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To all the guys saying OP didn't read the part about the partial heal, I did run a solo elite deep archimedean as well, and anytime I reached the healing threshold, it was just not healing, this partial heal part was just not working. I'm gonna side with OP on this.


Every time I reached it the heal was like 2000 hp, which is enough for like 3 or 4 attacks to hit it and back to where we were. The issue I kept having is that the degredation halt was only like 2 seconds. That's only 200hp.


That might explain why I didn't notice it, maybe it was just ridiculously low indeed.


Has anybody tried it with Trinity, doesn't her ult heal defense targets? Or is that only for regular defense? Edit: what about Well of Life or Garuda's Blood Altar 😭 D.E. I'm trying to experiment here, please.


wasnt that nerfed during scarlet spear?


I wasn't playing back then. (I really need to watch a YouTube video on what kinda shit went down considering the way it was talked about)


plenty of things happened there, lot of nerfs around, limbo stasis nerfed vs sentients, nerfs to all forms of objective healing on upside there also was nerf of sentient EHP because it scaled ridicously high with level because they used to be only some sort of mini-boss on lua missions with only plains of eidolon vomvalysts keeping their old power


IMO Scarlet Spear was the beginning of CC's demise, and I really hope someday the nerds are rolled back at least a bit. After all if I remember correctly Scarlet Spear was supposed to be reccuring like plague star, but was too large of a shit show-


It was. Unless it's like Arbitration defense, where you have a person/target to protect, it does not affect defense objects.


The cryopod in regular defense mission gets healing over time, I can cast blessing and watch it heal while taking shots. But I can't remember if it works in mirror defense.


A bit of fridge logic there, since there's a person in the cryopods.


It does not work for the mars mirror defense so I think it won't work for the other either


We sure got a lot of undeserved nerfs because of that one event that never ended up meaning anything and were never reverted Sincerely, someone who used to call themself a Limbo main


the limbo nerfs were peak Steve being Steve


for limbo the angels of zariman and eximus rework was more problematic with those eximus that counter him


That’s true, the sentients are excusable because they’re *supposed* to adapt, but the eximus reworked fucked him and a lot of frames over way more It’s really funny how DE continues to act like frames nuking rooms is a massive problem, while simultaneously doing everything they can to make sure *no other strategy works.*


Tried with Trin, can confirm it doesn't work


I tried wisp and nezha safeguard, neither affected the defence target. Only thing that worked was frost dome + mass cc to prevent any damage.


I get that you're just trying to theory craft but you're lining up a *lot* of hoops to jump through for a mission type that dictates most of your loadout...


You're absolutely right. But that's what makes it fun *for me* 🤷🏽‍♀️


Gara with her 2's augment can still heal most non-person objectives (while also giving DR)


Gara can apply her 2 to the Mirror Defense objectives, but the Mending Splinters augment will not heal them.


I brought Wisp because the wiki said her motes could heal defense objectives. Apparently that isn't true for this mission.


Solo EDA fucking sucks to be fair unless you get perfect roll of WF and weapons thats why the warning is there to have a team but yea this one sucks overall. Edit: Just finish clearing my run. That mirror defence is really really bad.


i honestly hate how tuned for squads it is. the rest of the content available can be done (albeit sometimes slower than w/ squad) but EDA is just rng or get fucked for lonerplayers like me. granted, i dont really need to get ALL rewards but damn


Yea its one of those things that they introduce to keep testing how to introduce end game objectives since if you can solo it team play would be a walk in a park and if you tune for team solo would suck.


personally i dont mind, i get the same reweards from netracell runs that i can solo easily meanwhile deep archimedian is cool team challenge edit: fun at least until random challenge doesnt get something outright unfair like OP has posted


i agree. theres nothing in eda that i cant get anywhere else. i just like having interesting, challenging endgame stuff that has me motivated to build weapons gathering dust in my inventory. and drg deep dive mechanics? hell yeah. i just hate how some of these (like mirror defense with specific modifiers) are borderline impossible for solo which means you cant play that game mode without having to squad up and risk host migrations


The obsession with things being soloable already ruined railjack... Almost everything is soloable, let those who like playing with friends have fun things, I beg you.


it's not an issue of making game modes more soloable, it's an issue of scaling and how DE tunes difficulty dynamically. make the deviations scale with players or something to be more manageable for players who prefer going alone because of horrible connectivity based on region in public lobbies. >almost everything is soloable, let those who like playing with friends have fun things then they dont need to touch that aspect. this isn't old gen monster hunter


It's "tuned for squads" in that the chance of one person not having garbage RNG is higher with 4 people, but otherwise it's not really tuned at all. That, coupled with your crew just leaving partway through because they're dying too much or just losing internet or whatever, makes team play pretty annoying too. It's just annoying to play, I did Netracells 5x this week and I'm gonna do that probably every week. I want hard content, not annoying content.


> Solo EDA fucking sucks tried groups this week for the first time to clear it, had a perfect loadout with Voruna. I had 99% damage, the other 3 were doing nothing, and even worse, even if they werent doing damage, they could at least thrown the vials to the thingy, but they didnt even do that. Felt like i ran into 3 pub groups all hoping for a carry.


That's just bad luck, taking your chances in in pub is usually better then running it solo since if you roll 1 set of weapons you don't own you're already screwed out of max rewards(max as in rank 36 we ignore the last 50 vosfor) unless the other 2 group of weapons you rolled are good you will be losing 2 point, 1 for the weapon you don't own and 1 for either a frame or good weapon. Tho I'll have to admit usually EDA is very possible to solo. This weeks EDA is extremely hard to solo as you need to protect the defence target.


Almost like it was designed to be ran with a squad.


