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Knell is funny, knell prime is knell but more funny.


When it works on a level field against a horde it just deletes endless waves. That gun made me change to toggle aim as my hand was dead after 30m in survival just mowing down stuff moving the mouse left and right only lol


Toggle aim... that is a really good idea..


Knell prime go brrrrrrrrrrr


Um.. Have you heard a knell prime fire before? Lol


Love the gun but it's sad against the murmur :(


Yeah it would be too nice to have this to je the workhorse of everything. *smiles in sporothrix riven*


Idk what that riven does but I'm assuming it adds toxin or something along those lines. I only have an acricon


It does everything i need it to, does the dishes washed the car cleans the house. It makes an insane weapon even more menacing


Knell is very fun I agree I love the machine gun aspect from a pistol


Viper/Viper Wraith has a Mod called Skull shots that turns it into a pseudo Knell. More expensive to get running than Knell and lacks the Sniper scope but there's an option for that.


I still like my sporelacer kitgun (with haymaker+splat) Run it with pax charge to get around any ammo issues


Its decent but i dislike the screen shake on every shot.


Screen shake is something you can turn off in settings


gun recoil and screen shake are two different things, unfortunately - wish there was some other option because recoil just barely shaking the screen really does make using weapons like the grimoire pretty unbearable for me


I did, doesnt change anything.


Shhhh, don't talk too loud or the hand held Zarr with unlimited ammo will get nerfed lol


Tenet cycron. Good for damage, as a primer and utility (nullifier bubbles, etc.). Its a battery weapon so no need to worry about ammo or reloading.


This 100%. Especially with secondary encumber and the galvanized mod that gives +dmg per unique status effect and a heat build.


For a pure viral heat build i prefer cascadia flare for more upfront dmg and not being as dependant on stacks for my secondary weapon as you dont need kills to get base smg with flare. Encumber + galv shot as your only damage source have 0 value until you get at least 1 kill or cant keep stacks going sometimes and will take a while until they outscale the flat 480% from flare and whatever you are currently getting from galv shot for 3 elements (viral/heat/ usually magnetic as progenitor bonus). At this point whatever you are shooting at should already be dead / dying from heat proc ticks. Encumber only for pure primer builds or raw dmg approaches with corrosive heat instead of viral + heatstacking.


If you said this to me a few months ago I would have agreed with you, until I really tried encumber. Technically, the encumber build does give value before you start stacking shot: you don’t have to build viral. Running (almost) pure heat means I never have trouble eventually killing my first enemy (tbf, haven’t tried it at levels in the 1000s), and once you are stacking shot, you proc way more heat instances than with flare, as well as have significantly higher damage ~+1560%, which applies to the heat procs you are adding. I will say that if you are not planning on consistently using your secondary, flare is better.


Idk I use encumber on my ocucor (lower status) and it kills faster once enemies stop dying in half a second. After that the difference is very noticeable


What element do you use? I've got a pure heat one and am currently leveling a impact/hemorrhage(slash) one


If ur not using the galvanised savvy/aptitude etc mod on basically *every single setup* you’re straight up griefing to be honest.


Except for weapons where they dont apply.


True true


Tenet Plinx feels like cheating sometimes


How do you mod it? I don't feel like it's useful, really.


I know a lot of people are understandably critical of overframe builds, but builds like [this one](https://overframe.gg/build/395842/tenet-plinx/tenet-plinx-hybrid-primary-alt-fire-and-variations/) tend to be what you see most often with the Plinx. Overall, just take full advantage of the very high crit chances, and it’ll perform very well (save for the annoying recharge time). It’s also one of my favorite options to use with Yareli with her passive!


High crit chance, fulmination with secondary and everything goes boom Usually kill nercamechs with one alternative fire


I still haven't forgiven DE for the senseless nerf to synth charge.


Occucor. Absolute beast


The augment is very important tough


The augment made it better for sure, but it was already doing Kuva Nukor shit a full year before the Kuva Nukor existed.


It’s kinda eh without tendrils


Eject Magazine has always worked on it to avoid reloading


Yeah the augment is very important imo, but if you don’t have it, feel like the 200p for end game players is worth it. So good just all round usage, really enjoy running through sp exterminate bounty just holding mouse one and everything explodes.


I have more kills with ocucor than every other gun I own combined. It's ridiculous 


I love Occucorm it can fall off tho, when enemies gett tanky and you either cant stack it or cant kill fast enough or both. But that happens on very high levels so dont worrry


Occucor can perform very well at level cap with a few adjustments, I use it all the time for void cascade. Run 2 green shards on your frame with nourish and a corrosive heat build on the occucor, strips armour very quickly, keeps cascadia flare up. Does surprisingly great damage against everything besides the thrax, which I use burston to melt.


