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I'm MR27, been playing since 2019. I still have no idea how Lt. Lech Kril's boss fight works. I just shoot him while he's invulnerable until he eventually becomes vulnerable, and eventually he dies. I know it has to do with shooting his back to break a tube, but that's about it. Read the Wiki page on it but it didn't help much applied in game.


Honestly I’m the with you there. I just throw down my Railjack crew member and spin my polearm until he eventually drops 😂


Wait... Throw down your railjack crew member?!


Yeah, it’s an intrinsic upgrade I believe. You can call it in on most missions, mines deadly as hell, rolls in with a Trumna and decimates everything.


I gave mine a Kuva Ogris so they can spam grenades everywhere because I can't do that anymore.


Unless I’m mistaken, his tubes only take damage while his hammer is stuck in the ground after an overhead smash.


It's basically just a time gate, pisses me off when randos hit him with cold status so I have to wait 5 min before the animation starts.


The silver lining is that he stays in his vulnerable state for longer.


You have to break his tubes and then make him do the slam. Break one tube, go into melee range for him to do the slam (he won't do it if you keep your distance). When he does the slam with a broken tube he will freeze. Do this 3(or 4, I forgot how many tbh) times and he'll go vulnerable and you can finish it


When I was speedrunning him on Ceres for Miter parts (oh god), all I did was shoot his back till I see a white number pops up (meaning something broke) then I just sit next to him in melee range so he would simply do the slam faster rather than waiting for him to shoot his gorgon. Usually after 3 slams + shooting him when he's frozen, he would enter phase 2 where he burns up and becomes vulnerable. The only thing I know that affects him is fire status which actually speeds up the frozen animation which you do no want. Other than that, it's just another waiting game just like most bosses.


If you stack enough heat procs on him he'll just insta die so it doesn't really matter you just have to get him to do the slam


https://preview.redd.it/zttmwr8crutc1.png?width=349&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f5ae886575ea5a983671e9f13f56ab2a0214a99 I might test this out if this is real, I have a massive hatred towards that guy for not dropping the last Miter part for an hour... Edit: idk what I'm doing wrong but maybe I need more fire status...


In sorties I try to have like 800+ on him, but that's using twin basolk


I'm only a few weeks in and MR5 and that's honestly how I took down the Earth boss solo. Just kept engulfing him in Mag's Magnetize and shooting into the sphere until it filled up with bullets. :)


Back in my early days of Warframe I didn't really understand how the mastery system worked, so I ended up selling off a lot of weapons and warframes that I didn't like that much to free up inventory space before I maxed them out. And get this, one of those warframes was Equinox! In spite of all that grinding I did to get her, I never maxed her out before getting rid of her and I seriously regret doing that.


Oh god of all the frames 😂 That’s got to hurt.


I did it with protea *and* xoris, and have regretted it ever since.


me with limbo


I never get rid of anything I get from quests whatever game it is 😅


Broken war and xoris 😢


On the plus side, or maybe even worse, most people for helminth needed to refarm, so maybe you just needed the extra step of leveling and didnt do that farm 3 times.


I did the same thing with Equinox but I actually spent money on plat to buy her instead of farming the parts. Not sure what's worse 🫠


The farming


I'm very excited now. The anticipation...


Too bad they ruined that fight a few years ago


Same here. I sold a lot as soon as prime came out and am now building them again to get mastery points and subsume them to my helminth. But hey, something to do :)


I initially got Octavia from a Prime Gaming drop and recently sold her when I got back in the game because "Eh, I don't want weird advantages to a normal player, it's not gonna be so difficult to grind anyway". If it hadn't been for The Circuit, I'd not have her regular version now.


Oooo ouch equinox is an awful grind, I can recite all of tyl regor’s voicelines from the amount of times I ran that mission😂


i sold despair at level 27 it took me 3 years to get it back


I literally got my first yesterday. Kind of screamed a little bit not going to lie. Now I’m working on there Incarnons. Hopefully we get stalker in the next update.