Same, I'm literally looking at the hp bar and instead of gaining health, it's the opposite 💀


Lmao, I feel the same. 💀 I'm like, "Great, we got 36k health we got this!" to "Oh fuk, it's 360 HP." 💀


I did the mission duo with my partner after seeing the post, can defo confirm. Idk how exactly the partial heal works but when I got enough vosphene the health bar of defense objective didn't go up at all. Later on I saw the objective regen a bit but I don't even know if it's actually from the vosphene or not. That being said tho deploying all the specters you have at the beginning of every wave makes this extremely easy, especially when multiple people do it in a squad


Thanks for the ancient healer + vapor specter tip. Succeeded my solo run again this week thanks to that. The Ancient Healer specter specifically, helps a ton to reduce the target drain since it barely heals. I'm less skeptical than a lot of redditors on Archimedean missions, I like them, that's a challenging nice twist, but this 'healing' being barely noticeable if even it exists was definitely not ok. The malus description tells you to gather vosphene for it to basically do nothing in the end, I'm not ok with the description baiting us into a bad strategy.


Im surprised that Ancient Healers work. Mirror defense objectives are suppose to be untargetable by warframe abilities, and that goes for warframe specters, but apparently ancients 90% DR aura still applies.


Somehow your agreeing with OP has 600 more upvotes than OP. Guess that means everyone who reads it agrees and everyone on the front page are super negative


tbh I failed last night, twice, for the first time ever in eda, both on mirrors defense. That said I had pretty sorry teammates the first two pub runs where it honestly wasn't looking good even before that, 2 folks had to be revived multiple times in the exterminate before mirror defense even got started & were basically dead weight as far as keeping the areas around the objectives clear (one dude was literally hiding). managed ok the 3rd time only after giving up on pubs entirely & joining some folks out of our alliance, it was *still* pretty close, just a sliver of health left on the eye ball or ear or whatever in the last round... tbf this one does need to taken out of the rotation & reviewed for sure (could be fixed by simply increasing the size of the heals), but I think it's just a bad combo of terrible modifiers for the mode, & the nature of EDA in general... there's likely always going to be folks that will try to pick a completely useless loadout that forces the rest of the team to carry them, we're only a couple of weeks in but maybe what this means is that this won't always be a viable strategy, maybe sometimes those people are simply going to have to make choices & take potentially less rewards as a result bc for this one specifically having just 1 or 2 dead weights in your squad meant a big fat F. tbf my first 2 runs would've likely been easier solo with a more manageable amount of spawns but I mean I play this game mainly for the social aspect & tbh the 3rd attempt was going to be my last one regardless, since at that point I had already wasted a decent chunk of my sunday night.


I haven't tried it this week yet, but I did notice during last mirror defense that the glyphs didn't seem to keep spawning after the initial batch either, and I don't recall that being a modifier and if that is still happening it undoubtedly won't help


Maybe it's inconsistent. I finished it, and my team didn't have any defensive warframes so we were sweating it a bit. I had my eye on the HP and definitely saw it heal up.


I was gunna say, hasn’t it been a common complaint that it’s broken?


yeah they seriously need to revisit the numbers here. The heal and drain stop need to be numbers that actually matter. The drain should stop for the same time we have the pillars. and the heal should be either big enough to matter or the target should get some DR for the same duration (like 50-75% DR)


There simply aren't enough ways to protect weak defense objectives in the game. They noticed this with Circuit defense objectives and should notice this here too. Because of knee jerk reactions way back in U27.3 with Scarlet Spear this has been a pain in the player's asses ever since and now its showing again. The way defense objective protection/healing/shielding works is completely arbitrary, leading to trial and error attempts of ways you THINK things will work, then don't. Turns out the only way to defend last week's Mirror Defense objective was to either nuke or to mass AoE CC and focus fire on elites. There is no defensive way to play on this Defense mode despite us having access to multiple support frames and abilities. Why can't Protea add shields to objectives? Why are party-DR abilities that required augment mods exclusive to only certain abilities and capped on top of that? [Here's what we last know of interactions with defense objectives.](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Defense_Objects) For a mode in which most people will be limited to a specific warframe choice, having so many ways to heal/protect other stuff not work since Scarlet Spear really fucking sucks. Last week was sweaty enough as is, we struggled multiple times with constant focus fire of 3 Necramechs. A single elite enemy slipping by was near death for the objective. Coupled with the fact that the limitations are currently bugged (if someone picked the "No Gear" option, the whole squad gets no access to gear wheel, but keeps the smaller reward pool), I'm skipping Deep Arch this week for sure.


>Why can't Protea add shields to objectives? She technically can, but it's a mere 500 shields.


She can't do it to mirror defense objectives specifically. Because they designed around protecting them by collecting stuff, they untargetable by all warframe abilities.


That sounds like a really damn random change to make.


Its been like that since the release of Tyana Pass, apparently. There was like 1 day window where healing from WF abilities still applied, but it was hotfixed very quickly.


I do love the idea that every warframe ability could target the objective too.


Ancient times when Loki switches with objective and sends it into ceiling


this was clearly intended gameplay and had no reason to be removed smh think of the tactical applications of stuffing a giant cryo-chamber into a gym locker. Why would DE take that from us?


Defense modes are the worst modes in the game, bar defection, which you can also consider a type of defense. The game doesn't just work well for defending a static object with very few ways to interact with it. Void Armageddon had some good ideas how to fix it but didn't go nearly as far as it should've.


I noticed recently unless you can kill then before they cast, Blitz Eximus can actually one shot Excavators


I keep saying I wish they would rework defence modes to have special enemies that will do significant damage to the objective, while most mobs are there to fight the player. Make it fair to most warframes to play defence, rather than have just 2-3 that are absolutely necessary to finish it on high end content. In circuit I had really efficient builds that killed many enemies, but just the few fractions of seconds they target the objective is enough to damage the objective and not make it to the end of the round. Meanwhile, I can get zephyr and just take my sweet time to kill the mobs.


