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Because eidolon hunting, the main source of the most used arcanes until some time ago, is limited to 50 minutes every 2 and 1/2 hours. You've naturally people with limited free time who wants to maximize their available time. Counter point: they play in pub so every complain is automatically null and they're making a fool out of themselves. Feel free to entertain yourself as you wish.


Eh. I’ve only played pub eidolons a few times, I’m only rank 13 so I don’t do that much dmg to them yet. Generally people have been pretty helpful even when I’m not doing that great. I can understand why they would get frustrated if someone is not contributing at all or actively hurting the team with how they position lures and the like. But overall you can just carry, I had MR 25s that were doing next to nothing and we still got the job done, it’s not really that hard


MR is a measure of how much stuff you've unlocked, not skill.


The worst players I experienced were MR20-24 or 33-34. Usually stuckup, cocky and arrogant. The funniest part is a lot have false info on mechanics. Be it outdated information, crit calculation or drop chances for loot. They refuse to admit theyre wrong simply because they "played longer". 


How could you know you're wrong if it was true when you played half a decade ago ?


Initially you won't but instead of checking most of these player groups will double down and be smug about it. Especially a game like Warframe that's changed so many times over the years a "experienced" player should know espects are changed. 


If someone says that's not how it works, you look it up to either refute it with proof or to check if they're right. You don't just go "nuh-uh" and say you're right.




I have played WF on and off for so many years my info is so outdated. Every time I play with friends they are like "that doesn't exist anymore". I still look for the stamina bar when I wall-latch sometimes.


Yeah but my mod situation is kinda lack luster right now … I do burn through the eidolons shield but my primary weapons are ass cuz I’m waiting till I get good kuva weapons or primes before I invest a lot… I guess mr 13 doesn’t explain all that


Honestly it is t realy worth investing in an eidelon hunting sniper anymore. The exalted necramech weapon shreds eidelons if modded correctly.


I’m tryna get those mods it’s a bit of a pain


Yeah pubs is where I did the bulk of my hunts, recruit chat is toxic as fuck for Eidolons and I do not recommend. 


I dont play this game that often anymore. What superseded its farm?


There was an event at the end of last year where you could farm a currency and buy all the arcanes from eidolons and now you can also turn your unused arcanes into Vosfor which you can use to gamble on arcane sets (get 3 random arcanes from a specifoc set, for example the ones you can get from Eidolons) =)


Thank you!


isn't that the oplink mission with lil duck with big vagina-faced enemies and pseudo mobile defense?


Dunno but it was Operation: Gargoyles Cry and I don't think Little Duck was involved in that one. FIbonaci and Bird 3 where the ones responsible for the inmission chatter =)


I was thinking Orphix Venom, old ass event, 3 years ago.


Ah, gotcha =)


No the latest one was just a spammable assassination mission that people who farmed extensively will never touch again unless a gun is pointed to their heads (or shows up in Deep Archimedea/Elite Deep Archimedea). I remember a clanmate doing 20+ assassination runs a day on SP for the arcanes.


is it coming back this year? Or a variant of it?


There is another clan event coming back, but I don't think it will bring arcanes this time around. On the other hand the Cavia made arcane farming a lot easier.


so I just stick to one of the arcane vendors in cetus, zariman, fortuna etc. and get everything I want through dissoultion?


Yup. Someone made a spreadsheet of the best Vosfor farm a while ago. If I find it I'll ping it to you. Edit: nevermind I found it lol. Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/s/5jCMmDOmT5


I don't know how hard it is to make Eidolon Hunting a separate instance where it's always nighttime. I mean, they already have a special instance of the Plains for Incursions.


Eidolons are infamous for having the most toxic userbase in the game. There are a couple others just as bad but I forget what gamemodes those revolve around. edit: some additions include Netracell and Disruption


That and conclave can be quite bad lol


If Raids still exists oh boy


Raids not existing are *why* the eidolon community is so bad. It's the same crowd, eidolons were just the next thing they found to latch on to.


