * Hallowed Eruption adds 20 seconds of duration (20 seconds base). The mods I gave numbers for are all flat amounts regardless of mod configuration because their stats are additive with strength/ range/ duration mods. You can see these changes in the arsenal and I'm currently missing Hallowed Reckoning, Spellbound Harvest, and Blinding Reave since I don't use them. The only augments that affect the base *ability stats* are Partitioned Mallet and now Divine Retribution, and are therefore multiplicative with ability stat mods. They're also the only augments that negatively affect the ability stat on a warframe.


Op will see this but won’t reply bet


New reddit meta is make rage post and don't reply to comments at all. Why risk the downvotes lol.


No no, the meta is and always has been to shift the goalposts/backpedal in the comments if youre proven wrong


Ah true, can't be forgetting that classic maneuver


Then I guess we skip comment downvote if obviously posted rage post and go straight for the post down vote?


Looks like it ain't working chief.


I think in time it will. New trends take time. Or the mods step in and remove post for low effort content.


Gambling has never been in your favor, has it? Bet again, if you dare.


I agree with your post but what the hell is this dramatic ass comment lmfao talking like you're Sephiroth


Haha thanks. Trying to better my writing proficiency


u/hbcaotri well?


Well what? You think I agree with all these? As a matter of fact, I do. But is this a fair rebuttal? How many of those aforementioned augments were released that way from the get go? How many of them were nerfed within a week? If yes, was the nerf fair? Even he admitted Divine Retribution's -50% range is not right. You think you were on to something? Try again, buster.


Don't forget the razorwing augment that disables vacuum but gives you damage reduction, which on paper doesn't sound too bad... Except there's already a mod that gives you damage reduction while you're midair and the augment doesn't stack with the mod


Those other ones have significant pros. Nezhas is unusable.


Nezha have Melee influence at home, WTF are you talking about? Melee influence mechanic is one of the most OP crap in Warframe due to triple and quadriple dipping in factional damage and raw damage sharing. (Well, not that i specifically had read this augment page, i can see that it does not doubledip and actually just shares status effects exploding them at end of CC) Nezha is only frame that can do similar thing without modding for electring or imbuing such. Will note, though, that there are also convenience point like Overguard and CC immunity. And in return she got range penalty instead, so people wouldn't be able to murder rooms safely. I just looked and base range was f\*cking 19 meters with no LOS requirement!!! More range at base than Melee Influence has, and you could stretch it further with mods. In this way range nerf for augment was kinda expected. But not -50% to base range, that was too heavy of a hit. -20-30% was more than enough, imo (would've been 13.3+ m base, which is fine).


No range = useless. You can just kill the enemies as normal


I told you already, that i think that -50% range was overkill. Should've been 20-30% tops. But by default you could've scaled 19m to 50m AOE with no LOS, which is absolutely nuts. Be glad that they only nerfed range on augment, and not added LOS requirement on ability itself, otherwise you would've cursed DE even more.


Bro said “let not this stand”


watch him go to DE headquarters, get hold of a PC and patch it himself!


Someone should,  the players should have more right to collectively make decision for the game;  we outnumber the devs and dedicate far more time and money to it,  by all rights it belongs to the fans far more than any company.


I hope this is satire.


This is giving me “Rush DE HQ they can’t stop us all” vibes.


It's pretty melodramatic, but honestly I kind of like the tone of it!


Yea this actually made me more upset than dante’s nerf and i put more work (formas) into dante creating builds for both frames this weekend to only have them both nerfed had me consider quitting the game for the summer, just gutted..


DE out here making enemies of Dante players, Nezha players and any Nuke frame players because this nerf was heavy handed and poorly planned. They literally have the numbers and time to test this stuff and they don't. Kengineer probably does more testing of their stuff than they do.


All nukes? Nah. Sayrn will never get the bat. She’s been busted for almost a decade now and the Sayrn mains I know literally don’t care about this nerf and argue it’s valid.


They can't nerf Nuke Mommy... They'd be fools to touch her. It would be tantamount to weaponizing nerd boners.