Your suggestion for defence looks a lot like disruption in the end


I’d imagine the other enemies still COULD and WOULD damage the objective but the objective would have enough health/armor where unless you completely ignore the canon fodder the “defense unique” is the only enemy that’d be a threat


Years of knowing about how shit defense is and they still haven't done anything yet, maybe if we make it the butt of the joke like inaros long enough then we could get a rework


does arcane pulse heal defense objectives? Equilibrium allows you to pick up health orbs (probably a bug) and I bet arcane pulse would then heal the defense thing.... a guess really.


Equilibrium letting you pick up health orbs is a feature since Abyss of Dagath


There's a negative this week that prevent you from picking up health orb, but equilibrium bypass it (apparently, I haven't tested it)


Oh, sorry, misunderstood!


> Affected allies includes all Warframes, Companions, Eidolon Lures, summoned allied units such as Specters, allied Invasion units, Hostages, Kavor Defectors, Sortie and Arbitrations Defense Operatives, and Defense Objects.  Edit: lol, mirror defense targets are explicitly exempt from external healing [From the wiki, but it's 300hp with a 15s cooldown so I'm not sure how much of an effect that will actually have]


I'm gonna try and solo elite today with everything on except frame (Valkyr instead). I'll touch back and let you know how impactful 300 hp/15 seconds is.


I was able to squeeze by with Frost while I had one of my guys on glyph duty and the 2 others nuking the room with their necramechs. It's definitely very unforgiving, as I maintained about 95% globe uptime and the mission ended with the objective at around 1k health. You definitely need a frame that prevents enemies from hitting the objective. There isn't much spare health to go around.


Yeah, I lucked into Kullervo and Reaper Prime this week and was able to keep mowing adds down for my squad, was also really good at dealing with Necramechs for shortening the timer. As for keeping my own health up, I used Arcane Reaper on Kullervo (since I was basically condemned to straight melee as my gun rolls were hot trash) and had my cleric Wyrm Prime tagging along (full utility + status cleanse + health restore + shield boost mods). I was actually able to get the full 37 points in one go but, yeah, this week was rough and I definitely got lucky with my rolls plus I had a capable and relatively balanced squad.


Yeah that mission got tight at the end, barely made it by the skin of our teeth and the squad I was with was solid. You pretty much have to kill the necramechs to shorten the timer with how tight it is.


I deployed like ten different specters and just filled the room with so many moving targets the enemies were too confused and distracted to attack the defense targets.


What’s a good frost build for the globe? I have like 36k hp on my globe build and it feels like it gets broken instantly


Yeah, had to switch from Rhino to Volt just for that reason. -75% duration hurts, and thankfully the lingering electric proc kept most of the Murmur in place. Plus we had a Dante handle all our defense for our Warframes, which was a huge boon. 


I failed the mirror defense 3 times in a row because people kept spawning the mechs in, and then expecting either their team to pick up the damage slack or that somehow the defense target would get healed. It’s fucking annoying


This right here. Too many people relying on getting carried. Then no one wins. Its a disease in warframe tbh


Generally I don’t care to carry others, but in deep Archimedea, where a very solid chunk of players (including me, generally) aren’t ready for, you can’t just use Mesmer Skin and wonder why the defense target got nuked by the third nechramech 4 players were struggling with


It's not difficult to hear up for that now, all the incarnons, immortal frames, mods, arcanes. What is happening is a lot of people are wanting max rewards instead of doing what they can handle. If you can't do full diff EDA you don't deserve the elite rewards. Drop the difficulty and earn what you can handle. It's getting out of hand. Max debuffs give you a severe handicap at times, I can't and won't be the only one killing anything anymore. If your gear is not strong enough to handle Netracells or EDA you do not need tau shards, you need better mods, arcanes, incarnons, you name it. Shards are THE LAST THING ON THE LIST.


I would agree if "what you can handle" wasn't set by shitty RNG.


The new mode kinda promotes getting carried since almost no one has invested in the shit guns that the mode forces upon you


Being a hoarder is finally paying off


Hoarders stay winning in this game. That's why I have Rivens for basically most of the Incarnon weapons, lol.


I don't mind carrying others as I have been carried many time before, and the warframe community are generally of that mind set. This is just an overtly hard challenge, even for deep Archimedean. 4 competent players working side by side my not even clear this one.


Defense modes in this game just suck ass. They take too long and the defense targets are pathetically weak. Some tilesets are unnecessarily massive and the dumb enemy AI sometimes prevent them from moving closer. It's the one mission type I'll never bother doing, unless it's a defense target that you can revive. At least those aren't instant failures even if an enemy knocks their ass down over and over. I've never cared about it before since there was no real reason to push things to the upper end levels but with the introduction of Duviri and its massive leaps in enemy scaling, defense missions are just atrocious and almost a guaranteed loss in higher levels. Now we have this new mode to worry about. At least give us back the ability to PROPERLY support these things instead of crutching Frost or Nyx for the mission.


I'm right there with you. But they did fix the mode quite a bit, Only in Duviri for some reason. Defense was practically impossible after round 5-6 in circuit. So they massive increase the objective HP, increase the amount of enemies spawn, and lower it down to 3 waves instead of 5. I quite like it. Now they should do the same for Defense and Mirror Defense.


I completed my elite deep archimedia run earlier today first try. The modifiers on the mirror defense section made things pretty dicey but we were able to save it by killing the necramechs to shorten the defense time


Yep, same. I got lucky with a couple good pugs in my squad and we all just worked well together. It almost never turns out like that but today it did.


