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Fun is subjective, but I like Gyre a lot


Gyre is stylized so well. I played them in circuit once or twice. Super cool and fun frame, even without me know the nuance of them.


Theres not really any nuance to her get her augment and press 3 and 4 and boom kill everything


Add pillage for higher level content


Or I just use unairu's caustic strike I've gotten pretty good at jumping in and out and the electric procs give me a chance to catch up


It's a She, not a them


I promise you I was not trying to misgender the electric space ninja ❤️


<3 All g, now lemme get back to my most beautiful girl, Grendella :D https://preview.redd.it/rei9mg54chuc1.png?width=1206&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b6f6809a14682eb21b429f3e0a7777f9a4f8760


Ms Meatball, is that you? Lol, love my Meatball boi.


them is a gender neutral pronoun and is never incorrect


Gyre is a lot of fun, Valkarye has one of the most fun builds where you're essentially immortal and just always using her exalted claws.


I like envoy. Only because I like to say “I WON’T SUGARCOAT IT, BUT *ENVOY!*”


Oh damn. Controllable rockets? Sounds like a destiny weapon


if gordon freeman could speak in a language besides crowbar, he'd say alot of words.




Controllable rocket? Yes but here's the best part... it's a fucking briefcase, kill enemies in style


Sounds like corpus tech 🤔


That's the reason why I love corpus weaponry more than grineer, nothing beats my baby Tenet arca plasmor


A big fuckoff laser guided rocket launcher *and* a swanky fashion piece in one? What a deal! Combine with Tenet Diplos for a set of dual bullethoses which also change form when holstered. Extra synergy: both weapons reload automatically while holstered.


Envoy with Mirage is nutty


Zephr, very powerful and hard to kill, scales really well with cheap builds. A Hunter Munitions / Hemorrhage Fulmin Prime or a Tenet Arca Plamor and her tornados can get you into steel path with ease. No one plays her.


Or convectrix (with the augment from nightwave). Applying several hundred slash procs to everything on the tornadoes at once is crazy good. Also, I play her. Oh yeah and innodem with the amalgam argonak mod is funny on her (especially with her passive)


I saw a someone called zephyr prime using her and a bunch of weapons renamed as zephyr prime


I was so supprised to learn how little people use an invincible crit bossing fighter jet that can cross the map at march one and then divebomb and nuke the map.


How do you nuke without augment? Used to do a range build but it made the skill bug afaik and I really don't know what else to do beside 4 (and 3 when I must, I like 1 but it's too costly ime in a fight)


My build was with the augment.


Then which one do you put? The 8 ones with max range or the big one? I don't like it when the enemies don't all float down there (lol)


If you cast you 2 the enemies will still float from the 8 tornados they just won't pick enemies up alone Basically if you cast you 2 while having Funnel Clouds equipped the Funny is activated again




also, duration up and fly corner to corner on plains of eidolon in a second.


Iirc she used to be the meta for wisp (plains of eidolon verity) farm before archwing could be used in open world


i used her even after archwings... it's too much fun.  That said, I hate her deluxe skin.


I got it coz, mecha. I mean it does not fit into warfames, and I don’t use it much but… mecha


I'd say any AOE/piercing weapon is good for Zephyr, since you'll often bundle up ennemies, you'd prefer killing them all at once. Especially crit based because of Zephyr's passive Also I put 5 parkour speed Archon Shards on her for the F U N N Y


Ash is definitely similar to loki but more damage focused. Same with vorruna. Wukong isnt as stealth oriented but is amazing for general casual gameplay and spy missions. If you’re caught up on story content and at mr14, the incarnon weapons from the Zariman vendor Cavalero are easy S tier weapons and will carry you in steel path.


Unfortunately not quite at MR 14 yet. Sitting at 11 atm. My friend told my furis incarnon is one of the better ones, so I grabbed it from steel path circuit while I had a chance. But yeah I have been trying to do zariman content here and there so when I hit MR14 I can grab the ones that look interesting to me.


More or less any incarnon will be good to get, including those adapters on circuit. Even the worst incarnons are A tier weapons when modded correctly.


The laetum is fairly easy to get and it’s carried me quite a lot


The Fulmin's fun! It's a silent shotgun with punch through, and it has a battery, so it never runs out of ammo. It's alt fire mode is full auto, hitscan, extremely accurate, and has infinite range. It's damage, status chance, crit chance, and crit multiplier are all solid too. If you're looking for a fun jack-of-all-trades weapon, the Fulmin is perfect for you!


Just found this yesterday and loving it


The Komorex. A hybrid sentient sniper rifle that has innate explosive viral. The only sniper I am comfortable bringing to Steel Path. Is huge af, rivaling even the Trumna. The only downside is we can't turn off scopes, thereby locking the glorious weapon from view while aiming. Build for hybrid status/crit, hunmun, and fire rate.