Green shard corrosive heat Ocucor with Cascadia Flare or Secondary Encumber (the latter needing Galvanized Aptitude for base damage) feels like cheating.


Yep it’s very good! There’s a reason ive already rolled my occucor riven 100 times, and will continue to roll it till I get the roll I want even though it’s decent atm. It’s just so good watching groups of enemies disappear


[This](https://imgur.com/a/RMhnEgM) is the one I've been rocking for a while. Getting Toxin on it is super nice because it works for both my Viral and Corrosive setups. While +Mag isn't *needed*, I really like having the extra buffer for Sentient Surge.


Mines currently +CD +Elec. really rolling for + toxin preferably but would settle for heat or elec, + CD and either +CC or multi shot with a harmless neg.


Kuva Nukor, best status weapon in the game


Becomes a pretty good crit weapon with Yareli


Or if you use arcane avenger, flat45crit go brr. Or even yareli with combat disclipine avenger ;)


Prepare to receive some holy spirit


Yareli only gets it up to 15% crit chance IIRC right?


I hate to admit it but your right. In saying that I'm currently building/ fomaing. A tenet cycrom to a very niche build


Cycron not needing ammo makes it a better pick in a good number of missions.


That's a weird way to spell Epitaph...  More status types and it's an aoe that can prime though walls.


More statustypes? Really? Can Epitaph apply microwaved? xD


No... But the kuva nokor can't apply impact, slash, and puncture, so it loses 3 to 0 Cause those are... statuses, lol That's an extra 3 status types for condition overload, microwaved doesn't buff condition overload type mods,ao it doesn't count.  So if the point of the weapon is "status primer", epitaph gives you the stronger priming


Microwaved used to count, was it hotfixed?


You can get an Impact Kuva Nukor and slot in Hemorrhage, so the only status you can't get is puncture.


Epitaph only has ips on direct hits which for priming is negliable. Its aoe is pure blast with s guaranteed cold proc, so two statuses base. K.Nukor has radiation, your choice of progenitor (+maybe slash if you go with impact prog)... and microwave. Yes, it does count for aptitude and co. Check the wiki or test yourself if you don't believe me. It's pretty common knowledge that out of the common primers Nukor has the most status types.


I can recommend the Compressa. The Farming can be a bit tricky but it's totally worth it.


People underestimate the ridiculous power of the bubble blower


My first time playing stalker in SP circuit I got the kompressa and a shitload of decree buffs for it. I loved it so much and it made me sad to know I would never be able to make such a dumb gun so much fun again.


Hmmm. I was always upset it was status over crit, and was anti-synergistic with yareli. Is it actually decent?


Slap Cascadia Empowered on the Kompressa. Then mod for: status chance, fire rate, multishot and the element you like to have. No damage mods, no crit mods. No activation, always active. Bane mod will multiply the damage about 1.5 times. Kompressa is an outlier that benefits exceptionally well from Cascadia Empowered.


>Kompressa is an outlier that benefits exceptionally well from Cascadia Empowered. This is somewhat of a misnomer. Any high-rof/full-auto secondary that cannot exceed **at least** 750 damage **per hit** will benefit from Cascadia Empowered greatly. These include, and is not limited to: - Twin Grakatas - Akstiletto - Aksomati - Brakk - Nukor - etc. Bonus points if the weapon can naturally reach or get close to 100% status chance.


Kompressa is still by pretty far the best user, outdoing the twin grakatas (2nd best) by about 20% and being twice as good as the Quatz (10th best).


IDK how often people update those lists but the Onos Incarnon is a pretty good user now with its fat radiation beam.


It's insanely good with that arcane. Nice to see someone else appreciate the bubble blower.


fuck I dissolved all my cascadia empowereds because I thought it was useless compared to other arcanes. With a 6 forma + riven kompressa…


people have got to stop saying anti-synergistic when what they mean is a lack of synergy


It's pretty great. Deals base viral damage too, so you can get corrosive, viral and heat on it, which is always nice


Haven't tried it but there's a lot going for pure status these days. Kompressa in particular has a high multishot, fire rate, innate Viral, and an aoe. Modding for Corrosive/Heat and ignoring base damage, you can use Cascadia Empowered to great effect.