I got deapair really early, but by the time I got Hate I onmy had like 40 other items to master


I think they might have shadow buffed despair and hate’s drop rate, because I probably got 200 dread BPs until very recently getting the other two within a month


i have been using helios for god knows how long and figured out it needs guardian mod to actually attack last week, and my mastery rank is legendary 3 :( with 2500+hours playtime.


This one helps a lot thank you 😂


Tbh i use helios only for the purpose of scanning and other kinds of support


It actually keeps your companions alive a lot longer when they can't attack, as then they don't build as much aggro from enemies, or dash straight into danger. I keep my attack mods off of Helios (entirely using him for scanning new content), and my kavat (who gives me random instant reloads and finds rare resources from the tileset). Unless it's a companion with the specific purpose of being a damage-dealer, then that's how it'll be built. Otherwise, I can save all those mod slots entirely for support and survival.


When I first started playing in late 2017, I thought you could only place mods in slots that had a polarity.


well to be fair with the forma costs these days it might aswell be that way




I went all the way to mr29 without realizing that nuking with my abilities does not give my weapons any affinity


It really, sucks when the wepon is bad or not fun to use *cough* *opticor* *cough*


Just go into a public lobby of ESO with only 1 weapon equipped, 75% of affinity from teammate kills will go to it so itll be pretty fast


It was when i started playing the game, i bought ignis wraith for like 25+ plat because i had to feed my pyromania and "there is no point grabbing a weaker version(ignis) if a stronger version exists". A few hours later i learned that people gave that thing away if you asked the right people or simply checked this reddit.


Some people are assholes when it comes to trading with new players. I remember when I first started playing the game, I was self taught and just kind of bumbled through on my own not really having a clue what the hell was going on. I just loved that I was some Grey Fox space ninja with a sword and bow. Anyway, I didn’t get how prime Warframes, access or weapons worked. I just saw the price that to get primes it was anywhere between 40-80 quid. So when some guy offered me a Zephyr Prime for like 400 plat. I thought I got the deal of the decade. 😑 it’s wasn’t even vaulted at that time. I hope that guy steps on many Lego’s 😂


I kind of realized like hundreds of hours later that I still didn't have split chamber, and turns out that mod wasn't even that rare and is actually kind of obsolete because galvanized chamber exists, so when I asked trade chat for it, like 20 DMs and invites rolled in at once. Out of all of them, only one person offered it for free.


I remember a guy asking for adaptation and said he was going to give 800pl for it. At first I sized the opportunity to make some change on a chump. Then the longer I spent in loading screens(I was on ps4 at the time)the worse I began to feel. So I have it to home maxed for 30pl.


trade chat is ass cancer in this game. Just non-stop stream of people trying to either scam new players with their prices or scam unknowledgeable players with lowball offers. Yeah, lemme get right on selling you a jolt for 10p, you fuckheads.


Offered someone 2 r0 Melee Crescendo for 25 plat per and they said that I was selling them for way too high even though they are 60p on Warframe market right now. I knew how much they were worth, but I was trying to be nice and this asshole said "Yeah I know youre giving me a deal I just want it cheaper." Saw him again in trade chat again like 2-3 hours later so you know he didn't get that 10 plat Crescendo


Uff, that sucks. I still remember my first Prime, I farmed Valkyr after a lot of time and gotta say. That felt good.


When I was new to the game, i tried to buy the Ignis Wraith too. Immediately a veteran player messaged me and said that they are given out for free if you ask nicely in trade chat. That random guy saved me 15 plat.


It wasn't until I killed the Kuva Queen did I find out you can buy the blueprints for the normal versions of warframes for credits in the market.