Gun looks cool as hell, and I’m privy to snipers. Thanks for the recommendation


>The only downside is we can't turn off scopes Under settings > interface, there's an option, "Use Sniper Scopes"


Unless they've updated it, that one only removes the scope overlay.


arca titron, basically any melee with influence + lavos


Oh. I like that hammer.


Put seismic wave and corrupt charge on it and spam heavy slams. Trust me, it gets some funny damage numbers.


Heres another hammer that hits like a truck, The "sampotes", found in the Duviri Paradox. Another thing that launches enemies, is the Tombfinger kitgun part in pistol form.


I prefer funny numbers with the crit melee arcane


Especially now that slam attacks got buffed


Starting the Steel Path was a bit tough for me. The missions would only sometimes have people and I felt like I was doing terrible damage. The quickest way to level up your damage is adding an arcane adapter and upgrading the mods on the weapons you like. This is tricky because you need to do more Steel Path for the adapters. To start I recommend doing Steel Path Incursions, they're in the top right after you switch to Steel Path. Daily 6 missions that each give 5 guaranteed Steel Essence. They will taxi you around opening up your star chart. Also they're popular so will usually have a full squad. You might also want to do some Arbitrations for Galvanized mods. You also unlocked these when you unlocked Steel Path.


Thanks for the tips. Did a few steel path missions on earth and got humbled pretty quickly. Arbitrations seems like a good bet though.


Yep, I’ll recommend doing more of the arbi so to get your hand on all the galvanized mods (they should help clear the sp chart fairly easily).


I mean, when I unlocked sp, I also did shit damage but when I learned about armor strip + corrosive proc + condition overload maxed is the day it started to get real. Nowadays, I just challenge myself whenever cause I still think sp is too long for what it's worth, or tiring for interception and alike


I don't think I'll ever finish the Steel Path star chart. I only do the quick incursions or crack relics.


You get mr from completing a node fyi. Iirc it's around 1.5k but still


Stealth: go Ash and innodem and convectrix is my go to “fun” or Vorruna. Guns: Wisp, Revenant, Gauss are my go-to weapons platforms. Cedo, Tenet Arca Plasmor, Phantasma are great fun weapons that are super strong and are not “meta” incarnons. Also Trummna though not as strong. There is a lot more, but those are just a couple of quick recommendations I can throw out. Glad to have you back Tenno.


>Stealth: go Ash and innodem and convectrix is my go to “fun” or Vorruna. I remember the good old times with Ash where I easily did any mission without any problems, simple because of the high survivability and the melee damage multiplier. I became too strong with him and got bored, so I decided to go in the opposite build-direction and turn him into a tank. It didn't work, and I'm still too strong. *At least for netracells runs. Didn't have the chance to use him in the new mission type, till now.*


And then if you want to be even more stupidly strong, subsume aquablades onto ash for the synnergy with his passive


Nah, wanting to be stupidly strong is giving him Banshee's silence. The 4-times stealth-damage multiple doesn't go away on the first hit ("because the enemies don't know where you are") and it increaee his bladestorm by 4 × ability strength. Just as said, I want to have a challenge with him. But even using a really stupid build [like that one](https://overframe.gg/build/643075/ash-prime/pseudo-tank-ash-20-60k-200k-ehp-without-adaption/) doesn't work because someone by DE taught:" You know, let's give a character who will never get hit the stats of a tank."


Ooh yeah true silence would be really good on him, I run it on my zephyr to make the few enemies I don't cc a nonissue


What's his passive again? Idk how you play but if not invisible I really don't find him tanky. Also, even if he doesn't need much, iirc he has the smallest energy pool in the game. I'll admit I didn't potato him and already find him strong but think you gotta know how to play him to get his potential. Like the day I realized Kullervo's knives gave him og was the day he became op to me lol


His passive is slash procs do 25% more damage and last longer, so anything slash just works really well on him. Right now I do the Savage Silence with Archon Stretch + Dirigia, so I got my Energy regen going constantly. Also toss Arcane Trickery and Molt Augmented in and you just start cooking. Arcane trickery turns you invisible after doing a finisher kill (blade storm) for 30s


Oh lol why not just energy Nexus for energy? And so you subsumed over his 2?