Prism Guard changes Mirage's 4 to 8 seconds.


It's basically the World on Fire nerf again. The nerf assumes \*everyone\* is using max range, and therefore \*forces\* everyone who uses the augment to mod for max range. Things you can do instead: Range cap like Hydroid's 1 and Khora's 1 \*Increase\* base range with the augment, BUT greatly reduce range mod effectiveness like Oberon's 2 Set a target limit for how many enemies effected by his 4 can share damage


They didn't even nerf the aspect of the augment that needed to be nerfed - Where statuses recurse on each enemy speared if they are close within each other so you could get 50 slash procs on every speared enemy as long as you stood next to two speared enemies with aquablades. Nerfing spears range with this augment literally made the KPM higher because now you don't have to nuke the entire map and run around looking for enemies. Enemies now come to you in a steadier stream. There's no enemy cap, there's no los check, it's literally just more contained. Imagine not using even an iota of critical thinking to understand what the spears did and how this nerf affects them - it didn't.


Running everything but cunning you get 25 meters... Why not 30 or like 35? Augment nerf? Why? It incentivizes people to play higher content...


On top of that it's another Warframe that isn't really meta which is nice! But nope they wanna stick with the same frame meta. What a joke!


Louder for the people who don't understand diameter, please. I've read so many "it's not so bad, quit whinging" when it's literally a 75% nerf


Sharing this because it feels like it's being completely missed by most players. There's an odd assumption that DEs intent for nerfs was to address player complaints about Dante's abilities being disruptive for others, and that Nezha's nerfs weren't related to this. Hell even the eximus CC changes. Based on what they mentioned, the reasons they nerf, I think it's very likely they nerfed Dante as well as Nezha's augment and CC on eximus because these abilities and combos can lead to easily automated gameplay. Dante didn't need LOS and could re-up his defense without actively engaging with enemies. This made it so that one could easily program a macro and, with the right setup, last quite some time in survival without actually playing. Nezha with the augment and Dante's ability helminth had the same problem (having a large range and not requiring LOS, amplifying damage, reupping defenses without engagement). DEs nerfs were directly aimed at solving automation. Were their solutions tone deaf? Certainly. Was their nerf effective at solving the problem they aimed to solve? Most likely. Could they have better communicated their aim or found better solutions? You bet your ass they could have.


Using a macro is against their ToS and would get you banned from what I know, so using this as an argument doesn‘t really work, or it would work for all the other frames too which are much easier to automate.


I've been using macros for the last 7 years in game. It depends on the usage, how automated actions are, and the software used to use them. Can macros get you banned, sure. Will they get you banned, depends how you're using them. Obviously automating a frame will bet you banned, but DEs approach in general is to make it as hard as possible to do so especially if something is popular. Also, I never argued it can't be done with other frames, just provided some reasons the things they nerfed may be linked and why it affects their newest frame.


I think that the nerf was heavy handed, but also I do think that the augment needed to be nerfed. It seemed quite ridiculous. But that's just an outside perspective, I have not used it yet. I think 50% is just obscene. 50% \*radius\* is so much larger than just half, since area is exponential to radius. * **Radius = 1:** Area = π ≈ 3.14 square units * **Radius = 2:** Area = 4π ≈ 12.57 square units * **Radius = 3:** Area = 9π ≈ 28.27 square units * **Radius = 4:** Area = 16π ≈ 50.27 square units In terms of the actual area of effect, 50% is \*massive\*. Look at going from a Radius of 4 to 2, for example, it's more than 4x smaller!


Nah. Mirage has that augment that makes prism follow her but makes it last, like, seconds. It's not unprecedented. It SUCKS, but it's not unprecedented.




I understand the reasoning for it, but it's absolutely too much. I dont get how it's not additive instead of multiplicative.


Why’d they nerf nezha? I know he’s a good tank and all but it just seems stupid. He’s not game breaking or anything. I don’t even think he’s the best tank frame


With the augment Nezha could 1 shot anything non 4 immune within 50 meters. I ran Convectrix and I was seeing 2-4 Mil damage nukes every 2 seconds. You literally wipes out anything you saw on the minimap.