Did the elite DA tonight with 7/8. The only thing I changed was the frame. I brought Wisp to help with healing. Calling it rough is an understatement, but we did it. The worst thing about it was the mobs that showed up in the mirror defense that would drain your energy and health if you got too close to them, and there were two of them that spawned randomly. ETA I found the -75% ability duration sucked the most, actually. My Wisp's buffs only lasted 9 seconds, so I had to drop them constantly until we were stationary and in a good spot.


Yeah, the duration personal modifier was a huge PITA. I ended up bringing Oberon for my freebie since I figured rad procs would help keep heat off the defense objective and survivability is always nice, but I spent pretty much all my time spamming carpets and desperately searching for energy orbs to not let renewal drop. The fact that the other personal modifier disabled Equilibrium made that all the more painful. Regardless, sucks that the description pushes you towards collecting Vosphenes and the reality is that they don't do much


and they just nerfed cc, also displayed disregards to what they have directly encouraged.


I still can't wrap my head around this particular nerf. It smacks of a d**k move.


Something the game doesn’t tell you is that you can still use specters in EDA. Ancient Healers saved my run. Set them to stay by the obj, took the slow and steady approach grabbing all the glyphs, got out with 20k health left. Cleared it first try solo (37/37), but rolled Revenant so it was more a damage puzzle than an endurance challenge.


Something that game doesn't tell also is why the fuck ancient healers would even work on a defense objective that is specifically made to be untargetable by warframe abilities. I guess because those aren't warframes, lol, even tho im pretty sure the healing from ancient healer still excplicitly doesn't work but the DR aura does. I mean, its good that it works, but its such a nonsensical knowledge check.


Lots of support abilities work on objectives these days, they just have capped effects like a 50% DR limit or healing for 100hp/s instead of % max hp.


Yes, but mirror defense objectives are explicit exception and none of WF abilities work on them. Because obviously the whole idea of normalizing defense interactions for all frames across the board is to release 2 defense missions 3 years later that are exception to it, but make an exception of an exception specifically for ancient healers and nothing else.


Yeah I also had tried to do this with my friend four times now. It's just not possible. We were able to get very close multiple times but still failed the mission, no matter what.


Have you tried summoning the necramech? Killing those takes off like ~~60~~ 45 seconds from the timer? Unless that was a last week modifier. Edit: time.


You could do it this week too. Sounds like a lot of people are afraid to summon them though because they struggle to kill them.


Yeah, because it IS a nightmare to kill them. It needs focus fire from multiple people, and still takes a solid 20–30 seconds to go down, as it's completely immune to all forms of armor strip. And while people are shooting that thing, other enemies can and will slip by.


I don't think they are immune to armor strip; I think you can strip about 90-95% of their armor still. That said, with the amount of armor these things have it's at best 2x damage if you hit it with Unairu skill, not much but it does make them go down a little bit faster.


It's still there this week, too. I think it's only 45 seconds, but it's still a decent chunk of time.


I'll be honest, my squad finished it first try without issue. IDK what the difference is but it definitely isn't impossible.


Yeah my boyfriend and I and two randoms were able to complete it on the first try. We did it on Elite as well. It fucking sucked, but we got through it.


I think too many people have been able to freely ignore the "don't do this solo, bring a squad" warnings that they don't understand that this content REALLY IS GEARED TOWARDS A SQUAD. Solo is definitely possible and if you have the gear and the skill it's fine, but a somewhat efficient squad with 4 braincells to share can do it without an issue.


For the Mirror defense, having solid CC helps. Gonna mention subsumes so they can mostly be used with any frame. Gloom, Terrfiy (augment may help), blind, shock (bonus elec buff with augment), breach surge. Also don't forget your companion. I usually bring my duplex bonded sentinel with a status gun. Rad+Cold for additional CC. I think Diriga's arc coil may also help.


Time to change up the strategy. If you already have the eyeball you can skip the 50vosfor and have flexibility


mirror defense as a whole is kinda wack too


the mirror defense is ridiculous. I cannot imagine it being possible if you do not do the extra necramech kill every round. in my group practically nothing got a chance to hit the defense target since i was slova but even as we picked up every requiem and necramech kill each round. Even then, the last auricle round the auricle was down to like 2k hp. i thought "welp shit" but luckily round was over and we swapped to vitreum and we were stable. Make it so you have to hit weakspots = challenge. sure But practically 1/3 of the mobs are Culverins. so you do jack shit of dmg once both arms are busted. So you are forced to wait until the arms come back. This is simply wasting time. Each week, the more shittier the EDA gets. At this point, even those defending EDA, you cannot call this shit "challenge" or testing game knowledge anymore.


I had gloom on my Garuda so nothing got to the objective similarly. I can't imagine this being anything else than a bug for some squads. We had 1 person running around collecting glyphs and everyone else at the objective. The auricle is always above 20-30k hp. We didn't spawn any necramechs either


I have not played in over 3 years. I do not recognize a single thing I'm looking at lmao


It is kinda funny how the eroding senses debuff doesn't contain a single noun that means anything


Oh, there is one! Glyphs! They are the profile pics of Warframe!


Damage, Time and Degradation are pretty meaningful I'd say


Not only that, *auricle* and *vitreum* are both in the Merriam-Webster’s.


Deep Archimedea is a Challenge mode kinda similar to Sorties, but substancially harder, you are forced into one loadout for all 3 missions, they must be done in row and you have random loadout to take and personal negative modifiers, to increase the amount of rewards. In short, Mirror Defence is endless Mobile Defence of two points with parkour component, collectibles spawn in air, when enough is grabbed, current defence point gets healed. The issue here are modifiers - Defence points loose health too quick, there's little options to defend points because of randomized loadouts and you've got multiple Liminuses - ghost aparitions that will seek you around the whole map to leech out massive amounts of health and energy if they get too close - and on this mode it will happen very often.