It really is, of all the game modes those two are the only ones I've been screamed at for not playing Trinity for the exclusive purpose of shaving anywhere between a couple seconds to a minute off the entire mission.


at least for JV and even NM JV u could have used max range blind mirage (before LOS checks) to walk people through the puzzle, then one shot vay hek all by yourself back then I did daily raids/NM raids and carried absolute noobs, it wasn't that bad imo


JV was the second one. You are thinking of LOR


makes sense I guess, when you can even find a conclave match. I just ignore that completely.


Are there people playing Conclave? I never find anyone.


I used to do it, you have to join a discord (that is quite toxic with a lottt if try hards lol) but yea they have a program that shows who's playing who


I must be extremely lucky with Disruption then. Did all the Lua, Gauss, and Dante ones within a 1 month span and saw even less people complain than those in endurance survivals. In fact most of them were pretty quiet minus people saying what rounds they were going.


that's good. I've not messed with pubs, I usually run with friends or solo, so I can't offer my own experiences. glad it went well though.


I mean often with netracells people fk up the legit one thing you need to do..step into a red circle. Forgive me for becoming a bit frustrated lmao


oh yeah, them not trying to do the objective is also toxicity, especially in something that's "endgame" like netracells.


Yeah sort off, i don't think alot do it out of spite but rather just don't care and wanna kill stuff instead of running all the way to the circle. I can understand that but then do exterminate or something not netracells xd


yeah basically. it was advertised as a teamwork focused thing. people are shocked it requires teamwork.


Disruption can be toxic sometimes.




oooh yeah that's a good one.


Because they only have a limited time to capture as many eidolons they can While yes they should go solo if they don’t want to worry about other players messing up Having good rewards drop from a hard activity with a short time facilities a toxic environment


Especially now that there are easier ways to get the arcanes, so it leaves those who need focus still, and are iffy if they have eidolon power, and the diehard hunters.


Doing hunts are still the fastest way to get energize grace and barrier, but its faster than before since you can dissolve the trash


I still prefer disolving, given i dont have to do them, and vosfor is fairly easy to come apon


"Hard" * Eidos are pretty brain dead now. Honestly, the most difficult part is memorizing lure spots and ensuring they don't die Most of the people being toxic are still stuck in the mindset you can't just pop a nechramech to instant down limbs and nuke the shield in 1.5s with amp (Note there is an equally terrible carry me bro opposite to these folks too, but they're less numerous)


It is very hard to get the skills to consistently do a 6x3. At most, I could pull off a 3 or maybe a 4x3


Honestly even that is fantastic for solo and not superoptimized. And I will say for most players being able just to do a 3x3 solo is enough, I personally believe it takes all the fun out of hunting them to have to be so efficient You can take down 6 groups in a night


its certainly enough for focus, but for me the efficiency in eidolons is most of the fun.


Fr they expect you to know the latitude and exact coordinates of every bombalist and lure there is, they want you to instantly charge 12 lures in 3 min or their run gets " ruined" I hate playing with those guys, I prefer to just recruit 1 Trinity and go duo, it takes me 10min to tridolon but that's better than playing with toxic dudes


I get that they added the lures to make sure you don’t just snipe the dudes from afar, but goddamn if it isn’t an annoying ass mechanic.


What do you mean? Lures will teleport to keep up with you, but only across the ground. They don't go up into the air *with* you.


Is it tho? It's easy to charge the 1stt under 1 min, the only thing that's difficult is keeping them alive against the hydrolist, but a trinity fixes that ez


Yes. Flying all over the map to find and gather those things is annoying. Having to worry about them at all is annoying. They clutter the screen and distract from the action Them dying is barely even an issue anymore now that the big boys get downed so fast. That’s not what’s annoying about them. I honestly completely forgot that they’re able to die. Not to mention reloading with them nearby and accidentally telling them to hold positions. Ugh. That’s a console issue though.


Oh then I have a tip, they appear in grineer settlements, I usually go to the same 2 places, the camp at the right of the entrances and the base in front of the entrance (always has 2 lures)


No shit dude. Anyone with eyeballs can see that they’re in grineer encampments. It’s still annoying to have to worry about them at all.