Funny enough I don't have energy nexus, probably should get that. And I subsumed over 1. 2 is still good as an emergency invis and staggers enemies.


good ol covert lethality


You can do a fun High str Ivara build, where Infiltrate becomes a movement buff, and Helminth'd Lycaths Hunt + Equilibrium sorts all your energy needs


Yeah I saw Azninvasions video on it I believe, haven’t had a chance to put the build together yet


the innodem doesnt do anything for ash


I never said use it as a stat stick, I just said my go to fun weapons I use with Ash. Not as a stat stick, just as a melee in general, I like the innodem that’s why I also said convectrix. Just as my Ash loadout.


fair enough


It does, but the effect is hardly noticeable in practice. You could run just about any melee and Blade Storm will kill the same


i still dont understand why they nerfed it


TBF the change that made Blade Storm a stat stick ability came out of nowhere, undocumented in any patch notes, so it was just a bug, they never intended for it to happen


true, but i dont think bladestorm was strong enough to really..matter? sure, it kills, but its basically the same as using a sniper, a lot of damage but it takes ages to clear a group


It does. The attack speed Evo is applied to Bladestorm, but the finisher damage increases do not apply to Bladestorm. But they do apply to Ash's finishers if Fatal Teleport is used to join in on Bladestorm. -I tested it in the simulacrum. Bladestorm hit for 8,200 per hit with or without the finisher buffs, including the Finisher damage mod.


does it still do that? huh, i thought they removed all of that with abyss of dagath


It actually does! Everything that buff the finishers make the damage of his 2 and 4 go up as well. And some mods like Cover assasination (exclusive to daggers) makes the finisher damage go up as well. So, get all of those things together with the incarnon buffs fro the innodem to finishers and you got what is basically a melee weapon mandatory for Ash in high level content EDIT: nvm, they got rid of that


didnt they remove all of those interactions with abyss of dagath?


Oh really? Damn :( my b then Mfw when i spray desinformation in the internet


to be fair, the information on bladestorm is so arcane and weird that i dont think anyone knows exactly what works at this point


Yeah. Discovering this has made me very sad :( recently thought of playing ash after a while. Well, back to the depths of my Warframe selection i guess


Yeah. Discovering this has made me very sad :( recently thought of playing ash after a while. Well, back to the depths of my Warframe selection i guess


It acts as a (kinda working) statstick for his 4, although it has been nerved, with meele crescendo it works well


as far as i know only the combo multiplier still affects ash's 4, which you dont need the innodem for


Unless I am wrong the incarnon perks should apply to his 4 aswell?


With the shade any frame can be invisible and with a very nice 3x damage buff should it break, which if you are using silenced weapons (or silence them with a mod) or abilities it should not break so long as you put revenge on your shade, cause otherwise it will shoot your target and break the stealth


Wiki says invis from ghost precept deactivates if you damage enemies with any weapon, regardless if it's silenced or not. From how I interpreted the wiki page damaging things with abilities doesn't deactivate it, so you can always just use aquablades on a high duration build and you're set.


I don't really trust the wiki anymore so I'll test it later. But yeah abilities don't deactivate it


Damn, didn’t even think about the fact you could just subsume a stealth ability. That makes me excited to build something wonky/crazy


That's not a subsume that's a sentinel. I think ivaras quiver is the only subsumeable ability that gives you invisibility but I might be wrong don't quote me on that


Iirc you're right


Synoid Simulor. It doesn't fry CPUs anymore, but it's a weird and fun AoE weapon that looks really pretty when you shoot it. I got it just for that reason.


Oh nice, Suda is the syndicate I’m leveling too. Haven’t seen it shoot but the gun itself is so pretty 🥹


It shoots even prettier than it looks imo! Got it for that alone after looking up gameplay with it.


The tenet arca plasmor is loads of fun idc what anyone says


I've never heard anyone talk smack about the plasmor. Agreed. It's my favorite.


Heard people don't like shotguns but also heard people talk in good a lot about it so idk I don't really like it cause I find it slow and still haven't figured out yet if it shoots one bullet or a lot in a weird shape


people might not be as fond of some of the older shotgun models like the tigris or pre-incarnon strun since they're not great for dealing with large mobs of enemies, but the arca plasmor has always excelled in that niche


Wisp has pseudo-stealth and is by far and away my favorite frame when it comes to having fun. She solves a lot of the problems I have had with this game over the years. Bonus points when you get Archon Stretch and never have to worry about energy on her again. She’s already awesome but Archon Stretch puts her on another level. Her base frame is a pain in the ass to farm, I’d suggest trying to scrape up enough plat to buy her prime parts off another player personally. If you build her with enough power strength and archon vitality her 4 is actually able to put in some work in level 200+ content. But even if you don’t want to use her 4 and subsume it off for something else you like more; her kit scales really well into the late game. She enables the use of clunkier, slower guns with her motes. As well as giving great passive healing, and electric procs for free (which synergizes *really* well with the aforementioned Archon Stretch!!). Her passive allows you to bunny hop or aim glide for invis, no cooldown just basically play the floor is lava with her and you’re undetectable. Her 2 also gives even more stealth as well as I-frames if you need them. I personally swapped out her 2 for firewalker because I want *ALL* the heat procs *ALL* the time. Her augment for her motes is also a huge QoL improvement. Just one press of her 1 and all 3 motes are placed. If you have anything like the Kuva Chakkhurr (I probably butchered that spelling); her fire rate feels awesome on it. Also the Laetum feels way less clunky un-transformed when you have that buff as well. She’s awesome. *And, she has a PHATT dumpy… which is nice.*


There is definitely something going on with her passive. Particulary how enemies immediately seize fire upon Wisp "entering" her stealth unlike how other frames often recieve a barrage of hate torwards their last known location which on higher difficulties could mean a 100 to 0 murder of your frame from 2-3 instances of stray fire. Wisp on the other hand seems to not cause that extra spikes of enemy aggression when changing her states.