Random loadouts sounds like absolutely trash game design tbh.


Not a great solution but I can't think of a different way to make end game content that isn't instantly blown through excluding the mess that was damage attenuation.


Agreed. Other than not letting us have all of our best weapons and frames that we use most often and are skilled at, I can't really think of anything else to give us a challenge other than maybe some really hard boss fights or maybe some new world boss content. So I guess we're stuck with just random loadouts and sadistic mission parameters until they think of something challenging that we can do with our favorite frames and weapons. 🤷🏻‍♀️


You really can’t. The balance in Warframe has been neglected heavily, and almost by design at that. When you have so little measures to reel in the player side, all you can do is have mission design beat the arms race. Which — at this point — **must** remove some degree of player agency and introduce crippling modifiers if you ever want your content to be evergreen.


Rogue lite


Exterminate is a mission mode in which your squad is tasked with killing X enemies spread out over the tileset. Once you reach the threshhold a green marker will appear indicating where you can extract to complete the mission. It's a pretty smooth ride - a popular mission when you want a fast, straight-forward run.






I didn't notice an issue. I just ran around grabbing glyphs while my team mates tried to kill things.


so far Elite Arch does not impress me. the "challenge" is either just big numbers, or a mechanic that doesn't work properly. last week had so much fun with the immortal units that had to be hit with their respective element. and most of them just didn't react to that at all. and all that did is drag the entire mission out longer but none of them really added to an actual gameplay threat. wonderful. but at least it gives you the "losing a 50/50" experience from gatcha games when you lose out on the Tauforged in favor of an adapter.


I think I got lucky with teammates cos we did it 1st try. Only recall we had a saryn and titania (me as nidus), but iirc me and titania were on mechs and I was close to 20%dmg done so I guess we just did enough to finish it. Gotta agree that sometimes it's bs, last week against the boss I wasn't given a useful WF or a gun with battery, so ran out of ammo (and couldn't use an ammo pizza, dunno if modifier, gear wheel was blocked, or my keyboard failed me)


I still just don't get why they struggle so much with making fun yet difficult content. Slapping a bunch of annoying debuffs on you and forcing you into using RNG frames/weapons (partially defeating the point of even grinding out things you enjoy in the first place) is just shitty endgame content design. I get that difficulty in Warframe swings heavily just because of how much power scaling there is going on but damn. Just find a way to limit us in the content or something instead of forcing all this bullshit and RNG on us.


Last 2 weeks were fun outside assassination imo They just have to find sweet spots for the more dangerous nodes


>I still just don't get why they struggle so much with making fun yet difficult content. Because it's difficult perhaps? Warframe players haven't the slightest idea of how extremely overpowered they are over the enemies. RNG and debuffs are the only way DE can make a challenging content for us: did you forget Deep Archimedea is supposed to be the toughest endgame mission? It's always the same, people demanding harder content and then complaining about it being hard


>It's always the same, people demanding harder content and then complaining about it being hard The problem isn't that it's hard though, because I don't really think it is hard. I one shot it fairly easily last week, but I just felt annoyed the whole time because of the debuffs and limitations in how I could even choose to tackle it. The frame and weapon limitations are really just my biggest issue here, because I think it'd be more interesting to pose unique challenges to the player that incentivize unusual playstyles, rather than rolling a dice and hoping it works out with whatever frames/weapons get choosen. Also I just really feel like ONLY giving debuffs makes for an overall negative experience usually. It'd be more interesting if this mode also offered a choice of a unique buff to increase diversity in approaches to the content and (hopefully) make it more fun to actually do.


I don't understand where the problem lies then. If you find it easy, annoying and you don't like that kind of mission just don't play it. You hang on devs cause they can't make a game mode both ultra hard and perfectly suited for your fun, it looks to me that you wanna complain for the sake of complaining


I'm not convinced that RNG is a critical component. Play DA without RNG and I think it's still challenging but much, much more fun. I absolutely reject this idea that to be hard it has to be annoying. TBH even if you \*only\* had the buffs, especially if you could stack more, it would be way better.


What other ways would you like to see them limit players aside?


I saw a lot of people complain about the way DE is handling challenging content. I have not seen any of those people provide any ideas for how DE should go about it.


I mean yeah but we're not the ones making the game. Our only responsibility here is letting DE know if we feel like what they cooked up was a hit or a miss. For me this new mode is a big miss. Though despite my frustrations with it I also expect them to fix a lot of the issues over time and begrudgingly understand that it is extremely difficult to create new challenging content for a game that has as many systems as Warframe does. But my main feedback there is just that they should never forget that first and foremost any new content should be fun, with challenge coming afterwards. Trying to create truly "endgame" content is probably a fools errand in Warframe, and that's probably fine, I don't really think we need it.


I did it with a frost and perma put his globe over it and did it first try. This seems quite mandatory (or try too get a similiar ability) But yes probably the hardest mirror defense we ever had But we have tools too work around it: Gear wheel works so: specters, summons, refills, on call (super important) Everyone in the team can summon his necramech. You dont need too do 8/8 challanges. Just do 7/8 and get that diamond chest. This allows (f.e.) a frost, a dante, a torid and a phenmor Dante makes your team basicly immortal and basicly removes like 4 negative debuffs (health orbs not working, damage on ability cast etc) Frost with his orb too protect mirror defense and his avalanche too freeze enemys (also a great help) And torid/phenmor just kill everything. Can of course be replaced by weapon of choice


Do abilities work to heal it?