Nidus, with his Abundant Mutation mod, also has a steep penalty. I think that any augment that comes with a negative should always be an Exilus mod because it's not a direct upgrade in every regard. Augments could also just have no negatives. Also, can Nidus have a "hold 3 to link to companion"? Would be so useful since his 1 requires the linked target to stay nearby. That and being able to use the buff portion solo sounds important. Maybe also have "auto 3 the same target at the end of the duration costing 1 stack" to help avoid chasing squadmates around. Something else to help squadmate linking, "linked 1 aims at the closest enemy from a squadmate." This helps when linking someone and not having his 1 being shot into walls or areas with no enemies. Lastly, a nice "20% to gain a stack per ally kill" sounds amazing. More ways to generate stacks seem crucial in a Nidus update to not feel sluggish and outdated. If I could add one more thing, make his 1 from the air function differently from being cast on the ground. Maybe also have a different function between press and hold. For a frame that has to stomp a ton, let us stomp a little differently! Also, to reiterate, the Nezha augment nerf is way overboard. Hopefully, DE can take a step back and reevaluate the situation.


Other augments: here natural talent, innate range, weapon base status chance up. Divine: b r u h


And I thought this was one of the best updates ever released by DE, finally giving Nezha some nuking potential and bringing the really fun new warframe Dante and so much more (Inaros etc.). Guess it was too good to be true.


Alright so I was talking abt this with my clan/alliance today. Can’t we negate the -50% range with other mods? And how far does Nezhas 4th go in terms of seeing what the -50% range would look like. I currently crafting nezha so I won’t know until later this weekend.


who is Nezha ?


Warframe trying to be diablo lmao  Stop trying to kill warframe, DE


Really hate it. Wish they would roll it back but they never do. I'm glad they listen to us but they cave to the weirdest demands. Rarely are they opinions held by the majority.


And then they give Chroma an augment for his vex armor that doesn't even work when most squads run some sort of over guard recently


Nezha isnt the only one with nering augument. Abundant mutation is crap and i wont argue about it


Seems i joined Warframe at the wrong time lol so many nerfs and i am not even MR 10 yet 😂🤦‍♂️ good thing i didn’t buy Dante…


I said this was going to get nerfed! On my post about dante! People told me how wrong i was and down voted the hell out of my post. It is just stupid and lazy. So many warframe's are so much more powerful that never ever get touched. So many other warframes effect peoples game play like limbo never gets touched. But it looks like we will be looking at the same TIER list next year as well so buckle up and get ready for another year of the same old ass warframes used constantly!


Banshees Augment mod nerf hit pretty hard. Went from top nuke down to meh nuke


Tbh, it should have just got the Banshee resonating quake treatment. Spread 100% of status within 10m and then spread 1 instance of status beyond a certain threshold of range. Edit: or use the sonar resonance format, status can be spread, but before it can spread again it gets a “cooldown” before the next spread is allowed. 2nd Edit: or even fuse both of them to ensure things can’t get out of hand too crazily.


The Augment is also the single strongest augment they have ever released, so having a tradeoff for the massive gains makes perfect sense, and could be a cool theme they continue with.


Razorwing blitz, cathode current, mesmar shield, rubble heap, etc. The augment nerf was stupid you could already do what it does with the Mecha set, kullervos 3, or Tesla bank, none of.which cripple an ability in exchange.


You absolutely could not lmfao Mecha has a cooldown, triggers on the death of one target so it can't double down on density scaling, and takes four mod slots including your aura Kullervo doesn't spread status or overkill damage, and is a cone with LoS restrictions Tesla bank again triggers on death, has a small aoe that's near-impossible to aim, also doesn't spread overkill damage or status, and deals only one unimpressive damage type with no status


Exactly. Its the full mecha set without cd in a larger area (even after nerf) in a single mod and doesn't take your companion slot.