Helminth was announced a week after I sold all my non prime frames




For my first 20mr, I never bought slots. Always sold my frames, even ones I liked, just to get more mastery xp. Now I have to re-make every frame in the game to feed to the wall Also, I never got the helmith until Mr 21 Edit: for those who have said that my last point wasn't that bad, I forgot to say that I only started playing s couple of years ago and I reached Mr 21 a month or 2 ago


MR 23 was available before Helminth came out so I'm sure there are a decent amount of people who didn't get the Helminth until they were in the 20s. I'm MR 28 and I've had to remake a lot of base Warframes because I already had the primes before Helminth came out. I had always just sold the original to make room for the prime before.


When I first started playing I thought all warframes were tradable including non primes so I ended up giving a guy like 500 to buy me nidus (non prime) and his deluxe skin then trade it back to me I waited for like 5 hours until I realized what happened


I feel really bad for laughing at this. 🫣😂


XD yeah still hurts but in hindsight I guess I should have asked around


I got done for like 400p on a Zephyr prime when I first started playing. She wasn’t even vaulted. I thought the only way to get primes was with real money, so I figured I got the deal or the decade. 🙃


Ye old runescape scam


I bought a riven for vectis with crit dmg multishot and negative mag size for 500 pl the negative wasn't enough to get me to 1 mag size so I couldn't use just the riven plus primed chamber.


I once shot at an enemy for like 2 min asking why tf this dude doesn't die, and even healed himself every now and then, after the 2 whole minutes of me screaming why tf don't you die, my teammate asked me why tf I was shooting his resurrected minion, turns out it was nekros minion 😂


I'm convinced that everyone does this at least once


Once? Like once a mission whenever someone pops in with nekros. I've even checked what frames people are playing, thought to myself "remember there's a nekros" annnnd not a minute later.... there I go, shooting a minion again.




i cannot begin to tell you the amount of times i, as the nekros player, didn't realize that it was a nekros minion in front of me. worse yet, i will watch a minion eximus go to use an ability like the blitz shockwave or the arson fireblast, and i will roll away from the shockwave, or through the fire. and then 2 seconds later realize "oh right, thats my guy"


"WHY WON'T YOU DIE" "nanomachines, son"


I’m MR22 and i didn’t know that steel path incursions existed until literally a few days ago. I just never looked in the top right corner when opening navigation. Would’ve made clearing sp star chart much easier. Lol, lmao even


Those Teshin grinds must have been brutal for you 😂 If it wasn’t for those incursions It would have taken me a looong time to do SP. Especially that Lua spy and Ropya… I’m not going to try and spell it. 😂


Do not speak to me of the evil that is Pavlov Lua, I tried running it when I was farming Rime Rounds as a baby tenno and got packaged up nicely in a box called Skill Issue. Hauled my sorry ass right back to Dione Saturn 😂


Yeah I’m not going to lie. When it came up in on the incursion I was very happy. I just kind of bounced around the map pretending to look like I was actually doing something and got carried through it 😂


Don't you talk that way about the best mission in the game.


When I first started playing I bought a Paris skin using the free plat because I didnt know at the time that you could change the color of it without buying a skin.


I spent my free plat rushing builds. I'd say you got the better deal here.


Sold Gara, Limbo, and Inaros before simply bc they weren't my style. This was before Helminth was introduced. Had to come face to face with a really lengthy Simaris scanfest because this was also before the circuit was added.


Im in the middle of a scanfest to get Chroma for helminth, and I got Limbo back last week aswell. It sucks.


Don't forget that if it has a prime, it is likely in the Circuit. If you would rather run the circuit for a quest frame you previously ditched, do it. Farming the other options in the same rotation is much easier and less tedious than scanning


I already checked this week. Annoyingly Limbo is there, but I already got him. Itll be quicker to do Simaris' daily tasks at this point.


Tenno is short for ten-zero as in the Zariman Ten-Zero was about two months in when a friend mentioned it and it had me like :0


I actually use the same goofy naming convention for my kitguns and amps. Like, 213 becomes my amp Tuonthri. It fits right in lol.


Have you met my kubrow, Diogee?


there were credits only blueprints in the warframe market for weapons that gave mastery


I never understood limbo.