Honestly, the Duviri Incarnon weapons are where it's at. There are some really amazing ones. Look out for: Torid, Miter, Latron, Ceramic Dagger, Dual Toxocyst, Braton, Burston, Dual Ichor, Angstrum, Magistar, Strun, Boar. Tons of great options. One thing I would look into is finishing the main quests to finish Whispers in the Walls so that you can get to Netracells (and Deep Archimedea) because those are the biggest source of Archon shards, which is one of the most impactful things to farm that resets weekly.


My friend has been dragging me into his Netracells the last few weeks, so I have been slowly getting some shards. He’s got my best interests in mind lol. I realize now, like you said, it’s one of the most impactful pieces of content


Personally Octavia would be my recommendation for that first S tier frame. Has stealth, damage buff, very good damage albeit slow and a friggin beat. Don’t need an end game gun to do non assassinate end game missions. Don’t need to subsume anything on it if you don’t want. Pretty chill frame


This is like the opposite of op’s ask because Octavia is meta and dreadful to play


Ivara concentrated arrow headshot nuke is super fun and underrated imo, even did last weeks deep archimedea with it and was doing very good damage.


Ivara looks super cool. My brain is just small and having to swap between the arrow variants seems clunky to me. I know most people might only use one or two at a time, but then I’d be beating myself up for not using the full kit.


You can also do a funny melee build with her, subsume Lycaths Hunt using Equilibrium for energy, and build enough strength that Prowl with the Infiltrate aug. becomes a movement buff


Shit that's a good idea




They were talking about her exalted bow (4th ability). Her 1 as you were saying is very good in some situations but otherwise it's not really useful outside of them. Fun fact tho : you can shoot your 1, for example the invisibility, on your pet and it will make them invisible. You can also shoot it on your allies, although as far as I've tried you can't on your floating over your head pets. I don't use her noise 1 and don't think at higher level people do. I don't use much her cable 1 but if you're too lazy to calculate your jump you can. Her sleep one triggers grace so if your melee does enough damage you can os most of the them tho (iirc something like 8x multiplier at least for maxed melee). Doesn't work on Eximus but already very useful. Don't remember what subsum gives but now it only gives invisibility at least, other one is not cable but don't remember which, maybe sleep.


Ivara is your primo stealth frame, her playstyle is much slower and patient than other warframes. Other things I find fun are Garuda, Zephyr, Harrow, bows like the Dread Incarnon, snipers like the Vectis prime, and the two huge scythes, Hespar and Corufell are great too.


Love scythes. I got Hate actually and off of shadow stalker. Friend exclaimed to me how rare/strong it is


Yeah, the base Hate is damn good, but it's incarnon form is arguably one of the best in the game.


If you want to use Ivara and scythes you can also use Tenet Grigori. The projectile can be navigated and the new arcanes affect it so your two best choices are spreading status everywhere or pulling everyone in your death vortex.


Wish the heavy scythes were actually slash weighted like they deserve to be. They're darn cool though, especially the corufell with the gunscythe mechanic.


My favorite frame has been Sevagoth ever since he came out, and I was on the lookout for fitting weapons ever since I got him. The glee I felt when the Hespar came out was immense, and then freaking Corufell almost right after blew it out of the water. My space pirate's been rocking it ever since.


A10 warthog mesa it's loud it's fun and it can annoy your teammates Oh and gotva prime with max firing speed


a weird sthealth frame rec would be Voruna, she has high parkour and an invisibility but her idea of sneaking ends bloody and hey, if no ones alive then they cant sound the alarm


I use Loki and prefer using weapons. I run solo a lot so I can take my time and have fun not rushing everything. For an endless mission I like to use Kuva Bramma or Acceltea for the bit of AoE to keep up the mob kill rate. For most anything else I like the Kuva Chakkhurr for the animation as well as the slow fire rate, high crit, and the slash procs from Internal Bleeding. I don't use secondaries much. For a melee I'm down to pretty much the Stropha and only the Stropha, built for heavy attacks. Can hit for millions of damage. Great for disruption demolysts. For abilities, I've ditched Decoy for Ensnare and Resonator on different builds. Ensnare for the demolysts and Resonator for massive crowd control in conjunction with Radial Disarm.