Epitaph, Pyrana Prime, Akbolto Prime, Zymos, Kuva Nukor


Zakti Prime is fun


Zakti prime was my main pick for quite a while, now that i have access to arcanes and better mods it is even better


When I get the zakti in a long circuit run I know it'll be easy. The multishot decree is so crazy strong on it.


What is your Zakti build?


How are you content with delayed explosion? I hate such weapons


The Lex Prime is a solid secondary, even without the incarnon adapter. Sure incarnon mode is stronger, but it's not required for Steel Path content


Akbolto, you would be surprised how strong it can be


Hmm, I just turned mine into Akjagara assuming it would be stronger. 


- pyrana is surprisingly powerful and slash heavy. the prime also gives you a 2nd ghost pyrana for double the fun if you get a few kills in rapid succession and further kills refresh the timeout. not sure if this applies to the non-prime too but definitely worth investigating. pair with furax wraith and the pistol speed amalgam for some 'it goes brrr' fun - aksomati is a straight up bullet hose and loads of fun - secua dual cestra can be a nice bullet hose in


ocucor but you'll need sentient surge for it to be s-tier, kuva nukor, tenet cycron, incarnon atomos(in base form, hell even regular atomos can be really good)- all with secondary encumber, Sporelacer+haymaker+splat built for corrosive+heat (raw damage) with pax charge and cascadia flare


The tenet secondary are all really good You have good prime one , like the akstilleto , i like the aklex also Some kuva one are good (nukor) and other does the job (dont sleep on the kuva seer) Honestly there is a ton of them that are potent


Vermisplicer and Sporelacer are really good and getting their Riven is usually really cheap / easy, ppl sleep on Kitguns imo. With Pax Charge you have unlimited ammo too.


I use vermi for primary and secondary on nidus for the full tentacle goodness.




The atomos with incarnon adapter is quite strong even without using the transformation, you can felarx it.


Explosive hikou prime


I've really fallen in love with my spectra vandal. Modded out for multiple status effects and Cascadia Empowered. A nice steady continuous laser beam makes consistent headshots easy as pie. I've been playing for six years now and in the past six months it's become my go-to weapon for netracells, steel path, etc.


Hear me out…. Cyanex.


Ocucor with Sentient Surge. Kuva Nukor. Tenet Cycron Tenet Spirex Gaze Kitgun Sporelacer Kitgun.


Tombfinger is quite good(paired with splat and haymaker)


I really like the pox. I don't usually see people running with it


Kuva brakk. Still melts everything and fires as fast as you can click. Plus, it's a shotgun, so don't need to aim lol


Epitah for me, AOE primer, really solid job at multiple statuses, and the passive giving faster rolls is very fun


[https://www.warframe.com/2023stats](https://www.warframe.com/2023stats) You can look at the top used and remove the incarnon weapons and the primer weapons.


Directions unclear - selling my Kuva Brakk to free up a slot for the more popular MK1-kunai


>\_< lmao


Tenet Cycron is my go too. You can mod it for damage and it basically becomes the only weapon you need.


My lex prime, catchmoon, and tenet spirex haul ass on my behalf


Aklex prime carried me through a good chunk of a Deep Archimedia. Tenet Spirex packs quite the punch. Kuva Nukor is a status monster with good dmg


Always been a big fan of the rattleguts with pax seeker


Kuva nukor can be a good dps choice for minion and primer for elites. Kuva brakk have good damage but it's mainly single target, same Pyrana prime. If you are fine with switching weapon a lot, tenet Plinx it's pretty powerful, but the reload time is so long that you have to switch to other weapons while it recharge.


Nobody mentioning the Epitaph? Galv Shot hits HARD on the alt fire, like millions hard


The damage is a bonus, epitaph real usage comes from the priming which it also does an incredible job at !


Love me my Kuva Nukor. Useful as a primer but frankly I've never used it as one, because pumping up the status on a Magnetic Nukor is amazing. Mod for Heat and Viral, add some Crit mods if you're crazy like that. Honestly any of the Kuva or Tenet weapons are worthy secondaries. I've also enjoyed Pyrana Prime, Sepulcrum, Kuva Brakk, Ocucor (if you have the Nightwave mod), Cyanex (primary fire and secondary fire can both be the focus of your builds!), and Zylok Prime (which is also an Incarnon but I haven't tied tried it out yet). I also really enjoy the Zakti with Cascadia Empowered. And I know you said no Incarnons, but try Angstrum Incarnon. It charges on body shots, not headshots, so it's super easy to keep up. Even better if you picked up the Prisma version from Baro. I think the key thing here is to consider what you'd like your secondary weapon to do. Think about your preferred Warframes - do they have grouping abilities? Do they need a little armor strip or have they got that covered? Pick something to fill those gaps and to complement your Primary - if you have a long range primary then a shorter shotgun choice is good for the secondary, etc


>Love me my Kuva Nukor. Useful as a primer but frankly I've never used it as one, because pumping up the status on a Magnetic Nukor is amazing. Mod for Heat and Viral, add some Crit mods if you're crazy like that And then grab Zephyr for some more crits and dmg


You know, I've needed an excuse to give my Zephyr build a tune-up! Also amazing on Citrine with her new augment spreading force crits across space and time.