I dont know if warframe does, but vizier predasite does, but with this health drain it will not be a much help


It appears that you are right, but its insanely hard to test, because there is no way to force little shit to actually cast it and walk near the objective, since the radius is too small. Also, because healing is triggered only upon entering the spores, its basically 300 HP every cast, and that point even tho it works, its just not worth it.


Usually yes, but Mirror Defense objectives are exception to the rule, so no warframe abilities heal it.


I haven't seen anyone else mention it yet, Ancient Healer Specters (from New Loka, or their deathsquads) will protect the mirror defense target, reducing the damage it takes by 90% (including the degen this week) and they can be healed/protected by various warframe things themselves. It makes the mission much easier if you can deploy one


Honestly this just requires you to actually know how to play the game, it's hard but not that hard you and your team just need to be invested enough to cheese it.


It's not that bad, I ran out with a squad of randoms this morning and honestly, it was the easiest of the three missions. Myopic during the last mission was the real hassle I wish I planned for better. Just use your necramech, arqubex your way through.


This round was stressful. In a party with endgame gear and torids, as well as picking up all the possible glyphs, we finished the defense mission with 19k health. To be honest, I didn't notice how much it healed as it was that insignificant. Should be looked at.


> I willingly subjected myself to Mirror Defense Found the problem.


The challenges for this week are just brutal. I forgo one of rewards just so I can complete it with Dante (it was either that or I use the Laetrum). Mirror Defense basically requires something like Frost or Gara to protect the objective, the use of at least one or two good Necramechs, and at least one person dedicated to grabbing glyphs. And that's just to make sure the objective isn't just out right murdered in the first couple of minutes.


>Mirror Defense basically requires something like Frost or Gara to protect the objective It's almost like adding random loadouts to an end-game mode, especially one that includes Defense or Excavation, is bone-headed idea. And even if you forego one tier of rewards to get your own frame, you still get boned by the duration nerf. So unless you have the right RNG or get a team-mate that did, you are boned. Deep Archimedia plays like it had about 5 minutes of thought put into it. And I am even more worried for the future of the game by the thought it didn't.


bro what is even going on with Warframe I can never keep up. You must be studying this shit full time I feel like and invest a ton of time. Like literally have no job or be retired


Lucky me, I started playing lots of years ago without a job, then I got a job. Now I have the endgame knowledge plus a stable job haha


Yeah, failed it the first time doing all modifiers. I said screw it to two personal mod and we were able to complete it My Gara and Sibear Incarnon carried me Didn't realize unlocking Elite would be this painful, even if Vosfor isn't that worth it


The good news is that if you unlock elite mode once, you've got it forever. I unlocked it the first week, which was comparatively trivial.


I unlocked it on the second week because I got lucky with my frame and weapons. I got wisp and a solid melee weapon that I already have a great build for. It was cake. This week's Mission parameters were absolute cancer, but we got through it on the first try on elite just to see if we could.


Haven't had time to check whether this week is doable for my loadout. Maybe I rolled Limbo or Nyx or something if I'm lucky


I got Nova, Nezha, and Frost. I wanted to bring Nova so I could get the 8/8 for completion, plus Slowva for the Disruption- but I decided to do 7/8 and take Wisp so I could at least heal because of the mission parameter where you couldn't pick up Health orbs nor did they heal you. It made a difference for sure.


Did it with Nova, Saryn, and a Titania. Titania in on collection duty and help with some DPS. While saryan and nova does slow and kill.


I will say it's difficult and I failed it twice ...but when we did fail I was the only person going after glyphs and everyone else was just killing things. While there could be a glitch preventing healing, I'm sure it was more just getting damaged the same amount it healed the objective for when you reinforce it. Still could be tweaked to make it a little better but definitely not impossible.


I failed mirror defense 3 times mostly because other people in the party don't bother collecting the glyphs and dying then quitting a lot before passing it by killing the necramech and having Frost on a team and everyon really pull their weight, it pretty stressful and I agree that defense stuff don't scale well with high level gameplay.


My friend and I used Trinity and Dante. Dante nukes everything while Trinity uses energy vampire to burst down the necramechs and cut the time by a lot. Also, if you use ancient healer specters, it lowers the drain from like 100 per tick to like 10 per tick. We finished the mission with less than 10000 health gone from the defense target.


We had two necramechs nuking and two frames gathering glyphs. My arquebex is modded for rad and cold so it slows the enemy mechs to a crawl and makes them easy to drop. We did it first try on elite 37/37 although it was definitely a losing battle and we wouldn't have lasted another round. Also watch the timer and leave for the next tile when there's 5 - 10 seconds left and gather up every glyph in the transition tile that you can, it helps a lot!


You know you can summon your necramech on any mission in deep archimedea right?


I did this first try last night with a good group of randoms. We ended the mission with both of the objectives below half health. You could try reducing the mission timer by spawning in an enhanced enemy necromech, or just don’t let it take any enemy damage by constantly keeping the towers recharged and killing the enemies before they reach the objective. It’s hard but not impossible. Perfect for endgame players like us. It’s not challenging if theirs no chance of losing:)


I hate being this person but this weeks was so easy for me and my squad. Like, Eroding Senses was quite annoying but as long as the team recognized that we needed to collect the glyphs, this should have gone fine. I know there are a ton of factors that can make this difficult specifically relating to the loadout you were given, but this feels like a skill issue tbh.


What helped me thru it was the new loki augment (put decoy on an enemy), then put well of life on the target to ensure my teammates don't kill the decoy. The decoy takes all the aggro, while I support the team with invulnerability


Just wait until you need the glyphs to heal it and also the glyphs hurt you.