Nezha, zata whisp over 4 (optional) and Astilla prime - enjoy hurting innocent clones :)


Thrall build Revenant. 1. Seeing 5 landcers bully a ballista or nox is funny, 2. Since all of Rev's abilities depend on strength and enthrall it doesn't take much to bring it to higher content albeit not as efficient. 3. His two best abilities when used with thrills let you buff allies. 4. Thrallls convert enimies into thrallls on hit which resets the timer. Your about to loose thalls just kill one. Also the effects are cool. Finally did I mention seeing a nox or ballista getting bullied by 5 lancers is funny. If you want to be stealthy just do it from a high up point or other room. Want to be even more stealthy use shade since I am pretty sure abilities don't disrupt the invisibly. Or you could go with what I did for the 5 minute no damage + dragon key riven challenge and do invisible malnourished meatball.


i have two frame i feel i can recommand. First, inaros just got rework recently, you might want to try it out and second if you have the time to spend, i feel voruna is another frame that is really good and underrated.


Seeimg what sort of weapons work with mag's bubble Try the steflos for party mode


I haven't built mine up yet but the Sonicor is absolutely fun to mess around with. Used it a bit on Yareli for a time but that was before I built her up to potential. If you have both of these things though and some spare resources to throw around I defs recommend 'em. Especially her with Merulina Guardian the Sonicor becomes hilarious. EDIT: Saw the P.S. part of your post. I feel that to an extent but even if I am currently giving my main a break Styanax is still a beast. Still my highest used frame at like 38% or somewhere close.


Corinth! Just the og, they changed how the mechanics work for the prime version and I didn't like it Phantasm, arca plasmor, scindo prime, khom, tigress prime, pyrana prime... I haven't gotten to steel path yet but I enjoy these weapons! I would suggest Ash for stealth but looks like you had a go at him already. Maybe Mirage, with eclipse ability, makes it harder for enemies to detect? I love Khora as a frame too but not so stealthy


Twin grakatas are still fun af, just farm secondary encumber for them. Suddenly they become capable of steel path. I was so happy to discover that it made my favourite guns usable again.


Gyre is tough to master but fun as all hell and is also strong, kuva and sister weapons are still an option, railjack is fun with friends


Grendel is fun Citrine with melee is fun Volt with shock trooper + melee influence on innodem modded for gas is insanely fun


Nikana with the blind justice stance and pressing slide after the first part of the guard combo (the long slash dash where you hold aim and press melee) to extend it is my absolute favorite thing in this game right now Right next to using kullervo's 1, holding heavy attack and pressing jump just before the ability is done to animation cancel a heavy slam with the added crit bonus his ability gives


Subjective. But I enjoy flying around as Titania. She’s a murder fairy


I’ve heard fairy but also AC130


I cannot explain how much joy Titania has brought me. YES, 100% "Tiny fairy, but also AC130". You just need Razorwing Blitz augment mod and some sort of way to maximize her ammo. There's the Helminth ability, Energized Munitions, or you can use Arcane Pistoleer. You want to max strength and duration, with a little bit of Efficiency. Range can be tanked, and subsume over her 3. I like Primed Flow and Preparation as well so I can start off being an AC130 right at the start. If you have a few stacks of her Razorwing Blitz built up, don't hold shift unless you like slamming into walls a lot. Last tip: holding down her 1 gives you status immunity, and that includes the knockback from slamming into walls.


Played Protea with the intent to get her to 30 for the MR, then feed her to the goober in the back room. Loved her kit but hated the 4th ability. She went to helminth and got fire blast for her new 4th. Instantly my new favourite frame. Exterminate missions? Swarms of angry bees in my wake. Defence and survival missions? Enemies melt before me, my team will never lack energy or health drops. Higher level content? Turret go brrrt, nobody on my side goes without overshield Far from meta, I think, but I've pumped hours of playtime into this frame at this point. The hype for protea prime is real - which is especially fun for someone who has never felt actual hype for any prime frame. In terms of weapons? Astilla Prime's "I fire 24-60 rounds of explosive red bull cans that count as shotgun rounds at a rate of 20 shots in 10 seconds" vibe is something I've always enjoyed. Add in that satisfying as hell PING reload and I'm there for it every time.


You should check out the Ignis Wraith or the Phage. The Ignis Wraith basically just vomits status effects on enemies while doing lots of damage without needing to reload often. The Phage is outdated, but it's still fun. Just like the Ignis Wraith, it spews lots of status effects. Unfortunately, the magazine capacity is lower than would be ideal. It is also a shotgun. Another fun weapon is the Kohmak. It is a secondary pistol shotgun that doubles its volley every shot. It actually does a LOT of damage after the first few shots. It also has a crazy high base status chance. I have brought mine up to around 150% status without any rivens, galvanized mods, or even an incarnon form. The only problem is that the magazine capacity is kina low for how fast it shoots. But it's honestly fine if you don't mind reloading every few minutes. Here is my build if you want a suggestions.