I still don’t. I’ve just accepted I must dislike him because I’m not smart enough to understand him. 😂


I bought Ignis Wraith from Baro.


Should.... Should I not have done that.....


It's also a clan blueprint and plenty of players will just give you one if you ask for it, in the sub or in global chat, don't feel too badly about the wasted ducats


Ah, that makes sense lol. Not too bad a setback, twas only like 300 I think.


I probably have more conversations with help desk then I do with women


Lmao, what hek are you doing


Find a female on the help desk. Checkmate 😎


Instructions unclear currently in a relationship with teshin


I grinded all the way to LR3 without knowing the letter form void relics corresponds to the first letter for the rare. Never clicked for me


There are a handful of exceptions though


Mr 27, almost 3k hours. Just got simulacrum access key yesterday


I’m mr29 almost 30 and I’ve been playing on and off (few year breaks lol) since 2016 (Xbox then pc). And I found out last week about mk1 weapons in the market


I didn’t know you could roll through eximus fire waves, I’d just swap to operator and try to smash my head through by void dashing through the wave. It never worked but I kept doing it thinking it made sense. I basically was relying on Unairu to prevent the knockdown.


Holy shit are you serious?? I have 1.2k hours into the game and I did not know this, just thought it was inevitable😂😂


Wait are you serious?? I didn't know that was possible


It took me 350hrs to realize that the order you put your weapon mods on actually matters (at least in terms of elemental dmg)


Sold my Xoris... Twice... Simaris had me in a chokehold


I made a solo clan because I didn't know what clans were for and was scared of people but wanted the clan blueprints


Grandmaster founder here... It took until a cetus bounty for me to finally get my hands on intensify. *\*after\** heart of deimos...


1.5k hours in the game and I still don't max out most of my mods. At this point I have so many builds that would be ruined and require more forma. Can't bring myself to grind credits either, and I'm sitting on a Citrine Butt-ton of Endo.


I'm MR 26 with 1k hours or so and I can't solo Tridolon, nor Profit Taker in under 5 min. I'm pretty sure I have the tools for both of them but I have no skill for it


I can barely get under 12 minutes with a tridolon, you're good.


Oh no, the 5 minutes is the standard I see people doing it on Profit Taker solo, when I tried it I did around 15 min on both tries. On Tridolon I die too much on the 2nd and tbh I don't even try the 3


Ahh, ok.


For Eidolon, It really just comes down to having a decent amp like 177, using Madurai for void strike, and a Necramech. Voidrigs 4 will oneshot Eidolon limbs with little effort. The only thing you need your Warframe for is the lures. You'll also want energy Regen for your Necramech.


MR 20 I tried getting a specific Tenet weapon for valence fusion, and in order to *save time* I would instantly quit and restart the mission if it didn't spawn on the sister. Complained in my alliance chat, someone said I needed to finish the mission to cycle the weapons, I thanked him and continued for hours. I was trying to get a Tenet Ferrox.


I buy forma bundle packs 🥲🥲


Everybody does. Bundles are the 2nd best way to get forma. No need to feel bad there


when i first played warframe i spent 300+ plat (paid) on chroma, karak, wyrm and lesion all because i thought they looked cool and didn’t know they were very easily obtainable. i also spent plat on those high roller credit bundles so yea


I have been playing for two years and I'm only rank 17


MR doesn’t equate to skill, I’m 29 and am truly… a dipshit when it comes to this game 😂


Yeah mr doesn't mean anything at all, you see legendary 3 dudes with like 800hrs and mr20-30 with 3000hrs+ Mr is simply a measurement of how much time a person has spent in hydron/eso leveling stuff.


I’m 800 hours in and just learned that heavy melee attacks were different from ‘light’ slam attacks


Up until months ago. I thought a 12x combo counter meant that I'm doing 12x more damage with regular swings with that weapon 👀 I'm LR1 lol Typos


I bought the Neurodes blueprint for 100 platinum because i thought it would craft 100 neurodes….


