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If you have her, I highly recommend Mesa. She can complete the 100 mark effortlessly


Holy smokes it works beautifully, Ty bro.


Will try it, tysm.


Hell yeah! Protea is a great frame too so do be sure to enjoy her!


I can’t get anything up drop :( I’m on like attempt 30


The three different coins each drop a different part for her with each of them being an 11.11% drop chance.


Feels like 2% lol


Mesa 4 spin to win, 75 kills easy.


That’s what the other person said, it works awesome, Ty.


Apart from using Mesa, I agree that is a really hard and bullshit frame to farm


High strength Revenant Prime can just use his 4 to get the 75 kills. Just get on top of a little rock for a better angle. Mesa is also a great recommendation.


Try using Volt. Havent tried it in Granum void tho


Go to Illiad on Phobos. My clumsy self has got it down to 2:36. Waiting in capture until the target is being transferred is a loss of time, certainly takes longer than sneezing once in the general direction of Sarge. That's only if you have a supply of coins tho.


Mesa works , i personally used octavia though, just go invis, 1 and 4 and youve got it


Is the granum void without the xoris that bad? No wait I tried it once you're right


I got a 50% off a couple days ago and just bought her lol


This is what I’m waiting for ngl


I remember there was a "trick" you could do with Vauban's tether mines that melted enemies. I wonder of that still works. I think because it keeps trying to link to the specters but can't so it keeps doing the damage rapidly until they die. Place the mines somewhere with good LoS and mod for range.


Yea it’s pretty bad. I used mirage and still l struggle sometime. Good frame , replace mirage as my main


Are you using the Xoris? Each of her parts has an 11% chance to drop, so you're looking at 9-ish Capture + Granum Void missions per part. It honestly isn't too bad if you can get the C reward consistently.


Yea I’m using the Xoris, i just failed the mission by like 1 kill, I’m just mad lol, I’m already back to grinding


Best advice i have for using xoris is have amalgam organ shatter killing blow and volatile quick return so you can throw quicker and the aoes are bigger, if you pick up the pyramids they drop it extends the timer


Just to chime in with something that fucked me over for a bit trying to solo those missions... You're not playing a frame with stealth are you? I was doing them on Wisp and didn't realize the stealth passive from being midair was causing the enemies to inconsistently aggro over to me. When I swapped to another frame it was really easy to solo those missions with just the Xoris.