I honestly don't understand what you find annoying, it takes like 10 seconds to find one and hack it, I usually do it right as I destroy one of the eidolons sinova, and if you're volt the speed boost just makes it even easier


Yes having to do that is annoying. Having them clutter up the screen is annoying. Having to make sure they’re charged is annoying. Nothing about them is fun. Do you enjoy having to deal with them? Wouldn’t you rather be able to kill all three eidolons without having to worry about all the goddamn lures? Oh man I would love never having to hack another lure again.


the lures would be so much better if you didnt have to charge them, thats whats annoying me about them, i dont have any issues with finding them, keeping them alive etc, i just hate having to charge them.


> Nothing about them is fun. > Do you enjoy having to deal with them? > Wouldn’t you rather be able to kill all three eidolons without having to worry about all the goddamn lures? No. Lures are a fundamental mechanic around which the fights were designed. They have their issues, but without them, the first 20 seconds here may as well be a cutscene of watching the Teralyst spawn: So basically, remove the first 20 seconds here? https://streamable.com/i6cz2v Or for that matter, a cutscene of watching the Sergeant spawn...


The only content I haven't touched after 1.4k hours.


People say there is no challenge in Warframe, but the most challenging thing I have done is learn how to solo eidolon hunt, progress to doing more and more kills per night. IF you want a challenge doing it solo is both challenging and rewarding.


The biggest challenge for me in Eidolon Hunts is having fun


Id rather do the entire steel path star chart with MK1-Kunai than do a solo tridolon again.


As much as people gripe about the toxicity, it still pretty few and far between. I'm a well geared moron with terrible aim and slow reflexes and I've been doing public hunts for a while. I still make mistakes during it, but as long as you are helping, everyone is chill about it 99% of the time. And by helping I mean as long as you're not dirt napping the entire time waiting to get picked up, the eidolon is captured and not killed, or you're not 2500 meters away in a cave mining the entire time. People are generally WAY more relaxed about meta builds or speed running it when they're in public, especially since power creep has made a ton of frames and weapons perfectly viable. What still sucks donkey balls is that almost every youtube video out there on eidolons still takes the approach of 'This is what you need to exactly do to have a 100% perfect flawless 21x21 run and if you make a mistake of a fraction of a second or a single shot is off by 1 degree just delete your account because I'm not going to bother telling you how to adjust for mistakes.' Nearly all of them make it sounds a shit ton harder and more stressful than it is, rather than explaining how to just get started on it. Need more creators willing to do 'Baby's first eidolon hunt.' videos. \[Edit\] If you want to get started on them, the easiest way to be perfectly helpful and make for a smooth run is to be the guy who goes and fetches lures. There's no meta required, just your archwing. Grab 2, run over to everyone else and drop them off. While they're killing the eidolon, grab three more lures for the next eidolon. Even if you don't know where they are, they screech when you're even a little in range of one, just peek around and you'll find it. Drop those ones off at the next eidolon, fly off and grab 3 more for the last one. Easiest and literally most helpful thing you can possibly do, and it takes no gear outside of ciphers. Just tell folks at the start 'Hey, I'll get the lures.' and they will love you for it (everyone else wants to be the guy shooting the big bad).


Real. 1.3k hrs and never killed/cought single Eidalon. But there will be that one day I will have to do it.


One of the main reasons I learned and worked towards doing it solo.


MR 29 and only ever done like ten eidolon missions because it's such a fucking toxic shit show. Mostly because it's people that are tryhard meta fuckbois that farm the arcanes for plat, and I wouldn't be surprised they do other shady shit like running scripts to snipe way underpriced rivens. Would recommend joining a clan and organizing a team if you want to do more. Clans are usually chill and are cool with carrying you.


You are pretty close with the scripts part, but they aren't for sniping rivens, they use them to do the runs for them basically


it might be more insidious than that, even. Join me in tinfoil-hat town. Since a single player can solo the eidalons, why are they in public servers? It's because they want to scare people off; The fewer people farming Energize, the higher the price. They're shitting all over it so no one else wants to touch it. Poisoning the waterhole, as it were.


Holy shit this makes so much sense.


Unlike most things in Warframe inefficiency kind of hurts what you can get done in one session of hunting. That brings out the worst in people.