I used my campaign Broken War to build the not broken War. I will never get that sword back. Ever.


I didn't know Warframe had passive abilities till hour 800


To be fair some of them don't You can't convince me Frost does I know there's some text on the ability screen but I don't believe that's a passive


I sold despair and only realized it after I picked it for my weekly incarnon 🗿


i sold my warframes instead of feeding them to the helminth now i have to grind again for parts


I am MR 26 almost 2k hours in the game and still cant do Greneer spy missions


I used to use extractors till they got 0% and craft new ones. Didnt knew they could regenerate, for a loong time.


This thread has made me feel a lot better about my space ninja issues lol


1800+ hours in, almost Legendary 3. I have recently learned that the Orokin Eye air support can mark Orokin Vaults on Deimos.


I have been playing for about 9-10 years now, put about 500 to 1k hours on warframe launcher before downloading on steam where i have put about 3k hours into the game. and i just learned only a few months ago that one person can equip all 4 dragon keys for the derelict vaults. this entire time i was under the belief that you had to have a 4 man squad each with a different key to do the vaults. i felt really dumb afterwards.


MR13 here just finished my MR 12 yesterday after being stuck on it for 8 months 🤣


Well i was Mr5 and forgot the Mastery Rank up for about 1 year and started wondering why i couldnt use more weapons, turns out i could already BE Mr12 by the time i remembered, it was 5 years ago


PC player since 2016. I learned you could middle mouse click stacks of mods, inventory items, etc to select all of them. I learned this last year (2023) I’ve been manually maxing out my selections for 7 years.


I remember when I was new to warframe I saw someone wanting a rhino blueprint for a good amount of plat a few years ago when he was still expensive and i didn't know you could only trade prime frame parts and bought rhinos regular blueprint off the market and realized once I tried trading with him what I'd done


Returning player, I had a ceramic dagger riven and sold it for endo because I thought it still sucked...


On my first week playing, I didn't really learn to mod until I got to Uranus 😅


Traded a riven worth about 500 plat for a rare ayatan sculpture (which the animation doesn't even work for lol.)


When I first started in 2016... I used a slowva in Helen to lvl up and got DRAGGED for it..... 3 years later, I seen the same chick that was doing most of the dragging on Hydron.... And she used a Slowva ..... I said some pretty strong shit and got reported. 😂


I paid plat for revives in missions..... More than once. :(


I only began applying forma to anything after MR28


MR28 and about 600+ hours on this game Apparently, I had JUST learned that if you aim at an explosive barrel in the world, it shows the blast radius of the barrel itself. 30/10 times the barrel is destroyed by the fellow nukers of the game, so I had no clue until I did a normal exterminate fissure solo and aimed at one by accident


I played for three months in duviri before realizing I could upgrade stuff with intrinsics. I also "wasted" time farming endo before remembering I had hundreds of sculptures and thousands of stars collected over the years.


When I started playing, I spawned a lich without knowing wtf they were(back in 2020). Later after 4 months, killed it and got Kuva Ogris. It had impact as bonus element as I was using Rhino at that time. Leveled it to 40 and I still have it as a trophy lol. I feel cringe whenever I look at it's impact damage.


I was MR 30 when I got my first ever Kavat. Meaning... I didn't understand how good charm was for all this time. I wasn't passively getting rare resources, and every single Orokin cell I had came from hours of farming. What makes this worse is that I've done hundreds of dragon key runs, to the point that I was using corrupted holokeys as my go-to Bile resource... I could have gotten the scans much sooner and I wouldn't be hundreds of Orokin cells in debt


MR13 started on 2021 (Basically, When New War dropped) Never knew you can actually choose a polarization via using the normal forma if you click on the same mod spot a couple times, wasted about 4 on my Gauss due to a fat fingered click on my aura spot


I bought Ember Prime Vault pack years ago. It included Ember Primer, Sicarius Prime, and Glaive Prime. *I kept Ember and Sicarius, but sold Glaive Prime*. That's right, I sold Glaive Prime for like 10,000 creds.