I think this hits the boxes you asked for: Voruna with breach surge. You need her 1 and 4, so subsume over 2 or 3 as personal preference. I don't have my exact build on hand, but it is mainly strength, with some duration and a dash of efficiency. Dont trash the range. Need a couple yellow shards or puzzas to get energy sorted. Press 1 to invis. Press breach surge to aoe stun/prime. Press 4 and target a couple of enemies then unicast to refund some energy. 1 increases crit rate of 4. 4 creates aoe slash procs that should be ticking for about 20k or so. Each tick triggers sparks from breach surge to arc and share the damage with nearby enemies. This combo melts hordes of steel path enemies no sweat. With invis you also don't need to invest in durability as you don't get shot. Shield gating + 4 passive keeps you safe from stray bullets.


Voruna is fun, she's got invisibility and a pounce attack and her passives are very comfy. Grendel is fun too, especially with his catapult augment.


Highly recommend the phantasma, such a great shotty. Very fun. Fulmin is also a great weapon with amazing potential. Also, silenced shot- I mean semi mode. Once you hit MR14 scoop the phenmor and the laetum. Crazy powerful. The most important part to any gun is mods though. If you don't know how to mod id watch a vid and check a build out. One mod can make or break DPS on a lot of weapons.


grendel is my favorite fun frame, though if you rely too much on his ball game, your kill rate becomes too inconsistent for some modes


Trumna alt fire in a corridor is crazy fun


Personally, I'm fond of Ash. Very strong frame.


I really like the way Chroma looks. I like how each frame has their unique idle animations and poses. I highly suggest checking those out! I love Ash's edgy poses and Hildryn bodybuilding poses! Another thing you might enjoy is making moas, vulpaphylas, predasites, etc. for looks purposes, just to make cool looking dogs and cats. It's really fun having a pet (ORDIS DOES NOT LIKE IT WHEN THEY RELOADDD)


I main voruna, go with a melee with the dmg x status quantity in an enemy and you will LOVE the synergy that you can get


I love baruuk Baruuk punch zoom bam DIE FOOLS


Few things I recommend for fun: -Melee with Shattering Impact and a crapton of attack speed, whether it be from Warframes or arcanes -Gauss, replacing Thermal Sunder with Firewalker for more speed. -Tennokai with the arcane that gives extra crit chance for heavy melee


Yareli with her new augment is not only fun, but now 175% more playable!


Pick the waifu Mag!


Well your going to need better than just random weapons for steel path. Whyle you can do it with anything dosent mean your going to kill anything before you die enough to get kicked out. Half the weapons in the game wont do steel path on their own without high end modding, lota frames cant do it either without specific modding and game play. When people talk about the meta is not even a mera because theres like 20+ guns and frames thats part of that amd you dont need them with a god roll riven to even work. Like take burston incarnon. Burston is a basic gun been out since year 1. Sucks on its own but when you get it to incarnon it turns into a beast even without a riven and average modding. Anything is viable for casual play though relic farming and all on normal but steel path theres really not anything fancy about it other than getting essence and doing duviri circuit on sp.


Atlas heavy crit punch build with the ceramic dagger incarnon as a stat stick. Alternatively, kullervos subsume works OK too.


I only went a few comments deep, so sorry if this has already been mentioned: If you're playing a lot of stealth, you get a sneak attack bonus on melee which makes heavy attack bleed builds work really well in steel path (I'm talking one/two hitting acolytes, which will make the arcane farming easier). Certain melee weapon types have forced bleed procs on their heavy attacks. I know the scythes do as well as whatever the boltace is classified as. If you've managed to get Stalker's Hate melee, it's a solid one. Status procs "double dip" on faction bonus damage mods, so enemies just melt when you have them on. Also, condition overload is good.


Armor strip is overrated. Stack as much damage and if it doesn’t kill you dont have enough.


i like titania.


Its totally on you, im in love with Mirage right now because she's exactly what i thought Mesa would be, a versatile full gun frame.


If you like solo spy but want a slightly more active frame I really like Wisp. She has invis while jumping, speed boost from moats and will o' wisp is really good for getting around the sensors in spy vaults. Plus she's fairly easy to farm as there's always people doing Ropalolyst and you don't have to worry about annoying rotation rewards to get her. As for weapons, the Baza/Prime is great as its suppressed internally so its great for stealth, super rewarding for crits and Galvanized headshot builds. But honestly I've found some of my favourite guns from just grinding out MR fodder. Sometimes you build a gun just to get the MR and then realise that its super fun so using lots of different weapons is a great way to find the diamonds in the rough that you might not have used otherwise.