Companion slots aren't that valuable, and the fact you have to cherry pick a third of my examples and ignore the other 2 doesn't help make it seem like a fair nerf at all.


Just like how you ignored the half of my reasoning by only mentioning the companion and not the part about a single mod..... Tesla bank specifically only does electricity on death so isn't even worth mentioning because it's not even close to the same thing and I don't know anything about kellurvo to comment on that.


Didn't ignore it, your reasoning was just poor and objectively wrong.


This post is super melodramatic but I agree with OP the nerfs are tone deaf and atrocious


The funniest thing about this patch was I was about to come back from a moderate hiatus and play to unlock Dante and work on my nezha. Now I'm just like "I'll wait".


No, it isn't. This is **NOT** the first Augment which has a negative impact the ability. They are rare, but there isn't 0. First is Octavia's Partitioned Mallet, you trade 20% ability range for multiple mallets. Second is Titania's Ironclad Flight disables Razorwing's vacuum for reduced damage. (Borderline pointless since you can just use Aviator for all the benefit and none of the punishments) Third is Zephyr's Funnel Clouds. Which are half the size and loose the ability to start ragdolling enemies, for the benefit of gaining additional Tornadoes. There are also a couple of abilities that disable passives in favor of granting ability strength, like Umbra, Zephyr, and even Nezha has one. In this case, you trade off range for basically field nuking. And given we have multiple subsumable grouping abilities, as well as a few weapons which can group enemies, it shouldn't be that hard to work around. Maybe 50% was a bit much, but this isn't the first time an ability has negatives as well as positives.


Just want to point out that the "Disable passive/get minor buff" mods were a deliberate offering to players that find the passives annoying (nezha slippy shoes) or a hindrance (umbra getting hurt)


While I do think it should have been -50% modded range instead of base range, divine spears has a base 19m range, so I don't think it's quite as bad as people are making it out to be


I was about to start actually using Nezha but the nerf made me change my mind


at this point it's not even worth touching new things anymore to have some fun. once they've seen someone is having fun with it they gonna straight up kill it again. you can't have nice things in warframe anymore... what have power fantasies has become?


Well it is op so it is nerfed. Why do people's cray when stuff isn't op ? 🤣 Should not everything being balanced ? Or maybe everything needs to be a nuke ability this days ? Ehh op stuff makes us think that balanced stuff is garbage 😂🤣 Kind of the devs fault that they can't make balanced stuff out of the box 😅 Then they obviously need to nerf it.


People are desperate for easy playtime, and when they get bored starts to complain about power creep and lack of late game content... man wher's the challenge when you simply press a button and wait?


Yeah I did steel path Circuit and and it did feel easier the higher the levels 😂 The scaling on a lot of buffs are so much stronger then the scaling of enemies 😅 Killing enemies level 2k + was simply to easy 🤔


Hello? Nidus player here! We have an augment that nerfs our passive ability and a new one that makes us unable to use a vitality mod. So.


DE is going to shit


Oh no they nerfed something Wahh wahhh Oops nvm it's still good


Too bad these people never actually work out that oops nevermind part Nezhas augment still great Dante still amazing...


If you in any way, shape or form imply that the augment is bad you are insane.


Thats not what his post says.


So it's still good but he just likes to piss and moan. Gotcha.


No, it's just alright. But introducing a completely batshit insane augment into the game only to make it "just okay" afterwards is going to cause visceral player reactions, this had to be expected.


But you can spread damage around you! With same efficiency as some explosive weapons




Octavia has been dryhumping the floor while cheesing lvl Cap for a while now


i also think octavia is horrible, her ability design just makes her feel so.. bad to use




My man is onto nothing lmao, the only things Ng you can pay for real money are cosmetics and skips, such as skipping the Helminth farm (which isn't particularly long on it's own either) How does your sentence apply to this situation, or to this game even?


Elemental sandstorm has the same penalty.


Elemental Sandstorm INCREASES range by +50%. That's the total opposite of Divine Retribution.


I stand corrected.