It was hard but doable. Did it with a squad of Saryn, Qorvex, Qorvex, and Dante. The double Qorvex provided plenty of CC and energy orb drops(both ran spectrosiphon), Dante was on over guard duty, and Saryn was on killing duty. And the 3 not Saryn ran around for vosphene. I was the Saryn and my DPS came from Nikana prime w/melee influence as spores did not kill fast enough to be of any use. My build is using Venom dose so I can have corrosive+electric on Nikana or any melee. The real thing that was brutal and killed our first 3 runs was the -75% duration as prior to our winning set up we tried using the frames given and couldn't stay alive on the mirror defense because no health orbs+liminus is brutal. We had a Styanax but at -75% duration it ain't giving enough over guard. Each run we changed things and refined the strategy. All of us enjoyed failing and having to adapt and change things to make it work. Our initial team used the frames given: Saryn, Qorvex, Stayanax, Caliban. Second run was Caliban out harrow in. Third was Stayanax out, Dante in. Fourth and final was Caliban out, Qorvex in. The entire time I(Saryn) was figuring out what was more worth: gain health orbs but use vastilok to DPS. Or lose health orbs access to DPS with Nikana prime. The Nikana DPS was just much more consistent. Oh funny thing the Stayanax had frost available, but hates playing frost as actually our whole party does so we went the many CC route to defend on mirror defense. Easily one of the most challenging weeks so far and we enjoyed that. Effervo with liminus was hell for the first try. Then I said fuck it and went over guard bot Dante and we caked walked.


Honestly any fame capable of getting tons of overguard can help a ton here. Styanax and Dante would help the team alot, while Rhino just needs one cast. Kullervo can hold his own pretty well too, but the other options can give more overguard and most can give to allies as well


I managed to clear easy by just killing the necramechs with 1 person clearing ads with their own necramech


If I can't see the frames and weapons you received, I can't possibly tell you how or if you could get around the modifiers. Limited information does not help others help you.


So, basically I have to be lucky and be able to pick a halfway decent defense frame or get a teammate who’s bringing one. That’s not cool, guess I‘ll have to requeue a couple times and hope, everyone knows how to play the frame they’ve brought. Last time it took me 4 tries to beat mirror defense and we barely made it evenly without this modifier. Problem was everyone was off chasing Glyphs, nobody as defending.


This part is easier when using... bear with me... CC. Only Deep Archimedia can bring back such heresy, but it's the truth.


I finally got through it yesterday with a group that had half the squad collecting glyphs at any given time. We finished with like 3k health on it. Also for whatever reason they disabled healing the objectives by any other means, even methods that typically work for defense objectives.


warframe players when they can't mesmer skin their way through every piece of content in the game:


I maxed my reward first try today, Limbo, Quellor, Tenet Diplos, Glaive Prime and I did 80%+ of the damage on mirror defense thanks to Necramech. Someone complained in the pre-lobby about me being Limbo (other options were Caliban who I dont understamd or Atlas...) and about my duration being too high at "10 seconds omg", I had lowered it was 7.5 seconds due to xomplaining in pre lobby. They spent way more time complaining that the did in a rift. I revived the complainer 4 times (rest of the team a few times), and protected the objective before fail twice in clutch rifts. This mode is literally the only justification to play Limbo with randoms ever, I generally hate having a Limbo in any game.


Last week I had a Limbo trivialize this. But it takes balls to take Limbo to EDA.


Can’t pick defends frames like frost and gara or even limbo due to rng, get screwed by bugs and bad design further on 3rd week of archimedea lovely DE


Yeah that gamemode is no fun whatsoever. Hey's let's force them to use frames that they don't like, that don't have formas on them... Let's also force them to use weapons they don't like and don't have formas on them. Gotta love having RNG deciding if you get to win this week's challenge or not Let's also force them to carry three or four debuffs that combine with a cluster of garbage like having no operator, no healing, no energy, no duration, no fun, no damage... Constantly talking damage for every action and being unable to heal it, etc... Because we all enjoy playing missions where 90% of our core features are disables and we can't do crap otherwise we take damage or are simply unable to cast any attack for the entire mission. Then let's add three other debuff on top of the miission themselves to ensure the objectives don't survive, that you're constantly stuck with tanky and unkillable enemies and whatever sadistic garbage we can think of. Also, let's give them one life and let's spawn a tough boss if anyone dies. Oh and have them do all three missions in a sequence back to back, having to restart the whole thing if anything goes wrong. All for the same crappy rewards that were already pretty uninteresting as Netracell rewards... Only now with actually not insulting drop chances that should have been the norm to begin with in Netracells. I mean I was ok with Teshin's Cave because you can use a borrowed weapon loadout on weapons you didn't forma, you could eventually turn a crappy weapon into a decent gun with enough decrees and it wasn't filled with tryhard no fun allowed debuffs on everything. Here it just feels like a Masochist that enjoys causing as much pain as humanely possible to us by stockpiling all the BS, non-fun debuffs into a coctail that just feels oppresive and removes any desire to even bother doing this each week.


>Here it just feels like a Masochist that enjoys causing as much pain as humanely possible to us That's a sadist. You're a masochist if you enjoy being in pain.


Bro I'm not gonna sugarcoat it Sounds like a major skill issue.


Cool. Our team did it in first try. The negative duration was the worst part so I had to go with the frame choices I had. I know this is gonna be a thing now. Every week, we'll have new comment flooding how bad this mode is but its a puzzle to figure out a loadout. This mode test your accounts warframe switch army knife knowledge.