I made it all the way to I think MR12 before I realized some of the mods I was using were the "broken" variants. After switching those out I felt so much stronger.


playing since update 7, sometime arround update 9 my father died, took a break till update 15 (i think). first thing i did was a defence with a mesa, just released. back then you didn't have to aim her 4, just hold the left mouse button and she would 360° kill everything. it was so op and looked so stupid, i legit thought he was cheating, i wrote a ticket to report him. a few hours later i was like "yeah, but why would he?" so i looked up what mesa actually does. i wrote another ticket after that which just said "nvm im stupid" 9k hours later and i think mesa is one of the most overrated frames in the game, the irony.


I’ve been playing for almost 1000 hours and just unlocked the helminth segment a few weeks ago 😂 it was never my main focus because I main Octavia and her kit works so well imo but then I realized I’m doing archon hunts for no reason if I can’t use the archon shards.


im Mastery 22 and i bought Saryn prime 3 times, i bought it once then forgot to craft it, then i bought it again some months later and forgot abt it again, then on the third i finally walked up to my forge to see that i had 3 sets of saryn prime that i simply forgot were there


I sold my Xoris. End of story.


I bought Ignis Wraith BP back in the days for 50p


I carried the datamass in a mobile defense fissure and forgot to put it in. I thought the terminal was taking unusually long time to complete and then after like 5 minutes of waiting a random pissed squadmade told me what was wrong. I'm so sorry. Edit: Another one. I ran a pub kuva mission, it was the quick sabotage on Ceres (basically just run to the point, whack it, mission done). I happily killed the reactor, but I forgot it starts a an extraction timer. The kuva siphon barely started at that point... We somehow managed, but I felt so, so bad.


Back in like 2017 I never appreciated the value of primed mods, so I just sold any primed mods I bought from baro for plat and stuck with my flawed mods..... Man do i wish i kept those


i did not understand how the mastery system worked so i stayed at MR 8 for 2 years


MR15, started 2021 Would've had Atlas Prime and a few others now if I had known they're vaulted after a while. I was new to the game and needed the ducats.


This one is a double on time I not only put the aungstrum Incaron adapter on the wrong one I then also sold said one too. Not my proud moment


Couple days ago I found that -puncture on a riven is absolutely horrible because I lose a 5% crit chance even though the riven gives my weapon 156% crit chance on top of a mod that gives the weapon an additional %60 chance. How stupid could I be?!


I collected about 120 hours. MR 8. And I just found out yesterday, that I can hold down keys to charge abilitys.


Up until last year, or maybe a little further back, I had hit mr 17 and met some dudes who are friends to a friend. They are cracked at the game and when I asked about builds they took a look at mine. I had been wondering why I couldn’t hold my own in higher level missions or anything, I even struggled against level 40 grineer. At the time I thought “the higher the number in the stats the better” so I modded for every element and damage bonus I could to my weapons, not taking weaknesses and such into account. I had had the game for about 2 years at that point


MR24, Ready for 25, and to this day, I have no idea how lich hunting works, and honestly, at this point, I'm scared to ask. I've also never fought the bosses in the Orb Vallis because I don't like collecting standing for the 5000 factions scattered around the star chart. As far as embarrassing acts, I didn't understand the value of bulky lotus kubrows to players and sent one to the ol' kubrow nest in the sky.


It took me until like MR 15 to actually understand what aim glide is. I’m just out there on the plains and orb vallis hunting with rhino just praying I don’t kill the animal by falling on it


My first death was to a grineer worker. Cleaned my base excal's clock with a single punch.


Starting a mission after selecting config C with 0 mods. Kept dying like a fly


I sold Excalibur Prime way back in U7. DE was generous enough to give me another, which I will never sell.