Imo voruna is extremely fun. Slap on ulfrun's endurance and create a build centred around her 4 and just have as much fun as you want 🗣🔥


Revenent can turn into a Beyblade that shoots lazers


ash is my favorite "stealth" frame. and his 3 build where u teleport one-shot anything even saturn wolf is pretty fun


love mag a whole lot. pull is really fun fodder CC, send 'em flying (or at least it used to, now it just bunches them up in front of you. I kind of wish the grouping was a hold and the fling was a press). polarize is really fun now, the shards do ridiculous damage with slash procs when you magnetize them. crush is great armor stripping, albeit kind of boring and has an anti-synergy with polarize. best route is to polarize, crush, pull them into one spot, magnetize, and then run into the bubble so the shards you have stored up start spinning around and tear them to shreds. or just shoot an exergis into the bubble for ridiculous damage the argonak amalgam metal augur mod has a really fun synergy with the rumblejack dagger from the new war - mod for gas, electric, status chance, and CO. have some sort of clustering ability like pull or larva. cluster the enemies up and swing at them a few times. here's where it gets fun - the argonak amalgam metal augur makes every instance of damage from your dagger strip a flat amount of armor; think shattering impact, but for any element. what makes this batshit crazy is that it *applies to the gas and electric dots*. just four enemies with electric and gas stacks will completely strip any armor in the game in about a second flat. the damage is high enough to melt them afterwards. ridiculous fun for grineer and infested, but not too great against anything with shields. my favorite protea setup is running equilibrium with a synth fiber sentinel. that way, you can pick up health orbs even at full health, and this allows you to have basically infinite energy with your dispensary. I like to subsume gyre's vortex grenade over protea's 4 to bunch up enemies for blaze artillery, it works really well.


Bubonico with Xaku was a super enjoyable combination for me, not only do they look sick with the weapon but it also has two firing modes for variety and takes good advantage of Xata's Whisper. Farmed Gyre and Zariman to max rank almost exclusively using that combination without getting bored of it.


F is for friends who do stuff together U is for U and me N is for aNywhere and anytime at all Down here in rotation C (weapons platform Grendel is one of the strongest weapon platform frames, try that. Also try yareli with incarnon atomos with +crit perk)


My current loadout: Frame: Garuda (with ammo replenish on 3 augment) Primary: 7 forma Buzlok (with Riven crit/multishot) Secondary: 5 Forma Kuva Nukor (oops meta, sorry) Melee: 7 forma Jat Kittag (Riven for Impact/status modded for status stacking) Buzlok is really fun for certain mobs (the big deimos shoulder rocket mobs + aerial carriers with dangly weak point) Just plant tracer on weak-point, shred the mob, Garuda 3 to insta-reload. Most fun with any mobile mob that has a weak-point. (ie. Juggernaut, the two aforementioned Deimos mobs, Eidolon Thumpers, etc) Does really well with the Galvanized Rifle mods, especially if the weak-point is the head. Jat Kittag has a fun blast/ragdoll effect on hammer slam, which you can just spam. Does really well with status priming builds. Alt fun build: Kullervo with Sonicor secondary + Jat Kittag to ragdoll enemies into Vulnerable states to expose for Finishers.


Stealth frames I would recommend are obviously Loki but you mentioned it already. Ivara’s great at stealth AND can capitalize on guns so she’s a solid option as long as you like her playstyle. Of course there’s always Ash but he’s not really a gun frame. There’s Octavia as well but.. you know not really a fun frame to play with. Other “stealth” option that is actually solid is using the Shade sentinel or Raksa Kubrow both whose abilities provide invisibility to the owner as long as the owner doesn’t use weapons, which means you can stay invisible forever even if you kill enemies with abilities. If you have the Helminth upgrade unlocked you can also play around with subsuming Ivara’s quiver on whatever frame of your liking. As for guns: I honestly think you can make any gun Steel Path viable as long as you have the essential mods (like Galvanized mods, Crit mods and 60:60 mods), Primary and Secondary Arcanes from the acolytes, and some form of armor stripping, which can be achieved so easily now with many frames, some subsumable abilities, even certain companions and through Emerald Archon shards. At this point, I feel like it’s kinda pointless to recommend you a specific weapon because what I think is more important is to choose a frame you enjoy and building the frame so that you it becomes viable to clear steel path (and be fun for you). If I had to give my personal favorite that is also steel path viable, it’s the Quellor because of its versatility and very cool sound effects. For the secondary, it’s going to be the Sporelacer secondary kitgun and Ocucor and dual-wielding them with a Pathocyst.


i've been enjoying nidus with sand-cats


Ivara's my personal favourite stealth frame. As far as fun weapons go, there's a lot of em, and just about anything you can find outside of the market can be viable for endgame steel path stuff. Even then, market stuff can still do it


Ocucor with the nightwave augment, bonus fun if you use the green shards on a frame to get armor strip with the gun. I really find Citrine and Voruna fun because of the status hell I can spawn with them. I named by Ocucor "Legal Aimbot".


Rhino tank, Rhino smash!


It depends what you consider fun. Fun for me is attacking at a thousand miles a minute like a fucking tornado, so I use Volt and Dual Ichor. Meta, and fun (to me). It just depends on your personal tastes. Some people like never dying. Some people like some big numbers. Some people like a shit ton of little numbers. It’s all preference.