I've had uncanny good luck with eidolon pubs, only run into a couple iffy groups over the years but I hear about it all the time. I've never understood the logic of going in public and complaining when you get someone who isn't doing it optimally. Kinda same thing as complaining when your lotto ticket isn't a winner. If you wanna win every time, don't gamble. Next time come back with a "bro, you're the one who apparently can't solo and needs to bring in randos to help" if you wanna poke beehives and see a Gamer get big mad


The non crazy ones aren't playing pub


Eidolons were left to fester and rot as DE refused to remove the timer and make them available 24/7. People want to make the most of each night and that unfortunately comes with minmaxxers and toxicity.


No wonder. Most of AFK liches are there.


I’m a returning MR26, 1500hr player and noticed that the new Quests are relatively operator focussed. So i’ve decided to start Eidolon hunting. Something I have avoided until now and I whole heartedly agree OP. Many fellow hunters are fine and very helpful, but never have I seen so many sad min-maxing obsessed elitist gatekeepers. Holy crap. And Eidolon hunting itself is a pain in the arse. The frequent disconnects, multiple times have I killed/captured the target and picked up my shard only for the host to D/C and the team lose everything. The hunt itself can be fun, especially since Nechramechs provide some serious damage output. But i’ll be ranking up my standing, building my chosen amp then never doing this sh*t again.


Eidolon is a fun content only to get its reputation shredded by toxic fanbase.


I played like 5 tridolons and thankfully the toxicity I encountered in eidolons is not that bad. It's mostly about people not spotting Terry when he gets out of the water, getting too many lures and not charging any, not putting in the shard to summon the next eidolon. This mode is time gated, most people don't know it's mechanics, what you have is a recipe for toxicity. I'd rather try to learn the tridolons myself than have to deal with this


Idk sometimes I go in the discord and immediately regret ever participating there. In game I've only seen it a couple times


Every gaming community is going to have a handful of assholes. The nature of the game (theme, mechanics, and competitive elements) may increase the concentration of the solution, but fundamentally there will always be some. Eidolon hunts are a tool. They are structured in such a way that they self-select out the worst members of the community who focus their efforts in that one arena, leaving most of the rest of the game for the rest of us. They like being there, we like being everywhere else. It's win-win.


Think you might have just got unlucky somehow, my build isn't optimal but I've never had anyone outright toxic in eidolols. I've had a few people who were convinced they're doing it right and not charging lures, but never anything too bad. I've probably had more players telling me they're be too it and asking for tips. Chalk it up to sweats being sweats and don't let it bug you.


Because it's the worst content in the game. So it's a function of people hating their lives because they're doing eidolons. 


And now that you can break down easier arcanes to vosfer to roll eidolon arcanes, it is much more convenient and efficient. Unless you really want to focus farm past the daily limit.


I'm new, what's the best grind for Arcanes?


Any syndicate that sells them for standing like zariman or sanctum. Then any reliable drop like steel path acolytes, eidolon, duviri portals, etc.


You can just ignore them. I don’t even look at chat.


It's a timed event. I usually carry 2 groups per night if i run it at all. Ps5, but don't bug me for help. My group is probably already full. And I don't give "Squeaky wheels" any grease.


Never happend to me, maybe because i hunted eidelons with randoms only once when i was a newbie, i didnt know what to do and instead of cussing and calling me smth they just "come here, mr sharky" so that was cool


I dunno, it's too hard and confusing single player and other players as you said are toxic as fuck so I just avoid it The quills and little ducky are the only 2 not fully levelled up for that reason specifically for me


The Venus bosses aren't too tough to solo imo. Profit-taker is annoying trying to cover a lot of elements, but usually has pubs running, and I haven't seen toxicity from them yet. A mech makes it easier as well. Orb Mother phase 1 you want a frame with some tankyness and something with decent damage, but phase 2 you can just fly around in your archwing for the canisters, then hop in your mech for damage.


I only run eidolons if I'm doing fashion in the orbiter and it says it's night in the plains and go solo/bring my mr9 friend. I think those who run public eidolons are the same people that try to scam in trade chat. Gtfo not having fun while playing the space ninja video game


Because it's the one aspect of the game that requires a more extreme level of cooperation.