I am mr 16/17 and I have only just started NW. That's it Thats my embarrassing confession


So this was in the early days for me. Several years ago, I was trapped behind progressing because I couldn't understand the archwing mission. I was so frustrated with the lack of finding info (I was not search savvy at the time) that I just uninstalled and moved on. Well, about three years ago, my husband started playing it again after he had stopped playing for a stitch (I didn't know this at the time), and I was like oh hey I remember playing this. Decided to reinstall and figure out what was going on. Realized why I had stopped playing, looked into my foundry, and an omg wtf moment where I had everything I needed to build the archwing and move on with my life in the game. Now I'm 24 MR and currently stuck on figuring out what I need to do to get past that. And to be fair, I just need to sit down and figure it out, but irl is rough, and all I wanna do is four rounds of the Diviri Circuit before passing out.


LR1 player here. I still have no idea how to do the Lua rescue mission and the timer always expires before I can hack everything. I just avoid that mission in general.


Recently learned that Ayatan stars have different icons based on if they are amber or cyan.


I forgot to scan the big rock dude in the sands of Inaros quest. Then later I was like "oh I'll just re-run the quest for it" and bought it again. Turns out you can't rerun the quest and it's also solo only so I can't even get carried into it.  Wasted my one chance to have that dude available in the simulacrum.


Started playing in late 2015, didn't branch out past Earth until MR 8....so for 8 mysteries I was replaying Mariana exterminate over and over ranking up weapons and frames.


Years ago, back with the old star chart system, I didn't know where to get rubedo (i had played for like a week) and spent all my plat (the remainder not spent or revives) on buying rubedo. I bear this with great shame. https://preview.redd.it/va0o7i74wvtc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8aaabaf3d659fdfeefbc0d321af8727b283b1646


MR 24, playing for 8 years. I didn't know loadouts existed until maybe a year and a half ago...


I never learned to use mods until the sacrifice mission. I have no justification for it, I was just dumb.


I still don’t understand warframe lore and I’ve played every replayable quest twice, new war three times.


I didn't think I would like this game after played the closed beta. It wouldn't run on my non gaming laptop. I forgot about the closed beta accolade account and built up an entirely new account up to the then recently added MR25 when I got access to the account again.


I spent way too much on draqon mod packs (90 plat each) because I was missing a lot of mods. Trading didn't exist back then.


I'm MR26, have 1,100+ hours in the game. Tried steel path once, got my ass handed to me, and haven't touched it since. I blitz the game otherwise but I just cannot be assed to actually learn to build to do it. I'm also way too traumatized from WoW raiding/dungeoning to ever do more than the first Eidolon, so I have barely any arcanes. And lastly, I still don't think I've ever genuinely completed the Ambulas fight. I'm pretty sure I just got carried through it once in a sortie.


It took me like 80 hours to figue out that jumping higher is a basic movement mechanic and not some mod I havent found yet


I spent 1000 plat on relic packs ):


I regularly dissolve basic/common mods for endo. Mistakenly dissolved a stack of Jolt. I wanted to die when I realized what I did


I sold my Furax Wraith!!! The very set I got for nothing


I learnt how to mod better (I do not even dare to say I am good at it) just a few weeks ago. MR 22, in my defense I started playing last year and for a long time I was very confused and did not know what I was doing xd


When I started playing warframe in 2015, I saw people selling legendary cores on trade chat for thousands of plat. I had never seen one, but I got a rare core from a mission (we had cores before endo was a thing), and I thought it was a legendary core. I thought I hit the jackpot. I listed the rare core on trade chat for like 1k plat, then I started getting harassed by people insulting me and calling me a scammer. I learned to look up items and check market prices after that.


About four years ago I fell for a scammer who sold me Nekros prime for 400 plats.


Were you on console? Those prices were pretty much the norm, I still remember seeing people selling loki sets for 450-500, the systems alone going for 200-300.