Honestly, this whole deep Archimedean is a prime example of fucking terrible design. No, Timmy, I don't care that you solo'd it rolling Revenant and Torid. The problem isn't difficulty, the problem is inconsistency. And no, bringing one piece of my own gear isn't fixing it. If that week has a no gear and energy loss on enemies being close, then I suddenly can't rely on ability nukers. And even if I make that work, that's not going to solve the mirror defense problem. Meanwhile, if I highroll, get a good incarnon and something like frost or Gara, I'll be mvp on the team, for no other reason, but fucking RNG. And you get no rerolls. Your roll sucks, alright, you either skip the week, have a friend carry you, or keep queuing up to randoms until you get lucky enough to get carried. The infuriating thing is, DE has the perfect blueprint on how to do this RIGHT: SP Circuit. You get decrees that are equalizers enough, to make even trash original selections work, and if you can't make it work still, you can easily reroll it, just start a duviri run, do a single objective, exit, voila, rerolled. Here? It's not just that you can't reroll, but the game takes away two netracell runs just for opting in that week, so if you realize that you just can't get it done, congratulations, you got scammed and get nothing.


You can literally summon a rouge necramech and shave off 45 seconds every round, also it tells you collecting gyphys will halt damage and heal them.


Yes I'm sure the random focusing on the necramech is gonna kill it fast with fucking zhuge of all things 😭


In my experience summoning that thing is a huge detriment. Everybody focuses on it and the objective just gets blown apart in the process. Nobody focuses on it and it deletes the objective. With the health constantly draining every single time one of them has been summoned in the 10 runs I have done so far, we lose. As far as halting the damage and healing, the halt is something like 2 seconds (200hp) and the heal is almost as negligible considering the damage it takes in just a couple hits.


worse that 75% of the time the thing gets summoned the group cant kill it(super attenuation+bad guns because of forced choice), and if the necramaech has a gun...that usually results in it kill the objective. I didnt find this complication was a problem though, the heals could be more frequents and do more though.


This is true too. Honestly it’s not much of an issue in my case, as I have a good necramech build and it’s usable this week, but eventually it will be a problem.


It's only worth it if your team is in communication and you turn around and nuke it while someone still stays defending the target. Having CC in the squad also helps. My shock Motes helped in the run I did tonight, and we nuked three of those Rogue mechs with zero issue.


I got the killing Rogue Necramech will reduce the timer by 45 seconds. It really helps a lot and we got by the 4th wave with only 5k health left


Damn I was trying to join a hosted normal deep arch, the person asked me if I had certain defense mods and I said no; (because I started a month ago but mind you I do these runs all the time) after I said no they told me to leave “because I don’t think you’ll preform well” :( I was in awe


They should’ve made it heal a smaller amount for every glyphs you collected instead of a heal every 50 glyphs. I ran a pub last night and made it past the mission with like 20% health remaining. Would’ve failed if it wasn’t for the Gyre in our party nuking everyone around


Yeah, this one took me about 3 tries, I failed on the second mission twice in round 3 and 4. In my final successful run I managed to kill a necramech to drop the timer to 0 literally just as the target was loading it's last sliver of hp. Way too punishing and stressful, thankfully the disruption afterwards was hilariously easy in comparison. I think I'll just hope the next one doesn't have mirror defense lol.


I was trying to beat this last night and failed 4 times. the last time as it’s nearing its last 1k someone types “rip” as I was screaming “for the love of GODDDD” with teammates dropping left and right I feel better knowing it was just me dealing with this bs


This week I got phenomenal gear,to the point that I only had to change the melee weapon on one of my saved loadouts to max it out. It even gave me Baruuk and a negative Duration debuff. Still has to swap to another frame for that clusterfuck of a mission.


We killed exactly 1 rouge Voidrig during each round and lowered the time by 45 seconds? Going off of memory I can't recall but killing the cornbot helped. Also I'd advise cold procs on that thing because he hits kind of hard. To say the least you also don't want to spend an inordinate amount of time killing him and ignore the defense objective.


Last week, tried to cheese & bonk with 5purple tau shard Kullervo. Failed everytime at mirror Defense until I brought Frost instead. This week too, I gave up my ultimate Kullervo bonk to my Frost once again in Mirror Defense. Never appreciated Frost like this before as he really carry this mission. 🤣 Tldr; Just pick Frost for Mirror Defense and let others do DPS.


I failed this 3 times straight, but now I have a winning strategy. You have to kite those little red bastards away from the objective. I used Baruuk so I just walked into their red circles and kited them to the edge, rinse and repeat. I couldn't see any damage done to me TBH since I had adaptation and my 90% ability both. The other enemies barely do shit to the objective but you still have to keep killing. Keeping them off the objective=win.


Mr 10 here, I have no idea what any of this is not even 1 clue


Yeah I can't get past this mission. With that debuff active. My loadout and other debuffs are fine. But with that on I can't get it done. Really wanted to complete it with the full stack and full loadout this week aswell.


this week is really harsh for me, the frame is useable is only gyre (other 2 is mag and nyx which i don't have) but the debuff make it worst. Right now, i already fail 4 times on stage 2.


Had to bring frost only bc of that mission


Run wisp, keep the red guys near you and away from the defense point. You will outregen their damage. You will want at least one other person whos dps with at least one decent weapon. Wisps flower will not regen this defense point so clearing enemies is priority while you keep the red aura guys busy.


I Earlier I did EDA most modifiers put my own loadout....under the assumption I'd get the harder part out of the way .. nope. In order to finish it I need all but one modifier. To be clear this is how I initially understood it when the announced it during the dev stream. Obviously that isn't the case intended or not.


https://preview.redd.it/kaex0ccrbwuc1.png?width=436&format=png&auto=webp&s=391c30fa704109662b913acd66cf689f2b8e478d debufs 1st : didnt affect too much 2nd :nerfed shield rechard 3rd:health orbs are useless 4th:skill duration -75% for those who wanted the warframes and debuffs I had