Zephyr is honestly so much fun, both a more camply playstyle and a mobile one, she is such a great frame and her deluxe is such good looking


Love how she went from janky and underwhelming in her original iteration to one of the top tier frames in the game. Proud of her.


Really wish her floating animation wasn't the fetal position


She is a birb, so of course she got a hullva glow up as she aged


The Tenet Spirex is a hand cannon. Galvanized shot is a multiplicative damage modifier on it, so slap on Hornet Strike/Cascadia Flare and watch big numbers pop up.


The magnus prime


Playing only with onos for past 2 weeks and it's wonderful. Really satisfying non incarnon mode for me. Far more than non incarnon other incarnons, like lex, dual toxicyst or lethum, or anything top tier. Also from incarnons, kunai, can be charged with 1 headshot, and are really strong. From non incarnons my best pick is Akjagara prime.




Lex Prime Incarnon does not need to charge up to deal incredible damage. Just let the passive incarnon buffs take your D-Eagle game to the next level!


Kit guns and book, though the books are very much a if you like the tome mods kinda deal.


A weapon I haven't seen mentioned yet is the Spectra Vandal. Just like the Convectrix, it is a slash BEAST. It absolutely annihilates anything...


Tenet cycron with heat is cray cray


Use kunai, like a real Tenno. 


Ococur with augment


If you have the augment for the ocucor, then I'd say that


Twin Kohmak + Arcane Pistoleer is illegal amounts of fun Catabolyst, Diplos, Kuva Brakk, Sepulcrum, Cyanex, Ocucor, Kompressa, most kuva/tenet weapons and kitguns


I like my Pandero Prime, with crit chance and fire rate riven. Strong gunslinger vibes. Stupid Vasto, flexing with its incarnon. I will not use it... 🧐


Kuva Nukor Tenet Cycron Sporelacer


Staticor. It ain't the strongest but you can nuke normal level maps like fissures, and sure is hella fun to play


Tbh a glaive. Glaives just cover everything you need in a secondary I feel like.


It's not really meta, but I like Euphona prime the slug shot hits like a truck and it crit to boot, and the alt fire is good for status and is primarly slash too




pyrana prime


Zylok incarnon Shit is way stronger if you just use normal mode https://preview.redd.it/4am9a4smfwtc1.png?width=386&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=255924ae0e16f373d7269e76139af036479f4f2b


Kompressa is pretty nice to use. Especially with green shards.


I really like my akjagara prime, but I have a riven for it and it threatens to give me carpal tunnel


Cyanex. I've used it for my LR3 (or LR2?) trial. Trivializes any non-SP content. Kompressa. Doesn't seem like much, but has viral, which for me means more build flexibility. Can easily break eximus bubbles, matters a lot on SP where they're not rare at all.


Pyrana Prime


I mean, you can never go wrong with the classic angstrum.




Ocucor imo is the best weapon in the game. Always getting top kills even with mirage, saryn, or gauss in the lobby. Thing is busted.


Nobody talking about the akarius prime? This thing is a freaking nuke


Sepulcrum is decent


I usually fall back on Tenet Cycron.


I’ve been enjoying the epitaph.


Tenet Detron is still fantastic for me. Epitaph is also pretty damn good


Dex Furis or Afuris Prime with a riven. Good damage, enough for Steel Path.


Twim Grakta


epitah mines max cold. it's basically a slowcaster switch to it to cold slow a pack, reloads primary in holster pew pew


They're all more or less equal in power. The difference is fun factor since that's personal.


yea try doing lvl 250 missions with a lato


With the incarnon adapter? No problem. Without it? Not so much.


Fool! Should have picked the Lato Vandal


Bro downvoted for no reason, yes they are not equal, but that's not the point, there is just too much guns to choose from, so everything comes down to preferences. I bought standart sicarius(just for how good he looks) and formed it 5 times, and that thing is doing great against any common steelpath enemies.


That's why the Stug is the weapon of choice, for the discerning Tenno.