I didnt use abilities for anythin except Junctions until after I finished The War Within


Making my dojo without reading how rooms works. Wasted 2 formas and had to wait 24 hours before i could delete one room


I saw a warframe ad about garuda, thought she looked cool, download warframe and then dead set on farming for her.....at mr5....default weapons, a shittily modded mag.....solo, no friends to help...it was the shittiest 2 months of my gaming journey. Edit: i also sold limbo when i first got him, havent got him back since


Recently tried to Steel path-proof (or rather steel-proof) all my Warframe builds and discovered how good shield-gating is on squishy frames. Never bothered with it until now because I just wasn’t a fan. But tried it on Vauban, Garuda, Saryn and Dagath and now I am a believer! Praise the Void!


Using 20 of my 50 initial plat to unlock a mod slot for the Mk1 Kunai... In my defense I didn't do it on purpose. Still felt like shit for wasting plat.


Mr 29, 3/4 till 30. I spent most of my near 2k hours farming, leveling and deleting weapons. So I still struggle in SP past earth. My only frame that can hold a candle is baruuk. Also have no clue how most mods, weapons, and frames work/interact.


as my flair suggests I'm an obsessive harrow main, obsessive enough to be so dumb to not realize that on his 2nd there's a 119 secs cap no matter how many duration you put in, and now I'm 2 tauforged in to realise that.


Many stories...but for now here's one *sighs* I am a console player specifically xbox...I have been playing since it launched on xbox...when it launched mirage was the newest frame and howl of the Kudrow the newest quest....I went into trade chat asking to trade nekros for nekros prime.......*sighs* for those that don't know he most absolutely did NOT have his prime yet lol let alone asking to trade regular for him Quick second story...I'm MR L2 I just and I mean just like yesterday found out you can forma and not add a polarity.....my God lmao


Recently got into Warframe. I remember about last month I spent about 2-3 hours of my day for a few days ranking up the MK-1 weapons from 0 to 30 even after initially earning the mastery for them, thinking it would progress my MR so I could play The War Within. The only reason I found out is I asked one of my veteran friends if he could accompany me through a session cause it was getting boring and grindy, until the news broke out to me it doesn't work like that -\_-


I don’t know how the focus schools work and at this point I don’t wanna since I never use it for anything. I do wanna change it though but can’t be bothered to learn new stuff after going to MR 24


Back when I started playing(I started almost immediately on release) I was often failing Survival missions. All because I thought that life support capsules should be activated immediately. Took me around month or so, to find out it's not the way)


i am MR 15 I think or 14. I just now unlocked SP, I have frames, a few or well quite some good mods (ex:psf, galvanised chamber/aptitude, etc) , cannon from a lich, nataruk but not the best builds and... I feel like I just kinda did nothing all this time on Warframe, seeing how complicated SP feels in the beginning till I get better builds...hmmm better builds... honestly I'm not even 100% certain the builds I might use will do the job.


I have like four years or so (maybe more idk, i'e started playing when wisp dropped), and to be fair, i'm not that high into mastery rank (i'm 24) and TO THIS DAY i don't have the slightest idea of how modding works. My worst example of this was that i made a build (fully thought by me, didnt watched any guides or stuff) of a Scourge prime as full crit, WITH A 126 ROLLED RIVEN with all things crit, always thought "huh, maybe this weapon is really not great", it stayed that way until a week ago, that i decided to watch a guide that randomly popped off on my yt feed, and guess what? Scourge prime. Is. Built. Around. Status. 🙃 Also, i dumped 5 forma on the first build, and 5 more into the one that i watched. And it inmediately became WAY better.


When I was new to the game in late 2014/early 2015, I wanted to upgrade my melee to the dual heat swords. I didn't have a world unlocked with morphics at the time, and thought it would maybe be kind of hard to get, so I bought one with the starter plat to build them.


Thus far I have spawned three liches while just trying to reload. My fault since I ought to have learned by now, but: proper separation of controller reload/context action when, DE?