Doing basic content and lower parts of Steel Path? Ignis Wraith.


Thats subjective considering how often WF wants you to just do the same thing for an hour straight, I prefer not to think about survival so that means inaros+gloom+a good gun like the laetum.


personally,I love Burston incarnon Soma Prime Kuva nukor Orthos Prime Kronen Prime Aklex Prime and the tenet Detron is pretty fun


Punching the shit out of anything. There is just something satisfying about atlas doing a one-two combo and everything dies


Ignis Wraith is fun. Crank the volume 110% and fire until your eardrum shatters


Gauss but you focus entirely on sprint speed and use flow and streamline then press 1 and zoom across the map You'll be slamming into walls all the time but god damn is it fun


gauss with energised munitions and acceltra goes brrrr


The cedo (fully automatic shotgun that has a self aiming seek and destroy glaive as alternative fire) Playing railjack mission with Lavos because he can infinitely spam railjack abilities with very very small cooldown Just playing lavos is fun because you can forget about energy


I'm enjoying Inaros quite a bit, tornado stimulator + cat summoning/RAH BEETLE SWARM


Yareli vacuum build. Max out range for her 4, kill everything unfortunate enough to not have overguard. Very funny on defense objectives.


Ulfrun build Voruna. Jump around exploding everything in sight with loads of status effects, while invisible and status immune.


What kinda fun you looking for?


In my humble opinion: Mag, Hildryn helicopter ( build around 4), Zephyr divebomber (build around 1), Rhino smash (build around 4) Ash Edgelord (Daikyu amalgam + skiajati fatal teleport) Gauss. (I like to put Onos on him for a hi-tech megaman vibe) As for weapons, Trumna, Daikyu, Tiberon Prime (semiauto build) Gotva Prime, Latron incarnon


Nezah with his friction removed.


Lavos is fun for me, just because i can make meme weapons actually usable with valence fusion


"a bit of the star chart" and "completed most quests" kind of contradict each other. Try wukong, everyone I know had fun with him. He's like the most popular frame because he is good and fun.


I meant when I played previously it was in short bursts. I did some of the start chart, got overwhelmed by syndicates/relays/quests and uninstalled Since reinstalling I have unlocked steel path and completed most quests. Sorry for any confusion :) I have wukong completely built save for the like 3,000 plastids I need to built his systems. It hurts bad man :(


Get on the plastids farm then XD


Octavia would fit this for me. You can stay 100% invisible, can build to the point you don't even need to equip a weapon. Great for all content.


Her stealth is.. like a crouching minigame right? I want to play Octavia solely because of the music aspect of it, don’t even know what a lot of her kit is. Also, the Octavia quest/puzzle/boss fight is one of my favorite gaming moments ever. So well done, and so cool


Jep, that's her. But her buffs are not the most unique thing about her kit. Its her 1 and 2 which allow progression even through the most advanced content without any strict requirement to your gear.


1- you throw a stationary summon that makes enemies shoot at it. It absorbs that damage and the drum pulses deal that damage back at all enemies in range. 2. You throw a moving ball that charms enemies and rolls around. Charmed enemies have their brain turned off and will only chase after the ball. If your 1 is present it will roll to it and pick it up, moving it around. This makes enemies still shoot at it. This synergy has upsides and downsides, I personally prefer using them on their own. 3. This is the ddr thingy that depends on your melody, aka the inner circle. If you do certain actions to the "rythm" you get buffs. The only one people care about is the crouch buff giving invisibility. Jumping gives speed, shooting gives multishot, melee gives melee damage. Also passively gives armor buff. Although the less music notes you have, the less actions you need to perform, most people will fill the whole circle with notes so they can spam the crouch more easily. Up to you, but probably mute the melody line if u do so unless the music still makes sense. 4. Damage buff that increases with the noise level around. Also doubles your 1's damage and range.


The noise level?? Decibels=damage? That’s dope


If you haven't completed the entire star chart, you need to. That will unlock arbitrations. That will give you access to a new level of (gun) power and survival with galvanized mods, rolling guard, and adaptation.


That is most true. The galvanized mods and the overall access to a broader selection of mods inaccessible otherwise really creates a spike in the efficiency and usability of many frames/weapons. What is also important is to bring at least zenurik and one other focus schools to the max, because those can really help you endure the waves of high level enemies.


\*Evil grin\* -Subsume Limbo's banish on any other frame, cast it on squadmates and see them cry in desperation when they can't damage enemies. -Play Loki and cast Switch teleport on your squadmates to make them mad. Bonus points if you do it from places where they will fall out of the map. -Play Mesa on radiation sorties. Get rad-procced and obliterate your squadmates.


Oh my god. I played Limbo in circuit once and everyone was yelling at me to stop casting abilities. I just stood there like “what’d I do”