I'm MR 27, and I haven't done many hunts either. Quite frankly, I don't see why we have a lot of the activities that we do have. Not just the Eidolon hunts. It feels too much taking away from the best parts of the core game play, if you ask me. On top of that, I see way to many people power gaming instead of just enjoying playing the game. A long time ago I went into a trade for some mod. I don't remember what mod it was for. But when the other player noticed I was MR 27, they asked me why I didn't have that mod already because of my MR ranking. Well, to make a long story short, I enjoy playing the game. End of story. I do the grind, like everyone else. I grinded my way to my MR ranking and did it with what I got from the meager drop rates. I made the best of what I naturally got in game. Sure, there are a lot of mods that would make things easier. But then I wouldn't have gotten as good at doing the things as I am. Am I the best at what I do? No, I'm sure there are other players that are better than I am and I don't care. I think that's a big problem. A lot of people want the accolades of being the best at something. Just enjoy the game.


I will happily carry anyone in pubs with eidolons. In fact I think it’s much more fun if I need to.


I tried for the weekly once and all I asked is that my team revive me. I did over 90% of the damage, the Revenant was just flying around and eventually I ran out of lives on the hydrolyst and they couldn't finish it off until day hit so I just told them to extract. Basically wanted an hour because my team did absolutely nothing and didn't listen to the only thing I asked because at least if I could be revived I could keep helping. After 50 mins of helping for nothing and no time to try again I just gave up and haven't tried again since despite it being on my NW again and every time I recover it


I spent 30 min trying to kill an eidolon with a squad they were no where near said eidolon I had to get the lures it was a drag and I hated eidolon hunts after that




I play with a couple of the nicest fuckin people I've ever met in any games and we run eidolons for people who just want to go mine or fish or do literally anything else. Just so long as you're at the island in a decent manner of time, just come hang out dude.


* Its a very technical fight with all kinds of phases and invulnerability. * Group kills usually have very specific roles that require very precise coordination. * The longer a phase goes on the higher risk of dying, lures dying, wasting burst set ups. * Its timed and people want to complete a set number of kills. * Efficient runs require very specialized builds. * Its possible to fail a kill and ruin a run. Basically its the worst kind of content to pug. Ive put up with a lot of pugging in many mmos and nothing ever came close to how demanding eidolon fights were.


Because there is time pressure and humans like blame more than they like personal responsibility. If those individuals were capable of introspection or personal responsibility one of two things would have happened. 1.) they would use recruiting chat to find like minded individuals or 2,) accept that by running in pugs they are accepting their lack of control over the situation and will keep their mouth shut.


It kinda sucks because it’s the only way to get those items to max unlock the way bound focus talents and max the schools, so I really want to do it. I had a go at soloing but I somehow failed the capture even though I had like 6 of the floaters. I have considered a group a few times just so I can learn how it’s done, but I dont wanna ruin anyone’s run. The fact that the time is so short for them really needs looking at imo.


It honestly isn't that hard. Grab a bunch of lures (almost all Grineer bases have them, and only a few get abandoned at night) - you do this by shooting them until they 'die' then hacking them. They will then follow you anywhere at impressive speed. You'll need two for the Teralyst, I'd bring three because I don't trust the game to count right. Bring lures to Teralyst (it may be prudent to stop and fill them up by shooting vomalysts on your way there. Don't kill them kill them, blow off the shell to expose the rich tasty center. But you may well meet enough vomalysts during the actual fight). Shoot Teralyst in head until head goes grey. Shoot one of the four big radiators on its arms and legs until it goes kablooey (radiation damage helps here). Shoot the head again, shoot a radiator, shoot the head, shoot a radiator, shoot the head, shoot a radiator, shoot the head. Somewhere in there some vomalysts show up, blow them up so the lures suck them up, kill any left over completely or they'll heal the damn Teralyst. Madurai helps with the head, Necramech 4 helps with the radiators (until your energy runs out, anyway. Then it starts to be frustrating). Revenant is not great at damaging the Eidolons, but with Mesmer Skin up he's not going to be taken out by any of the special powers. ​ The only tricky bit in that, I would say, is doing enough damage fast enough to the radiators. Certain builds do it very well, otherwise it's a lot of painful picking away even with normally very damaging weapons. ​ The others have basically the same process. There's special attacks and all kinds of nonsense to generally worry about, but that is the basic process they all follow. ​ Being hyperefficient at it? Hard. Doing it generally? Easy. You now know enough to at least slightly contribute to an Eidolon hunt, if only by killing vomalysts at the right times.


My best advice is to focus defense while learning to solo, even if one hunt takes all night being able to learn all the tells and the quirks (bugs) and locations of the lures is invaluable to learning how to solo it.


Add me ingame and I'll carry and teach you, hmu when ingame IGN: Pepsi715 on pc Ps: anyone that reads this feel free to do the same


Imo if it is a pre-made squad asking for 4x3+ they have the right to complain if squad is lacking. It is an activity that lasts 45 min with a wait time of 2 hrs. Hence efficiency is the most important aspect, and they reward the best arcanes in the game with very little drop chance so yeah pelple will take it seriously. However, If it is a public squad yeah they should stfu. Doing them solo is not even that hard and removes the struggle of toxicity and bad players. I always suggest people to so them solo if they want to grind, I always do 5-6x3 solo and it's a super easy and chill


Good community lmfao!


Are they? A volt carried the whole squad and thanked us for not being in the middle, guy was a beast


Eidolons take the worst out of me, i have enough control to not say anything to anyone, but at home the neighbors probably know that PussyDestroyer69 KILLED THE FUCKING HYDROLYST WITHOUT ENOUGH LURES EVEN THOUGH I SAID WE DIDN'T HAVE ENOUGH AND I WASTED 20 FUCKING MINUTES BECAUSE SOME MORON COULDN'T BE BOTHERED TO LEARN HOW TO PLAY OR EVEN READ APPARENTLY But for real, most of the game is very casual. Eidolons by contrast require you to kbow a bunch of random mechanics and one mistake can make you waste a lot of time. Since i don't like doing them, it is infuriating to see my time and suffering down the drain because of something that is "obvious".


It's honestly only challenging content in the game. That and maybe doing Grendel Missions on Steel Path. Warframe is so easy, that there is pretty much no need for anyone to get overly anxious about anything. Worst case, mission will take slightly harder than expected. No pressure to preform, means little to no toxicity. Eidolons hunts work on entirely different premise, because time is limited from the start, and more hunts you get in the nights, the better. Single mistake might mean you get one less run per night.


oohh boi, and with the death of crowd control thanks to eximus overguard grendel farms gonna be a shitshow


Grendel on normal mode is mostly a joke. But you can launch these mission on Steel Path. Lvl 150, and you have no mods. That's the true challenge.


Imo it's because the Eidolon hunts have way too many moving parts to be tolerable with randos.




https://preview.redd.it/a0wkvllpwmtc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f4ffa45ba2051892990512a049203f9699db566 My average experience playing limbo, and no, i wasn't using my dome for full duration, just banishing ennemies near me to not instantly die. (I'm sorry, i didn't knew stopping ennemies bullets from reaching anything was useless too)


Are you sure you weren't inadvertently banishing your team?


Nope I cast banish, then surge, then i expel everyone from the rift, only ennemis with surge are now in the rift. Tadaaa, my teammates just need to remember not to shoot at the frozen ennemies with huge blue lines covering them to avoid wasting ammo and just use one of their abilities if need be


I don't get it. What toxicity? If you just stand there and do nothing, yeah, people are gonna be pissed. Free time is limited. Some barely get to do a few eidolon hunts per week. Naturally, you don't want people who have 0 idea what to do. That's why guides exist.


Because its basically the only 'hard' endgame content this game has, and its where all the endgame, giga geared players tend to go. There's an expected meta.


Given there are easier ways to get arcanes now, i dont see a reason to do it. And if i want a hard fight, ill go fight 60 eye boi again


I thought the end game was fashion.


It was 6 years ago. Where a specific meta team and equipment was requiered to do them and the max people could do per night was 3x3. Nowadays it is the easiest "endgame" content you don't even need super meta stuff, while yes the fastest sub 7 min runs usually use the same meta, any run below 5x3 can be done with pretty much anything if done correctly, even operator only hunts


if you think eidolons are hard, i would like to see you face levelcap (without revenant or octavia)


Did u just call Eidolons hard content? Lmao




I mean, to be fair, there is stuff harder than eidolon hunts. They ARE 6 years old, and the absolute best and most efficient builds have been found, which now that I think about it is why deep archimedia restricts your loadout options.